Page 1: China investment environment_main_findings

China Investment Environment

Start-up/Growth Company

Finance Market in China

Lion Partners Limited for

Team Finland Future Watch January 2015

“Potential for great match between Chinese investments and Finnish Innovation exists and will likely to remain or even increase with many new investment models emerging in the coming decade but we in Finland have not yet found a good way to succeed in that.”

Page 2: China investment environment_main_findings

Main Findings

China has become a net OFDI investor very rapidly in the last couple of years

after having been on the receiving side for a long time. Unfortunately Finland is

going against this trend still being a net investor to China. Chinese cumulative

investments to Finland are around 100 million euros vs. over 10 billion euros of

investments from Finland to China.

Chinese investors regard Finland very highly as a source for innovation and a

safe place to invest so this does not explain the imbalance. It is partially

explained by big investments by large Finnish industrial companies into China,

but China could easily in theory do the same into Finland.

President Xi Jinping announced late 2014 that China would invest abroad 1,25

trillion USD in the next 10 years. Also, in order to strengthen the domestic

innovation ecosystem the Chinese Government has just announced that they will

set up a state venture capital fund worth 6,5 billion USD to invest in the country’s

start-ups in further effort to follow the goal of changing the mode in China from

‘’made in China’’ to ‘’innovated in China’’.

Read whole report here

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Main Findings

The OFDI from China was started by SOEs (State Owned Enterprises) and

followed by POEs (Privately Owned Enterprises) and wealthy individuals. Venture

Capital investments from China as well as FOF type investments into foreign VCs

are in ‘’pilot stage’’ but likely to grow rapidly once enough successful cases take

place and sound working practices with international counterparts are found. One

should note that the Chinese Venture Capital industry measured by total

investments made is slightly smaller than the EU’s and has been around 5-10%

of US Venture Capital industry’s size in the recent years as a lot of Chinese

investing capital is held by SOEs and POEs that are also actively making

investments both domestically and internationally.

Chinese SOE’s and POE’s main investment model has been M&A taking control

of the investment targets, so at least partially this is likely to continue to VC type

investments where the Chinese counterpart is likely to take control at least in the

efforts into China. This has been seen in even very high profile cases such as

Amazon and LinkedIn entering China with the support of a local VC (note: these

companies hardly need Chinese investment, but they need the access to market

and after having failed to do so on their own they have turned to local investors

for that).

Read whole report here

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Main Findings

Finnish VCs are slowly becoming active in China trying to establish contacts to

the local ecosystem, but as Chinese Venture Capitalists as well as Fund of Funds

are still relatively inexperienced in international or cross-border deals as are the

Finnish counterparts in dealings with the Chinese the mode is still very

experimental and learning by doing.

In the past year Chinese investors participated in M&A in Finland and also

minority investments were made both by Chinese Venture Capitalists as well as

corporate investors. So Finland has good reference cases in place, now the

challenge is to make those successful and encourage even more activity.

Despite attempts to coordinate and get various actors to cooperate under the

Team Finland strategy reality is still that there is competition even among fully

government-funded agencies about work.

In the last couple of years a number of public and private incubators and

accelerators has emerged in China, at least in all the main cities with heavy start-

up activity such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, targeting

foreign teams and companies looking to enter the Chinese market. So far we

have not found a single Finnish team or company in these!

Read whole report here

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Interested to know more?

Contact us

Future Watch contact in China & East-Asia

Sari Arho Havrén (sari.arhohavren at

Future Watch Team in Helsinki

Heli Karjalainen (heli.karjalainen at

Laura Nurmi (laura.nurmi at

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