  • Angela SharmaNepal Topper in Sociology in A-levelNepal Topper in sociology in AS Level

    Sanskriti TimseenaNepal Topper in Sociology in AS Level

    Nepal Topper in Economics in AS Level

    Roshan PoudelNepal Topper in Computing in AS Level

    1st Place in Nepal, Best Across 4 AS Level (Science)

    Nepal Topper in Physics in AS Level

    h]g]/n ;l6{lkms]6 ckm Ph's]zg -hL= ;L= O{=_ SoflDa|h OG6/g]zgn PShfldg]zg -;L= cfO{= O{=_ af]8{åf/f ;~rfng ul/Psf] xf] . of] o'lgel;{6L ckm SoflDa|hs} Pp6f cË xf] . hL= ;L= O{= n] ut krf; jif{b]lv ljZjsf] sl/a Ps ;o ;Q/L b]zx¿df nueu ;Q/L ljifox?df P8efG; n]en Sjflnlkms]zg -h;nfO{ P– n]en Sjflnlkms]zg klg elgG5_ k|bfg ub{} cfPsf] 5 .

    g]kfnaf6 P;\= Pn\= ;L= of ljZjsf] s'g} klg af]8{af6 P;\= Pn\= ;L= ;dsIf k/LIff pQL0f{ u/]sf ljBfyL{x¿ P–n]en Sjflnlkms]zgdf k|j]z kfpg ;S5g\ .

    ljBfyL{n] pknAw u/fOPsf] dWo] c+u|]hL efiff ;flxToaf6 Pp6f / afF+sL ljifox?af6 cfkm"n] rfx]sf slDtdf tLgj6f ljifo lng kfpg] k|fjwfg 5 .

    P–n]en kf7\oqmd b'O{ efudf ljeflht 5g\ . Pp6fnfO{ P8efG; ;lA;l8c/L -P= P;=_ n]en elgG5 . o;df klxnf] cfwf kf7\oqmd ;dfj]z ul/Psf] x'G5 . csf{] cfwfnfO{ P–6' l;n]jz elgG5 . o;n] afFsL cfwf kf7\oqmd ;+Fufn]sf] x'G5 . ljBfyL{n] ;Dk"0f{ P–n]en Sjflnlkms]zg kfpgsf nflu b'O{ jif{df b'O{ k6s k/LIff klg lbg ;S5g\ eg] b'O{ jif{sf] cGtdf Ps} k6s k/LIff lbg ;S5g\ . ;fy;fy} d]wfjL ljBfyL{sf nflu ;do;Ldf 5}g . P–n]en k/LIff jif{sf] b'O{k6s d]÷h'g / cS6'j/÷ge]Da/df ljZjel/ g} Ps} k6s ;~rfng ul/G5 / glthf klg Ps} ;fy k|sfzg x'G5 . k/LIffx¿ w]/} Jojl:yt tl/sfaf6 lnOG5 . P– n]en Sjflnlkms]zgn] l;h{gfTds ;f]rfOsf ;fy;fy} cGo ;Lk klg a9fpg d2t ub{5 . ljBfyL{n] slt hfGof] eGbf klg slt a'‰of] eGg]nfO{ dxTj lbOG5 / ljZn]if0ffTds kIfnfO{ k/LIffdf a9L ;dfj]z ul/G5 . k|Zgx¿ …PlS6eÚ x'G5g\ eg] ljBfyL{x¿sf] cleJolQm …cAh]lS6eÚ . o;df j:t'ut, nfdf / 5f]6f pQ/ n]Vg] 9fFrfsf k|Zg ;dfj]z u/]/ ljBfyL{sf] ;Dk"0f{ d"NofÍg ul/g] k|of; ul/G5 . ulx/fO;Dd k'u]/ ljifoj:t'sf] cWoog ug{‘k5{ .

