

Long Survey

Corporate Services GIS Maintenance and Enhancements [$44,100]

Website / Online Services [$27,300]

Security Cameras [$19,750]

Secondary Site and Data Replication [$11,500]

Communication infrastructure Renewal [$15,780]

Multifunction Devices and Printers [$50,650]

Door Access Controls [$11,070]

Server Upgrade (Virtualization) [$26,250]

Mapping: Data Collection and Verification [$17,960]

Stanton Territorial Hospital Equipment Relocation [$50,000]

Budget Management [$133,820]

Network Renewal and Expansion [$43,500]

Server and Storage Renewal and Expansion [$48,400]

Class / Active Net Software Replacement [$147,180]

Corporate Services & Risk Management [$16,100]

Radio Communications Technologist [$64,800]

Public Safety Wildland Fire Mitigation [$125,000]

Downtown RCMP Unit [$709,000]

Homelessness Employment Program [$50,000]

Vital Signs Document [$20,000]

Yellowknife Day Shelter – Increase in funding [$50,000]

Radar Equipment Replacement [$5,000]

Paving & Foundation Repairs [$30,000]

Bunker Gear [$20,000]

Portable Radios [$132,000]

Fire Safety Helmets [$12,000]

Automatic External Defibrillators (AED’s) [$105,000]

Fire Hall Emergency Generator [$100,000]

Emergency Dispatchers [$136,700]

Community Services Yellowknife Rotary Park Boardwalk [$20,000]

Mountain Bike Trail [$20,000]

Grant Funding Budget Increase [$50,000]

Trained Summer Day Camp Worker [$25,000]

Accessibility Audit for City Facilities [$55,000]

New Public Library Study [$50,000]

Somba K’e Park Public Water Fountain [$10,500]

Climbing Wall at the Fieldhouse [$232,050]

Market Garden Demonstration [$25,000]

Lakeview Cemetery Expansion [$207,000]

Tennis Courts Resurfacing [$57,000]

McMahon Frame Lake Trail Resurfacing [$50,000]

Rental Equipment [$43,000]

Re-siding of exterior walls at Ruth Inch Memorial Pool [$230,000]

Increase in Yellowknife Public Library Operational Budget [$10,000]

Public Works and Engineering Biomass Boiler Projects [$1,075,000]

Heat Pipe from Pumphouse #1 to the Water Treatment Plant [$150,000]

Solar Panels [$110,000]

Community Outreach [$20,000]

Interior LED Lighting [$110,000]

Air Source Heat Pumps [$12,000]

Traffic Light Installation at 44 Street & Franklin Avenue [$500,000]

School Draw Parking Lot Improvements [$265,000]

McMeekan Causeway Stabilization [$450,000]

Pump House #4 Right-Hand Only Exit [$50,000]

Fleet Management [$1,089,230]

Annual Road Paving and Rehabilitation [$2,950,000]

Annual Water and Sewer Infrastructure Replacement [$2,880,000]

Centralized Composting Program [$700,000]

Waste Audit and Long Term Planning Study [$75,000]

Sustainability Projects Coordinator [$100,000]

Traffic Lights Video Detection [$80,000]

Intersection Widening & Traffic Light Installation – Finlayson Drive and Kam Lake Road [$500,000]

Water Source Selection Study [$75,000]

Lagoon Phosphorus Study [$50,000]

Water & Sewer Administrative Assistant [$85,000]

Planning and Development 50th Street Revitalization [$1,900,000]

McMeekan Causeway Waterfront Improvements [$1,400,000]

Downtown Development Reserve [$50,500]

What is your preference to allocate downtown parking meter revenue into the Downtown Development Reserve?

Communications and Economic Development To Establish a Destination Marketing Organization [$70,000]

Population Demographics Consultant [$15,000]

Citizen's Survey [$35,000]

Administration Whistleblower Reporting System [$11,000]

Truth & Reconciliation Training for Staff [$30,000]

Operational Review [$75,000]

Administrative Assistant [$42,300]

Federally Funded Capital Projects Transit Upgrades [$53,333]

Water and Sewer Replacement [$3,025,000]

Pipe Replacement at Lift Station 5 [$65,265]

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System Upgrades [$125,000]

Tell us about yourself Are you a resident of Yellowknife?



Do you have any comments or feedback on the Budget items listed under the Corporate Services Department?

A lot of money is earmarked for IT projects. I wonder if you could commission a study to determine if it's required or something... How many YK citizens have actually downloaded and use the app PingStreet? The stores clean up can be stretched to every three years, if possible.

Don't spend money unless you have to; wants vs needs is an important consideration in a community with this many social problems.

Is City Explorer used by residents/businesses?

Many of these items seem more like "nice to haves" rather than "necessary right now"

Perhaps investing in a better tracking system for the transit. Serioulsy- having your buss drivers hand mark each passenger is a joke and causes delays. On countless times buss drivers miss lights due to tracking who is who abs how they paid. Such a joke.

Seems like a lot of money spent on technologies to improve back end office operations. I'd like to see better use of monies to expand tourist information, manicured parking areas with clear signage. How about investing more in the hospitality industry and small business.

Some of the costs here seem astronomical. 50thousand for printer maintenance? 20 thousand for security cameras? Are those new ones or ongoing maintenance? And although I can see how some of these items are important, I felt the planning and development projects and the public works-renewable energy projects were more important long term. Some items also seem duplicated - server upgrade AND server renewal. Which is it? I don't don't feel there's enough information here or in the budget for me to support some of these when there are bigger priorities than IT.

Stop buying new equipment at the public works area Havnt seen a city with all new gear especially when you don't drive anywhere. Also it's cheaper to sub all that work out than do it in house the city of Edmonton has contracted snow removal out also to save money plié the roads to the curb stop paying guys for driving around town burning diesel playing in equipment all other towns plié to the curb when it snows the amount of OT and cost that reflect that is way over what the city should pay this town didn't have enough snow to warrant that changing just that process will solve a lot of capital issues.

The move of the hospital equipment should not be done until the new hospital is ready in

2019(I think)

The radio equipment can stay in the old hospital. Training a single communications technologist puts us at greater risk than a renewed contract.

