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Page 1: Choked Flow

Dear All,

Good to see a discussion going on here about choked flow. I would like to add a few points which you might know but have not been discussed here so far. When we talk about choked flow, we need to be aware of whether the fluid is compressible (gas/vapor) or incompressible (liquid) and why choking causes problems.

1) A valve passing a liquid begins to choke when the downward pressure swing toward the vena-contracta forces the liquid pressure to a value near or below its vapor pressure. This is the point where the liquid starts to form bubbles. The formation of bubbles causes the liquid molecules in the flow stream to become crowded or 'clustered' at the vena-contracta and this crowding prevents any further increase in flow with decrease in the outlet pressure. The vapor bubbles collapse if and when the liquid pressure recovers above the outlet pressure (after crossing the vena-contracta), or remain in the vapor phase if the pressure does not recover above the vapor pressure. The point to note here is - Occurrence of choked flow is not determined by the valve alone. The liquid's vapor pressure, inlet & outlet pressure also determine whether the valve will choke or not. The pressure drop at which a particular valve chokes is often referred to as "Choked flow pressure drop". Incipient choking in itself is not a major problem. However, when it becomes severe i.e., when the actual pressure drop is much higher than the choked flow pressure drop, it causes severe damage due to cavitation or flashing (depending on outlet pressure). So, as such choking is not a big concern. While cavitation can be prevented through appropriate anti-cavitation technology, flashing cannot be eliminated no matter what (it's a process dictated phenomenon). The focus should be on reducing the flashing damage by suitable selection of valve style & trim. Cavitation if it does occur can cause noise and subsequent vibration. A valve with anti-cavitation trim technology can eliminate cavitation by having low recovery characteristics & staging the pressure drop thereby ensuring that the fluid pressure does not fall below the vapor pressure when the fluid transitions from the inlet to outlet pressure.

2) When a compressible fluid (gas/vapor) undergoes pressure drop when it flows through a valve, the velocity of the gas increases as it loses pressure (bernoulli's principle). We also know that at the vena-contracta the fluid flow takes the least flowing area, which means to maintain the same flow rate, the gas has to travel at a much higher velocity (Flow rate = Velocity * Area). So when we keep increasing the pressure drop across the valve, the fluid velocity at the vena-contracta keeps increasing. However, the sonic velocity defines the maximum rate at which the fluid can travel. So when the velocity at the vena-contracta reaches sonic velocity, its not possible to achieve a higher flow rate through the valve by increasing the pressure drop any further, because the gas is already travelling at its maximum possible velocity (at the vena contracta). This is the point where the gas/vapor flow begins to choke. Any additional pressure drop will produce a small increment in flow which occurs due to the enlargement of the vena-contracta (slight increase in the flow area at vena-contracta). Any pressure drop beyond that, the gas/vapor flow begins to produce a lot of noise i.e., the energy from the pressure drop is dissipated as noise. Increased noise levels can cause significant vibration in the valve and piping system downstream of the valve. The occurrence of choked flow in the case of compressible fluids, is determined by the ratio of pressure drop to inlet pressure, the fluid's specific heat ratio factor Fk and the valve's Xt. Again, flow beginning to choke is not a big concern. Only extreme levels of choking causes excessive noise and vibration. A valve with noise attenuation

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technology can eliminate noise by either shifting the noise's frequency to higher levels where it cannot be heard and subsequently also reducing vibration. Other trim technologies produce staged pressure drops which reduce the noise levels by reducing the energy dissipated due to the pressure drop taken at the last stage (which dissipates as noise through the downstream piping).

To summarize, choking is not a phenomenon which causes problems. But rather severe levels of choking can lead to cavitation or flashing in liquids & noise and/or vibration in gas/vapor flow streams.

Hope this helps.

Ronald Deepakjronalddeepak [at] Reply to this post...

Posted by NaserFallah on 5 December, 2009 - 5:39 am

Just my two cents worth:

Noise and vibration due to chocking in gas/vapor passing CV is the result of converting critical pressure (just after VC) to existing down pressure (usually lower than critical pressure).