    P–n]en g]kfnsf] k|df0f–kq tx cyf{t\ !)±@ ;/xsf] Kff7\oqmd xf] . of] tx pQL0f{ u/]kl5 ljBfyL{n] ljZjsf] s'g} ljZjljBfnodf :gfts:t/sf] cWoog ug{sf nflu cfj]bg lbg kfp5g\ . o;sf] cGt/fli6«o Vofltn] ljBfyL{nfO{ ljZjsf] /fd|f] eGbf /fd|f] sn]hdf egf{ x'g of

    5fqj[lQ kfpg ;lhn} ;Dej b]lvG5 .

    gofF kf7\oqmd tof/ ubf{ Pp6f nfdf] / :t/Lo k|lqmof ckgfOG5 Ù h;df k"0f{ cg';Gwfg, tflnd / k/fdz{h:tf sfd ul/G5 . o;/L tof/ kfl/Psf] kf7\oqmd gd'gf k|Zgkq, lzIfsx?sf nflu k|ToIf sfo{zfnf uf]i7Lx?, b"/l;sfO kf7\oqmd, cgnfOg sfo{qmd, 5nkmn ;d"x, ;Gb{e kf7\ok':ts tyf tf]lsPsf kf7\ok':tssf] ;xfotfn] lzIfsx?;dIf k'¥ofpg] ul/G5 . kf7\oqmd / k|Zgkq d"ntM cGt/fli6«o:t/sf] x'G5 . t;y{ ljZje/sf ljBfyL{nfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ kf7\oqmd agfO{ cGt/fli6«o pbfx/0f;Fu} cf–cfˆgf] b]zsf] ;Gb{edf k9fpg lgb{]zg lbOG5 . of] kf7\oqmd cToGt nlrnf], u'0f:t/Lo, j}1flgs / Jojxfl/s dflgG5 . kf7\oqmd agfpFbf ljBfyL{sf] l;h{gzLn / df}lns kIfnfO{ Wofg lbOPsf] x'G5 eg] d"NofÍsg ubf{ af]w kIfnfO{ . x/]s b'O{–tLg jif{df kf7\oqmd kl/dflh{t u/L ;do;fk]If / cBfjlws u/]/ ljifoj:t' ;fGble{s / lgoldt agfpg' P–n]ensf] csf{] ljz]iftf xf] .

    sIff lqmofsnfkx? ;]ldgf/, 5nkmn, k|of]uzfnf ljlw, ;d:of ;dfwfg, u|'kjs{, k|f]h]S6 js{, vf]hlag, k|ltj]bg n]vg, k|:t'tLs/0f, ;d;fdlos cWoogdf cfwfl/t x'G5g\ . cf:s b PShfldg/, l6r;{ ;kf]6{ ;fO6n] lzIfsx?sf] :t/ a9fO/x]sf] x'G5 eg] j]j;fO6 a|fph u/]/ / l;8L skL u/L ljBfyL{n] cem cfkm"nfO{ lgvfg{ ;S5g\ .

    P8efG; n]en sf]if{nfO{ g]kfnsf] ;a} ljZjljBfnosf] ;fy;fy} ljZjsf] w]/} z}lIfs ;+:yfx?af6 dfGotf k|fKt 5 . lqe'jg ljZjljBfnon] ;L=cfO{=O{= n] lbPsf] u]|8\; P b]lv O{ nfO{ (% Ü b]lv %% Ü ;Ddsf] ;dsIftf lgwf{/0f u/]sf] 5 . ljBfyL{n] cfˆgf] u|]8 ;'wfg{sf] nflu k'gM k/LIffdf a:g kfpg] k|fjwfg klg 5 . ljBfyL{x?sf] xf};nf a9fpg o'lgel;{6L ckm SoflDa|h, la|l6z sfplG;n / Sofla|h Ph's]6;{ Pzf]l;P;g Og g]kfnn] x/]s jif{ k'/:sf/ ljt/0f ;df/f]xsf] cfof]hgf ub{} cfPsf] 5 .

    g]kfnd} a;]/ cGt/fli6«o:t/sf] of] lzIff k9]/ ljZjsf ljleGg d'n'sdf uP/ cWoog u/L ;Ifd hgzlQmn] k'gM :jb]zd} kms{]/ ;]jf ug{] xf] eg] of] eGbf ;'gf}nf] df}sf xfd|f] h:tf] d'n'snfO{ c? x'g ;Sb}g . cGtt x/]s jif{ P–n]enk|lt ljBfyL{ ;+Vof a9\9f] qmddf 5 .

    ;'wL/s'df/ emflk|lG;kn tyf kmfpG8/ 8fO/]S6/, r]N;L OG6/g]zgn Ps]8]dL, :s"n / SoflDa|h hL= ;L= O{= P–n]en sn]h

    k"j{ cWoIf÷;Nnfxsf/, SoflDa|h Ph's]6;{ Pzf]l;P;g Og g]kfn -l;cfg_

    P–n]ensf] a9\bf] cfsif{0fClubsA-level students are encouraged to join clubs with the help of a teacher coordinator. These clubs are initiated by students and encouraged and supported by the school administration.

