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March 2013

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Spring Grove SchoolA great place to grow

Open Morningwith children’s activities

Saturday 16th March 9.30am - 12.00pm• Small classes - ensuring 1:1 attention and support• A family atmosphere - we know every child and their family• A rich programme of Music, French, Art, PE and Science• Outstanding Results in our National assessment exams• Exceptional Kent Test Results• The production of charming, motivated and happy children

Spring Grove School, Harville Road, Wye, TN25 5EZ Tel: 01233 812337Email: [email protected]

Spring Grove School

Page 2: Charing Mar 2013




Golfers tend to be healthier and live longer than theaverage person* they walk over 4 miles per round andoften play 2 or 3 times a week so it’s not surprising.Tenterden Golf Club is a members club with a friendlywelcoming atmosphere. Call us now and find out aboutjoining or learning to play.*Swedish medical university Karolinska institute study. †6 months membership. Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 7DR

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Page 3: Charing Mar 2013


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MARY HEMSLEY INTERIORSHandmade Curtains • Tracks & Poles

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BIDDENDEN SQUASH CLUBGordon Jones Playing Field,Biddenden, Kent 01580 291130email [email protected] [email protected]

Friendly club with 2 courts and a bar

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Welcome tothe village directory

Hi everyone,

March not only represents the onset of spring but also brings Mother’s Day, this year on the 10th. For my mum it used to be a particularly special month, her birthday was the 7th March and then Mother’s Day would usually follow about a week later. So she had two full weeks of non-stop adoration and love poured upon her. Not that the adoration and love should ever stop, it’s just that with the busy lives we lead, it’s easy to take our loved ones slightly for granted, until a special day comes along to make us focus on what they mean to us. Although my mum is no longer around, in my heart March will always belong to her, but these days I can share a little of it with her, that is if my son cottons on to the hints that I leave for him, usually he has no idea what day of the week it is, let alone the month and date! So, don’t forget your mum this month, all it takes is a big hug and a kiss to let her know how you feel, although chocolates, fl owers or both are much appreciated too.

I know it’s too early to be certain but I really hope the worst of the winter weather is now behind us. I can’t wait to start spending time in the garden. If your garden is anything like mine it’s probably looking a bit worse for wear and needs a good dose of TLC. Don’t forget, if time is limited, or if it’s a task you’re really not inspired by, you’ll fi nd plenty of help within these pages. Have a great month.

~ Debbie

T: 01233 720488 e: [email protected]: [email protected]

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the garden


I think I spoke too soon on my last report regarding the weather – the following week we had snow!!!! Well at last it has gone, but what amazed me was that prior to it snowing

MarchBy Jackie Witcher - Tenterden &

District Horticultural Society

The Garden Shed

a lonely crocus showed its beautiful yellow fl ower in one of the wall basket on the upper patio and actually survived the snow and frosts that followed it without drooping or looking sad at all! I think that the snow must have acted like a type of lagging and kept the crocus protected! Wish I could say the same for my snowdrops. I havn’t had a single one come through, neither has my neighbour. They were planted “in the green” two years ago and fl owered both years, but this year – nothing. Perhaps it was too wet, with all the rain that we had last year, and they are sulking. Well time will tell as usual.

Spring is springing all around the garden now, the primula look lovely with the crocus in the baskets. If you remember I reported about a mouse that had got into the greenhouse and made a meal of all my crocus bulbs that I had stored so had to buy new. I replaced them with a mix of purple and yellow crocus, and these against the more paler yellow of the primulas stand out beautifully. Later there shall be a show of tete a tete in the baskets to replace the crocus as they die back. Talking of which, a report on the primula that were split last year and replanted. Well surprise, surprise, they actually

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the garden


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grew on quite well and are fl owering. OK they are not as smart as ones that are grown fresh from seed but are good enough to infi ll around the beds and borders and a lot cheaper than buying new plants. I also did the same with the drumstick primula I had in the raised beds. So I for one shall be happy to lift and split my primulas again. I have even planted them under the raspberry row to give a little spring colour whilst the canes start showing leaf.

Trying to give winter interest to the garden is a pain, especially where there are shrubs that are not evergreen. A few years back I under planted my small shrub border with some ferns, planting some in broken pots sideways on. I didn’t think that much would occur, but it really worked and although I have little going on late Autumn after the leaves have fallen, from late Winter /early Spring onwards the ferns take over and look quite delicately interesting. They are interspaced with some purple drumstick primula, (courtesy of the raised beds), and the two marry well, the primula giving much need colour under a shady area.

