  • 8/2/2019 Chummary Quarters at Kilinochchi


    No Description Unit Qty Rate


    1 Allow for providing maintaining security bond without any attendance

    and service charge shall be reimbursed to the contractor on submission

    of documentary evidence subject to the maximum quoted for this item


    2 Provide lump sum for the cost of installation and supplying Electricity,

    Water supply, Garbage disposal to the site during the contract period,

    Item Allow Sum

    3 Allow for obtaining and maintaining insurance of property materials

    and works at site, third party insurance , insurance against loss or

    damages to the work, existing structure, adjoining structure and

    unfixed materials. Insurance against accident and injury to workman,

    Site staff appointed by project Manager/Engineer. Actual cost for

    obtaining this policy without any attendance and service charge shall

    be rembursed to the contractor on submission of documentally

    evidence subject to the maximum quoted for this itemP.S

    4 Errecttion of Notice Board With GI pipe frame work 1650x1050 mm &

    to fixed at 2100mm height to satisfaction of the Engineer as directed at

    site Item Allow Sum

    5 Allow for erection of 1 No temporary office with sanitary and electricity

    facilities for use of person acting on behalf of the employer. ( approx.

    4.5x3.0m) with asbestos roof and cement rendered floor and side cover

    Item Allow Sum

    6 Allow for construct of temp. store minimum 6.5x3.0m in size with G.I

    sheet/asbestos roof and side cladding and cement rendered floor.

    Item Allow Sum


    Item Allow Sum

    7 Provide lump sum for removal of all rubbish and debris clearing up site

    on completion leveling all in good order and handling over


    8 Allow for lump sum for providing all necessary safety measures to

    workmen at site confirming to the latest industrial safety regulations

    and as directed by the Engineer. Item Allow Sum

    9 Allow for supply of water for use in the works Item Allow Sum

    10 Allow for all cost in connection with preparing samples for testing,

    marking Arrangement for testing of materials, goods etc.

    Item Allow Sum



    Preliminaries carried to summary

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  • 8/2/2019 Chummary Quarters at Kilinochchi


    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    Excavation and Earth Work



    1 Item 15,000.00


    2 . And wall foundation m3 150.00 420.00

    3 . Foundations above 1.5m depth m3 10.00 470.00

    4 . Foundation m3 1.50 420.00

    5 Foundation in hard rock sledged rubble should be piled at..(provisional) m3 5.00 1,000.00


    1 m3 45.00 1,000.00

    2 . Earth filling. Well rammed and consolidated to level m3 25.00 450.00

    3 with approved earth around the building well rammed and

    consolidated to required level(Provisional) m3 20.00 850.00

    4 Approved quality anri termite treatment in compacted soil or necessary

    as directed 910 years warrantee should be submitted from recognized

    institute approved by ) m2 165.00 200.00

    5 River Sand filling to foundation well rammed and consolidated

    (provisional) m3 5.00 2,892.00

    Concrete Work


    Up to DPC Level

    75mm thick lean cement concrete 1:3:6(25mm) in the following

    1 Column footings m2 90.00 700.00

    2 Staircase footings m2 2.00 700.00

    Mass concrete 1:3:6(37mm) in the following)

    3 Wall footings m3 10.50 9,000.00

    4 75mm thick cement concrete 1:2 1/2;5(25mm) paving to all floor withexpansion joint m2 115.00 700.00

    5 100mm thick cement concrete 1:2 1/2;5 (25mm) paving to porch floor

    (Provisional) m3 0.50 9,500.00

    Reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4(20mm) in the following (R/F and

    form work plkd separately)

    6 plinth beam m3 8.50 14,500.00

    7 Staircase & column footings, spine beam m3 28.00 14,500.00

    8 Column shafts m3 3.00 14,500.00

    9 Staircase wall m3 1.00 14,500.00

    DPC Level to first floor level

    Reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4 (20mm) in the following: (R/F and

    form work paid separately)

    10 Columns m3 5.50 14,500.00

    11 Beams m3 8.00 14,500.00

    12 Lintels m3 1.50 14,500.00

    13 125mm thick suspended floor slab and porch & sun shede m3 19.00 14,500.00

    14 Waist steps & Landing & mid landing slab in staircase m3 3.00 14,500.00

    15 Facia m3 1.00 14,500.00

    16 75mm kitchen work bench and cupboard with R/F 10mm at 150mm

    centers both ways and shuttering etc. As per plan and instruction (R/F

    & form work paid separately) m2 5.50 4,500.00

    Excavation & Earth work carried to summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate


    floor level to 2nd floor level - Reinforced cement concrete

    1:2:4(20mm) in the following ( (R/F and form work paid separately)

    17 Columns m3 5.50 14,500.00

    18 Beams m3 8.00 14,500.00

    19 125mm thick suspended floor slab and porch & sun shede m3 21.00 14,500.00

    20 Waist steps & Landing & mid landing slab in staircase m3 2.50 14,500.00

    21 Facia m3 1.00 14,500.00

    22 Lintels m3 1.50 14,500.0023 75mm kitchen work bench and cupboard with R/F 10mm at 150mm

    centers both ways and shuttering etc. As per plan and instruction (R/F

    & form work paid separately) m2 5.50 4,500.00

    24 Filling concrete in 1:3:6 (25mm) to drop area (provisional) m3 1.00 14,500.00


    floor level to Roof level - Reinforced cement concrete

    1:2:4(20mm) in the following ( (R/F and form work paid separately)

    25 Column m3 4.00 14,700.00

    26 Roof beams m3 3.50 14,700.00

    27 Lintols m3 1.50 14,700.00

    28 Slab m3 1.00 14,700.0029 In Gutter Beam m3 0.10 14,700.00

    30 In gutter slab & gutter wall m3 0.10 14,700.00

    31 75mm kitchen work bench and cupboard with R/F 10mm at 150mm

    centres both ways and shuttering etc. As per plan and instruction (R/F

    & form work paid separately) m2 5.50 4,500.00

    32 Filling concrete in 1:3:6 (25mm) to drop area (provisional) m3 1.00 14,700.00

    Form Work


    Upto DPC Level

    Swan timber formwork to the following

    1 Spine beam & Plinth beam & footing m2 70.00 900.002 Columns m2 40.00 900.00

    3 Sides of staircase wall m2 5.00 900.00

    DPC Level to first floor Level

    Swan timber formwork to the following

    4 Columns m2 77.00 900.00

    5 Sides and soffit of beams m2 63.00 900.00

    6 Sides and soffits of beams supporting land and mid-landing slab of

    staircase m2 16.00 900.00

    7 Sides and soffits of sloping stringer beam in staircase m2 4.00 900.00

    8 Sides and soffit of lintols m2 12.00 900.00

    9 Soffit of suspended floor slab, sunshade & facia m2 220.00 900.0010 Sides of waist and steps in staircase m2 10.00 900.00

    11 Sloping soffit of staircase m2 4.00 900.00

    12 Work bench & cupboard m2 5.00 900.00

    1st Floor Level to 2nd Floor Level

    Sawn timber formwork to the following

    13 Columns m2 77.00 900.00

    14 Sides and soffit of beams m2 63.00 900.00

    15 Sides and soffits of beams supporting land and mid-landing slab of

    staircase m2 16.00 900.00

    16 Sides and soffits of sloping stringer beam in staircase m2 4.00 900.00

    17 Sides and soffit of lintols m2 12.00 900.00Page 3 of 44

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    18 Soffit of suspended floor slab, sunshade & facia m2 220.00 900.00