    Environment Club Art ClubJournalism Club Drama and Debating ClubSports Club Cultural ClubSocial Service Club Interact Club

    Eligibility for the A-Level

    No special degree is required for students who wish to enter the A-Level course. Students who have taken the SLC or equivalent at the time of admission can apply. Students who have completed the GCE O-Level or IGCSE at other schools are also eligible. The main requirement is that students be academically able to fulfill the rigors of this challenging program. Each year Chelsea uses a comprehensive evaluation system to select a highly motivated group of students to join the program.


    Chelsea offers partial financial aid to exceptional candidates with need. Those who qualify should submit the financial aid application form with the application form.


    The A-Level program lasts two years. Classes for A-Level students begin in June.

    Admission Process

    Students have to collect the application forms and sit for an entrance evaluation. Evaluation process includes:• Detail- study of the form• Entrance test• Group Discussion/ Psychological test• Interview

    Cambridge GCE

    Kanoon GiriNepal Topper in Economics in AS Level

    Samriddha Man ShresthaNepal Topper in Chemistry

    in AS Level

    Sandesh ChapagainNepal Topper in Computing in A-Level

    1st Place in Nepal, Best Across in 4 AS-level (Science)

    Saurav BishwokarmaNepal Topper in Accounting in AS Level

    Fax: 977-1-4491753Email: [email protected], Available :

    Grade 11 and 12 (Science & Management)Vidhya Sanskar School

    Himal Shrestha1st Place in Nepal, Best Across 3 A Level (Science)

    Nepal Topper in Physics in A-LevelNepal Topper in Physics in AS Level

    Toppers (2016)Prajjwal Bhattarai, Bishrut Bhattarai, Avash Byanjankar, Shrija Pokharel, Anup Sharma with Mr. Sudhir Kumar Jha, (Principal/ Founder Director)


    Sitamsh RijalNepal Topper in Computing in AS Level

    L E V E L

    Post Box No. 25201, Lakhechaur Marg, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal

    Phone: 4472902, 4499662

  • Introduction:

    Chelsea International Academy, from its very first date of inception, has been focusing on student – centered education. The academy offers globally recognized curriculum with excellent facilities and the best set of faculties. Students interested in joining this program apply immediately after SLC examinations. Students can also begin the two year Advanced Level course of Cambridge International Examination (CIE) after completing O-Level or any equivalent program.

    Chelsea International Academy is affiliated with Cambridge International Examination (CIE) in the United/ Kingdom. CIE offers

    international courses, examinations and qualification s to students all over the world. A Levels, as its name indicates, is an advanced international degree designed for academically inclined students; its courses prepare them for higher education anywhere in the world.

    Why CIE A-Levels:

    • Flexibility: The structure of the A Level course allows students considerable flexibility in designing a stimulating program of study. Students have the options of choosing either A Level or AS (Advanced Subsidiary) Level courses in order to fulfill the Level requirements. Students choose the length and depth of

    of Nepal. Firstly, we will establish libraries in all 5 Development Regions followed by all14 Zones and the finally all 75 districts of the country.

    • Chelsea International Academy is proud to remark its quest for social corporate responsibilities in the areas of sports as well. Chelsea organized first ever “Chelsea Junior International Badminton Championship 2012”. It was held at Covered Hall, Dashrath Stadium, Kathmandu. The championship was jointly organized by Kathmandu District Badminton Association (KDBA) and Tim Nikhil Badminton Academy (TNBA), Chittagong Rifle Club, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

    • Chelsea organized a one day “Talk Program” on “Spirituality, Inspirations & Moral Values” by Swami Chandresh (Guru Dev) on Spirituality, Dr. Nabin Sharma on Inspiration and Dr. Chintamani Yogi on Moral Values, September 30th 2013.

    College Counseling

    Chelsea students receive support in applying to college from the school’s college counselor. Information about colleges is readily available and students benefit from getting advice tailored to their interests and abilities. Students are encouraged to do their own research and find colleges that match their social and academic interest as well as their economic needs.

    Extra and co-curricular activities

    A Level students are expected to spend the day at Chelsea International Academy. Students have several free classes during the day, when they are expected to do individual as well as group work and research. Students generally pursue several extra-curricular activities from the long list of opportunities offered by the school or organized by students themselves. Chelsea International Academy has been organizing various extra curricular

    activities in and outside the school campus.