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Posted by Sathish on 28 July, 2009 - 10:58 pm

Adding to Ronald,

Use of hardened trim is a way of offering protection when the liquid is choking & (cavitation/flashing) when the pressure drop is not huge for the valve. These cases would not typically require a anti-cavitation trim. For high degree (high pressure drop) cavitations, anti-cavitation trim is the solution. Whereas, since flashing is process dictated, we can only minimize the damage to the valve by offering stronger body and trim parts in case of globe valve. A solution such as angle valve would isolate flashing by converging the fluid flow at outlet.

For gases in choked flow we do not offer hardened trim. This is because, when a liquid undergoes choked flow, there is a phase change and it is a non uniform liquid + vapor phase. The damage is caused due to increase in velocity at vena contracta where the vapors at high velocity drag the liquid along with it, strike the trim and/or body. The liquid being dense cause damage (liquids such as water). In case of cavitation, the bubble implosion on trim causes damage.Since vapor/gas chocked flow does not involve any of these phenomena,no hardened trim is required.

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It would be required to reduce the gas turbulence to reduce noise.

Hence,your statements are generalized on the use of hardened trim for choked flow. Reply to this post...

1 out of 1 members thought this post was helpful...Posted by Ragin Ravindran on 5 November, 2011 - 3:46 pm


choking is a critical flow condition in which severe cavitation occurs. Hardened trim is not an optimal solution but an economical solution. Hardened trim will increase the trim life only. for choked application, multipath trims are well suited, which are provided by the leading valve manufacturers. you can find the severity of choking by your self by this equation very easily.

p= fl^2(P1-(0.96-0.28(root of(Pc/Pv))Pv)where fl= pressure recovery factor of valveP1= inlet pressurePc= critical pressurePv= vapour pressure

if P obtained is less than the pressure drop of the valve then choking occurs, and if the difference is more severity level is more.Severity also depend on valve outlet velocity

hope this helps u

[email protected] Reply to this post...

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But the all new evacuated tube maglev train is a new ray of hope in the realm of transportation. The train does not cause any noise or air pollution, consumes less than a tenth of energy as compared to an aircraft and has almost 0% of accident rate even at a speed of 4,000 kilometers per hour, which is

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its minimum speed. This means that the total travel time from Beijing to Washington will be reduced to only 2 hours by the train.

A seminar was held on 29th December 2004 and was presented by many Chinese experts including eight academic members from the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). The agenda of the seminar was the Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT), which operates by creating space like travel conditions on the ground. Air is permanently removed from the tubes along the travel route making the travel free from air resistance.  Pressurized passenger capsules of size of a six-person biz jet cabin travel in the tubes on nearly frictionless magnetic levitation tracks. The experience will be like travelling in a silent aircraft in a semi reclined position and will be smoother than any luxury car or airplane without any chaotic traffic conditions 6 miles above the ground.

According to Shen Zhiyun, academic member of CAS and CAE, China should target the development of high-speed ground transportation with 600 to 1,000 kilometers per hour which should be in operation between 2020 and 2030. This concept was first proposed by experts from American Land Consulting and Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was introduced by Zhang Yaoping, who graduated from Southwest Jiao tong University in Sichuan. He then began to promote the ETT as an “evolutionary transportation” in 2007. Zhang believes the theoretical limit of the speed of the evacuated tube maglev train is close to the first cosmic speed a

ar sized passenger capsules travel in 1.5m (5') diameter tubes on frictionless maglev. Air is permanently removed from the two-way tubes that are built along a travel route. Airlocks at stations allow transfer of capsules without admitting air. Linear electric motors accelerate the capsules, which then coast through the vacuum for the remainder of the trip using no additional power. Most of the energy is regenerated as the capsules slow down. ET3 can provide 50 times more transportation per kWh than electric cars or trains.

Speed in initial ET3 systems is 600km/h (370 mph) for in state trips, and will be developed to 6,500 km/h (4,000 mph) for international travel that will allow passenger or cargo travel from New York to Beijing in 2 hours. ET3 is networked like freeways, except the capsules are automatically routed from origin to destination.

