  • 7/25/2019 Chem 315 -Lab 8 -Synth of t Pent Chloride


    Experiment: Date:

    Synthesis of T-Pentyl Chloride 10/20/15

    Name Partners Draer No! Co"rse / Se#tion

    $atheryn Soto %21C&E'


    P"rpose:The p"rpose of this experiment is to synthesi*e t-pentyl #hloride +y rea#tin, t-+"tyl t-pentyl. al#ohol ith

    hydro#hlori# a#id in an SN1 n"#leophili# s"+stit"tion rea#tion!

  • 7/25/2019 Chem 315 -Lab 8 -Synth of t Pent Chloride


    Experiment: Date:

    Synthesis of T-Pentyl Chloride 10/20/15

    Name Partners Draer No! Co"rse / Se#tion

    $atheryn Soto %21C&E'


    pproa#h:Determine the mass of t-pentyl al#ohol +y ei,hin,! Cal#"late the mass of &Cl from the ol"me density

    and Composition! Cal#"late the moles of t-pentyl al#ohol and &Cl "sed! Determine the +alan#ed

    stoi#hiometri# e3"ation for the synthesis rea#tion! Determine the limitin, rea,ent in the rea#tion +ased on

    the moles of prod"#ts "sed! Cal#"late the theoreti#al yield! 'ix the rea,ents to initiate the rea#tion!

    4solate and p"rify t-pentyl #hloride prod"#t +y li3"id/li3"id extra#tion ith & 2 and Sodi"m 6i#ar+onate

    to ash and separate the or,ani# layer from the a3"eo"s layer! Dry the prod"#t "sin, nhydro"s sodi"m

    s"lfate! Determine the mass of the prod"#t +y ei,hin,! Comp"te the per#ent yield for the synthesis!

    Determine the refra#tie index "sin, the ++e 7efra#tometer! Corre#t the refra#tie index "sin, the

    temperat"re #orre#tion fa#tor! +tain the 47 spe#tr"m for the prod"#t!



    Paia D!8! 8ampman 9!'! $ri* 9!S! En,el !9!7! 2011 4ntrod"#tion to r,ani# 8a+oratory

    Te#hni3"es Small S#ale pproa#h 9' Edition Chem (15/(1; Cen,a,e 8earnin,: pp! pp!1=2-1=)

    Slayden S! Stali#? @! 7oth 7 201) r,ani# Chemistry 8a+oratory 'an"al 2ndEdition:

    Pearson C"stom P"+lishin,: pp!

  • 7/25/2019 Chem 315 -Lab 8 -Synth of t Pent Chloride


    Experiment: Date:

    Synthesis of T-Pentyl Chloride 10/20/15

    Name Partners Draer No! Co"rse / Se#tion

    $atheryn Soto %21C&E'


    Pro# % 1 'ass l#ohol 7es"lts n? No!

    'aterials E3"ipment'ass t-pentyl al#ohol

    'ass ial 10!2

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