Download - Chapter I EDP

  • 7/22/2019 Chapter I EDP


    Chapter 1

    Small Business: Its meaning

    Dr. Gopalakrishna BV

    Associate Professor,

    AJIM, Mangalore

  • 7/22/2019 Chapter I EDP



    Meaning nature and definition of Entrepreneur

    Concepts of Entrepreneur

    Evolution of Entrepreneur

    Characteristics of Entrepreneur

    Types of Entrepreneur Functions of Entrepreneur

    Qualities or Traits of Entrepreneur and skills

    Role of Entrepreneurs in Economic Development Relationship between entrepreneur and

    Intrapreneur, managers and entrepreneurship

    Theories of Entrepreneurship

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    Entrepreneur is an economic agent play animportant role in economic development of a

    country. He possesses required knowledge, ski l ls, initiative,drive and spir i t of innovation and aims to achievegoals.

    He is dynamic persons, who brings changes inprocess of production, innovation in business, newideas etc.

    The term Entrepreneur is derived from French word

    Entreprendre= ahn + tra + pra + nur = whichmeans is a person who organises and manages abusiness undertaking, assuming the risk for the sakeof profit.

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    Generally speaking, entrepreneur refers to a

    person who establ ishes his own business or

    industr ial undertaking with a view to making

    profi ts. An entrepreneur is considered to be

    an originator of a business venture. He takes

    the role of an organiser in the process ofproduction.

    In the beginning the term entrepreneur used by

    musical or other entertainment. Later in 16thcentury it was used for army leaders

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    In 17thcentury Civi l Engineer ing uses this for

    construction activities.

    Only in 18thcentury the word entrepreneur was

    coined by Richard Cantillon (1680-1734) an

    Irish Economists entrepreneur refers to

    economic activities. An entrepreneur is considered to be an

    originator of a business venture. He takes the

    role of an organiser in the process ofproduction.

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    English Dictionary, 1987 An entrepreneur isa person who sets up business deals in order tomake a profits.

    J.B Say (1803) An entrepreneur is the

    economic agent who unites all means ofproduction.

    Richard Cantillon An entrepreneur is theagent who buys factors of production at certainprices with a view to setting its product atuncertain prices. He bearer risk, which is non-insurable.

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    Peter F. Drucker Entrepreneur is one whoalways searches for change, responds to it and

    exploits it as an opportunities. Innovation is a specific tool of entrepreneurs,

    the means by which they exploit change as an

    opportunity for different business or service. E.E. Hagen (1958) Defines an entrepreneur is

    an economic man who tries to maximise hisprofits by innovations.

    Innovations involve problem solving and theentrepreneur gets satisfaction from using hiscapabilities in attacking problems.

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    Schumpeter (1952) An entrepreneur in anadvanced economy is an individual who

    introduces something new in the economy amethod of production not yet tested by exper iencein the branch of manufacture concerned, aproduct with which consumers are not yetfamil iar, a new source of raw-mater ials or of new

    markets and the li fe.

    Accordingly to him the functions of anentrepreneurship are I ntroduction of new product

    I ntroduction of new methods of production

    Development of new markets and finding freshsources of raw-mater ials and

    Making changes.

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    Thus, an entrepreneur is always action-oriented.

    He has the abil i ty to visualise the necessary steps

    involved from idea generation to itsactualisation.

    He is both a thinker and doer, planner and

    worker. He is accepts r isk and manges it.

    To summarise, an entrepreneur is the person who

    bears r isk, unites var ious factors of production,to explore the perceived opportunities in order to

    evoke demand, create wealth and employment.

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    Concept of Entrepreneur

    As said above definitions on entrepreneur are

    broadly classified into three groups


    Risk Bearer



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    Functions of




    Organization &


    New process & production

    Creation of new market

    New Technology

    New sources of raw material

    New sources of transport &


    Assembling Factors of


    Decide project

    Raise Finance

    Plan Production

    Manage Enterprise

    Earn Profit

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    1. Entrepreneur as risk bearer

    Richard Cantillon defined entrepreneur as an

    agent who buys factors of production at certainprices in order to combine them into a product

    with a view to sell ing i t at uncertain prices in


    He pays contractual income rent for land, wagesand salaries to labourers interest to capital.

    Hence both of them are risk-bearing agents of

    production. P.H. Knight described entrepreneur to be a

    specialized group of persons who bear


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    2. Entrepreneur as an organiser

    According to J.B. Say an entrepreneur isone who combines the land of one, labour of

    another and capital of yet another and thus

    produces a product.

    By selling the product in the market, he pays

    interest on capital, rent on land and wages to

    labour and what remains is his profit.

    This concept of entrepreneur is associated with

    the functions of co-ordination, organisation and


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    3. Entrepreneur as an innovator

    J.A Schumpeter (1934) considered economic

    development as a dynamic change brought byentrepreneur by insti tuting new combinations of

    factors of production i.e., innovation.

    The introduction of a new combination accordingto him 1. I ntroduction of new product in the market

    2. Use of new method of production, which is not yet


    3. Opening of new market

    4. Discovery of new source of raw-mater ials.

    5. Br inging out of new form of organisation.

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    Schumpeter also made distinction between

    inventor and innovator

    An inventor is one who discovers new

    methods and new materials. An innovator

    utilises inventions and discovers in order to

    make new combinations.

