
Rules, Guidelines & General Team Information for Savannah Speech & Debate 2015/2016 Welcome to the Speaking Savages!We have built a terrific and successful program here at SHS, so we appreciate you joining our Team, your efforts to prepare to compete in various tournament events to make this a fun and exciting year, and for supporting our Team! Joining the Team Any student joining the Team and competing at tournaments should be enrolled in one of either Volz’s OR Proctor’s classes. How big a part you play on the Team is up to you! There will also be a Parent Meeting at the beginning of the year (TBA). At this informational orientation meeting we will collect the following: (1) Permission slip for the year’s tournaments(2) This Handbook signature form (3) Shirt size. The “Two Tracks” of our Team Our Team is made up of 2 tracks- Competitive Drama (Interp) and Debate.

• Competitive Drama (Interp) events include Duet, HI, DI, Duo, Prose, Poetry & Storytelling.

• Debate events include US and Foreign Extemp, Original Oratory, LD, Public Forum and Congressional Debate.

• Students may either choose one track in which to focus, or may cross-enter in several events as tournaments allow. (Ex. Compete in HI & Duo or Extemp & LD, etc.)

The Benefits We may have late nights & long hours ahead, but the benefits are great: notoriety and connections, NSDA Honor Society membership, improved grades and standardized test scores, increased self-esteem, improved communication skills, and friendships are just a small part of what you will receive by competing in Forensics.


Team Website

Team Home Rooms – Room 112 (Volz) & Room 35 (Proctor)


[email protected]

Cramista Volz and C.M. Proctor, Speech & Debate Coaches [email protected]


Tournament Information Our tournaments are governed by 2 major organizations: Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA), and the National Speech

and Debate Association (NSDA) (formerly the National Forensic League-NFL). Throughout the year students have the opportunity to compete at local area tournaments in various events for the following reasons: (1) the possibility of advancing and placing in events, leading to (2) the possibility of qualifying for State and National tournaments, (3) membership into NSDA, which is our Honor Society (more info enclosed), (4) exposure, connections, and experience in communication enhancement, (5) the opportunity to learn from judges, your coach, and other competitors in a real-world setting, (6) the opportunity to put into performance all of the preparation for events learned in and out of class time, (7) access to Scholarship money, and (8) lots of fun!! MSHSAA

• Our regular MSHSAA tournament season runs from August through February. The MSHSAA State Tournament is held the last part of April. Qualifying rounds occur in March. It is a very prestigious honor to qualify, and a great reward for hard work and practice. Students are expected to prepare & attend the State tournament if they are qualified and selected. Location of the State Tournament will be held in Springfield, MO at Missouri State University, which will require us to travel. Best of luck! MSHSAA qualifying events include: Original Oratory, Extemporaneous Speaking, LD Debate, PF Debate, Congressional Debate, Duet Acting, Humorous Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Prose, Poetry, and Storytelling.

• TOURNAMENT HOURS: Tournaments will take place over two days, Fridays and Saturdays.Students entered in Friday events will be released from classes around noon or so on Fridays (release times will be determined by tournament location), and will travel to the tournament, via school provided transportation. Depending on the tournament schedule and the advancement of students, tournaments can run as late as midnight. In addition, Saturday mornings will begin early, in order to allow all events and rounds to fit into one day. We may need to leave as early as 6:00am, depending on the schedules. *There are a few tournaments that will be offered on Fridays only or Saturdays only. In this case, we will all leave early Saturday mornings and all return following the Awards Assembly that evening. STUDENTS MAY NOT ARRIVE LATE OR LEAVE A TOURNAMENT EARLY.

• The number of tournaments our squad will attend, as well as the location of local and/or out-of-town tournaments, will be at the Coaches’ discretion each year. Attendance will be determined by number of Team members signed up for tournaments, school and other scheduling considerations (ex.

SAT dates, homecoming games, etc.) and budget constraints. *Special considerations may be examined should the need arise.

• Our Executive Council will be a combination of a student vote and Coaches discretion each year. Officers may have input into which tournaments are attended, and may also have input into other Team decisions at the Coach’s discretion. Officers will also serve as Squad Leaders (mentors to novice team members).

National Speech and Debate Association / National Forensic League

• At MSHSAA and other tournaments, students are also awarded NSDA POINTS. Students will need 25* NSDA points in order to become a member of the NSDA Honor Society. Beyond the 25 points, students will earn further degrees with NSDA (point system details are enclosed) as they continue to compete, and advance/place in their events. Points are entered online by the Coaches following each tournament. At the end of each school year, our Team will hold a Banquet, where students are honored for the year’s achievements.

