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Dear reader, welcome back to the Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, to its chapter 38! It's again been a while, so hopefully you still remember us.

Last time, when we left off, Cho and Nicholas had recently come back from their trip to Twikkii Island, where they'd spent a very enjoyable vacation and, to the surprise of exactly no one except maybe themselves, gotten married. Although Cho may have been worried, her ex-fiancé Eric took the news well, and was in fact very happy for the young couple. Dirk, too, seemed to be adjusting to the changes quite well, and in general things seemed mostly nice and happy for the family.

But let's dive back into our story, shall we?

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Life continued to be peaceful for the Bookacies. Now that the big news of Cho marrying Nicholas had spread all around Alphabetia and sunk in for just about everyone – not least for Cho and Nicholas themselves – it was time to take care of everyday matters. Nicholas had now gotten used to living in the Legacy house, and was doing his best in getting to know his in-laws. He felt a little bit uncertain around Baudolino and Marylena, but soon noticed that it was completely in vain. The old couple clearly liked him from the start, and were happy to have him as their son-in-law.

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Another family member whose thoughts Nicholas may have worried over was Cho's son, Dirk, but that, too, was turning out to be a non-issue. Dirk seemed to find it a natural state of affairs that he had a Mommy and a Daddy and a kind of an almost-Daddy, who was married to his Mommy. Eric had mentioned that he'd had a chat with Dirk about these matters, and that the boy had seemed mostly curious about how things were rather than in any way upset.

”And really”, Eric had said, shrugging, ”he meets other kids at school, and they have all kinds of families as well. Think of the extended family. Clarissa and Glen aren't married, Aadam helped his daughter and her wife have a biological child together, Claire was adopted by Bill and Ira, and then there's Carl, Audrey and Veronica as well. It's not really that he's the odd one out or anything. I wouldn't worry about it.”

So Nicholas tried not to, and found that apparently Eric was right. Dirk seemed to pretty much consider himself to have two Daddies. In fact, when he had trouble with his homework, Nicholas was the one he came to, making him very proud and happy.

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It was also time for all kinds of hobbies for the Bookacies. Those had not really changed much. Nicholas continued working on his sewing badges. After all, he was a pretty handy guy, so why not. Besides, gaining badges was always fun.

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Marylena, for her part, enjoyed dance. She may not have been young anymore, but she found that with practise, it was possible to stay flexible still.

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She also worked on painting the family portrait; that was an old tradition worth keeping. Everybody was of the opinion that it was turning out very nice.

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And Baudolino kept on tinkering in the basement, if for no other purpose then to make a couple of toy robots for his grandkids, and to relax.

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George still spent a lot of time in the garden. It was something that was both useful for the family and enjoyable for himself.

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As for Cho, one of those days she countered a pleasant surprise: she was pregnant. She had suspected since the trip to Twikkii, but now it was for certain. She was happy to be having a second child; after all, Dirk was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her. Nicholas, too, was thrilled.

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So for Cho, it was time to relax a bit, and spend some time in peaceful activities. Other family members, including George, were happy to keep her company when she played chess.

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Marylena concentrated her efforts, and was able to finish the portrait around those times.

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It received a lot of praise, Baudolino got it framed, and so it was ready to join the portraits of the previous generations in the downstairs hallway.

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Baudolino's efforts in the basement were beginnig to bear fruit as well, as he gained the long-awaited robotics bronze talent badge.

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But life wasn't all about fun and games all the time. The family still had to go to work and school, and that wasn't always fun. Dirk was a reasonably talented boy, and he managed grades that would have been just fine by his parents and grandparents, but Dirk himself seemed somewhat disappointed. Cho would ruffle his hair and tell him to be patient a little bit longer; if he'd continue to put effort in his studies, surely excellent grades would follow sooner or later.

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Even though Dirk did take his grades a bit seriously, and had a little bit of trouble with being patient about them, he seemed to enjoy the other aspects of school, namely the social ones. He was encouraged to bring his friends home to play, and often he did. Many of his classmates were familiar to the adults already, being children to their friends and relatives. Cho would also take care to invite her cousins and their children over, so Dirk would have plenty of company of his own age.


