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    {455}{499}Dennis, what are you doing here?{503}{571}I work here, remember?{575}{641}No, I know. I mean,|what are you doing here so early?{645}{717}Piper called.|Wanted me to set up for the band.{721}{772}Piper called?|From where, the doctor's?{777}{821}I don't know. Maybe.{889}{960}Is something wrong? Is she okay?{964}{1051}Yeah, it's just a regular check-up|for the baby. I'm sure everything's fine.{1126}{1168}- Mind if I ask you a question?|- Sure.{1172}{1248}You know Piper pretty well, don't you?|I mean, you guys seem close.{1253}{1282}Yeah, real close.{1286}{1338}What's the deal|with the ex of hers, Leo?{1342}{1402}You know, I mean,|dude gets her pregnant, right?{1406}{1504}Then, what, just skips town on her?|I mean, what's up with that?{1508}{1538}It's a long story.{1579}{1620}As far as I'm concerned,{1625}{1666}she deserves a hell of a lot better.{1692}{1723}Couldn't agree with you more.{1925}{1978}Are you hormonal|or just plain crazy?{1982}{2057}One woman can only take so much.{2061}{2155}If these people walk out of their offices,|what do you think they'regonna see?{2160}{2245}Well, I think they won't be touching my|stomach anymore, that's want

    I think.{2250}{2320}Piper, that is not a good enough|reason to freeze people.{2325}{2370}I think it is.{2409}{2495}It's okay, it's okay. We all just get|a little vertigo sometimes.{2555}{2648}No wonder Chris grows up|to be such a neurotic little freak.{2693}{2744}- So you excited?|- About what?{2748}{2810}About what the doctor said.|That it's gonna be a healthy baby.{2814}{2927}Well, I know he's healthy.|I've seen him 22 and walking around.{2931}{2972}You never know.|Something could happen.{2976}{3040}Don't be such a worrywart.|Now you're starting to sound like...{3076}{3118}- Hey.|...Chris.{3122}{3195}If this is about demons, I don't wanna|hear, because I'm on my lunchbreak.

    {3199}{3267}No, no, no. I was just wondering|how it went with the doctor.{3278}{3342}Well, you'll be happy to know|that you're a boy.{3375}{3432}- That's not what I meant.|- I don't see it.{3436}{3524}- Oh, see. It's this little thing right here.|- Excuse me.{3529}{3560}Do you mind?{3743}{3798}Why are you so edgy anyway?|Relax.{3802}{3883}Well, it's not me in there|I was thinking about, it's you.{3887}{3921}I'm just making sure you're okay.{3925}{3975}This is where he asks for money|to go to the movies.{3979}{4054}Very funny. Actually, in the future|you're the one I go to for money.{4058}{4120}- Oh, why? Am I rich?|- I can't tell you that.{4124}{4195}What about me? I'm your mother.|Why don't you come to me for money?

    {4199}{4257}I don't want to bother you.|You have too much to deal with.{4261}{4296}What about your dad?{4319}{4351}Leo's not much of a factor.{4360}{4412}- What does that mean?|- I'd rather not talk about it.{4421}{4499}- Future consequences?|- More like future issues.{4516}{4546}Father-son problems.{4550}{4597}I have an idea.|Let's change the subject.{4613}{4650}To what?{4660}{4698}Demons.{4728}{4755}Extinguisher.

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    {5176}{5213}You guys okay?{5217}{5266}I don't know, am I?{5340}{5385}Am I?{5404}{5451}I don't know.{7878}{8003}So I'm okay, right?|I mean, mini-me in there?{8007}{8126}Well, if he wasn't, I think you'd be|the first to know. Now, sit still.{8131}{8170}Then why were you|so worried back there?{8175}{8211}I wasn't worried.{8232}{8319}All right, I was a little worried|about the force field.{8330}{8378}- What force field?|- The one she had{8382}{8432}when she was pregnant with Wyatt.{8437}{8507}Wait. You had a force field with Wyatt|but not with me?{8515}{8598}Well, I didn't have one, he had one.|It was all his doing.{8615}{8670}From the womb?|He had powers from the womb?{8675}{8758}Unbelievable. It's not like I don't have|an inferiority complex withhim already.{8762}{8831}- Thank you.|- Did you find that demon yet?{8836}{8879}Yes, actually I did.{8890}{8922}It's the Spider Demon.{8926}{9048}"An evil creature that emerges from|its hidden lair every hundred years{9052}{9128}to capture and feed off the most|powerful magical being it can detect."