    Hence, an entrepreneur can be defined as a

    person who tries to create something new,

    organises production and undertakes risks andhandles economic uncertainty involved in


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    Sl No. Name of the successful Entrepreneurs Areas of enterprises

    1. Steve Wozniak Apple Computers

    2. Bill Gates Microsoft

    3. Oprah Winfrey Harpo inc.

    4. Michael H & Jay Arrington Harpes Arring to Publishing

    and media

    5. Steven Spielberg Film Industry

    6. Vera Wang Vera Wang Fashions

    7. Donald Trump Trump Enterprises

    8. Russel Simmons Pat Farm Clothing

    9. Gordon Moore Intel Corporation

    10. Tyler Perry Tyler Perry Productions

    11. Bill Hewlett Hewlett Packard

    12. Mark Burnett Television Show Producer

    13. Larry Page & Sergey Brin Google

    14. Ted Turner Turner Broadcasting

    World famous and Successful Entrepreneurs

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    Name of the successful

    Entrepreneurs Area of enterprises (industry)

    1. Tulsi Tanti Suzion Energy Limited

    2. Shiv Nadar Hindustan Computers Limited (HCL)

    3. Rahul Bajaj Bajaj Group

    4. Dr. Pratap Reddy Apollo Hospital Groups

    5. Naresh Goyal Jet Airways

    6. Narayana Murthy Infosys Technology Limited

    7. Anil Dhirubhai Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Groups

    8. Azim Premji Wipro Technologies

    9. Ekta Kapoor Queen of Indian Television

    10. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Biotechnology Company in India

    10 most famous Entrepreneurs from India

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    Evolution of Entrepreneur

    The term entrepreneur is derived from the French

    word Entreprendre which mean to undertakebusiness activities for the sake of profits.

    However the current meaning of entrepreneur hasevolved through centuries of various usages of the

    same word.

    Some stages of the evolution of the conceptentrepreneurare as follows

    In the beginning the term entrepreneur used bymusical entertainment.

    Middle Age Actor or person-in-charge of largescale production project.

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    16th Century people who organised and led militaryexpeditions in France.



    Century Person bearing the risk of either profitor loss in a fixed-price contract with the government.

    18th Century An entrepreneur as a person is risk-taking and different from the person who supplies

    capital. 19thCentury An entrepreneur is distinct from both a

    financier as well as manager. A Finacier receivesinterest for funds supplied while a manager receivessalary for responsibilities discharged.

    20thCentury An entrepreneur came to be know as aninnovator and risk-taker during the middle of 20thcentury.

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    Characteristics of entrepreneur

    An entrepreneur is a highly goal oriented,enthusiastic and energetic individual.

    Anybody can become an entrepreneur provided hehas got a certain set of behaviour traits and

    mental aptitudes. His success depends more on hard work than goodluck.

    He must be a DOER and not a DREAMER.

    The success of an entrepreneur depends largely onhis intel l igence, imagination capacity to innovate

    and his abil i ty to turn visions into reali ties.

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    It is not necessary that he should possess

    a professorsintelligence,

    a prophetsforeseeing capacity,a salesmanspersuasiveness,

    a bankersfinancial talent,

    a politicianspower,a filmstarsmagnetic personality.

    The only capacity, very essential to become an

    entrepreneur is the willingness to work hard.

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    1. Action-oriented highly motivated and readyto take risk at all levels to achieve the goal.

    2. Should have unwavering determination andcommitment.

    3. Creativeness and result oriented,

    hardworking4. Accepts responsibilities with enthusiasm

    5. Self confident, dedicated and self disciplined

    6. Both thinker and doer, planner and worker7. Future vision, intelligent, imaginative and

    self directed.

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    Characteristics of Entrepreneur

    E - Effective communication

    N - Negotiating skillsT - Total commitment/tactical/team man

    R - Risk-taking ability

    E - Emotional Stability/Ethical

    P - Problem solvingR - Resultoriented

    E - Energetic

    N - Net working ability

    E - Excellence in Economics

    U - Unambiguous

    R - Real Innovator

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    Decision Making

    Risk Taking

    InnovationManagement of

    the enterprise A





    Accepting Challenges

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    1. Vision

    An entrepreneur has a dream and visualizes to achievethat dream.

    In doing so he visualises marked demand, socio-economic and technical environment.

    Without a vision of making a big mark on the mobileindustry Dhirubhai and now Ambani could not have

    made what Reliance Communication is today.2. Knowledge

    An entrepreneur has sound conceptual knowledge aboutall the technicalities of his business.

    Technological, operational, financial or marketdynamics.

    For example without sound knowledge of computersNarayanamurty could not have made Infosys what it istoday.

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    3. Desire to succeed

    An entrepreneur has a strong desire to succeed in life.

    Their dreams are not just limited to achieving one singlegoal but they constantly work to achieve higher goals.

    For example Mukesh Ambani Retail, Real Estatesand Bio-tech.

    4. Independence An entrepreneur needs independence in work and


    They dontfollow the rules of thumb but make their own

    rules and destiny. Shabeer Bhatia quite his job and start new business

    on his own Hotmail, internet Portal andArzoo.Com.

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    5. Optimism

    Entrepreneurs are highly optimistic about achieving

    their vision Narayanamurthy

    Infosys forexample.