There is no way that budget software should cost over $100,000.00. The budget is not that big or complicated. I am confused about relocating the hospital equipment. I thought all of the calls were being routed to the Fire department. Why is there a need for existing IT systems to be moved to Stanton? And if there is a need - why in the world is it not being borne by the GNWT? Security cameras are a great idea. There should be an enhanced program for downtown Yellowknife that will support and enhance the police work downtown. Here is a portion of an article I read about this type of thing going on in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: Charlottetown police say the 30 video cameras installed outside city businesses as part of the E–watch program are helping to prevent crime and provide information for investigations — and the program will continue to expand. Local businesses buy the cameras for $5,000 and police have access to them in the event of a crime. Det. Sgt. Brad McConnell says he believes the cameras have already helped with crime prevention, although it's too early to provide concrete data. I am a little confused as to why the administration and council aren't more pro-active on these types of issues and searching for solutions such as this when the number one priority for Yellowknife residents is cleaning up the downtown and dealing with the homeless issue. With respect to the rest of these items they all seem very frivolous. I don't understand how your registration software for facilities will cost 150 grand. I went onto this website and looked at your current system and I can't believe what I am seeing. You have all of this software to show what times facilities are available but you then have to call or go in-person to a booking clerk to actually book the facility? Seriously? And you guys have been using this since 2003? I assume that if you get this software that you be phasing out the job of "booking clerk"? Because those two things are redundant. Also - can you please explain to me why the rinks and the fieldhouse have "managers" - that are likely paid upwards of 100 grand a year? How in the world can you justify someone sitting around all day and "managing a facility" that isn't being used during the day - and not being there on weekends? And they aren't even in charge of doing any bookings? I think that council and administration should be taking a hard look at our recreation costs with the amount of waste that is right there with managers for each facility and a booking clerk and likely an overstaffed rec department. Also - why in the world does the city need a radio communications technologist - I read that "learn more" and I

am confused - you got a brand new radio system in 2015 and you need to hire someone to support it? For the people who drive around in trucks? Have you heard of cell phones? Honestly - what world are you folks living in? I'm pretty sure you could get some CB radios for much cheaper than that. it's not like communications need to be "secret". Sounds like you guys went for a Cadillac model when you could have easily picked something up that worked in the 70's perfectly fine. Also - hiding likely a patronage hire in the corporate services & risk management under the guise of needing someone to paint the City Stores building and help organize? I bet I could go there tomorrow and find some guy kicking back. Give me a break. Get the full-time worker to work. He's likely overpaid anyways like most of the city staff.

These are all nice to have items not need to have. The City continues to spend beyond its means. More cost control is neded.

This can be cut back - dont need the cadillac.


We need a better dog park.

Your budgeting doesn't take into account the savings that will result from installations. For instance the biomass installation costs a million but will save over 350,000 over two years. This isn't taken into account. Why do you say we have to increase revenues when we are overbudget in this exercise but then not give us the option to increase revenue. I think the fleet management should also be included and be offset via increased revenue (like the savings I mention above).

Do you have any comments or feedback on the Budget items listed under the Public Safety Department?

1. I strongly do not agree with adding an RCMP unit in the downtown core. I do not understand how this will provide meaningful change. Will the RCMP be able to dump alcohol that is beinng consumed in public, or bring intoxicated people to the drunk tank? Or will they call emergency services? This is a waste of city funds in my opinion. 2. There are no funds allocated to new fire fighters. The budget is allocating funds for new dispatchers as it recognizes the higher call volume that is coming in (most being for ambulance). But while you are getting more dispatchers to answer the higher number of calls, the number of paramedics responding on any shift is the same. It doesn't make sense. The

city clearly needs more emergency responders. I would suggest to take from the RCMP unit budget. Or even adding new firefighters would cut down on the cost of overtime that you pay for all of the call outs they respond to outside of their regularly scheduled shifts.

100% against a Yellowknife RCMP specific unit.

100000 for a generator are you kidding get a few tesla powerwalls.

Bylaw should be driving more fuel efficient vehicles. The vehicles they are using are overkill for catching dogs, patrolling school zones and emptying parking meters and parking infront of the courthouse.

Cut downtown RCMP by half and have by-law foot patrol with a member of the RCMP, rather than 2 RCMP. Also when replacing municipal enforcement vehicles, they don't have to be race car versions. They don't have the legal ability to arrest people, nor chase them. They don't need RCMP type vehicles. RCMP are called when an arrest is warranted.

Day shelter money should be cut and this is a GNWT issue. Homeless employment program is a disappointing idea. If you want something done, partner with Income assistance and use this as a contribution to the 'productive choices' with the program and fund some city short term/ seasonal work through this partnership. This is where people need help.

Downtown RCMP Unit - I don’t think a five person RCMP unit in the downtown is a solution to the ensure a safe and useable downtown. It would make more sense to invest that money in programs that could potentially help those on the streets. RCMP officers do nothing to deal with their addictions. Add the $709,000 to the either the homeless employment program as the budgeted 50.000 won’t go far and/or add it to the Yellowknife day shelter funding. 100K there doesn’t go far either.

Fire suppression is ridiculous - there are too many lakes and rocky areas around Yellowknife - it will never burn. Downtown RCMP unit is a great idea - if combined with the cameras as discussed in my earlier comments. I am in favor of the homeless program but not of the employment program. There is a ton of work in Yellowknife. If they wanted to work - they would. We have been enabling homeless people in Yellowknife for years. I have yet to see any of the so-called homeless persons want to change their lot in life. We house them all day at the day shelter and then house them all night at the Salvation Army. Why would they want to change their behavior? We are supporting their lifestyle at every turn. And with respect to saying it's an addiction, that's fine, but we should be supporting people getting out on the land - where there is no ability to feed their addiction. We are not helping them break the cycle. We are helping make it more difficult for them to find a reason to break the cycle. People quit

