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Welcome to Word of Peace!

We are a community of faith that celebrates our opportunity to

be Jesus’ disciples though prayer, worship, Bible reading, service,

fellowship, and giving. Our goal is simple: we want people to

have a passionate rela�onship with God so that they will go into

the world to serve God’s people.

As a parent, you are the primary faith teacher in your family. Our

responsibility is to support you in this role and it is our hope and

prayer that you will find encouraging opportuni�es at Word of

Peace to nurture your child’s Chris�an faith.

Word of Peace strives to be a loving and welcoming community

that proclaims the Gospel to all God’s people. We welcome you

and invite you to come and become Jesus’ disciple with us!

God’s Blessings to All,

Kristin Skare Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministry


All people are welcome at Word of

Peace. You do not need to be a member

of our congrega�on to par�cipate in any

ministry, take Holy Communion, or volun-


Our ministry is managed by volunteers.

Without the support of hundreds of won-

derful volunteers each year, our pro-

grams would not be possible.

We strive to provide a safe and sup-

por�ve environment for all God’s peo-


Educa�on ministries are funded by your

gi s. Church school, confirma�on, and

other children, youth and family minis-

tries are paid for with registra�on fees

and the weekly financial offerings from

our congrega�on.

The inability to pay registra�ons fees

will NEVER prevent any family from par-

�cipa�ng in our educa�on ministry. If

you need financial assistance, please con-

tact any Children, Youth & Family staff.


We encourage all parents to regularly worship with

their children. Worship is an integral part of living out

our bap�smal promises and being a Chris�an. Children

and youth may not understand everything about wor-

ship, but worshiping with our children makes them feel

like they belong and it teaches them how to worship.

5 Things You Should Know5 Things You Should Know5 Things You Should Know5 Things You Should Know

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Children’s Ministry Birth-5th Grade

CHURCH SCHOOL Ages: 3 years (by Sept. 1) - 5th grade

Sundays 8:30 amSundays 8:30 amSundays 8:30 amSundays 8:30 am Mondays 5:00 pmMondays 5:00 pmMondays 5:00 pmMondays 5:00 pm Sundays 9:45 amSundays 9:45 amSundays 9:45 amSundays 9:45 am Mondays 6:15 pmMondays 6:15 pmMondays 6:15 pmMondays 6:15 pm Sundays 11:00 amSundays 11:00 amSundays 11:00 amSundays 11:00 am

All kids explore a Bible story each week with a volun-

teer church school teacher and 8-12 other students of

the same age.

Children are given their own age appropriate SPARK!

Bible that they will use in class each week to explore

these stories.

Children also spend twenty minutes of each church

school hour in large group �me. This �me is led by

Word of Peace staff and students, where kids learn the

basics of worship through song, prayer, offering, les-

son �me, and service.

SPLASH! Ages: Birth - 3 years old | Year-Round

Splash! is a birth to 3-year-old ministry that supports the central role of parents in the faith forma�on of their young chil-

dren. A Splash! Newsle8er, which provides tools for child and faith development, is mailed monthly to families. In addi�on,

once a year un�l infants are three years old, families will receive an age-appropriate faith based music CD. All babies born

to Word of Peace families and/or all babies bap�zed at Word of Peace are automa�cally enrolled in Splash!

BAPTISM CLASSES First Monday Night of Each Month at 7:30 pm

Bap�sm classes prepare parents, children & adults for

bap�sm. The purpose of the bap�sm class is to explore

the meaning of bap�sm, to walk through the bap�sm ser-

vice and to help equip parents to pass on the faith to

their child. Parents are required to a8end a bap�sm class

prior to their child's bap�sm into the Chris�an faith at

Word of Peace.

If you have already a8ended a bap�sm class at Word of

Peace for another child, you do not need to a8end again.

Contact the church office at 763-496-2400 to register.

KIDS OF PEACE PRESCHOOL Ages: 3 - 5 years September - May Kids of Peace is Word of Peace’s licensed pre-

school. Kids of Peace partners with parents to nur-

ture their young children spiritually, intellectually,

emo�onally and socially. We want every child

who a8ends Kids of Peace to know that they are

loved by their heavenly Father.

Classes are offered to 3 year-olds, 4 and 5 year-

olds, and we also offer a High Fives program for

kids who are not quite ready for kindergarten.