ET3 capsules weigh only 183 kg (400 lbs), yet like an automobile, can carry up to six people or 367 kg (800 lbs) of cargo. Compared to high speed rail, ET3 needs only 1/20th the material to build because the vehicles are so light. With automated passive switching, a pair of ET3 tubes can exceed the capacity of a 32 lane freeway. ET3 can be built for 1/10th the cost of High Speed Rail, or 1/4th the cost of a freeway.

ET3 stands for Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies. The company Inc. is an open consortium of licensees dedicated to global implementation of Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT). 

What is ETT? ETT stands for Evacuated Tube Transport. ETT is the fastest and most efficient way to travel. It uses well known methods, parts, and technologies. The patented system works by eliminating virtually all friction normally associated with travel. Three basic embodiments range from: low tech low speed systems for local use at speeds below 200 mph; to high tech systems for continental and intercontinental transport up to 4,000 mph or more. For greater detail see technology section. 

Who can use ETT? Just like trains, initial ETT use will be for cargo, and along high use routes of travel. Once proven, construction will rapidly spread. Since the system is efficient in energy and materials use, high-speed travel will be low cost, and sustainable. Eventually, everyone in the world may use the system. 

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Who's going to operate ETT? For fiscal operation, both corporate and public operation is encouraged by the non-exclusive, low cost licensing plan. The license promotes both cooperation and competition. Physical operation of the system is by automated computer control. The only input and skills required are the ability to chose and enter a destination. 

When can I use ETT? In the year 1900 less than one percent of the population had seen an automobile. By 1935 ninety nine percent of horse and buggy travel had been replaced by automotive means. People are less resistant to change than they where a hundred years ago. Now people demand change, when clear benefits are perceived. If you, and those you know, support the ETT system, (even if it is just telling others about it), we could all enjoy low cost world travel in less than 10 years. 

How much will it cost to ride? The energy and material use is very low, and the durability of the components is great; so the initial, and operating cost will be much less than current methods of travel (the rate can be less than a penny per passenger mile). Some licensees believe that cost will be so low that advertising could pay for most travel, just like it pays for TV, or free Internet. Depending on who you are, advertisers may actually pay you to travel while watching their presentation! The cost will depend on many factors such as the design speed, the topography, and the demand. 

Construction: Who is going to build it? Those who license the technology and collaborate with one another will build ETT systems. The philosophy is an open system (like Linux), with chaordic rules (like VISA credit card service) where improvements are made by many collaborators working to achieve mutual benefits, but the collaborators have a mechanism for getting paid to the extent of their contribution. People who now work in almost any field will build components, or provide services that make the ETT system possible. Even though most do not realize it, everyone has underutilized, unique skills or assets that could be used to help manifest the ETT system. All the skills, production capacity, materials, and labor force required to build the system exist right now. By purchasing a life-time ETT license for just a hundred bucks, anyone can competitively propose and bid on ETT related work. Since one out of five dollars spent are spent on transportation, there is a tremendous market available for your latent skills or assets. The licensee web site at will be the market place for skills and assets relating to ETT projects. 

When will a prototype be built? Prototypes, or production components for all of the individual systems used by ETT exist right now. These components / facilities / materials etc. will be virtually assembled into an ETT system over the Internet. As the real components are assembled virtually, plans and alliances are formed for actual construction. A Licensee acts according to the following outline to add the parts they can supply:

1. Look over the ETT tech files and determine the classification for your skills, component, material, asset, or service. (If a classification does not exist, propose one) 

2. Post your licensee information and what you offer / need; along with delivery lead times and prices, in the appropriate classifications. 

3. Look for projects you have an interest in, submit offers / or express needs. 4. Contact Licensees who offer what you need or need what you offer; to cooperate on assemblies,

and work out standards etc. 5. When all required classifications are represented by licensees, bid winners start to work. 

Initially it is likely that a small demo system will be built first. 