being alcoholics. They can do it. We are not providing any tools currently for them to do it now. Vital signs document sounds like a pile of useless information. Radar for MED. MED needs to be disbanded. They are nothing but a tax on average Yellowknifers. The RCMP is around to stop people from speeding etc. We do not need an overpaid and overstaffed bunch of make-believe cops driving around the city anymore. I have never seen an issue with speeding in the city. The only time I see people pulled over is when they are going just barely above the speed limit. The traffic is so tight and the distances are so short that there is no need for MED. A better option would be to get the GNWT to allow you to do photo radar. We could have the exact same results - people adhering to the speed limits as you would with a bunch of guys driving vehicles around town and burning gas and costing us a ton of money in salary. We need maybe one or two of them and that would be enough. Again - here is a link to a city that is already doing this - Edmonton: Google that and you can get rid of MED once and for all. Radios for firefighters. I'm confused again as to why we need them. These guys are playing on their phones all day. What do we need portable radios lit up for at the price of over a hundred grand. Why do we need a new system. They are just radios. Also, it seems like the fire department is on a spending spree this year. The firefighters are already very well paid for what they do which mainly consists of picking up the homeless people in downtown Yellowknife. I can only remember one or two fires a year nowadays. The amount of calls per day seems to be always for someone falling down downtown. This goes back to the enabling that the city and the non-profit groups have done. The amount of money we are wasting on the homeless population and the good people that they are driving out of Yellowknife is crazy. Stop spending money on these stupid things and deal with the homeless issue and a lot of the other budget items will disappear. AEDs I am fine with. But I think my earlier comment is true - these are mainly used by the homeless population in town. I am ok with a generator as well - but 100 grand? Seriously? you can run a house on a generator that's worth 10 grand.... explain this to me. Emergency Dispatchers - we get rid of MED - and deal with the homeless issue - we don't need them.

Further clarification needs to be presented before a decision can be made on the Downtown RCMP Unit. How many years does this funding cover? One year? 3 years? Is it creating 5 new positions? Or taking existing staff and increasing their salary? If you simply split the amount evenly (this won't likely happen) that's $141,800.00 per person, for one year. I would like to see a more detailed breakdown on how this money will be allocated.

I am disappointed that there is no additional firefighters being added. YKFD is extremely busy, over 4000 calls a year, and our firefighters are pushed to the limit. Platoons are working shifts for months at a time with minimal manpower, it is discouraging to see the city place so t Little regard for their safety and the safety of our citizens. Where is the budgeting for additional resources for the mental well being of our first responders? What is currently offered is not acceptable. What training resources to properly train our dispatchers?

I can not believe that it costs the city $125,000 to trim some branches to fire smart the city. The city should also not be funding positions within the RCMP. I find this offensive, they have additional patrols that refuse to address any of the drunken (and illegal) behaviour throughout the downtown area.

I find it extremely disappointing that the prospect of hiring more firefighters/paramedics to increase staffing levels to those recommended in the consultant's report from last month was not included as an option here. Our emergency services need more support, and as a Yellowknife resident, it's something I'd happily take a tax increase to make happen, if needed. Our safety needs to be a priority and the fact that it's not even included as an option here is very frustrating.

I find it insane how the city is not looking at funding for more fire fighters. Having a maximum of 6 per shift is just not enough. Even if we look at how overworked they are how are they supposed to effectively manage multiple call outs at a single time? It seems like this is where our funding needs to increase as it can be the difference between life and death.

I would love to see more emphasis placed on outreach, dayshelters and truth & reconciliation as opposed to policing.

if there were more funds I would include the emergency generator and increased funding for the shelter.

It is time that the City lobby the G.N.W.T. and the costs regarding the homelessness issue in Yellowknife, the shelters required and the additional RCMP needed. The cost of all this cannot be solely placed on the residents of Yellowknife.

It's pathetic you as people running our city think it's ok to run these firefighters into the ground. Where is your ptsd program allocation? Do you see what they see? Get off you high and mighty attitudes and help them instead of having your management make fun of them for having mental issues.

Items relating to downtown are of the most importance: RCMP downtown, employment program for homeless and expanded funding for the day shelter. More proactive approach to

bylaw enforcement for garbage and sidewalk snow removal is needed rather than just by complaint.

Less money on homeless and shelters. Instead make them work.

No mention of more firefighter/paramedics even though the master plan recommended it? Why did the city spend money for this master plan just to ignore it?

SOme of these budgets seem much higher than they need to be for the desired equipment. Don't waste tax-payer money over spending. As for the generator at the fire hall....fix it well and spend maybe 20,000 not 100,000 for a new one unless you would donate the old one (in working order) to a non-profit establishment like the spca or something.

take the money from the Downtown RCMP Unit [$709,000), Homelessness Employment Program [$50,000], Yellowknife Day Shelter – Increase in funding [$50,000], Emergency Dispatchers [$136,700] and put that money to hiring new firefighters. 8 to start as what was stated in the fire division master plan.

The approved items are upgrades only. The rest is not required at this time.

The Homeless Employment Program is a great idea. I have noticed that the people involved in this program have much better social skills and are more pleasant when you meet them on the street. I don't see the same progress from the Day Shelter. Most times when I walk/drive by the people don't appear to be improving and there.

The Homelessness employment program sounds great. Thank you for your creative efforts here.

the rcmp thing is a bad idea

The reason for issues on this is caused by all the homeless that accumulate from other cities communities in this town. We get all the problems shipped here that puts more pressure on our ambulance service. Solve that issue and you will solve that cost.

The town is covered in GLASS, has anyone ever done anything with that???

There is a discussion about increase RCMP staff to patrol the down town yet there is no increase in staffing proposal for the Fire Division despite a recent master plan highlighting the staffing shortfalls.

Think the city should proceed with the trail on Latham island.



We are going to fund positions for new dispatchers, but still won't fund positions for the first responders? Makes sense. I hope nothing ever happens to your children. All of the remaining money from "my budget" NEEDS to be spent on hiring new firefighter/paramedics. Qualified ones that is. Forget the current Paid on Call program because it's been amended so much it doesn't have half of the important information.

We need a better dog park.

Why would the city hire or pay for rcmp officers to patrol the downtown core when they have stated they aren't going to deal with street intoxication? If we already have municipal ENFORCEMENT officers that we pay to patrol the streets why wouldn't we give them more liability and give them the ability to deal or help with public intoxication?? I feel like we are wasting sources that we already have and are to afraid to use them to there full potential. Homelessness is not a focus in the city to me, these individuals all have homes but tend not to reside in them. If you ever go and talk or meet with these people you would have a better understanding that they all are from outside communities and reside in Yellowknife because it's not a dry community. It's been 20 years now and we seem to coddle rather then be strict or ignore the situation that there's no enforcement to send individuals back to there community who don't work or live here and just use tax payers money for them to use our services when they don't contribute to the well being of the city. There was an article about short staff of emergency personnel in the paper but I don't see anything about tax increase for more personnel? I then saw what other cities spend on there public safety departments and yellowknifes was well short of at least 7% on the budget.

