  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    $1.75Vol 3, Issue 2

    COUNTERSphe Magazine For People Who Need To KnowJamaican "Werewolf"

    Coup Aborted

    Earthquake Warfare

    She BuggedMy Typewriter

    , Iy Philip Ageelt(i I1 1 0 1 11.1 1SBloody Wednesday"in BangkokI was born a Ch leanam a ChileanI will die a Chilean.

    They, the Fascistswere born traitors,live as traitorsand will beremembered foreveras Fascist traitors.

    SPECIALSUPPLEMENTViet Nam War Atrocities

    CBS AidsPentagon Cover-Up


  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    Leaders of the Junta from left: air forcecommanderGen eral Gustavo Le igh Guz ma n, J unta Pres ide nt Pinoch et ,Admiral lose Toribio Merino Castro, and General CesarMendozaDuran, commander of the carabineros (ar medpolice).

    8 CounterSpy

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    By the time CI A Direc tor Geo rge Bus h met with Jus tice'Depar tment Officials to , as the W ash ing ton Po st put it, "Aid ,the Federa l in vestig ation of the -bom bin g dea th of fo rmer, Chile an -Ambassa dor O rla ndo Letel ier ''', the Covgr 7up was in fullgear.Bushknewhecouldn't.keep all the strand s of the.CIA's convoluted web of intrigue from being tom, butofficia l pr obe couldbe just a narrow investigation focusedonl y on thos e who ,committed th e mur der . W ith pe rsuas ion ,an d l imited co op era tion on his p ar t; the J uS tice .pepartmentwould probably not examine "all the CIA'S"soinces,addmethods": The odds were favorable for thenarrol.:".in-vestiption.)Conf use d loca l police, FBI iiive st igat ors ; and bombex -perta examined-the bits and pieces, of twisted automobile.glassand metal Whatelier remained likthe hornb did notexp lain its co mpo sition or t he methed. ..o f "detonat sas sin s were . l ong go ne be fo re pol ice cou ld ev en rec onstruct theevent. Interrogation ofbystandersand witnesses,were equa lly fruitl ess ; c onf lic tin g storie s a re co mmon af tercrimes of high ten sion and quick' execu tion',: peemetho ds do; not w or k. T hi s 4iastia ssinatiO nno t,a com mon murder.'= ':.- Theprofessional assassin Can kill anyone; anytime atany place anddoesnot hinge stiecess .)Sois the inethOd of:..murder but on protectie invisibiliti*, Theobjeethia the killing, but thenot-gettinglcanglit;Thecen tra tes OnfusiO ri, falseescape andfinally, the frame-upzhyassassinations suchasthoseof the Kennedy's and MartinLuther King hav e pro duc ed more tangl ed and Spec ula (ivetheory thanevidentiaryfaci, which islikely to be the fate ,of t his as sassination.'Reportera in the Washing ton polit ical community he ard ....Leteliei may havedied of a bomb, of hisown makingor:perhap s that of a jealous lo ve r or po litica l riv al in his ow n: .faMily. The whispers from IZetelier's enemies were far ,fetched and'abundant. htrauma'of death in the nation's' capi tal was mom en tous' e no ug h for m ass con fusion. B ushcould plausiblydenyinvolvement of theCIA,allowing :-those at the bottom of the murderous hierarchy to be the-sca peg oa t if the whi spe rs and co nfu sio n faile d. Ilie ca pita l'scitizens might know in their hearts "that henchrneri of theCIA and its bloodthirsty Chilean client .DINA . (theD ire c-_ 'cion de Intelligencia Nacional),committed the soul deedbut the CIAcould live with that What theCIA mus t hi de; is the vast webof CIA and Chilean intelligence agents, foreign dictatorships and their secret police, right-wingterrorists, media agents, lobbyists andcorrupt' overnmentoff icia ls t hat , would be expose d by:a ','broad" inves tigatio n. The American public must neverknow that the bloodyhan ds tha t m ur der ed theChilean - dem ocra t pat rio t and the.: You ng Amer ica n wom an with him , a re con nectedbod y and soul, to the secretpower of fascism permanently woveninto the .frabric of Anierica'sliberal democracy andfo reig n pol iey.Symbol of Unity.'

    Orlando Letelier, 44-year-old form er M inister of Fore ign ,Affairs and Defense and Ambassador to the `JS for the

    Chile an Popula r Unity Govern ment was an ou tsp oken 'criticof the present Chilean military Junta which overthrew hisgovernment on September 11, 1973, almost three years tothe day they: as sas sin ated hi m.The Jun ta had ta rge ted hi mfo r a lon gtim e through its propa ganda mach ine an d throughverbal threat smade on his life: Letel ier bec ame asymbol ofunity in, themovementtoresistthe bloody dictatorship.Also killed whe n an exp lo sive de vic e wen t o ff in Letelier'scar onSeptember 21, as it rounded Sheiidan Circle 'in ,W ashi ngt on' s Em ba ssy Row , w as Ronn i K arpen M off itt of

    ' the Institute forPolicy Studies: Moffitt was an assistant toth e Inst itu te 's ' di rec tor an d active in Chile sol ida rity work .Letelier was an eco nom ist a nd Direc tor of the in ternationa lprogram of the Institute-the Transnational Institute(TM),

    shakesince coming to the US after imPriithiment by the Junta.Moffitt's *husbandof three months,: Michael, wai inidredin the blast.' ". .The- lead er of the Ju nta , Gene ra lA tigusto Pino ehe t, had per son ally gree ted Letelier th at d aY ; t hree year s ago whenthe tanks an d Pla nes M urdered Chi lea n democr acy. A llend ewas killed by the'tirrie Pinochit'otleredsoldiers to takeLetel ier from the M inistry of Defe nse bu ild ing ,at gu nPo in t.The Junta im pr ison ed Le tel ier at a conc en tra tion cam p forthenext year ofhis life onthe bitterly' cold DawsonIs/and, of f Tier ra 'del Fu ego . B ut th rou gh con ce rted ef fo rtsof hi s fr iends an dap pp orters th rou gho ut the world, L etelierwas releas ed on September 10, 19 74 ; a yea r a fter th e cou p.Letelier joined other Chilean refugeeeina life of deter-mined.resistanceagainst theJUnta. List February, inthecourse of his Tisll activities, he visited1-1611ind and spokewith the Dockworkers, Federation and theDutch trade- unions. After listening toLeteliei, ttley agreed, to ..a totalboycott on the 'handling, of-Chilean eoMmodities.. Aftertalk s;with Letelier; the Dut ch gov ernment of fered fmanc ialaid for Chilean refugees .in .) 1-.1ol larid an d can cell ed a $ 63million develo pm en t cred it f or t he Jun ta . Leteliei's pr es tigeandleadership qualities:made. him a key,. figure among,Ch ilean exiles ' from the PO pU la r 'Uni ty ;pa rtie s,st the(M ov en ien t';o f the' Revdfitt ionarY ome Chi iistianDemoerats , and t'lhe'libe ral Catho lics. H e was i's ym bo t o fChile an un ity .

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    + 6 .

    More threati on Leteliet's life began shortly after Con-.. gress passed ,. the Kenrie0/Friser 'resolution to cut offmilitary aid to Chile on June 16, 1976: Stiange men wouldCall Isabel Letelier to ask: "Are you the wife: of Orlando

    Letelier?": "Yes," Isabel would answer:"NO, you are his widol," the voice on the line wouldSay: Some of Letelier's mail was m ysteriously opined aridihrOugh friends , the diplomatic' community, he learnedthat there were high. level discussions in the:Junta over*hether or not to assassinate him.t.;Thel-JUnta., viewed him as 'such ihreat that Pinochetpersonally signed a. decree revoking his Chilean citizenship on September 10, 1976..181rLetelier was ;killed by right-wing Cubangi.isanoi or worms-in the pay of both the CIA and rec entlyDINA: The gushnok'haVe been engaged in a war of terroragainsthe Caribbean countries and'Iatin-merica.'ORLA NDO BOSCH ,leader of the Eta: fano? terrorist group, 'ORL I,.,:recenq :s accused, GUILLERMO "and IGNACIO:1,0\0 SAMBOL Of killing Letelier.Th e gusanoa alsn blow!up; airplanes,, embassies, fishingboats, airports and carry Out kidnappings in an effort to.overthrow and disrupt the Cuban government.',The:CIA' trained the g nia no s . Th e g U s a n o s 2 ariny,, Wasoeganized by' the Chilean gestapo, called DINA.The CIA with D1NA,i organized the r'escalated war againstCuba. Today DINA is,daclaring its independence from theCIA b y 'eari5Ping . outwn operations :against Chileanresisters .. The CIA-trained DINA-organized g u s a n o t are Connected to the secretpolice, agenciei of several Centraland South AM encan right-whig,dictatorships and also to thesecret police of ,Yeneinela: Certain operations are Cardedout under CIA.directions; others are unilateraLefforts byDINA or other foreign, Secret ,OOlice agencies. Together thenetwork is desperatelytryingto cover up its connections byusing its .paramilitary operations and its psychologicalwarfare methods. ,W hat follows is a portrait of-what a broad inVestigitionof the CIA's param ilitary and propaganda operations thatcreated, trained - and 'suPPOrted DIN A would uncover. Anarrow investigation such as the one the CIA is trying tocontrol will cover up these facts. But the,CIA will also haveto cover up the fact that the. US gove rnment can no longer-control its brutal and vicious Monsters ;like Dr. Frankenstein when the monster he created from many . dead bodiesturned to attack him ,in his own laboratory..PARAMILITARY OPERATIONS

    On O ctober '15', Cuban Prenrier 'Fidel Castro announced.cancellation 'of the 1913 anti-hijacking 'agreement with the_US in retaliation for what he tenneda C IA-bached,"teiroristCampaign" against' Cuba. Castro spoke- at the mass funeralrally in Havana for the 57 Cubans . (including several nationalheroes) who were artiong 73 persons killed- when a Cu b a n aAirlines plane was bloW n out of the air October 6. Castrorevealed' the existence of a dauble agent, working for theCIA but loyal to tuba, who had intercepted two Messagesfrom CIA headquarters at Iangley,"Virginla to a CIA agent

    O r la n do Bo sch

    in Ha va na . One of the messages indicated that the CIA wasplanning another attempt On Cattro's life. The message of.October 9 read:' Pleaie report as soon a s possible any info rmation dealingwith Fickl's ittenddrice at the ceremony on the first anni-Fgrsaly of the independence of Angola onNovember 11. iflaffIrinative, try ,to find out complete itinerary of Fidel"a mvisit; is other countries during the same trip.Witli . applause from the CroWil Castro said We haVe thecode, the ciphers and all the evidence of the ,veracity ofthese communications:" Castro also mentioned that the CIAagent had bugged the office of Osm any Cienfuegos, secretaryof the executive comm ittee of the council of ministers, whoparticipates in formulating Cuba's African policy.The other m essage from CIA headqUarters interceptedearlier asked a series of questions about terrorist acts againstCuban property. The message read: Whaijs the official and private reaction to bomb attacksagainst Cuban offices abroad? What are they going to do toavoid and prevent them? Who ,issuspected as responsible?Will there be retaliation s?

