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Christmas without Stress

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Christmas unlike every other holiday is very unique. It is one of the most popular

holidays all around the world and almost about everybody is preparing including

Christians and non-Christians. Sometimes most people breakdown or get sick few

days after Christmas or any other Holiday season. The reason is this:

When Christmas or any other holiday season comes, the stress level of

EVERYONE seems to increase. You find an usual queue at the bus station or find

all hotel booked or probably all flight booked and you begin adding additional

efforts just to get things done.

Some people must have probably been facing some certain amount of stress

already and with all the holiday gatherings, shopping sprees, and other unplanned

surprises that are yet to come they might just breakdown afterwards.

This book will provide you with all the information and guideline you need to

survive this Christmas.


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Christmas Now And Then

Well it is December and Christmas is almost here

Another happy Christmas for family and good cheer

There will be tables loaded with turkeys, hams and sweets

We know there will be more than we could ever eat

There will be a big tree shining so bright

With beautiful decorations and pretty shiny lights

Under that tree there will be present galore

So many you would wonder how there could be anything left in the store

Christmas now is really so much fun

But gosh there is just too much for everyone

My thoughts go back to a cold Christmas long ago

To a family not blessed with riches and gold

Our little tree was kind of skimpy, with some ribbons and a few shiny balls

But to us it stood magnificent, the greatest of them all

Under that tree was a present for Raye, a present for Sister and a present for me

And we could hardly wait as we would open them with glee

There was not a lot of fancy food on that table, times were kind of tough

But we were all happy and for us it was enough

We were so thankful as we thanked the Lord above

We knew what we had was paid for with Daddy's hard work and Mamas love

I'm thankful that we now have so much and our blessings are many

And it is good to live in this great land of plenty

But I would gladly give every material thing that I own

To have one more Christmas with Mama and Daddy and my two sisters at home

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Chapter 1

The Christmas Air

The Christmas air carries its own unique features. And as people from all

over the world are celebrating in their own way they all have one thing in

common, “they are riding in the Christmas air”

We have gotten to that time of the year, when everything becomes different

ranging from the color of everything in your House, the music, the weather,

the people, and the holiday etc. to the color of everything in the computer

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screen, the music from the church and the radio set even the advertisements

and the billboards are not left out.

Adjusting yourself to the turn of events around you is not just for trending

sake, but it is important for your health and general well being. When I say

the Christmas air I am simply talking about adjusting yourself to flow with

the environment for the sake of your health and avoid stress.

If you do not fit into the Christmas air, you will definitely be caught off guard

and will surely end up in a sorry state. In this chapter we will be looking at

the necessary tips to help you stay fit and ready.

Are you ready? Let’s Play….

Plan Ahead and Stick to the PLAN

The truth is some people have the habits of making last minute preparation;

thereby causing lot of stress for themselves. It is important that you make a plan

ahead, and not just you but ALL family members must also be involved.

When planning let everyone have a regular routine, especially the kids. Make your

Christmas schedules a little bit different and more fun from your normal task. And

if there is a hard task that needs to be done let there be a reward for any member of

the family that will take such task. Even if you are the one treat yourself a surprise.

Sometimes, it is important to know the plan and expectation of everyone, and put

your daily schedule and best of all your Christmas Plan to fall in to suit the need of

every member.

When planning for the festive season it is important to

Start and make preparation early and ahead of time

Avoid unnecessary stress to you and your family

Keep up with your set schedules of eating, sleeping time etc.

Proper time management is also important

Know what plans everyone wants and put up with it

Make sure you add play or fun time

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Have a backup Plan

Although, there can be lots of excitement of the holidays, such as friends and

family members coming for unannounced visits, and social "get together" thereby

making it more difficult to stick to your normal daily routines, Yet when such

things happen you should prepare for it. It isn't impossible to achieve especially if

you can even get the visitor play along with your family schedule it can even be an

added advantage.

Remember too that you can always make small adjustments to your normal routine

to fit that day's schedule of "hectic" events, but it will make keeping to your

schedule all the more difficult later on.

Understanding Yourself

While you can be quite busy running around and putting things in order or

getting things ready, It is important to note that your body is not a machine, and

must be taken care of. Most people breakdown because they do not listen to their

body signals.

Listen to yourself, and let others know just how you are feeling. And when you are

going to be sharing it with others, do it in a positive way. If there are things

bothering you, do tell someone about it but do not just spill it out to anyone, some

people are natural burden bearers, they have large heart and no matter what you

tell them they can keep it. Just make sure you tell somebody in a manner that

doesn't put undue stress upon them!