    Features of A Levels

    The subject content of the A-Level syllabus is divided into two parts. The first part is taught in the first year of the course and forms the basis of the AS-Level qualification. Completion of the second part in the following year fulfills the requirements for A-Levels.AS and A-Level examinations use a variety of assessment techniques, but particular emphasis is placed on the use of externally-marked examination papers. Taking examinations successfully demands a high level of academic competence and the ability to organize knowledge and ideas to produce reasoned written answers. Other features of the A-Level course are• Compulsory practical work in the science

    subjects• Opportunities for individual research in

    several subjects

    AS and A-levels are based on a practical curriculum that seeks to enable students to cope successfully with the demands of higher education. Courses are designed to encourage students to develop an independent approach to their work. The curriculum also encourages• The development of practical thinking

    skills based on oral communication and knowledge acquisition

    • On active approach learning• The use of initiative and creativity in

    problem-solving• The application of skills and

    understanding• The ability to undertake individual

    research and to work as part of a team

    Chelsea International Academy has been producing world class results and many of its graduates are studying in renowned colleges/universities around the globe.

    Cambridge GCE

    A-Level at Chelsea International Academy (NP 727)

    study which matches their interests.• Rigor: Demanding courses stretchable

    students, who can also take a heavy course load for an additional challenge.

    • International Standards: The program sets a standard education around the world.

    • Recognition: An A Level degree is recognized by countries across the globe as meeting their requirements for entry into higher education.

    A-Level subjects:

    An A – Level qualification is equivalent to one credit, while an AS Level qualification is equivalent to just half. To pass A - Level from Chelsea International Academy students should have at least 3.5 credits. Study of one language subject is compulsory. This skills-based approach aims to provide educational experience for students and teachers.


    Chelsea International Academy is fully aware of its social responsibility and has therefore organized various programmes. Some of them are:• National Symposium on Peace and Civic

    Socialization• Symposium on Vision for 21st Century• Breast Cancer Screening Mobile Camp• Maithli Food Festival• Newari Food Festival to raise fund for

    orphans• Chelsea Talent of the Year-2062• Symposium on Globalization in Education:

    A Look into the Prospects and Potentials of A-Level Course in Nepal.

    • A Talk Program on Mediation Sharing by Prof. Johan Galtung, Ph. D.

    • Rio Punte Children's Open Art Competition for the children of 3 years to 10 years.

    • A One Day Symposium on the Contemporary Issues of Education

    • Chelsea Debate Festival 1 & 2• Chelsea International Academy

    inaugurated a “Nepal Library Campaign” on June 2, 2013 (Jestha 19, 2070). The Chief Guest was Former Prime Minister Hon. Madhav Kumar Nepal.

    • Aim of the Campaign is to establish school and public libraries in all the 75 districts of Nepal. Commencement of the Campaign is to establish library in Shree Siddhi Ganesh Higher Secondary School, Sirubari, Sindhupalchowk District for Central Development Region. The campaign aims to establish libraries in all the 75 districts

    Shobha LimbuNepal Topper In GP

    Manish Jung ThapaNepal Topper in Biology in AS Level

    Samip Neupane1st Place in Nepal, Best Across

    in 3 AS Level (Science)

    Ujjwal PaudelNepal Topper in Economics, Mathematics & Accounting in AS Level1st Place in Nepal, Best Across in 3 AS Level (Non-Science)Ne- pal Topper in Economics, Mathematics & Accounting in A Level1st Place in Nepal, Best Across in 3 A Level (Non-Science)

    Sandesh BhandariNepal Topperin Mathematics in AS Level

    1st Place in Nepal, Best Across in 4 AS Level (Science)First in Computing (A), May/June 2013

    Bardan BazgainNepal Topper in Accounting in AS Level

    Nisha SuwalNepal Topper in Sociology in AS Level

    Krishna ShahNepal Topper in Biology in AS Level

    1st Place in Nepal, Best Across in 4 AS Level (Science)

    Utkrist AdhikariNepal Topper in Computing in AS Level

    Nepal Topperin Computing in A LevelAbhimanyu Chettri

    World Topper in GP

    Mukesh Ghimire1st Place in Nepal,

    Best Across in 4 AS Level (Science)

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