• NSDA will hold its District tournaments sometime in the Spring. It is at this tournament where it is possible to qualify for the National Tournament in June. ONLY TEAM MEMBERS WHO ARE NSDA MEMBERS may compete at this tournament. Competition is by Coach’s invitation only. Students are expected to prepare & attend the National tournament if they are qualified.

• District tournament events that are National qualifiers are: Lincoln-Douglas & Policy Debate, Student Congress, Public Forum Debate, Oratory, HI and DI, Foreign and Domestic Extemp, and DUO interp.

• Students are free to choose which tournaments they attend. There are sign-up sheets on the Team bulletin boards in both Proctor and Volz’s room with the event you will be signing up to compete in. Students are responsible for checking their schedules for any possible conflicts BEFORE signing up for tournaments. Once signed up, you MUST attend.

• Students on the Team (and in the class) are required to attend a minimum of TWO tournaments in the Fall, and TWO tournament in the Spring semester. That equals to ONE tournament per quarter.

• Students competing at tournaments should also be fully prepared for each event they enter in order to attend. Competitors should plan to utilize times,

enrolled in either Volz or Proctor’s classes.

Any student joining the Team and competing at tournaments should be

Tournament Attendance Rules

not only during class, but also outside of school, to come in and work with classmates, Volz, Proctor and Squad Leaders. A minimum of TWO practices must be attended in order to attend a tournament. *Coaches may have additional requirements for students that are class specific, such as meeting to go over cases, character development, cutting, etc.

• Students must sign up for tournaments by the DEADLINE in order to attend. Each student will then be given a Verification notice, which includes all tournament details. *Students are expected to share all tournament details with their parents each time, as schedules differ and change.

• Students are responsible for paying DROP FEES - if you have to drop out of a tournament FOR ANY REASON after the deadline has passed (this includes illness and over-sleeping). Costs vary depending on the tournament, so there is no “flat rate” for a drop. Can vary anywhere between $5 - $20 per event. Please be aware of this before signing up for each tournament.

• Competitors who do not attend tournaments, or who do not follow the rules for tournament attendance are subject to suspension from tournaments, expulsion from enrolling in courses, or other actions deemed appropriate by the Coach and/or administrators.

o Competitors should wear subtle colors at all times. This allows the focus to be on the PERFORMANCE, and not on the clothing. Examples are blacks, browns, navy blues, grays, dark reds or violets, etc.

o GENTLEMEN: SUIT AND TIE with dark dress socks and shoes. The minimum

requirement is pressed dress shirt and tie with dress slacks and dress shoes. Suit vests may also be worn. NO khaki pants or casual wear, wrinkled shirts/pants, sweater vests, tennis shoes, white socks, bright colors, or patterns should be worn.

guidelines: dress code at tournaments. This includes the following our Team, but must also have respect for the professional not only representing Savannah H.S. and have pride in

for each tournament. We are PROFESSIONALLYDRESS Students are also expected to •

Dress Code

o LADIES: pant suit or skirt suit with jacket, and comfortable matching dress shoes (low heels or comfy high heel- closed toe). If a skirt is worn, the skirt MUST be knee length and hosiery MUST be worn, along with close-toed shoes. Accompanying blouse must be of appropriate subtle color (see above colors) with optional non-distracting pattern. No low-cut, spaghetti straps, tight or revealing tops of any kind may be worn.

o Jewelry/Nail polish – Jewelry must NOT be a distraction to your performance. It should be very conservative (small stud earrings, simple pearl necklace) and no more than one ring per hand, if worn at all. Nail polish should be NON-DISTRACTING and well-maintained.

o Hair – should not be a distraction, nor should it be in your way. Gentlemen MAY NOT have unkempt facial hair, nor long hair at the front or back. Ladies should braid, clip, or use a headband in their hair to keep it out of their face. Our look is to be CONSERVATIVE and PROFESSIONAL so that your performance is the focus at all times. Be sure to plan your hairstyle based on your performance requirements, rather than on your personal style. Save that for school or your own time.

o Team members must stay in tournament dress throughout the tournament. Students should plan to remain in tournament clothes throughout the tournament. The only exception is that ladies may change into more comfortable shoes IF they are not advancing in any of their events, and gentlemen may remove their jackets/ties at the end of the final day, but must wear them to Awards. There should never be pajamas, slippers, jeans, shorts, or other dress that appears sloppy or unprofessional brought to a tournament.

o Competitors who do not comply with the above guidelines may be dropped from a tournament at the student/parent’s expense, suspended from tournaments, or other actions deemed appropriate by the Coaches and/or administrators.