The snow, I am happy to say, held back the hyacinth from fl owering but now they have started to really show. It’s the hyacinth perfume that really tells me that Spring has arrived, and also that Summer is just around the corner and time to start the vege patch into action. I am not going to try out all types of vege this year, although I said that last year and did end up giving those basket tomatoes and giant tomatoes a go, but as you know they were quite unsuccessful, so better the devil you know etc etc. But don’t hold your breath as you know what I’m like as soon as I step into a garden centres seed department, I just can’t resist ……………, but before I do it’s a light dig and a good rake over the patch so the birds can have a good mooch around for any creatures they consider a delicacy to eat. The birds are going haywire getting the bird boxes ready for nesting. Naughtily they keep stripping the loose bark from the honeysuckle and fi bres from the patio baskets to line their nests. But how do you stop them? Well you can’t really, just enjoy the show they put on as they precariously balance upside down, beaks already overfi lled to get their booty!!!

Coff ee time and only one slice of cake left!!! and its chocolate cake at that - and I have got to make the husbands sandwich box. Well he can have biccys in his box for a change. Nasty aren’t I? JW

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the garden


A Cut AboveA Cut AboveTractor Hedge & Verge Cutting

Fully Insured / References AvailableContact Steve on

M: 07775 866 519 T: 01233 733330E: [email protected]

How to Play: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9, with no repetition! That’s all there is to it. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic - there’s no maths involved and no adding up. It’s fun. It’s challenging. It’s addictive!


Quick Crossword1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9


11 12 13


15 16 17

18 19

20 21

Across1. Outermost (7)5. Six sided objects (5)8. Turn (5)9. Woman’s holdall (7)10. Media notice (13)11. Relaxed (6)12. Idiotic (6)15. Exhibition (13)18. Not quietest (7)19. Very angry (5)20. Perfume (5)21. Meals (7)

Down1. Additional (5) 2. Robbers (7)3. Amusement (13)4. Racial group (6)5. Deep thought (13)6. Religious text (5)7. Seen (7)

11. Hugs (7)13. Not public (7)14. Commented (6)

16. Small rodent (5)17. Requirements (5)

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the garden


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All Seasons Garden ServicesOver 20 years experience

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Page 8: Charing Mar 2013


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- who might eventually with training form a small demonstration team for pub events or fetes . Do come along and bring a friend. Ring Evelyn or John Voller on 01233 713758.The Biddenden Horticultural Society Annual membership £5. New members welcome. Contact Audrey Davies on 01580 291624 or Lesley Lidgett on 01580 291931Smarden Short Mat Bowls ClubWe welcome new novice or experienced bowlers of all ages. We meet every Thurs. morning at 9.45am and the fi rst Tues. of month at 7.15pm, in the Charter Hall Smarden. Contact Malcolm 01233 770572.Clandestine Cake Club is a great way to meet new people, catch up with friends and the perfect excuse to eat cake! We meet approximately every six weeks with a diff erent theme for each meeting to make things even more interesting! It’s a social thing - not a cake competition, so everyone from complete novices to professional bakers are welcome. The idea is to share your cake and have some fun! For more information, contact Zarina Hawkins on [email protected]

Headcorn Flea & Collectors Market held at Headcorn Methodist Church Hall. 9th of the month. 9.30am to 2.30pm Free Entry 01622-890735

