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    {539}{591}Are you closing?{609}{644}Not anymore.{649}{719}Please, come in.{728}{795}- I am Madame Theresa.|- I'm Phoebe.{799}{835}Yes, I know.{849}{885}Really? Did you read my mind?{894}{967}No, I read your column.{1048}{1136}You are not sure if you're a believer,|are you?{1140}{1217}Oh, no. I'm a believer. Believe me.{1227}{1257}That's why I'm here.{1274}{1332}I didn't know where else to turn.{1349}{1394}Sit.{1479}{1522}Let's see what your hands tell us.{1548}{1629}They're probably gonna tell you|that I need a manicure.{1831}{1877}You have the gift of foresight.{1892}{1948}- What?|- But don't worry.{1958}{2019}Your secrets are safe here.{2162}{2213}You are creative,{2217}{2259}sensitive,{2263}{2316}street-smart.{2331}{2421}You have a strong family, close ties.{2425}{2488}I am wondering why|you do not turn to them now.{2519}{2554}I don't wanna worry them.{2581}{2619}You see, I'm

    {2623}{2691}having trouble with my gift.{2699}{2777}And that's why I'm here.|I wanna try to figure out what's wrong.{2786}{2843}These lines on your index finger,{2847}{2905}they are saying|that you are overworked.{2920}{3006}Yeah. Well, besides my column,|and my personal appearances,{3011}{3078}my boss has me|giving advice on a radio show.{3082}{3161}- And I love it, I do. It's just...|- Keeping that pace{3169}{3261}has blocked out|other parts of yourself.{3266}{3315}Including your gift.{3335}{3392}Your gift must be honoured.{3455}{3521}But so must your work.{3572}{3620}So how do I find the balance?{3657}{3787}Let's start by unblocking that energy.|Breathe with me.

    {4185}{4222}I know that reaction.{4239}{4282}You just had a premonition,|didn't you?{4294}{4356}But I don't have premonitions.{4360}{4437}Yeah, but I do.{4441}{4498}Maybe you intercepted it for me?{4513}{4554}The reading is over. You must go.{4564}{4630}- No, but...|- I'm sorry.{4848}{4913}Theresa. Theresa, wait.|I'm losing you. Say that again?{4929}{5019}Orin, the gypsy hunter.|He's coming for me.{5023}{5104}Theresa, that's impossible.|We blinded him decades ago.{5108}{5161}Only gypsy magic can lift his curse.{5165}{5227}I'm telling you,|it had to be him, Lydia.{5231}{5327}The girl I was dukkering for,|she has a powerful gift for seeing.

    {5331}{5396}And somehow I received her vision.{5400}{5448}All right, where are you? I'll come.{5452}{5517}No. You must leave town.{5521}{5606}If he's hunting Shuvanis,|he could be after you next.{5610}{5664}Expecting me, were you?{5731}{5774}Theresa?{5781}{5820}Theresa!{5832}{5857}Orin?{5861}{5908}You've heard of my father.{5912}{5953}He'll be very pleased.

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    {5962}{6001}What do you want?{6006}{6038}His revenge.{6042}{6093}And of course,{6114}{6140}your eyes.{7687}{7774}- Maybe try a different yoga instructor.|- It wasn't the instructor.{7778}{7844}It was all those women showing off|their sonogram pictures.{7848}{7897}That was just working|on my last nerve.{7907}{7994}Like, "Look, it's Jasper's first|photo and it's gonna go on the fridge{7998}{8050}in a magnetic frame that says|'Jasper's first photo."'{8054}{8145}Okay. I thought prenatal yoga|was supposed to help you relax.{8177}{8215}How am I supposed to relax{8219}{8300}when I can't even go to a doctor|like a normal person?{8304}{8373}Honey, I thought we agreed that|a magical pregnancy was too risky.{8377}{8419}Especially with a baby|that heals itself.{8423}{8495}Okay, but she's not healing my|nauseousness. Every woman{8499}{8575}in that class says it's supposed|to go away after the first trimester.{8579}{8655}Well, according to this book,|every pregnancy is different.{8659}{8706}- What book?|- This one.{8721}{8753}The Joys of Home Birthing.{8757}{8812}It also comes with this video.|I thought maybe we could{8816}{8902}watch it together. It might make|you feel better about what's in store.