    6. Value Addition

    Entrepreneurs do not follow the conventional rules

    of thumb.

    They have a constant desire to introduce somethingnew to the existing business.

    They create, innovate or add value to the existingproducts and services.

    Without the value addition of introducing life timefree incoming call Tata Indicom.

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    7. Leadership

    An entrepreneur exhibits the qualities of leader.

    They are good planners, organisers, good

    communication skills, empathetic towards their

    employees, good decision makers, initiative to

    implement plans and result-oriented.8. Hardworkingwork is worship

    They put in continuous efforts to achieve success

    and know that there is no substitute for hard work. Put in hard work from now to find changes in your

    own aspirations, growth and sustainability.

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    9. Desire to have control over their own fate

    Entrepreneurs do not want to move in herds

    l ike sheep but want to pave their own paths.

    They do not believe in luck or destiny but

    create their own destiny.

    Sarath babu of IIM, Ahmadabad.

    10. Risk taking ability

    Frank-Knight has identified risk-taking abilityas the most integral element in defining

    entrepreneurial characteristics.

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    Growth of Entrepreneurs

    1. Low growth Entrepreneur

    2. Medium growth Entrepreneur

    3. High growth Entrepreneur

    4. Very high Entrepreneur

    Types of


    1. Business Entrepreneur

    2. Trading Entrepreneur

    3. Industrial Entrepreneur

    4. Corporate Entrepreneur

    5. Agricultural Entrepreneur

    6. Retail Entrepreneur

    7. Service Entrepreneur

    Types of Entrepreneurs

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    Use of Technology

    1. Technical Entrepreneur

    2. Non-technical Entrepreneur

    3. Professional Entrepreneur4. High-tech Entrepreneur

    5. Low-tech Entrepreneur

    According to Area1. Urban Entrepreneur

    2. Rural Entrepreneur

    Gender and Age

    1. Men Entrepreneur

    2. Women Entrepreneur

    3. Young Entrepreneur

    4. Old Entrepreneur

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    Stage of Development1. First Generation of entrepreneu

    2. Classical Entrepreneur

    3. Modern Entrepreneur

    Scale of Entrepreneur

    1. Small Scale Entrepreneur

    2. Medium Scale Entrepreneur

    3. Large Scale Entrepreneur


    1. Innovating Entrepreneurs

    2. Adoptive Entrepreneurs

    3. Fabien Entrepreneurs4. Drone Entrepreneurs

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    Small Scale


    Large Scale


    Medium Scale


    Scale of Production

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    1. Innovative Entrepreneur

    An innovating entrepreneur is one who

    introduces new goods.

    Inaugurates new method of production.

    Discovers new market and re-organizes of the

    enterprise. Peter F. Drucker - an innovating entrepreneur

    is one who always searches for change,

    responds to it, and exploits it as anopportunity.

    He creates new values or increases the value ofwhat already exists.

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    Joseph Schumpeter, only the innovating

    persons are designated as entrepreneur.

    The ordinary producers repeat the sameproduction for years where as innovatorsproduce new goods in new ways and enter intonew strategies.

    1. I ntroduction of new product in the market

    2. Use of new method of production, which is not

    yet tested.

    3. Opening of new market4. Discovery of new source of raw-mater ials.

    5. Br inging out of new form of organisation.

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    2. Adoptive or imitative Entrepreneur

    Imitative entrepreneur is one who is ready to adopt thesuccessful innovations already inaugurated by innovating

    entrepreneurs. In other words, an imitative entrepreneur does not

    innovate anything by himself, but he only imitatestechniques and technologies innovated by others.

    He follows the innovators after carefully observing howthe later fare and to what extent their innovation hascaught the imagination of the society.

    Such types of entrepreneurs are particularly suitable forthe under-developed regions.

    For example the Cochin Shipyard has been constructedby using the innovative technology provided byM itsubishi Heavy Industr ies L td by Japan.

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    3. Fabian Entrepreneur

    These are traditionally bounded entrepreneur

    who always be cautious and they neither

    introduce new changes nor adopt new

    methods innovated by the most enterprising

    entrepreneurs. They are lazy, follow old customs, traditional

    sentiments etc.

    Hence, they are total ly uninterested in takingr isk and imitatingsuccessful entrepreneurs.

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    4. Drone Entrepreneurs

    Drone entrepreneur is one who blindly fol lows

    the traditional methods of production even

    when it causes lots to him.

    He is not prepared to introduce any change

    under any circumstances in the method of

    production he has already introduced.

    He continue to carry out his business in the

    traditional way even when he suffers losses

    Coir Industry in Kerala is dominated by drone


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    Types of Business

    1. Industrial Entrepreneur

    Industrial entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who is into

    manufacturing of a product. He identifies the needs and wants of customers and

    accordingly manufactures products to satisfy theseneeds and wants.

    It would include all the entrepreneurs essentially intomanufacturing.

    2. Trade Entrepreneurs

    Trading entrepreneur is one who undertakes tradingactivities (buying and selling of goods and services) andis not concerned with manufacturing of products.

    He identifies potential markets, stimulates demandsand generates interest among buyers to purchase aproduct.

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    3. Agricultural Entrepreneurs

    Agricultural entrepreneurs are those entrepreneurs

    who undertake business related to agriculturalactivities.

    Like farm equipments, fertilizers and other inputs ofagriculture.