Devon GilsCarbo is one of the twins of Cho's cousin Carl and one of his two girlfriends, Veronica.

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As Dirk himself seemed to somewhat concerned over school, and as many of his friends were admitted to the local private school already, the family decided to invite the headmaster for a visit.

”Mrs. Bookacy, it has been a while.”

”It has, it has”, admitted Marylena, shaking the headmaster's hand. ”I can't believe it's that time again. Would you like to see the house first?”

”I'd love to. It's always a pleasure to see how the house has been modified and what are your newest expensive items!”

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”Delicious porkchops, mrs. Bookacy”, said the headmaster.

”Thank you, sir, I'm glad you are enjoying them”, replied Cho.

”Is Dirk going to be in our school, Headmaster?”

”It may well be, Devon”, said mr. Walter. ”That's what I'm here to determine.”

Devon smiled. ”I think that'd be fun”, he said.

And by the end of the night, Devon got his wish, as Dirk was accepted to mr. Walter's school.

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”So, Dirk, are you excited to be going to your new school then?” asked Nicholas after the headmaster had left.

Dirk nodded. ”I think it'll be fun. Devon will be there, and Dory and Daniel and...”

”You look a bit worried, though.”

”It's a little bit scary, too”, admitted Dirk quietly. ”I already know lots of kids from there, but it's still a new school. What if I can't get good enough grades? Will they kick me out?”

”You'll do fine, kid, don't worry. It's a good school, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's that hard. That means that there are really good teachers, and they should be able to help you out with everything that is hard.”

”Okay”, said Dirk slowly, not looking entirely convinced.

Nicholas ruffled his hair. ”Trust me, it'll go fine.”

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When his stepson had been properly assured that he would do fine, Nicholas decided to spend the rest of the evening at the sewing machine. His efforts were rewarded, as he was able to gain the sewing bronze talent badge.


If anyone is trying to keep score, I'm trying to have Nicholas gain all gold talent badges in his lifetime. So far, he's managed gardening and flower arranging.

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”Mommy?” Dirk asked the next moment over breakfast.


”When is the new baby coming?”

”It'll take a while yet sweetie.” Cho patted on her stomach. ”I'm not that big yet, I have to get bigger first you know.”

Dirk nodded. ”You have to eat enough.”

”Well that's certainly a good idea”, said Nicholas, who had been listening, ”but however much your Mom eats, we still have to wait.”

”That's boring”, said a disappointed Dirk.

Nicholas grinned. ”I know.”

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Nevertheless, the time passed somehow.

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And to Dirk's happiness, it really did seem that Cho was getting bigger. Soon he would be a big brother.

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Cho herself continued to spend time at the chessboard with George, in fact enough to eventually maximize her logic skill.

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Soon after that, it was a joyous day for Dirk: he finally got his first A+ report card. It was such a relief to find that what his parents and Nicholas had been telling him all along had been true, and if he just put enough effort in it, he'd have excellent grades.

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”Well done, honey! I'm so proud of you!” said Cho beaming when he ran to show him. ”I knew you could do it! Now let's go show Nicholas, alright? I think he's at the sewing machine. And in the evening you can then call Dad, when he gets off work.”

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Nicholas was indeed often found at the sewing machine, but there were other things that he needed to take care of. He was still progressing in the Law career, and that required both a fine suit and a fine skill in charisma. Often he was practising speeches with a mirror, to make sure that the next case would end in his favor.

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Now that Dirk was big enough to do most things himself, and the new baby had not yet arrived, George found himself with a little bit more free time than he had previously had. He happily spent it with count Pao, how else. He did want to have numerous dream dates with his dream vampire after all.

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They'd tend to go Downtown at this time, as the household was rather busy, and they didn't want to disturb Cho, who needed plenty of rest. All in all, the two of them were very happy together.

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And if George occasionally got a bit of a scare, well, it was all a sign of affection, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

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Baudolino spent a lot of time on the phone those days. He'd made a lot of friends as a businessman, and he wanted to keep up with everyone. Having a large circle of friends was one of life's great pleasures.


