Page 1: Christianity Viewed from the 21st Century

Christianity Viewed

from the 21st Century

A Slide Presentation


Dr. Robert C. Frank

Professor Emeritus of Physics at Augustana College

Serving on Christ’s Team at St. James Lutheran Church


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The View Today is Very Different

The Christian world is very different in the 21st

Century than it was in the 1st century..

There are now over two billion followers of Jesus

and they share with others a world in which

science and technology play dominant roles.


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God’s Continuing Creation

The quality of human life is improving at a

dramatic pace.

People are living healthier, happier, and longer.

Transportation, communication, and modern

medicine are far superior to the past.


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Our Rapidly Changing World

With the aid of science, the kingdom of God is

growing to be very large as Jesus predicted in

his comparison to the mustard tree. Mt 13: 31-

32, Mk 4: 30-32, Lk 13: 18-19

When we repeat the Lord’s Prayer we say, “your

kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is

in heaven” and today you can see it happening.


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Changing the Frame of Reference

Rather than viewing Christianity from the

perspective of our personal lives or our church,

we must view it as a whole if we want to see

how it is changing the world.


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Christians Participating in Creation

The followers of Jesus are seen to be both

observers and participants in God’s awesome

continuing creation.

As their servant leader, Jesus taught his followers

to love each other, work together, and help

everyone lead better lives.


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The Increasing Rate of Creation

The rate of creation depends on past

accomplishments and the number of people


As a result, in each generation, with more

people and greater teamwork, the quality of life

improves more rapidly.


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Teamwork in Science

Large scale teamwork in science began during

World War II.

An enormous team of scientists and engineers

developed the atomic bombs that ended the war

in Japan.


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Teamwork in Materials Science

The development of the transistor in the late

1940’s may be considered the most important

invention of the 20th century.

It focused attention on the atomic properties

of solid materials.


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Birth of the Microchip

Large teams of scientists and engineers began

creating tiny electrical circuits embedded in solid

materials. They are called microchips.

Microchips are now used in radios, TV, computers,

cell phones, tablets and control devices. Very

complicated electrical circuits are being made

smaller and smaller.


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Improvements in Medical Science

Medical science in virtually every country in the

world is far superior today than it was even a few

decades ago.

Much of that achievement is due to the great

advances in communication.


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Teamwork in Space Science

The rocket science of World War II eventually led to a cold war space race with the Soviet Union in the 1950’s and 60’s.

In the USA, NASA began the formation of a very large space team that put men on the moon in 1969.


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Teamwork Made the

Impossible Possible

One of God’s Many Miracles


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Additional Gifts of Space Science

Communication and global positioning satellites

have now connected the whole world together

through the Internet.


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Science as God’s Gift

I believe God gave humans analytic ability and the

scientific method to make it possible for them to

help relieve suffering and participate in creation.

Physicist and Theologian, Stanley L. Jaki was a

prolific writer in support of the view that science

could only have arisen in a Christian society. His

writing is summarized in the book, Science was

Born of Christianity by Stacy Trasancos.


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Fertile Soil for Continuing Creation

I believe that many of the science and technology

achievements emerged in countries where very

large percentages of the people are Christians

because Christianity has been teaching a form of

teamwork for over 2000 yrs and teamwork is vital

for successful scientific research.


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The Bible and Teamwork

The Apostle Paul’s description of the Body of

Christ is similar to descriptions of modern teams.

(I Co 12)

There are also many other passages in the Bible

that support the concept of teamwork. See for

example Ro 15:5-6, 1 Pe 4:8-10, Pr 27: 17, Ep

4:16, 1 Co 1:10, Ec 4: 9-10 , , , ,


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The Rules of Life

The Ten Commandments and the two

emphasized by Jesus form the rules of life that

optimize teamwork.


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Living in God’s Grace

No one can ever get it all right. Christ’s death

and resurrection brought forgiveness and

successful teamwork cannot occur without



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Communication with God

To be successful team members, we need the

wisdom, courage, forgiveness, and peace that

can only come through prayer.

Wisdom also comes by reading the Bible which

is now available in many versions and



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The Sunday Morning Gathering

Weekly worship services not only provide

wisdom and inspiration, but also opportunities

for the team to practice and coordinate efforts.

Sunday School is comparable to a learning lab

where children and adults study and practice

living the Christian life.


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Baptism and Confirmation

Christianity provides a special Baptismal

ceremony where each new member is anointed

for service on Christ’s Team.

Following additional training, at Confirmation

each person is certified as qualified to serve on

Christ’s Team.


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Christianity’s Triune Creator

God is understood to be the source of all


Jesus Christ is redeemer, spiritual leader,

and teacher of God’s assistants as they

participate in creation.

The Holy Spirit is the unifier, forming and

guiding Christ’s Team with the help of the

Bible and weekly church services. 23

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The Search for Proof

In his book, Atoms, Men, and God, the physicist

Paul Sabine wrote the following:

“Jesus’ declaration of a God of love can only

command acceptance in so far as it can be

verified in the inner experience of men and

women, and find objective expression in their

lives. It must be verified by each individual and

by every generation.”


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The Validity of Christianity

The proof is the more than two billion Christians, a third of the population of the world, who have become Christ’s Team. They are God’s miracle.

The fact that they have experienced love and continue to teach others to love and care for each other is a demonstration of the validity of Christianity.


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Christ’s Team Around the World

The Distribution of Christians Throughout the World Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life/ Global Christianity, December 2011


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God’s Assistants with Creation

Construction workers





Social Workers




Medical Workers




Sales Clerks


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Improving Christian Teamwork

Historically Christian teamwork has not been

as efficient as it could be because Christians

usually don’t think of themselves as a team.

Efficient teamwork requires a clearly

understood goal and a purposely coordinated



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What is Christianity’s Goal?

Many consider the goal of Christianity to be

eternal life, but uncertainty about how that is to

be interpreted has divided Christianity into many

different denominations.

God’s call for humans to be assistants with

creation is a more easily understood goal with

fewer conflicts. Decisions about life after death

are left to God.


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Strengthening the Team

Christians need a goal that is clearly understood

by everyone and is inclusive rather than divisive.

Congregations also have to deliberately set up

programs to train leaders in team-based ministry

in order to coordinate their effort.


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The Merits of This View

While requiring a slight shift in emphasis, it is

compatible with traditional and biblical views.

Science is considered to be a gift from God

needed to permit humans to have a more

substantial role in creation.

It is a view of Christianity that is more easily

understood and explained to outsiders.


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Additional Merits

It is more inclusive, opening up new ways of

inviting outsiders to join the Team.

It relieves Christians of the burden of being the

judges and gatekeepers to heaven, leaving that

to God.


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Aided by science, Christ’s Team is creating a

wonderful new world. Become an active member

of a Christian church in your area today and help

improve the quality of life for everyone.


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For Further Study

This book is designed to help

readers learn to think like members

of Christ’s Team.

The cover depicts Christians

around the world acknowledging

their team effort.


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