    19 Sides of waist and steps in staircase m2 10.00 900.00

    20 Sloping soffit of staircase m2 4.00 900.00

    21 Work bench & cupboard m2 5.00 900.00

    2nd Floor Level to Roof Level

    Sawn timber formwork to the following

    22 Columns m2 55.00 900.00

    23 Sides and soffit of beams m2 33.00 900.00

    24 Sides and soffit of lintols m2 12.00 900.0025 Soffit of slab m2 10.00 900.00

    26 Sides and soffit of gutter beams m2 1.00 900.00

    27 Sides and soffit of gutter slab & wall m2 1.00 900.00

    29 Work bench & cupboard m2 5.00 900.00



    Up to DPC Level

    Tor Steel Rod Reinforcements as follows

    1 10,12mm dia in column footings and stair case kg 960.00 170.00

    2 12,16,20mm dia in columns kg 1,000.00 170.003 10,12,16,20mm dia plinth beam & spine beam kg 750.00 170.00

    4 10mm dia Links in columns & spine beam kg 100.00 170.00

    Mild Steel Road Reinforcements as follows

    5 5mm dia Links in column shafts & Plinth beam kg 255.00 170.00

    DPC Level to first floor level

    Mild Steel Road Reinforcements as follows

    6 12,16,20mm dia In columns kg 700.00 170.00

    7 10,12,16,20mm dia in beams kg 1,300.00 170.00

    8 12,10mm dia in lintols kg 60.00 170.00

    9 10mm dia in suspended floor slab, sunshade & facia kg 2,025.00 170.0010 12,10mm dia In waist , steps and landings of staircase kg 150.00 170.00

    11 10mm dia in work bench, cupboard slab kg 60.00 170.00

    12 10mm dia in column & beam links kg 1,125.00 170.00

    Mild Steel Rod Reinforcements as follows

    13 6mm dia links in beams, columns, lintol, facia & work bench kg 190.00 170.00

    1st floor level to 2nd floor level

    Tor Steel Rod Reinforcements as follows

    14 12,10mm dia In waist, steps and landings of staircase kg 200.00 170.00

    15 12,16,20mm dia In columns kg 620.00 170.00

    16 10,12,16,20mm dia in beams kg 1,300.00 170.00

    17 10mm dia in suspended floor slab, sunshade & facia kg 2,025.00 170.00

    18 12,10mm dia in lintols kg 60.00 170.00

    19 10mm dia in work bench, cupboard slab kg 60.00 170.00

    20 10mm dia in column & beam links kg 50.00 170.00

    Mild Steel Rod Reinforcements as follows

    21 6mm dia links in beams, columns, lintol, facia & work bench kg 190.00 170.00

    2nd floor level to Roof level

    Tor Steel Rod Reinforcements as follows

    22 12,16,20mm dia In columns kg 400.00 170.00

    23 10,12,16,20mm dia in beams kg 250.00 170.00

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    24 12,10 mm dia in lintols, work bench kg 70.00 170.00

    25 16,20,25,columns kg 200.00 170.00

    26 Sides and soffit of gutter beams kg 50.00 170.00

    27 10mm dia in slab kg 25.00 170.00

    28 Sides and soffit of gutter slab and wall kg 50.00 170.00

    29 10 mm dia in column & beam links kg 50.00 170.00

    Mild Steel Rod Reinforcements as follows

    30 Siudes and soffit of gutter slab & wall kg 50.00 171.00

    31 6mm dia Links in beams , columns, lintol & work bench kg 50.00 171.00



    Up to DPC Level

    1 150mm to 225mm Random Rubble masonry in 1:5 cement sand motar

    m3 36.00 7,500.00

    2 Step in RR masonry in 1:5 ct.& sand consisting 2Nos . In 300mm wid

    & 3 Nos 150mm high rise including all necessary excavation backfilling ,

    12mm thick rendering with 1:2 ct sand all exposed faces finished

    smooth with neat colour cement floating (Provisional)

    Lm 5.00 3,000.00

    DPC level to first floor level

    Cement sand casred in 1:6 block & built in 1:5 cement and sand

    3 150mm thick walls m3 34.00 8,500.00

    4 100mm thick walls m2 20.00 1,100.00

    1st floor level to 2nd floor level

    Cement sand 1:6 block built in 1:5 cement and sand

    5 150mm thick walls m3 34.00 8,500.00

    6 100mm thick walls m2 20.00 1,100.00

    7 Fixing precast balusters approved pattern and 900mm hight in front of

    balcony with bottom 1:2:4 (20mm) concrete 100x112mm to recoverthe readymade balustred , top coping concrete reinforced including

    shuttering , plastering, painting weather shield etc all as per

    instruction(provisional) as per detail drawing

    Lm 25.00 7,000.00

    2nd floor level to Roof Level

    Cement sand 1:6 block built in 1:5 cement and sand

    8 150mm thick walls m3 34.00 8,500.00

    9 100mm thick walls m2 20.00 1,100.00

    10 Fixing precast balusters approved pattern and 900mm hight in front of

    balcony with bottom 1:2:4 (20mm) concrete 100x112mm to recover

    the readymade balustred , top coping concrete reinforced includingshuttering , plastering, painting weather shield etc all as per

    instruction(provisional) as per detail drawing

    Lm 25.00 7,000.00

    Roofing & Roof plumbing


    Concrete work carried to summary

    Masonry work carried to summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    1 . Aluminum alloy colour bond roofing sheet 0.47 mm thick trim clad

    or approved equivalent sheet fixed to roof on (Timber frame work) with

    necessary coach screws and washers or hook bols as per

    manufacture's specification(Timber frame work measured separately)

