  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    Right for YouPresent ed by Cal-SOAP

    Informat ion gathered/ quoted from: Randal l S. Hansens Choosing a Coll ege that s Right for You

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : n ng ou our a or

    eterm ne a ew poss e e s o stu y t at you maywant to pursue in college.

    Maj ors


    It is perfect ly f ineand sometimes advisable to applyas Undeclared (but it is import ant to the collegesearch process that you have a general idea).

    50%of colle e students chan e their ma or 1-3 t imes!

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : n ng ou our a or

    ps or c oos ng poss e ma ors: ere are a ew

    quest ions you should ask yourselves

    What are my favorite classes?

    What are my favorite hobbies/ ext racurricular act ivit ies?

    What do career/ personality assessment tests usually

    What am I good at?

    What do I love doing?

    Wheredo I see myself for the rest of my life? What do I see myself doing for the rest of my life?

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : a e-or- rea r er a

    nst tut on type:



    Vocat ional/ specialized



    Degrees offered:

    . . , . . , . . , . . , . . ,Ph.D., Cert if icates, etc.

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : a e-or- rea r er a

    a ors an m nors o ere :

    Do the maj ors offered match your interests?

    ca em c ocus o campus:

    Theoretical vs. practical

    Po ular ma ors and ercenta e of students in each ma or

    General educat ion and maj or curricula:

    Structured vs. individualized

    Graduat ion rate/ t ime:

    Past student performances

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : a e-or- rea r er a

    ampus enro ment s ze:

    Large vs. small classes

    acu y:

    Number, background, distribution

    ampus qua y repu a on:

    National rankings

    Alumni advice

    Note of caut ion: Campus reputat ion is highly subject iveand should not be ones ult imat e priorit y.

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : a e-or- rea r er a

    eograp c oca on:

    Distance from home

    In-state vs. out-of-state

    Campus and communitysetting:

    Urban vs. rural


    Surrounding resources(stores, eateries, residential


    Availabilit y (Guarantees?)

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : a e-or- rea r er a

    ust a ew campus c aracter st cs t at may e

    import ant to you:

    Religious Aff il iat ion

    HBCU: Historically Black Colleges and Universit ies

    Gender specific vs. coed

    Campus resources available:

    Computer labs

    Food and social quads

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : a e-or- rea r er a

    xt racurr cu ar act v t es o ere :

    Sports (Division I, II, III)

    Creat ive and erformin art s theat re music dance artdesign, etc.)

    Clubs and student organizat ions (i .e. social j ust ice, socialnetworkin environmental conservat ion etc.

    Social l ife:

    Sorori t ies and fraternit ies

    Student involvement

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : a e-or- rea r er a

    os s:

    Tuit ion fees

    Room and board

    Books and supplies

    Basic living costs

    nanc a a o ere :

    Financial aid package (March-June)

    Federal/ state grants (FAFSA)

    Campus grants (supplementary forms?) Scholarships (campus-based and external)


  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : e ong s

    eg n comp ng t e ong

    list of colleges that fulf il lthe criteria that aremost important to youfrom Step 2.

    Time frame: Freshmanyear t il l early October ofyour Senior year

    Remember: This l ist is

    not final. Make it as longas you want. The moreoptions, the better!

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    tep : esearc , researc , researc

    earn more a out your ong st o campus c o ces y

    investigating each. Here are some tools:

    College catalogs, campus visits, campus websites, third-party websites (like, college fairs,alumni, high school counselors, campus advisors, and Cal-

    SOAP College Peer Advisors. Especially helpful: CollegeBoard College Profiles and College


    Time frame: Sophomore year t il l early October of your

    Senior year

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : e s s

    s ng e mos mpor an cr er a rom ep an a o e

    research you have gathered, narrow down your long list ofcolleges to a manageable number. (This number will vary bystudent.

    Choose as many colleges as you have t ime and financialresources for which to apply.

    Don t be afraid t o apply to reach schools !

    ALWAYS have a few back-up schools.

    All students should apply to at least one nearby communitycollege in case you decide to take the transfer path OR if you

    s ou nee o a e a genera e uca on c ass a may eimpacted at your university

    Time frame: September-October of your Senior year

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : e s s

    no e on se ec v y : ven u ge cons ra n s an

    overall increased academic performance in recentyears, many campuses are enforcing more selective


    What selectivity means for you (application criteria):

    More select ive campuses

    Very select ive campuses

    Importance of multiple applications

    Renewed importance of community college

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : ampus s s

    visit the campus. Experience your potent ial home of 4 years by taking a tour, staying in

    the dorms, talking to students and faculty, eating in the quad, andsitting in on a class.

    If you cannot visit the campus, here are some tips:


    Research online for campus history, statistics, and interesting facts.

    Email or call faculty and staff by looking for the Contacts page on thecampus website.

    Acquaint yourself with the classes offered by reading syllabi postedonline.

    Read the campus and communit y newspapers to get a sense of localissues and act ivit ies.

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : pp y

    pp y to as many o t e sc oo s on your s st as

    realist ically possible. Time frame: November to January of your Senior year

    UC and CSU applicat ion deadlines: November 30

    Private and Independent college deadlines: vary

    Cal-SOAP College Applicat ion and Scholarship Workshop:

    Saturday, November 21

    Visit for more informat ion

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : oney, money, money

    e you re wa t ng to

    hear back from campuses,apply for as much financial


    FAFSA deadline: March 2,


    Scholarships: Apply widely!

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : ou ve o a

    eg n sort ng t roug acceptance re ect on et ters as

    well as financial aid packages. Time frame: March-June of your Senior year

    Make sure each campus sends you a financial aid packagein order to better inform your decision process

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    ep : ec s on me

    e ect your campus c o ce

    Submit oneSIR (Statement of Intent to Register) by thedeadline requested (usually May 1) to your college.


    Submit all requested paperwork by the deadlines:



    Supplementary admission forms

    Campus-based financial aid forms

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    na ps


    Don t rely on name recognit ion. Find your best f it !

    part y school, too expensive ). Do your own research.

    Don t be afraid t o apply t o reach schools. But, always have a fewback-up plans.

    Don t pick campuses j ust because your friends are going there. Makeyour own decisions!

    . .

    And, remember, college is an invest ment in your future.

    Talk with your family, teachers, counselors, and Cal-SOAP advisors aboutyour choices. We are here to hel !

  • 8/2/2019 Choosing a College That is Right for You (All Grades)


    a - o ege a r

    eet representat ves rom 100 co eges across t e . .

    at Cal-SOAPs annual College Fair! Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009

    Time: 6:00pm 8:30pm

    Locat ion: Scot t ish Rite Center

    San Diego, CA 92108

    To contact Cal-SOAP: (858) 569-1866

    . .

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