    In a barely plausible denial, Henry Kissinger said inresponse to Castro, "I can categorically state that no officialof the US government, no one paid by the Americangovernment, no one in contact with the,American govern-ment has had anything to do with the airplane sabotage."Castro mentioned eight earlier incidents other than theBarbados plane bombing. On April 6, two fishing' boats'10 CounterSpy

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    .bombed the Guyana . embassy ,in retaliation for Guyana's1 policy of allowing Cuban airplanes to refuel 'there en route'to Angola. The Guatemala bombing, according towas in retaliation for Mexico's. failure to release two COR Umembers who tried to kidnap the Cuban consul in Merida,Mexico.CORO- is lead by the crazed fonner pediatrician named Orlando /Bosch. Bosch was one of the founders of Cuban :-Power but he suppoSedly broke with the CIA after the BayOf Pigs because he thought the CIA was no longer dediCatedto overthrowing Castro. Although his first commandoactions were hardly dangerous, Bosch has a habit of killing ."/;,those with whom he disagrees. (See New Times, October ''29 for if profile of Bosc h's career.)'.Bosch and others b egan their anti-Castro actions in .theearly sixties against Cuban and other socialist commercial.'shipping in the harbor of M iami. But his first attacks,werea.'/empty threats; he forgot to put fuses in the bombs. The.."mad baby doctor" soon learned from his mistakes, haw"- e

    The CIA's Henchmen

    The following gusano groups are only some of the Cubanexile organizations under the umbrella group called CORU.The organizations that participate in terrorist activity usesuch sophisticated explosives that police in Dade County,Florida required special training in bomb techniqnes.Accitni CubanoL-a small Miami-based group formedaround July, 1974 Which claimed credit for bombing severalCuban embassies in, that year. Recently, this group sOld;bonds on the streets of Little Havana (in M iami) to financeits organizing; in: denominations from $10 to $1,000;re-deemable upon F idel Castro's death.'The National.: Liberation Front of Cuba (FNL C)alsoMiami-based and dreaded; by FRANK CASTRO and HUM r,i3ERTO LOPEZ It: took credit for the April 6 fishing boatattack. FNL,C aPpeared about the time that talks of renewedyak with Cuba began in Washington. It also had plans to assassinate Senators Javits - and Pell; before their trilkiti

    'Havana in early 1974. NLC has been largely reSpon.'for an internecine war -between gusano groups in LiHavana and elsewhere'over the 'question of how to Main--tun discipline . for'the umbrella group CORU: The FNL Chas formed several satellite terrorist cells in the US includingthe J,ovenese de Estrella (Youth of the Star) in M iami, andF:14.1n, the New York..lity; area, with whom the Letelierassassins . are associated; .Zero, ;which, marks its victims fordeath; by , sending the a "zeror mark; Secret Cuban Govern-Meat; Cuban Atting; GIN; ()mega 7; and El Condor whichtook credit for the plane bombing that killed 73 people inOCtober. One of El'eenciOr's:leaders, ROLANDO OTEROwas'arrested for bom bing the M iami FII office, the Florida .State Attorney'S offiCe, the Dade County Police Depart- .ment and another eiplosion at Miami International !irporf.'He was, the yoingest member' of the Bay of Pigs invasionforce,The Association.of Veterans of the Bay of Pigsa Miami/based group headed by ROBERTO CARB ALL O who wonthe presidency after a bitter fight at this year's electionceremonies on Axil 1 7. The k eynote address at the congressW as Nicaraguan dictator Somoza , and US RepresentatiyeCLAUDE PEPPER.'Some of these gusanos simply became mercenaries afterthe Bayiasco and joined bands such as the Inta-contiriental Penetration Force led by freelance anti-communist mercenary GERALD PATRICK HEMMING inthe early sixties before the Congo operation.Movimento 17 deAPrifa splinter group of the CIA-and-Green-Fiera-trained Cub an Invasion Brigade 250 6, run' byCIA case officers GRACETON LYNCH and RICHARDROBERTSON, which'was defeated at the Bay of PigsApril 17, 1960. The splinter group was formed last April

    Y Movimento Nacionalista Cubanaanother Miami-based 'group responsible, for Many bombings in the US and!se Y11rV .!CORD drew personnel,from the JURE group of .gusanos, for, CORU operatiOns in the Dominican Republic.JUK1 has operated since theUS' invasion in 1967.

    were attacked by- private launches from Florida. One fisher-man was killed. Two persons were killed and there washeavy damage: when a bomb exploded in the Cuban embassyin Lisbon on April 22. On July 5, another.bonth damagedthe Cuban mission to the United Nations. On July.9, bomb exploded at Norman Manley airport in Jamaica.a luggage cart just before the luggage was to be loaded ontrOa Cuban airliner. A bomb exploded July 10 in the offiCetefBritish W est Indies Airways in Barbados; which represents -the Cuban airlines in Barb ados. On July 23, a technicianofthe Cuban National Fishery Institute was killed in an'attempt to 'kidnap the Cuban consul .in M erida Mexico f.Aug*. 5 two Cuban embassy officials were Iridnapped;in

    Buenos Aires and no one has heard from them. since: griton August 18; a bomb exploded in the Cubani. Office.Panama...5 ;:.INA terrorist arm

    Identified by Castro, the tVaOzirikiti;igi'aian SY0 itieCaribbean newspapers' as responfiblefOrtheterrtiriSt.a#44;.:'the gusano organizatiqn (pronounced goo' zan'o) orggoyttion, the Coardination of United Revolutionary Organmtions (COR IJ). CORU is an um brella.organization of fir_anti-Castro groups with: aPproximatelY!500merithers (SeeSidebar). It formed of a m eeting in CoSteRica in'.June1274.1.CORU is well khoWn in -W and'sommunity,tittle Havana, and photos of its meetings haVe the local Srianish press. From investigationsof its activi-ties by Caribbean gOverninents; we'll learn more aboutCORD, but it is taking the blame in the US government'snarrow investigation. :Training and siipport for the indivi-;duals and member groups of CORU is supplied by the CIA;that's what the cover up is all about. The organization is theresult of fanatic passions of enterprising gusanos and the,,,operational need of the Jurita's gestapo,:DINA. COR I/. is '-a DINA terrorist amiy.-'_ It claimed responsibility for the September 1 bombhigs:at the Embassy of Guyana in Port of Spain, Trinidad, the''Mexican Embassy in Guatemala 'City; as well . as other::bombings in Barbados on other occasions. CORU claims it

    CounterSpy 11

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    ev er, and crea ted such a pr ob lem for har bor authorities thatthe US Coast Guard was forced to escort the shipsin andout of, th e ha rb or. B y th e m id-siXties, Bosc h wa s a leader of the Movement for Revolutionary Recovery(MIRR) ledbyMANUEL F.';ARTIME, who laterwould form theCommandos Mambises, theonly gu sano- terror ist gr oup whikh the CIAdirectly 'originated in the early sixties.

    Al! the gu san o grou ps were inf iltra ted and m an ipu lat edby th e CIA 's OPERATION. M O NG OOSE , th e ca m pa ign toov erthrow or 1d1 1- Castro . M ong oos e de veloped the M ia m iCIA station IM /W av e on th eUnive rsity Of. Mia m i u nd er;the,cover of Zenith Technical Enterprises. JM/Wave had anannual budget of .over $50` million, branch offices in "54co rporat ions, a nd a pe rm anen t staf f o f 30 0 Am er i-cans who employed and controlled approximately 6,000 'rg ifSano agen ts in clu ding Ber nar d Ba rke rof W at erg ate fam e,who , was a m em be rof M IR R unde r E.H ovia rd H unt as hitco ntro ller . After th e Bay of Pi gs fiasc o, led by G RACETO N'LYNCH and RICHARDROBERTSON, the CIA wounddO wn ope rat ions at J M /W ave and sent Art im e to G uatem ala `und er dire ctio nfr Om Rob ertson in a la st effo rt to inf luen cegU san os who were bitter over the defeat. Robertion: laterdi rec ted the gusa no action's in th e Con go cr is is of 196 7. T hefollowing explains what some of the 6,010trained gu sanO sdid after th e BaY of Pi gs plan fe ll apar t. -W ith. a ce ll of bIE RR, Bosch esc al atedth e disru ptio n ofsh ipping in th e M iam i harbOt. O n Sep tem ber 16;1968, th eFBI arr es ted Bosch andot hers whi le they fire da m ak es hi ft ' bi zO Oka in to the har bor fro m M acA rth ur Canse W ay; ove r the .Coast Guard cutters escorting a Polish ship. Chirgedwith this, and with using the telephone to make threatsagainst the governments of Mexico, England and Spain,Boschwas sentenced to .ten yea rs in a fed er al p riso n. A fterthree . and ahalf years Bosch was freed aftera series ofhunger strikes; he... soon disiPpeared. US authorities stillwan t Bosch for par ole viol atio ns an d fo r ques tio ni ng for at-tem pting to M urde r. R ICA RD O M ORALE S NAVARE'rrEa form er FBI i nform er . a nd. CIA agent, now a hi gh- ran kingm em be r of t he V enezu elan se cr et pol ice. ,Bos ch w as ar re stedin Car aca s, Venez uel a in Nov em ber, '197 4 af ter ta ki ng cre dit for tw o bom bin gs , bu t th e FB I did notask that he beextradited to the US because the StateD epa rtm ent inte rve ned. Pow erf ul C uba n ex iles in V ene tielato ok thei rca se to hig h level s of t he gove rnM en tan dBosc h.was released. He flew immed ia te ly to Santiago, Chile and: ,established contact with DINA. A Miami newsman whoin te rviewed , him there reported he had a Venezuelan chiefof staff a nd 15 Chilean bo dy gua rds . DINA had already made. contact with other gus anogroups including the non-terrorist youth group ABDALAan d Alp ha 66 , a bro ad Coa lition of exi les ofte nopp os ed to th e t erroris m . A ccordin g to agus an o de fector who ret urne dto Cuba nam ed CA RLO S RIV ERO COL L AD A*, Colonel sEDUARDO SEPULVEDA, the Chilean Consul in Miami,is an int im at e, f rien dof Pinoc he t an d vis ite d M iam i sh ort lyafter the coup; at the same time, the Junta repaid severalm illion dollars fi ts deb tto the U S in ca sh . The re, acco rdi ng CARL OS R D/ FRO COL LAD OS, who re tu rned to hi sho mela nd in Cub a,has recently published a bookon the g u s a n o s calledL os S ob r ino s D el T ioS am or T h e N e p h e w s o f U n c le S a m .

    12 Coun terSpy

    to Rivero, he met with RAMIRO, DE LA FE a leader13ftfF ro u pCalled YoUng, Cuba:YoungCuba tookcredit 'forat tacks : On t he C ub a M ission, in Ottawa in 1966 and'1967and in 197 2 blew uP 'th e Cub an tra de m iss ion in -M ontrea lwith assistance- frdm ',m em ber s . of the , Royal '.. .C ana dian Mounted Police: De la Felia been sentenced in the US toth re e an d n hal f ye ars for illeg al ac tiv ity ; You ng Cuba , likeCO RU an d th e , National L ib era tio n' Fro nt of Cuba (FNLC)

    are b elie ve d to rec ei ve add it io nal f in an cia l bac kin g fro m the Li ttle Hav an a go dfather,'C ARLOS PR IG. S OC ARRAS. th epr esid ent . of C ub a , b efO re:. Bat tis ta . A - splinter group of 'YoU ng ,C uba,- th e Cub an Neo re vo lut ionary Action Grou p,took credit for the1973 attack on the Cuban 'ambassadorin . M ex ico w hich CO RU w ould . la ter atte m pt to aven ge in the Gua tem ala City bom bi ng.