Where will the first one be built? Economics and politics will come into play to determine the optimal location for the first systems. Attractive routes will be between major cities, over unpopulated flat, dry terrain, below the latitudes where

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the ground freezes. (India and China are the most promising places for initial system implementation). 

What is the tube made out of? The tubes can be made of any durable substance that is capable of holding a vacuum. Every route will have special requirements according to local conditions and economics. Some possible materials include but are not limited to: Sealed concrete, glazed ceramic, steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and plastics. 

How much will it cost? Since primitive man first made a dugout canoe, the demand for transportation improvements has increased. Transportation expenditures are around 14% of the world economy. The rate of growth of transportation is double the rate of growth of the world economy. In developed countries it has grown to 20% or one trillion dollars per year in the USA. Experts have estimated that the costs of ETT transport will be much less than current systems. The right-of-way requirements are around 5% of an interstate freeway. The materials use for spans will less than one tenth. The parts will have a much greater life, further reducing costs. A detailed analysis prepaired in 2003 calculated the cost of a 350mph system to be about $2million / mile. 

Will the tube be under ground or above ground? Both underground and above ground systems will be built, according to local conditions and economic requirements. 

How many people fit in a capsule? Capsules 2 feet in diameter and 8 feet long could be used for one person lying down. Capsules could be made big enough to accommodate a bus. Economics will dictate capsule size, and our research shows that the best capsule size has already been proven by the most successful vehicle in the world - the automobile. The average car carries 4-6 passengers, or 800 to 900 pounds of payload. A 51" (1.3m) diameter capsule 16 feet long could accommodate 6 persons. This is estimated to be the best compromise between utility and cost. 

How big are the tubes? Tubes less than a foot in diameter would have use for mail and small packages. Tubes 20 feet in diameter could accommodate a bus. It is estimated that a 5 foot (1.5m) diameter tube could accommodate almost all transport needs. 

Isn't mail or package transport a good place to start? Yes, the cost and liability would be very low, and life support not needed. Lessons learned would benefit large scale use. 

Will the government be involved? Yes, Large-scale projects will at a minimum need government cooperation. We the people are the government. In free countries, demands of the people will insure full government cooperation. Wouldn't you vote for a candidate who openly supports ETT? International systems will need the sanction of the governments involved. It is anticipated that the first systems in the US will be built with private investment, as there are almost no instances where the government has funded revolutionary transportation innovation. 

Physiological effects: Can people handle the forces of going that fast? Just going fast does not affect the human body. Astronauts in orbit travel faster than 20,000 MPH. The human body can tolerate 8g of acceleration or more for short periods of time. Top fuel dragsters are capable of about 4g acceleration. Many roller coasters produce 3g of acceleration. Most cars produce almost 1g under maximum braking. If acceleration is limited to 1g, most people will not experience any discomfort. The time to travel estimates assume a maximum of 1g of force, and a top speed of 4,000 MPH . 

How can people breathe? Life-support apparatus is a well developed field. Space stations in orbit allow astronauts to breathe for

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several months, even though the capsule is in a near vacuum. Submarines have been around for over a hundred years, modern subs can stay submerged for more than a month. The systems used in Evacuated Tube Transport will be much less demanding. Only 2-3 hours (plus reserves) of life-support is needed. 

Won't people feel claustrophobia? Some people are unreasonably afraid of enclosed spaces. The amount of room per passenger exceeds that of airplanes and luxury automobiles. Reclined seating and "virtual window" displays allow the simulation of whatever environment the rider prefers; or TV, movies, video games, etc. may be displayed to provide distraction from negative thoughts. 

What if someone gets sick? Since ETT will be the fastest method of travel, it will be the preferred way to transport persons for medical reasons. Terminals will be equipped with EMT facilities and personal. A button may be pushed if a person is in distress from sudden illness. Heart sensors also signal a medical emergency. The signal causes the capsule to be diverted to the nearest EMT facility. In case of a false alarm, the person indicating the false alarm could be charged a fine to discourage misuse. 

