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CHRIST, MESSIAH, AND HIS EVANGELDavid Sielaff, DirectorAssociates for Scriptural Knowledge

21 July 2012

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Christ and Messiah

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Christ and Messiah

This one first is finding his own brother, Simon, and is saying to him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which is, being construed, “Christ”). And he led him to Jesus.

Jn 1:41–42 CLV

Deze vond eerst zijn broeder Simon, en zeide tot hem: Wij hebben gevonden den Messias, hetwelk is, overgezet zijnde, de Christus. En hij leidde hem tot Jezus.

Jn 1:42–43 SVV

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Christ and Messiah


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Christ and Messiah

The Samaritan woman who spoke with Jesus by Jacob’s Well, she understood this:

The woman is saying to Him, ‘We are aware that Messiah is coming, Who is termed ‘Christ,’ … Jesus is saying to her, “I am He, Who am speaking to you.”

Jn 4:25–26 CLV

De vrouw zeide tot Hem: Ik weet, dat de Messias komt (Die genaamd wordt Christus); ... Jezus zeide tot haar: Ik ben het, Die met u spreek.

Jn 4:25–26 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

In both John 1:41 and 4:25 the Hebrew mashiach is transliterated into the Greek messias, which is further translated into English and Dutch.

It is proper to substitute the term “Messiah” when “Christ” occurs in the New Testament referring to Jesus as Messiah.

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Christ = Messiah

• This was understood by people in Jesus’ time.

• It was the understanding and intent of the biblical writers.

• This will reveal interesting concepts.

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Christ and Messiah

… they should be inquiring of him [John], “Who are you?” And he avows and denies not and avows that “I am not the Christ [the Messiah].”

Jn 1:19–20 CLV

... opdat zij hem [Johannes] zouden vragen: Wie zijt gij? En hij beleed en loochende het niet; en beleed: Ik ben de Christus [de Messias] niet.

Jn 1:19–20 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

He is saying to them, “Now you, who are you saying that I am?”

Now answering, Simon Peter said, “Thou art the Christ, [the Messiah] the Son of the living *God.”

Mt 16:15–16 CLV

Hij zeide tot hen: Maar gij, wie zegt gij, dat Ik ben?

En Simon Petrus, antwoordende, zeide:

Gij zijt de Christus [de Messias], de Zoon des levenden Gods.

Mt 16:15–16 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Then He [Jesus] cautions the disciples that they may be saying to no one that He is the Christ [the Messiah].

Mt 16:20 CLV

Toen verbood Hij Zijn discipelen, dat zij iemand zeggen zouden, dat Hij was Jezus, de Christus [de Messias].

Mt 16:20 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

… the chief priest said to Him, “I exorcise you by the living *God that you may tell us if you are the Christ [the Messiah], the Son of *God.”

Mt 16:20 CLV

... En de hogepriester, antwoordende, zeide tot Hem: Ik bezweer U bij den levenden God, dat Gij ons zegt, of Gij zijt de Christus [de Messias], de Zoon van God?

Mt 16:20 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Peter at Pentecost:

he speaks concerning the resurrection of the Christ [Messiah], that He [Messiah] was neither forsaken in the unseen, …

Ac 2:31 CLV

Zo heeft hij, dit voorziende, gesproken van de opstanding van Christus [Messias], dat Zijn [Messias] ziel niet is verlaten in de hel, ...

Ac 2:31 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Peter at Pentecost, Christ is the subject:

… nor was His [Messiah’s] *flesh acquainted with decay. This *Jesus *God raises, of Whom we all are witnesses.

Ac 2:31-32 CLV

noch Zijn [Messias] vlees verderving heeft gezien. Dezen Jezus heeft God opgewekt; waarvan wij allen getuigen zijn.

Ac 2:31-32 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Peter at Pentecost, Christ is the subject:

Let all the house of Israel know certainly, then, that *God makes Him Lord as well as Christ [Messiah] — this *Jesus Whom you crucify!

Ac 2:36 CLV

Zo wete dan zekerlijk het ganse huis Israels, dat God Hem tot een Heere en Christus [Messias] gemaakt heeft, [namelijk] dezen Jezus, Dien [gij] gekruist hebt.

Ac 2:36 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The sufferings of the Messiah:

For for this were you called, seeing that Christ [the Messiah] also suffered for your sakes, leaving you a copy, that you should be following up in the footprints of Him.