    {8925}{8972}That sounds good.|I'll make some popcorn.{8976}{9026}Since when are prenatal yoga{9030}{9096}and home birthing videos|your idea of a good time?{9100}{9184}Since I became a friendless loser|with no life.{9188}{9249}- Paige, you have tons of friends.|- They're all employed.{9253}{9314}And I'm a demon fighter|and I can't tell anyone about it.{9318}{9422}So I basically just come off as|this big, dumb, fat, unemployed loser.{9426}{9506}No, Paige. You're a big, fat, dumb,|unemployed loser who saves the world.{9535}{9591}Oh, I hope that's leaded.{9603}{9646}I didn't sleep very well last night.{9656}{9694}- Cole problems?|- What?

    {9714}{9768}No, he's soul-searching somewhere.{9772}{9829}Or off searching for a soul.{9833}{9896}I'm just a little overwhelmed|with work.{9900}{9937}What's up with your hand?{10030}{10108}I actually went to see|a gypsy fortune-teller.{10158}{10192}Oh, look.{10196}{10233}Work. Gotta go.{10348}{10410}Hey. Hey there, Speedy.{10414}{10500}Will you slow down and tell us|why you went to see a fortune-teller?{10504}{10546}To get my fortune told.{10591}{10679}Just don't freak out, all right? Because|I don't have time for a freak-out.

    {10696}{10743}I went to find out{10747}{10845}why I haven't gotten a premonition|in the last few months.{10872}{10943}You've had premonitions.|Haven't you?{10947}{10978}No, I haven't.{10989}{11015}And check this out.{11024}{11069}Hold this.{11208}{11239}I can barely levitate.{11269}{11330}- Do you think a demon...?|- No. I mean, I can still cast spells{11334}{11382}and I still have|the power of three thing.{11386}{11451}Whatever the problem is, it seems|more natural than supernatural.

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    {11470}{11535}Phoebe, why didn't you come to me?|I'm your whitelighter.{11539}{11584}Well, because|you've been very busy.{11588}{11646}- I've been busy?|- Okay. Well, I've been busy.{11650}{11718}My work schedule's been really hectic.|But I'm coming to you guysnow.{11729}{11755}Okay, you guys yell at her.{11759}{11825}I'm gonna check with the Elders|and see what they know.{11863}{11975}I can't believe you went to a|fortune-teller instead of coming tous.{11979}{12046}I'm really sorry, but I just|didn't want to worry you guys.{12068}{12121}But now that we're on the subject...{12135}{12163}What?{12167}{12220}Something really weird happened|during my reading.{12235}{12276}I felt like I was|getting a premonition{12280}{12352}and then I think|Madame Theresa intercepted it.{12360}{12414}Intercepted it? How?{12450}{12495}She's a gypsy.|She probably channelled it.{12500}{12532}Being that I have nothing to do,{12536}{12602}I've actually been reading up|on a lot of gypsy magic lately.{12606}{12644}Whatever she saw,|it must have been bad{12648}{12698}because she closed up|shop very quickly.{12705}{12759}Well, maybe you should swing by|and check up on her.{12763}{12813}Yeah, I was going to, but...{12846}{12891}Oh, that's work. I really have to go.

    {12917}{12989}I'll go for you.|You know, I have no life and all.{12993}{13078}Really? Oh, that would be great.|Let me just find the...{13082}{13130}Here. Here's her card.{13134}{13211}Thank you so much.|Find out what she saw.{13426}{13489}I have a good feeling|about these eyes, Father.{13501}{13576}I was glad to see the Shuvani|didn't put up much of a fight.{13610}{13641}You saw that far?{13684}{13744}Your mind's eye grows stronger.{13748}{13805}I've had a long time to develop it.{13928}{14020}But it's no replacement for|what those gypsies stole from me.{14118}{14176}If these eyes work,{14180}{14260}you'll have your revenge|and much more.{14922}{14996}- Maybe we should stop trying.|- No!

    {15016}{15070}The eyes I seek{15074}{15122}are worth this pain.{15199}{15246}Her Shuvani friend is near.{15296}{15348}I can see her.{15541}{15583}Yeah, we're almost done.{15638}{15693}Yeah. I gave them|the heads up in there.{15754}{15783}Phoebe Halliwell.{15797}{15881}Hey, Phoebe, it's me.|I'm at the fortune-teller's.{15885}{15926}Oh, really? What did you find out?{15930}{15999}Nothing good.|Unfortunately, sweetie, she's dead.{16094}{16130}What?{16134}{16185}Yeah, she was murdered last night.{16189}{16239}And from what I can gather,|it seems demonic.