Baudolino's secondary aspiration is Popularity, and after a long time of working on it, he managed the impossible want of thirty best friends. However, I do not score a point for this, as I select the secondary aspirations myself.

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Besides, he had to share the excitement with everyone, was that not what friends were for?

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”How are you feeling, Nicholas?” asked Marylena one evening, when she found her son-in-law sitting alone in the living room, exceptionally not doing anything.

”Nervous”, he admitted. ”I'm thinking about how things will go once the baby arrives. I mean, Dirk's a great kid and we come along brilliantly, and everything's gone swimmingly so far, but... I was around when Dirk was smaller, but I've never actually had a baby before.”

Marylena nodded. ”I know. And then there'll be two instead of one. I know I'd be nervous too. Actually, I was a bit nervous about these things when I was younger, I don't think that can be completely avoided. But try not to worry about it too much.”

Nicholas smiled weakly. ”I'll try.”

”It'll go fine. And besides, there's four of us grownups, and some of us already have some experience in these matters”, Marylena said smiling, and patted Nicholas on the arm. ”Concentrate on the happy feelings, okay?”

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As the big moment drew nearer and nearer, Cho spent a lot of her time studying. It was pleasant and didn't require standing up, which was getting a bit difficult. She read about parenting – not that she didn't have experience already thanks to Dirk, but the book wisdom surely didn't hurt either. Those days Marylena was often also found studying, to keep her daughter company, and to keep an eye on her so she could be there if needed.

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And indeed, when it was time for Cho to give birth, Marylena was right there with her, in the living room reading a book.


”Yes dear?” Marylena asked, prepared to close her book.

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”I think the baby is... Owww!”

”Apparently so”, said Marylena calmly and put down her book. ”Stay calm dear, it'll be just fine. Remember to breathe.”

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”It huuurrrrtttss!” cried Cho in pain.

”It's alright dear”, tried Marylena to calm her daughter, although she was probably just as nervous as she was. ”George, could you please come over to help?”

”Certainly, mrs. Bookacy.”

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But George's help was unnecessary. Cho's pains were soon over, and she was holding her and Nicholas' firstborn, a son.

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And what a beautiful child he was. Cho and Nicholas had been discussing names, and had decided that a boy child would be named Dorian.


Welcome to the family, Dorian Bookacy. You were named after Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Dorian is a young, very handsome man who has his portrait painted. The portrait turns out amazingly alike, and Dorian makes a wish: to remain eternally young and handsome, like a picture, and have the portrait age and carry the signs of life in his stead. As time passes, Dorian comes to realize that his wish has in fact come true. He engages in a life of pleasures and immoral deeds, and never ages a day. In his stead, the portrait bears the signs of his deeds, becoming more terrible to look at by the day, so terrible that Dorian himself can't bear to look at it.

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Little Dorian was immediately adored by the whole family. Marylena and George had been there the whole time, and the noise had alerted Baudolino from the basement. The grandparents were now grandparents twice over, and extactic with joy.

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Nicholas was at work at the time, but when he got home – with a promotion – that day, the first thing he did after getting rid of the work suit was to go meet his newborn son. There were no words to describe his happiness that day.

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Speaking of happiness, Nicholas was not the only one overjoyed in the family. Little Dory was the pride and joy of her parents, Claire and Trevor, who had been hoping for a child for a rather long while before they had finally managed to concieve. Dory was now an energetic toddler, who loved the attention of her adults, and the family dog, Suzi.

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That wasn't all, either. Claire had been correct in her hunch that she might be pregnant again. After taking a long time to conceive Dory, she and Trevor apparently managed to get pregnant the second time quite quickly.

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Both Bill and Ira were of course thrilled to become grandparents for the second time. For the time being, however, they concentrated on doting Dory.

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After a wait that was not all that long, the Bookacies received news that Claire and Trevor had welcomed a new member in their family, a little baby boy whom they named Douglas.

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Dory was a little bit younger than Dirk, but not by terribly much. Soon she was no longer a crawling toddler, but a lively child, and the parents could start planning playdates for her and her cousins.

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For the moment, little Douglas couldn't join the bigger kids, but he seemed perfectly happy to gurgle on someone's shoulder instead.