    {9132}{9179}- In this case, that would be you.|- And me.{9231}{9286}- Sort of.|- You must be so proud.{9291}{9344}It's kind of creepy how she knew|to lay a trap for you.{9348}{9397}Obviously, she didn't|count on us being there.{9401}{9456}Well, at least there's|a vanquishing potion here.{9461}{9526}Let's make this eight-legged freak|wish she'd never been hatched.{9530}{9608}Whoa, hold it. You are not going|anywhere, Mom. This is way too risky.{9613}{9679}He's actually right.|Without the Wyatt force-field thing...{9689}{9738}Okay, do you have to keep|rubbing that in?{9755}{9802}Aren't there any therapists|in the future?{9815}{9840}We need Phoebe.{9845}{9901}No, I don't want to interrupt|her date with Mark.

    {9912}{9942}Actually, it's Mike this week.{9947}{10003}No, it's Mitch. But who cares?|We need her.{10007}{10082}Ever since she had that vision thing|in Magic School, you know,{10086}{10184}the one about a demon-free life|and her being with child,{10195}{10232}she's been on|that whole future thing.{10236}{10302}And she wishes to accomplish that|by speed dating?{10307}{10339}I don't know.{10357}{10431}So does the Book say anything|about that spider being poisonous?{10939}{10979}Miss me?{10991}{11079}I was hoping that you would|let me die in peace.{11084}{11190}I'm sorry. I was raised to never|leave any food on my plate.{11195}{11241}Please. Have mercy.{11245}{11283}Oh, don't worry.

    {11287}{11353}There's not much of you|left to dine on anyway.{11357}{11503}My misery will soon be over,|but I suspect yours is just beginning.{11528}{11612}- How so?|- You've come back empty-handed.{11616}{11674}- You will starve.|- Hardly.{11678}{11794}I've already found my next meal.|A powerful witch. A Charmed One.{11799}{11882}A Charmed One?|I have heard of their coming.{11888}{11972}Really? Must be more powerful|than I thought.{11976}{12028}Hope my eyes aren't too big|for my stomach.{12041}{12076}You will never trap one.

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    {12081}{12108}But I already have.{12118}{12166}I have infected her whitelighter.{12170}{12206}Soon he'll be my ally.{12225}{12341}As for you, my little wizard,|it's been a pleasure.{12919}{12946}Gentle, please.{12950}{13022}Oh, quit your complaining.|I'm almost done.{13026}{13096}Paige, could you call the club|and tell them I'm gonna be a littlelate?{13100}{13174}I thought we already discussed this.|You're not going without a force field.{13178}{13243}Why, because it's so much|safer here? I have to go to work.{13247}{13304}- I booked a band tonight.|- Let Paige cover for you.{13309}{13380}No, I can't. I have to get back|to my temp job. I'm already late.{13385}{13423}Blow it off. This is more important.{13429}{13518}My temp jobs are important. That's how|people who need help find me.{13523}{13611}Okay, I get that, I do. But right now|your sister needs your help,okay?{13616}{13659}- Why don't we just call Leo?|- No. No.{13663}{13732}Why not? He can help us.|Besides, Piper's in danger,{13736}{13816}which means the baby's in danger,|which means you are in danger.{13820}{13872}- Because we don't need him.|- Yeah, he's right.{13876}{13916}I don't wanna open up|that can of worms.{13921}{13964}He doesn't even know|you're pregnant.

    {13970}{14014}This is my point exactly.{14020}{14067}Look, I'm not suggesting|some sort of reunion...{14071}{14119}He has been gone for six months.{14123}{14209}If he's not there for us in the future,|why is he there for us now?{14282}{14319}Hey, you okay?{14324}{14380}Yeah, I just need|to sit down for a minute.{14394}{14454}Okay, well, I'll go deal with the club.{14458}{14560}You work on the vanquishing potion|and call Phoebe and I when it'sdone.{14611}{14653}I'll clean up.{15250}{15290}Hi, I'm supposed|to be meeting someone.{15294}{15334}- Right over there.|- Thanks.