Your budgeting doesn't take into account the savings that will result from installations. For instance the biomass installation costs a million but will save over 350,000 over two years. This isn't taken into account. Why do you say we have to increase revenues when we are overbudget in this exercise but then not give us the option to increase revenue. I think the fleet management should also be included and be offset via increased revenue (like the savings I mention above).

Do you have any comments or feedback on the Budget items listed under the Community Services Department?

55 grand for an accessibility study is ridiculous. Just ask for information from the nwt council

of the disabled. They will likely do it for free. I don't understand why governments want studies done all the time when someone from the public or an existing organization is already available to provide you with that information. That same comment is equally attributable to the library study. You have full-time people working there and a general manager. Their job is to run the library and do research. Get them to find out some best practices. You don't need a 50 grand study to guide them. Empower them with the ability to direct where the library should go!!!!! Public water fountain is an awful idea. Instead - you could open up City Hall - you have drinking fountains in there right? Or you could have one in the lobby so people could come in and drink during these events? You are insane to spend 10 grand on something that won't last or that will be vandalized every night. Wasn't it your same city workers and administration who had a bench removed by the pharmacy because it was too difficult to clean? And now you want to add a water fountain? Seriously - what is going on over there at city hall? Climbing hall is way too expensive but the tennis courts resurfacing seems reasonable. I see a lot of people using the tennis courts. Overall, I think that the municipality should be investing in recreation to get people active. However - Frame Lake is wide enough as it is. I have walked there many times and never had an issue with its' width or other people on it or the need for a line down the middle. I'm assuming the mountain biking will be around the back side of the lake - and not the paved portions. Hopefully you guys won't screw this up like the horrible amount of wasted money on the bike lanes a few years ago. What a disaster those things are. No one uses them and it took away parking and cyclists actively avoid them. Good move. Good research. Every other city just paints lines on their roads and puts a bike insignia there. I have seen all the tables and chairs you have at the rink. I have a hard time believing that you need 43 grand worth of tables and chairs replaced. Please scrutinize this. Also - I understand the city is getting a bunch of federal money to build a pool. Don't you dare spend a cent on the ruth inch pool if you are building a new pool. Let the goddamn place fall apart from the outside in. Also - I don't think we necessarily need a 50 m pool. I would look at options rather than accept that you need a 50 m pool. don't accept what the swim club wants as being gospel. That's how you guys screwed up the fieldhouse by not checking out other facilities. Use the internet please! I mean it's only millions of dollars. I'm in favor of anything to do with the library that doesn't involve and outside "consultant".

A fountain? Forget it. A climbing wall? Forget it. Come.

Absolutely no more money should be put in to R.I.M.P.!!! It is far too old and it's ridiculous it's YK's only pool. Save your money and start building a new pool. It should go by the Feildhouse and multiplex to connect them so YK could have a nice and complete complex like down south and other larger northern communities.

Adequate staffing is required to maintain all the areas that have been developed with streetscaping. During the summer of 2016 the performance of the city was lacking in maintaining areas that were past the warranty period. Weeding is particularly lacking. This is not a once year activity. Better supervision of vendor contracts is required. The new streetscaping on 52nd Avenue received little if any attention this summer. There are dead bushes that were never replaced, weeding that was not done, staking that was damaged too.

As I'm not a mountain biker, I feel the additional bike trail to be unnecessary. Public water fountain is another great idea. Despite not being a 'climber', I think the climbing wall could be a sound investment for the city. However, I cut this in order to attempt to balance the budget for this exercise. We're building a new pool, right?

BETTER SERVICE would be nice... if anyone wants people to relocate here and stay with a positive outlook. some peoples think we are at the end of the road so we can let things slide?? how does that work?/

Climbing wall and tennis court resurfacing are sport specific. Unless the City is prepared to spend that level of funding on each sport in Yellowknife, NO. No to resurfacing the pool seeing as a new facility is going to be built.

I cant believe Heyk brought forward that fountain again he needs to drop it and move on. Why are we siding the pool if we are replacing it in the next few years?

I don't know why the city would re-side the pool when the plan is to replace it in the next few years. Unless there are cost savings in heat or other utilities being gained this is a pretty wasteful project in my opinion. After years of paying for studies the city is going to find out they should have just built something instead of making consultants rich.

I don't wish to have a water park in sombe k park especially if it used for the short summers. We have more then enough trails that we don't need personnel bike trails. I also believe that there should be no bike lanes on finlayson especially when they don't follow the rules of the

road. Example going through red lights amd weaving between traffic.

I heard the City was considering building a new pool. I am in favor of a great swimming pool for the City. If this plan is in the works, I would rather see money dedicated to it rather than getting diverted to exterior repairs for the existing swimming pool. If the City is not entertaining the construction of a new pool, I support the exterior repairs at RIMP.

I think the City needs to be very careful getting into competition with private business by doing things like opening a for-profit climbing wall (which will very likely never make a profit and only serve the interests of one group, which could alienate the City from other recreational groups).

I thought the city was putting in a new pool centre. The $230,000 can go towards it.

I would like to see how many people actually use the current library before doing a study on how to improve it. I think there should be more put into advertising the library so there are more people using it before the city spends anymore money on it.

if the plan is to replace the pool in the next few years why would we spend $230,000 on residing the old one?

Is the pool not scheduled to be replaced? Is the re-siding necessary right now?

New studies, after old studies were ignored or not implemented is a waste of money. I would love a new climbing wall, but I will be livid if I have to pay for it with my already high taxes. My taxes need to go to necessities - and we NEED a new pool, a water park, or a facility that ALL people can use, not just an elite few. I am VERY much not in support of paying for a climbing wall. Rental equipment should be self sustaining. If you are renting stuff out and making money from it, SOME of that money should logically go to replacing it.

No more Bike trails or Climbing wall. Is waste of money that only benefits a select few.

Not sure why we would invest in the pool when we plan on building a new one.

Nothing for outdoor hockey rinks with actual boards?

Overall the survey lacks sufficient justification for the need for most of the above items, which is why I am not willing to support many of them. I am particularly upset about the fact that City is again thinking of widening the Frame Lake trail. It was made quite clear last year that users of the trail do not want the trail widened. It is absolutely fine the way it is. Widening the trail will destroy its naturalness. The current brush cutting along the trail is already taking from its naturalness and paving it to 3 meters will destroy it even more. Leave things that are not broken alone.