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Otherwise, Claire told Cho, life was pretty much the usual for the Rileys. Everyone went on doing the things they usually did.

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And before too long, little Douglas was big enough to crawl around the Riley household and chew on everything he could reach.

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Dirk also had some playmates in his age group in another side of Alphabetia, in the Cameron household. Daniela, Devon and David were now all children and going to school together with Dirk and Dory.

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All of the family were very proud of the kids, who all did well in school, and seemed to be enjoying themselves as well.

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The Cameron house was often full with the kids from the neighborhood, and even when not, life with three lively kids was full of events, joy and laughter. Even though the grownups were sometimes overwhelmed, they enjoyed every moment of it.

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And whenever they got the chance, the grownups enjoyed the company of each other. What was there not to enjoy?

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But what was perhaps the most exciting for the Bookacies was happening in the Jalowitz household: Chris' advancing pregnancy. Baudolino and Marylena had perhaps believed that they would not have grandchildren by their son, but they were delighted to have been wrong in that. They were in regular contact with both Chris and Cyrus, perhaps even to excess at times.

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But the young couple didn't really mind, they understood how excited Baudolino and Marylena were; and well, it was pretty exciting for them too.

Otherwise, life was pretty peaceful for the Jalowitzes. Both of them worked on their careers, although Chris naturally had to take it a little bit easy now. Occasionally a friend would visit them, and perhaps enjoy a game of chess.

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It wasn't long after that until it was time for the baby to be born.

”The baby is coming! The baby is coming! I read that book about what to do, but I don't remember a word of it!” Cyrus panicked.


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But sim fathers being useless never prevented a baby from being born, and this was no exception. Baudolino and Marylena soon received word that the Jalowitzes had welcomed a little girl named Dani to their family, and everything was all right – the mother and the baby were all fine, and even the father was recovering, little by little.

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Everyone said that little Dani had her father's eyes, and Cyrus supposed that was true, at least he recognized the color as his own. When it came to coloring otherwise, she resembled Chris more.

But all curious relatives and their comments about how she absolutely has so-and-so's ears aside, Cyrus was ecstatic. This little sim girl was his, and Chris', all theirs, and she was amazing.

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And truly little Dani had both of their hearts – not to mention everyone elses. She had plenty of company, so much actually, that it was a good thing if she could actually get some sleep every once in a while, too.

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Like all little ones, Dani, too, was growing at an amazing pace. One moment she was just a baby in her mother's arms, the next she was a toddler, eagerly exploring the world. From what the Bookacies heard from Cyrus, she was on the verge of walking already.

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Little Dorian may not have been that much behind, but for now he was definitely not walking yet – which was probably not a bad thing, the adults and elders of the house thought, as there was plenty to do with just one mobile kid, let alone two.

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And well, Dorian being yet too little to start moving had an additional benefit for the grownups: no matter how much affection they'd give him, he was too little to crawl away. Not that he particularly seemed to want to, either.

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As for the slightly older kid in the household, Dirk seemed much more at ease now that he'd really gotten the hang of things at school. Cho and Nicholas had not been sure why it had worried him so much – they certainly had tried to assure him that it was not a big thing if he was getting straight As at school or not. But in any case, they were relieved to see him happy.

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The adults themselves were still occupied their usual activities, work and hobbies, and Cho was still actively looking an opening in gaming. And of course, there was the childcare, but gladly the grandparents and George were of great help there. So occasionally Cho and Nicholas did find some time just among themselves.

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With Dirk in the house, there was rarely a dull moment for anyone, and often one or the other of the neighborhood kids were found visiting in the house.

”... and then Daddy was returned home, and then I was born. That's why I'm green”, explained little Dana importantly, while carefully placing a llama stick.

Marylena smiled. ”I know, dear. My husband has a brother who is also a half alien.”

”Really?” asked Dana in wonder. ”There are old green sims?”


Dana Patch is the result of an alien abduction of Kevin Patch, spouse to generation C second cousin Carla.

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And before they knew it, it was the afternoon of little Dorian's birthday.

”Grandpa?” asked Dirk while they were having a match of SSX3.


”Do you think he'll then play video games with me?”