    {16243}{16293}She had her eyes gouged out.{16317}{16363}I should have been able|to prevent this.{16367}{16396}How do you figure?{16400}{16472}Well, if my stupid powers|had been working, Paige...{16476}{16523}They loved you over at Hot Line.{16527}{16580}They want you to guest host|for the rest of the week.{16598}{16691}This is not your fault, Phoebe. If you|were meant to stop Theresa's murder{16695}{16740}you would have had|a premonition about this.{16744}{16789}I know, I know. I can't.

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    {16793}{16830}Sorry, but I've already booked you.{16834}{16878}- Can't what?|- I'm swamped.{16904}{16964}Swamped? But, Phoebe, we have to|find this demon and stop him.{16968}{17038}- Price of success, kiddo.|- Phoebe, hello?{17042}{17105}I will meet you at home|and we'll get right on it. Okay?{17180}{17258}Elise. Elise. Wait.{17262}{17314}Is it possible that we could|postpone the radio show?{17318}{17362}Because I barely have|time to write my column{17366}{17421}let alone all the other stuff|that I have to do.{17449}{17527}Dear Phoebe,|my career is on the fast track.{17531}{17648}I'm wildly popular and the money is|pretty damn good. What shouldI do?{17676}{17761}- Stop whining.|- Damn, you are good.{17925}{18021}It's a very standard surgery.|You're gonna be just fine, I promise.{18119}{18168}Excuse me.{18181}{18225}Aunt Lydia,|what are you doing here?{18272}{18327}No, in English.|I don't speak the language anymore.{18331}{18400}I am in danger, Ava.|I am afraid you are too.{18404}{18472}Orin is back and he is|seeking revenge on Shuvanis.{18499}{18526}- Orin?|- The gypsy hunter.{18530}{18564}You've heard the stories.{18568}{18610}Aunt Lydia,|we've had this conversation.{18615}{18656}I'm not interested in the stories.

    {18660}{18746}- Ava, Madame Theresa was murdered.|- What?{18750}{18811}I was talking to her on the phone|when it happened.{18832}{18878}She had a vision of Orin|coming for her,{18882}{18973}which means he'll be seeking|revenge on all Shuvanis, including you.{18977}{19034}- I'm not a Shuvani, I am a doctor.|- Ava.{19048}{19105}You cannot change|what you were born to be.{19109}{19204}And Orin won't care that you rejected|your heritage. He'll sense you anyway.{19208}{19248}Aunt Lydia,{19252}{19303}I'm sorry about Theresa.{19307}{19345}I know she meant a lot|to you and Mom.{19349}{19399}I'll come to the funeral.|I'll pay my respects.

    {19415}{19459}I'm not gonna run|from a fictional demon.{19533}{19569}I gotta get back to work.{19574}{19621}Ava, we have to trust|the gypsy magic.{19643}{19723}Why? Because it did|such a great job saving Mom?{19754}{19795}Your mother couldn't be helped,|chawi.{19808}{19859}By the time she was sick,|it was too late.{19863}{19894}You don't know that.{19898}{19968}If she'd gotten chemo instead of|relying on herbs and spells...{19972}{20043}Your mother believed in|herbs and spells, and so should you.{20047}{20082}Yeah?{20086}{20179}Well, if gypsy magic really worked,|then I'd be able to see her, right?{20183}{20245}In the afterlife? Talk to her?

    {20261}{20300}Like she promised me.{20325}{20426}- Ava...|- I'm sorry, I don't have time for this.{20430}{20493}Your friend was murdered.|Turn to the police, not superstition.{20649}{20801}At full term, the baby's head|measures up to 38 centimetres.{20864}{20969}Okay, see, I need an epidural|just to watch this.{20979}{21013}Okay, let's{21020}{21119}fast-forward to the part where|the parents get to meet the baby.{21124}{21264}At this point, the birthing partner|will coach the mother's breathing.{21280}{21311}Okay, give that to me.

