Page 1: Characterstics of Historical Revelation

Characteristics of

Christian Revelation

Page 2: Characterstics of Historical Revelation

1.Historical Character

2. Experiential Character

3.Communitarian and Interpersonal Character

Three Characteristics

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Historical Character

‘We can’t reduce Christian revelation to mere collection of truths’--- DV 2‘We can’t reduce Christian revelation to mere collection of truths’--- DV 2

A. Revelation In the OT is HistoricalA. Revelation In the OT is Historical

•Expose , Manifest, Unveil oneself

•God discloses his will in History

•God is known to people as God of …..

•History –A process

•Different stages of the process

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B.Revelation in the NT is Historical

‘Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways

by the prophets, but in these days he has spoken to us by a son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he also created the worlds.’-Hb 1,1-2

‘Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways

by the prophets, but in these days he has spoken to us by a son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he also created the worlds.’-Hb 1,1-2

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God Spoke

In many and varied ways

To our ancestors

In these days……created the worlds

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What is Historical Revelation…???

•Revelation in history

•Revelation through history

•Implications of Revelation in and through history

•Revelation in history

•Revelation through history

•Implications of Revelation in and through history

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Historical Revelation-Indian ContextHistorical Revelation-Indian Context

•Changing reality can’t communicate anything divine

•Historical facts are transitory

•To arrive at the diving, we need to go beyond the transitory

Historical Revelation is not Possible

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2.Experientaial Character


Christian RevelationChristian Revelation

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A. Revelation in OT - Experiential

•Experience of God in the cosmic events

•Experience of God in and through the historical events

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Revelation in NT - Experiential

Revelation as experience in the person of ChristChrist is the self revelation of GodChrist is the recipient of revelationGlorified Xt is the perfect sharer of the

experience of God

Apostles share the consciousness of Xt thus share his experience

Church shares the experience of apostles

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Experience of Revelation in the Indian Context

In India, reality is conceived as one.

Revelatory process= awakening our consciousness

Contact with the Supreme Reality

Means of awakening… Hearing of the word-OM


Hindu Experience of God is not historically mediated, as in the case of biblical experience of God

Hindu Experience of God is not historically mediated, as in the case of biblical experience of God

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Christian Revelation

Inter Personal and Communitarian

Inter Personal and Communitarian

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Historical and experiential Character of revelation makes it an event of Personal relationship

Through this revelation, therefore the invisible God, out of the abundance of his love, speaks to men

as friends and live among them……DV 2

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Interpersonal Character of Christian Revelation

A. Revelation in the OT is Interpersonal

• YHWH enters into personal relation with Human Person

• YHWH makes covenant with humanity

• Inter personal relation progressively grows

• YHWH enters into personal relation with Human Person

• YHWH makes covenant with humanity

• Inter personal relation progressively grows

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B. Revelation in NT is an inter personal union of the human person with God in Christ

C. Revelation in the Church is Interpersonal

D. Characteristics of Revelation – that is interpersonalD. Characteristics of Revelation – that is interpersonal

1.Dialogical2. It is knowledge, that is life3.Realized in the midst of tension

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Communitarian Nature of Christian Revelation

Revelation in OT is Communitarian

Revelation in NT is Communitarian

Implications of Revelation that is Communitarian

Revelation in OT is Communitarian

Revelation in NT is Communitarian

Implications of Revelation that is Communitarian

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My Views and Reflections

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Thank You

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