Mountain bike trail (20k)– I would be willing to support of a mountain bike trail if it doesn’t impact on the current hiking trail I don’t support the public library study (50). While I support the existing public library and would also support a new one, I don’t think we need to spend 50K on a study to consult with residents on the location. There are a number of empty lots in the downtown area that a library could be built on that would all be equally accessible and City can make that call. I definitely do not support a new library at the expense of any green space. As for population needs, a survey can give you that information at much less cost. Climbing wall at field house (232k)– I think spending over 230K for a climbing wall is a lot of money, particularly since it would likely serve only a small part of the population. For that reason I don't support it. Rental equipment (43k) – I absolutely don’t support this item. City charges rediculous amounts for renting tables and chairs, such that groups like the Yellowknife Choral Society have actually resorted to borrowing chairs from schools at the price of a donation.

Please give serious consideration to funding the climbing wall facility at the Fieldhouse. Climbing walls in municipalities the size of Yellowknife have proven to be incredibly successful and are great ways to develop community and encourage physical activity.

re siding the pool are you serious come on

Revenues generated from rental tables and chairs should be divided to include a fund for replacement so the money does not come from tax dollars

So many wants in this category.....Its seems as if the people who plan for the city have no idea how expensive it is to live here. The city cannot be everything to everyone. Time to take a breath...status quo is not a bad thing and make do with what you have.

The Niven area has 2 very small playgrounds. Many kids have to wait for use of swings or slides. Parents have given up and now as driving in other areas/neighbourhoods daily. Niven area needs a much larger playground with multiple swings, slides and such!

The water fountain is a bad idea. Grant funding should be rolled back and only used an a process of partnership and leverage.

There is already a climbing wall in Yellowknife, why spend more money to make another one at a facility that is over staffed and empty more time then full.



We need a better dog park. More trails for people AND dogs. We need a transit system that runs past 9 pm and has Kam Lake and Grace Lake access. Obviously.

We use the tennis courts a lot for our young family and resurfacing would be really helpful. We always notices lots of users on all three sets of courts.

Why does the city do any upgrades to the curling centre. The facility is in need of a paint job inside. Also there needs to some work done on the ice area. There is a great deal of money spent during the winter when putting the ice in the winter.

Why replace siding on a outdated pool save the money for a new pool

YK Climbing Club budget seems to large. It is a good idea, but the City should seek a way to make it less costly to the City, like by half. Saving can fund market garden demo and rental equipment renewal.

Your budgeting doesn't take into account the savings that will result from installations. For instance the biomass installation costs a million but will save over 350,000 over two years. This isn't taken into account. Why do you say we have to increase revenues when we are overbudget in this exercise but then not give us the option to increase revenue. I think the fleet management should also be included and be offset via increased revenue (like the savings I mention above).

Do you have any comments or feedback on the Budget items listed under the Public Works and Engineering Department?

- Stop wasting money on Biomass Boiler Projects! Price of Oil is currently low & expected to stay low for the foreseeable future. ROI is terrible with current Oil prices. - Pump House #4 Right-Hand Only Exit. Current configuration is terrible & needs improvement. Maybe consider Right-Hand Only Exit onto Kam Lake road? - Traffic Light Installation at Finlayson Drive and Kam Lake Road very important & really needed. Traffic on Kam Lake road has greatly increased with new residential areas at Prison Heights & Grace Lake - City Composting plan a disaster & waste of money that only benefits a select few. Curbside recycling program would be much more beneficial at reducing waste at landfill.

Agree with buying new vehicles or equipment only if you get rid of the old ones.

Although positon maybe needed a salary of $85,000 for an administrative assistant to do data entry does not make sense.

An assessment of the composting program would be interesting - if there is a savings for the cost incurred and if the compost is working as planned - seems questionable given our temperatures, etc. City needs to reassess their fleet replacement - often too soon - no private business would replace their equipment as early as the City does. How about contracting out some of these services? $185,000 for two positions?

Begin drawing the water from YK Bay. The current traffic light detection cameras are garbage. Adding more garbage isn't going to help us move much traffic.

Biomass boiler projects (1,075,000). I don’t support any biomass projects as they are not sustainable in the long term. I would encourage City to look into other sources of alternative energy. I support community outreach to encourage energy reduction opportunities. City should start off by being a good example and not lighting up the water treatment plant as if it were the Colloseum in Rome or some other tourist attraction. Water Source selection study (75K)– I do not support anY study to determine where our drinking water should come from. City should not even consider taking the drinking water from Yellowknife Bay. Nowhere else in the world would a community opt to treat potentially contaminated water if there is a clean source nearby – in our case the probably cleanest source of drinking water in Canada is just 8 km away. Drinking water is our most important resource and I do not understand why City would even consider taking any risks on that front if there is a safer option.

Can scrap wood and paper not be used for a biomass heating plant? How about all the burnt trees along the highway pulverized to wood pellet boiler size and used in lieu of wood pellets.

Centralized Composting Program is rediculaous. Stop trying to be Vancouver. Solar Panels - the return is poor and it's only a feel good program that needs to be heavily subsidized to make it look like it's cost effective. You need full cost accounting and honest payback prior to considering.

Does water and sewer need an additional administrative assistant? What are the current public works assistants doing?

I am pleased to see the commitments that the City of Yellowknife has made in the realm of waste reduction and organics diversion. Please continue to fund these efforts which will result in operational budget savings, extended landfill life, reduced leachate production and will create a sought after soil amendment.

I believe that a traffic light is required more at the corner of kam lake road and flnlayson drive

I don't like the idea of a traffic light at 44th st. I assume there is a strong rationale for that decision, but I don't like it. I think School draw parking lot improvements are a good idea, but a lot of money. I think a well-rounded design for such a project should be to figure out how to encourage use. Don't just build it, solve the problem as to why people don't currently use it (I think it is more than just 'build it, they will come'). With budget limitations, perhaps an approach to encourage use, without major infrastructure investment is better? Great work on composting

I have been nearly hit 6 times at finlayson and kam lake. There should also be sidewalks from hall to finlayson as it is dark and dangerous to walk there

I have not approved any studies as I think that many of them could be done in house.

I live in a condo and would like to have city composting, recycling and garbage pick up. I pay taxes just like a single family dwelling. I don't understand why I have to pay more for a dumpster and cannot benefit from curbside recycling and composting like other homeowners. I think that a little more money should be spent on keeping the sidewalks clear of snow and adequate sanding of icy surfaces. I walk from Old Town to uptown and often have to walk on the street with the cars because of inadequate sidewalk learning and sanding. And why do all efforts cease at School Draw? I have fallen more than once, so far without bone breakage.