CLUBS & SOCIETIES The Biddenden Horticultural Society Annual membership £5. New members welcome. Contact Irene Orsborne on 01580 291777 or Lesley Lidgett on 01580 291931.Egerton Over 60’s ClubWe have a few vacancies for anyone, any age at the moment and from any district.We are a friendly group who enjoy stimulating speakers and interesting, enjoyable and relaxing outings.Example of speaker’s subjects--A Trip Along the Military Canal, Baird-the Pioneer of Television and Kent Photo Archives. Outings will include Groombridge Place, a river cruise on the Kentish Lady plus picnic,and more. Interested? contact one of the following --David on 756544, Graham on 756620 or Sheila on 756294.You will be made most welcome.Little Chart Bridge ClubFriendly duplicate bridge every Tuesday afternoon at Little Chart Village Hall. For more information please contact Carmen Gunther on 01233 840 395.Kennington Badminton Club, play at the Norton Knatchbull School on a Wed evening from 7.30 p.m.-10.00 p.m. Contact Mark Feeney on 01233 663030 or Shirley Mountford on 01233 610134.Smarden Heritage Centre - Smarden Charter Hall, Smarden. Open every Friday 9:30am to 1:30pm visit: www.smardenheritagecentre.synthasite.comBiddenden Squash Club 01580 291130email [email protected] Junior Football Club - Always looking for new players 7 -18, for fun and enjoyable football. Contact Steve on 07958 447948.Charing Scottish Dancing Beginners Club Friday evenings, Charing Parish Hall, 7.30pm. We guarantee a relaxed and enjoyable evening. But we desperately need a few younger members

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We’ll look afteryour property,

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Yvonne Fernando, NLP Master Practitioner & Life Coach is running the following

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WEATHERMAN WINDOWS LIMITED13 & 15 Bank Street, Ashford, Kent TN23 1DE

Page 10: Charing Mar 2013

the home


Time For A Spring CleanBy Claudia Leaf

I had invited an old school friend around for coff ee and was trying hard to make a good impression. Suddenly a shaft of spring sunlight fl ooded my lounge, making me cringe with embarrassment.

With a growing sense of shame I watched as this unforgiving shaft of light slid across the room, showing up the grubby fi nger marks on the door, the ring marks on my glass table and a thick layer of dust on the mantelpiece.

When it fi nally landed at my friend’s feet, close to a dirty paw mark our dog had left on the carpet, I saw a look of alarm on her face.

“I’m so sorry, I’ve just noticed. Did I do that?”

I had a nanosecond to decide whether I should openly confess my domestic shortcomings or keep quiet.

“Oh, don’t worry”, I replied. “It’ll brush off when it’s dry.”

She left soon afterwards, still apologising. I took a deep breath and realised it was time for some spring cleaning.

An article in the Manufacturer and Builder magazine of 1872 (a “practical journal of industrial progress”) describes spring cleaning as “The season of general cleaning, when all the corners and closets are

overturned and hidden things are brought to light”.

Whilst period dramas such as “Downton Abbey” have inspired a new generation to revive traditional kitchen skills, it’s questionable whether 21st century householders will be tempted to adopt the cleaning methods recommended by the magazine, which include black-leading grates, whitewashing walls and scalding bedsteads.

The Victorians may have excelled at spring cleaning but they certainly didn’t invent it. Some historians believe that the origins of this tradition date back to the ancient Persian New Year, the Iranian Norouz, which falls on the fi rst day of spring. Iranians still practice “khooneh tekouni” – which literally translates as ‘shaking the house’ – at this time.

The Jewish feast of Passover is a religious festival that also hints at a possible origin for spring cleaning. During the holiday the faithful are instructed to refrain from eating any leavened foodstuff s (‘chametz’). The Bible commands that even tiny crumbs must be removed from the house and this results in a ritual hunt for crumbs by candlelight during the evening before the holiday begins.

Christianity has its own spring cleaning traditions. In Greece, householders clean everything

thoroughly either before or during the fi rst week of Lent, as a physical manifestation of Lent’s message of spiritual cleansing and renewal.

For the ancient Chinese, the concept of New Year cleaning is associated with good fortune. They believed that people should sweep their fl oors and clean their houses to rid them of any negative infl uences that may have accumulated during the last twelve months. Householders then locked up the broom for a few days to prevent sweeping away any good luck that might have entered at the turn of the year.

When ancient cultures share such similar traditions it’s hard to say exactly when and where the idea of ‘spring cleaning’ originated. However, it’s obvious that the urge to clear away the cobwebs of winter and prepare for the summer months is hard-wired into human DNA.

Personally I believe that our seasonal enthusiasm to get busy with a mop and broom is always motivated by the same thing: it’s that accusing beam of sunlight that shows us up in front of guests.