Contact Julie Piccona8o, Preschool Director, at

763-496-2419 or [email protected].

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Events Birth - 5th Grade

Blessing of the Backpacks

Sunday, August 26 and Monday, August 27 Students of all ages are invited to bring

their backpack or messenger bag to wor-

ship and receive a blessing before they

head back to school. The congrega�on

will liH students and teachers up in pray-


Third Graders Presented with Bibles

Sunday, September 7 and Monday, September 8 All third graders and their parents are

invited to a8end worship as a family and

receive their 3rd

grade SPARK! NRSV Stu-

dent Bible and receive a blessing as they

con�nue to grow in faith.

Three-Year-Olds Presented with Bibles

Sunday, September 14 and Monday, September 15 All three year olds are invited to a8end

worship as a family and receive a SPARK!

Storybook Bible and receive a blessing as

they begin their faith journey at Word of


Three-Year-Old Parent/ Child Church School Welcome Day

Sunday, September 21 and Monday, September 22 All three year olds that are a8ending

church school and their parents a8end

the first day of church school together

and par�cipate in Bible stories, prayer,

song, and fun! They will meet their

teachers and experience their first clos-

ing music.

Third Grade Bible Event

Sunday, November 8 and Monday, November 9 This is a wonderful parent/child event for

students to learn about the Bibles they

received in worship and how to use

them! This event is held during church

school ministry hours. Look for more in-

forma�on in the fall.

October Family Dance

Friday October 10, 6:00-8:00 pm Come for a night of fall fun! This night

includes a family dance, Cold Stone Ice

Cream, food, and ac�vi�es. This is a

fundraiser that supports Word of Peace

educa�on scholarships and ministry.

Advent Family Night

Tuesday, December 2, 6:30 pm Bring in the season of Advent as a family!

Gather at church for a �me of ac�vi�es,

craHs, and prayer that will help prepare

our hearts and minds for Jesus’ birth. In

the past we’ve made advent wreaths,

Christmas ornaments, wri8en cards to

military personnel, and much more!

Kids Against Hunger Food Packing Night

Thursday, March 12, 6:30-8:30 pm Bring your family for an evening of edu-

ca�on and ac�on regarding local and

global hunger. Families will pack food kits

that will be distributed throughout the

United States and around the globe. We

ask that all families sign-up and provide a

financial dona�on for the food kits that

we assemble.

Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, March 29 at 2 pm Children ages infant through fourth

grade are invited to come for the Easter

story, ac�vi�es, and an Easter egg hunt.

Holy Week Walk

Friday, April 3 10:00 am, Noon, and 2:00 pm Families of all ages are invited to a8end

an interac�ve worship service where you

will experience the last week of Jesus’

life. Watch Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem,

join Jesus and his disciples at the Last

Supper, pray with him in the garden,

a8end his trial, mourn with Mary, and

wait for the promise of the resurrec�on!

Costumed actors lead you through this

special worship service.



from the



Romans 8:38

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First Communion Confirmation

CONFIRMATION Grades 6 - 8 | September - May Word of Peace confirma�on is a dynamic ministry that prepares middle school students (6th-8th grade) to connect faith to

daily life, serve others, study Marin Luther’s catechism, and prepare students to reaffirm their bap�sm. Students a8end large

group gathering that includes music, games, skits and a lesson taught by a pastor. Students also meet in small groups led by

an adult mentor, a high school student mentor, joined by 8-10 of their peers. These small groups provide students with a safe

place to discuss faith, life, and the weekly lesson. Students also par�cipate in a monthly fellowship/service event, where they

socialize and serve others in our community.

Our confirma�on ministry uses Dr. Rich Melheim’s Faith Inkubator curriculum, Head to Heart. To register, please contact Car-

rie Fischer at 763-496-2406 or visit

HOLY COMMUNION All children, youth and adults of any age are welcome to receive holy com-

munion at Word of Peace whether they have received first communion in-

struc�on or not. Lutherans believe that the Sacrament of Holy Communion

is God’s giH to God’s people. They offer forgiveness, love, and grace. If you

have ques�ons, please contact one of our pastors at 763-496-2400.