I would like to drop the road paving but I realize it is necessary. I would like to see as much money as possible going towards CEP projects, and anything that will reduce costs to the city, especially renewable energy projects. Although there are upfront costs the long term savings are worth it. And the city should be forward thinking on this.

Paving the parking lot at the bottom of the hill - give your head a shake. sheesh. Lots to save here.

Plan for main water intake line to be replaced in the current position.

Quit trying to find ways around it and replace the pipe to Yellowknife river. We like the river water lets keep using it. Compared to the otherways the city wastes money this pipe is a

sound investment.

Reduce fleet management budget by $250K, annual road repaving by $200K and water/sewer by $150K

Return on investment of solar panels is over 40 years...Need to find better solutions. Solar is not a option

SO glad a light is going in at Kam Lake/Finlayson. That is over due. The composting program is amazing (green bin). We got ours a month or so ago and have noticed how much trash we are reducing! Please fix the paving on Djasnais road (spelled wrong). And we need a better dog park!

The finlayson and kam lake road intersection upgrades are a must and should be non-negotiable.

The parking lot at School Draw doesn't need any extra work at this time, with all the other options to spend money on.


Why not put a roundabout at the intersection of Finlayson drive and Kam Lake. No operating cost, and it slows cars down all the time. Lots of folks either slide through intersections, or run red lights in the winter due to slippery conditions. The roundabout would force drivers to slow down, and make it safer over-all. you would not be waiting at an empty intersection during non-rush hours, and there would be no lights to maintain. While there is initial confusion over roundabouts, drivers adapt quickly and generally come to prefer them over traffic lights.

With the new residential area (Hall Crescent) on your way into Kam lake, the intersection and area is very unsafe for walking and crossing pedestrians. There should be a paved walkway from Hall Crescent to the nearest safe crossing (lights or four-way stop).

You always mention how much you are saving - but you never mention how old the heating structure is now - do we need to replace it? Have you actually realized the savings costs that you have put forward in other budgets? Have the savings via biomass been proven to actually work? Is there a need for additional servicing (ie. another clerk or technician) so that whatever savings are found are then lost through salaries/wages? What is the lifespan of the product? Will it pay for itself? Solar panels on fieldhouse - not much savings for a lot of outlay. Also - the facility is mostly

used at night in the winter. Why is the facility even lit up during the day in the summer when solar energy is readily available? Community outreach - doesn't the GNWT already do that through a number of non-profits in town. Ecology North to name but one that is 2 blocks from City Hall.... Honestly..... LED lighting - again - you state a big number - over 100 grand to put them in - but then you don't tell us the overall cost to save that 650 grand. I can't determine whether this is a worthwhile project or not. Air source heat pumps? Sounds like a waste of money. They only work in climates where it goes down to a few degrees below 0. Another waste of money. Do you see anybody putting in air source heat pumps in their homes here in Yellowknife? No. they are putting them in everywhere down south. Why is the general public not fooled by this and the city's administration is? Fleet management - you should be running these trucks into the ground. I drive around an old truck. I've seen lots of them on the road - as long as it's safe - why not. Getting rid of MED - and having less wear and tear on the ambulances will help with this as well. We can probably skip new vehicles for a few years. I'm fine with paving roads already in place. new developments should be paying their own costs. Sewer and water as well - but why is this coming out of general coffers? I'm paying a ton of money for water and sewer every month. Might be some available cost savings there. speaking of cost savings I see way too many city vehicles idling around town. Start getting these people to treat using gas like it was their own vehicle - they wouldn't leave it running. composting I'm fine with. I don't think it needs to be every other week though. I think the waste is picked up too often. Also, why don't apartment dwellers need to separate their garbage? Are they not paying for this in their taxes? We should be mandating that they do what homeowners do. If we're here saving the planet and they're throwing everything into the pile then why in the hell are we doing it. Another study - you have people who work for the city - you have a manager at the landfill. Why can't he come up with his own recommendations? Maybe ask your employees some questions and they might have some solutions since they are doing the job every day.... Ok - stop - we are paying someone a hundred grand a year to be the sustainability projects co-ordinator!!!! What the hell is going on over there. I clicked through and saw a study from

2006. What has this person been doing for the last 10 years at the cost of a million dollars in salary. I just took the time to read the report - have any of the councilors or the administration? What a waste of money. Here are the "recommendations" � Provide appropriate community densities; � Provide mixed land uses (to accommodate a range of travel options or trip purposes); � Organize density, land use and buildings to benefit from transit; � Minimize passenger walking distances (maximum of 400 m); � Create a pedestrian-friendly environment; � Reduce transit travel time; and � Build quality, user-friendly transit facilities (i.e. shelters, designated stops). I would like to know how much you paid for that load of manure in 2006. Honestly - small towns are complicated. It sounds more and more to me that the administration overcomplicates this. And I read this GHG study as well. Another load of bunk. Is that why you are going to biomass because of that report? So basically the sutainibility projects co-ordinator is finding ridiculous projects for the city to invest in to justify his or her existence. Unbelievable. And now we find out that all of the "savings" on the biomass are being eaten up by salary. Are you guys asleep at the wheel over there? Cut this position. I bet the study was even "extra". If you really want to bring somebody to re-evaluate every 10 years or so - I understand - but you don't need a year to year position. What madness is going on over there? I can't imagine what that person employed in that position must do on a day to day basis beyond figuring out some other crappy new technology that allegedly saves the city money. where is the report from the sustanibility projects co-ordinator that lays out all of the savings that we will get after his million dollars paid for the last 10 years. In the private sector this person would have to justify their savings in costs by a multiple of 4-5 times every year. So where is the 4-5 million saved? Where? Why aren't you guys critically thinking over there? Where is the report on the savings. All I see are 10 year old reports and some other dubious reports. Save the money and cut the position. They can get a job at Ecology North where they should have been. Traffic lights detection - as I mentioned earlier - look to Edmonton - get the legislation changed - waste of money otherwise. Congratulations - it now only takes 6.5 minutes to get across town where before it took 6.75. It's a small town - we don't need that. Traffic lights - people aren't putting in traffic lights anymore. Everyone is moving towards rotarys. They keep traffic moving and prevent serious accidents because there is no t-boning - traffic is moving in the same direction. There are less upkeep costs because there are no electrical issues. I urge the city to look at rotarys' and not lights for the future. If we put these in - we would have less need for MED because they also suppress traffic. Maybe you can put