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Challock Memorial Hall, Blind Lane.1st & 3rd Friday of each month 1pm to 4pm

Contact Pauline Hickson 01233 740979

THE BARN SHOP TRADITIONAL MARKETChallock - 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month

10am – 2pm Contact 01233 740237


9 -11.30 every Thurs morningContact 01233 740176

EGERTONEvery Friday 2 - 4.30pm Millennium Hall

ROLVENDEN - 01580 240763Every Thursday 10am -12 noon

St Mary’s Church and the Village Hall

RYE FARMERS MARKETEvery Wednesday at Strand Quay 10am - 1 pm

(12pm Oct - April)

RYE MARKETEvery Thursday at the Cattle Market Car Park. Early till around 3pm (depending on the weather)


Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill.Every Friday 10am -11.30am

TENTERDEN COUNTRY MARKETEvery Friday 9.30am -11.30am

St Mildred’s Church Hall, Church road.

WITTERSHAM MARKETEvery Tuesday Village Hall 9am. - 11am

Tel: 01797 270757

WYE - 07804 652156First and third Saturday of every month

on the Village Green in Wye. Tel: 07804

Page 12: Charing Mar 2013

the home


Thoroughly Wood, Little Woodlands Farm,Woodlands Road, LymingeKent, CT18 8DP

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the home


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Real leather tub chairs - Black, Mocca, Cream



Just arrived - the Ripon painted oak range

Solid oak , all in stock

Barcelona solid oak

Page 14: Charing Mar 2013

the home


Beautiful, Bespoke Freestanding

KitchensOpen any interiors magazine at the moment and you’ll see a key trend for freestanding kitchen pieces.

Lots of style, lots of benefi tsThe beauty of incorporating freestanding elements to your design is the ability to mix, match and fi t virtually anywhere. Ideal for spaces where fi tted units would look too cluttered particularly if you have a small or awkwardly shaped kitchen. Freestanding units give you the fl exibility of

arranging your kitchen space in a way that suits your lifestyle. If one layout doesn’t work, or your needs a change, you can easily alter it. You can also create your perfect, unique kitchen over time adding pieces that you will be able to take with

you if you move. Freestanding doesn’t have to mean mismatched - it can look as seamless as fi tted furniture and can be perfectly integrated with your existing fi tted elements. Smart bespoke looking storage such as dressers and open shelving give an independent, freestanding look which is very on trend, making kitchens feel bigger and brighter. For an elegant look, display favourite pieces of tableware in an open rack dresser.

If space allows an island unit makes a stylish and practical addition to any kitchen. We’re seeing them used to bridge kitchen and living areas with add on family dining tables. If the kitchen isn’t big enough for a full sized island, a peninsula

can provide many benefi ts from an area for informal seating to an extra prep zone. If you are even tighter on space a mobile butcher’s block is perfect for added utility and prep space.

Page 15: Charing Mar 2013

the home


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Colourful kitchensOriginal freestanding kitchen pieces from J M Interiors can be blended in endless combinations to create a unique kitchen suited to your own personal needs and be painted in endless choice of colours. Mixing colours is a great way of accentuating the beauty of a freestanding design – shades of blue, off white teamed with warm oak combine for a calming country look. For a more contemporary feel, cool mid grey tones are a clean, sophisticated choice but with a slight underlying warmth. J M Interiors is a family business with over 30 years expertise in the design, manufacture and installation of fi ne kitchens, bedrooms and bespoke furniture for your home.

Tel: 01580

Page 16: Charing Mar 2013


Seasonal DelightsLemon Chicken with Tabbouleh

Serves 4 Ready in 45 minutes

This is a great way to turn simple and very economical chicken portions into a delicious Mediterranean-style supper. If you have time, make the tabbouleh a few hours in advance to let the fl avours fully develop.

Ingredients:• 1 lemon, thinly sliced• 4 large chicken thigh portions (or

8 small thigh portions)• 4 tbsp olive oil• 3 tbsp lemon juice• 2 tbsp clear honey, warmed• 225g bulgar wheat (see tip)• ½ cucumber, fi nely diced• 4 spring onions, trimmed and

fi nely chopped• 2 tbsp fresh chopped mint • 2 tbsp fresh chopped coriander• Salt and freshly ground black


Tip:Bulgar wheat is a type of wheat grain that has been parboiled, dried then fi nely crushed. It is similar to couscous but has more texture and bite. You’ll fi nd it in most large supermarkets or health food shops.

Preheat the oven to 190C, 375F, Gas 5. Push a lemon slice under the skin of each chicken thigh. Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken over a medium-high heat until golden brown all over. Transfer to a shallow roasting tin and arrange the rest of the lemon slices around the chicken.