It can be a good thing to have a family "chat session" and ask everyone how they

feel about what they are doing and the coming Christmas. Speaking out what

borders you help alleviates them and this will also promote the family unity since

everyone will encourage each other.

Warning: Never allow stress to make you angry or when stressed vent it

outwardly at the expense of others. It is better to discuss it or channel your energy

to other sources. One thing to consider is if you are feeling anything towards

somebody, deal with what you are feeling not the person you are felling it to.

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Finally, you should know your limits and do not exceed your limit. This is one

mistake many people make. When you have any negative feeling, or warning

signals do not ignore them. Here are some tips you should take with you:

Avoid stress

Do some relaxation exercise at intervals

Have a family exercise fit into your schedule

Know your limits and do not exceed them

Don’t put anything above your health

Ask for help from “anyone and everyone”

Know what you want (Many people are stressed because they don’t know

what they are actually going for

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Chapter 2 Christmas Day Preparation

As Christmas draws nearer, you are always tempted to try new things,

especially when you will be getting different tips and ideas from the radio,

TV programs, internet and friends. In preparing for Christmas you should be

able to identify what makes this Christmas season special to and you should

stick to every plan you are making.

Most people forget about themselves and simply start trying and adding every new

tips coming in from here and there. If you really love a tip, then save it for the next

Christmas and pray to God to help you witness or see the next one to come.

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Here are some vital tips you should consider when preparing for Christmas as

anything less or more can result to either a poor or a stress filled Christmas.

You are Not Mr. Perfect.

Even though perfection is wonderful, Humans cannot be really perfect.

Nobody's perfect and nothing can be perfect so don’t expect to make your

Christmas perfect. Do yourself a favor of not expecting perfection. Just get things

done at least above average and don't expect more than that, be happy with the

little you were able to get done and appreciate yourself and everyone for it!

Do what you can and be happy knowing that you did all you could to make it a

wonderful holiday. Trying to make things perfect can really backfire against you

in many ways not just in stress, but finance and time aspects.

At the end you are scampering to get things done and that is when you will say

“let’s just manage it”. This result to higher stress level and a poor Christmas

experience. And in situation when you can’t just get the perfect Christmas you will

start worrying about what you CANNOT do and this leads to another health


Say No!

To get rid of this you should be ready to SAY NO! Most people suffering are as a

result of not saying NO. You should learn to say no and don’t be afraid to, but

always do it in a friendly and understanding way, try making them see the reason

with you and why they should consider no for an answer.

It can be really hard to tell someone you care about No to a request, but it is

important and trying to make them understand can be quite a task. In cases such as

this, you do it in a tricky manner especially if it is the kids or if they are involved.

In case of the kids, you won’t just say an absolute NO! You can let them know

that it is not possible now doesn’t mean it is forever impossible. So bribe them

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through or give them an alternate of something they just can’t resist. They are your

kids you should be able to turn them your way. Sometimes you can use questions

to wear them off.

Take A Break!

With all the hustle and bustles going on, it is necessary to create a timeout

just for you and you alone. This is for relaxation purposes stopping at the corner

Cafe for a cup of coffee or Joe, treating yourself to a non-holiday themed movie,

or setting down to a peaceful bite to eat, or doing some simple breadth watching

meditation can go a long way in making your health stand throughout the holiday


You can go for a steamy bath. Light some candles, shut and lock out the world,

and retreat to the most private room in your home! Don't have time for a bath? Use

whatever common stress-busters work best for you. Just make sure you set aside

some time to DO them over the course of the holidays :-)

Be Budget Conscious

Spending more than what you have is easy to do. But the aftermath can be

very overwhelming. Over spending is a very common occurrence with many

people during the holidays, I know we all want a very memorable holiday season

and of course make our loved ones happy.

This is why planning is very important, knowing and having a budget is very

important, this way you will know what you are buying. With the rising cost of

almost everything, the importance of budget cannot be over-emphasized.

So, make a list and write each person’s name and what they will ge getting and

giving away in this Christmas. If you haven't set a clear-cut budget for your

holiday spending, DO IT! Not only that, but you MUST STICK WITH IT.

Here are some final tips to round off this part, you should keep them handy.