• Keep in touch with your parent(s)/guardians. Tournament schedules change, and students may or may not advance, so we often do not have a set time we will be finished and returning back to SHS to go home. Students should keep in contact with their parent(s) during the tournament to let them know our status (not to mention bragging rights if you advance in your event!). Students will call parents when the bus is 30 minutes away upon arrival back to the high school. *Let your parents know that phones must be turned OFF in rounds.

• Cell phone calls and Texting: In order for us to keep in contact during tournaments, keep students safe, etc. your Coaches will exchange phone numbers with the students on the Team (parents will also have access to the Coach’s number for emergency use). **Please use the Coach’s cell phone number for SCHOOL BUSINESS ONLY. Reasons to call or text would include: Letting us know you are on your way to meet the bus (or if you have missed the bus, letting us know you have a ride to meet us), letting the Coach know if you are ill before or during a tournament, letting the Coach know if you advanced in your event or are out of your rounds at a tournament, etc. *Please do not abuse this method of communication- thanks!

• DEWSLY – The Coaches will make use of this helpful, educational, secure texting service for reminders, announcements and upcoming events. Students and Parents must subscribe to secure groups and/or classes, so no cell numbers are visible to anyone else in the group, nor can the messages be replied to directly by receivers.

• E-mail: Please use your Coaches email addresses for professional use only, as well. Reasons would include: emailing a rough draft of an Oratory or Debate case for review, emailing a makeup assignment, and other school-related work, asking for clarification of an assignment or other questions about tournaments, etc. Again, please use discretion and DO NOT include or cc your Coach on viral videos, cartoons, jokes of the day type sites, or other non-school business.

C.M. Proctor – [email protected] Volz – [email protected]

• We will use the online tool EDMODO for our class assignments, event materials, announcements, calendar and collaboration with classmates and coach. This is a secure, educational site that we will be implementing this year, and although it looks very similar to Facebook, it is very reliable and safely monitored by the Coaches. No inappropriate comments or photos are tolerated, and are deleted at the Coach’s discretion if needed. *ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO CHECK EDMODO DAILY and are RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED THERE.

• Facebook/Twitter/Instagram Social Sites: Yes, we all love it, it’s fun, we get it. HOWEVER… please remember that (again) you are ALWAYS a SHS Speech, Interp & Debate Team member, representing our Team and our School. Please do not discuss such things as our Team business, procedures, gossip, your Coach, or any internal information on your wall or page in any way (especially with other competitors!). You should also not be discussing ANYTHING with judges AT ALL, nor should you post inappropriate or embarrassing PHOTOS. Just remember… YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS READING!! Please be professional at all times during your time with us on

the Team. ☺

Conduct Outside of Class & Tournaments • Again, you are ALWAYS a representative of the SHS Speech & Debate

Team. Please keep this in mind if you are wearing your Team shirt, pullover, etc. on your own time. Please conduct yourself appropriately, and remember that your actions have consequences.

• All members are required to maintain a 2.75 GPA (C+ average). Please keep your grades up. Grades come first and your academic success is more important than your competition success – you have PLENTY of down time at tournaments in between rounds to be getting your homework done!

We will be checking your grades regularly. If you grades are not up to par, you will not be allowed to compete until they are so. It is always important to balance your academic and extra-curricular time.

• Please follow the SHS dress code at all times. We do not want Team members walking around looking anything less than the successful students they are!

• Please DO NOT appear on the 9th hour list, the ISS list, or any other disciplinary list! We pride ourselves on being mature and responsible, albeit fun, people. ☺

• Team members must not be found drinking alcohol, smoking, or partaking in illegal substances at ANY time. You may be asked to leave the Team permanently if this occurs .

• Please keep our Team a “drama-free” zone. By this we mean, please treat each other, and your Coaches, with respect, and if there are conflicts, please meet to voice and resolve them ASAP. We spend a great deal of time together, and will be tired or frustrated at times, etc. and would love to avoid gossip, emotional disagreements, or at least settle them quickly. Good attitudes are ALWAYS appreciated over trophies.

Conduct During Class & Tournament Prep • The purpose of our Debate and Competitive Drama courses are to teach

you the wealth of information and value of the Forensic Arts, AND THEN to encourage you to take what you have learned into a real-life setting… a speech competition.

• USE CLASS TIME to your advantage. The more you utilize your class time, the less you will need to spend time before and after school preparing/polishing your event for tournaments.

• Computer Use: Classroom & Computer Lab computers are to be used ONLY for speech, debate and/or oral interp-related RESEARCH, WRITING, and READING. o NO GAMES will be allowed during class time

o NO averting of blocks, acceptable use or other policies will be allowed. • NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES are allowed during class time (includes

cell phones, iPods or other mp3 players) unless approved by Coach for a BYOD instructional use.