    . ep ulveda enc our aged th e gu san os to car ry out a publ i-city .campaign inMiami and NeW York City in return for , .m uni tio ns: and fun ds. DIN A ass igned a new sm an , P ED ROERNES TO D IA Z, of t he fas ci st Patridy - Libertadpartytocontrol Young Cuba'. The informationwhich wasstolenfrom '.th e Chile an Em bassyin W ash ingto nbefore the cou pby the sam egus ano s'in ioNe din the W ater gate affair , e nde dup in the hands of this Chileanfascitt party. Sepulvedaatten ded a Sep tem ber m eet in g ofgu san os in M ia m i Beach ;others inattendance were JULIO DURAN, the Junta'srepretentativeat the U.N., Memphis mayor MARICEFERRAR , an d th e U S Re pre se nt at iv e TO M E. G A LL AG E R. By July 1975Bosch began his reign of tenor in LittleHava na and the Caribbe an to ga in co ntrol o fal l the gusanos - andto raise hi s,C O RU ar m y. O ne of his_pri nci pat deputie sbec am e HU M BERTO LOPE Z of FN LC w ho w as a for m er announcer for the Voice of America andwho had beentrained in demolitions bythe US Army and the CIA.Some of Bosch's first actions , after his release fromprison were in Costa Rica. While Bosch was behind bars,


  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    BENJAMIN MATTE, a member o f Patria y Libertad hadset up DINA's Costa Rican operations to counteract thework of anti-Junta groups according to the Costa Ricanweekly Pueblo on November 2, 1974, Its July 6 issue statedthat 'Chileans w ere working w ith,' `varioui right-wing groupswith 'their nexus in Guatemala, where the CIA organizeda coup d'etat in 1954 and has influenced the government

    City on charges of massive gunsmuggling from the US toCe nt r a l Amer ica) , Guatemala , I s r ae l and the Uni t ed S ta t es .That same year a Costa Rican radio station reported thatGuatem ala, El Salvador and C hile were faci l itat ing a coup.Even the conservative opposition. Costa Rican daily LaNacion on October 23, 1975 carried reports of the Guate-malan governmen t financing MCRL.**

    ! 1 : 1 1!Left: A Rev Mopn Unification 'Church spy (left) andDINA -agent photiograph. Chile Solidarity rally one yearafter the coup, September 11; 1974, in front of the WhiteHouse. M iddle: At a large reception for Ho rtensia AllendeNovember 13, 1974, sponsored by the Institute for. PolleyStudies at the DuPont Plaza Hotel. Left'to right; an uniden-.tifled man, a DINA informant who is a student at Mont- -goirrery Junior College and a former Santiago MilitaryAcademy student; DINA agent with mustache; and hissuperior. Right: As guests enter reciption hall, DINAinformer and. DINA agent whisper names to superior..

    ever since. On October 29, 1974 the newspaper La :florapublished photostats of .intercepted correspondence dated.Septembe r 12, 1974 between Chilean Em bassy officia ls andtheir superiors in Santiago, in which the Embassy requestedmore funds to finance the activities of Movimento CostaRica, Libre (MCRL). The MCRL was asking for more funds.The documents stated that -he' contr ibutions will= wehave given them have been small but they are asking;formore aid." The letter mentioned activities "following ourinstructions frpm Santiago" to buy arms (presumably forMCRL ) and to pay for propaganda work by gusano teams.,The Junta's purpose was to strengthen M CRL at the timebecause it' was, in their opinion, the only way to preventcommunism in. Costa Rica. Santiago (and presumably' theUS) believed the Oduber govermant w asf"weak;indecisive,and corrupt"Th e La Hora photostats :specifically' implicate . theGuatem alan Military, attache. in Costa Rica and state-thatMCR L has `ininlinalrom die emb aisies of El Salvador .(whose Chief of Staff was recently arrested in New ,York DINA sent Bosch to Costa, Rica' with a Chilea ndiplomatic passport to make conta ct with the,MCRL and toassassinate. MIR leader ANDRES PASCAL ALLENDE,nephew of theniurdered,President of Chile. But Bosch wasdetained i f ter" 'Mexko!s President Echew eriaostaRican President Oduber to warn him. ICissinger was comingto Costa R ica at the siunei inte. The Apri l 29, 1975 issue of 7Pueblo, revealed that from 'there Bosch was reporied, inseveral Latin-American and Caribbean countr ies especial lythe DOn tinican Re iublic and Ve ne,zi iela, where the gusahogroups - are active in the police and intelligenee agencies ,services. The Pueblo office was b lown up on August 2,1976bY gusanos connected to Bosch and DINA. The Costa Ricansecret pol ice, Officina de Seguridad National (OSN), directedby Gen. FERNAND O iFIGULS also employs 'Euscinos andcont inues to a l low MC RL to opera t e i n . Cos ta Rica and topublish a column in El National.Gusanos Admit GuiltOne day after the Cuba= plane blew up, Trinidadauthorit ies arrested HERNANDO RICARDO LUSANO, akaJOSE. VELASQUEZ, aka JOSE GA RC IA of , the C aracasThat month, the government begah a formal investigation of MCRL sparkedby rumors that the. group, along with gusanoswere planning to assassinateforeign minister GONZAL..FACIO who was active in the liftsanctions against Cuba. The Miami Herald on September 20,1974 .repOrtedthat Facto received phone threats when he was in the U.S. for U.N. andOAS meetings. At the same time, a former gusano surfaced in Havana re-- vealing that tht ,gusano - terrorists were planning attacks against' Facto,Kissinger, and other U.S. diplomat& Facto, like Kissinger and' other,officials.Were hardlyLsoft on communism; they 'Were seeking a pragmaticpolicy' towards. Cuba-at thi time because of skyrocketing sugar prices.Fick) professes close ties with Nelson Rockefeller and is a corPorate laWyerin Costa RiCa'for . United Brands. Allied Cheinical, U.S. Steel, and -ALCOAand has been alegal counsel to Robert Vesco..CounterSpy 13

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    new sp ap er El Mundo;,W hiehcarr ied a colum nby CIA agent:LLANO M ONTESon October 12ab out the bombin g. Alsoarres ted was FR ED DY LI JG O. Atthis writing the Venezuelan judgehas indicte

    dfourgUsan os; Bosch, Lusano, LugoandLUISPOSADA-CARRILES, a Cuba n-Veneiuelan _w ho w as fo rm erly chie ff o pe ra tio ns of the Vene zu ela n sec re t po lic e ca lle d D IS IP (D ire ctora te of Intel ligenc e and Pre ventionSe rv ice s) ,from'1971 to 1973.R icardo andLugo, W ho have now admitted planting thebomb, hav e implicatedBosc h in theinciden t: Theyw ere ar -rested in Trinidadon October 7,1976 after the crashwhenaxi dr ive r, tak in g, t he,' their hotel, overheard themussingan d lau ghing about the inciden t. T rinidad pOliCe have;pro of that Ricardo contacted his boss Posada fro m the:.ho te t, a nd Rica rd o's gi rlfr ie ndan d his se cr eta ry bo th , co n-Turnedtheyhad passedon amessagefor posad a: .'1Thetruck has le ft w ith a fu ll, oad.Ricardo was trained =by the CIA in demolitions, andfinmer lY Weirleed foricu,bes, ,old_ dictator' Baitistk in his .se cre t p ol ice . A few da ys be fo re the bom bing , h e wet Seen in. C aracas in the company of CIAEUXM ARTINEZSUAREZ.Ricardoand Lugoalsoworked fora priiateOft!Ove agency in Caracascalled CommercialIndustrialInvest igatio ns (ICICA);w hich uses equipm en t that,'s ,,m or eSophist ica ted ny Used: .by governm ent age nc ie S inVene zt iel a.`; On. OctoberIS, Venezuelan,-ari thOritie s'a rre ttedOther members of the private eye firm includingPosa da. TheCIAalso trainedPo sada, w ho iihelle! ied to be aniong thos e whOintervened'or Bosch's releas e, in, I974:sThe dai ly Pu nt ann ou nc ed that CORU members OLE GGUET ONRODRIGUEZ , CELS ATO LED O, F RANCI SCONENE Zan d -Bosch h ad all bee n arreste d in CaraC is 'as welltheyarealsoconnec ted to themysterious priv at e eye,firm.

    The govermnintsof Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela,

    Guy an a? Barbado sand Cribahive fOrmed a unitedef fort to investigate these actions,and more information will noelOubt be av ailable in the ne xt few mon ths.

    No w that Bo sch ha s s om e prote cti on i n V en ezu ela , he de nies he accu sedthe Novo brothers of the Let elie riM offi ti assasi ln ation . Cuba's Fore ignMinister declared recently that the US is attempting to block the trial 'ofthegusa ivo s in Venezuela and has recently divided the Caribbean meetings:' . on th e ai rpl ane sab ot age. In tho se m ee tin gs, Fre d W ill s, F or eig nM ini ster ofGuyana, mentioned that ,Trinidad and Tobago officiali haddiaries of the,arrested gu san os which im plicat e th e C IA . He also m ention ed tha t he hadconcrete proof the US was attempting tode sta bilize G uy ana and Jamaica;It is part of an overallUS strategy to div ide the other nations 'of theCarib-bean from Cuba. During negotiations on the fate of the arrested gusa nos, Trinidad andTobago officials refusedto releaseevidence tothe othernations including Venezuela.

    Perez hired gus ano s to .'figh t Cuba n in flu enc e in the 'pas t, a s m an y Latin Americ an ch iefs o f s tate h ave don e.But , in recent years, Perez has opened up to the possibility of. better re lat ion s bet w een Cuba and Vene zu el a. The Car ac astrial for th eterro ris t saboteurs puts pre ssure on Perez. They w illbe tr ied in a m ilitary court , becau se of fic ials thought itwould facilitate a fair trial forthegusanos. But t he Ven e-/

    zu elan gover nm en t ha s had in tim ate ties to th os e inv ol ied and has allowed DINA andthe gus arr os tooperate fromVerie iti ele ; to pro sec ute thos e who hav e ser ve d the go ve rn - ,Merit will bedifficult.

    The probleni for Perez is further complicated becauie' gusa nosos hold M rportant positions in theVenezuelansecretpolice, DISIP. RICARDOMORALES NAVARRETE; ahigh ran king gismo. in DISIP, Worked for the CIA justafter the B ay of p igs; H e was a mem be r o f R ick R obertso n% 'team in the Congo (Zaire) in , he mid- sixtie s. "H e beca meOutra ged. there at the dege ne rating operat ion . A ccording - toa reliable sourceus anos ha d nothin g to do in The nd spent: mostoftheir time getting drunk,firingshots at theU.S. cOnsidate forfun,and generallyterrorizing the: con su l's W ife . M orales later retu rned to thebecinie art:inforirier for the Bosch trial, an actagainst Which Boschretaliated.. by trying to killMoralet.

