
CI and other tools for feature branch development

Yuriy GerasimovSenior Drupal ArchitectPropeople@ygerasimov


What CI is?

What feature-branch development is?

How do we develop?

Custom tool for supporting feature branch development (server setup, virtual hosts, phing)

Github flow, CI integration, Jenkins


CI, why would I need it?

Check if the code is according drupal style standards

Run all kind of tests

Deploy for manual testing

Feature branch development

Feature branch development

How do we do development?

Each ticket separate branch

Code review (quality, knowledge sharing)

Each branch should be merge ready before the review

If features are big, discuss the order of merges to minimize amount of work to resolve the conflicts

featurebranch tool

UI to deploy git branches to separate hosts

Update hosts if commits received in corresponding branches

Automatically delete the host if branch is deleted

UI to remove the host

Symfony tool for UI

What is the original git repo?

Keep tracking about changes in branches

Trigger jenkins jobs

Symfony tool got triggered by post-receive hook of git





All jobs are done with phing


Wildcard virtual hosts setup

Wildcard domain setup

Drush to be installed

Jenkins should be able to clone to code to virtual hosts folders and create databases

Symfony internals

Pulls remote repo and save the state of branches (yaml file with brahch commit hash pairs)new commits on deployed branches trigger update job on jenkins

Deployed branch has been deleted delete the host

UI to display list of branches and hosts so you can trigger create and delete jobs on jenkins from the UI

Phing deployment scripts

Xml file with steps

Nice console output

Plenty of plugins for different tools

Extendable with php

Phing example

Feature branch development

git flow

Master and Develop branches

git flow init

git flow feature start MYFEATURE

git flow feature finish MYFEATURE

git flow feature publish MYFEATURE


git flow

git flow release start RELEASE

git flow release publish RELEASE

git flow release finish RELEASE


Github & Jenkins

Jenkins plugin to trigger builds on PR


CI and other tools for feature branch development

Yuriy GerasimovSenior Drupal ArchitectPropeople@ygerasimov

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