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    Educhat as of Tue May 5 01:34:45 2009 GMT (70 KB)

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    MissMarista: people were against them cuz kids could erase

    Ellsbeth: @thecleversheep That was indeed a treat! Now I sometimes let a student use my

    presentation mouse...if it keeps them engaged. :)

    @thorprichard: @aforgrave or that the idea for the overhead projector came from a bowling

    alley. (scary, but true.)

    anellewilson: I hate chalk!

    aforgrave: Did you get to be the kid who was responsible enough to turn the filmstrip in time with

    the BEEP?

    SADONE: You banned chalk as I remember SHEEP!

    BradnDeedo: Beating erasures after school because I haed the hots for Miss Stapleton

    Tim: our machine turned automatically

    BethMcEwen: @MissMarista - You'd be surprised how many of my grade 8s would agree with you

    - who needs a pencil?? Argh.

    charbeck: Interesting room configurations. My classes are all between 35 to 38 studnets. Not the

    best for 2.0 learning

    aforgrave: I hate chalk. Rather, I hate chalk dust. Everywhere.

    msmithpds: i tried once switching to dry erase markers - and had a kid get sick over the smell - -

    quickly returned to the chalkboard

    @thorprichard: @aforgrave Or, the tapes that came with the film strips that said, "And when it's

    time to change slides, listen for this tone..."

    drpeppermom: not a chance. Too many distractions

    msmithpds: chalk ruined my nails

    Ellsbeth: @aforgrave Same here...really hate chalk dustPaula: airliners allow students (and teachers) to work the smartboard from anywhere in the room

    GregoryLouie from x.x.x.148 joined the chat 10 minutes ago

    tkraz: I remember a classmate changing the filmstrip cassette tape that a student teacher was

    using to Led Zepplin. Tons of fun.

    BethMcEwen: @aforgrave I know how you feel - to make matters worse I have Windows 98

    computers (older than my students!)

    GregoryLouie: Suggestion: Let's not talk about the past, let's talk about the tools and techniques

    of the future.

    msmithpds: HECK YA! @tkraz

    lindseyb16: listening to michael wesch on edtech talk last week, his ollege classes are 400, he hasthem blog with rss to keep up

    BadEd: I'll chime in with a hate of chalk dust too!

    thecleversheep from x.x.x.87 left this message 10 minutes ago:

    Hey @charbeck! I hear spring is arriving daily out west ; )

    aforgrave: WRT airliners -- do you need to write with the airliner, but watch the projection screen?

  • 8/14/2019 Chatzy2


    @thorprichard: Anyone using this product? The SMART Table?

    US/Products/SMART Table/

    aforgrave: Rather than airliners, anyone using a tablet PC over WiFi to projector?

    charbeck: @cleaversheep yep might get some heat soon too

    lindseyb16: @aforgrave, you get the hang of that quickly though

    anellewilson: we may all get interwrite tablets next year - already have several in the building

    MaryKayG from x.x.x.61 left this message 9 minutes ago:

    @BethMcEwen...and are your student USB drives deactivated?

    Paula: yep, look at the screen, write on the wireless slate.

    Educhat from x.x.x.87 left this message 9 minutes ago:

    OK... What materials, technologies & activities do you hope to see available in the classrooms of

    the tomorrow? Which tools will have staying power?

    msmithpds: Tom Barratt is blogging about it


    Paula: handhelds. .

    GregoryLouie: @thorprichard SMART Tables are too pricey. But I'd love one.

    MissMarista: projectors/smartboards for sure

    charbeck: I have a blue tooth mose and keyboard hooked up to a mac mini running my


    anellewilson: student response systems

    aforgrave: Windows 98. Imagine. At least it was better than Win95. Which was better than

    Win3.1. (Why we went there when the Mac OS was so much better, I'll never accept!)

    windsordi from x.x.x.53 left this message 8 minutes ago:

    Ways to change setup in your classroom to best use the school 2.0 tools? Take a look at

    possibilities at

    thecleversheep from x.x.x.87 left this message 8 minutes ago:

    I really think the future is in projection technology. Projecting people into your classroom from

    around the world.