Safety: What happens if you stop in the tube? Emergency escape hatches are places every mile or so along the tube. In the rare event of stoppage in the tube, the capsules will be directed to the nearest escape hatch. 

What if the brakes fail? The braking system is automatic. It does not rely on human control. The parts are subject to continuous automatic inspection and replaced before unacceptable wear occurs. Multiple redundant backup braking is activated if any failure occurs in the primary braking system. Compared with automobiles, trains and airplanes, failure of ETT braking systems are unlikely. 

What about terrorists? Although rare, acts of terrorism occur. Airplanes, boats, and cars are favored targets because the terrorist can use the vehicle to escape detection, and elude apprehension. Statistically, the death rate due to terrorism is much lower than deaths caused by operator error, weather, and mechanical failures. High security, surveillance, and swift apprehension of suspects reduce losses due to terrorism. Much tighter security is possible with the ETT system than is possible with aircraft, boats, or automobile. 

Competition: Will the oil companies resist ETT? ETT system construction will require large amounts of plastics. If demand for transportation fuel is reduced, oil companies could modify existing refineries to manufacture plastics at much lower cost, while maintaining profits. Low cost plastic building products will replace the use of wood in building construction. Oil companies realize that oil reserves are limited. When ETT becomes the transportation system of choice; valuable oil resources can be used and recycled for many years instead of being converted into smog by cars. This will have a very beneficial effect on the environment. Oil companies will be seen as protectors of the forests, instead of contributors to pollution. It will also extend the amount of time oil companies may profit from known oil reserves. 

What are you going to do about the out of work truckers? One thing in life is certain, that is all things change. Some embrace change others resist. For instance some people still farm with horse and wagon. Some people learn new skills as quick as possible. They are able to capitalize on the fact that many resist inevitable change. 

Will the aircraft and car manufactures try to stop ETT? Perhaps some will, most will realize that they are in the transportation business, and use under-used production facilities to manufacture ETT components. Much like in the early 1900's when Fisher (coach works) switched to building automobile bodies as buggy demand declined. Other companies were not so wise. 

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Company operations: Are you going to sell stock? The company is not selling stock to the public. The company is using stock to compensate its licensees who perform needed functions for startup and continuing operations. The compensatory shares are restricted and may not be sold or transferred to the public. Any sale of stock (if any) will be private placement to licensees of Inc. who meet the Accredited Investor qualifications defined by the SEC. 

When are you going public? A public offering of stock is expensive. Often the extra overhead and reporting hampers the ability of the company to perform its core functions. A core philosophy if the company is the minimization of unproductive overhead to keep license cost as low as possible. The company Inc. will go public only if it is a key to fulfilling its mission. 

How can a Licensee profit? There are three basic ways an Licensee makes money: 

1. Use the technology to build all or part of an ETT system, profiting from the construction, or sharing in the revenues generated by operating a completed system. 

2. Contribute intellectual property (IP) relating to ETT, to the technology pool, and share in royalty income generated by Licensees engaging in ETT projects, as that IP is used. 

3. Perform services for Inc. in exchange for stock; thus sharing in any royalty income allocated to shareholders, and the shares may gain in value with successful ETT implementations. 

How is a License acquired? 

1. Read and understand all terms of the License Agreement. 2. Fill out the license application form, agreeing to all terms by printing, signing, and sending in the

form and other required documents. 3. Pay the one time license fee of $100. 4. Receive Grant of License posted on the website on acceptance. (the fee will be returned if license

application is rejected). License applications will only be refused if the applicant fails to meet the qualifications, or fails to foll

5. his is rajesh my cell no : 93464463886. VVR Housing Pvt. Ltd., is presenting its prestigious second venture in the Guntur

town.  The accomplished Guntur Residency.  Our first venture, has been the cynosure of investor’s eyes.  People wisely invested their hard earned money and witnessing its growth contentedly.  VVR is known for its proven track record in meticulous assessment of land value and its expected appreciation levels.  All of the VVR Projects across the sate and Bangalore are strategically located and returned its dividends to the investors.