FIRST COMMUNION CLASSES 4th Grade and Older Sunday, September 28, November 2, March 15 & April 26 Although children of all ages are welcome to take communion at Word of

Peace at any �me, children fourth grade and older have the opportunity to

par�cipate in a Communion class. They learn the meaning of Holy Commun-

ion and that it is a giH of forgiveness and love for them. Classes are taught

by Word of Peace staff and pastors.

9TH GRADE CONFIRMATION September - January

9th Grade confirma�on prepares a student for their Affirma�on of

Bap�sm in January of their Freshman year of high school. Students

gather in small groups once a month to prepare for their Affirma-

�on of Bap�sm through service, learning, and planning their con-

firma�on worship service.

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As your child con�nues to grow, the Word of Peace Youth Staff have a

number of exci�ng ministry opportuni�es geared specifically for teens

and tweens.

MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY Middle School Ministry, also known as MSM, offers 6th-8th grade stu-

dents a fun way to meet other kids and to connect to Christ. A variety of

ou�ngs, evening ac�vi�es and studies ac�vely invite your child to con�n-

ue on their faith journey. The highly an�cipated annual summer “Mystery

Trip” promises four days and three nights filled with surprises sure to

engage your tween! If you are interested in receiving more informa�on

about middle school youth opportuni�es, please contact Marcus Eads at

[email protected]/763-496-2410 .

HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY Following middle school, high schoolers are given the chance to put their

faith into ac�on. Teaching students to SERVE is our first priority. Students

in 9th-12th grade have the opportunity to a8end small groups on Sunday

mornings, Wednesday night summer campfires, large group worship on

Monday evenings, mission trips, summer camps, and regional and na�on-

al youth gatherings.

If you are interested in receiving more informa�on about high school

youth opportuni�es, please contact Kate Gantz at [email protected]/


Bagels and Bibles Grades: 6th - 8th | Year-Round Bibles and Bagels offers kids a chance to enjoy fellowship,

devo�ons, games and breakfast two Sunday mornings a

month at 9:45 am in the Youth Room. Dates are posted in

the monthly newsle8er and online.

Middle School Mystery Trip Grades: 6th - 8th | Summer 2015 (Dates TBD) More informa�on will be available later in the school year.

Summer Stretch Grades: Completed 5th-8th to Participate Completed 9th-12th to help Lead June - August 2015 Summer Stretch is held every other Wednesday and pro-

vides middle school students the opportunity to do service

projects and par�cipate in fun ac�vi�es during the sum-

mer. High School students serve as leaders for this pro-

gram. Registra�on begins in January.

Summer Camp Grades: 6th - 8th | June 2015 Word of Peace offers a variety of week-long camp sessions

for all age groups. 6th-8th Grade students have the oppor-

tunity to choose between a week-long session at either

Camp Wapo in Amery, Wisconsin or Luther Dell near

Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Registra�on for summer camp

begins in January.

High School Small Groups Grades: 9th - 12th | September - May One or two Sundays each month, high school youth will

have the opportunity to create their own small groups of 4

-6 students. We will meet on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am

for Bible study, breakfast, and discussion.

Youth Mondays Grades: 9th - 12th | September – May Each Monday, high school youth will have the opportunity

to gather together for worship in the Sanctuary beginning

at 6:30 pm. AHerward, we will play games, have snacks,

and have real life discussions in the youth room un�l 8:00


Youth Ministry 6th - 12th Grade

Page 7: Children, Youth & Family Brochure 2014-15

Junior Confirmation Guides Grades: 9th - 12th | September – May High School youth have the opportunity to volunteer as a

Junior Guide in the confirma�on program. This is an excellent

opportunity for high school youth to gain more leadership

experience, build rela�onships with younger students and

peers, and have some fun! Junior guides will be expected to

build rela�onships with their group members, help the adult

guide with lessons and other tasks, a8end all servant/

fellowship nights with their groups, and a8end all Junior

Guide Huddles (training sessions) throughout the year.

National Youth Gathering Grades: Completed 9th - 12th | July 2015 Every three years, thousands of high school youth from ELCA

congrega�ons around the world gather to worship, reflect

and serve. This extraordinary week-long event inspires youth

for a life�me. Join us in Detroit in 2015!

High School Mission Trip Grades: 9th - 12th | July 2015 Short-term youth mission trips can change the lives of stu-

dents and greatly affect people, communi�es, and the greater

church. Within a rela�vely short period of �me, a student’s

life and a stranger’s life can be powerfully transformed, simp-

ly because of the student’s love and willingness to serve.