    Paula: I don't think SB will have staying power.

    msmithpds: i like the flex cams too - helps with the hands on demos - i think they have a new

    name now thoughEllsbeth: Cellphones & iPods...I'm amazed by the potential (and I'm a converted "cell phone Nazi")

    drpeppermom: e books?Anything you want to read at their fingertips

    BethMcEwen: New Ontario document about Technology in the 21st century

    /files/OPSBA_What%20If_Book_Apr1.pdf- if only our school boards would put their $ where their

    mouth is.

  • 8/14/2019 Chatzy2


    MaryKayG from x.x.x.61 left this message 7 minutes ago:

    I think students will record evidence of their learning on video, more and more

    BradnDeedo from x.x.x.205 joined the chat 7 minutes ago

    charbeck: I also think ti is about having people beam into your classroom. Making your classes

    relevant because "real experts" are in the room

    BradnDeedo: OOOOOPS

    anellewilson: netbooks

    lonestarschools: technology at the desks somehow - unobtrusive - allows for kids to look up

    stuff, contribute to class discussion

    tkraz: @Ellsbeth ditto. I agree.

    GregoryLouie: MIT is building a camcorder nanoprojector personal wearable computer. It'll take

    learning everywhere.

    aforgrave: @janellewilson -- rather than student response systems, what about student cell

    phones and a web app to collect the data?

    BadEd: I think connections in real time from class to class, country to country are where it will beat. also mobile/wireless tech

    msmithpds: i think laptops aren't going out because you can't see as much on a cell phone -

    BethMcEwen: @MaryKayG You bet :0

    MissMarista: argh, reading all this makes me so jealous, you all use/have tried so much cool stuff!

    msmithpds: have you all seen

    @thorprichard: @Ellsbeth 1 1 1 :-)

    lonestarschools: technology needs to be used to let kids learn at their own pace-speed way up or

    slow down. Why have to learn algebra in9th grade for example?

    BradnDeedo: mobile technology - mini comps/pdas/ipods

    BadEd: @charbeck - It's amazing what happens when you bring an expert 'in' to your room. Greatresults in kids.

    charbeck: I tried live blogging of classes for a while. 3 laptops and kids taking turns being scribes

    etc. It worked ok

    @thorprichard: (weird. That should be plus " " 1)

    anellewilson: @aforgave that would work but would students provide own phone?

    Denise Jordan from x.x.x.28 joined the chat 6 minutes ago

    GregoryLouie: Imagine being able to scan a product's barcode and have the nanoprojector

    display the Amazon review right on the product.

    aforgrave: @BethMcEwen -- OPSBA put out the document -- I think the Ministry needs to pony up

    the $$, and the federations will need to be supportive ...

    @thorprichard: @msmithpds Thanks for the tip re: SMART Tables.

    BethMcEwen: learning to use the Smartboard more effectively myself - wish I had ceiling


    charbeck: @baded that is the best part. Kids see how easy it is to find experts on the web or in

    real life. Instead of asking how to they find the answers

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    thecleversheep from x.x.x.87 left this message 5 minutes ago:

    Nice example @windsordi. If the computers are durable netbooks, or notebook computers, they

    will look less invasive.

    @thorprichard: How about this one? (An example that demonstrates

    how it works is here: )

    GregoryLouie: Imagine being able to have a wearable computer read a text and display a video

    linked to the text.

    MissMarista: i have a projector but no smartboard--I feel like everyone has smartboards now :-\

    charbeck: New netbooks are supposed to be under $200

    MaryKayG from x.x.x.61 left this message 4 minutes ago:

    I like using EtherPad. Kids worked collaboratively the other day to create a note from my

    discussion. It was effective...gave students who struggle with the process some insight into

    what others think/do.

    BethMcEwen: @aforgrave - Yes, I read it this afternoon - great stuff, but now what?

    thecleversheep from x.x.x.87 left this message 4 minutes ago:

    GregoryLouie have you used QR codes?

    lonestarschools: technology needs to be used for better, real time, individualized assessment.

    msmithpds: here's an example of a teacher who uses an airliner - created all ppts for lessons with

    flicker images - records lectures and blogs them

    msmithpds: whoops

    Ellsbeth: @MissMarist if you have $40, you can convert a wiimote into an interactive whiteboard

    lindseyb16: mssmithpd yes want to try etherpad with students

    BradnDeedo: Our rural area needs distance learning opportunities

    @thorprichard: @janellewilson Some suggest that mobile phone ownership goes up as the SES

    goes down, i.e., high poverty leads to high mobile use/ownership.

    msmithpds: have not grasped QR codes - what is that again?

    charbeck: @bethmcEwen I also do not have an overhanging projector. Hard to use SB when the

    projector gets hit all the time and yo uhave to re orient

    anellewilson: @Ellsbeth that sounds good

    @thorprichard: @msmithpds: 2D barcodes. (Think grid instead of stripes)

    MissMarista: @ellsbeth theoretically my new school is getting them this summer, if they don't I'll

    try the wiimote thing!Ellsbeth: Wyoming has been doing distance learning for awhile. Mostly done right now with closed

    video broadcasts. Imagine what we could do with 2nd Life.