Other Salient features

Roads : All B.T. roads with double mettling with curbing stones and signboards.

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Landscape : Avenue plantation for all roads with tree guards.

Drainage : Underground drainage with transformers and main road street tank.

Electricity : Full fledged electricity with transformers and main road street lights.

Water Facility

: Abundant healthy water for drinking & other usage Purpose and an overhead tank tap provision for each plot.

Entrance Arch

Park : Children Park and restaurant for entertainment.

Security : The entire layout and a security post with gate will be placed at the entrance.

Cottages : One cottage at plantation avenues for recreation.

Registration : Spot Registration and construction undertaking.

Betterments : Cost including betterment charges.

Loan :Bank loan facility will be arranged to eligible customers.

7. Venture at : Adjacent to Gutur Engg.  College, Yanamadala Village, Prathipadu (M), Guntur Dis

Price details

Total plot area   200sqyds

Rate per sqyrd                                   Rs, 3500/-

Total plot cost each 200 sqyds      Rs, 7,00,000/-

Boking amount  (Spot)                    Rs,   1,00,000/-

Plot Reservation amount Rs,  2,00,000/- (one month time

From the date of booking)

Balance amount      4,00,000/-    Three months time  (from the date of

Page 11: Choked Flow


Spot Registration

Registration Amount   Rs. 120  per sqyrd.


About UsBhashyam Developers has grown manifold in stature and is now regarded as one of the most respected names in the Realty sector of AP. The Brand new venture of the company has all the makings of a best-seller to match public expectations. Bhashyam Developers is all set to surpass expectations and raise the bar yet again.

This project located at Budampadu (v),Guntur (Mandal),Guntur , Dist. its close to NH 5, near by Narayana College and Srichaithanya colleges, International Schools.

Bhashyam Developers brings the growth in the lives of its investors by turning Lands in to Assets. Creating lands in strategic locations needs a professionalism backed by the in-depth analysis of real market trends. This sort of professionalism is the very strength of Bhashyam Developers. Bhashyam Developers prompted trend setter ventures in the happening domain of Hyderabad -Guntur - Vizag and which furthered the unhampered

About VishnupuramGuntur bus station 4KM near by our VentureNear 6 Tracks Road NH5Satyasaibaba temple near by 1kmGuntur municipal office 0.5 km24 hours water fecilityTextile park near by our ventureAPs Biggest Mirchi yard maketThe layout is in prime location [to be] with meaningful priceSurrounded by many engineering colleges ,schools,and

temples.very near to huge tourism project coming in near

Page 12: Choked Flow


Project Highlight VGTM UDA Approved Layout Entire Layout has been designed as per vaastu All Black top 40 feet road Avenue plantation Electricity (with Transform and Street Lights) Drainage Over Head Water Tank & With pipe line Children par Construction undertakenFencing for entire layout100% vastu, Entrance GateSpot registration

For more Details;

Contact no  :  D.JAYARAM : 9000222772,  9393799789

Email id       : [email protected]

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Vishnupuram, Telangana Region, Andhra Pradesh, India

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104 km - about 1 hour 40 mins

1. Head south on Hyderabad Rd 3.0 km

2. Continue onto SH2 -Narkatpalli-Addanki- Medarametla Road (State High Way)

Pass by Piduguralla Police Staion (on the left in 35.1 km)

38.9 km

3. Slight left to stay on SH2 -Narkatpalli-Addanki- Medarametla Road (State High Way)

18.5 km

4. Continue onto Sattenapalli Main Road

Pass by Venugopala Swami Temple (on the right in 8.0 km)

25.0 km

5. Continue onto MainRoad

Pass by Sai Baba Temple (on the left in 1.1 km)

6.2 km

6. Turn left onto Palakaluru Road

Pass by Society for Educate & Empower People (on the right in 450 m)

1.3 km

7. Take the 3rd right to stay on Palakaluru Road

3.4 km

8. Slight left 0.8 km

9. Turn left

Go through 1 roundabout

5.3 km

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10. Sharp right at Magnolia Apartments 1.5 km

Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Map data ©2012 Google

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have National Health Insurance and I want to apply for Goeunmom Card for my wife as she is pregnant now. I stay near Busan New port, 용원. Could you kindly advice me about the designated hospitals where I can use the Goeunmom Card near my place?

