Page 1: Christmas is just around the corner and it’s time to get organised!

Christmas is just around the corner and it’s time to get organised!This time of year can get a little out of hand for most people. Between trying to come up with clever gift ideas, cleaning, cooking and last minute shopping Design Wedding Gowns , Christmas can be a little stressful. This is why we have put together a quick guide to help minimize stress during the festive season.

Christmas is just around the corner and it’s time to get organised!

Page 2: Christmas is just around the corner and it’s time to get organised!

Three weeks till Christmas

* By now all your decorations should be up and the house should be looking festive. If not, get the kids involved and make it a time to celebrate and have some fun decorating. You will be surprised how creative children are when it comes to decorating. * Your door is the first sign of welcome for guests visiting your home during the holidays so make sure you have festive door décor or a warm welcoming wreath. * Don't wait until the night before everyone arrives to start cleaning. Clean the house room by room. Pick a room each day or a few rooms each week. Perhaps schedule a special session with your normal cleaning service, even better schedule a spring clean to really make your home sparkle. * Declutter the house now! Spring clean those old toys BEFORE spring - if you can, take a day or two to throw out any old toys that your children have - no kids? Throw out or donate some old things of your own. Not only will Designer Wedding Dress it make room for the new, but it will give you a renewed sense of what you have and what you need. * Ask your guests if they have any special dietary needs before they arrive. This will help you avoid any last minute trips to the supermarket. * Order any meat or seafood you need for Christmas lunch. Decide what drinks you will need and keep an eye out for bargains * Gifts and guests go together -- make a special space in your home for your guests to relax and don't forget to personalise your gifts.

Page 3: Christmas is just around the corner and it’s time to get organised!

* Make sure you have the correct equipment and enough of everything to serve your guests Designer Wedding Dresses . Do a stock take:

- Table big enough to serve guests - Chairs

- Plates - Sharpened knives

- Coffee maker or pot - Sugar bowl

- Silverware - Water glasses

- Wine glasses - Cups and saucers -Laundered napkins - Table cloth (that fits table) - - Refrigerator space to hold all the - Large bowls, pots, serving plattersfood and drinks

Page 4: Christmas is just around the corner and it’s time to get organised!

Two weeks till Christmas

* Check the recipes you'll be making to ensure you have ALL the ingredients and correct equipment. * Write up a shopping list. It's time to start shopping to avoid the late rush at the supermarket. * If your overnight guests are family Designer Wedding Gown or close friends, it's always a nice touch to display photos of time spent together in the past; everyone enjoys a trip down memory lane. * Decide on seating chart (will you need a kids table?) * Decide on what can be cooked in advance

Page 5: Christmas is just around the corner and it’s time to get organised!

Tips to make your home welcoming and looking great

* Set the table the night before so it will be ready for tomorrow - its one large task that you won't have to do on the day! * Christmas and New Year Parties can be as laid-back or as lavish as you like. Do not underestimate the power of potluck - guests love to feel like they are contributing to a meal. Also, keep a stash of food on hand for latecomers or unannounced guests. But if entertaining is not your thing or the party requires a little extra then remember DIAL-AN-ANGEL party help can provide everything from cooks through to dishwashers and drinks Designer Wedding Gowns waiters. * Be prepared to spend time with your guests. Do your cleaning and preparation well ahead of time so you can spend time relaxing and visiting, and not in the kitchen. If your guests will be around for a number of days, go out for dinner one night so you can take a night off as well! * Create a friendly environment for your guests. Lay out guest towels, magazines, maps (for your out of town guests), and water for your guests. Hang plenty of empty clothes hangers in the closet for overnight guests to use. Empty a couple of dresser drawers if your guests will be staying more than a night or two. A couple of spare toothbrushes on hand never go astray either! * Provide your guests with enough information so that they can enjoy your geographic area without assistance from you. * Make sure they are familiar with phone and Internet access at your home as well.

Page 6: Christmas is just around the corner and it’s time to get organised!

When there is a lot to do at this time year we often forget to have fun as well. Outsource the tasks that you can, these days nearly everything can be done by professionals Wedding Dress Brand and you would be surprised at how reasonable the costs are to do so. Remember make time to relax and treat yourself, it's your Christm

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