    m2 215.00 1,500.00

    2 Ridge with zinc aluminum alloy colour bond sheet fixed to roof with

    necessary coach screws and washers or hook bolts as per manufactures

    specification Lm 40.00 1,000.00

    3 Supply and lay Heat insulation foil with two sides 3mm thick MC foil asper specification - do- m2 215.00 300.00

    4 75mmx75mm GI wire net basic weight/density 0.32 kg/m2 spot welded

    purling as per specification. m2 215.00 175.00

    5 Supply and lay 3mm thick Air gap tape on top of the insulation foil @

    1200mm spacing Lm 190.00 500.00

    6 PVC 110mm square type eaves gutter with all specials supplied and

    fixed with brackets at 450 mm centre Lm 60.00 600.00

    7 PVC down pipe 87mm dia with spl fixed with brass screws 25mm clear

    from wall on including wooden block burried in to wall

    Lm 120.00 600.00

    8 Supplying and fixing PVC gully box 150mm x 150mmx150mm fixed at

    ends of valley gutter and connected to down pipes Nos 4.00 1,250.00

    Structural Steel Work


    1 Supply and fix in 300mm long 50mmx6mm flat iron for valance board

    fixing to suit the roof work and barge board No 130.00 250.00

    2 100mmx50mmx20mmx2mm C channel iron purling fixed as per

    drawing Engineer S approval including 2 coats of anticorrosive

    Lm 300.00 1,000.00

    3 Steel and truss made out of 2/50x50x6mm angle iron fixed with

    together fixed to wall and 75x75x6mm angle . 225mm long cleats

    with concrete etc, as per plan. Lm 30.00 9,970.00

    4 .x75x6mm cleat 225mm long fixed to wall with anchor . Etc as per

    instruction (Provisional) No 36.00 500.00

    5 Steel roof truss 7390 mm span c/c made out of 2/50 mm x 6mm single

    iron top and bottom outer frame , and single 50 x50 x6 mm angle iron

    internal members fabricated hoisted and fixed with 10mm thick with

    gasset ., 12mm thick 225x225 mm base plate, 75x75x6mm ... 225 mm

    long cleat with 16mm anchor bolt with washers etc. and two coats of

    anticorrosive paint as directed all complete to approved, top member

    extended to eaves as per plan

    Nos 2.00 45,000.00

    6 Hop rafter made out of double 75x75x6 mm Angle iron welded

    together 'T' shape hip refter extended to eaves fabricated , hoisted and

    fixed at a height 9.00 m above ground level including all gasset plates,

    base plates cleat . , nuts, washers, rag bolts. all as per

    anticorrosive paint, as directed all complete to approved by Engineer.

    Lm 30.00 2,500.00

    7 Supplying & fixing 31x31mm heavy Quality box iron welded as proper

    manner for hip runner including two coats of anticorrosive paint all as

    instructed. Lm 50.00 1,000.00

    Structural steel work crried to summary

    Roofing & Roof Plumbing Carried to Summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    H - Carpentry and Joinery


    1 Door with 94x70mm finish size frame in spl. Class red balau timber &

    consisting of 32mm thick approved quality moisture resistance plywood

    door sash fixed complete to detail and timber louvers / trellies work on

    top as directed front door with heavy quality polished brass fixtures &

    lock with chromium plated handle as per approval ( Lock rated

    separately) Rate including a coat primer & two coat of enamel painting

    (Fixtures Paid separately)m2 6.00 10,000.00

    2 Door with 94x70mm finish size frame in spl. Class red balau timber &

    consisting of 32mm thick approved quality plywood door sash with

    heavy quality polished brass fixtures & lock with chromium plated

    handle as per approval (Lock rated separately ) Rate including a coat

    primer & two coat of enamel painting (fixtures Paid separately)

    m2 12.00 10,000.00

    3 Door with 94x70mm finish size frame in spl upper class red balau

    timber & consisting of 32mm thick approved quality moisture

    resistance plywood door sash heavy quality polished brass fixtures fixed

    complete to detail and timber louvers / trellies work ontop as directed,

    Rate including a coat primer & two coat of enamel painting (fixtures

    paid separately)m2 5.00 10,000.00

    4 Door 800mmx2100mm high overall with 94x70mm finish size frame in

    spl. Upper class / red balau timber & consisting of 32mm thick

    approved quality moisture resistance plywood door sash heavy quality

    polished brass fixtures fixed complete to detail as directed, Rate

    including a coat primer & two coat of enamel painting (fixtures paid

    separately) m2 7.00 10,000.00

    5 Cupboard 25mm frame in spl. Upper class / red balau timber with

    100x50mm - 2 N os 25mm thick panelled sashes with necessary brass

    fixtures, locks and two coat of enamel painting. A coat primer as per

    detail drawing (Provisional) m2 10.00 10,000.00

    Windows /Fanlight

    6 Window / Fanlight fully glazed or panelled 28mm thick sash with

    95x70mm frame all in special upp / red balau timber. Rate to include

    for heavy quality brass oxidized fixtures and a primer under coat & two

    coat of enamel painting m2 21.00 9,500.00


    7 (16mm) dia M.S rodssupplied and fixed to window at 100mm centers

    horizontally as safety bars. Rate including 2 coats of anticorrosive

    painting and 2 coats of enamel painting (Provisional)Lm 5.00 350.00

    8 Supplying and fixing union mortise lock with chromium plated handle (

    England , 2 Liver) Nos 10.00 4,500.00

    1st floor level to 2nd floor level Doors

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    9 Door with 94x70mm finish size frame in spl. Class red balau timber &

    consisting of 32mm thick approved quality moisture resistance plywood

    door sash fixed complete to detail and timber louvers / trellies work on

    top as directed front door with heavy quality polished brass fixtures &

    lock with chromium plated handle as per approval ( Lock rated

    separately) Rate including a coat primer & two coat of enamel painting

    (Fixtures Paid separately)

    m2 6.00 10,000.00

    10 Door with 94x70mm finish size frame in spl. Class red balau timber &consisting of 32mm thick approved quality plywood door sash with

    heavy quality polished brass fixtures & lock with chromium plated

    handle as per approval (Lock rated separately ) Rate including a coat

    primer & two coat of enamel painting (fixtures Paid separately)

    m2 12.00 10,000.00

    11 Door with 94x70mm finish size frame in spl upper class red balau

    timber & consisting of 32mm thick approved quality moisture

    resistance plywood door sash heavy quality polished brass fixtures fixed

    complete to detail and timber louvers / trellies work ontop as directed,

    Rate including a coat primer & two coat of enamel painting (fixtures

    paid separately)

    m2 5.00 10,000.00

    12 Door 800mmx2100mm high overall with 94x70mm finish size frame in

    spl. Upper class / red balau timber & consisting of 32mm thick

    approved quality moisture resistance plywood door sash heavy quality

    polished brass fixtures fixed complete to detail as directed, Rate

    including a coat primer & two coat of enamel painting (fixtures paid

    separately) m2 7.00 10,000.00

    13 Cupboard 25mm frame in spl. Upper class / red balau timber with

    100x50mm - 2 N os 25mm thick panelled sashes with necessary brass

    fixtures, locks and two coat of enamel painting. A coat primer as per

    detail drawing (Provisional) m2 10.00 10,000.00

    14 Windows /Fanlight

    Window / Fanlight fully glazed or panelled 28mm thick sash with

    95x70mm frame all in special upp / red balau timber. Rate to include

    for heavy quality brass oxidized fixtures and a primer under coat & two

    coat of enamel paintingm2 21.00 10,000.00


    15 (16mm) dia M.S rods supplied and fixed to window at 100mm centers

    horizontally as safety bars. Rate including 2 coats of anticorrosive

    painting and 2 coats of enamel painting (Provisional)