”Who, Dorian?”


Baudolino chuckled. ”I think you'll be a little disappointed for now. He isn't going to be that much bigger right now you know. He's bound to be more interested in peek-a-boo for starters. But if you play the kinds of games he'll able to play now, I'm sure he'll return the favor later.”

”Okay”, said Dirk slowly. ”I guess that makes sense.”

”Now”, said Baudolino, ”one more round before your mother wants us gathered at the cake?”

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And in the evening, it was indeed time to gather around the cake, for little Dorian was about to become a slightly bigger Dorian. Nicholas got the honor of bringing his firstborn to the cake.

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The whole family was in attendance, and little Dorian was eyeing them curiously. Whatever was on his mind they could only guess, but clealy he was excited. Soon they'd get to know him better, as he'd be able to express himself in one way or another.

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”Alright buddy, let's blow the candles out!”

Dorian's reply was a happy giggle, so without further ado, they did.

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Dorian was tossed into the air a baby...

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… and came down a toddler. While the rest of the family had some cake, the birthday boy was taken to the potty and the wardrobe.

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Dirk was rather excited.

”... and I get to play with him, and maybe read stories to him, too!” he explained to George.

”That does sound very enjoyable, young mister”, George mused. ”I am sure you will come along splendidly.”

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Whether George was right, would remain to be seen, since after the most urgent matters had been taken care of, it was definitely past bedtime for Dorian, and actually, for Dirk as well. But tomorrow was another day, and probably George's prediction would turn out to be correct. After all, little Dorian had already stolen everyone's heart, not least his big brother's.


Dorian is an Aries with the personality 6/9/8/3/4.

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For George, however, the night was still young.

”I am very pleased that you could make it”, he said to Count Pao as they had arrived to one of their favorite restaurants, Bernard's Botanical Dining.

”Of course I could make it, George. I would not miss a pleasant evening with you for anything. I take it that young mister Bookacy has grown up now?”

”Oh yes, he has become a very sweet toddler.”

”Excellent!” beamed Pao, who was always very keen to hear about the family. He was secretly a little relieved every time he heard that everything was well, thinking about how things could have turned out with Salahuddin, and Pao himself offering him help all those years ago.

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No one except Count Pao himself seemed to be thinking about those early days very much, and no one definitely resented him over the events in question, but sometimes it bothered him. If he had not agreed to the bite... He of course knew that speculation was useless, and it was as they said: if he had not agreed, Salahuddin would have found someone else. Maybe with time, he, too, would think about it less. In the meantime, all he could do was try his best to enjoy life and the happiness it had brought him. Another wonderful evening with George was definitely a step on that road.

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The next day was a Saturday, and as there was no school to interfere, there was no way to keep Dirk out of the nursery after he and Dorian had both woken up. Now he was finally able to get to know his little brother properly! He'd been talking to him when he was a baby of course, but babies didn't really do much besides eating and sleeping. They were boring like that.

”Hi Dorian! It's Dirk, remember? Now that you're bigger, Mom says we can play. Fun, eh?”

”Gagoo!” replied Dorian and giggled a little.

Dirk had no idea what that meant, but Dorian seemed to be smiling, so he took it as something positive.

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With a bit of nudging from Nicholas, who happened to pass by on his way to the sewing machine, Dirk tried singing to Dorian a nursery rhyme that he'd learned when he was little himself.

”Don't be disappointed, you probably won't get that much of a response, but if he's smiling and giggling like that, you can assume he's quite happy. Just remember he's still very little”, Nicholas had told him.

And true, the noises his little brother was making couldn't really be called ”singing”, but clearly he'd gotten the idea that the point was to make noise, so that was a start, thought Dirk. All in all, the two of them had lots of fun that forenoon.

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When it was time for Dorian's afternoon nap, Dirk got to spend time with his other relatives. There was, after all, nothing quite like a relaxing game of Don't Wake the Llama.

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Dirk was also a studious little boy, so some of his day off got spent his nose in a book.

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As for little Dorian, his life was all about learning. How to use the potty, for instance.

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But gladly there was always time for cuddles, be it from family members or the jack-in-the-box.