Thanks in advance.


Answer Goeunmom CardName webmaster Date 2011.11.24 20:47:56

Thank you for your interest in NHI and we are pleased to answer to your question.

If you have a National Health Insurance and your spouse is under your insurance with same household or dependant, she can apply for for the subsidy of pregnant & childbirth (Goeunmom card). If she doesn't have National Health Insurance, she has to be registered for NHI first. To apply NHI, she should visit the branch office of NHI with her alien card, passport and marriage certificate. After that, you should receive a document which is application form for support of pregnant & childbirth, named in Korean 「건강보험 출산 전 진료비 지원신청 및 임신확인서」including doctor's signature from the hospital/clinic of obstetrics and gynecology. And then visit the nearest Kook-min bank or NHI branch office or Post office with this application document. So if you already have this application document, please visit the nearest KB bank or Post office or NHI branch office and apply for the Goeunmom card there. This card will be delivered to your registration address within a week or two. This card can be used only for medical treatment related to childbirth and health of the pregnant woman at every designated hospital. You can pay to the max. 60,000 won at each time by this card.(effected on April 1st. 2011) Besides, in case of inpatients who are related to give a birth, there will be no limit of payment with 400,000 won.(as of July ist)

There is a 'Haeng-bok-han San-boo-in-kwa Clinic' in your area.

Page 15: Choked Flow

Address: 1121-4, Yong-won dong, Jin-Hae gu, Chang-won city, Kyungsangnam do Tel: 055-542-2740

If you need any further information, please call at 1577-1000 press number 7 or 02-390-2000 Sincerely Hong Seung Chan(02-390-2000, 1577-1000 ext. 7) Park Jung soon(02-3276-1323)opular Telugu television channels – TV9 and Sakshi, which have indulged in personal attacks against each other’s promoters Y S Jaganmohan Reddy and Ravi Prakash respectively by carrying scandalous stories, are now forced to tender public apologies to each other, thanks to the intervention of the National Broadcasting Authority.

According to sources, the NBA issued an order a couple of days ago, instructing both the channels to carry public apologies on March 31.

The order said both the channels have to telecast an apology by running the matter on full screen in large font size with voice over in slow speed, expressing regret for the said telecasts on their channels Sakshi TV & TV9 prior to the commencement of the telecast of their 9 pm news bulletin on March 31.

The text supposed to be carried by Sakshi should read like this: “Sakshi TV apologizes for the story run several times relating to Sri Ravi Praksh, CEO, TV9 on October 22 and October 23, 2011 since the same was unverified, although not intentional. Any harm caused to Sri Ravi Prakash & TV9 is deeply regretted.”

On the other hand, TV9 should also carry the following text: “TV9 apologizes for the story run several times relating to Sri Y S Jaganmohan Reddy, president, YSR Congress party on October 20 and 21, 2011 to the extent it related to facts not covered by the FIR against him leading to the raids on his premises, since the same was unverified, although not intentional. Any harm caused to Sri Jaganmohan Reddy & Sakshi TV to this extent is deeply regretted.”

Sources said the order followed a petition filed by Ravi Prakash against Sakshi for carrying a story questioning how he could become a big man from an ordinary reporter with a salary of Rs 3,000 per month in 1995. It remains to be seen whether the channels carry the apology text on Saturday.

Page 16: Choked Flow

Dear Razasekhar,

How are you?

Here I am attaching the color scanned copy of “Sale of Agreement” as an attachment.

Please follow up the loan process with the bank.

I hope I will get some update regarding the loan process by this week.

Please acknowledge the mail. (Acknowledgement will be useful if you did not receive the attachment clearly)

Kindly find the attachment.

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