The 2015 Summer Mission Trip will be to Luther Park Bible

Camp in Danbury, WI from July 26-31. Poten�al work projects

include building a gaga pit, pain�ng cabins, working in their

low ropes course, and offering ministry to young children in

local churches. We will also have free �me and par�cipate in

fun ac�vi�es like tubing down the Yellow River, kayaking,

night hikes, bonfires, star spinning, and swimming.


Back to School Lock-Out Grades: 9th - 12th | September 19-20 A high school lock-out celebra�on for back to school! We’ll have a

bonfire, snacks, play games, and sleep in tents outside at Word of

Peace! This will be an all-night event, but we will have “quiet

hours” inside the tents. We’ll wake up and make breakfast over

the fire!

Sever’s Corn Maze Grades: 9th - 12th | October 12, 12:00-5:00 pm High school youth will get lost at Sever’s Corn Maze!! We’ll enjoy

a fun day together at the maze and par�cipate in other fall tradi-

�ons! Cost TBD.

Hayride and Bonfire Grades: 5th - 12th | October 12, 6:00-8:00 pm A fun local event for all youth in grades 5-12. We’ll meet at

Hayrides Inc. in Rogers for a fun, hour-long hayride through the

fields and woods of a local farm and end the evening with an hour

long bonfire with s’mores!

Welch Village All Night Ski Grades: 6th - 12th | Late January/Early February 2015 We will hit the slopes at 11:00 pm and ski or snowboard un�l 4:00

am. Come hang out in the big chalet if you want to catch a movie,

grab some concessions or simply warm up for a while. This event

is open to all 6th-12th graders. Cost TBD.

Winter Youth Retreat at Luther Crest Bible Camp Grades: 4th - 6th | March 2015 A weekend retreat for kids! Snow tubing, interac�ve worship,

snow shoeing, music, cross country skiing, Bible studies, warm

cabins and fun counselors. This will be a Friday evening through

Saturday evening event. Cost and dates TBD.

High School Retreat Grades: 9th - 12th | April 24 & 25 2015 High school youth will go to Luther Crest Bible Camp in Alexan-

dria, MN. It will be a one-night energizing retreat with possible

use of their high ropes course! Cost $70.

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Kate Gantz High School Youth MinisterHigh School Youth MinisterHigh School Youth MinisterHigh School Youth Minister 763763763763----496496496496----2430243024302430 [email protected]@[email protected]

Marcus Eads Director of Youth MinistriesDirector of Youth MinistriesDirector of Youth MinistriesDirector of Youth Ministries 763763763763----496496496496----2410241024102410 [email protected]@[email protected]

Megan Moen Children, Youth & Family SpecialistChildren, Youth & Family SpecialistChildren, Youth & Family SpecialistChildren, Youth & Family Specialist 763763763763----496496496496----2423242324232423 [email protected]@[email protected]

Lisa Buck Children, Youth & Family AdministratorChildren, Youth & Family AdministratorChildren, Youth & Family AdministratorChildren, Youth & Family Administrator 763763763763----496496496496----2405240524052405 [email protected]@[email protected]

Carrie Fischer Confirmation Coordinator Confirmation Coordinator Confirmation Coordinator Confirmation Coordinator 763763763763----496496496496----2422242224222422 [email protected]@[email protected]

It is our joy and privilege to partner with fami-

lies in raising their children in the Chris�an

faith. We believe that growing in faith is a life-

long process, rooted in our bap�sm.

As parents and members of God’s church we

promise our children at bap�sm that we will

help them:

Live with and among

God’s faithful people,

Bring them to the Word of God

and the Holy Supper,

Teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed,

and the Ten Commandments,

Place in their hands the Holy Scriptures,

and nurture them in faith and prayer,

so that your children may learn to trust God,

proclaim Christ through word and deed, care

for others and the world God made, and work

for jus$ce and peace.

No ma8er what stage you are in your faith jour-

ney, Word of Peace offers mul�ple opportuni-

�es to learn, grow, serve, and develop sup-

por�ve friendships.

Kristin Skare Director of Children, Youth & FamilyDirector of Children, Youth & FamilyDirector of Children, Youth & FamilyDirector of Children, Youth & Family 763763763763----496496496496----2404240424042404 [email protected]@[email protected]

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