Mix together 1 tbsp of the lemon juice with the honey and pour over the chicken. Roast for 20-25 minutes until cooked through.

Meanwhile, place the bulgar wheat into a bowl and pour over enough boiling water to cover. Leave for 30 minutes until grains are soft. Stir well and drain off any excess water.

Stir in the rest of the olive oil and lemon juice and season with plenty of salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add the cucumber, spring onions, mint and coriander and mix well. Serve the hot roast chicken on the tabbouleh with any juices from the roasting tin poured over.

Page 17: Charing Mar 2013


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VegetablesArtichoke(Jerusalem)BeetrootBrussel SproutsBroccoli (Purple)CarrotsCabbageCaulifl owerCeleriacCeleryChardChicoryGreensKaleLeeksOnions

ParsnipsPotatoesRadishesShallotsSpring OnionsSquashSwedeSalsifyTurnipsWinter Greens


FishCocklesCodHakeHalibutJohn Dory

Lemon SoleMusselsOystersSalmonSea Trout

Meat & GameBeefGuinea fowlMuttonPorkRabbitVealVenisonWood Pigeon

Page 18: Charing Mar 2013

health & beauty


The Hypnotic Gastric BandThe Hypnotic Gastric Band is an exciting new procedure engulfi ng the weight loss world. You may well have seen it on television or read about it. The procedure is a tried and tested method of weight loss using the power of hypnotherapy. There is no physical operation, no anesthetic, no scarring, no food is forbidden….

By working on a one to one basis the therapist is able to tailor make the sessions for your particular and individual needs. Usually there are a minimum of six hour-long sessions, where the therapist works with the client to ‘uninstall’ negative learnt patterns of eating and ‘re-install’ healthy patterns of behavior which aims to enable the client to release their old eating habits.

Once the therapist is satisfi ed that the root cause of over-eating has been released and positive patterns established the client undergoes a ‘gastric band operation’ through the power of visualization and suggestion.

Hypnosis is a totally natural state, which most people experience several times a day, for example, when we wake up or get engrossed in a book or fi lm. This relaxation enables the conscious mind to rest and allows communication with the subconscious.

It is in the subconscious mind that ‘neural pathways’ are formed and where automatic responses and habits are established. Sometimes no amount of willpower will correct these habits or negative patterns of thought and so these thoughts, which are often unconscious, could be with the client for the rest of their lives unless they have support to change.

Hypnotherapy aims to install positive neural pathways or ‘automatic positive thought patterns, and uninstall negative beliefs and patterns. This supports you, the client, to break free and create the body you want.

Eff ective weight loss is most eff ective with calorie reduction and increased activity. It is best to contact your GP before any treatment.

Kim Bromley is a qualifi ed psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and Wellbeing Coach. Why not call her today on 07809 124786 or for more information.

£10 Off First Visit

Come and visit the new clinic in Sutton Valence.

Weight Loss?Try the Hypnotic

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Page 19: Charing Mar 2013

health & beauty


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ells C 9 New Street , Ashford Kent, TN24 8TN.


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Page 20: Charing Mar 2013



Are You Running Th e Risk Of

Outliving Your Savings?

In a world of low interest rates, volatile markets and increasing life expectancy, the State Pension provides a limited income (currently £5,587 for a single person,per annum, based on a full NI record), it falls drastically short of providing a comfortable lifestyle.

So how do we avoid poverty in retirement?

First, decide how large a fund you will need. One method is to multiply your target retirement income by 25. So, if you think you’ll need £25,000 a year, aim for a fund of £625,000.

Next, select the most appropriate investment vehicles to achieve your goal.

Property, Investment Bonds and ISAs have all proved popular over recent years but don’t off er the same tax breaks or guarantees as a pension. Be sure to take advice from a fi nancial professional, and remember, retirement funds are coming under increasing pressure from the fact that we’re living longer. In 1981, a person’s pension was expected to last them for 13 years. Now it needs to last 18 years.*

So where £100,000 provided an annual income of £6,250 in 1981, £137,500 is required today to achieve the same income. So what are your best income options? You can exchange your pension pot for a guaranteed annual income called an annuity. They are fi xed for life but can be linked to infl ation and provide your partner with an income when you pass away. The annuity rate off ered by the life assurer is aff ected by the prevailing yield on gilts and corporate bonds. Annuity rates have recently been falling. Nevertheless,

it is imperative to exercise the Open Market Option – your right to compare annuity rates in the market – before making a decision. An alternative to an annuity is income drawdown which seeks a superior return by investing in assets such as stocks and shares. With recent market volatility they have not performed well but bear in mind markets will, eventually, bounce back.