1Pt 2:21 CLV

Want hiertoe zijt gij geroepen, dewijl ook Christus [de Messias] voor ons geleden heeft, ons een voor-beeld nalatende, opdat gij Zijn voetstappen zoudt navolgen;

1Pt 2:21 SVV

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Christ and Messiah … Paul writing to Gentiles

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Christ and Messiah

The suffering Messiah at Thessalonica:

opening up and placing before them that the Christ [Messiah] must suffer and rise from among the dead, and that “This One is the Christ [Messiah] — the Jesus Whom I am announcing to you.”

Ac 17:3 CLV

[Dezelve] openende, en voor [ogen] stel-lende, dat de Christus [Messias] moest lijden en opstaan uit de doden, en dat deze Jezus is de Christus [Messias], Dien ik, [zeide] [hij], ulieden verkondige.

Ac 17:3 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The allotment of the Messiah in Romans:

Yet if children, enjoyers also of an allotment, … an allotment from God, yet joint enjoyers of Christ’s [Messiah’s] allotment, if so be that we are suffering together, that we should be |glorified together also.

Ro 8:17 CLV

En indien wij kinderen zijn, zo zijn wij ook erfgenamen, erfgenamen van God, en medeerfgenamen van Christus [Messias]; zo wij anders met [Hem] lijden, opdat wij ook met [Hem] verheerlijkt worden.

Ro 8:17 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

All the ecclesias of Messiah:

Greet one another with a holy kiss. Greeting you are all the ecclesias of *Christ [the Messiah].

Ro 16:16 CLV

Groet elkander met een heiligen kus. De Gemeenten van Christus [van Messias] groeten ulieden.

Ro 16:16 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The testimony and unveiling of Messiah:

according as the testimony of *Christ [the Messiah] was confirmed among you, so that you are not deficient in noany grace, awaiting the unveiling of our *Lord Jesus Christ [Messiah],

1C 1:6-7 CLV

Gelijk de getuigenis van Christus [Messias] bevestigd is onder u; Alzo dat het u aan gene gave ontbreekt, verwachtende de openbaring van onzen Heere Jezus Christus [Messias].

1C 1:6-7 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Messiah crucified, the power and wisdom of God:

yet we are heralding Christ [Messiah] crucified, … yet to those *who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ [Messiah], the power of God and the wisdom of God, …

1Co 1:23-24 CLV

Doch wij prediken Christus [Messias], den Gekruisigde, ... Maar hun, die geroepen zijn, beiden Joden en Grieken, [prediken] [wij] Christus [Messias], de kracht Gods, en de wijsheid Gods.

1Co 1:23-24 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

All forfeit because of the Messiah (Phl 3:7-9):

But things which were gain to me, these I have deemed a forfeit because of *Christ [the Messiah].

Phl 3:7 CLV

Maar hetgeen mij gewin was, dat heb ik om Christus' [Messias’] wil schade geacht.

Phl 3:7 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The superiority of the knowledge of Messiah (Phl 3:7-9):

I am also deeming all to be a forfeit because of the superiority of the knowledge of *Christ [the Messiah] Jesus, my *Lord, …

Phl 3:8 CLV

Ja, gewisselijk, ik acht ook alle dingen schade te zijn, om de uitnemendheid der kennis van Christus [Messias] Jezus, mijn Heere;

Phl 3:8 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Gaining Messiah (Phl 3:8 continued):

… because of Whom I forfeited *all, and am deeming it to be refuse, that I should be gaining Christ [Messiah],

Phl 3:8 CLV

om Wiens wil ik al die dingen schade gerekend heb, en acht die drek te zijn, opdat ik Christus [Messias] moge gewinnen.

Phl 3:8 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The faith of Messiah (Phl 3:7-9 continued):

and may be found in Him, not having my righteousness, *which is of law, but *that which is through the faith of Christ [Messiah], the righteousness which is from God for *faith:

Phl 3:9 CLV

En in Hem gevonden worde, niet hebbende mijn rechtvaardigheid, die uit de wet is, maar die door het geloof van Christus [Messiah] is, [namelijk] de recht-vaardigheid, die uit God is door het geloof;

Phl 3:9 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

All should be in accord with Messiah (Col 2:8-10):

Beware that no anyone shall be *despoiling you through *philo-sophy and empty seduction, ... and not in accord with Christ [Messiah],

Col 2:8 CLV

Ziet toe, dat niemand u als een roof vervoere door de filosofie, en ijdele verleiding, ... en niet naar Christus [Messias];

Col 2:8 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The compliment complete in Messiah (Col 2:8-10):

[continued] … for in Him [Messiah] the entire complement of the Deity is dwelling bodily. And you are complete in Him [Messiah], Who is the Head of every sovereignty and authority,

Col 2:9-10 CLV

Want in Hem [Messias] woont al de volheid der Godheid lichamelijk; En gij zijt in Hem [Messias] volmaakt, Die het Hoofd is van alle overheid en macht;

Col 2:9-10 SVV

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Why Is this Important?