    {15338}{15406}So sorry. Sorry.{15411}{15462}- Sorry.|- It's okay.{15497}{15586}Thanks. Last time I ride BART|for a while.{15590}{15622}The train, not the guy.{15638}{15697}Right. Right.{15710}{15770}Well, you look...|You look amazing, Phoebe.{15774}{15826}Oh, that's really sweet,|Mike, thanks.{15850}{15906}- Mitch.|- Mitch.{15910}{15959}Mitch, right. Of course.{15963}{16064}I'm sorry. I knew that, you know,|it's just I think I'm a little nervous.{16080}{16139}You nervous? That's hard to believe.{16144}{16208}Yeah, well, we both have a lot|at stake here, don't you think?

    {16235}{16270}Yeah. Yeah, I guess we do.{16274}{16311}We don't wanna waste any time.{16315}{16403}I think we're both over the serial-dating|thing, the loveless-sexthing.{16420}{16477}- We are?|- Don't you just want a family?{16509}{16542}Kids?{16568}{16618}L... I don't know.{16622}{16668}I hadn't really thought about it,|to be honest.{16880}{16952}Yeah, nothing. All right, so it was|great seeing you. You take care.

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    {16956}{16990}But, Phoebe, l...{16994}{17030}Chris, hey.{17034}{17085}Oh, my God, you're sweating.|What happened to your neck?{17100}{17134}Piper was attacked by a demon.{17139}{17207}We need you back at the house|to help with the vanquishing potion.{17212}{17247}Okay.{17252}{17290}Take care, Mark.{17318}{17347}Mitch.{17556}{17587}Chris, you coming or what?{17608}{17643}Yeah.{17801}{17855}- Hello.|- You didn't show up today.{17859}{17934}Hi, yeah. I meant to call,|I really did.{17938}{18009}I just got a little hung up at...|At work.{18013}{18066}What do you mean? Don't you care|about these temp jobs?{18070}{18103}No... Yes, of course.{18107}{18184}- The temp jobs are important to me.|- Excuse me, Miss Matthews?{18189}{18231}Hate to bother you, love, but...{18235}{18271}Now is not a good time, okay?{18281}{18329}You're telling me.{18333}{18374}I'm supposed to be a leprechaun.{18410}{18467}The bar's not open yet.|Why don't you try down the street.{18471}{18507}You don't understand.{18511}{18594}The Wicked Witch of the Enchanted|Forest put a dastardly curse onme.

    {18675}{18729}I know you helped Shamus.{18777}{18871}Let me call you back.|You knew Shamus?{18876}{18904}He was me brother.{18909}{19019}Course, all leprechauns are,|but the point is we were close.{19046}{19075}Give me a second.{19079}{19158}Jeremy, could you|check on the beer in the back?{19163}{19211}No worries. Okay.{19244}{19306}Okay. How did you find me?{19317}{19432}I didn't, for sure. I was told|to find you at your temp jobs,{19436}{19475}but you don't seem|to be there anymore.{19494}{19519}Tell me about it.{19523}{19587}And I didn't want|to bother you at home.{19592}{19659}Thank you, I appreciate that. Okay.

    {19663}{19722}What did this wicked witch|do to you?{19770}{19839}Isn't it obvious? She made me...{19851}{19876}...tall!{19893}{19939}Oh, that's a problem?{19968}{20026}It's just not who I am, love.{20031}{20138}And more importantly, it's taken away|my power to dole out luck too.{20143}{20266}Is there any way you could|turn me back? Please.{20291}{20326}Okay.{20332}{20385}I'm sure I can improvise something.{20434}{20470}You who found me in this bar{20485}{20545}Turn back to who you really are{20705}{20759}God bless you, Paige.

    {20764}{20848}The name is Riley,|and I'm forever in your debt.{20852}{20901}Great. You're welcome,|but if you don't mind,{20905}{20951}you probably should get out of here.{20955}{21050}Not before I leave you|with a token of my appreciation.{21054}{21084}Thank you.{21091}{21148}Hope you get that wicked witch.{21153}{21184}I'll try.{21533}{21602}Okay, let's do this.|I have a future to get back to.{21609}{21711}- Who doesn't? Did you bless this?|- Yes, I blessed it, I sang toit.