    They provide supportive products that can increase the

    agricultural production through biotechnologies,mechanization and improvement in agricultural yield.

    4. Service Entrepreneurs

    Such entrepreneurs engage in service activities like

    repair, consultancy, beauty parlor etc whereentrepreneurs provide service to people.

    5. Corporate entrepreneurs

    Corporate entrepreneurs undertake their businessactivities under legally registered company or trust.

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    Stages of Development

    First Generation Entrepreneur

    A First Generation Entrepreneur is one who starts an

    industrial unit by means of an innovative skill. He is essentially an innovator combining different

    technologies to produce a marketable product or service.

    Classical Entrepreneur

    A Classical Entrepreneur a stereo-type entrepreneur isone whose aim is to maximize the economic returns at alevel consistent with the survival of the firm, with orwithout element of growth.

    Modern Entrepreneur

    Modern Entrepreneur is one who undertakes business tosatisfy the contemporary demands of the market.

    They undertake those venture which suit the currentsocio-cultural trends.

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    Use of Technology

    Technical Entrepreneur - is essentially comparedto a master craftsman who develops and

    improved quality of goods because of histechnological expertise. In this type concentration ismore on production than on marketing.

    Non-technical Entrepreneurs are those who are

    not concerned with the technical aspects of theproduct, but concerned only with marketing anddistr ibution for promoting their business.

    High-tech Entrepreneurs who concerned with

    updated technicalaspects of their product.Professional Entrepreneurs is a person who isinterested in establishing a unit, but does not haveinterest in managing it , once it is established.

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    Rural Entrepreneurs

    Entrepreneursselecting rural based industrial opportunity ineither khadi or village industries sector or in farm

    entrepreneurship are regarded as rural entrepreneurs. According to khadi and village industry commission (KVIC)

    Village or rural industry means any industry located in ruralarea, population of which do not exceed 10,000 whichproduces any goods and services in which fixed investment

    of an artisan or a worker does not exceed Rs. 1,000.Women Entrepreneurs

    According to GOI an entrepreneurs is defined as anenterprise owned and controlled by 16 women and havingminimum financial interests of 51% of the capital and giving

    at least 51% of the employment generated in the enterprise towomen.

    Women entrepreneurs play an important role in economyespecially in rural areas.

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    Function of Entrepreneurs

    Classical Approach - considered entrepreneur as

    the owner and provider of capital. Modern Approach separates co-operate

    ownership and control.

    An entrepreneur has to carryout a combination of

    function like innovation, risk-taking, decision-making organising and controlling etc.

    In tune with the demands of dynamic business

    environment and changing times - LPG An entrepreneur has to perform a number of

    functions right from the generation of idea up tothe establishment of an enterprise.

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    1. Primary function

    Planning, organisation, decision-making,

    management, innovation, risk-bearing2. Other function

    Diversification of production, expansion of the

    enterprise, maintaining cordial employer and

    employee relations, talking labour problems, co-ordination with outside agencies.

    3. Functions important for developing countries

    Management of scarce resources, dealing withpublic, engineering, new product development,

    parallel opportunities, marketing, management,

    customer relation.

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    Primary Function Other Functions Functions importantfor developing


    Function of Entrepreneur

    Diversification of


    Expansion of theEnterprise

    Employer and Employee

    Takling Labour Problem

    Coordination with outside agencies

    Management of scarce


    Dealing with public

    New Product


    Parallel Opportunities


    Customer relations

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    1. Planning planning is a first step of

    entrepreneur. He prepares his plan of proposed

    project or business in a very systematic way.Planning involves

    Study of various ideas Scanning and

    selection of the best idea Selection of

    location of plant Deciding the type of

    business organisation Preparation of

    Budget Studying the govt rules and

    regulations study Selection of work forceStudy selection of market strategies.

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    2.Organisation An entrepreneur coordinates andsupervises the various tasks of organising for

    optimal utilisation of resources.3.Decision-making He has to take effectivedecisions with regard to business objectives of the

    enterprises. Arrangement of resources men,

    material, machines, money, technology etc.4.Management managing of the day-to-dayproblems.

    5.Innovationhe should be innovative in launchingof new product, new technology, new market etc.

    6.Risk-taking he should undertake responsibilityof risk due to unforeseen situations.

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    Importantfunctions of an Entrepreneur are

    1. Idea generation

    2. Determination of business objectives

    3. Raising of funds

    4. Procurement of machines and materials5. Market research

    6. Determining form of enterprise

    7. Recruitment of manpower8. Implementation of the project.

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    1. Idea generation

    The first and the most important function of an

    entrepreneur is idea generation.

    Idea generation implies product selection and

    project identification.

    Idea generation is possible through vision,

    insight, keen observation, education,

    experience and exposure.

    This needs scanning of business environment

    and market survey.

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    2. Determination of business objectives

    Entrepreneur has to state and lay down the businessobjectives.

    Objectives should be spelt out in clear term. Theentrepreneur must be clear about the nature and type of


    Whether manufacturing concern or service oriented unitor a trading business.

    3. Determining form of enterprise

    Entrepreneur has to determine form of enterprise

    depending upon the nature of the product, volume ofinvestment etc.

    The form of ownership are sole proprietorship,partnership, joint stock company, co-operative society etc.