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Christ and Messiah

Messiah crucified, the power and wisdom of God:

Everyone *who is believing that Jesus is the Christ [Messiah] is begotten out of *God. And everyone *who is loving Him *Who begets is loving him also *who is begotten by Him.

1Jn 5:1 CLV

Een iegelijk, die gelooft, dat Jezus is de Christus [Messias], die is uit God geboren; en een iegelijk, die lief-heeft Dengene, Die geboren heeft, die heeft ook lief dengene, die uit Hem geboren is.

1Jn 5:1 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Denial of the Messiah:

Who is the liar, if not he *who is denying, saying that “Jesus is not the Christ [Messiah]”? This one is the antichrist [antimessiah], who is disowning the Father and the Son.

1Jn 2:22 CLV

Wie is de leugenaar, dan die loochent, dat Jezus is de Christus [Messias]? Deze is de antichrist [antiMessias], die den Vader en den Zoon loochent.

1Jn 2:22 SVV

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The Evangel of Messiah

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Christ and Messiah

THE Messiah in Greek:

Besides, every day, in the sanctuary and home by home, they ceased not teaching and bringing the evangel of *Christ [the Messiah] Jesus.

Ac 5:42 CLV

En zij hielden niet op, allen dag, in den tempel en bij de huizen, te leren, en Jezus Christus [Messias] te verkondigen.

Ac 5:42 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Paul preaching at Damascus:

For *Christ [the Messiah] does not commission me to be baptizing, but to be bringing the evangel, not in wisdom of word, lest the cross of *Christ [the Messiah] may be made void.

1Co 1:17 CLV

Want Christus [Messias] heeft mij niet gezonden, om te dopen, maar om het Evangelie te verkon-digen; niet met wijsheid van woorden, opdat het kruis van Christus [Messias] niet verijdeld worde.

1Co 1:17 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Paul identifies his Evangel:

For I give over to you among the first what also I accepted, that [1] Christ [Messiah] died for our *sins according to the scriptures, …

1Co 15:3 CLV

Want ik heb ulieden ten eerste overge-geven, hetgeen ik ook ontvangen heb, dat [1] Christus [Messias] gestorven is voor onze zonden, naar de Schriften; ...

1Co 15:3 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

Paul identifies his Evangel:

and that

[2] He [Messiah] was entombed,

and that

[3] He [Messiah] has been roused the third *day according to the scriptures,

1Co 15:4 CLV

En dat

[2] Hij [Messias] is begraven,

en dat

[3] Hij [Messias] is opgewekt ten derden dage, naar de Schriften;

1Co 15:4 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The evangel of the glory of the Messiah:

in whom the god of this eon blinds the apprehensions of the unbelieving so that the illumination of the evangel of the glory of *Christ [the Messiah], Who is the Image of the invisible God, does not irradiate them.

2Co 4:4 CLV

In dewelke de god dezer eeuw de zinnen verblind heeft, [name-lijk] der ongelovigen, opdat hen niet bestrale de verlichting van het Evangelie der heerlijk-heid van Christus [Messias], Die het Beeld Gods is.

2Co 4:4 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The grace of Messiah:

I am marveling that thus, swiftly, you are transferred from *that which calls you in the grace of Christ [Messiah], to a different evangel, …

Ga 1:6 CLV

Ik verwonder mij, dat gij zo haast [wijkende] van dengene, die u in de genade van Christus [Messias] geroepen heeft, overgebracht wordt tot een ander Evangelie; ...

Ga 1:6 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The evangel of the Messiah:

which [evangel] is not another, except it be that anysome *who are disturbing you want also to distort the evangel of *Christ [the Messiah].

Ga 1:7 CLV

Daar [Evangelie] er geen ander is; maar er zijn sommigen, die u ontroeren, en het Evangelie van Christus [Messias] willen verkeren.

Ga 1:7 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The evangel of the Messiah:

For not ashamed am I of the evangel (of the Christ) [the Messiah], τοῦ χριστοῦ],1 for it is God's power for salvation to everyone who is believing — to the Jew first, and to the Greek as well.

Ro 1:16 CLV1Byzantine text only

Want ik schaam mij des Evangelies van Christus [Messias] [niet; want het is een kracht Gods tot zaligheid een iegelijk, die gelooft, eerst den Jood, en [ook] den Griek.

