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Chapter Sixteen

South and Southeast Asia

Prepared by Kelly Donahue-Wallace

Randal WallaceUniversity of North Texas

Gardner's Art through the Ages, Concise Edition by Fred Kleiner

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South AsiaDates and Places: • 2600BCE to 1857CE• Indian subcontinent

People:• Cultural diversity• Indus civilization• Buddhism, Hinduism,


Lion capital from a column erected by Ashoka, ca. 250 BCE.

Fig. 16-3.

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South AsiaThemes:• Deities of Buddhism

and Hinduism • Scenes from the

Mughal court• TemplesForms:• Idealized figures

Yakshi, Great Stupa, Sanchi, mid-first century BCE to early first century CE. Fig. 16-5.

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South AsiaExample:

• Indus civilization

• Planned cities Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro

• Seal for trade goods

• Main image is animal

• Figure seated in yogic position, meditation

Seal with seated figure in yogic posture, Mohenjo-Daro, ca. 2300–

1750 BCE. Fig. 16-2.

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South AsiaExample: • Kushan Dynasty• Important Buddhist

monastery • Stupa for relics of

Buddha• Form based on burials• Three-dimensional

mandala• Circumambulation to

worship, enclosed space

Diagram and view, Great Stupa, Sanchi, third century BCE to first century CE. Fig. 16-4.

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South AsiaExample: • Kushan Dynasty• Stories from the life of

Buddha• Early figural

representation, narrative of path to enlightenment

• Attributes: ushnisha, urna, halo

• Roman influence? Life and death of the Buddha, Gandhara, second century CE.

Fig. 16-6.

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South AsiaExample:

• Gupta Period

• Standarization of Buddha’s image

• Eyes downcast, hands make Wheel-turning gesture

• Indian version of idealized form

• For temple, not stupa Seated Buddha preaching first sermon, Sarnath, second half of

fifth century. Fig. 16-7.

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South AsiaExample:

• Post-Gupta Period

• Hindu relief sculpture on stone tower temple

• Vishnu dreams the universe into reality

• Gupta-style: smooth bodies, clinging drapery

Vishnu asleep on the serpent Ananta, Vishnu Temple, early sixth century. Fig. 16-10.

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South AsiaExample:

• Early Medieval India

• Kings build Hindu temples

• Temple to Shiva

• Towers over halls (mandapas)

• Mountain symbolism

• Mathematical proportions Vishvanatha Temple, Khajuraho,

ca. 1000. Fig. 16-13.

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South AsiaExample:

• Relief sculpture on temple dedicated to Shiva

• Images of deities and humans

• Yakshis and amorous couples

• Reference to life, protection

Mithuna reliefs, Vishvanatha Temple, Khajuraho, ca. 1000.

Fig. 16-14.

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South AsiaExample:

• Mughal Empire

• Muslim prince Akbar

• Story of life of prince

• Court painting workshop

• Strength and good rule of prince

• Form to communicate event’s chaos

BASAWAN and CHATAR MUNI, Akbar and the Elephant Hawai,

Akbarnama, ca. 1590. Fig. 16-15.

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South AsiaExample:

• Mughal Empire

• Painted miniature

• Famous artist

• Allegorical portrait of emperor, receiving mystic, artist, European emmissary

• Symbols of powerBICHITR, Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaykh to Kings, ca. 1615–

1618. Fig. 16-16.

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South Asia

Taj Mahal, 1632–1647. Fig. 16-1.

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South AsiaExample:

• Mughal Empire

• Muslim monumental tomb for empress

• Dome-on-cube, illusion of weightlessness

• Iranian garden pavilion plan

• Throne of God?Taj Mahal, 1632–1647. Fig. 16-1.

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Southeast AsiaThemes:• Temples • Deities

Forms:• Stone construction • Regional taste

Walking Buddha, Sukhothai, 14th century. Fig. 16-21.

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Southeast AsiaExample:

• Cambodian Hindu temple

• Complex of temples and palaces

• For Khmer king, image of king as god

• Tower symbol of Mt. Meru, shorter towers

• Galleries to walk Angkor Wat, first half of 12th century. Fig. 16-20.

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