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    {21315}{21385}Look, just tell me when the baby is out|and all wiped off.{21389}{21490}But seriously though, I need a|sterile hospital, magical baby or not.{21495}{21557}And medical people.|Lots of professional, medical people.{21595}{21659}Gross. What are you guys watching?|Is that some horror movie?{21670}{21754}No, it's the Joys of Home Birthing.|Strangely, I'm not feeling thejoy.{21758}{21810}Well, I'm sorry to cut|your entertainment short,{21814}{21914}but we're on demon duty now. Turns|out Madame Theresa was murdered.{21925}{21983}- The fortune-teller?|- Yeah, I checked with Darryl.{21987}{22083}The third in a string of gypsy killings.|All had their eyes gougedout.{22110}{22166}Now that video|doesn't seem so gruesome.{22170}{22195}Speak for yourself.{22199}{22260}Okay, let's go, people.|I've gotta fit this vanquish in between{22264}{22296}two deadlines and three meetings.{22300}{22360}Leo, what did you find out about my|powers? What's wrong with them?{22374}{22399}Well, technically nothing.{22403}{22493}Which means the disconnect|is tied to your emotions.{22515}{22567}I think it's a case of|use them or lose them.{22583}{22659}Hey, you know, if he's after gypsies,|we should stop by Theresa'sfuneral.

    {22663}{22713}I know where it is.|Maybe you can get a premonition{22717}{22758}that'll help us find the demon.{22762}{22856}Prenatal yoga this morning, and now|you want to crash a stranger'sfuneral?{22860}{22891}You really do need friends.{22926}{22972}You're mean.{23590}{23683}Well, I don't know what she's saying,|but the symbolism's beautiful.{23688}{23732}It is. It's really beautiful.{23736}{23798}Don't you guys think|Theresa looks a little crowded?{23803}{23835}I think that's the gypsy custom,{23839}{23916}to send their people off into the|next life with things they mightneed.

    {23920}{23999}Okay, well, I need a cracker|in this lifetime.{24003}{24083}Would it be bad if I grabbed|that box of saltines?{24090}{24122}Probably.{24127}{24217}May I join the choir invisible|of those immortal dead,{24222}{24311}who live again in minds|made better by their presence.{24349}{24396}Phoebe, enough with the work.{24439}{24475}Sorry.{24683}{24757}Well, go on. You're not gonna get|a premonition standing here.{24762}{24822}Put a little shoulder into it.{24870}{24923}Hi. Excuse me.{24928}{25002}Pardon me. Hi.{25006}{25080}Are you staying for the pomana?|I made stew.{25084}{25135}Aren't you worried|about the gypsy hunter?

    {25139}{25188}He won't attack in a crowd.{25192}{25257}- Which means you'd be safer here...|- Please stop.{25266}{25342}I have no interest in staying,|Aunt Lydia. This isn't my life.{25356}{25434}Please accept that.|I have to get back to work.{25444}{25469}Ava.{25508}{25550}Ava, wait.{25773}{25842}I'm sorry. Are you okay?{25846}{25900}Yeah, I'm fine.{26014}{26108}- Did you get anything?|- Kind of. Just bits and pieces.{26112}{26170}Well, that's better than nothing.|What did you see?

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    {36703}{36734}All right.{36783}{36817}I see an X.{36858}{36888}A thorn.{36902}{36953}A broken spiral.{36966}{37026}You're way out of balance,|just like your powers.{37051}{37094}That's pretty much|what Madame Theresa said.{37098}{37159}Well, that's what happens|when your brain overrides your heart.{37172}{37251}If you want to regain your balance, to|reconnect, you'll have to find out why.{37269}{37336}It's so crazy. I never would have seen|those shapes in there.{37340}{37397}Just takes practice.|Here, read mine.{37401}{37429}Okay.{37485}{37515}What do you see?{37519}{37581}I see an X.{37616}{37701}And that looks kind of like|a lightning bolt.{37836}{37876}Ava.{37892}{37961}I can't put you in any more danger.{38026}{38067}Lydia!{38172}{38221}Well, that's an interesting|disappearing act.{38226}{38287}I'll have to ask her|how she does that.{38294}{38366}- What are you doing?|- I'm trying to see what Lydia saw.{38377}{38422}Yeah. You can't read tea leaves.{38426}{38494}No, but I get premonitions.|At least I'm supposed to.{38515}{38598}Okay, come on.|Please let me see something.