    Lm 5.00 350.00

    16 Supplying and fixing union mortise lock with chromium plated handle (

    England , 2 Liver) Nos 10.00 4,500.00

    1st floor level to 2nd floor level Doors

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    17 Door with 94x70mm finish size frame in spl. Class red balau timber &

    consisting of 32mm thick approved quality moisture resistance plywood

    door sash fixed complete to detail and timber louvers / trellies work on

    top as directed front door with heavy quality polished brass fixtures &

    lock with chromium plated handle as per approval ( Lock rated

    separately) Rate including a coat primer & two coat of enamel painting

    (Fixtures Paid separately)

    m2 6.00 10,000.00

    18 Door with 94x70mm finish size frame in spl. Class red balau timber &consisting of 32mm thick approved quality plywood door sash with

    heavy quality polished brass fixtures & lock with chromium plated

    handle as per approval (Lock rated separately ) Rate including a coat

    primer & two coat of enamel painting (fixtures Paid separately)

    m2 12.00 10,000.00

    19 Door with 94x70mm finish size frame in spl upper class red balau

    timber & consisting of 32mm thick approved quality moisture

    resistance plywood door sash heavy quality polished brass fixtures fixed

    complete to detail and timber louvers / trellies work ontop as directed,

    Rate including a coat primer & two coat of enamel painting (fixtures

    paid separately)m2 5.00 10,000.00

    20 Door 800mmx2100mm high overall with 94x70mm finish size frame in

    spl. Upper class / red balau timber & consisting of 32mm thick

    approved quality moisture resistance plywood door sash heavy quality

    polished brass fixtures fixed complete to detail as directed, Rate

    including a coat primer & two coat of enamel painting (fixtures paid

    separately) m2 7.00 10,000.00

    21 Cupboard 25mm frame in spl. Upper class / red balau timber with

    100x50mm - 2 N os 25mm thick panelled sashes with necessary brass

    fixtures, locks and two coat of enamel painting. A coat primer as per

    detail drawing (Provisional) m2 10.00 10,000.00

    Windows /Fanlight

    22 Window / Fanlight fully glazed or panelled 28mm thick sash with

    95x70mm frame all in special upp / red balau timber. Rate to include

    for heavy quality brass oxidized fixtures and a primer under coat & two

    coat of enamel painting m2 21.00 9,500.00


    23 (16mm) dia M.S rods supplied and fixed to window at 100mm centers

    horizontally as safety bars. Rate including 2 coats of anticorrosive

    painting and 2 coats of enamel painting (Provisional)

    Lm 5.00 350.00

    24 Supplying and fixing union mortise lock with chromium plated handle (England , 2 Liver) Nos 10.00 4,500.00


    25 Ceiling work Asbestos free sheet fixed with clout headed nails to

    100x50mm joists 1200mm centres & 50x50 mm beares 600mm centres

    & 50x25mm spacer bearers not exceeding 1200mm centres to form

    600x600mm panelling. All in kemas /Red balau pressure impregnated

    timber including aluminum beading 25mm wide with rubber fillets to

    aluminium beading. Rate to include for one coat of primer & two coats

    of brilliant white emulsion to approval

    m2 120.00 2,500.00

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    26 Celing asbestos free sheet fixed to eaves with kempus .

    Impregnated timber bearers 50x50mm not exceeding 600mm do

    do. m2 60.00 2,400.00

    27 Valance / barge board 19mm thick and 225mm wide in ginisappu

    timber planks fixed with brass screws to end of raffter at eaves rate

    to include for primer under coat and two coats of enamel painting

    Lm 61.00 1,000.00

    Metal Work

    1 Moulded timber hand rail out of 75mm x50mm stain timber fixed to

    flat iron with brass screws on the M.S. Balustrade in staircases all as

    per detail drg. Include for sand papered two coats of french polish all

    exposed surfaces. In ground floor to 2nd floor (GI Piping hand railling

    measured separately) Lm 15.00 6,000.00

    2 225mm x 25mm stain timber board fixed to MS balustrade in staircases

    all as per detail drg. Include for sand papered two coats of french polish

    all exposed surfaces. In ground floor to 2nd floor (GI Piping hand railling

    measured separately) Lm 15.00 1,200.00

    3 Mild steel balustrade 900mm hight comprising 31mm x 31mm box iron

    (not less than 1.2mm thick) M.S. balustrade 250mm crs or very steps

    31mm x 6mm MS flat welded at middle of balustrade ends & bottom of

    members anchored in concrete with MS anchor rod as per detail in drg.

    Rate include Anticorrosive paint & 2 coats of enamal paint. As per detail

    drg. (Timber measure separately)

    Lm 15.00 6,000.00

    4 75mm x50mm stain timber hand rail along wall line with anger to wall

    as per plan, specification and instruction. Lm 33.00 1,000.00

    5 Iron grill supplied & fixed to safety of window with 25mm x6mm flat

    iron & 16mm x6mm flat iron uprights welded at 75mm c/c &

    horizontally elded at 150mm c/c with 25mm x6mm flat iron uprights

    welded at 75mm c/c & horizontally welded at 150mm c/c with 25mm x6mm flat iron Rates including for single 1/3 coat of anticorrosive paint

    & 2 coats of enamel paintm2 57.00 5,000.00

    6 Collepsible door open type with 20x6mm channel, 12x6mm flat iron

    crossing with wheel rail etc. including two coats of anticorrosive paint &

    two coats of enamal paint all as per drawing & specification

    m2 6.00 5,000.00

    Matal Work Carried to Summary

    Water Proofing


    Up to DPC Level

    1 20mm thick horizontal damp proof course in cement and sand 1:2

    finished with the application of two coats of hot tar blinded with sand.

    (Provisional) m2 5.00 670.00

    2 Layong of 1000 gauge polythene to floor on compacted levelled earth

    surface with 150mm thick lapping etc as specificationm2 120.00 40.00

    3 Filling with or equivalent to approved material to formed expantion

    joint in floor concrete as specification Lm 110.00 500.00

    DPC Level to First Floor Level

    Carpentry and Joinery to Summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    Application of approved type water proofing component such as

    baralastic or type of place to suitable manufacture agent to gutter per

    manufacturers specification as follows

    1 In floor of toilet (all floor) m2 40.00 1,500.00

    In wall of bath and toilet (all floor) 40.00 1,500.00

    2 in wall above wash basin, sink etc. (all floor) m2 6.00 1,500.00

    3 20 mm thick cement rendering 1:2 mix with 5% by weight of pudlo or

    equivalent water proofing component finished smooth with cement

    floating to top of sunshade. m2 5.00 650.00

    1st floor Level to 2nd floor Level

    Application of approved type water proofing component such as

    baralastic or type of place to suitable manufacture agent to gutter per

    manufacturers specification as follows

    4 20 mm thick cement rendering 1:2 mix with 5% by weight of pudlo or

    equivalent water proofing component finished smooth with cement

    floating to top of sunshade. m2 50.00 1,500.00

    2nd floor level to Roof Level

    Application of approved type water proofing component such as

    baralastic or type of place to suitable manufacture agent to gutter per

    manufacturers specification as follows

    5 20 mm thick cement rendering 1:2 mix with 5% by weight of pudlo or

    equivalent water proofing component finished smooth with cement

    floating to top of sunshade. m2 50.00 1,500.00

    Santary Plumbing


    1 10mm diaPVC type 1000 as connections to sanitary fittings, laid under

    floor or buried inside wall as directed Lm 30.00 170.00

    2 10mm dia PVC type 1000 as distribution pipe laid under floor or buriedinside wall as directed Lm 30.00 270.00

    3 10mm dia PVC type 1000 as delivery pipe fixed to wall with . Hooks or

    buried inside wall as directed Lm 10.00 290.00

    4 10mm dia PVC type 1000 as supply pipe to over head tank .

