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Chapter 4 IMAGE

Perception – process of attaining awareness or understanding based on sensory information—and immediate reaction of the senses.

Image – the set of qualities and characteristics that represent perceptions of you as judged by others.

Appearance – wardrobe; facial expression; the condition of your hair and hands; your overall fitness; your posture when walking, sitting, and standing; whether you have tattoos or body piercings; and your behavior.- Is the finished product of how you look when you

walk out the door to attend class, go to a social function with friends, meet a first date, interview for a job, or leave for work.

Behavioro Appreciate the needs of others and treat others

with respect.o Use good manners, including proper table

etiquette.o Always strive to be polite and courteous.o Respect the privacy of others.o Control you temper.

Postureo Confident people walk tall, sit up straight, and

stand erect.o Confidence shows up as a comfortably erect

posture without too much effort. Voice

o Pitch – how high or low your voice sounds.o Volume – how loud or soft your voice sounds.o Inflection – rising and falling of your voiceo Enunciation – pronouncing all the sounds in a

word clearly.o Pronunciation – saying a word correctly.o Vocabulary – sum of words used by, understood

by, or at the command of a particular person or group.

Three reasons you should strive to be a professional and act in a professional manner in the workplace:

1. Taking pride in you work2. Earning the respect of others3. Being rewarded with opportunities for further success


1. Attitude Professionals are team players Professionals recognize organizational structure and

individual roles

Professionals are persistent and determined Professionals want to be helpful to others Professionals are always on the lookout for unmet needs Professionals use good judgment.

2. Attire Dressing appropriately is necessary for success in

every line of work. Appropriate dress differs based on the

occupation, location, and company preference. Select your wardrobe for the workplace with

care. Feel comfortable about the way you look.

3. Character and Work Ethic Character, which refers to your personal

qualities or personal traits, goes hand in hand with work ethic.

Work ethic is a set of values based on the virtues of hard work, diligence, and caring about your work and your coworkers.

Trustworthiness is a signal to others that you are dependable.

Honesty includes being sincere, honorable, fair, and genuine.

Responsibility is being accountable for your conduct and obligations.

Diligence means conscientiously giving total attention to each task you are given.

4. Competency Professionals work toward excellence in their

field of work. They continually find new, better, and faster methods of doing their work.

5. Work Area Your work area, like your personal appearance,

says a lot about you. The arrangement of your work area affects your efficiency and productivity.

Etiquette refers to the customs or rules of behavior regarded as correct in social and work life. Etiquette in the workplace focuses on rules of conduct (written or unwritten) designed to facilitate interactions between coworkers, customers, supervisors, and suppliers.

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

Obey company rules and regulations. Be on time. Watch your language

Etiquette in the Electronic Age Avoid making and receiving personal calls during business


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Take care when working with confidential information to make sure that it is not accidentally available to wandering eyes.

Work-related e-mail correspondence should be professional.

POINTS TO REMEMBER: Perception is the immediate reaction from the senses.

Others form opinions about your competency, character, conduct, and attitude based on their initial perception of you.

Your image is one of your most important assets. Image includes personal appearance, behavior, posture, and voice.

Build the image you want to project to others first by determining what others think of you. Ask direct questions that will provide specific information that may be of benefit to you.

Reasons for having a professional image in the workplace are: Pride from within when a job is completed to the best of your ability, the high regard in which others hold you as a professional, and potential opportunities that could come your way as a result of demonstrating professional qualities.

Professionals are identified by their attitude, attire, character, work ethic, competency, and work area. Character and work ethic include the qualities of trustworthiness, honesty, responsibility, and diligence.

Reference:Masters, L.A., et al. (2011). Personal Development for Work and Life. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.

Prepared by:Mrs. Maria Angela L. Diopol


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