    {38812}{38889}- I saw Cree. He's after Ava.|- Where? When?{38904}{38945}I don't know. It's still all in pieces.{38949}{39056}But I saw cars, and a parking lot.|Maybe it's the hospital?{39061}{39112}The hospital?|Why can't Piper and Leo stop him?{39176}{39201}I wouldn't worry too much.{39205}{39281}Some women are nauseous their|whole pregnancy. It's perfectly normal.{39289}{39331}Yeah, I just...{39335}{39385}First-time mom.|I wanted to make sure.{39417}{39448}I'm getting paged.{39519}{39599}- It's on vibrate.|- Don't you want to see who it is?{39607}{39675}Oh, it's her sisters. They're the|only ones with the number, so...{39679}{39715}Honey, I think we should hurry up.

    {39719}{39753}Almost done.{40007}{40052}Fast healer. Thanks.{40056}{40093}Yeah.{40292}{40318}Where's Ava?{40322}{40367}She's in surgery.|What are you guys doing here?{40371}{40409}Trying to find Lydia.|She ran out on us.{40413}{40457}She's after Cree.{40575}{40617}Surprised to see me again?{40645}{40670}Hardly.{40784}{40832}This time I was ready for you.{41016}{41063}Lydia!{41727}{41775}- I don't get a response.|- Clear.{41779}{41804}Clear.

    {41925}{41983}- Give me 200 joules.|- Two hundred charged.{41987}{42017}Clear.{42048}{42089}- Ava.|- Pressure's dropping.{42094}{42129}Waffediyok, Ava.{42159}{42192}Aunt Lydia?{42335}{42380}Dr. Nicolae?{42430}{42476}Are you all right?{42514}{42564}No ventricular rhythm.{42605}{42651}She's flat.{42655}{42702}Let's call the code.

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    {43309}{43334}No.{43376}{43420}Aunt Lydia.{43435}{43503}- Oh, my God.|- Come on, sit down.{43711}{43749}I saw her.{43801}{43864}She came to me, a Mulo.{43901}{43970}- Mulo?|- The living dead.{43982}{44045}I never believed in it before.{44053}{44106}It's okay. Just tell us|what happened.{44164}{44217}It was a code blue.{44230}{44282}My patient, she died.{44318}{44369}And then it was Aunt Lydia.{44380}{44473}Nobody else saw.|I thought I was going crazy.{44542}{44568}I am so sorry.{44593}{44641}No, it's my fault.{44670}{44742}She tried to warn me this morning.|I didn't believe her.{44746}{44845}No, it's not your fault.|You had your reasons to be sceptical.{44871}{44933}Was she trying|to tell you something?{44937}{44986}I don't know.|I don't remember much.{45023}{45089}I do know a Mulo is a bad omen.{45093}{45172}It means that something horrible|is about to happen.{45184}{45240}Well, it shouldn't.|We vanquished Cree.{45273}{45301}What about Orin?{45322}{45369}It has to be him.{45401}{45462}That's what she was trying|to tell me.

    {45466}{45523}She was trying to warn me again.{45533}{45588}My Romanian's weak,{45592}{45703}but I think she was saying something|about him trying to take herpower.{45718}{45777}Well, how can he take her power|now that she's...?{45781}{45814}I don't know.{45864}{45923}I wish I knew what|waffediyok meant.{45927}{45974}She kept saying that.{45979}{46013}We should go to Lydia's apartment.{46017}{46062}- Maybe you could get a prem...|- No.{46134}{46166}We need more vanquishing potion.{46170}{46241}I'm gonna go back to the house|and try to remember what she used.{46245}{46314}But, Phoebe, we could|really use your powers.

    {46322}{46408}Yeah. I know, Paige. I know.{46449}{46493}Can you take me home?{46497}{46534}Sure.{46631}{46664}What should we do now?{46747}{46797}Theresa would know.{47000}{47045}Gypsy custom.{47063}{47121}Covering the photos of the dead.{47134}{47215}Looks like you're remembering|more and more of those customs.{47219}{47278}Nobody knew more about them|than Theresa.{47282}{47346}She was like the holy woman|of the tribe.{47350}{47393}She always made sure{47397}{47467}that traditions were passed down|from mother to daughter.{47471}{47580}My mom tried to pass them|down to me, but I wouldn't listen.