    Underground or fixed as directed Lm 10.00 400.00

    5 10mm dia PVC type 1000 as delivery pipe from overhead tank, fixed to

    wall with Ms hooks or burried inside wall as directed Lm 20.00 540.00

    6 10mm dia PVC type 1000 as delivery pipe from overhead tank, fixed to

    wall with Ms hooks or burried inside wall as directed Lm 20.00 650.00

    7 Valve chamber 225x 225 & up to 225 mm deep internally including

    excavation 75mm thick cement 1:2:4 (20mm) . And bottom, cement

    and sand 1:2 rendering to all exposed faces and RCC cover slab in

    50mm thick (Provisional) No 1.00 2,500.00

    Fixtures and Fittings


    1 Colour wash basin 550x375 mm pedestal type overall approved quality

    with & 12mm dia pillar tap and with all other accessaries fixed

    complete with water supply and waste water connection to working

    order. Rate include for bottle trapNo 6.00 18,000.00

    Water Proofing Carried to summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    2 Low level closet white or colour approved quality comprising closet

    with 'P' or 'S' tap as directed & hinged seat with lid in black plastic all

    complete to working order , including low level clstern white or colour

    9 liters capacity comprising shell and cover with supporting brackets

    screwed to lapered wooden blocks burried in wall with flexible hose

    and approved make 1/2" chromium plated angle valve with flexible

    hose, water supply & waste water connections all complete to working


    No 6.00 25,000.003 Stop cock 40mm dia. Supplied and fixed LD make No 1.00 2,000.00

    4 Supply and fix 50mm dia heavy quality brass gate valve (English make)

    No 1.00 2,500.00

    5 Supply and fix 50mm dia heavy quality brasswheel valve (English make)

    No 2.00 3,000.00

    6 Chromium plated brass pegs with double hanging hooks . To door

    lavotories with chromium plated brass screws. Nos 6.00 1,200.00

    7 12mm dia chromium plated heavy quality angle valve with fexible

    course Nos 18.00 2,500.00

    8 Supplied and fixed stainless steel kitchen sink 900x150mm fixed on

    timber work top of an approved make with double bowl and single

    draining board, with 12mm dia chromium plated pillar tap, 38 mm dia

    Rubber plug and chromium palted chain waste , water supply and

    waste water connections, all complete to working order

    No 6.00 9,500.00

    9 Mirror above wash basin comprising 550x400 mm dia plate glass mirror

    fee from effect of wavy image , plastic cover & shelve chromium plated

    clips and plugs fixed to all with fibre plugs and chromium plated brass

    screws Nos 6.00 6,500.00

    10 Chromium plated towel rail 25mm dia and 600mm long including

    chromium plated brackets fixed to wall with fibre plugs and cromium

    plated brass screws Nos 8.00 2,500.00

    11 Soap tray chromium plated fixed to wall with fibre plugs and chromiu,plated brass screws Nos 18.00 1,500.00

    12 Supply and fix 12mm dia chromium plated shower rose adjustable

    Nos 6.00 2,500.00

    13 Supply and fix 12mm dia bib tap chromium plated heavy approved

    quality Nos 12.00 1,500.00

    14 Stop cock 25mm dia. Supplied and fixed LD make No 6.00 2,000.00

    15 Stop cock 12mm dia. Supplied and fixed LD make No 6.00 1,800.00

    16 Collecting pit 150mmx150mm x100mm deep internally bult in 75mm

    thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (20mm) sides and bottom including 12mm

    thick cement floating to all exposed faces and cast iron grating on top

    complete with intel and outlet connections

    No 1.00 2,500.00

    17 Lanka ceramic glazed sink 600x375x175mm size with rubber plug with

    chromium plated tap & chain waste & water supply & waste water

    connection all complete to working order (Provisional) (Brick pedestal

    paid separately) No 1.00 7,500.00

    18 Forming waste water catch pit size 150x150x100mm & 12mm thick

    cement & sand rendering to exposed surface finished smooth and PVC

    grating on top /PVC gully) Nos 12.00 2,000.00


    Sanitary Plumbing carried to summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate



    Ground floor - External work

    1 .. Thick cement & sand 1:3 plastering 1:3 plastering to plinth finished

    mooth with red cement floating m2 20.00 500.00

    2 Plaster 16mm thick in cement & sand 1:4 to all faces of wall m2 120.00 500.00

    3 1:5 ct & sand Reveals not exceeding 150mm wide external including

    column corner and slab edge Lm 150.00 180.00

    Plaster 10mm thick in cement & sand 1:3 to all face

    4 . Mid landinding and landing slab of staircase m2 5.00 550.00

    5 Slopping soffits of waist in staircase m2 10.00 550.00

    6 Sides and soffits of beams sloaping beams steps & waist in staircase

    m2 10.00 550.00

    7 Soffit & sides of facia m2 85.00 550.00

    8 Column projection m2 2.00 550.00

    Internal Work

    9 Plaster 16mm thick in cement & sand 1:4 to all face of wall m2 360.00 500.00

    10 1:5 ct & sand Reveals not exceeding 150mm wide external including

    column corner and slab edge Lm 175.00 180.00

    Plaster 10mm thick in cement & sand 1:3 to all face

    11 Sides of isolated columns & beam m2 8.00 550.00

    12 Sides of soffit of suspended floor slab m2 107.00 550.00

    13 Slopping soffits of waist in staircase m2 10.00 550.00

    14 Soffit of mid landing slab in staircase m2 5.00 550.00

    15 Sides and soffits of beams steps and waist in staircase m2 5.00 550.00

    1st floor level to 2nd floor level

    External work

    16 Plaster 16mm thick in cement & sand 1:4 to all faces of wall m2 110.00 500.00

    17 1:3 ct & sand Reveals not exceeding 150mm wide external including

    column corner and slab edge Lm 150.00 180.00

    Plaster 10mm thick in cement & sand 1:3 to all face

    18 Soffit & sides of sunshade & facia m2 85.00 550.00

    19 Column projection m2 2.00 550.00

    External work

    20 Plaster 16mm thick in cement & sand 1:4 to all faces of wall m2 345.00 500.00

    21 1:3 ct & sand Reveals not exceeding 150mm wide external including

    column corner and slab edge Lm 180.00 180.00

    Plaster 10mm thick in cement & sand 1:3 to all face

    22 Sides of isolated columns & beam m2 8.00 550.00

    23 Sides & soffit of suspended floor slab, Stair case & Landing sunshadem2 127.00 550.00

    1st floor level to roof level

    External work

    24 Plaster 16mm thick in cement & sand 1:4 to all faces of wall m2 134.00 550.00

    25 1:3 ct & sand Reveals not exceeding 150mm wide external including

    column corner and slab edge Lm 90.00 180.00

    Plaster 10mm thick in cement & sand 1:3 to all face

    26 Soffit & sides of sunshade , facia & Gutter wall m2 3.00 550.00

    27 Column projection m2 6.00 550.00

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    Internal Work

    28 Plaster 16mm thick in cement & sand 1:4 to all faces of wall m2 460.00 500.00

    29 1:3 ct & sand Reveals not exceeding 150mm wide external including

    column corner and slab edge Lm 170.00 180.00

    Plaster 10mm thick in cement & sand 1:3 to all face

    30 Sides of isolated columns & beam m2 3.00 550.00


    Ground FloorCement sand 1:2 rendering not less than 12mm thick finished rough

    to the following m(with red cement)