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One evening soon after Dorian's birthday, Baudolino went looking for his daughter and found her reading in the living room.


”Yes, Dad?” she asked, looking up from her book.

”Would you think you and Nicholas could manage with the boys for a little while? Something like, four, five days?”

”Sure, we can arrange things work-wise and in an emergency case we could just hire a nanny. And Dirk has school anyway. What's on your mind?”

”Well, your mother has been talking about going to Takemizu for a while now, so we were thinking maybe we could actually go one of these times. To relax a bit, see what the environment is like, maybe see if there are any promising vacation homes for sale. In any case, we'd be back for Dirk's birthday.”

”Oh, absolutely”, said Cho warmly. ”You deserve a break. I'll tell Nicholas, you go ahead and book the flights.”

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And so it was settled. Baudolino was able to find flights and a nice hotel at a reasonable price, and he and Marylena agreed to take them. So the anticipation began.

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”So you got the flights?” asked Nicholas over coffee.

”Oh yes we did”, replied Baudolino. ”Thanks again, We're really glad to be going finally, Marylena especially has been talking about it so long.”

”Don't mention it, it's totally not a problem. We're just glad you get the chance to go and spend some time together, just the two of you.”

Baudolino nodded. ”It's nice. Of course, we don't want to stay very long, the boys are only little for so long, but a little bit of change of scenery is good.”

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But before any vacations would take place, there were still things to do. Crops to harvest...

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… skills to learn...

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… and grandchildren to tuck in. Marylena felt a little guilty that she and Baudolino were going by themselves, leaving Dirk home again, but he didn't seem upset. When Dorian would be bigger, they'd go together, she promised herself.

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But of course, the boys would be fine, and perhaps it was good to give Cho and Nicholas some time just with the kids too. In any case, Marylena enjoyed the idea of spending some time alone with Baudolino.

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And soon enough, that idea was about to become reality. The morning of the departure came, and Baudolino and Marylena had their bags packed and everything ready. They said their goodbyes and headed for the airport shuttle outside, and for a few relaxing days of freedom.

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”Welcome to our hotel, mr. Bookacy, I hope you have a pleasant stay”, said the bellhop politely several hours later.

”Thank you. I think we will”, replied Baudolino smiling. This was it, they were in Takemizu Village at last.

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The flight had been rather long, so Baudolino and Marylena decided to take the first day easy. They asked advice from a local, and were recommended a good spa nearby the hotel. As a result, they spent most of the day being pampered. Massages and hot springs were exactly what they needed then.

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They also started taking in everything about their environment. The sights, the customs, the scenery. Things were rather different here, in a pleasant way.

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The food was delicious, although it did take a little bit getting used to, the way the locals were accustomed to eating.

”Very nice, madame, I am impressed”, a cook in a local restaurant commented with a smile. ”You are handlig the sticks rather nicely. Many just ask for a fork instead.”

Marylena smiled back. ”Thank you. It's a but tricky, but once you get the hang of it, it turns out to be easier than it seems.”

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They also went on a few arranged tours, to get a fuller view of the surroundings, and to listen to what the tour guides knew about the area and its history. It was all quite fascinating.

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It was also a pleasure to simply sleep long in the mornings, without a set schedule for anything, and to enjoy just resting in each other's arms.

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The next few days continued much the same. Baudolino and Marylena enjoyed the local foods, and the tea, which was an absolute must to try.

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They spent peaceful hours tending the Zen garden, and made a wish at the old lucky shrine.

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There was of course also time for some souvenir shopping, as well as trying out a local game named Mahjong.

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One day, Baudolino and Marylena took a slightly longer walk in the surroundings. They walked for a couple of hours, and perhaps got slightly lost. Marylena was perhaps getting slightly worried, but Baudolino was still convinced they'd find their way back. Just then, they came to an odd place, almost like a temple, in the middle of nowhere. There was a Zen garden, and tall stairs up a hill.

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On top of the stairs, they found an old man who was concentrated in meditation. Unsure what to do, Marylena glanced at Baudolino, but did not dare to speak, not to disturb the man.