    {47605}{47664}Look at this. It's so beautiful.{47668}{47712}Let me see that.{47799}{47846}This is my mother's.{47961}{48017}I can't believe Theresa kept it.{48021}{48102}Yeah. Well, maybe she was|just saving it for a special kind of day.{48188}{48261}My mother called it|her treasure chest.{48265}{48335}It's where she kept precious things.{48492}{48544}Is that you and your mom?{48609}{48677}She made us matching dresses|for Christmas.

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    {48738}{48818}She worked so hard|to finish them in time.{48909}{48938}I know it's hard.{48995}{49102}My mom died 10 years ago and|there's still a lot of boxes I can'topen.{49340}{49407}These are recipes|and herbal remedies.{49425}{49455}Would these be spells?{49517}{49574}Maybe it's not too late to learn|after all.{49736}{49812}Look at this.|It looks like Lydia's locket.{49816}{49898}That's our family talisman.|The Evil Eye.{49903}{49943}Your family symbol is evil?{49958}{49998}Only to those|who would wish us harm.{50030}{50127}Many feared the Evil Eye, but our|family was said to be protectedby it.{50141}{50206}The folklore said that|the keeper of the Eye{50210}{50266}could use it to magnify|or channel her powers.{50299}{50363}I don't think this is folklore.|Look at this inscription.{50383}{50413}"Waffediyok."{50422}{50452}That's the Evil Eye.{50463}{50543}I think Lydia was the keeper.|I think she conjured up that dust storm{50548}{50596}and I think this|is what Cree was after.{50605}{50675}So he wasn't taking|Shuvanis' eyes just out of revenge.{50730}{50776}He wanted the Evil Eye.{50836}{50900}And Orin still wants it.

    {51834}{51898}I'll have my revenge, son.{51902}{51988}But not before I give you yours.{51992}{52064}Who are you?|What are you doing in here?{52142}{52183}Testing my new powers.{52350}{52428}Okay, Piper. Just be careful.{52457}{52506}They're going to the morgue.{52587}{52682}- Done. Can you pass me the ice?|- Sure.{52686}{52767}You know, maybe we should follow|and see if you can get a premonition.{52778}{52816}It was my sorry excuse|for a premonition{52821}{52875}that put Lydia in the|morgue in the first place.{52879}{52948}Well, Phoebe, we lose innocents.|It's not your fault.{52981}{53037}I think if anyone's to blame, it's Cole.

    {53072}{53124}What? He's out of town.{53128}{53201}For the first time,|he's actually not plaguing my life.{53205}{53246}Which is what gave you|the time to find out{53251}{53315}something was wrong with|your powers to begin with.{53319}{53401}You dove into your work originally|to escape the pain{53405}{53450}and you dealt with it fine.{53465}{53517}But you haven't slowed down.{53521}{53586}You went from one obsession|to another.{53675}{53739}If you want to reach us,|you know the drill.{53743}{53794}Phoebe, it's Elise.|Where are you?{53822}{53857}Phoebe?{53871}{53896}Elise?{53900}{53962}Hey, just listen to me|for a second, okay?

    {53982}{54051}Look, I'm sorry, but I have|a major family emergency.{54055}{54087}More important than your career?{54091}{54180}Of course my career is important to|me, but my family is more important.{54184}{54243}Get your butt in here now!{54318}{54379}- Thank you.|- You're welcome.{54440}{54503}We were too late.|Orin got the Evil Eye.{54517}{54580}- The Evil Eye?|- Yeah, Lydia's eyes have the power.{54584}{54632}That's what she was|trying to tell me.{54671}{54773}Wait, I hope you have the potion ready,|because we're gonna need i

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    t big-time.{54867}{54898}Phoebe, are you okay?{54933}{54976}Premonition.{55000}{55056}Major premonition.{55060}{55098}I'm in the future.{55112}{55139}Let her go.{56012}{56078}It's okay, it's okay.{56089}{56124}What happened?{56315}{56405}It's been so long since my powers|advanced. And boy, did they advance.{56409}{56454}To the point it almost got you killed.{56458}{56510}I don't get it.|How can you be at risk in the present{56514}{56554}when you're witnessing|a future event?{56558}{56615}All I know is it felt like|I was in two places at once.{56619}{56702}Almost as if I astral-projected|into my future self.{56706}{56759}Okay, it's really great|that your powers have advanced,{56763}{56833}and we'll talk about that later. Right|after we make sure there isa later.{56866}{56896}Now that Orin has the Evil Eye,{56900}{56963}I'd say our best chance at survival|is to run and hide.{56967}{57019}You said the vanquishing potion|had no effect?{57023}{57053}He didn't even flinch.{57057}{57101}So your new-and-improved|premonitions{57106}{57166}are just a more vivid way|of telling us we're screwed?