• Restroom Policy: Go before or after class, PLEASE. • Tardies will be enforced. • RESPECT the opinions and expressions of others in the class and on the

Team at all times. You may not agree, but everyone is allowed to voice their viewpoint, as long as it is expressed with Respect. DO NOT hold

people personally responsible for views expressed, or shame anyone outside of the Debate Room or Tournament.

• Discipline: We should not have discipline problems in our class. However, should they arise, you will receive a warning, followed by a conference with your Coach, followed by a referral to the Assistant Principal. Your action will also be documented, and a parent conference will be arranged if necessary.


• In order to show support for our Team, as well as reduce possibilities of injury or accident, etc. students will travel to and from all tournaments together- either by school bus with driver, or District SUV driven by the Coach.

• Students must remain on the Tournament school’s campus throughout the tournament. Students may not leave a tournament for ANY reason (including crossing streets to get food without their Coach, going home after their rounds, etc.). The only exception to this is for special circumstances, agreed upon well in advance by parents & the Coach.

• Students should act professionally and responsibly throughout the tournament. Any behavior contradicting this may result in the Coach sending students home without possibility of completing their events, suspension from tournaments, and other restrictions/consequences, depending on the severity of the infraction or behavior.

• Friends vs. Competitors – always be friendly and courteous to other competitors. However, keep in mind that they are the competition. DO NOT exclusively “hang out” with other Teams, be wary of social networking, as well.

• Please do not “hang out” at another school’s table. Visiting, complementing performances, etc. are terrific. However, let’s talk…

• Students are responsible for reporting to their rooms for their events ON TIME EVERY TIME (which means + minutes EARLY). Students are expected to follow all rules of the host school and tournament (ex. Never enter a room without a judge present, never enter or exit a room during a performance, or right after your performance without being double entered, etc.)

• Students must keep cell phones OFF in round rooms. It is preferred that students do not take phones into rounds with them

period unless being used in Debate rounds for the sake of timing. Please be sure you DO NOT allow your cell phone to ring/buzz during performances!

• ALWAYS be respectful to your Judges and other Coaches! We may not like or agree with a decision, but we must ALWAYS remain respectful of our Judges, even outside of the round. This also applies to other Coaches, your Coaches, and each other.

• Please do not be overheard gossiping about anyone! If you wish to discuss a performance, judge, etc., please speak privately far away from others.

• Conduct yourself maturely in the Cafeteria and at Awards Assemblies. Make sure you are having fun, but not being too crazy or being too loud/obnoxious in between rounds at our Team table OR at the Awards ceremonies. We are representing SHS, and should conduct ourselves appropriately (while still having fun!).

• If/when possible, we will stop somewhere and get food before or after a tournament. Places will include fast food, gas stations, etc. Keep in mind this is TIME DEPENDING, not a guarantee that we will stop.

• STATE and/or NATIONAL travel: We are so fortunate that our entry fees and travel expenses are paid by SHS. Students are expected to bring money for meals, and are expected to be responsible with money in their possession.

• In addition to these rules, Savannah R-III and Savannah High School Student Conduct rules during field trips and student travel, expectations and consequences also apply.

• ABOVE ALL, let’s avoid all of the consequences by playing by the rules, and we will have an exciting and AWESOME year!! Best of luck!!

Interp Material Guidelines

Please be aware that Volz’s policy on performance material is veryconservative. No inappropriate material may be performed by our

SHS Team at tournaments. Questionable material will be reviewed by the Coach.

Students are subject to disciplinary action if offensive material is performed without their Coach’s knowledge.

*HOWEVER, students and parents should be warned that not all schools have this policy.

There are rare occasions where material performed may be offensive to some, or material available for performance may contain offensive material. These situations should be handled with the utmost maturity, and any questions or issues should be quickly raised with Volz and/or Proctor. In the case of full plays, any and all language and offensive content must be cut. However, it is not possible to “pre” cut material for students, so students should use good judgment and maturity when choosing and cutting material. Any performance material objectionable to students or parents should be brought to the attention of the Coaches.


Signature Form I [print name]_________________________________ acknowledge that I have read, understand, and will abide by the rules stated in this handbook, as well as any others raised by my Coaches and/or administrators. I also understand that I am responsible for any/all information on our Team Website and Edmodo, and that I should check it for announcements, schedule changes, etc. on a daily basis.

Signed (student): ________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________ Cell number: ________________________________________

As the parent of student listed above, I [print name]________________________________ also acknowledge that I have read the information and guidelines listed in this handbook, and also understand that most information regarding the Team (schedules, announcements, etc.) may be found on our Team Website. I also understand that I am encouraged to email Mr. Proctor or Miss Volz anytime I have questions or need further information.

Signed (parent): ________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________ Phone number: ________________________________________

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