    ...DINAForeignOperations. The murd er of Letelier follow s apattern of JU rita ter rorto remind. ChileanexileS ofthe bloodthat was let ontheday of the coup. For the past th re e years promine nt Ch ilean .exiles havebeen .a,ttacked:In1974i CARLOSPRATS,.;I nn ue r Chief of St af f of_the Armed fo rc es und er Alle nd e,w as killedin - Argentina, at D IN A% req ue st .Th en ; i n1 97 5,.g usano s, ' Or. .:Itallirr fascists, firedshots at BERNARDO LE IG HTO N, v ice -preside nt Of the C hilean Ch tis tia n D em o-crat ieParty .Prats, Chief.of Staff until- his . resignation during theAllende regim e, w as replaced byPin ochet. Ile *as living inBuenos Aires, :Working On- abook about the coup and_Pinochet, w hom hehad actually recomm ended , a s his ow nreplacemen t, a judg me nthe ' h adcome to regret an d wishe dto expose.' On September 30,1974,just ayear after thecoup, he andhis :wife wereblownup in a car;shortlyi-reafter, the'rnan us crip t w ans tolenfrom his ftome.ColonelPEDRO EWING, director OfDINA's foreignoperations, established DINA relations with Argentina.*

    Ewing and hisassistant,JUANLUIS BULNES CERD/who was former heed of the: youth groupofthe fascistNational Party,ordered ,the Prats assassination. Bulneswas one of many ChileanMilitaryIntelligence Service ( SIM )ag en ts w ho were res po ns ible for the killingof Pr at'spredec essor , Gen eral R en e Schne ider .** So urces alleg e-thatmem be rs of the Argen tine Ant i-C om mun ist Allianc e (AA A)killedPrats. The AAAis composed ofArgentine soldiers,and wasformed byLOPEZ REGA, thepower behind theper*government at thetimeAfter thecoup against thecorrupt andfailing Peron administration, General JORGEVID EL Are incor po ra ted the AAAback into thearmy. T hu she could declare " that he "eliminated" the right wingterrorists,inOrder totarget theleft. DINA agentsEwing,Bulnes , a nd 'a in an na med EDM U NDO JA CKSON, a tor-.:-ttirer who; directed the AAA attack onPra ts, began work inArgen tin a onlya mon th be fore pra ts was murdere d.A year later,'the trio made' contact with the Italianrieo-fa scis t party , M SI, w hose lea ders have been connectedtothe Italian secretservice, SID. OnOctober 6, 1975,an

    - 14CounterSpy

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    attempt was made to kill Leighton, vice-president of theconservative C DP. I tal ian C ommunist newspapers , accusedMS1' of machine-gunn ing Leighton and his wife in a s t reetin Ronie. Though both survived, Ana Leighton was para-lyzed -. Oddly, though significantly, CORU sent a com-munique taking credit for the attack in Italy, pointing thef inger aga in a t DINA and the gusanos.Ewing institutionalized-DINA's tactic . of cooperatingwith local terror squads after DINA practiced it with theCIA's terror squad, Petrie y Libertad, in Chife. DINA -maneuvers with the gusanos' CORU , the Italian MSI, theCosta ' Rican MRC L, the Argentine AAA, and others , wereorganized from DINA headquarters, which Ewing estab- lished in fascist Madrid in early 1974, Counterspy has also learned' that DINA is active notonly in Spain, b ut in Engla nd, Paris , Switzer land, Belgium,and H olland. A report from:the London-based n ews service,InterPress, on May 1 6, . 1976, reveals that , Etving may haverepeated his operations. in London.: The former ChileanEmbassy press 'attache ,' and 'pINA infonnint, JORGENAVARRET,E, contacted..a ma n knOwn only as "JohnCooper," :but. whose r ea l ng ine ; iccording to InterPress,was Le slie. Wooler. Woolen a forme r corporal in the British ,Royal Air Force, infiltrated pro-Palestinian organizations in:the sixties . Three yea rs ear l ier;helad been active in a plotby the British neo-fascist, ..anti-semitic National' 'Front totake over the Conservative Party's Monday Qub.. ' ,Navarrete recruited "Cooper" at the Monday Cub and .asked him to photograph people entering the Chile Solidarityoffices. After a few contacts, he asked Wooler to removedocuments, including finance and address lista, and to. gather information on the private lives of the supporters.In particular, Wooler was asked to gather information onJudi thHart , the former Minis ter of Ove rseas 'Deve ldpment,and he r son ' `Stephen, Secreta ry. of the British Chile Soli-&riot Campaign:, Then Navarrete encouraged Woolermake ha rassing la te-night phone ca l ls to the HartsWooler , was motivated by his anti-Communism and bythe lucrat ive paychecks (several hundred pounds) signed b y'the' Chilean Ambassador to England; KAARA OLSEN.But he .soon realized that he was associat ing with pe ople who we re capab le of ki l ling his al l ies , th e Christ ian D emo- `.arats. Navarrete took Wooler . to a meeting with a DINA - 'agen t , ' presumed to be Ewing, who told, him they were

    Ew ing was the secretary of the Jun ta immediately after 'the..coup and it was he w ho presented the notorious "WhiteBook;" w ritten bythe CIA, in w hich the Junta repeated thepropaganda , lines against Allende to justify the coup. AtOar rime, Ewing controlled,man); resources of the Chileanintelligence n etwork. ..This Olio; is continuing. In July, ANDRES PASCAL ALLENDE,who Bosch planned to kil l in Costa Rica but never attempted; announcedfrom Havana that EDGARD ENRIQUEZ,.e leader of the MIR, had beencaptured by Argentine authorities and turned over to DINA last April: ' n June of t h is Y e a r . at least 27 Chiletin refugees disappeared in A rgen-i ina and there are reports, that some 15,000 refugees there are terror ized . ,by the DINA -with - aid:twice : from the Argentine SIDE. 77tere are morereports that IBM instal led a s ophist icated computer system in Sant iagofor DINA . . it contains an index of these 15,000 allewis and others from.Latin American countries. Shortly before the coup. 12 members of Patti!'y -Libertad were trained by International Cash Register in computer opera-: ions in Ohio. TIME magazine revealed in September, 1974, that the U.S:Embassy added 12 code clerks to the staff in Santiago shortly before thecoup. Reliable sources at the State Department have indicated to Counter-. Spy that the clerks ize names of Lat in American left istsin Chi le at ' the t ime for wrest during and after the coup ,Thousawds ofBolivians, Argentines .BrizIl larts and at least two Americans were arrestedby the Junta forces. Many died, including the two Americans, and the; others were turned over to their own countries' secret police

    . *5 -Schneider opposed a plan for a coup before the- elections. The ChurchCoriunitte i report on Covert Actions in Chile reports that !the CIA gave -machine guns toe group of military conspirator on thericry of Schneidertdeath. This was part of Kissinger and the 40 Committee's Track II plan toprevent Allende 's 'election. Mit according to CIA records, the guns Weregiven to a different group, not the one hea ded by B anes. Despite this planor that of various conspiratorzin Santiago, Allende was eleqted.continued on page 64Counte rSpy 15

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    BrusselsRecently in Brusseli, several Chilean refugees weresuddenly confronted, face-to-face, with their formerto rturers mite at a politica l'rally and on another occasion

    continued fro m pa ge 15Jua n L uis Bulnes C erda

    respCinsible for the attackon Leighton in Rom.;.. AfterDINA asked him to haiass British trade union memberswho 'refused to work on frigates being built for the ChileanNav y, Wooler spilled his storyon Briiish national televiion.' . Ewing then switched DIN Aheadquarters to' Geneva andassignedagents GO NZALE S HER RER Aan d PA Z SUBE R-CASEAUX 'to Berne , Switzerla nd . According to a' d oss iercompiled by the Paris daily, Liberation; Subercaseaux wasa cultural attache who spied onrefugees. She was,also amem ber of Patria y Libertad. In February 1976, A ND RESand PA TR IC IO M E LG O ZA ar ri ved in G en eva . S w iss po lic ewatch ed th em an d gre w co nc er ned th at t hey we re the re to kill RADOMIROTOMIC, 1970 presidential candidateofth e C hr istian Dem oc rat s. S w iss go vernm en t officials war ned the Chilean representative to the U.N. Human Rights

    Commission, SERGIO DIEZ, that he' would be held re-spOnsible for any actions aga inst To rnio.The M elgoza bro th ers lef t Sw itzerla nd.

    while waiting for a Otis. Agence France Piessreported OnOctober22' that DINA ha djust' m oved its headquarters toBrussels. MARIO JUAN BARRERkt, a m em be r ,61 SIM since 1968, was. sent to direct operations there. Brusselswas ch ose n, acc ording to "It ie R ot terdam so cia list , paperHeiVrile Volk,because of the large number of Chileanmilitary refugee s w ho have settled in H ol lan d an d Belg iu m '

    DINA Director MANUEL CONTRERASand an assis-tant, PROVOST, were recently seen in Brussels. FormerChilean Air Force Gen eral SERG ION POBLE TE, exiled byPinocheir alsi.,-;confirtned forth e Belga news agency that .DINA agents in Brussels; travelling under ,false identifica-tien," ar e ' b oldly 'co nfront ing Chileans they hi*, tor tured.

    . Other American Visits :Vrtim DINATh e Letelier murder wasnot the 'first attem pt by DINA

    to' kill someone in the United. States. Ewing's agents,And re s' and Fatric io- M elgoza, wh o with ano ther, brothe r' Jorge,. were involved in the Schneider assassination, rr New York City from Madrid ,iii the summer of 1975.F rm sources at the U.N., Cou nterSpy has learned thatFBI officials, believed: they were there to 16 11 GABR IEL VAL DES; the C hilean, Undersecretary General ofthe U.N .,who also resisted theJunta. The FBI alertedSecretaryGeneral !dirt ,Waldheith, who, in turn, summoned, theJunta% a mbassad or to the UN.; Adndial ISM AEL H UEItTA,an dwarned hint against any actions. threatening Valdes. TheMelgozabrothers left NewYork: 'In A ugust 1975, according to Jack A nderson, Contrerastrave lled to New Yor k fo r a m eet ing with hi s age nts at theU.N. and to inspect DINA's operations in theithstud ent s at icl,?with corporations doing business in Chile.He also W as there to give directions for DINA workagainsta pr opo sed DN. R esolutio n co nd em nin g to rture and viola -tions o f h uman tights in Chile. A s C on treras often inspec tsEwing's overseas operations, according to Anderson, heVisited Washington to .meetwith Lt. Gen. VERNANW ALTERS, D eP uty . Director of the CIA , an d se ve ral oth erke yindivid ual's. -tiOn the same trip, ContreraS wandered into the officesof Se nator Fra nk:Church, of the Senate co mm ittee investi-ga tin g th e CIA , b ut c ou ld fin d no on e to talk with. He thenvisited' the. House International Organizations JSubcom-rn itt ee, chaired by R ep. Donald Fraser, who has been criti-cal of D INA, and w as sharply inter rogated by a staff M em -ber about human rights violations in Chile. Contreras re-sponded. with the standard Junta line that such chargeswere MarxistproPaganda.8hortlY:betbre theContreras visit, another DINA execu-tive was in ;. ailiington. The Junta's press officer, FRED-ERIC O,WILiDIJGH BY (also a know n CIA agent), cametothe United States primarily for medical tests at Johns -HopidliS`11,164pital in Baltimore. During his ten-day stay; ,he als6 ;4406 CIA, the State Department, and several.m em ber sr F A G :in gr ess. C uriciu sl y en ou gh, G IO R G IO A L-MIR ANT E, La , leader of theItalian M SI w as inWashingtonat the ialiWtiinVe ,` visiting Walters and anotherm em be r of ,1112/1,?'the Nat4,,Security Council.

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    Other DINA, agents have recently.fraieled to the U.S.Rep . Fra ser , rec en tly charg ed that four DINA age nts w er eseen by a member of the 'National. Council of Churchesdi sem ba rk in g fro m a pla ne in N ew Ypr k City s ho rt ly be for ethe Letelierkilling. He had no names. Who were they?T he M elgn ia br oth er s? Ja ckso n? Bu ln es? Ewin g?

