  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'


    By:Zarmeen Amanullah Karimi

    (10202)Student of BBA

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'



    y Researcher read with interest

    recently that many people can

    expect to change their career

    choice up to 4 times in their

    lifetime. Not their jobs, their careers! .There are some

    for whom their job is everything they want. They made a

    good decision and they really enjoy it. Getting out of bed

    to go to work is a pleasure, it allows them to have what

    they want, and they get to do what they really like.

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'


    Statement of the Problem:y Nowadays, many students and

    parents are facing problem in

    choosing the best career field.

    This problem is occurring due tothe lack of guidelines to the students

    and parents about the career fields.

    As students are getting education from

    schools and colleges so they need toknow about the world around them they

    need to understand about their interests

    which will guide them to the right path.

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'


    Research Questions:

    Following are the five research questions of the study:

    y What challenges students face in choosing their career


    y What problems occur in a family due to the wrong careerchoice?

    y How parents try to help their children in choosing a right

    career field?

    y What are the consequences due to which a career field isbecoming a big problem for students and parents?

    y How students and parents try to overcome this big


  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'




    y The study adopts survey research methodology. Data

    has been collected through primary and secondarysources both quantitative and qualitative analysis has

    been made.


    y The population of the study comprises of students from

    1st three semester students of Iqra University i.e. 20 from

    BBA and 10 from Media Science.

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'



    y Population & Sampling:



    1st Sem 30%

    2nd Sem 20%

    3rd Sem 20%


    1st Sem 10%

    2nd Sem 10%

    3rd Sem 10%

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'


    Research Instruments:

    Following research instruments have been used for data


    Surveys Interviews


  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'


    Reliability & Validity:

    y In order to test the instrument on a small pilot conducting

    a sample of five students were tested. After this activity

    some of the item has been pre-written.

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'



    Following are the limitations of the study:

    y Researcher could not research on the whole study due to

    the lack of time.y Researcher chose only the students from Iqra University

    to conduct a survey due to the lack of time.

    y As Researcher is a student so researcher could not use

    big software and format for my research study.

    y Researcher could not found much research reports for

    my better research study.

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'


    Data Analysis:

    y Researcher has tried to make both qualitative and

    quantitative analysis. The responses have been made

    described in terms of percentages and narrative

    description has been made for the open ended


  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'


    Ethical Consideration:

    Following consideration has been used in the content of the



    esearcher took permission from the organization beforecollecting the data.

    2.Researcher didnt mention the name of the respondent

    due to confidentiality.

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'



    y Students feel more comfortable in their own choice of

    career field.


    Many of the teachers guide their students according totheir interest.

    y Parents also support the students choice of career.

    y Many of institutions have made the strategy on choosing

    those students who are more passionate about their

    choice of career field.

    y Those students who have chosen their own choice of

    career field are happier than those who have unwillingly

    chosen their career field.

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'


    Recommendations:y The study is recommended to the teachers of schools,

    colleges and universities.

    y The study is recommended to the students of every field

    of interest.y The study is recommended to the parents who are facing

    problem in choosing a best field for their childrens futurelife.

    y The study is recommended to the organizations who

    want to select those candidates for their company whoare more dedicated towards their work.

    y The study is recommended to the institutions who want togive their best education to those students who are morepassionate about their career field.

  • 8/9/2019 choosing a career according to your own choice or parents'


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