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    {21715}{21780}What's the matter with you?|You okay?{21784}{21827}I think I'm just coming down|with something.{21832}{21871}What do you mean,|from the attack?{21901}{21952}Now who's the worrywart?{21965}{22015}We still need Paige to bless this.|Did you call her?{22019}{22083}Yeah, she's on her way.|She was helping me out at the club.{22092}{22118}Who's watching Wyatt?{22129}{22193}Sheila. He should be safe there|till after this is over.{22197}{22247}Okay, well, we gotta get|a move on here,{22252}{22309}because I need to find|my husband, like, yesterday.{22313}{22346}Seriously.{22351}{22419}What? I did the math. It's gonna|take me like a year to fall in love,{22423}{22482}and then there's the whole|engagement and the wedding.{22486}{22551}Then a year of wedded bliss.|Then I have to wait a year to find out{22555}{22592}if I really wanna have his kid.{22596}{22651}And then the pregnancy's|like nine months.{22655}{22708}Well, ten months.|They just tell you it's nine months.{22712}{22776}So clearly, let's move on here.{22781}{22846}- I'm sorry, what's so funny?|- This whole family needs a shrink.{22875}{22910}What...?{22932}{23010}- Hey, where'd you get that?|- Don't ask.{23015}{23057}You need to bless|this vanquishing potion.

    {23061}{23100}Oh, hello to you too.{23104}{23158}Hey, the Book says|for all three of you to bless it.{23162}{23231}Phoebe will help you.|Piper, can I talk to you, please?{23236}{23294}"Piper"? What happened to "Mom"?{23298}{23342}How exactly do I bless this thing?{23346}{23402}With your blood. Come on.{23467}{23520}This will just hurt a little.{23547}{23586}What is it?{23610}{23649}What's the matter?{23660}{23734}- Chris, your eyes are dilated.|- Are they?{24092}{24178}Okay, we got it,|and she didn't even faint.{24215}{24242}What are you doing?{24559}{24590}Get it!

    {24597}{24643}Get it.{24717}{24756}Piper.{24852}{24893}Oh, no.{25241}{25282}Well, there's a force field that works.{25287}{25334}All right, I locked Chris|in the basement.{25338}{25373}What are you doing on the floor?{25433}{25472}Well, I'm not having a lot of luck,{25476}{25547}that's why I'm on the floor.|I've tried orbs, knives, spells.{25612}{25685}- God, I hope Piper's okay in there.|- Don't.{25737}{25784}So do you think we should|ask Chris for help?{25797}{25878}Yeah, let's get the mutant who put|her in there in the first placeto help.{25882}{25946}Missy, that is our nephew.|He needs help too.

    {25950}{26042}Okay, fine. How should we help?|How about Leo?{26053}{26089}Are you kidding? Piper would kill us.{26094}{26155}Well, then she can kill us|after she's saved.{26159}{26254}Paige, Piper doesn't want Leo|to know that Chris is his son, okay?{26258}{26303}So I don't think I could|keep that secret.{26308}{26342}Try. Leo!{26410}{26444}Phoebe, Paige. How are you?{26453}{26508}Well, not so good.|We have a problem.{26512}{26547}Perhaps we should meditate.{26559}{26602}No, I don't wanna meditate.

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    {26613}{26646}Piper, right there.{26750}{26797}The Spider Demon.{26802}{26852}She cocoons her victims|before feeding on them.{26860}{26913}Great, well, can you get her|out of there?{26917}{27002}Well, the only way to get her out of|there is to vanquish the Spider Demon.{27006}{27118}But it's okay. The cocoon is meant|for preservation, so she's safefor now.{27125}{27174}Good, that means Chris is too.{27179}{27236}Chris. He's... He's in there too?{27240}{27298}No, he's not in there, Leo.|He's in the basement.{27303}{27369}Yeah, he was acting a little crazy|so I locked him in the basement.{27373}{27416}Yeah, after the Spider Demon|infected him.{27420}{27478}Kind of went a little crazy,|went after her.{27496}{27532}I'll talk to him.{27559}{27603}Be careful.{27614}{27662}Good thinking, yeah.{27669}{27709}I'm telling you,|he has a right to know.{27713}{27749}No, he doesn't.{27820}{27860}Chris?{28000}{28038}Chris?{28055}{28122}Chris, I'd like to talk to you.|It's Leo.{28333}{28375}Chris?

    {28397}{28435}Bastard!{28559}{28626}- What happened?|- He attacked me.{28630}{28681}- I tried to warn you.|- He's got issues.{28691}{28752}- Issues?|- Yeah, from being infected.{28756}{28813}No, I think his issues precede that,|don't you, Paige?{28828}{28860}Something you're not telling me?{28864}{28896}- Actually...|- No.{28900}{28972}Look, he's gonna find out|sooner or later, and I'm gonna bust.{28977}{29027}- Find out what?|- If he's gonna help us,{29031}{29087}- we're gonna have to tell him.|- It's Piper's business.{29092}{29130}Tell me what?{29205}{29231}Chris is your son.{29329}{29402}Don't we all feel better?|I know I feel so much better.