    31 Concrete floor m2 125.00 500.00

    32 In staircase m2 20.00 500.00

    33 Cement and sand 1:1 rendering not less than 12mm finished with neat

    cement floating in cupboard slab m2 10.00 500.00

    34 20mm thick x 100 mm high projected skirting in red cement tand sand

    1:2 finished smooth with neat red cement floating. The angle red

    cement floating. The angle between the floor and skirting shall be

    rounded off to a radius of 25mm Lm 25.00 180.00

    1st floor level to 2nd floor level

    Cement sand 1:2 rendering not less than 12mm thick finished rough

    to the following m(with red cement)

    35 Concrete floor m2 125.00 500.00

    36 In staircase m2 20.00 500.00

    37 Cement and sand 1:1 rendering not less than 12mm finished with neat

    cement floating in cupboard slab m2 10.00 500.00

    38 20mm thick x 100 mm high projected skirting in red cement tand sand

    1:2 finished smooth with neat red cement floating. The angle red

    cement floating. The angle between the floor and skirting shall be

    rounded off to a radius of 25mm Lm 25.00 180.00

    1st floor level to roof level

    Cement sand 1:2 rendering not less than 12mm thick finished rough

    to the following m(with red cement)

    39 Concrete floor m2 125.00 550.00

    40 In staircase m2 20.00 550.00

    41 Cement and sand 1:1 rendering not less than 12mm finished with neat

    cement floating in cupboard slab m2 10.00 550.00

    42 20mm thick x 100 mm high projected skirting in red cement tand sand

    1:2 finished smooth with neat red cement floating. The angle red

    cement floating. The angle between the floor and skirting shall be

    rounded off to a radius of 25mm Lm 25.00 180.00


    100x200 mm ceramic appd coloured & pattern non skid .. Tiles to

    toilet and bath floor laid to falls and including thick bed of cement

    & sand 1:3 coat of neat cement applied over the mortar & the tiles

    coated on the under .. with thick cement slurry on the motar and

    tamped down ..... till the cement squirts up through the joints. the ....

    pointed in neat cement colourd to match the tiles in .... following

    43 Ground floor toilets do do m2 6.00 2,500.00

    44 First floor toilets do do m2 6.00 2,500.00

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    45 upper floor toilets .. Do do m2 6.00 2,500.00

    100x200 colourd lanka ceramic tiles to walls of toilets to a height of

    1800mm from floor level laid on including 13mm thick backing in

    cement and sand . With a coat of neat cement slurry and the joints

    points pointed in neat cement coloured to match the .... (tiles to be

    approved by the engineer)

    46 Ground floor toilets do do m2 20.00 2,300.0047 First floor toilets do do m2 20.00 2,300.00

    48 upper floor toilets .. Do do m2 20.00 2,300.00



    Ground floor - External Work

    1 Prepare and apply two coats of epoxy floor paint of appd colour to floor

    & plinth m2 130.00 450.00

    Prepare and apply one coat of alkali resisting primer & 2 coats of

    weathershild emulsion paint colour

    2 Walls, columns and beams m2 130.00 350.00

    3 Soffit of sunshade and facia m2 85.00 350.00

    Internal Work

    Prepare and apply one coat of alkali resisting primer & 2 coats of

    weathershild emulsion paint colour to the following

    4 Walls & columns m2 360.00 320.00

    5 Soffit of sunshade floor slab and beam m2 135.00 320.00

    1st floor level to 2nd floor level

    6 Prepare and apply two coats of epoxy floor paint of appd colour to floorm2 120.00 450.00

    Prepare and apply one coat of alkali resisting primer & 2 coats of

    weathershild emulsion paint colour

    7 Walls, columns and beams m2 130.00 350.00

    8 Soffit of sunshade and facia m2 85.00 350.00

    Internal Work

    Prepare and apply one coat of alkali resisting primer & 2 coats of

    weathershild emulsion paint colour to the following

    9 Walls & columns m2 350.00 320.00

    10 Soffit of sunshade floor slab and beam m2 135.00 320.00

    2nd floor level to roof level

    11 Prepare and apply two coats of epoxy floor paint of appd colour to floor

    m2 120.00 450.00

    Prepare and apply one coat of alkali resisting primer & 2 coats of

    weathershild emulsion paint colour

    12 Walls, columns and beams m2 145.00 350.00

    13 Soffit of sunshade and facia gutter wall m2 10.00 350.00

    Internal Work

    Prepare and apply one coat of alkali resisting primer & 2 coats of

    weathershild emulsion paint colour to the following

    Finishes carried to summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    14 Walls & columns m2 460.00 320.00

    15 Soffit of beam m2 10.00 320.00

    Electrical Installation


    DPC level to first floor finished level

    1 Wall bracket lamp approved quality fitting with wiring Nos 2.00 3,000.002 Water tight wall b racket lamp approved quality fitting with wiring

    Nos 4.00 3,000.00

    3 1200mm long single florescent lamp fitting with wiring (Provisional)

    Nos 4.00 3,000.00

    4 5amp socket outlet fittings with wiring Nos 8.00 2,500.00

    5 15amp, 13amp socket outlet fittings with wiring Nos 4.00 2,800.00

    6 Supplying and fixing 900 type ABC box with circuit breakers & 40amp

    hager / equivalent main switch and 40Amp hager / equivalent trip

    switch approved as engineer instruction necessary wiring

    Nos 2.00 10,000.00

    7 Supplying and fixing 7/044 twin sub main wire. Lm 20.00 600.00

    8 Hood Lamp with wiring No 2.00 3,000.00

    9 ceiling bell with wiring No 2.00 3,000.00

    10 Celing fan 1400mm dia with regulator and 5 speed KDK or equivalent

    with wiring Nos 6.00 10,000.00

    11 10W - 20W energy light fitting with wiring & plastic shade and year

    warrantee submitted Nos 14.00 3,000.00

    12 Earth Electrode GI pipe 50mm dia copper rod 1.5m depth Nos 2.00 4,500.00

    13 Service Bracket 5'-0" long 2 1/2"x 2 1/2" x 1/4" angle iron Nos 2.00 2,000.00

    1st floor to 2nd floor

    14 Wall bracket lamp approved quality fitting with wiring Nos 2.00 3,000.00

    15 Water tight wall b racket lamp approved quality fitting with wiringNos 4.00 3,000.00

    16 1200mm long single florescent lamp fitting with wiring (Provisional)

    Nos 4.00 3,000.00

    17 5amp socket outlet fittings with wiring Nos 8.00 2,500.00

    18 15amp, 13amp socket outlet fittings with wiring Nos 4.00 2,800.00

    19 Supplying and fixing 900 type ABC box with circuit breakers & 40amp

    hager / equivalent main switch and 40Amp hager / equivalent trip

    switch approved as engineer instruction necessary wiring

    Nos 2.00 10,000.00

    20 Supplying and fixing 7/044 twin sub main wire. Lm 20.00 600.00

    21 Hood Lamp with wiring No 2.00 3,000.0022 ceiling bell with wiring No 2.00 3,000.00

    23 Celing fan 1400mm dia with regulator and 5 speed KDK or equivalent

    with wiring Nos 6.00 10,000.00

    24 10W - 20W energy light fitting with wiring & plastic shade and year

    warrantee submitted Nos 14.00 3,000.00

    25 Earth Electrode GI pipe 50mm dia copper rod 1.5m depth Nos 2.00 4,500.00

    26 Service Bracket 5'-0" long 2 1/2"x 2 1/2" x 1/4" angle iron Nos 2.00 2,000.00

    1st floor to roof level

    Wall bracket lamp approved quality fitting with wiring Nos 2.00 3,000.00

    Painting Carried to Summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    Water tight wall b racket lamp approved quality fitting with wiring

