  • 7/29/2019 Chapter One2003 of voting system




    1.1Backround of the Study

    Man as a political animal has always wanted to maintain his place distinct from

    brute animals. This has been realized through different methods and systems he has

    employed in his political advancement. The word politics etymologically is from

    two Greek words; polis and techne, which mean city and skill or art, respectively

    (Nwodo, 1998). Thus, politics literally means the art of governing a city. Politics

    then involves the art of organizing men in a society to live and interact with each

    other to the full realization of their social nature (Nwoko, 1998). Politics therefore

    deals with the state and its citizenry, whereby the citizens freely entrust to an

    individual the responsibility of organizing them. In a democratic society, electoral

    process is the means through which this objective is achieved. This is because in a

    democratic system of government, it is the citizens that choose their leaders, and

    disenfranchising the citizens this right often leads to political instability. Looking

    at the political situation in Nigeria that has progress from one republic to another,

    one cannot but ask, why is the Nigeria polity instability? No one can ignore the

    uncertainty and the volatility that are characteristic of todays African political

    settings. The Nigerian experience is no exception of this instability. When

    instability is qualified by the adjective political, a whole configuration of ideas

    comes to play. This is partly because; the idea of politics refers to the manner in

    which a country is governed. According to C S Nwodo, politics has to do with the

    manner of ruling a people and directing the lives of the citizens of a country, of

    arriving at decisions concerning public affairs or matters of public interest, of

    making fundamental choices and decisions that affect the lives of the citizens

    (Nwodo, 1998). Political instability would then mean a bad government, because

    the welfare of the citizens that suppose to be its primary objective is not

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    guaranteed. Hornbys definition of democracy already mentioned, underscores the

    basic element of the discourse. It throws light about the significance of election

    and the fundamental right of every adult in a given society. The central idea linking

    democracy and electoral system is the good life for the citizens, which could only

    be lived by active participation in the life of the city-state (Urger, 2007). When

    this fundamental right of participating in the city-state is denied him, the result

    could spell anarchy for the polity. It has already been pointed out that in a

    democratic government all adult citizens participate in politics through their

    elective representative. This underlines the fact that, the stability of any

    government depends largely on its electoral system. In other words, electoral

    system is the basis for social development. Reversely, inapt electoral system no

    doubt will definitely lead to anarchy. It is in this light that electoral system in

    Nigeria may be considered as the bane of political instability in the country. A

    survey of the different elections so far conducted in Nigeria lends credence to this

    assertion. Main reasons for rigging in elections are due to lack of accurate voting

    system. Presently ballot voting and electronic voting systems are widely used

    voting methods in the world but these systems are not accurate as they are not used

    to get genuine result. It is against this backdrop that this work aims at looking at

    the Nigeria electoral system as the bane of its political instability. Voting system

    using finger print as the topic of this research is a biometric voting system.

    Biometrics is the term given to the use of biological traits or behavioral

    characteristics to identify an individual. The traits may be fingerprints, hand

    geometry, facial geometry, retina patterns, voice recognition, and handwriting

    recognition. Since the beginning of civilization, recognizing the identity of fellow

    human beings has been a central thread in the fabric of society. Until the 20th

    century, such personal recognition was manually carried out in person among

    small communities of friends and acquaintances based on visual appearances such

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    as face, hairstyle, body type, gait, and voice. With advances in communication

    technology and transportation, we have become interconnected to form a much

    larger global community. Often, business deals are no longer done in person with a

    handshake or signature on paper. Conducting business from remote locations has

    become the norm. As a result, it has become necessary to carry out reliable

    personal recognition often remotely and through automated means. Surrogate

    representations of identity such as passwords (prevalent for electronic access

    control) and tokens (prevalent for physical access control) provide a lower level of

    authentication security that does not strongly link the authorized user with their

    digital identity. Because biometric identifiers cannot be shared or misplaced, and

    they intrinsically represent the individuals bodily identity, biometrics is quickly

    becoming an essential component of effective identification solutions. Recognition

    of a person by their body, linking that body to an externally established identity,

    forms a powerful authentication tool. Biometrics usage is reducing fraud, and

    enhancing user convenience. Among the different biometrics, fingerprints have the

    right balance of qualities including distinctiveness, persistence, accuracy,

    throughput, size and cost of readers, maturity of technology and convenience of

    use, making it the dominant biometric technology in commercial applications.

    1.2 Statement of the Problem

    This project work was inspired by the immense instability in Nigeria politics

    caused by rigging of elections and snatching of ballot boxes. Presently ballot

    voting and electronic voting systems are widely used voting methods in the world

    but these systems are not accurate as they are not used to get genuine result.

    1.3 Objective of the Study

    This Project work is aimed at achieving the following.

    1. Creating robust software that will remove rigging in voting system in


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    2. Create a user friendly interface where finger print of voters will be taken

    during voters registration and be used for authentication during votes.

    3. Creating an application that will enhance the speed of processing and

    accessing vote information.

    1.4 Significance of the Study

    This software will provide authenticated voting system that can be used to reduce

    rigging in election. It can also be used for the purpose of reliable automatic

    personal recognition.

    1.5 Scope of the Study

    The work covers voters registration process and voting procedures.

    1.6 Limitation of the Study

    There are constraints to this research work. Some of these constraints include;

    Limited resources for the research work;

    Frequent power failure;

    Financial constraints.

    1.7 Definition of Terms

    Democracy: The word democracy is from two Greek words demons and kratein.

    Demons refer to the people, the masses while Kratein means to rule

    respectively. Demokratia therefore means rule by the people. Democracy is a

    government in which all adult citizens share through their elected representatives.

    Electoral System: Electoral system is a scheme of ideas or principles by which

    election is organized at which somebody is chosen by vote for something,

    especially a public office.

    A ballot box: A ballot box is a temporarily sealed container, usually square box

    though sometimes a tamper resistant bag, with a narrow slot in the top sufficient to

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    accept a ballot paper in an election but which prevents anyone from accessing the

    votes cast until the close of the voting period.

    A ballot: A ballot is a device used to cast votes in an election, and may be a ticket,

    a piece of paper or a small ball used in secret voting.

    Election: An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population

    chooses an individual to hold public office.

    Suffrage: It means excluding some group of people from voting

    Fingerprints: fingerprints are the traces of an impression from the friction ridges

    of human fingers. They are one of many forms of biometrics used to identify

    individuals and verify their identity

    Fingerprint recognition: Fingerprint recognition or fingerprint authentication

    refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two human


    Fingerprint sensor: A fingerprint sensor is an electronic device used to capture a

    digital image of the fingerprint pattern.

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