    @thorprichard: It allows for more data to fit into the same space.

    anellewilson: @thorprichard some of my kids don't have phones not because of SES, but

    because parents think they are too young (6th grade)

  • 8/14/2019 Chatzy2


    GregoryLouie: @thecleversheep No but I've seen fiducials used with molecular models to display

    orbitals in Magic Books

    aforgrave: @janellewilson -- students are not allowed to have cell phones at school -- but I think

    that perhaps a third of my 7s do -- they just can't use them for school stuff -- yet! I'm working on it


    kitchenerd from x.x.x.28 left this message 3 minutes ago:we had a smart table on loan and we were underwhelmed...still a long way to go. not a flexible

    tool limited by program and no saving ability. multitouch is cool though

    msmithpds: could old cell phones be donated to act as response systems for those who can't buy


    thecleversheep from x.x.x.87 left this message 3 minutes ago:

    QR codes are hyperlinks via barcode

    BethMcEwen: @charbeck - Yes! And not to mention students standing in the projection light.

    Ellsbeth: @msmithpds That's a great idea.aforgrave: @BethMcEwen -- I think grass roots support (teachers, students, parents) will need to

    be part of getting the WhatIF/OBSBA vision to work ..

    MissMarista: heck I'd guess at least half of my 3rd graders have cell phones--and we're not an

    especially affluent neighborhood either....

    Asbella: @BethMcEwen - I mean how many dog shadows do they have to make before it becomes


    drpeppermom from x.x.x.13 left the chat 2 minutes ago

    BethMcEwen: I think a class set of ipod touches would be amazing! Think of the potential.

    charbeck: @bethMcEwen I have become an expet at wrting through my own shadow

    BradnDeedo: AZ allows tax credit for clubs so we're forming a club so parents can by itouch andbe reimbursed

    @thorprichard: @janellewilson Oh that's definitely true too. :-) There is a question of age

    appropriateness. And that's probably a more difficult problem to solve than getting access!

    msmithpds: must watch Ted Talk on the future


    thecleversheep from x.x.x.87 left this message 115 seconds ago:

    Does anyone see 3D coming to our chalkboards?


    MissMarista: @asbella UGHHHH mine are still not tired of the freaking shadow animals!

    GregoryLouie: Magic Books place a QR code in a book. A laptop with a camera then displays the

    book with a video where the QR code would be

    Ellsbeth: @BethMcEwen That's the one thing I would ask for in a classroom right now

    Asbella: I feel ya @MissMarista - I feel ya

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    BethMcEwen: @aforgrave Hopefully the document gets adequate circulation to all important

    stakeholders (parents, principals, trustees....) as well

    thecleversheep from x.x.x.87 left this message 64 seconds ago:

    Johnny Lee's whiteboard technology goes way cool towards the end of that TED talk!

    @thorprichard: @aforgrave hopefully you're not teaching in Georgia. The state legislature made it

    illegal to use cell phones for any purpose on school grounds. :-(

    GregoryLouie: @msmithpds Yes. That was the video I saw. Couple that with AI and it will

    transform education.

    aforgrave: WRT interactive whiteboards, SMART tables, etc, check this out after the chat --

    anellewilson: Of course, I have one of the lamest cell phone/plans with no data so could also be

    making me think diferently - I can't afford the cool stuff!

    msmithpds: AI?

    MissMarista: @thorprichard when was that? my school won't allow them anyways but hadn't


    aforgrave: @thorprichard Man. Nope, not in

    thecleversheep from x.x.x.87 left this message 27 seconds ago:

    @gregory Talk about interactive text eh?!

    anellewilson: @thorprichard I'm in GA - I'm sure lots of my kids are using phone on school


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