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    4. Rising of funds

    All the activities of the business depend upon the

    finance and hence fund rising is an importantfunction of an entrepreneur.

    An entrepreneur can raise the fund from internal

    source as well as external source. He should beaware of different sources of funds.

    He should also have complete knowledge of govt

    sponsored schemes PMRY, SASY, REAP etc.

    He can get govt assistance in the form of seed,

    capital, fixed and working capital for his business.

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    5. Market research

    Market research is the systematic collection of

    data regarding the product which the entrepreneurwants to manufacture.

    Entrepreneur has to undertake market researchpersistently to know the details of the intending

    product i.e. The demand for the product

    Size of the market/customers

    The supply of the product Competition

    The price of the product etc.

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    6. Procurement of machines and materials

    Another important function of an entrepreneur

    is to procure raw-materials and machines. Entrepreneur has to identify cheap and regular

    sources of raw-materials which will help him to

    reduce the cost of production and facecompetition boldly.

    While procuring machineries he should specifythe technical details and the capacity.

    He should consider the warranty, after salesservice facilities etc before procuringmachineries.

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    7. Recruitment of manpower

    To carry out this function an entrepreneur hasto perform the following activities

    Estimating man power requirement for short

    term and long term.

    Laying down the selection procedure.

    Designing scheme of compensation

    Laying down the service rules Designing mechanism for training and


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    8. Implementation of the project

    Entrepreneur has to develop schedule and action

    plan for the implementation of the project The project must be implemented in a time bound


    All the activities from the conception stage to thecommissioning stage are to be accomplished byhim in accordance with the implementationschedule to avoid cost and time overrun.

    He has to organise various resources and co-ordinate various activities.

    This implementation of the project is an importantfunction of the entrepreneur.

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    Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs

    There are different belief on what makes

    successful entrepreneurs.

    The study conducted by Entrepreneurship

    Development Institute of India (EDI) has

    identified the following entrepreneurialcompetencies -

    H igh achievement and success, Risk-taking,

    Opportunity explorer, Planner, Stress taker,Facing uncertainties, Independent, Flexible,

    Self conf idence, Motivation

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    James J. Berne has stressed the following qualities ofgood entrepreneur

    1. He is an enterpr ising individual energetic,hardworking, resourceful, aware of new

    opportunities and able to adjust himself to changing


    2. He is interested in a advancing technologically and

    improving the quali ty of his product or services.

    3. He is interested in expanding the scale of operation.

    4. He can adopt himself to changing world.

    5. He is a f irm believer in planning and systematicwork.

    6. He works for the society at large and for the good of

    his fellow-being.

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    Success and



    Risk-bearingOpportunity &



    Stress takerSelf-confident

    Flexible Independent Facing


    Qualities ofEntrepreneurs

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    3. Opportunity explorer

    He always identifies opportunities and explores

    them. New product, new technology, new market,

    discovering new sources of raw-materials and new

    means of transportation and communication.4. Planner

    He is a good planner and doer. He plans and

    follows the plans sincerely to achieve the goals.

    planning is a first step of entrepreneur. He prepares

    his plan of proposed project or business in a very

    systematic way

    5 St t k

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    5. Stress taker

    He should accept and bear any amount of

    stresses that may evolve in the business. Fully commits himself to the project and rests

    only when achieved longer hours works.

    What ever problem arises he can take itpositive ways.

    6. Facing uncertainty

    They should face the uncertainties andunexpected outcomes and accept them sudden price increases, policy can be change,business recession etc.

    7 I d d t

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    7. Independent

    He is an independent person and likes to be his

    own master - He is a job given and not jobseeker.

    An entrepreneur needs independence in workand decision-making.

    The entrepreneurs dislike controls fromoutsiders government, politicians etc.

    8. Flexible

    He is an open minded person, flexible to adoptto demanding situational changes economicpolicy and budget policy etc.

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    9. Self-confidence

    He directs his abilities towards the accomplishment

    of goals. What ever steps taken by him, he feel confident

    about his ability.

    10. Motivation

    A Successful entrepreneur should be a goodadministrator.

    He should know the art of getting things done by

    other people without hurting their feelings or self-respect.

    He initiates and influences people, motivates thepeople to accomplish the goals.

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    Entrepreneurial Skills

    Entrepreneurs do not shoot in dark room, they

    are not gamblers, yes they do take risks but onlycalculated risk.

    Some experts think of entrepreneurs are willing to

    take risks that other people are not.

    Types of risks

    1. Career Risk

    2. Financial Risk

    3. Psychological risk4. Business Management risk

    5. Technological risk

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    1. Career riskown risk

    He has risked his means to earn a living for

    himself and his family. He takes a career risk either by not opting to take

    up a job or by leaving a job.

    In doing so, on one hand his livelihood is at riskand on the other hand, his professional reputationis at risk.

    The career risks are

    1. To work for someone else2. To be a self-employed professional

    3. To be an entrepreneur

    2 Fi i l Ri k

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    2. Financial Risk

    Any business venture needs finances for creation,

    functioning and growth. And since there is an element of uncertainty

    involved in the success of business, the financewhich he has arranged from his savings and

    borrowings is at stake.3. Psychological Risk

    Business involves a ser ies of uncertainty due to consumer demands, competi tors strategies, new

    innovations and substi tute products, government

    polices, changing economic conditions and

    demographic trends etc.