    {57175}{57213}Well, the premonitions|may have changed,{57217}{57268}but the reason behind|getting them hasn't.{57272}{57359}I mean, they show us the future,|so that we could change the outcome.{57372}{57421}But how?{57546}{57638}Isn't it a bit suicidal to be walking|into the room Phoebe saw usdie in?{57642}{57706}Yes, except for we have something|Phoebe's premonition didn't.{57710}{57736}We have Ava.{57741}{57790}How am I supposed|to make a difference?{57794}{57881}Well, in the premonition, witchcraft|alone wasn't enough to vanquish Orin.{57885}{57954}But we think witchcraft|plus gypsy magic will be.

    {57958}{58027}But I don't know any gypsy magic.{58031}{58100}Well, you have it inside you.|You were born with it.{58104}{58151}Why else would you have received|your aunt's warning?{58155}{58227}Even if you're right,|I can't defeat Orin on my own.{58237}{58304}You won't need to.|You can just call upon your ancestors.{58341}{58393}Here's a spell we've used before.|Just substitute these names{58397}{58447}for those of|your gypsy family members.{58552}{58597}Okay.{58633}{58684}Here goes.{58711}{58757}Nicolae gypsies{58788}{58853}stand strong beside me{59024}{59102}- Keep saying the spell.|- Marina, Theresa, Lydia.{59183}{59238}Nicolae gypsies|Stand strong beside us

    {59243}{59297}Vanquish this evil|From time and space{59301}{59344}Nicolae gypsies|Stand strong beside us{59348}{59386}Vanquish this evil|From time and space{59390}{59438}Nicolae gypsies|Stand strong beside us{59442}{59498}Vanquish this evil|From time and space{59502}{59534}Nicolae gypsies|Stand strong beside us{59538}{59589}Vanquish this evil|From time and space{59888}{59934}Piper.{60182}{60208}You did it.{60219}{60262}My mother.

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    {60299}{60392}She was here. I felt her.{61103}{61143}- Who's next?|- We are!{61187}{61239}Well, not really.|But we'll make it super quick.{61244}{61286}Hey, how you doing?{61290}{61334}Fine. Hectic.{61338}{61390}I can only make it here|after my hospital shift.{61394}{61459}Hectic is good,|just as long as it's not too hectic.{61463}{61505}Well, I think I have|my priorities in order.{61509}{61595}Helping out gypsies who don't have|health care is definitely one of them.{61605}{61645}Good for you.{61649}{61706}Ava, did Mrs. Vasila|get her tetanus shot?{61710}{61779}- Paige?|- Hey, guys.{61783}{61819}- What are you doing?|- Oh, you know.{61823}{61899}Just pitching in, helping out.|Did I ever mention that l...?{61903}{61953}- Have no life. Yeah.|- Have no life. Yeah.{61957}{62002}Paige has been great.|Quick study too.{62006}{62058}You should see all the folk remedies|the gypsies have.{62062}{62111}Some of them are even better|than Western medicine.{62115}{62174}Really? Any of them help|with my nauseousness?{62204}{62273}- Well, it's funny you should ask.|- Where are you going?{62277}{62326}You don't want to be late|for your appointment, do you?{62330}{62383}- What appointment?|- Your appointment with Ava.{62387}{62424}Meet your new doctor.

    {62507}{62560}She's also gonna teach us|how to be your midwives.{62571}{62625}Midwives? No.{62629}{62684}See, because I'm not|having this thing naturally.{62688}{62746}No, I need lots and lots|of Western medicine.{62753}{62788}- Piper...|- No offence.{62793}{62886}Piper. You know, I trusted you|to carry on my heritage,{62890}{62947}now you trust me to carry on yours.{62951}{63005}Yeah, right. You're good.

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