Finally she decided, that perhaps it would be the most polite to silently greet him, and if he were to respond, he probably had noticed them and was willing to meet them, if not, he was probably too deep in meditation and they should leave quietly. So she stepped in front of him, and bowed her head, as she had seen many locals do.

Just as she and Baudolino were about to leave quietly, the man opened his eyes, smiled and stood up.

”Greetings, my children”, he said.

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They engaged in polite discussion, and Baudolino and Marylena soon realized that they had found whom the locals called the ”Wise Old Man”, a mysterious character said to live in solitude some distance away from the village, and give wise advice to those in need.

The man turned out to be quite interested in the newcomers. After all, he had not seen very many tourists wander into his part of the village. He kindly joined Baudolino and Marylena in a tea ceremony, and afterwards, asked them to join him in Tai Chi, at which he was clearly skilled.

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He even shared with them an ancient legend, about a girl and a dragon. It was a fascinating story, and Baudolino and Marylena were wholy captured in the moment. They barely even noticed how the weather, which had been rainy so far all day, suddenly brightened around them.

As the evening drew closer, they said their goodbyes, and the old man gave them instructions for finding Takemizu village proper again. They followed his instructions, and found back easily. Curiously, though, as Baudolino turned to look back close to the border of the village, he was no longer sure from which direction they'd come.

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The rest of the vacation was spent relaxing, and practicing Tai Chi, which was an interesting new experience for both of the old couple. They also visited several sights and learned more about the history. They had heard that there were still some real Ninjas in Takemizu, but whether that was true or not, at least they remained elusive.

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On the last evening of the vacation, Marylena surprised her husband by leaping into his arms. Baudolino just barely caught him.

”Oh honey, thank you so much”, she whispered into his ear.

”What for?” he asked, still surprised.

”For making this happen. It's been such a wonderful holiday, and it's really meant a lot to me, to be able to come here at last.”

Baudolino gently set his wife down again. ”Well in that case, you're welcome. And thank you”, he added, ”I've had a wonderful time, too.”

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All good things must come to an end, and this Baudolino and Marylena also found the next morning, when the airport shuttle was honking outside their hotel. But they weren't sorry to be going back, as they knew that at home Cho, Nicholas and two little boys were waiting for them, the mentioned little boys probably quite anxiously.

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Back at home, things were, for the most part, the same as they were when Baudolino and Marylena had left. Dirk was still the same studious little boy, who enjoyed quiet activities. Now he was also increasingly looking forward to his birthday.

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The biggest changes were likely happening with Dorian, as was to be expected at his age. Nicholas proudly explained that just a day before his grandparents were back, his son had learned to walk from plenty of practicing with Daddy. And indeed, from then on the little tyke was toddling around the house and exploring it to his heart's content.

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He may have been learning quickly, but he was still the same little Dorian he was, enjoying his tickles, cuddles, and chewing on his toy robot.

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In addition to all the regular life happenings, Baudolino and Marylena came back to a little surprise. The day before Dirk's birthday, the grownups were sitting at the dinner table after Dirk had gone to finish his homework and Dorian was playing upstairs.

Cho started a little uncertainly. ”Honey”, she addressed Nicholas, glancing at her parents, ”remember when we talked about maybe having a third kid at some point?”

”Yeah?” asked Nicholas, who had been excited for the idea of another child, but wasn't sure whether his in-laws were aware of their discussion. Judging by their looks, they weren't previously, but definitely weren't against the idea.

Cho smiled a little, looking at his parents and husband in turn. ”Well, I can't know for sure yet, but I think... I think that may be coming true.”

There was a lot of beaming around the table after that.

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The adults decided to wait with telling Dirk and Dorian. After all, Dorian was currently too little to understand, and right now, Dirk had other things to be excited about.

”Hi Dad, it's Dirk.”…

”I just wanted to know if you remembered about my birthday party. It's today, at seven.”…

”Okay, that's good! I was worried maybe you'd forgotten.”

Of course, there was absolutely no danger of Eric forgetting his son's birthday. Cho would never forgive him, and he had certainly been reminded by said son often enough.

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And in the evening, it was time to celebrate. Family and friends were in attendance, of course.