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    Technical Skills

    Writing, Oral Communication, Monitoring

    environment, Technical Business Management,

    Technology, Interpersonal, Listening, Ability to

    organise, Network building, Management style,

    Coaching and Being a team player

    Business management Skills

    Planning and goal setting, Decision making,

    Human relations, Marketing, Finance, Accounting,Management, Control, Negotiation skill, Venture

    launch, Managing growth


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    The term Intrapreneuremerged in during the seventies.

    Several senior executives of big corporations left theirjobs to start their own small business.

    Because the top bosses in these corporation were notreceptive to innovative ideas.

    This kinds of Brain Drain phenomena is not limited toUS but also spread all over the world.

    Every organisation faces the problem of suddenresignation of their top executive.

    A few of these executives tend to become entrepreneursand start their own ventures.

    Some of these business ventures may becomecompetitors to the organisation.

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    I ntrapreneur is the person who focuses on

    innovation and creativi ty and who transforms

    a dream or idea into a profi table venture, byoperating within the organization.

    Therefore, companies should provide such

    entrepreneurial talents with adequate financialsupport and freed to develop their business


    Those who do a good job for the company areto be rewarded with promotion and bonus.

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    Gif ford Pinchot I I I an American Management

    Guru suggested in 1985 that large corporations

    should create smaller streams within theorganisation and allow certain executive to

    operate like entrepreneurs.

    He also suggested that these ambitious executivesshould be provided with adequate financial

    resources and the autonomy necessary for the

    development and application of their ideas.

    Such a system would provide selected executives a

    status similar to that of an entrepreneur in the

    society intrapreneurs.

    These intrapreneurs would introduce new

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    These intrapreneurs would introduce newproducts, services and processes which enable thecompany to grow and succeed in a changing

    environment. Infact, many American Corporations such as IBM,

    GM DUPONT, AT and T, Texas Instruments etchave started encouraging intrapreneurs and have

    had considerable success. For example Steve Wozniak small computer

    Hewlett Packard, he left the popular company

    Steve Jobs Apple Computers.

    Thus, an Intrapreneur is an individual, whoperforms all the duties of an entrepreneur, butwithin an established organisation.

    Role of Entrepreneurs in Economic Development

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    Role of Entrepreneurs in Economic Development

    Entrepreneurs play an important role in theeconomic development of a region.

    Economic development implies development ofagr icul ture, industry and service sectors resultingin an increase in the per capita income of thecountry.

    The economic development largely depends onhuman resources. Again human resources alonecannot produce economic development.

    It requires an agent who is nothing but a dynamic

    entrepreneur. The entrepreneur really acts as a captain of a ship

    of economic development

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    1. Coordinating role

    The essential function of an entrepreneur is to

    coordinate the var ious factors of production. Coordination involves selection of the r ight typeof factors, employment of each factor in the r ight

    quanti ty, use of the best technology, division of

    labour etc.

    Schumpeter feels that economic development wi l l

    be a reali ty if new combinations of factors of

    production are undertaken.

    In the absence of this coordinating role, thefactors of production will remain idle in the


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    2. Capital formation

    Entrepreneurs promote capital formation by

    mobil ising the idle savings of the public. Again, the profits they earn lead to savings of

    wealth which ultimately goes to capital

    formation. Entrepreneurs have been referred to as the

    human agents needed to mobilse capital to

    exploit natural resources, to create markets

    and to carry on trade.

    Without capital formation, economicdevelopment would remain static.

    3 Generation of Employment

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    3. Generation of Employment

    By creating a new venture, entrepreneurs generateemployment opportunities for others.

    Unemployment is a major issue, especially in the contextof developing economies like India.

    Educated youth often are unable to get a suitable

    employment for themselves.

    Thus, entrepreneurs do the service by not onlyemploying themselves into entrepreneurial ventures, butalso by employing others.

    From the last 20 years, Fortune 500 companies andlarge corporations have endured major retrenchmentand eliminated millions of jobs, whereas discoveries inthe entrepreneurial sector have yielded an average of600,000 new incorporations per year.

    4 Improvement in Per capita income

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    4. Improvement in Per capita income

    Entrepreneurs locate and exploit opportunities.They convert the latent and idle resources likeland, labour and capital into national income andwealth in the form of goods and services.

    They help to increase Net National Product and

    Per Capita Income in the country, which areimportant yardsticks for measuring economicdevelopment.

    5. Reduces Concentration of Wealth

    Entrepreneurs help in reduction of concentration ofwealth and economic power in the hands of fewpeople.

    6. Balanced Regional Development

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    6. Balanced Regional Development

    Entrepreneurs help in remove regional disparities ineconomic development.

    Entrepreneurs play a dominant role to achieve balancedregional development by starting small-scale industries.

    Small scale industries provide immediate large scaleemployment, ensure a more equitable distribution of

    national income and thus facilitate balance regionaldevelopment.

    I n addition, var ious concessions and subsidies, they set-

    up industries in backward areas, facilitating the

    development of that area ensur ing balanced regionaldevelopment.

    They help in equitable distribution of resources, wealth,income and political power in the entrust of the country.

    7 Resource Mobilisation

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    7. Resource Mobilisation

    Entrepreneurs encourage effective resource

    mobilization of funds and skill which mayotherwise remain unutilized or underutilized.

