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Chinchillas – general care and handling

Chinchillas are a rodent species native to South America. These cute looking animals have thick and soft fur, large ears and long furry tails. They can live up to 20 years in captivity and have strong hind legs that help them leap to great heights. Chinchillas are used to living in holes and rocky crannies at higher altitudes. They have thick coats that keep them warm from the cold temperatures.

Chinchillas are social animals and live in groups in their natural habitat. So if you are thinking of adopting one, having two or more chinchillas is a good decision but it is better to keep same sex pairs that are introduced at a young age or are litter mates.

Chinchillas are nocturnal animals and they are playful and active from dusk till dawn. The rest of the day they spend time sleeping. Although these animals are not aggressive they do not like being cuddled or fondled often and tend to bite if they are not comfortable. Never leave your children alone with a chinchilla.

Chinchillas cannot tolerate warm temperatures and make sounds of different frequencies to communicate with each other. They have sensitive hearing and can get frightened with unexpected and loud sounds. They are prey animals and will squeeze their bodies in small spaces to escape being caught. They also shed some fur to escape from their predators.

With some persuasion and careful handling chinchillas can develop a strong bond with their owners. Let’s discuss some points that you need to keep in mind if you plan on keeping a chinchilla as a pet.

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Chinchillas are extremely active animals. Thus they require large cages, preferably one with platforms or branches at different heights so that they can run, jump, roll and play comfortably. Invest in a wire cage with a solid floor as a wire floor will cause eruption of sores in their feet.

Chinchillas are used to living in cool and dry conditions and can suffer from exposure to heat extremities, humidity and drafts. During the day the cage should be kept in an area where the chinchillas will not be disturbed with the hustle and bustle of human activities.

Provide safe bedding made out of shredded paper. A pelleted bedding is also a good option. Do not use cedar or pine shavings as they are toxic and can cause respiratory distress to the animal.


A water bottle, a hay rack and a feeding bowl is a must. It is advisable to keep a glass water bottle which the chinchilla cannot chew and the bowl should be of a heavy material that will not tip over easily and spill the contents on its bedding. Plastic bowls and bottles will be destroyed easily by your chinchilla. A water bottle with a stopper should be attached to the cage so that the cage remains dry.

Chinchillas require a diet consisting of high plant fibre. So your pet must be given plenty of timothy hay. If you want to feed it alfalfa hay make sure the quantity is less as it can cause urinary problems in

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adult chinchillas due to high contents of protein, calcium and oxalates. Every day the hay should be dry and fresh devoid of any mouldy growths. Place the hay in a hay rack or in a hanging wire basket to keep the surroundings clean. Chinchillas also require some commercial pellets and a good supply of fresh drinking water.

Seeds and dried fruits that contain high levels of sugar and fat should not be given regularly as it can cause obesity in chinchillas. Treats such as fruits, vegetables and commercial snacks should be given occasionally to avoid digestive problems.

The treats that are safe are dried blackberry leaves, rose petals from plants that have not been sprayed with pesticides, rosehips, unsweetened shredded wheat, unsweetened cheerios and twigs from apple trees and other trees that are free of pesticides.

Do not change the diets suddenly as it may cause stress to the animal. Try to add the new food in small proportions into the existing diet and increase the portions over a week. The water that you supply to your pet must be fresh all the time to avoid any kind of diarrhoea and liver problems which can lead to fatal results. You can also add a Vitamin C supplement in the water.

You can provide your pet with a quality life by following the suggestions of our in-house Medical Expert.

Exercise and Entertainment

Branches of trees and blocks of wood that are safe can serve as good chewing toys for your pet chinchilla which will also help wear down their teeth. Do not give it plastic toys as it is dangerous. Your pet can indulge in a good exercising routine with a metal wheel. The wheel should have a solid floor that will enable the animal to run.

Your pet will enjoy hiding, jumping and exploring its surroundings So provide it with some boxes, tubes and tunnels. Hiding is a natural instinct of chinchillas. You should provide a nest box which will help them to hide and rest.

If you want to let your pet out of the cage for some exercise make sure the room is small and well-proofed as chinchillas have an amazing ability to jump high in the air, squeeze through tiny gaps and chew on any items such as electrical

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wirings, furniture etc. Keep all plastics, paints varnishes and glues that are lethal for your pet in a safe location.

Personal Hygiene

Dust bathing is essential for chinchillas as it helps keep their coats clean and smooth. Always buy the dust that is specifically made for chinchillas. Do not use sand as it can be harsh on the animal’s fur. Allow your pet to have a dust bath for 10 – 15 minutes daily or twice a week.

Remove the dust immediately after use and keep it aside for re-use later. Too much bathing can make the skin dry. Remove any waste after every bath and discard the dust if it appears dirty or clumpy. If the dust is left in the cage the chinchilla can also use it for relieving himself. If your pet’s skin appears dry, flaky or itchy you must reduce the bathing time and frequency.

Make sure to wash the cage with hot water and allow it to dry thoroughly at least once a week. Remove soiled bedding and hay, leftovers and droppings on a daily basis. Chinchillas can identify their territories through scents and it is advisable not to use any strong scented disinfectants while cleaning to keep them free from stress. You need to provide your pet with wooden items such as willow sticks, cholla rings, apple twigs and bark bites to maintain your pet’s dental hygiene. You can also provide it with some pumice stones and cuttlefish.

Handling and training your pet

Do not attempt to chase or grab your chinchilla. They get alarmed with loud noises and sudden movements. Try to move slowly and speak softly. Offer a small piece of raisin to encourage the chinchilla to come closer to you. At first offer the treats through the bars and then through opened cage doors. Place the treat in your hand and allow the chinchilla to climb onto your hand.

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Once your pet gains confidence and is no longer fearful of climbing on your hand gently place one hand to support its back legs and another beneath its chest and lift it for a brief moment before setting him down and rewarding him with a treat. Keep your pet close to your body and do not dangle him in mid-air.

Learn ways to befriend your pet without alarming it and how to maintain a long lasting relationship with it from our Vet

Some safety tips

The sight of dogs and cats lurking in the area can be a terrifying and stressful experience for chinchillas. So they should be barred from hovering in the vicinity. Chinchillas will not appreciate your idea of entertainment when you place their cages near loud and blaring music systems or televisions, nor will they enjoy the droning noise of your washing machines. Your pet prefers a quiet and peaceful environment.

Do not allow your pet entry into kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms or bathrooms. Due to their inquisitive nature they try to explore areas that are at great heights and with less gaps endangering their lives.

Take the advice of our Vet on how to ensure the safety of your pet.

Understanding your pet’s behaviour

When chinchillas are stressed they resort to chewing their furs resulting in mild to severe fur loss and damage. Stress can also cause them to perform repetitive activities such as spinning, back-flipping, gnawing at the cage bars and pacing back and forth.

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Those who feel threatened may express their hostility towards their cage mates or owners by biting or producing aggressive sounds. Smaller cages can make the chinchillas restricted especially when there is too much handling and petting involved instigating them to bite.

If your pet is showing any of these antagonistic behaviours please consult our Vet who can help you address these issues

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