your million dollar sustanibility projects coordinator on the case as there are less emissions because traffic doesn't stop and start - better for the environment. But what do I know - I'm not getting paid 100 grand a year to think about this stuff. Yes to improving intersections - no - to lights. Water source selection study - I feel like I am now beating a dead horse. Ask anyone in the city - would you rather drink water from the Yellowknife River or Yellowknife Bay. Better yet - let's ask the Yellowknife Dene. Or ask the people of Flint, Michigan. Or I don't know - just ask anyone in town. They will all tell you that they want this pipeline to YK river and they want safe drinking water. There you go - 75 grand saved - you don't need a study. Use that money to pay for the goddamn line. You folks are idiots if you think you need a study to back up what the public wants here. This has been in the paper for years. No one wants to drink the bay water. Lagoon phosphorus - seems like that is mandated - but how about shopping around for a price. Assistant - let's get this straight - you guys got a computer program that makes it so that you need an additional person to "input data". What turnip truck do you guys think everyone fell off of? Also - why are we paying admin assistants 85 grand to input data? Is that what inputting data is worth these days in this city? No wonder we are going broke. Every time I walk into the city hall - there are a number of people sitting around doing nothing. If the current people can't spread it around. But this also begs the question - if this program is saving so much time and effort what are those people doing whose job it was to keep track of all of this before. Taken for a ride again by the administration. Getting bloated and fat while private industry like Dominion Diamonds walks out of town. Good work Yellowknife, good work. Keep those taxes and costs up so that everyone will leave town.

Your budgeting doesn't take into account the savings that will result from installations. For instance the biomass installation costs a million but will save over 350,000 over two years. This isn't taken into account. Why do you say we have to increase revenues when we are overbudget in this exercise but then not give us the option to increase revenue. I think the fleet management should also be included and be offset via increased revenue (like the savings I mention above).

Do you have any comments or feedback on the Budget items listed under the Planning and Development Department?

50th street - don't do anything until you have addressed the homeless problem. Until you deal with that - spending 2 million downtown is a waste of time. No one will enjoy it. McKeeman - I

believe we should be accessing public lands and using them for tourism purposes. Cost seems really high though. Downtown homeless issues have to be your number one priority to making this a livable city where people want to stay.

50th street parking lot purchase was a real waste of money and now it will become a lifetime money pit.

50th street revitalization (1.9 M) – As I already pointed out in comments on last years budget, I do not support 50th street revitalization. Put the close to 2 million $ into a pot for safe drinking water from Yellowknife River. Even if CanNor throws in 400K, that is still 1.5 million out of City budget that will likely do little to make our downtown more attractive. Unless City and the GNWT deal with the homelessnes problem, these almost 2 million $ will be a waste of money. McKeekan Causeway Waterfron Improvements (1.4 M$) – I absolutely don’t support this item. I have to this day not seen a convincing justification for why this is required. I also would like to know who has asked for this and how many Yellowknifers support this waterfront initiative. Leave the waterfront in its natural state instead of attempting to build walkways there. Why is City constantly wanting to turn Yellowknife into little Toronto? Yellowknife’s charm comes from it being different. Let’s keep it that way.

50th street revitalization, sell all the lots! Or move city hall to these lots. Change city hall to the library and visitors centre

Before wasting more money on the downtown core focus on cleaning it up and making it safe first. Being a born and raised Yellowknifer the downtown area is full of trash (literally) and drunks/unruly individuals are allowed to frequent the areas. Get RCMP down there to do THEIR JOBS and then if that's successful then spend money on revitalization. You can also try getting REIT to not rape businesses on commercial leases.

Enough with improving downtown. Business will come back when things economically are better.

How has it not been used for this before?? it should not be used as city income..

I am not in favour of any of these waterfront "improvements" planned for Old Town. We are not Vancouver or Kelowna. These are expensive undertakings.

I do not think the 50th Street Revitalization project should go through until the homelessness issue is addressed. I think that the social issues downtown are what have driven people away from the downtown area.

I have no idea how the city plans to spend close to $2M on streetscaping. How much are plants these days?!?! It doesnt matter how pretty something is if a bunch of drunk homeless folks are hanging around all day its not somewhere I am going to bring my family.

I think 50th st Revitalization is ultimately a good idea but expensive and i'm concerned about return on investment. Is there a way to bring business and residents into revitalization efforts without the hefty, public price tag? I removed the McMeekan Cause Waterfront Improvements in order to balance the budget. I think it is a good idea, but not necessary for my enjoyment of the area.

Leave these. Dont need them right now. Get the taxes and the savings under control.

No new streetscaping should be considered until the city can maintain what it already has to be a better standard. Ongoing maintenance is required to better protect the investment that the city has already made in grass, trees, shrubs etc. Garbage pick up is not adequate on city owned property either. Nothing should be done with McMeekan causeway until there is a published plan and consultation with current dock owners. Again this is a very expensive project that would need to be maintained. Where will people park to access their docks. The wind conditions I'm told are not appropriate for float planes in this area.

No to the 50th street revitilazition. It will be like Franklin when it was done we spent extra money for fancy garbage cans and tree wells. Look at it now the fancy garbage cans are gone and the old concrete ones are back. The trees are mostly cut down and the wells have been filled in. the experiment failed last time why are we repeating it again?

Not enough information on plans for 50/50 lot, there's vision but no concrete plan. 1.9Million for what exactly? That much money for streetscaping that small lot isn't practical. I would love to see something done with it, but not for that price at this time.

Selecting the appropriate projects was very easy. I do not understand why City Hall cannot do this on a regular basis. I just saved the City $5 million and it wasn't in any way difficult.

The 50th Street redevelopment is a farce. Once you pick one winner downtown, be prepared to pick them all. Looks like the City loves one landlord and not them all

The City needs to lobby GNWT heavily for lodging levy so you can generate alternative revenue and relive the inflation (tax increases) on the general fund.

The City should stop spending money on the 50th street revitalization. They should have never purchased the lot at Centre Square when they had no plan on what to do with it, how much it would cost and ask tax payers to keep paying more. Until the homelessness and

crime situation is fixed there is no use on revitalizing the downtown. Trying to come up with ideas.....costly ideas. Given the current economic situation for example Dominion Diamonds moving their office and the amount of empty commercial real estate. The cost of doing business and living in Yellowknife is driving people away. Spending more money and making it more expensive to live here (tax increase) to revitalize the downtown is not a solution - it's a problem.