    {29639}{29674}How?{29678}{29767}Spirit realm, six months ago,|you and Piper...{29771}{29810}Leo, she's pregnant.{29843}{29876}Why didn't she tell me?{29880}{29974}Honestly, I think she knows how hard|it was for you to leave one son behind.{29981}{30038}She didn't want to make it|any harder.{30084}{30125}Great. Excuse me.{30162}{30192}Why is he so mad at me?{30203}{30255}I don't know, sweetie.{30259}{30325}He's real tight-lipped|about the future.{30362}{30387}It's a lot for you, huh?{30433}{30536}Well, you gotta try to pull it together|because we need you.

    {30589}{30622}Your family needs you.{30631}{30667}Right.{30705}{30778}- You're right.|- That's the spirit.{30783}{30875}Well, if I remember correctly,{30879}{30974}the Spider Demon's last victim|was a wizard.{30979}{31039}Maybe I should go to Magic School|and see if there's something{31043}{31071}I could use to scry for him.{31076}{31115}Okay, and what about Chris?{31119}{31161}Check the Book.|I think there's an antidote.{31169}{31196}Okay.

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    {36169}{36208}Leo, this is a serious matter...{36212}{36265}...and one that we have been over|countless times.{36269}{36329}You abandoned the other Elders|without so much as a warning.{36333}{36378}Yeah, well, something came up.{36382}{36452}You can't just pop on down|whenever you feel the need arise.{36466}{36562}You're not just putting yourself at risk,|you're putting all Elders at risk too.{36567}{36600}I'm trying to save my son.{36626}{36694}Wyatt? Has something|happened to him?{36702}{36788}No, not Wyatt. To Chris.{36817}{36884}I know, I just found out myself.|I don't have time to explain.{36889}{36950}If I don't find the demon who hurt him,|I may not figure out{36954}{37015}- why he hates me so much.|- Hates you.{37045}{37093}Got it. Listen, I dropped Wyatt off|in the nursery{37097}{37150}just to be on the safe side.|I hope that's all right.{37154}{37179}Of course.{37271}{37348}- Chris is his son too?|- Apparently.{37352}{37381}Actually, come to think of it,{37385}{37502}that does explain why he came all|the way from the future to saveWyatt.{37506}{37548}Save him from us, you mean.{37553}{37628}If he knew,|he wouldn't still be searching.{37687}{37766}When the time is right,|Wyatt will be sacrificed{37770}{37847}and the greater good|will be served.

    {37945}{38017}- Do you need anything else?|- No, sweetie.{38021}{38079}I just hope we're not too late.{38117}{38166}I stopped off in the attic|on the way back.{38171}{38239}I gotta tell you, Leo, whatever Chris|has against you in the future,{38246}{38304}it can't be your|lack of determination.{38308}{38382}Still, he might not be in this mess|if I hadn't been gone so long.{38386}{38431}Well, you have to do|what you have to do.{38452}{38528}My God, Leo. Can't you think|of anything but yourself?{38533}{38572}Phoebe.{38589}{38651}- Yeah, that was kind of weird.|- Yeah.{38656}{38703}You totally bailed on us!{38723}{38779}- What the hell?|- Okay.

    {38783}{38885}I think maybe I'm channelling|Chris' anger?{38889}{38967}But he's in the basement.|Can you empath from so far away?{38972}{39014}I don't know. Maybe my powers|are expanding?{39033}{39083}Or he's closer than we think.{39235}{39267}No!{39495}{39543}Chris, stop. This isn't you.{39573}{39598}Wanna bet?{39628}{39680}- Chris, don't.|- He's your father.{40178}{40267}Bug spray. We should have used|bug spray.{40415}{40471}Okay, I can't break free.|Can you orb?{40476}{40530}- No, I tried.|- Damn it.{40537}{40593}Are Elders even allowed to swear?{40597}{40675}No, but fathers are. Especially ones|whose kid tries to kill him.

    {40680}{40755}- Well, technically, you can't die.|- That's not the point.{40759}{40824}Well, it wasn't Chris, Leo,|it was a demon.{40829}{40887}No, some of it was Chris.|I saw it in his eyes.{40892}{40959}I think he's right.|I think that's why he can still orb.{40988}{41028}He can be saved.{41036}{41077}Yeah, well, can we?{41132}{41162}Maybe with a little luck.{41214}{41259}Shillelagh.{41448}{41499}- Somebody called?|- Hey.{41504}{41543}Over here.