    8. Improvement in Standard of Living

    Entrepreneurs help in removing scarcity ofessential commodities and introduce new

    products which help to improve the standard of

    living of a common man. Besides this employment generation also helps

    in improving the living standards.

    9 Role of Innovation

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    9. Role of Innovation

    Innovation is a key to entrepreneurship.Innovation implies the commercial application ofan invention.

    As an innovator, the entrepreneur assumes the roleof a pioneer and an industrial leader.

    Entrepreneurs have contributed many innovationsin developing new products and the existingproducts and services.

    All these have resulted in economic developmentby providing more employment and more income

    etc. Infact, the innovational activity raises the

    productive efficiency of the economy resulting ingreater output and income.

    10. Export Promotion role

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    10. Export Promotion role

    Entrepreneurs also promote a countrys export tradewhich is an important ingredient to economic

    development.11. Harnessing Natural Resources

    Entrepreneurs help in harnessing vast natural resourcesof the country for its economic growth.

    12. National Self-reliance

    Entrepreneurs help in manufacturing import substitutesthereby reducing dependence on foreign countries.

    They contribute substantially in the countrys exporttrade and help to earn scares and vital foreign exchangefor the country.

    This leads to economic independence of the country.

    Stages in Entrepreneurial process

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    Stages in Entrepreneurial process

    Entrepreneur can increase their chances of success

    if they understand, follow and implement thebasic six stage entrepreneurial process.

    These six stages form the backbone of the

    entrepreneurial process. Each of the stages includes a main focus activity,

    tactics to complete the task, the estimated time

    requi red for completing that stage, cost that may

    be l ikely incur red for each activi ty which can be

    used for preparing budgets.

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    The six stages are as follows

    Stage 1 Identify an opportunity

    Stage 2 Establish a vision

    Stage 3 Persuade Others

    Stage 4

    Gather ResourcesStage 5 Create New Venture

    Stage 6 Change/Adapt with time

    Stages in Entrepreneurial Process

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    Stage 1 Identify an Opportunity

    Stage 2 Establish Vision

    Stage 3 Persuade Others

    Stage 4 Gather Resource

    Stage 5 Create New Venture

    Stage 6 Change/Adapt with time

    Stage I

    Identification of New


    Searching of New OpportunitiesR & D

    Acquiring New Markets

  • 7/22/2019 Chapter I EDP


    Stage I Opportunities Acquiring New Markets

    Better Profits and faster economies of scale

    Stage II Establishment of a

    Vision and Mission

    State of Vision

    Clear Vision

    Re-adjustment of Vision

    Dream comes reality

    Stage III Persuade Others

    Multiple skills required

    Team Works

    Preparation of Business Plan

    Stage IV Gather ResourcesFinancial ResourcesOperating Resources

    Human Resources

    Information Resources (MIS)

    Stage V Create New Venture

    Establishment of New Venture



    Self-believes and courage

    Stage VI Change or Adapt

    with Time

    Adaptabilitychanging world

    Global Business Environment

    1. Identify an opportunity

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    1. Identify an opportunity

    Identification of an opportunity is the first step

    towards building and running successful businessenterprise.

    Entrepreneurs identi fy opportunity where other

    see obstacles and impossibi l i ty R and D

    Identification of opportunity at right time is of

    utmost importance.

    New opportunity catch-up market better

    profi ts and faster economies of scale

    Entrepreneur sense opportunities, they are creative

    and are open to the new idea.

    2. Establish a Vision

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    Merely seeking opportunity is not enough, anentrepreneur further moves to establish a vision.

    A dream for future which can be achieved only ifopportunities are tapped at r ight time.

    He has complete faith in his vision and it is quiteclear to him.

    Even if some market forces change he would re-adjust his vision to keep his dream viable andfruitful.

    Every successful entrepreneurs have big visions

    For example Dhirubai Ambani Reliance,Narayana murthy I nfosys technology, AzimPremji Wipro

    3.Persuade othersTeam work

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    An entrepreneur does not work alone, heunderstands that multiple skills are required to

    make business successful team work. Entrepreneur forms a group of individuals who

    would work together to realise his dreams.

    An entrepreneur prepares a business plan to make

    the vision and means of achieving the vision withothers team efforts.

    Skilled workers, unskilled workers, financiers,family members, relatives etc.

    For example Narayana mur thy of I nfosys wassupported by his wife for financial andpsychological backing and couple of fr iends.

    4. Gather Resources

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    4. Gather Resources

    Identifying an opportunity establishing a visionpersuading others to join is not enough.

    A business enterprise needs resources to be comesuccessful.

    This is the phase, which can convert anentrepreneursdream into reality.

    Resources can be considered under fourcategories

    1. Financial resources

    2. Operating resources3. Human Resource Management

    4. Information Resources

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    A. Financial resources

    Finance is the life blood of any organisation. Finance is required to start, run and expand the


    Personal savings, family and friends, retainedcapital, commercial partnerships, banks,

    venture capital, Government Institutions,

    NGOs, floating public issues.

    O ti R

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    Tangible1. Machineries

    2. Raw-materials

    3. Land and buildings

    4. Office equipment etc

    Intangible1. Company image

    2. Operating


    3. Transportation

    4. Management

    Operating Resources

    C. Human Resource Management

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    Human resources are the only living and vibrant part ofthe organisation.

    They are the most important resource of theorganisation.