    ***Before the coup 'in :S ant iago, Theherg e worked for the Ce nter for Inter- ,natio nal a nd Strategic - S tud ies at Georgetown Un iversity, directed byformer CIAeXecutive RAY CLIN E. W hi le there, h e invented m any o f there cu rring themes of pr opa ga nda ' u sed by the i nt ern atio na l rig ht 'wingP opitlar-Unity government of Allende, including the falsestarlet of a 14:000-m an' ar my of Latin Amer ica n r evolutio naries be ing tra ined -in Chile. Man y of hi s fabrications were reprinted in the C IA 'sW hi te Book an d a lso we re-ep rinted verbatim in C hilea n and Argentinem ilitarj journals .In sever al of Theberget articles he qu ot es a s a sour ce, . ,ifthe br illian tM aixist .E UDO C IO RA VIN ES . "I n f act , R avin es is a C IA' ag ent. E. ' How ard H u nt, is bOok lindercovet Mem oirs of an Arheriean S ecret 'Agent'reports that Ravines, living under an alias in Mexicoaly where Hunt was

    Station Chief in 1952, worked' with :him and his friend WILLIAM F.BUC KLE Y, editiOr o f National R eview , an d t hen wi th the CIA : Ra rin es and Buckley wro te The Ye nan V ey for Sc rit inert p nblishing ho use.Sh or tly af ter Allen de was el ected in 197 0, Ra vin es be gan wr iti ng fo rSE P A, the C IA ' ma gazin e edited by D INA agent O terci . SEPA was devoted to cartoons. denigrating Allende government officials. It alio Carriedpropaganda -oriented towards mil itary' o fficers and Catholic: women , thetw o primary psych6logical w arfaretargets b f the CIA. SE P A a lio ca rried' artic0,02y other CI A propagandists involvedin the anti-A llende C ampidgn.el icit as RO BE RT M O SS, who also edited Vision wh ile it! was ' i n Lo nd on. (Moss is currently Writing for the Ins titu te for th e : St udy :of Co nfl ict ,Cbtfunded think-tank in London., In a new book, Philip Agee willpublish any entire' chapter devOted to the CI A 's ma ster p ro p a gandist,'Ro be rtM os s.) SE P A' d evo ted at least tw o pag es of each i ssue t o CIA . propagan dp' pl aced in s uch ne ws pa per s. as El Mercurio_ an d La ,,,Segus ula ?o wne d. byAU GUS TIN ED WAR DS, one o f the richest men inthil*H elsinvohjed inthe Junta goVernment and I s a vice president of PE PICO,IiV iniin . Miami.' He .met with Nixon and Helms on the morning of the 40 COmnti ttee'Smeeting to discuss CIA actions against Allende in the 1970 elections.Helms left the 40 C om m ittee m eeting thataftern oon w ith orders including"make the econom y scream .Bo th the Church .Committee report, Covert Actionin Chile and RobertM oss's--,The Collapse of D em ocracy identify- these 'newspapersps, the .princ ipal rec ipien ts of C IA funds prior to Al lende m u rder:P sychological' W ar fare and M edia O per ations in C hile: 1470,1973, adisiertatiOn for the Universityof Illinois, by Fred La ndis, a defini-tive study of the subject, re vea ls in eno rmo us de tail that , th e CIA hi nge d 'its ope rat ions a gainst Allend e o n m ed ia op era tions.,, e ,In his .book, Robert Moss st a tes tha t he and o therjournal isti "were the nerve center of opposition to' Allende." In another book,,Oy Ravines; 'The R escue of C hile, a w hole chapteris divined to T he Va nguardof theO p po siti on " as he te rm s su ch m edia-op er atio ns .E l M e r c U riri ; a Sa ntiago newspaper which receive d C IA fu nds be for e theco up , w as co m pletely re org an ize d i n 197 0 by J AMES CO PI ,EYheCO PL EY NE WS S ERVI CE; wh o de scr ibed th is i n ltizOtrok ifit ke,Missio nTo C hile. C opley pro du ced the w orld 's firs t fully'auisir34# 4A :wwaper tosu it the- CIA c propaganda needs. His news service hp rrianyeOnnectionsto the CIA no t th e leas t of wh ich i s it 's chie f news akebtiire , "B RUTE "KRULAK, who directedthe CIA's coordinatiorridfllieraten Beretsbe for e jo inin g C op le y;91;ri.- GRE GOR Yon of Ja mes , r ece ntly wro ternaff"h ig h Soviet - sou rc es " re ve aled to hi M that 't he KGB' kil led Le tilidi .7iirs i s si m ila r to' the themeof the AmericanChilean Ctiunsel newiletleidiAlf6 article in th e R eV . M o o n 's. R iiing Tide by c on ier vat iveSe n. J ES SLV IA MSPr isa ldheleft killed Letelier. Copley currently edits Fo rejertilagd,3nlial.Affairs N ei/s litter, a pr iiw tely ciicura ted paper- M t groiff4 ,p ?1 M et -'curio. The r ecent disinform af ibn ar tic le on th e Le ielitiosirtuinalso ap peared in other right-w ing a nd fascist riewspa piiiriie Ita lia n.;N ilBorghese, or gan o f the extreme fascis t- wing Of the"Ita lian M SL

    : P SYCHOLOGIC AL W ARFARE OPER ATIO NSIncorporated in the cover-up and the CIA's efforts for

    a "narrow, investigation" is the large network of CIA-con tr ol led med ia th at pr ov idei m uch of t he di sin forin -iiionto` A merican journalists-, wh O faithfully pr int it. The CIA 'shistory with news agencies; newspapers, Magazines andjournalists in South America, Latin America, and ;theUnited States is long and tedious. The network went intofull gear after the. Letelier assassination to confuse anddiv er t ana lysts and re por ters .In a s peech delivered to a mem orial rally in G eorgetoW n,Guyana, in memory of the eleVer Guyanans among the73 persons killedaboard the C a ba na A ir lin es plane,M in isfer Forbes B urnh am sa id that the U.S . was ultimatelyresPOnsible for the , rash...He r evealed that J OSEP H LE O,an FBI agent who is the legal attache in the UnitedStitesEm bassy in Caracas, was involYed with the plane bombing .Leo is also an offiCial of the international police corn

    network, INT ERP OL,' which the Septemb er 1 ; .19 75 i ssue of W o rl d Jew ry ac cused of, harboring,Naziwarcriminals in the Pa st . T he St ate Depa rtment admitted 'thatL eo had helped FREDDY LUGO,one of the ghs anos in-dicted in Venezuela, obtain visa; to enter Puerto Rido:'1973, to cov er a n ews even t for V is io n m aga zineV ision . was pub lis he d in M exico 'unt il 1 974, supp os ed lywith CIA funding. After it was exposed a gusano-naOicdG ARCIA NAVARO pu rc ha se d it a nd mov ed the 6 -pe ritin'-tn-London, NaVaro died list July' of un kn ow n Ciuses ,Jl eha dquite a c riminal backgroun d; including a c onviction forsmugglingmachine-gun s . .in to Morocco. V is ion then : soldmost of its stock to Ultramar corporation, a -front for thefin an cial`ancial interests of Nicaragu an str ongthan General ANA-ST AS IO SO M OZA DEBA YLE. Ultram ar is inv olve d pri -Marilyin shrimp fishing and , boat building; likemost ofSomoza's financial interests, itis run byRODRIGUEZ'FELICE. Felice, a gus an o, was at 'a large rally of Cuban -exiles in Miami in Septerither 1976, shortly before theLetelier m urder,: w here he deman ded an invasion of Cuba.General S AM UE L GENI E, a confirmed fascist and directorof Som oza'ssecret p olice, the OffIcina N ational d e Se cU ridad(ONS), is a .plose friend of the Junta's General LEIGH.,They 'frained together i n Pan am a, at the-U.S.-Army S cho olfor the Americas. U ltramar alio has larg e land ho ldingsCosta Rica, a, center of DINA Operations, where Somozahas joint yentureswithRobert Vex. TheV istd o stock salewas arr ang ed by t he cu rr en t.U .S . A m ba ssado r to Nic ar ag ua ,-J AM ES TH EB ER G E.4"!*

    Theberp has written many articles for the CIA andcontributed fabrications to the CIA's White Book; themajor post-coup propaganda tool attacking Allende, The-.

    bergeworks closely with another C IA ag ent-journalist nam edEUDOCIO RAVINES, who in turn worked closely withE. H OW AR D HU NT , whi le he was Station , Chief in M ex id oC ity in 1952. . R av ines be gan writing a column fo r an othe rChilea n m ag az in e, Se rvicias P erio dis ticos A so ciado s (SEP A),which wa sthe CIA 's ps ychologica l wa rfar e org an, c arryingcod ed messa ge s t o r ight ist gr oups lik e Pa tria y Lip ertad.Amail na med RAPH AEL O TE RO ECH EV ERRIA ed ite d it

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    _ THE FASC IS T CANCER IN CHIL EThe Iunte faCes prolicleath , -by ',DINA .cannot sArdiVetage family in Chile buyAtee-rled. to satisfy minimumf,Mon rate, according Id the JWorld Bank figures' piait at 6:of Chilean households are in extreWon't severernalthitritiOn. Mostobjunemployment figure befween 2C f",000 people more than eight timrP tll end e)0 The o deterioration of the Chilean' econo4 .,ctincentration of .economic power in the cor,whilethe,. state ; concentrates on repression

    i ;neinta ins,'.th e so-called, free ',market econothrecent. Nobel, Prize winner . Milton Friedmuniversity . of Chicago.. This system encourage

    ,vestment protects private property; entouragescc-hile weakening all but the most monopolized seehiiitaencourages foreign capital ;seeks foreign mai-II5WetS tariff barriers;. reducesthecost of labor; anddeva lti ecit s Citr ren cY.'w k1.`T he. , System -is clearly 'failing. The ,fascists, organizing ',amongthe middle classes,' arecriticizing the Juntacenterfor( allowing :the; corporations and particularly AthericanAorporations to freely;. invest. and export capital,; thuspreventing the m id dl e :c la ss:en tk epr enu ers from surviving.PBIORODRIOuE2of,the indigenous Nazi partyP atr ia 4 .Lib er tad, which hasbetome -aCIA paramilitary groupandnow;e "recessed",political party, is arguing for "national


    during the years betweenAllende's election and the coup.

    gfe rco ,-,E r4as sy Pro pag an da M anTo Chilean refugees, Otero is widely known as- an'agent

    (*PINTA. He is-currently the public affairs counsel at, the%kap Embassy in.Washington. Within a. few hoursof the.Ictelier Assassination, Otero .instigated false rumorsand

    lemls:onthe bombing. He invented the story that Letelierand Voffitt .died from a bomb of their own making. Hisrignors came so fast-and so heavy, that it is likely he knewofc tlie assassinationbefore it happened. Although he deniesha,is a CIA agent, he iswidely known to, be one of theAgency's chief contacts fromChile. The FBI has already.questioned him. ,Ina Similar circumstance, on the day that General

    Schneider was killed, Otero wastheperson spreading thesty( that the Rev olution a ry M ov em ent orthe left(MIR)hakilled Schneider. Later, when. JorgeMelgoza was ontrialforthekilling, a synchronized media campaign blathinga non-existent left group -call ed BOC w as engin eer ed by CI A agent MARIO CORNEYRO, editor of LaSe gu nda ,anothernewspaper that received CIA funding before the coup.B Z -sqd es La Se gun da , most of the publicity given to the


    rectification. He stresses that the stateshould emphasizeprograms to solve hunger, unemployment and social disinte-gration even if these policies increase inflation reducing theprofits of .the interests backing theJunta. Rodriguezproposes a pinefascist politicaleconomypromoting aright-wing Chjlean nationalism, less dependent on thedomination of the U.S. He wanks the Chilean state to domi-nate the economy, andnot just the repressive apparatus;andat the core of the state will behisfascist party.The Junta andthe fascists to their rightareequallyconcerned about the anti-Junta trendhi the U.S. sinceCongress -cut, 'off ,military aidin June 1976. The Juntarecently declared they no longer' want U.S. 'assistance;but behind'thescenes the Junta has arranged for certainUS ciompathes to buy recork amounts of copper,. forstrategic stockpiling intheU.S. Theamount is expectedto:,morgthan.compensate for the loss- of U.S. tax dollarsif a id w as cut Off.Buteven this measure may not satisfy those to the rightof the , military:; dictatorship. With dissent rising among thesmall busineiiirien, the fascists are also organizing amongthe middle levelorps, which commands troops,in the military: It is poisible that some of Iheie officerscould break with Pinochet, and move to placate the growingpublic clamor against recent cutbacks and, ay -offs) Ofpublicemployees. Thepossibility ofa coup occuring,tirreplace the militaly 'dictatorshipmodelwith apure fascistpolitical economy is very real. The Letelier assassinationmay be one of several acts by Latin Americanfascism to,break with American capital.. .phantomBOACe,came from Otero over 'Ra diq Biz li na ce da .