The waterfront improvements proposed are exciting, however funding these and the 50th Street revitalization in the same budget year seems difficult and I removed the project in order to arrive at a (mostly) balanced budget. Consider this project for 2018.

There are other options for the 50/50 lot besides 1.9 million or nothing. More cost effective and simple solutions could be tried first before spending so much money. How about a temporary downtown skating rink in the winter?


Unfortunately making the downtown pretty is not going to make the problems go away. Once the homelessness problem is curtailed more unfortunately it is a waste of money.


Why are we only vitalizibg the old town area and down town core?? Why aren't we putting into place in our development plans that when new commercial buildings are developed there must be a certain amount of green space that is developed on the property (grass, trees, etc). Same goes for the residential lots and development areas of new housing? When putting up a residential home should they have so much space for greenery? Hall crescent was developed and yet the developer did not put a tree up in every yard, there is no sod. When I did landscaping in red deer it was mandatory for all these development ares to meet these requirements.

Your budgeting doesn't take into account the savings that will result from installations. For instance the biomass installation costs a million but will save over 350,000 over two years. This isn't taken into account. Why do you say we have to increase revenues when we are overbudget in this exercise but then not give us the option to increase revenue. I think the fleet management should also be included and be offset via increased revenue (like the savings I mention above).

Do you have any comments or feedback on the Budget items listed under the Communications and Economic Development Department?

Fold this very disappointing and under preforming department. Then move the present Director over to become a manager, including the complete section, and park everyone under Corporate Services. This is a bloated area, Director's position is paid $140K simply to run the mayor's Facebook page and be his BF. Economic Development is largely non-existent in this city, if anything, the City holds opportunities back. Present leadership in this area is simply unqualified and without real vision to run the department, planners are not ED Directors.

Hotel levy's are a bad idea. It's already prohibitively expensive to visit here and additional fees are not helpful. Speaking of that - why isn't the Mayor speaking out about the airport fees? We have a full-time mayor and we have heard nothing from the City. Get out in front of that issue. But with respect to this DMO - don't waste the money - I told you the answer - I will only charge you 35 grand and half of the fed. govt grant money for that advice. Stupid governments. Population demographics - here's a synopsis - better to have young people in the community - old people are expensive. There are more and more old people coming. There - I just saved you 15 grand. Seriously people - what is wrong over there. You "own" a library - go borrow some newspapers or a books on demographics. Boom, Bust and Echo was a bestseller a few years ago. This information is all available to you for free. The administration could read the book one week and come up with some "ideas". This stuff blows my mind. Open your minds. Citizen's survey - we don't need to do them every 3 years. I just read the one you have online. they interviewed 800 people over the phone.... That cost 35 grand? You guys got taken for a ride again. You councilors are out in the community - and for gosh's sake a full-time mayor should be out there every day. Go ask people what they think and if they're happy. And what exactly does finding out what percentage of people use the pool help you with? Can't you just figure that out by talking to the rec staff. You busy these days? Yes or no? Take a walk on the trail - see if people use it. People will be happy if you make their lives better by putting money in their pocket and having less red tape - and city administration and taxes.

How much is this citizens survey costing?!?!

I don't support any of these items. I don't believe any of them are necessary.

I suspect the city would be on the hook for the DMO for longer than they think, the territorial gov't isn't exactly known for its swiftness when updating legislation.

Just putting this here - but why are there not more opportunities to add revenues in this

survey? Or to propose our own budget suggestions?

No more wastage of our money on painting art on sidewalks_what a waste!

The citizen's survey is a joke. The questions are designed to get the answers administration wants. Tourism marketing is a GNWT responsibility. Population Demographics is a census function at the federal government.

The city has necessary tools for a citizens survey already. It's called the Web. So many survey companies out there to enable this, free of charge. Also you have your own website that can be utilized for that.


We need a better dog park.

Do you have any comments or feedback on the Budget items listed under the Administration category?

$42,300 is too low of a wage for a full time admin assistant, add the $6,200 I left unused in my pretend budget

I don't support any of the above items. Overall I don't think this survey is a good way for residents to provide their input and concerns about the budget. The survey lacks sufficient justification for the need of many items. There are also items that City seems to continue to want to push through, e.g. the 50th Street revitalization and Frame Lake trail widening without there being a good explanation for why these items are needed and how they are supposed to benefit residents. It makes me and many others feel as though their voice doesn't count.

I strongly encourage Truth and Reconciliation training for Staff, particularly in a community with such close ties and interactions with First Nations peoples.

I support truth and reconciliation training but it can be done for next to nothing.

I think it's pretty wild that a whistleblower reporting system hasn't yet been implemented if the cost is only $11,000.

I'd like to blow the whistle on the outrageous amount of money administration wants to spend

to set up a reporting system. How many reviews does the city need in a calendar year before acting on something?

On Whistleblower policy maybe consult with public companies and see how effective this is as it is not. Truth & Reconciliation training

operational review is only good if recommendations are taken

Operational review should be made available to the public

Please stop wasting money on USELESS training.. how many in government give a crap?? unfortunately most are just in for the pension. I know someone who is already retired and its pretty ridiculous to think they put in the time..

Should be able to whistleblow every day. Operational review - small city doesn't need this. Admin assistant - you have people not working when I am in city hall now. You don't need another person not working. Most things are done online now anyways. federally funded projects - always take the money and run. Don't be fools. I'm 4.5 million under budget and cutting MED will save me a whole bunch more money too. Get 'er done folks.

Survey does not allow you to submit if balance is negative. There are suggestions, and reductions in scope of work that could be had, but this survey does not allow you to adjust...only Yes & No answers. I would like to say yes to several of the budget items, but with less $'s allocated. If you could change this survey to allow for 25, 50, 75 or 100% when saying Yes to proposed budget amount, that would be a Very Useful tool.

The city has too many administrative assistants.

The operational review would identify if an administration assistant is required - it could be addressed after that.


TRC is rediculous; if anyone has a rough upbrining it should not give them an excuse to be free sooner or immediately after committing a crime against another person. That breeds

inequality, hate, and does not help the community. The IDEA is GOOD.

We need a better dog park.

When hiring a consultant to study operations, is it too much to ask of them to be knowledgeable of that operation?

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