Ro 1:16 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The evangel of the Messiah:

Yet you are not in flesh, but in spirit, if so be that God’s spirit is making its home in you. Now if anyone has not Christ’s [Messiah’s] spirit, this one is not His.

Ro 8:9 CLV

Doch gijlieden zijt niet in het vlees, maar in den Geest, zo anders de Geest Gods in u woont. Maar zo iemand den Geest van Christus [Messias] niet heeft, die komt Hem niet toe.

Ro 8:9 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The evangel of the Messiah:

Now if Christ [Messiah] is in you, the body, indeed, is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is life because of righteousness.

Ro 8:10 CLV

En indien Christus [Messias] in ulieden is, zo is wel het lichaam dood om der zonden wil; maar de geest is leven om der gerechtigheid wil.

Ro 8:10 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The evangel of the Messiah:

… in the power of signs and miracles, in the power of God's spirit, so that, from Jeru-salem and around unto Illyricum, I have completed the evangel of the Christ [the Messiah].

Ro 15:19 CLV

Door kracht van tekenen en wonderheden, [en] door de kracht van den Geest Gods, zodat ik, van Jeruzalem af, en rondom, tot Illyrikum toe, het Evangelie van Christus [van Messias] vervuld heb.

Ro 15:19 SVV

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Christ and Messiah

The evangel of the Messiah:

Yet thus I am ambitious to be bringing the evangel where Christ [Messiah] is not named lest I may be building on another's foundation.

Ro 15:20 CLV

En alzo zeer begerig geweest ben om het Evangelie te verkondigen, niet waar Christus [Messias] genoemd was, opdat ik niet op eens anders fondament zou bouwen.

Ro 15:20 SVV

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Christ and Messiah (REMINDER)


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Christ and Messiah

The Evangel of the Messiah:

• The Evangel of Messiah was the Evangel of God (Romans 1:1, then compare Romans 15:16 with 15:19).

• The Evangel of Messiah was commissioned by Christ Himself (1 Corinthians 1:17).

• The Evangel of Messiah shall be preached to all nations (still future to us! Matthew 24:14; Luke 24:47).

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Christ and Messiah

The Evangel of the Messiah:

• The Evangel of Messiah was the Evangel of Paul and all the apostles (1 Corinthians 15:1-8; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

• The Evangel of Messiah went to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles (Romans 1:16).

• The Evangel of Messiah is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8).

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Christ and Messiah

The Evangel of the Messiah:

• The Evangel of Messiah was the means that the Corinthians were “begotten” by Paul(1 Corinthians 4:15).

• The glory of the Evangel of Messiah is a light to the mind, a light that can be blinded

(2 Corinthians 4:4).

• The Evangel of Messiah can be distorted or perverted (Galatians 1:7).

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Christ and Messiah

The Evangel of the Messiah:

• The Evangel of Messiah can establish and comfort you in your faith (1 Thessalonians 3:2).

• The “rudiments of Christ [Messiah]” is a basic teaching, it is milk (Hebrews 6:2).

• The Evangel of Messiah should not be hindered (1 Corinthians 9:12).

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Christ and Messiah

The Evangel of the Messiah:

• Paul brings “the Evangel of the untraceable riches of *Christ [the Messiah] to the nations” (Ephesians 3:8).

• The Evangel of Messiah “illuminates life and incorruption” (2 Timothy 1:10).

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Christ and Messiah

The SECRET of the Messiah:

• The Evangel of Messiah enlightens all to the secret [the Mystery] “concealed from the eons in God.” (Ephesians 3:8-9)

• The Secret of Messiah is a mystery to most people (Ephesians 3:4, Colossians 4:3).

• The Secret of Messiah is the means of partaking the promises of Christ (Ephesians 3:5).

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Christ and Messiah

The SECRET of the Messiah:

• The Secret of Messiah is the means by whichGentiles can be fellowheirs with Christ (Ephesians 3:6).

• The Secret of Messiah is the means by which the nations can be

“enjoyers of the allotment, and a joint body, and joint partakers of the promise in Christ [Messiah] Jesus through the evangel” (Ephesians 3:4-6).

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Christ and Messiah

This is not Judaizing the Evangel nor a return to the Law. The Law has been fulfilled through Christ (the Messiah).

The Gentiles, the nations, were taught by Paul that Christ = Messiah.

Christ = Messiah is important to the proper understanding of the Evangel.

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CHRIST, MESSIAH, AND HIS EVANGELDavid Sielaff, DirectorAssociates for Scriptural Knowledge

21 July 2012

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Thank you!

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