Deciding how you take your pension benefi ts is complex and necessitates professional advice.

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*Source: The offi ce of National Statistics, March 2012 National Population Projections

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Page 21: Charing Mar 2013


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Page 22: Charing Mar 2013



Family Law and Child Maintenance

all change…for the better? In the latest of a series of articles about legal matters aff ecting the family, Nigel Clarke, Collaborative Lawyer, Resolution Trainer & Accredited Family Mediator from Johnson Clarke Solicitors writes:

Even in these times of 24 / 7 readily accessible information from the internet, when separating or divorcing couples are trying to plan for their futures apart it is not always easy to fi nd a way through the maze of legal and fi nancial information that is available.

When there are children to consider, couples have to plan how best to provide on-going fi nancial support.

Many couples will already be familiar with the Child Support Agency (CSA) (which was originally introduced to make the whole process of assessing child maintenance simpler, quicker, clearer…hmm). The reality is that the CSA has a history of ineffi ciency and ineff ectiveness which is

why it is being phased out and the government is now reforming the current system.

To its credit the government believes that not enough children in separating families benefi t from eff ective child maintenance arrangements. The new arrangements are intended to put better support in place to help parents collaborate with one another and make arrangements for the future. Where this is not possible the CSA will be replaced by the Child Maintenance Service (CMS)

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Please Mention The village directory When Responding to Adverts

Parents do not have to use the CSA or CMS. They are free to make their own family based arrangements between themselves that suit their individual needs. Research suggests that these couples are far more likely to be happy with their own family based arrangements than those that are currently implemented by the CSA. Their own arrangements remain private and can be more fl exible than the statutory CSA system which only takes into account percentages of income and has a very limited ability to take other factors into account which may be signifi cant to particular families.

However where family based arrangements are just not possible or appropriate parents do have other options. In these cases the Child Maintenance System will replace the CSA in time and will work out how much should be paid and will collect payments in appropriate cases.

The new system is intended to be more effi cient and simpler (sounds familiar?).

One important thing to remember - whatever arrangements are made between parents, child maintenance does not aff ect the benefi t entitlement of the parent receiving the payment.

Family Mediators can help couples make family based arrangements that take account of emotional needs, provide support, information about the law and the choices that are available. Often this process can help preserve good parenting relationships for the benefi t of the couple and their children.

And Collaborative Lawyers can often work together with couples to commit to fi nding fair, practical resolutions without the need to look to outside involvement and the courts

Good legal advice should always be open minded and provide full information about the choices that are available to couples in confl ict. Only then will couples who feel vulnerable or fearful about the future feel reassured that their family’s needs are really being taken into account.

You can fi nd out more about Child Support by visiting the Resolution website at:

Nigel Clarke -Johnson Clarke Solicitors ‘Looking after you and your family through Life’s ups and downs’

Nr. Ashford, Kent

For confidential, non-judgmental relationship counsellingcontact us now:

01233 714059 - 07919 108021 Charing - Kent

[email protected]

“Are you struggling to resolve issues in your relationship and need some help?”

Initial Consultation


Page 24: Charing Mar 2013


Kids Corner

Page 25: Charing Mar 2013

kid’s corner


Making Use of WyeWhilst schools closed across the county, Spring Grove remained open during the recent snow. Just a little preparation beforehand – our resident gap students and I salted our hazardously sloping entrance drive and built a uniformed snowman to welcome the children arriving at school – ensured that we were ready for another busy week. With

most children present we were able to enjoy a normal timetable but still found time to play in the snow, build sculptures and ambush the teachers. Our extensive games sessions were obviously disrupted but we adapted to the weather and enjoyed our now traditional snowy walk to Wye Crown and give the children a chance to enjoy some stunning views across the county on a chilly but beautiful day.

Our pupils enjoy a busy and broad academic programme but also benefi t from making full use of our rural community. Classes visit the church, the Chinese restaurant and even the pub! We go out to the lifeboat station at Dungeness, we visit castles and the Cathedral in Canterbury. We enjoy visits to local farms and learn about the crops, the animals and environmental issues.