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    {41605}{41661}Now, there's something|you don't see every day.{41665}{41728}Yeah, thanks a lot. Can you just get us|down from here, please?{41759}{41886}I can try, but, as you know,|luck can go either way. Good or bad.{41890}{41958}- You take your chances.|- Yeah, well, we'll take our chances.{41963}{42009}Very well.{42244}{42300}I tried to warn you, love.{42479}{42530}I knew you wouldn't disappoint me.{42535}{42570}Thanks to you|for showing me how.{42614}{42702}- Now what?|- You've been ever so helpful.{42724}{42804}But if you don't mind,|I prefer to dine alone.{43033}{43083}So divine.{43180}{43224}What's happening?{43231}{43283}I gather you weren't|counting on this.{43298}{43363}It's not just her magic|I'm feeding on.{43418}{43456}It's her baby's too.{43500}{43526}Yours.{43663}{43741}I don't understand why it's not working.|Maybe I have the wrong wizard.{43745}{43830}Or maybe because|there's nothing to find.{43854}{43966}Leo, you gotta stop beating yourself up|over this, okay? It's notyour fault.{43973}{44030}I just... I don't understand|why he hates me so much.{44035}{44069}Yeah, but, Leo, it's in the future.{44073}{44121}It hasn't happened yet,|so you can change it.

    {44126}{44203}If Chris lives long enough|to tell me what to change.{44241}{44299}Wait. Why am I scrying|for the wizard?{44303}{44352}The demon has Piper.|I should be scrying for her.{44373}{44428}Here, use her keys.{44604}{44646}- Got her.|- Okay, I'll take the antidote,{44650}{44695}you take the vanquishing potion.|Paige!{44711}{44755}- Piper didn't bless it.|- It's all we've got.{44759}{44815}We need the power of three.|How will we make up for Piper?{44827}{44892}Well, how about with a little help|from our friends?{45052}{45100}- Nice catch.|- Thank you.{45104}{45164}- So, wait, we can't get in?|- No, it's impenetrable.{45177}{45238}- Great plan.|- Well, maybe we can draw her out.{45242}{45267}How's that?

    {45272}{45298}I could just knock.{45362}{45404}Good thinking.{45533}{45569}Damn it.{45589}{45647}Can't a demon eat in peace?{45934}{45987}You're pissing me off, you know?{45993}{46026}Yeah, that's the idea.{46045}{46092}You think you can take me?{46096}{46178}- Without your sister?|- We're just gonna have to see.{46227}{46263}Now!{46531}{46561}Step on her.{46687}{46718}That's gross.{46736}{46761}Sorry.{46946}{46979}Give me the antidote.

    {46983}{47018}No.{47022}{47075}This is my responsibility.{47144}{47191}Piper, are you okay?{47195}{47239}I think so.{47243}{47306}What...? What are you doing here?{47314}{47398}It's a long story.{47421}{47460}What's that?{47564}{47609}Our little boy.{47673}{47720}You gotta get out of here.{47871}{47930}Well, hey. Welcome back.

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    {47935}{47971}Where's Leo?{48098}{48152}Chris, come on. Can we just|talk about this a minute?{48157}{48204}A minute?{48208}{48268}We have the next hundred years.{48542}{48610}- I can't get through that thing.|- You want me to try knocking again?{48626}{48702}- I don't think that'll work this time.|- It's okay, we'll take itfrom here.{48707}{48756}- Are you sure?|- Yeah, we're positive.{48760}{48795}But thanks for everything.{48970}{49043}- I told you guys not to bring Leo here.|- I think he just saved your life.{49047}{49107}Yeah, at his expense|and maybe Chris' too.{49197}{49298}Well, at least we'll have plenty of time|to get to know each other. Dad.{49302}{49341}You see, that's what|I'm talking about.{49346}{49408}That's not the demon talking,|that's you talking, Chris.{49413}{49458}It's not too late,|you just have to fight it.{49463}{49504}Why fight when I've already won?{49613}{49650}Tell me why you hate me|so much, Chris.{49690}{49728}What did I do to become|such a bad dad?{49740}{49805}- It doesn't matter anymore.|- No?{49822}{49853}The hell it doesn't.{49862}{49908}Deep down, you hate my guts.