    When the ChileanCongress apointed a commission to'.investigate theCIA'S $425,006 "campaign of Terror"! plotto prevent Allende's election, itsfmal report devOted anentire `sectionto OteroAn the early sixties hewas Santiagoeditor of .Cuba's P rens a La tina , but endedup stealing all itsequipmentand records; forwhichhe spent sometime injail. Shortly after his exposure in the Congressional report,' .the. Chilean :Journalism Association expelled Otero Nforspreading false information.In early 1973, MICHAELTOWNLEY; a CIA advisor toPat ria y - Lib er ta d, and five members of a terror squad,attacked the 'Electrical Service Center in Conception,killing tonegtiard. In the next issue of SEPA, Otero blanied heattatkorrittMarxist &ups."

    .Two ,deys6after the March 1 Congressional electioni,Otero: ac,0a!00,:ln a nationwide radio broadcast that votingthe ieflotit,of office was an illusion; then he publitly urgeda bloody,ithessecre. Otero's radio address of March 2 isreprinted in the N112SE P A titled, "In the face ofCom-, tifuni st A estructions, the example of Indonesia,"Hewrote;"The., hylonesialts freed themselves violently from corn-mu nisrni ... willdothe same as the Indonesians did,beginningwith jakarta." Operation Jakarta was the Junta's- bloody operation against the left, executed. by P atri a

    blems today whichtorture andolve: Hunger' stalks Chile. -Thes less 'than half of the, foodookrequirements. The infla-unta is 400 percent,. while0 percent. Sixty percentrne.poverty andsufferingctive economists place0 to25percentoveres the rate undermy is caused byrporatesector,. The Juntapromotedan of theprivatempeti-ctors..kets;

    fi e-

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    Libertadafter the coup.: On July 26, 1973, Allende's friend, bodyguard, andNaval a t tache, Cominan der :ARAY A, was assassinated. The;civil police arrested and obtained confessions from eightMembers of Patria y Libertad. Otero blamed the assassin-l ion on Allende an d MRThe last two issues of SEPA before the September 11,11973 coup are illuminating. Issue hi 133 refers to Plan Alba,which was revealed a year later by Gen. Pinochet in anInterview with Ercrilla magazine as the actual plank for thecoup. The September 10, 1973, and last, issue of SEPAC arries the s tory that the CIA thank ed the director of SEPA' for his cooperat ion over the pa st three yea rs , and for having(faithfully spread all the CIA's rumors. It promised to payfor these services in dollars or'Chilean currency,:Otero wa s arres ted a pproximately 138 t imes for , var iouscrimes in C hi le, and to gain immun ity from prosecution, he'ran for office. He was elected after a 'campaign featuring:posters with one graphican armored fist and the slogan,"Vote Otero:"The ChUrch Committee report, called Covert Action in'Chile, deleted, at the. CIA's request, the names of the,CIA's operat ives in C hi le, but a rel iable sourCe clOse tothe

    .;:committee has identified Otero as a principal recipient ofliA,c,rnoney between ; 1970 and 1973, including a large()aloft), Of the ,$425,000 spent in the attempt to blockllende's electiott -Otero's mist ress is LUCIA PIEDRABUENO., who, underthe pseudonyril PAZ ALLEGRIA produced most of the:>anti-Lete lier propaganda over the past few rears.-Shewas. tWashington, correspondent Tor SEPA..On- June 26, 1973, military, in te l l igence in San tiago reported to. General Prats, then Chief of Staff, that Patric: yLibertad was instigatihg a rebellion at the 2nd Tank RegimentParts of the plan re quired a tank a ssaul t oit the Presidential'Palace On the 27th arrests were made and confessions_obtained from military officers and civilians in Petrie y,Libertad. C IA media outlets , including SEPA, mmedia te lylaunched a cam paign to r idicule General Prats 'and the al le-gation of a planned coup. The next morning, the 2nd Tank.Regiment launched the assault, killing '22 yeople. TheJuly 4,,1973 issue of SEPA claimed that the tank assaultwas a "grotesque show" arranged. by Allende. to gainpublic sympathy.: From Wakhington, Paz Allegria wrote, . "but whit hasmost enraged the- Chilean colony in Washingtoriwas OrlandoLetelier! Making s tupid declarat ions that mak e us look l ikea country of Nazis." After that report,eganfocusing her attacks on Letelier. She currently works forLa Segunda, and a lso writes for the conservative m agazineNational Review. She was the first wife 'of the currentChilean.Ambassador, MANUEL TRUCC Q GNETE.- Truceonce beca me a security t isk when he lost f l ir t' Of inOney, toa Soviet consul in W ashington', and Allogriiof this Vice.Pa z Affegria sits at the crossroads bf tworopa-ganda C ommunities active with DINA support feethe Juntathe knerican Chilean Council' and the private lobbyingeffor t of the Emb assy.:. IV! Aril:

    THE CHILEAN LOBBY The American C hilean C ounci l newslet ter blame d "ul tra-leftists" for Letelier's death. The ACC was organiied inMarch, 1975, in cooperation with its Chilean counterpart,the Consijo Chileno N orteamericano (CCNA). The C CNA isheaded by NENA OSSA, another writer for NationalReview, who has also concentrated over the ye ars on ar t ic les ,against Orlando Letelier. The founding mer..oers include'many from the families of the Junta government minis ters .The ACC is headed by SPRUILLE BRADEN andMARVIN LIEBMAN . .Braden has large financial interes tsin : Latin America going back before World War II. Hereceived awards over the 'years f rom Lat in American govern-

    mentk and right-wing associations including the Order ofLafayette-and the Gold, Medal of theCubans, in Exile. He isa mem ber of Gen, Somaza's country drib in Nicaragua, andis the author of Diplomats and Demagogues: The Mornoiresof Spruille Braden. In 1971 he negotiated the peace treaty'settling . the Chico War between Bolivia and Paraguay.'Marv in L iebman does mos t o f the work a t AC C. He has 'prom9ted r ight-wing causes for years; he once placed an adin the Washington Star urging President Johnson to attack .North Vietnam. Liebm an is associated with the Committeeof One Million Against the Admission of Communist China;to the United Nations;, he American. Committee to AidKatanga Freedom Fighters; YoungAmericans for Freedom;American Afro Asian EdircatiOnal Exchange,-Inc.; AmericanJewish League Against Comm unism'Inc.; Emergency Corn- ' mittee for Chinese Refugees; Committee for the Monroe ' i". Doctrine; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; National .Committee of Correspondenee of the Council. AgainstCO mMunist Agiession; th e Alex .de Tocq ueville Society;andothers. For years, Liebman has been associated with Wil l iamF. Buckley% National Review, which published Paz Allegriaand Nena Ossa. I-He was a member of the U.S. Communist Party from1938 to 1945: Then in 1951; he went to work for .theInternational Rescue Committee, which has had CIA cad-' nections, and soon his extremist .support. of right-wMgand fascist-causes began.The founding me mbers of ' the AC C ire _prominen t r ight-wing journalists authors, intellctuals and educators, 4.including Prof. James D. Atkinson, Mr. Murray Baroni Prof. A.T. Boutharen, Rev. Raymond J. deJaegher, Ralph;de Toledano, Dr. Lev. E. D obriansky, Rona ld F. Docicsai, 'Amb. Everett F. Drumright, Prof.-Joseph Dunner, WalterH.. Judd, David A. Keene, Dr. Anthony Kubeck, EugeneLyons, Myron Mintz, Norbert Muhlen, Stefan T. Possony,'William F. RickenbaCker , Prof. David N. Rowe, SeyinourSiega l, and o ther s . Between them they haveconnec t iOns topractically every international - rightist organization orgovern men t. In Ma y 1976, they' launched a lobb yir ig effor ton Capitol'Hill against andnd Fraser amendments s to cut off all militaryeconomiC . aid to the ' Junta . -knong the lobbyists chosen were MANUEL SANTANA,foreign affairs secretary of the Cuban .exile ytuth move,ment ABDALA, and ano ther gusano, Dr. Nohemi Labradaand members of the Freedom Leadership Foundation.ABDALA has received money from DINA;Members of theCOunterSpi67

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    . U nif ica tion Chur ch of the Rev. Sun MyongMoon, whichis in turn co nnected to th e Korea n CIA (KCI A), now un derhi ve sigationforbribing over 90 .members ofCongest.

    .': On -NoVember 13, 1975, theACA sponsored a rally-againsttheU.N. resolution 'condemning violations ofhiiman rights in Chile. The rally held'at the St. Roccochinch inUnion City, NJ. was titled' "Cuba 'and' ChileAgains t C ommuni sm ." The tw o main sp ea ke rs w ere M ARIO ARNELLO, t he Junt 'a 's Am ba ssad or to th e Thi rd Corn :. Mitteeof the United Nations, afounder of the Chilean*Gist party, and a world-famous right-wing, personality;an d one of th e NOV o, b roth ers , -a llege d by som e to be them nr der ei of Let elier.. : ' . Th e final stra nd of th is in tricate web of hate and m ur de"the:direct lobbyingeffort of the Chilean Embassy hi-Itishington. Besides, the work of Arnbaisador Trucco andOtero,. the former military attache, General ENRIQUEM OREL,- was the Chi ef pe rso n in cha rge of i ntelligen ce an d' prOpagarid a.' M or el 's ne tworksircu late dpr opag and a, i nclu ding let tera 'written by :Rep LairyMcDonaldto AXEL SPRINGER,'pu blis her of Spr inge r n ew spa pers in W est G erm any ,I_OS E.P H JOSTEN; . Directorof F :CI: News' Agency, in London, VALD ER M ERS KOR ST S, P res iden tof the L at vian Fed era -don fir Chicagi, and RAL PH DE TOLED AN O, of C opl ey New s, ana ti on ally syn dic ated rig ht-W ing col um nist : W hileth ey all h ave dub ious ba ckgr oun ds, it is . Axe l Sp rin ger whoraisesth e most miestions. The ChurchCommitteereportsthat the CIA financ ed a m aj or . Eur ope an publ ishi ng: hous e;it is widelysuspected, but not proved, that this publishinghouse w as Sp ri ng er' s. -" - '. M orel 's n etw or k al so fed pro -J unt anropa ganropagan da[ to N EIL' SALONof Rev. Moon's Rising Tide;..VICI TO R .L ASK Y ,

    ano the rsy ndicate d journa list who pro duc ed pr op aga nda for th e AC C; FO RTELL V ILA, hea d of the Am eri can Sec urit yCoun cil ; PH IL CLA RKE of that or gan ization; M ACHAEL PADEVof Pulliam Press; and Pa z Alleg ria ofLa Seg und a,M orel 's ai des al so .lob bied w ith con tacts in ." Cori serv i-, riv e, anti-C om m unist , p atr io tic gro ups on a per son to per son basis" includingtheAmerican Security Council; Ac-