Our musicians have brought tremendous pleasure to the old people at Brambles Old People’s Home and have been involved in important services at Wye Church. In November, the Year 6 pupils visited and studied the graves of Wye Churchyard, in particular those of soldiers and airmen killed in the two World Wars. Equipped with trowels, forks and brooms, we tidied

the churchyard ready for the Remembrance Service, in which three of our young trumpeters played The Last Post. We were recently surprised and of course delighted that the pupils had been given a special School Community Award by the High Sheriff of Kent, Mike Bax, who has led a campaign to serve our communities by keeping them free of litter.

Education that goes beyond the confi nes of the classroom undoubtedly broadens horizons and encourages children to appreciate their rich, local, rural heritage.

Bill Jones, HeadmasterSpring Grove 812337 / 07732329163

Page 26: Charing Mar 2013

what’s on


Events MarchHeadcorn Flea & Collectors Market is on the 9th of the month and the times this year will be 9.30am - 2.30pm


The Erato Piano Trio is at the forefront of young British ensembles today. Their virtuosic playing, outstanding musicianship and imaginative programming have rapidly made them favourites with chamber music audiences around the UK and abroad. When they come to Ashford they will be playing piano trios by John Ireland, Mendelssohn, Shostakovich and Brahms. A concert not to be missed.

Venue: The Norton Knarchbull School at 7.30 p.m.

Tickets: £12 (Adults) and £3 (Students)

Contact: Brenda McCormack on 01233 622971 or Hilary Pittock on 01233 623700.

The Biddenden Horticultural Society meets on Wednesday 27th March in the Village Hall (7:15pm for 7:30pm start).

Alexis Datta – Head Gardener at Sissinghurst Castle will be giving a talk. Contact Irene on 01580291777 or Lesley on 01580291931.

Members £1, Non Members £2.50. Annual membership £5. New members welcome.

Members £1, Non Members £2. Annual membership £5. New members welcome.

The Weald of Kent Computer Club will meet onWednesday 20th March in Biddenden New Village Hall at 8 pm. The topic this evening will be:- “Buying and selling on Ebay”. Annual membership is £10 plus £2 per meeting. Non-members are welcome (£3, but fi rst visit is free) Full details: [email protected]

Appledore Wedding Fayre 2013

The event will be held within the Parish Church and grounds of St Peter and St Paul, Appledore on Saturday 20th April 2013.

The Fayre will be open from 11am to 4pm with a bridal fashion show in the church in the afternoon - see the brides & grooms walk down the aisle!

Charing Farmers Market UpdateWe would like to thank everyone who supported us over Christmas.We delivered Christmas hampers to repeat customers, had a really wonderful Christmas Market which was so well attended. Ellie’s Dairy attended with their speciality cheese and chutneys, hearts delight organic fruit juices and preserves also came along.

Mothers day market is 10th March and Easter market 28th March so please make all your orders as soon as possible for hampers, planters, knitwear, crafts,and cards. We also do cakes and cookies.

The next special market is to be held on 2nd May as it is our fi rst anniversary as a farmers market. Come and help us cekebrate a really special occasion. Tea and coff ee on the lawn weather permitting.Teas and coff ees are available from 9 am to 11 30 am so join us for a chat with friends

Thank you Charing Farmers Market Secretary

There will also be exhibitor stands and wedding cars at the Village Hall.

A complimentary goody bag will be available for the fi rst 50 brides to register with a celebratory glass of buck’s fi zz on arrival.

Refreshments will be available throughout the day.

For further details, please contact:

The Rev’d Tricia Fogden on 01233 758250 or email [email protected]

Do you provide a fi rst class wedding service within The Romney Marsh, Tenterden and Ashford area?

Would you like to exhibit at our Wedding Fayre alongside the cream of local businesses?

If so we need to hear from you! We have a limited number of stands available in each wedding supplier category.

lf you have any queries or you wish to discuss in more detail any individual requirements, please don’t hesitate to call get in touch, details as above.