Do not try to make things perfect

Do not be afraid to say no

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Always take a break

Avoid Over spending

Know what you need and go for it

Have a Budget

Be happy with what you have

Prepare for the aftermath of Christmas you still have a life ahead of you

That’s it. Don’t forget that not sticking with this can result to bad occurrences, so

do yourself a favor of keeping this tips handy as you prepare for Christmas.

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Chapter 3 Getting Things Done

Being productive this Christmas should be one thing that you must aim at. You

can have the best plan in the world, but your productivity determines how well

your plan becomes a reality. So you should be getting set to TAKE ACTION and

get more things done.

Be the Early Bird

The Proverb “the early bird catches the worm” is very true and very applicable in

every area and not just applicable but also very true. The earlier you get things

done, the better. This way you won’t face scarcity or rush

If you have the “last minute spirit or habit” Then now is the time to get rid of it.

Stop procrastinating and get things done. Take advantage of early Christmas sales

and coupons and offers use it to your advantage. This can be asmart thing to do

especially if you are on budget.

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Take Your Time

One Mistake people make is RUSHING! DO not rush, take your time and

get things done properly. Yet, This is not an excuse to be slow and unproductive.

In taking time, you do it not to make any mistake.

More often than not, people are ALWAYS in a rush, they are not ready to exercise

a little bit of patience, at the end they get strained, take more time and still make

lots of mistakes. Do not be a victim of this. Rather SLOW Down and with a clear

view of what you want to do, take some time out and get it done.

Taking your time also involves knowing the right time to get things done. Nobody

likes getting stuck in the traffic, which would surely cause more stress and delay,

instead going out for shopping later in the weekend go for shopping in the

morning of a weekday or preferably Purchase some online. This way you will get

it off your schedule easily and quickly.

Save Your Time

While you take your time to get things done, you should also save your time while

getting things done, this way the equation becomes balanced. You cannot do

everything you should relinquish some duties to others and probably pay or

outsource other duties.

One way of doing this is by purchasing a few things from home online! Many

Internet shops include gift-wrapping before the package is sent out for a small fee

and some can even do it for free. So why not give it a try? This is especially handy

for those that have friends or family across the country, or world for that matter.

Help your Self

I can bet that even if you were a “washing machine” you surely will hate

washing after any party, no matter how small. So, instead of heaping a huge pile of

plates and other stuffs to wash after Christmas, use Paper plates, disposable

silverware, plastic cups, one-use aluminum baking pans, napkins and other

disposables to help you cut down on your workload.

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This will help in many ways and since no one likes cleaning up after a party,

especially the person that has to do most of the work!

Using things that can be thrown out after everything is all over can significantly

reduce your stress. So, get your trash bags ready and know that your probably will

have very little washing and cleaning to do after the party. This will help you

reduce stress in many ways.

Take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself is really important and even though we have treated and

talked about it, as you are getting things done, you should also take care of

yourself. Review your progress and reduce even more stress.

Try picking up a little something for yourself or Treat yourself to a relaxing

manicure, facial, or massage. This can do wonders for reducing your holiday stress

levels. Those aren't the only things you can do though. Take a walk in the park,

drive the long route home after a busy day of shopping or working and treat

yourself to an ice cream! This should be something you can do with yourself and

by yourself

15.) Prepare For Emergencies

Emergencies are a part of everyday living, but seem to heighten around this

time of the year. There are lots of people traveling, shopping, and partaking in

festive activities, so be sure you give yourself enough time to account for these

delays in getting where you're going.

In addition to this, winter weather can be, more often than not, unpredictable,

which can also lead to back-ups in street traffic, delayed or even canceled flights,

and other scheduled transportation systems. Prepare yourself up for this ahead of

time so that you might handle the stress a little better.

Something else you could do as far as getting to important appointments on time is

to set your clocks a half hour faster. Fool yourself into thinking that it is really

later than it is. Then you'll be happily surprised when you end up at your

destination on time, or even early!

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There are practically dozens and dozens of ways to fight holiday stress.

Talking to your family physician can put you onto the right pathway to

battling many of them. Specifically if nothing you have tried thus far is

working for you.

Having a wonderful, enjoyable, less stressful holiday season can be done by

using the tips suggested here, or by those steps recommended by your family

doctor. In any case, I hope that you have the best, most memorable holiday

season ever, however you celebrate it, and with whomever you celebrate it!

Wishing you the Best Holiday Ever!!!

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Discover how you can take out stress from your Christmas and Have an

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