    ,:curacy in Media, the National Confereration ''of EthnicGroups, theMcDowellLuncheon, Club, thetRepublicanHeritage (Nationalities) Group Council, the United StateiCitiP tn % Congre ss , t he Free dO m Leade rsh ip Fou ndat ion,the- Am er ican' C oalitio n of Patriotic So cieties, the HeritageFou nda tion, th eOrd er Of L afayette, a nd ot he rs; a ll o f thesegrou ps s upp ort the Junt a.M ore l's re pla cem ent at th e Em ba ss y is Brig . A. . FLOODY w ho carr ies O n- the sam ework and w as also responsible for the whisper campaign after, Letelier'sas sa ssin atio n. F loody , was director of the !Esq uela M ailer,the military ' academy in Santiago, before the coup: In

    Ottober, 1974, Pinochet admitted that the plans for the'coupwere disguised for the lower ranks in the militaryund er the nam e " Plan fo rIn tern al Se cur ity and Reo rg an iza-tio n of th eArm y" an d wer e prep are dat - th eE squ elaM ilitar. Pinochet k)ssed Floody at the last class graduationandrewa rde d hi m fo r hi s ef forts.Floody m ov ed to th eLa Riena district o f Sa ntiago, whe reDIN A m ainta in s its tor ture hea dqu art ers, the Vill a Grim aldi,

    and ran for mayor. He - once scheduled a PTA Meeting,sending out flyers announcingthat those'Who . did notattend would be arrested. Immediately, after the coup hewas put in' charge , of operations in the southof Chile,primarily to find the leader of the Socialist Par ty, Alta-mirano, who had escaped. With 3000 men, he closed thebord er to . Argen tin aan d began a M as sro und-up of t hose who hid fled from the cities during the coup, turning allfo reign na tionals he f ound ov er to th e Arg entine a ut horities .

    FOREIGN AGENCIESSH OULDGO HOM EOnl y a;ewdays before the boMbing in Washington, 'Congress gave the authority to the Church Committee toinvestigate activities of organizations suchas DINA. Con-gress is the only official body of the U.S. governmentca pab le of. conducting such an investigation since theJustice,,Denartinent is dragging its feet. Such an inquiryshoUld not ba limited, toDINA.Activities of otherLatin

    American ;secret police operationa in the U.S shouldalsobe ex am ined : th e 'B ra zi lian D OPS an d SNI, th e Argen tineSIDE, and Venezuelan DISIP, as well as the, services ofBolivia, Par agua y an d Urug uay whi ch al so co ndu ct e spionag etheCongres s should -invest iga te the non -L atin se cr et polic eorg ani zatio ns 'to o: die Cana dian RCM P, Bri tis h SIS , G er-many's BND and BKA, , Indian RAW, Iranian SAVAIC,:Ta iwa n's KMT, a ndS outIvAfr ica's BO SS . Th ey all m ain tainexte nsi ve- ne tw orIc sst ateside, har ass exilesan d st ude nts in this country;and saboiage progressive efforts to opposepolitical repression in the ft' countries. But will Congressinvestigate? i ,

    Cinrently, over 90 members of Congress are suspeetedfor taking i bribes from the Korean Central IntelligenceAge ncy : (K CIA ).'H ave th ey taken bribes from ot her secr etpo lice o rgan iza tiona ?W e can not rea sona bly exp ect a gr and jur y to in ve stigatethis matter either. Grand juries are used today to gatherintelligence on the American left, not to protect FirstAmends** rights. Can weexpect anything better from aSp ecial: Pr od ec utor eith er? , O th er tha n oc cas io na l ex pos es in the m edia , the cov erupwill, probably obscure the connectionruf the CIA andDINA, unless: public pressure forces the government...todo otherwise..And w hat of th e FBI? All of t he cas t of ch ara cters from DINA and the gusa nos were well 'mown. The . FBI oncestop pe d DIN A fr om m urde ring a C hile an- exile at the New,York City. TheSwiss police stopped a similarMur der attem pt : intheir country.The precedentis estab-lished..Is it ,:pcIssiblethe' FBI couldhave prevented them ur der sof Letelier and M offitt? W hy did n't t hey?But the que stion to ans wer isn ot on ly who killed Le telierand Watt:'R iat is cr uci al. But a nar ro w inv es tigation th atonly,,,firosd hl ain e on thos e wh o co nd ucted th e 'assassinationat best, onlyfind justice for the individuals, Letelierand We must ask the broader questions: who 'istryingo eoy Cuba, th e C hilean Resi stanc e, a nd thei rsupponhe fixing of the broader blame will findjusticn, nthe . ca use served by Orlando Letelier andRol*urnMoffitt.68Co unt erS py 1 .

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    The O rganization ofTor ture and MurderPolice quickly herded the blindfolded prisoners 'out ofthe refrigerated trucks and into the garage at 42 LondresStreet. The trucks had been used to transport fish, but theprisoners did not seem to mind the smell. Another scentoverwhelmed al l Others; this was the odor of fear an d death.Most prisoners would s tay on ly a few day s in this housebefore officials would transfer them to another detentioncenter, but a few days would seem an eternity and, forsome prisoners , i t would indeed b e a l i fet ime. The San tiagocenter has different names. Some call it the "liughingPalace" in morbid irony. To most Chileanilt earned itsname from the even ing cries , whiCh can be I thafd froli t thethird floor the House of Terror .After searching the prisoners, authoritiea tit them totheir chairs, and in the long hours that folfow, deny themfood and on ly occasional ly al low them fluids: Periodical lythey are carried to the third floor; where obviously. disturbed 'and uneducated men question them. The interrogators areaggressive,- especial ly a gainst intel lectuals of ficople ' whoshow they have an education. Their leader is a tall man,about 35 years old, who speaks with an Argentine accent.Tli0 bthei men cal l him "Che .Midst of the prisoners are beaten; a feiv are s trippednaked a nd doused wi th wate r . "Che" a sks Whether the 'wetprisoners- area cold. Just recovering from electric 'shockapplied to their genitals; some of them nod "yes.", "Che"grinds his burning cigaret te out on theifarnia. :, ,The house at 42 Londres' Street belong?'td' DINA;' theChilean sestapo. This house is only one of irlanY) torturecen te r s main ta ined b y the C hil ean Jun ta .,

    Chilean 'police and intelligence services existed beforethe coup, but the Junta ha s since b ui l t up the overal l s t ruc-'titre :to better serve its particular interests.' Six- :agencieswork for the Junta today: National Intelligence DireetiOn(DINA); Military Intelligence Service (SIM);'NaVY 'Intelligence Service (SIN); Air Force-Intelligence Serviee'(SIFA);Carabineros Intelligence Service, (SICA);. and fmallf theBureau of Inv estigations, which is the Chilean Frif:1 0

    On June 14, 1974, Pinochet created one of 'the 'Mostbrutal secret police services in the world. l i t influene e :andpower w ould' soon surpass the C hi lean m ilite4Ean 1 policeunits. It is the Direction de Inteligenciat,Nagionid,'iheNational In te l l igence Direct ion or DINA.' ;-Without DINA, there would be no JuntaMon-ster which represents , the C hi lean gove nimefi? aibi l ifithe '-world by b rutal ly crushing the left in Chik Ifiel lfoNleuwhOresist the Junta from' afar; terrorizing Chilean gi eis In 'Europe, Central American and North Amend.ththe Junta in extreme right-wing cithles through'.rld.DINA was created by/ Decree NO. 521lf onJune 14, 1974. But DINA had actually 'b -since December, 1973, as 'a arm of Phioin it

    reports direct ly.According to the decree, DINA has three functions: tocoordinate Air Force Inte lligence (SIFA); to carry out Pittn-

    chet's directions according to the State of Siege laws and togather all information necessary for the security of thestate. Another article in the decree states that DI:.A wascreated so that "the Supreme Government may have tgeimmediate and permanent cooperation of a 'specializittorganization which provides it, in a systematic way, withthe proper ly processed information re quired to adequate i tresolutions in the field of national security and develO151ment." Another article states that, "it may request reporiior any information which it deems necessary, from enter':prises and services, requests which will not be limited bynorms establishing secrecy or discretion about certain':matters." -'Since DINA's formation, it has used several privatehouses such as. 42 Londres Street, as communication andtorture centers.Although DINA is subordinate to the SENDET (Secre-taria Eiecutiva National De Detenidos) which is responsible'for all detention centers, it. maintains its own detentioncenters among 'the' 60 to 100 torture chambers in Chile:DINA is divided into 'three functional departments:'information, , intelligence and counterintelligence, andoperations.The Department of Information has trusted informants'and information sources in almost all areas of civilian lifeincluding political, economic, social, legislative, an d educii=tional and including un ver sities, professions,..and sciences.'The Depar tment of Intel l igence and Counter intel l igence-has the primarY.function,of gathering an d processing infor-,mation on interna t ional espionage directed against theJunth; it also carries out the interrogation of prisoners from'the leftist Popular Unity parties and MIR (Movement of

    the RevO lutionary Left .The Office of .Operations is responsible foi covertactions, interrogations; assassinations; espionage, etc.,DINA also em ploys at least three m ajor statistical groupijThey are conn ected to the Information Processing C ente r i f11 Belgrade Street:The Center is equipped with 'computer, ,terminals and specialized personnel 'drawn from the EmilreiiiNacional de Computatiori (ECOM ). Shortly after DINA w as' ' ,formed,-a private phone system was established betweeiiDINA centers and the Diego Portales where the Juntais housed:At DINA's top is the Chief Board, dnected by COlOnifMANUEL' CONTRERAS SEPULVEDA, formerly Coin-mender of , the Military Engineers Regiment at Tejas"Verdes, and his 'deputy, Colonel GALLEGUILLOS. TheChief Board of DINA 'holds a position of high privilege M -the decisions of the Junto. It is especially influential in the decision to continue the present economic policies; to expel.the 'Ca tholic investigators from the country; to preyen t the;U.N. front' investigating human rights in the country; torel ieve important generals an d colonels; and to give C hilear iterritory to Bolivia' for a passage to the sea. But in at leastone decision DINA was overridden. This was the decision torecess tather'Ihari 'outlaw th e Christian 'Democratic fraity,All pai t ies 'Of the left haVebeenoutlawed, while the par t ici