    Nos 4.00 3,000.00

    1200mm long single florescent lamp fitting with wiring (Provisional)

    Nos 4.00 3,000.00

    5amp socket outlet fittings with wiring Nos 8.00 3,200.00

    15amp, 13amp socket outlet fittings with wiring Nos 4.00 2,800.00

    Supplying and fixing 900 type ABC box with circuit breakers & 40amp

    hager / equivalent main switch and 40Amp hager / equivalent trip

    switch approved as engineer instruction necessary wiringNos 2.00 10,000.00

    Supplying and fixing 7/044 twin sub main wire. Lm 90.00 600.00

    Hood Lamp with wiring No 2.00 3,000.00

    ceiling bell with wiring No 2.00 2,500.00

    Celing fan 1400mm dia with regulator and 5 speed KDK or equivalent

    with wiring Nos 6.00 10,000.00

    10W - 20W energy light fitting with wiring & plastic shade and year

    warrantee submitted Nos 14.00 3,000.00

    Earth Electrode GI pipe 50mm dia copper rod 1.5m depth Nos 2.00 4,500.00

    Service Bracket 5'-0" long 2 1/2"x 2 1/2" x 1/4" angle iron Nos 2.00 2,000.00

    Allow for Electrical service connection payable to C.E.B PS

    External Drainage



    1 Collecting box 150mmx150mmx150mm deep internally projection from

    the face of the wall built in 75mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4(20mm)

    sides and bottom including 60mm thick cement and sand 1:2 rendering

    internally and 16mm thick lime cement and sand 1:1:5 plaster to

    external faces and plastic grating on top complete with inlet and .....

    connection (Seal type)

    No 1.00 2,345.002 40mm dia waste 600 type PVC pipe Lm 5.00 400.00

    3 60mm dia waste 600 type PVC pipe Lm 35.00 540.00

    4 63mm dia waste 600 type PVC pipe Lm 25.00 570.00

    5 Const. of valve chamber 450x450x450 mm internally built 110mm

    thick brick wall in 1:5 ct. & sand including cast cover set (one No base

    and one No cover) Nos 2.00 4,500.00

    6 110mm dia 600 type PVC pipe extended from closets to the .

    Manhole with average invert depth not exceeding . Including

    necessary bracket ect as per specification Lm 20.00 1,600.00

    7 110mm dia 400 type PVC pipe between manholes and . Upto the

    septic tank maun sewer laid to necessary . With average invert depth

    not exceeding 1500mm . Excavation and back filling bedding on a

    layer of cement concrete 1:4:8 (38mm) 100mm thick and 100mm .... on

    each side of the pipe and subsequently encasing .... same concrete

    after inspection of the pipes

    Lm 25.00 1,400.00

    Electrical Installation carried to summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    8 110mm dia 400 type PVC pipe between manholes and . Upto the

    septic tank maun sewer laid to necessary . With average invert depth

    not exceeding 1500mm . Excavation and back filling bedding on a

    layer of cement concrete 1:4:8 (38mm) 100mm thick and 100mm .... on

    each side of the pipe and subsequently encasing .... same concrete

    after inspection of the pipes

    Lm 20.00 2,000.00

    9 110mm dia 400 type PVC pipe between manholes and . Upto the

    septic tank maun sewer laid to necessary . With average invert depthnot exceeding 1500mm . Excavation and back filling bedding on a

    layer of cement concrete 1:4:8 (38mm) 100mm thick and 100mm .... on

    each side of the pipe and subsequently encasing .... same concrete

    after inspection of the pipes

    Lm 10.00 760.00

    10 110mm dia 400 type PVC rain out water and waste pipe including

    excavation and back filling bedding on a layer of cement concrete

    1:4:8(32) 100mm thick and 100mm wide side of the pipe and

    subsequently encasing with same concrete after inspection of the

    pipe Lm 5.00 1,400.00

    11 Manhole type 600x600 mm internally as per Drg No W.S. . With

    invert depth not exceeding 600mm including excavation back filling

    150mm thick ct. conc. 1:2:4 (20) foundation forming channels &

    benching in similar conc. 125 mm thick ct. conc. Block work walls in

    cement & sand 1:5 & .... cement & sand rendering to channels &

    benching R.C.C .... inlet & outlet connections. All complete to working

    order 75mm thick R.C.C cover R/F with 6mm 0 rods 75 mm centers

    both ways & 2 Nos. Lidtingg handles

    No 6.00 10,000.00

    12 Manhole 1050x675mm & with invert depth not exceeding do

    do. No 1.00 12,000.00

    13 Supply and fix 110mm dia copper wire dome Nos 2.00 500.00

    14 Supply and fix 63mm dia PVC elbow with cleaning eye Nos 10.00 500.0015 110mm dia , 45 deg. Bend with instruction door as per plan Nos 2.00 500.00

    16 110mm dia , 45 deg. Tee with instruction door as per plan Nos 2.00 500.00

    17 110mm dia , 90 deg. Bend with instruction door as per plan Nos 10.00 500.00

    18 110mm dia , 90 deg. Bend with instruction door as per plan Nos 2.00 500.00

    19 110mm dia , 45 deg. Tee with instruction door as per plan Nos 4.00 500.00

    20 110mmx63mm dia , 45 deg Tee with instruction door as per planNos 2.00 500.00

    21 Supply and fix 110mm dia PVC elbow Nos 2.00 500.00

    22 Supply and fix 110 mm dia PVC 'Y' branch (Provisional) Nos 2.00 500.00

    23 Supply and fix 110 mm dia PVC Tee (Provisional) Nos 2.00 500.00

    24 Supply and fix 110 mm dia PVC Telbow n with cleaning eye Nos 4.00 500.00

    25 Supply and fix 110mm dia pVC Tee with cleaning eye Nos 2.00 500.0026 Supply and fix 110mm dia PVC 'Y' branch with cleaning .. ( Provisional)

    Nos 4.00 500.00

    27 Supply and fix 63mm dia PVC 1000 type Lm 24.00 1,200.00

    28 110mm dia PVC pipe 600 type with necessary bracket . ScrewsLm 20.00 1,200.00

    29 .. For testing pipe properly according specification and instruction

    Item 1.00 5,000.00

    30 Soakage pit 1800mm dia internally & 3000mm depth as . Details drg

    WSS 169.02 No 1.00 85,000.00

    31 Type septic tank for 50 persons as per plan (BOQ ..) No 1.00 136,000.00

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    32 Surface water drain 225mm wide 225mm average depth .. To suitable

    falls in 1:3:6 (25mm) cement concrete with .. Thick sides & base

    including ramp of the same materials 750 mm wide including

    excavation & complete 13mm thick 1:3 cement & sand rendering &

    finished smooth with neat cement floating provide expansion joints ...