”Thanks for coming, Chip” said Cho to one of her numerous cousins. ”It means a lot to Dirk to have you all here. He absolutely wanted to have Eric here of course, and because of his work, the time is a bit late for friends of his own age.”

”Absolutely”, replied Chip, nodding. ”And it's of course always great to see you all. How have you been?”

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While Cho and Chip were exchanging the most important happenings on the porch, Bill went straight to his old friend, Chunni. Some things just didn't change.

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Soon, after the initial greetings and the most important new events had been exchanged, Dirk found himself standing behind a delicious-looking cake with candles, with his proud father beside him. It was time for him to grow up.

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For a moment, he felt slightly nervous, with all those sims watching him.

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But then he realized: all of his grownups were there. They were there to support him, and to cheer him on when he blew those candles out.

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And even if he didn't know everyone very well, they were all there for him, because they cared for him and wanted to see him grow up well.

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With that thought, Dirk took a deep breath and blew the candles out.

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”I'm going to be big!” he shouted excitedly, over all the cheers from his various relatives.

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Dirk turned around to face the onlookers, and at once he felt the familiar sensation.

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So he twirled around, and in a cloud of colorful sparkles...

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… he grew up.

”Oh sweetie”, his mother said in between giggles, while the others were still cheering, ”that's a very nice outfit, but we aren't Scottish!”

”Go find something you'd like to wear, there should be plenty of choice in the wardrobe”, Nicholas interjected. ”I'll make sure there's cake left for you when you get back.”

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While the birthday boy was at the dresser, his relatives socialized among themselves the best they could.

”Well, now we are the parents of a teenager”, said Eric to Cho. ”That may take some getting used to.”

”I definitely don't feel old enough to have a teenager”, replied Cho smiling.

”Well, if it makes you feel any better, neither do I. And of course, you look as young as ever. It seems being married suits you.”

”Thank you, I suppose it does. And well, playing with little Dorian always makes me feel younger.”

”If that works so well, maybe I should try it too”, replied Eric. ”I've only met him briefly, but he seems a sweet kid.”

”He is”, affirmed Cho proudly. ”He should be upstairs with George, so perhaps you could visit him quickly before bedtime, if there's time after the cake.”

”I'd love to.”

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”Looking good!” Eric said approvingly, when Dirk emerged from his dresser, and Cho had gone to check on Dorian.

”Thanks Dad”, said Dirk smiling. ”I think this is a better look for me than the kilt.”

”I think so, although from what I've heard from Brandon Lillard, some girls dig it”, Eric said with a wink. ”Anyway, I bet everyone is going to be bugging you about this tonight, so maybe I should start. Have you decided on an aspiration yet?”

”Well”, said Dirk slowly, ”I've thought about it and, I think so, yes. I think I'll go with Family. That probably suits me best.”

”Oh”, said Eric. ”Well that's a bit of a change”, he commented jokingly.

Dirk shrugged and smiled. ”I don't think I'd make a very good romancer anyway.”

”Well, knowing you, I think you've made a good choice. Congratulations!” Eric said, shaking his son's hand.

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”So, what now?” Dirk asked.

”I guess let's get on with the party. There's some cake if you'd like”, Eric gestured towards the cake platter. ”Actually, I think I'd like some. And well, I think you mother promised that I could visit your brother quickly before he gets too sleepy.”

”Okay, cool”, said Dirk taking a plate. ”I guess I could say hi to Dorian too. I look a bit different than I did in the morning.”

And with that, the father and the son sat down to have some cake.

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The rest of the evening was spent pleasantly just spending time with the guests, and Eric and Dirk did get to meet Dorian again before his bedtime. Just one of those evenings among close friends, just like Dirk wanted it.

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All in all, Dirk thought as he pulled over the covers that night, not a bad birthday.

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Dirk Bookacy, the generation D heir, is an Aries with the personality 7/9/8/1/4. He chose Family for his aspiration, and has the Lifetime Want to Graduate 3 Children from College. Very fitting for an alphabetacy heir, I might add.

So, dear reader, this is where I leave you this time. I hope you've enjoyed the ride, welcome back again next time. Until then, happy simming!

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