    .CounterSpy" 6

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    or the right includingthe Christian Democrats have justbee n rec essed. ..The operations department mountedautonomousbri-gades in alm ost all Sa ntiago distric ts, which even tau

    llyto territorial jealousy., To overcome thisproblein,'DINAcon so lid ated the brigad es into t he In ter rogat ion an d Arr es tsBrigad e (B IA ) d irected by "C olo ne l M ARCEL LO M O RE N,known as "TheBear." Itsoperations center isthe Villa...G ri mald i, wel l-kn ow n as one of DINA 's torture ce nte rs. ItR erf ormsfunct ion s,f oL, DINArinSantiago. and possibly

    ethercities. The informationobtained is first checkedbythe B IAan d th en pro cessed by the Infor matio nProce ssing,enter . The B IAdep loys sev eral t eams speci fically against each outla we d par ty: in ,Sa nt iago. T he BIA als O directs 'the ac tiv iti es of t heCar abin eros which are div ided between tho cvho- guard and tra nsport priso neri, and thO se who"-Only

    guard the Villa. The teams are divided into several opri-lionsquads, that' work out of private homes, which, weresince the residences of prominen t l eftists who are nowde adorinexile.'DINAmainly recru its so ldiers and membe rs ofPa,triayLibertad, the su rviv ing fasc ist pe rty now re ce sse d: Its pe r-so nnel; however ; a re most ly -civilian. , W ALTER RO UC H,' the ex-Nazi w ho in ve nted the techn iq ue for the SS of k ill ing pr iso ner s with ex ha us t fumes p um ped in to t he tr uck s whic hwere ,ta ki ng, them to be bu rn ed , is atop advisor to DINA.';Susp ec ted CIA journ ali st, RO BE RT M O SS , r ep orted inM. M ercu rio .th e maj orSa ntiago newsp aper tha t rece ivedCIA fund in g before the co up , that DINA has ap pr oxiniate lyzoopoo ag en ts and, p aid inform er s. O ne out of eve ry 500Ch ile an s is co nn ec ted to DINA in some way . In the mili tar y,the pr opo rt ion is rep or ted to be on e in 15: DIN A in for mant sinf iltrate all offici al ser vic es ,cinem as , taxi s, c ollect ive trans -por t vehic les , bars and hO tels . "

    TheBrazilian Departinent of Social and'Publie Order(DOPS) and Argentina'sSIDE lAnny Department of In-fer nal Se cu rity) adv ise DINA. Both age nc ies ar e belie ve d tohave been. active in the cou p. Aftei the coup ,M any fore ignnationalsinChile were turned, over to their respectiVeco un tr y's sec re t polic e.DIN A agents travel in C hevrolet pick-ups, M in i Austin ,'Plat 125s, Peugot sedans, MGs and other cars and (rucks.They have every.modern.odemtechnological convenience, long. distance microphones, micro -cameras, rad io detec tor s, andother dev ices. Its age nt s! f av ori te wea po ns ar e Soviet -made AK-47s , I sraeli UZ I sub -mach ine guns, S IG ri fles , S tey r andC O lt pistols , (take nfromguns so ld from Amer ica ns to, the Car abineros )and hand-g ren adeS .' " Since DINA beg an, it has en ga ge d in five wa ve s of ar re stsand assa ssinations; each wavewa s directed, ag ainst apar ifeulai political gr oup or groups, andresulted in dea ths ' or ca pture of its top lead er s. T he ar re st w av es ri se abr Uptlyin ' t hefir st 60 day s of e ac h operat ion , c ulm ihatingwi th the eaptur e of t he lea der s. Act ivi ty dro ps off for sev era l m on thsbefore the next wa vebe gins. The first wa vestr uc k the Corn-MunistParty andMIR(Movement of theRevolutionaryLeft),, the mos t organized ..p ost-coup resistance group. Forfive months DINAarrestedove r 2,000 pers ons accu se d 'ofassociatingwith' M IR at least 370 disappea red without atrace afte r interr ogation and torture .' T his wave cu lm inated _ C ounterSpy

    in, October; 1974 with the shootout death of MIR leaderM igue l E nr iq ue.-he latest wa ve of ar res ts ' and assa ss inations, di sap pea r-ances andtortu re began in April, 1976 and culm in ated in M ay,se ver al day s afte r th e M ay 7vi sit of T re asury . Sec reta ryWilliam Simon. FortY-sevenpersons, out of the 130ar res ted , d isa ppe ar ed . During th is per iod the Jun ta t ried toimpro ve its im ag e by re leasin g 305 prisone rs in co njunc tionwi th the Simon vis it andthe June visit of Se cre tary o f S tateK issinge r, biit an eq tral n um ber of p eople wer earrestedandexile d hnniediately'afterthese visits. Someofthose whowe re ar res ted later we re am on g thos e re leased 'b ef ore th e vi sit 'R ece nt ,D IN A oper atio ns appea r to be again st le ft -leani ngCatholic clergy,' in operationa similar to Plan Banzer inEchador. (See . Plan Mercurio in this issue). In AuguitDINA'O riani ze d a de mons tra tion aga ins t thre e progre ssiv e

    -Chilean bishops who hadbeenexpelled:from a churchmee tin g :in Ecua dor: But unfOrtunatelyfor. DINA the;-t bish ops rec ognized sev eral D IN Aag ents; they W ere ex Com -

    municated. Therevelationled to public outrageand eventhe ultr ac ons er Vative andCIA-lin ked ,E 1 Mercurio hadtorequest a nin vest iga tion. The C atholic Church, through itsViCariate of Solidarity,recently protested the "public-ala rm " cau se d by t he situat ion of missing pe rsons . T he pr o-test- took the formof a lega l b rief t o the Chilean courts; theSupre me C ou rt too k no act ion and DIN A pick ed pp th re elawyer a w ho H elp ed the group prep ar e the bri ef:brie is tillja il.17*'wereexpe lledfrom Chile.The - only othe r time anyone insid eC hile has denoun cedDINA was this yearwhen IsolinaRamirezfiled papers inthe court of appeals,charging DINA with illegal arrest,tor ture;brea kin g an d ent eri ng,ca using se rious inj ury andothe ras after DIN A ar res ted he r hus ba nd MariOreveryone in their home at the time, everyone whoappeared atthedoor, andtheoccupants of a relative'shome. Even Enrique Alvear, auxilaryBishop of Santiagowas 'heldfor 'threehours whenhe took medicinetoaprisoner: So far, the accusation has been ignored. But,ISO lin a R an iir ez' s digni fi ed res o lv ehas made a stir in Pino -chefs reign of tenor.SIMThe .M ilitary Inte llige nce 'Ser vice (SIM ) which was them ost `deve lop ed"a gency be fore the coup, ac tiv ely . prep ared'pl an s fd ith e Jun ta . SI M pa rt icipate d in the att em pted-co up

    of June 29; e1973. I t is believed to have been aborted be-caus e of c om m un icatio n 'difficulties betweentheU.S. Dv-' fence If itell lg erice Agen cy agents workin gou t of the Em bassy asdefenSe:ittiches with the Chilean militaryintelligence,and.the 'C IA'W ho work with th e fasc is t param il itar yPatria .y Lilierta l fitty, W hich part ici patedin the co up ex er cise.

    It ir ill io d iy gfollo win g t he su cc ess ful CI A ass isted cou p ofSe tife ftibel li 1973,SIMconcentrated on' .arresting highgoveh iM er it o ffic ials, left'party mem be rs and su ppor ter s. I nmid-144 ': SIM sw itch ed its focus to work ins ide. the Armyto fifiir?dVbit'ernal protests. Becauseofthe current eco- .nom ic situ ation which affects many junior officer s, SIM isan internal role. Early in the Junta's reign,-SDiFiken ri* W ine un ifo rm s a nd dr ov e m ilitar y ca rs , bu t l ate r

  • 7/28/2019 CIA, DINA, and the murder of Orlando Letelier (CounterSpy vol.3 n2, December 1976).


    Inies tig atiO ns, o r c iv ileca m eth efif th : bran ch the, Armed. F orc es W hen it w as p lace d underth e M in ist ry of N at ion al D ef en se, du ring th e firs t an ni ver sa ryO f th e cou p . S ince th e d ay o f th e cou p , h u nd re d s o f d e tectivei' accus ed of sympathizing with theAl lende goirein-Merit, w ere eipelled from the bureau andreplaced with nder the'p retense of "fighting del inqu e r Y e y allie d to e xf remisih;' the B u rea u h aS coop era te d w ith th enisi lita rY ' an d ,C a iab ine ros in thear res t o f tho us ands 'O fwork ers in the popula r Sant iagoneigh b orh ood s, and o th e r ,im po rta nt co mmuni ties: ' NOHad of theBurea isetired G ener al E R N E STO BAE 2A MIC HAELSOisl; former chief of SIM .sone of thecre ato rs of th ere p res siv e C h ile an apparatu s; and is am em be i of th e Ju n ta 's H ig h C om m and Board ., In the W in te r 1975- 76is sue of. D ru g E nfo rcem ent; th eofficial organ of the U.S . DrugEnforcem ent Agency,Gene ra laez a revea led so m eth ing of thestru ctur e of ,the Inves tigatio ns BU re ari. M ost of its w ork is now in su p pres s ingnarc otic; tra ffic , w hi ch a lso pro vides a conveni ent excu se for anti-gueri lla actio ns. ' TheCent ra lO ffic e had its nam ech an ged on July 11, 1975to D epartm en t de N arcotic ,6; ybro ga s P el igro sa s (D epartm ent of N arc oticsancfD angerog sDrugs) w h ich sup erv ise s various N aM ot ics Brigad es , th e firs tof whichWas createdin the north at Antofagasta . OpeEa-' lio ns are la rge ly in the A nto fagast a and Valp ara is o re gi ons. The DEA,,which adnitsit works closelywiththe CIA

    abroad, ind which his many forM er. CIA personne l among ,ita agent s, consider s its, oper atio ns in Chile w ith G ene ra l.Ba eza 's Men to be, its most success fu l. The DEA not Onlytra ins many of B eeza 'senin W ashingto n, D .C . a t 'theIn ter nationa lD rug Enfo rc em ent Train ing Sc hool , but:lso 'par tic ip ates in the roundups. T he tra in ing schoo is lo ca te d s, 'Georgetown. PEAspenkorr, $2 millio n a year to train,n arc otic s O ffic e rssw itched to p la in clo thes and unm arked cars .S in ce th e coup , S IM h as b een d irect ed consecu ti ve ly b y ge neral s A U G U ST O LU T Z (1 973), JU LIO PO I.LO N I'(1 974)and ADLA NIER M ENASALI NAS (19 75 ).In Septem ber, 1974, t heB erke ley B arb re porte d an' u n-confirmedStory attributed to aBa y Area 'p rofessor whota lked with a former U .S . s oldier w ho claimed to ha ve partic ipated in in American task force 'active duringthecoup as an assault tea mon th e M onedath e pre sid entia lPala ce. AccO rd ingto the repo rt, the task forceemplo yed234 Sp e cia l F orc es (G re en Bere ts) , 14 Arm y Rogers;and34 CIA Agen tswhohad beentra inedat Fo rt Ord' andF ort G u lic k in th e Panan ia C anal Zone .S p eci a l F orc es m ay sti ll b e op era tin g W ith -the SIMin Chi le . Rep. M ichael J. Har rington (DM us) prepar ed aHouse re so lu tiO n , and E d W ard kenned y h as p u t in a iiiiip iryabout the re port ed d eath o f an Am eric an in 'ch ile inth e fa llOf 1 97 4: A North American caught torturing found witha SIM identification card The ca rd was is sued' to CHARLES STARLOY But efforts have'failed I" dislodge much informatori from the Pen tagon on titioy oroth er Sp ec ia l F o re es a ctio ns in C h ile . S IM co ntinues `jt,O beassis ted b y th eU .S . m ili ta ry a ttac hes in Santiag d . offi ce rs and a irm en w ho took a const itu tional is t st and. I nth e lite '1974 , its op era tions concen tr a te d on le fti s tp a rti es ,'es pecially MIR . The Commander of SIFA, EDGARCE BAL LOS, is sai d to have deve lop ed a p ro fe ssio nal je alo usy w ith th e o ther serv ice s. S IF A w ork s clo se ly w ith th e U .S . A ir A tt ach es.'-T h e C arabinero iIn te ll ig e nce S erv ice (S IC A ) is a re cen tcre ation : It was preceded b y th e C iv il C om m is sio n of O da-tb iner O s, sim ila r' to pol ice detect ives. This early grOUpworked clo se ly' w ith the Spec ia l Ser

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