    every 6000 mm intervalsLm 60.00 1,760.00

    33 . Semi circular in cement concrete 1:3:6 (25) 9" wide and 9" average

    depth 3" thick sides and base inclusive of 1/2" cement rendering 1:3

    with necessary expansion joins and excavation but without ramp

    9including shuttering) . Mixing Lm 10.00 750.00

    34 Ramp only 750 mm wide with suitable falls in 75mm thick (25)

    cement concrete with suitable foundation complete with rendering &

    finished smooth with neat cement floating provide expansion joints of

    every 6000mm . (provisional) Lm 50.00 1,000.00

    External Water Supply

    1 Supply and install SLS approved platishel tank PE+ 2000 lit in capacity

    to be linked together and auto float switch to be fixed including

    necessary plumbing etc. to be provided to working order include a ventpipe of in appropriate dia. No 6.00 20,000.00

    2 Electric pump with motar 1 1/2" x 1 1/4' single phase solex or

    equivalent and appd quality max head 140'-0" 1.5 HP supplying and

    fixed on cement concrete bed 2'-0" x1'-6"x0'-6" in 1:2:4 (20mm) mix

    with 04 Nos 3/8"x6" rag bolt & nuts, rendered in cement motor 1:2

    including foot valve & starter switch complete to working order.

    No 6.00 40,000.00

    3 Stop cock 32mm dia supplied and fixed LD make No 2.00 2,000.00

    4 Stop cock 40mm dia supplied and fixed LD make No 6.00 3,000.00

    5 Supply and fix 20mm dia PVC pipe 1000 type with specials Lm 20.00 170.00

    6 Supply and fix 25mm dia PVC pipe 1000 type with specials Lm 25.00 270.00

    7 Supply and fix 32mm dia PVC pipe 1000 type with specials Lm 30.00 290.00

    8 Supply and fix 40mm dia PVC pipe 1000 type with specials Lm 70.00 400.00

    9 Supply and fix 50mm dia PVC pipe 1000 type with specials (provisional)

    Lm 20.00 540.00


    1 Providing a under ground water sump with the capacity of 1000 liter for

    rain water harvesting. It builts in cement sand . Work in 125mm thick

    and 20mm internal plastering .. Rate including 100mm thick 1:2:4

    (20) base concrete . Providing Y 1 @ 150mm c/c at base and providing

    ...... slab in 1:2:4(20) concrete with 100mm thick and Y 10 150 mm c/creinforcement, water proofing internal .... as directed


    Drainage carried to summary

    External Water Supply carried to summary

    Total carried to summary

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    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    1 Preliminaries

    2 Excavation and Eairth work

    3 Concrete Work

    4 Masonry Work

    5 Roofing & Roof plumbing6 Structural Steel Work

    7 Carpentry and Joinery

    8 Metal Work

    9 Water Proofing

    10 Sanitary Plumbing

    11 Finishes

    12 Painting

    13 Electrical Installation

    14 External Drainage

    15 External Water Supply

    16 Miscellaneous










    VAT 12%

    Grand Total 20,496,112.00











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  • 8/2/2019 Chummary Quarters at Kilinochchi




















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  • 8/2/2019 Chummary Quarters at Kilinochchi




















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  • 8/2/2019 Chummary Quarters at Kilinochchi
































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  • 8/2/2019 Chummary Quarters at Kilinochchi


























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  • 8/2/2019 Chummary Quarters at Kilinochchi



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  • 8/2/2019 Chummary Quarters at Kilinochchi


    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    1 . Clearing & leveling Site

    Item 1.00 1,390.00

    2 .. In soakage pit any material requiring upto depth of (working

    space allowed) m3 4.00 450.00

    3 1.5m to 3m deep m3 4.00 650.00

    4 .. Excavation (provisional) m3 1.00 5,000.00

    5 .. X 150mm cement concrete 1:3:6 (40mm) ring in .. m3 0.35 9,000.00

    6 thick sandcrete block masonry 1:6 in cement motor 1:5 in .. Wall

    from 3000mm to 1500 mm depth m3 2.50 8,500.00

    7 do 1500mm to 500mm deep m3 1.20 9,000.00

    8 do500mm to 300mm above ground level m3 0.75 9,500.00

    17 Cement concrete 1:2:4 (20mm) pad 300mm x150mmx150mm in beamNos 2.00 1,200.00

    18 100x150mm cement concrete 1;2:4 (20mm) pad on top of with

    rebate on the inner side to receive cover slab m3 0.15 14,500.00

    .x150mm RCC 1:2:4 (20mm) beam across pit to .. Cover slab with

    R/F Nos. Mm dia M.s rods & mm MS stirrups at mm (RF measured

    separately) m3 0.10 20,000.00

    mm thick RCC 1:2:4 (20mm)cover slab cast in 100mm . With 100mm

    lifting handles to each sections with RF 10mm dia MS rods at 225mm

    m3 0.30 30,000.00

    21 12mm tor rods supplied & fabricated in position Kg 30.00 170.00

    22 6 mm tor rods supplied & fabricated in position Kg 10.00 170.00

    23 tor rods supplied & fabricated in position Kg 25.00 170.00

    24 Form Work m2 1.40 900.00

    25 12mm thick internal cement plastering 1:3 fom ground level at 150mm

    below inlet pipe finished rough m2 7.00 500.00

    26 Supply and fixing 100mm dia PVC tee inlet pipe as per plan Nos 1.00 500.00

    ( 1800mm dia. 3000mm deep)

    Total Carried to BOQ item No :Q30

    Bill of Quantities for the Construction of Type Plan Soakage Pi

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  • 8/2/2019 Chummary Quarters at Kilinochchi


    No Description Unit Qty Rate

    1 Clearing site Item 1.00 500.00

    2 Excavation 0mm to 1500mm m3 12.00 450.00

    3 Excavation 1500mm to 3000mm m3 4.00 650.00

    4 . Rock excavation in any depth of this work (provisional) m3 2.00 5,000.00

    5 Cement concrete in base slab 1:2:4 (20mm) m3 1.00 14,500.00

    6 10mm dia tor steel in r/f of base slab at 225mm . Both ways. Including

    binding wire kg 70.00 170.00

    7 Brick work 150mm thick in walls in cement motar 1:5 m3 4.50 8,500.00

    8 Cement conc. Pad 1:2:4 (19mm) with necessary form work m3 0.50 14,500.00

    17 75mm thick cement conc. Pre-cast slab 1:2:4 (19mm) with . Filled

    with bitumen mixed with sand (R/F measured) m3 0.60 30,000.00

    18 10mm dia tor steel in r/f of cover slab kg 20.00 170.00

    6mm dia MS bar in r/f of cover slab kg 20.00 170.00

    . Mm thick cement plaster 1:2 to internal face with 5% kg 40.00 170.00

    21 10mm dia M.S bars in lifting handles Kg 20.00 170.00

    22 110mm dia PVC Tee for intel & outlet pipe Nos 2.00 500.00

    23 20mm thick cement plaster 1:3 to exposed area m2 20.00 480.00


    Total Carried to BOQ item No :Q31

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