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Kristy Moy

what you will learn

China has changed in many ways including: the writing style, The architecture , economics, the fashion of clothing and the government as a whole.

These are only a few of the examples of how China has advanced over time, but the information here are apart of the essential history of China.

Talila Meredith

Technology - Past

Compass for sailors, to navigate the sea

Gunpowder made for weapon explosives or fireworks

Silk good for trading, warm, strong, and soft

Block printing one block is used on a whole page which is cut

Movable block printing separated characters arranged in frames, and was used over and over again

Chinese people during that time were into art, and pottery

They were into vigorous brush work

Paper-making made for writing on

Kristy Moy

Dynasty Past

The Tang Dynasty lasted for 300 years, same as the Song Dynasty

Tang Dynasty's armies conquered North and West of China

First woman to ever conquer China, was Wu Zhao

Tang strengthened the government

Expanded its networks of roads and canals

Lowered taxes from the peasants, because it made the empire stop from rising

Tang dynasty fell into rebellion

The Tang and Song dynasties were the most advanced empires in the world

Kristy Moy

Government - Past

The Tang dynasty had a powerful government

They traded silk, silver, tea, gunpowder,

Lowered peasants taxes

Good trading system

Buddhism came into Chinese culture

Spread of education and wealth

China reached golden age

Southern cities grew rich

Kristy Moy

Present - Technology

Over the past years technology has advanced

People put chemicals in products .For example, there were chemicals in powdered milk, and made the babies suffer. Another example is, there were chemicals in candies which were sent to other countries and they were affected.

China developed goods for other countries

China has created a massive technology force that no comparison.

Kristy Moy

Present - Dynasty

The Chinese civilization has no longer called itself a dynasty.

Although the Chinese and American have very separate beliefs and customs;they share a similar organization of authority.

The Chinese people have a house of representatives and a ruling congress just like America.

Kristy Moy

Present - Government

The government had also advanced over the years

The government became a republic

There were no more dynasties

China fell into communism

The communists changed the traditional Chinese into simple Chinese writing

They thought traditional Chinese writing was difficult to write

Kristy Moy

Past Writing system

How has the writing system changed over time? There was a special writing system made up of symbols that represent ideas or meanings. These symbols were: modern words, Homophones, compounds, numbers, ideograms, and pictographs

In the past the writing system could be made up of Hanzi, the name of the writing system.

In the past the Traditional Chinese writing system consisted of pictures and symbols the represented what they looked like.

In the Tang and song dynasty the characters in Chinese were made up of one syllable per character.

In reading Chinese writing you had to accomplish three things: Identify the characters, understand the pronunciation, and find out what characters belong together because there is no spacing in between characters.

Talila Meredith

Past :Art and fashion

Art and fashion in the Tang and song dynasty certainly blossomed because of the golden age period it was going through.

People would watch operas

Practice embroidery

Do poetry and draw.

As fashion does now, it effects the lives of everyone. In the Tang and Song dynasty young ladies would wear tight shoes that would perfect their feet into the lily foot. This also crippled the girl making her the wife to be seen and not heard.

Talila Meredith

PAST: economics/ architecture

The economics and architecture of China was connected by trade and the prosperity of the growth in food. The Golden Age symbolized the prosperity of all thing s in China.

As Agriculture prospered so did the amount of money going in and out of China.

The sources of government created new ways to continue the blossoming age and that was to create ways to protect them. Ex. The silk road transporting: salt, tea, goods, medicine, textiles, gold and silver and the Grand Canal.

Money was dispersed though paper money and coins which made economics do very well and very popular to others cultures.

There were many things built like: theaters, tea and wine shops, and small companies.

Talila Meredith

Present writing system

The present writing system is the simplified one.

It always consist of 1-12 stokes in a character( like in the past) but now there are a maximum of 64 strikes per character.

In this writing system the spelling of one word could could look the same all accept a accent mark. This mark could change the word into any of several different words.

This system was built to increase the literacy of the Chinese people as a whole.

Talila Meredith

Present: art and fashion

Over time the art in china has changed to cartoons in animated television shows and into advertisements for many companies.

The Fashion has also changed completely. Some Chinese people where the traditional style of Chinese clothing during special occasions but now they wear a more American style of clothing.

Some of the traditional style of clothing has been modified into a more modern trend.

Talila Meredith

Present economics and architecture.

Money is Re nimbi in china and is separated by : one, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred( yuan) 1, 2 and 5, and jiao and etc

Talila Meredith

Past: Religion

The basic guideline to life that effected the pass and future of China.Buddhism: founded by Siddhartha Gautama Eightfold paths Right news, right intentions, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.

Daoism- founded by Laozi The belief in the way and the responsibility of us all to practice living like nature. Confucianism- founded Confucius 5 Basic relationships of ConfuciusRuler and subject, Father and Son, Husband and Wife, Older bother and Younger bother, and Friend and Friend.

Ashley Thomas

Present religion

The religions in China are Buddhism, protestantism, Taoism, Islam, and Catholicism.

Confucianism slowly dissolved in the Chinese culture, and so did Daoism.

Over 100 million people in China have faith in a religion but that's only 10% of the population

74 schools for religion in China.

China has 13,000 Buddhist temples.

There are 1,500 Taoism temples.

The protest came to China in the 1980s and they are still here now.

In Beijing 2,000 people go to the Catholic mass every sunday

Ashley Thomson


Homophones- syllables that have a common sound to a certain word but the word has a different meaning.

Communism- a system of organization in which property and power is equally distributed for all.

Republic- a government where the power comes from the citizens and is agreed on by voting and/or representative thoughts.

Buddhism- a religion in which focuses on the modest ideals and special way of life.

Living like nature- Follow the actions of nature by living and adding to the earth, not taking away, and by letting thing go there way.

Talila Meredith and Ashley Thomas

Chinese symbols.

Is this in Traditional or simplified text?

Talila Meredith

The answer is : ...The Chinese symbols are in Traditional text.

Ashley Thomas

The End

China has Changed in many ways . They have changed in religion, fashion, government and as a whole country.

Talila Meredith


Images: www.buddhismthemiddlepath.blogspot,, , , , WWW

Infomation: , , WORLD HISTORY BY McDougal Littell. ,

Ashley Thomson

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