Page 27: Charing Mar 2013

the home


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Please Mention The village directory When Responding to Adverts

07905 700 142Mersham, Ashford, TN25 7HP

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Page 28: Charing Mar 2013

wit & wisdom




d So





A young ventriloquist is touring, and one night, he‛s doing a show in a small fi shing town. With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde jokes. Suddenly, a blonde woman in the fourth row stands on her chair and starts shouting, “I‛ve heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype blonde women that way? What does the colour of a woman‛s hair have to do with her worth as a human being? It‛s men like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community, and from reaching our full potential as people. It‛s people like you that make others think that all blondes are dumb! You and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes, but women in general pathetically all in the name of humour!” The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to apologise, and the blonde yells: “You stay out of this! I‛m talking to that little $!*! on your lap.”

Wit &Wisdom

So I was in my car, driving along, and my boss rang up. He said ‘You‛ve been promoted.‛ I swerved and then he rang up a second time

and said “You‛ve been promoted again.‛ I swerved again. He rang up a third time and said ‘You‛re managing director.‛ Then I went

into a tree. And a policeman came up and said ‘What happened to you?‛

I said ‘I careered off the road.‛

Page 29: Charing Mar 2013

the home


Oil Heating & Oil CookersR-OAK Services

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AGA, Rayburn, Alpha, Stanley, Worcester, Grant, Boulter, Potterton, Trianco and more...

Tel: 01233

Photo credit: Dave Nelson, Trevor Leighton, Rhian Ap Gruff ydd, © Disney, John E. Barrett. In support of Comic Relief, registered charity 326568 (England/Wales); SC039730 (Scotland). RND13/231


rednoseday.comPhoto credit: Dave Nelson, Trevor Leighton, Rhian Ap Gruff ydd, © Disney, John E. Barrett. In support of Comic Relief, registered charity 326568 (England/Wales); SC039730 (Scotland). RND13/231

Please Mention The village directory When Responding to Adverts


Jamie Smith - Plasterer

07890 410 18901580 291805

[email protected]


Page 30: Charing Mar 2013

useful information


Doctors SurgeryThe Charing Surgery 01233 714 490Headcorn Surgery 01622 890294Parish Councils:Biddenden: 01580 890750Charing: 01233 713599Egerton: 01622 853558Headcorn: 01622 892496Pluckley: 01622 890596Smarden: 07752 395412Headcorn Rural Community WardenThe Headcorn Community Warden is Stuart Ellesmere. Stuart is based at Headcorn Library in King’s Road. Telephone contact number is 07969 583923.Ashford Borough Council 01233 Ashford Gateway 0845 8 247 Advice Bureau 01233 626185CPRE Kent 01233 714540Veterinary SurgeonsBarrow Hill Vets 01233 624687Pierson Stewart & Partners 01580 713381Charing Business Centre 01233 647 422Age Concern 01233 620

Disclaimer: Every care is taken to ensure this directory is as accurate as possible but the publishers do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from errors or omissions.

Village Halls:

Biddenden 01580 291320Charing 01233 713599Charing Heath 01233 713317 Egerton 01233 756416Headcorn 01622 890708Little Chart 01233 840 590 or 01233 840 395Pluckley 01622 890596Smarden Charter Hall 01233 770258

CARM E: [email protected] Cancer Support’s UK, Ashford BranchContact Robert Gurney 01233 666577Royal British Legion 01233 620 167St. John Ambulance Brigade 01233 611 414SE Kent Multiple Sclerosis Soc. 07767326138 email: [email protected]: Tenterden & DistrictMrs J Coombs 01580 763733Pregnancy Sickness SupportKent and Denise Cliff ord denisecliff [email protected]

Bus EnquiriesArriva Bus Enquiries 0844 800 44 11Stage Coach East Kent: 0871 200 22 33 (Timetable) or 08456 00 22 99 (Customer Services)National Train Enquiries: Wheels: 01233 840000

Emergency 999Police Neighbhd TeamAshford & Tenterden 01622 690690Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

Out of Hours Doctor 0845 4349655William Harvey Hospital 01233 633331

Samaritans 08457 90 90

Electricity: Southern Electric 0845 770 8090 EDF Energy 0800 783 8866Gas: Natural 0800 111 999 LPG Details on tank

Sucklifts Cesspool

Emptying Service~ Est 1986 ~

High Pressure JettingService and Repair to Sewage

Treatment Plants

01233 840624

Accredited Engineer British Water

Page 31: Charing Mar 2013




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Page 32: Charing Mar 2013

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