    {49951}{50012}Admit it. Come on, admit it.{50016}{50076}What? Are you afraid?{50082}{50124}- I'm not afraid of you.|- No?{50129}{50175}Then why don't you tell me|what I did to you?{50180}{50241}What, did I miss a school play?{50260}{50307}Did I take away your favourite toy?{50346}{50384}Did I play favourites with Wyatt?{50535}{50584}Chris, don't.{50589}{50618}You don't know me.{50749}{50810}- Paige, you should take the antidote.|- No, no. I'm fine.{50815}{50856}It didn't even break my skin.|Just hurts.{50860}{50929}- Yeah, but still...|- No, we need to save it for Chris.{50933}{50965}Paige.

    {50976}{51019}- What's the matter?|- Kidney shot.{51023}{51083}Maybe he's trying|to tell you something.{51099}{51144}Maybe he is.{51149}{51181}- Give me that.|- What? Why?{51186}{51229}- So I can take it.|- What?{51233}{51292}Whatever happens to little Chris|happens to big Chris.{51296}{51346}- That's what you've been worried about.|- So?{51350}{51421}So if I take this, the baby's inoculated|and Chris is just fine, right?{51425}{51465}- Do you follow that?|- Not a word.{51469}{51508}Just give it to me.{51576}{51625}You don't know me.|You don't know me.{51629}{51662}You don't know me!

    {51938}{52009}Chris! No!{52043}{52106}Chris! Chris, look at me.{52106}{52112}Chris! Chris, look at me.{52125}{52173}It's okay. It's over.{52967}{53044}You gotta eat all your vegetables|and brush your teeth every day.{53058}{53115}And don't forget to play a lot.{53164}{53257}- Are these the last of them?|- Yeah, thank you.{53381}{53409}You're suffocating the boy.{53490}{53543}It's just, you know...{53548}{53576}Overcompensating?

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    {53580}{53647}No, l... I just...{53651}{53676}...miss him a lot.{53695}{53739}I know.{53743}{53791}So you think you're gonna be|all right here?{53795}{53867}I mean, at least until after|the baby's born?{53871}{53909}Yeah, I think so.{53914}{53981}And Gideon's right.|This is the safest place for me,{53985}{54040}and that's the most|important thing, right?{54068}{54119}- I think so.|- Besides, I'm only an orb away{54123}{54156}if the girls need me.{54166}{54250}No, I told them to call me first.{54256}{54339}You? You're not|going back up there?{54376}{54409}No.{54413}{54454}My family needs me here right now.{54463}{54521}Yes, we do.{54567}{54638}You know, Leo,|you can get through to him.{54642}{54677}You just can't give up.{54698}{54745}He's just as stubborn as you are.{54830}{54873}Okay, can you wave goodbye?{54914}{54955}Okay, let's go.{55023}{55099}Come on. Let's go.{55449}{55502}Take good care of them,|Gideon, will you?{55526}{55561}Absolutely.{56452}{56500}Hi. Place is hopping, huh?

    {56504}{56582}Yeah. Not a bad guy over there.|Is that Nick?{56586}{56626}No, actually, that's Ron.{56630}{56683}What, we skipped some letters|in the alphabet?{56688}{56736}- Q's are hard to find.|- I hear you.{56755}{56804}- Well, at least he's handsome.|- He's cute, right?{56814}{56868}Okay. Have fun. Bye.{56895}{56934}Hi.{56974}{57054}Okay. Drinks on the house.{57058}{57083}All right.{57087}{57160}God bless you, love.{57188}{57241}- Cheers.|- Cheers.{58006}{58051}Can we talk?{58061}{58096}There is nothing to talk about.

    {58129}{58160}I think there is.{58196}{58222}Quite a bit, actually.{58241}{58267}It doesn't matter.{58272}{58308}It does to me, Chris.{58340}{58365}You're my son.{58370}{58464}I think I deserve to know what I did|that's so bad.{58537}{58571}You were never there for me.{58606}{58661}You were there for everybody else.{58666}{58708}For Mom...{58725}{58792}...Wyatt, half the world.{58800}{58833}But you were never there for me.{58882}{58932}You didn't have the time.{58978}{59013}So...

    {59023}{59089}...maybe you came back|from the future not just to save Wyatt.{59132}{59183}Maybe you came back|to save us too.{59238}{59280}I doubt it.

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