
Development Team StructureOur Production Team

Problems Back-ups. The only thing for your protection;

creating one thing, you can make a mess somewhere else;

yet we know we can make a minor change in 5 min - we have a lot

of them;

you can’t even imagine how many bugs you’ll meet during the

last testing before deadline;

where is our time?!;

while you don’t have rules - your client gives them to you;

panic during deadline/deploy;

Continuous Integration WorkflowCI - is the practice, in software engineering, of merging all developer working copies to a shared mainline several times a day.

What it gives to you:

- better developing processes;

- smooth deploy process;

- deploy is possible every day.

Continuous Integration Workflow

Step 1. Code Driven Development

Step 2. Understanding of how it works





Be lazy

Be productive

The big picture

Step 1Goodbye old friends!

Step 2Start working with Console, Learn SSH

Step 3Learn how to move sites between servers…

1. rsync -avh -e 'ssh -p [port]' [ssh_user]@[server_name]:/path/to/drupal/ ./

2. nano sites/default/settings.php

3. drush sql-drop

4. gunzip < sites/../../../dump_name.mysql.gz | drush sql-cli

Learn how to automate server provisioning

Step 4

Step 5Learn about Vagrant

Step 6Start working locally



Apache 2.4.x (or Nginx 1.x),

PHP 5.6.x, MySQL 5.5.x, Drush,

Drupal 6.x, 7.x, or 8.x.x.

Other cool stuff:

Varnish 4.x, Apache Solr 4.10.x,

Node.js 0.12,

Selenium, Ruby


XHProf, XDebug, Adminer,

Pimp my Log, MailHog

Step 7Start using Git and Bitbucket

+ pull requests

+ manual Code review

Step 8Code driven development

- features

- strongarm

- hook_update_N()

Step 9: STAGE + PROD environment

Step 10: Deploy Continuously1. cd /path/to/docroot

2. drush vset maintenance_mode 1

3. drush bb

4. git pull

5. drush rr

6. drush updb -y

7. drush cc all

8. drush vset maintenance_mode 0

Step 11

1. Check if "$HOSTNAME" == "$CURRENT_HOSTNAME" (run it only on DEV)

2. cp local.settings.php settings.php

3. rsync -avh --delete -e "$SSH_OPT"



4. drush sql-drop -y

5. BASE_DUMP=$(ls -t $PATH_TO_BM_MANUAL/*.mysql.gz | head -1)

6. gunzip < $BASE_DUMP | drush sql-cli

First DEV-STAGE sync script

Step 12

1. Check if "$HOSTNAME" == "$CURRENT_HOSTNAME" (run it only on STAGE)

2. rsync -avh --delete -e "$SSH_OPT"



3. drush sql-drop -y

4. BASE_DUMP=$(ls -t $PATH_TO_BM_MANUAL/*.mysql.gz | head -1)

5. gunzip < $BASE_DUMP | drush sql-cli

First STAGE-PROD sync script

Let's count2 projects at a time

2 servers (STAGE and PROD) on each project to deploy

9 commands to deploy (1 ssh + 8 deploy)

2 * 2 * 9 = 36

Manual actions / day (minimum)

And be sure to don’t mess up anything!

Step 13

Step 14Scripts improvements

- Move Drupal files to docroot

- Create

- Move all settings to

Testing environment

How to create testing environment?1. Pull files from Bitbucket

2. Get Database dump from STAGE-server

3. Restore database from dump

4. Install Stage File Proxy module (or rsync

files folder)

5. Send link somewhere

6. Profit!

The Idea!

Step NCreate script to create testing environments

How it works?1. Jenkins checks Bitbucket repo (by schedule)

2. Jenkins merges branches when there is pull request

3. Jenkins runs BASH script after branches are merged

4. BASH:

- Create folder

- Copy merged files

- Copy base dump from STAGE-server

- Create database and restore dump

- Install Stage File Proxy module

- Post comment on Bitbucket with the link to created site

5. Profit!

Links to the source code:

Local environment (based on Drupal VM):

Tool to create testing environment:

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