    This is due to rising competition, privatisation andglobalisation.

    HR can provide them a cutting edge over others.Whether employees are permanent or

    temporary/casual employees.

    Amount and type of manpower in the organisation

    Procedure for recruitment and selection.Training the employees

    Compensation systems

    Performance appraisals.

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    5. Create new venture

    In the fifth stage of entrepreneurial process isthe creation or establishment of the new

    venture and running the business venture


    It requires lot of enthusiasm, persuasion

    together optimum resources.

    The running the business venture requires lot

    of perseverance and passion to believe in self.

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    6. Change or adapt with time

    As change has become the rate of the game intodays business environment the

    entrepreneur needs to continuously keep the

    organisation upgraded and changing time.

    It is not only involves availabi l i ty of fundsbut

    also the adaptability of human resources

    towards the changed environment.

    Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a

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    Distinction between an Entrepreneur and aManager

    Sometimes, the two terms, namely, an entrepreneurand a manager are considered as synonym i.e.,meaning the same.

    At times, an entrepreneur can be a manager, but a

    manager cannot be an entrepreneur. Infact, the two terms are two economic concepts

    meaning two different meanings.

    The major points of distinction between the twoare

    Motives, status, Risk-bearing, Rewards,

    I nnovation and Qualif ications.

    Factors Entrepreneur Manager

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    An Entrepreneur starts a

    venture by setting up a

    new enterprise for his

    personal gratification

    But the main aim of a

    manager is to render his

    services in an enterprise

    already set up by

    someone else.

    Statusentrepreneur is the ownerof enterprise

    A manager is the servantin the enterprise


    An entrepreneur being the

    owner of the enterpriseassumes all risks and

    uncertainty involved in

    running the enterprise

    A manager as a servant

    does not bear any riskinvolved in the enterprise.

    Factors Entrepreneur Manager

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    p g

    Qualification An entrepreneur needs to

    possess qualities and

    qualifications like highachievement motive, originality

    in thinking, foresight, risk-

    bearing ability and so on.

    On the contrary, a manager

    needs to possess distinct

    qualifications in terms of soundknowledge in management

    theory and practice.

    InnovationAs an innovator he is called aschange agent who introduces

    goods and services to meet

    changing needs of the


    A manager executes the plans ofthe entrepreneur. Thus a

    manager translates the ideas

    into practice.

    Rewards Entrepreneur for his riskbearing role he receives profit.

    It is not only uncertain and

    irregular but can at times be


    A manager receives salary asreward for service rendered

    which is fixed and regular can

    never be negative

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    Sl No. Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship

    1. Person Function or process

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    2. Organiser Organisation

    3. Innovator Innovation

    4. Motivator Motivation

    5. Leader Leadership

    6. Creator Creation

    7. Risk-bearer Risk-bearing

    8. Initiator Initiative

    9. Visualiser Vision

    10. Technician Technology

    11. Imitator Imitation

    12. Administrator Administration

    13. Communicator Communication

    14. Planner Planning

    15. Manager Management

    16. Decision maker Decision-making


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    Entrepreneurship is an elusive concept. Hence, it isdefined differently by different authors at different

    periods. A.H. Cole Entrepreneurship is the purposeful

    activity of an individual or a group of associatedindividuals, undertake to initiate, maintain or

    organise, a profit oriented business unit for theproduction or distribution of economic goods andservices.

    Schumpeter entrepreneurship is based onpurposeful and systematic innovation.

    Mc Clelland entrepreneurship involves doingthings in a new and better way. It calls for decision-making under uncertainty.

    All the above definitions clearly point out the

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    All the above definitions clearly point out the

    various functions performed by an


    Thus, entrepreneurship is a process involving

    various function to be undertaken to establish

    an enterprise.

    Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship

    PersonProcess of



    Barriers of Entrepreneurship

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    Barriers of Entrepreneurship

    The slow pace of growth of entrepreneurship can

    be attributed mainly to the present of barriersprohibiting the entry into entrepreneurship.

    Continuing as an entrepreneur and existing from abusiness venture.

    The various barriers to entrepreneurship can beclassified as under

    1. Environmental Barriers

    2. Financial Barriers3. Personal Barriers

    4. Societal Barriers

    Environmental Financial

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    Barriers of










    1. Environmental Barriers

    il bili f

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    1. Raw-materials non availability of rawmaterials for production, especially during peak

    season, is a very big barriers.2. Labour human resources is the most important

    resource in any organization.

    Lack of availability, both quality and quantity, can

    affect entrepreneurs.3. Machinery machinery becoming obsolete, and

    the need for their maintenance and upgrading is abig difficulty for small business organizations.

    4. Land, building and infrastructure these go along way in deciding the fortunes of the companyand the lack of good facilities act as majorbarriers.

    2. Financial Barriers

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    Finance is the life-blood of any organisation. If thereis no proper flow of finances both in company andin the country, there are bound to be problems.

    There are plenty of successful small businesses inIndia. But the entrepreneurs lack the will and the

    strength to scale-up their operations.3. Societal Barriers

    Religious and conservative attitudes of the societycan inhibit entrepreneurs.

    Added to this the communistic feelings in certainstates in India definitely kills the entrepreneurialspirit in many Indians.

    4. Personal Barriers

    Lack of self confidence this is a very big emotional

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    Lack of self-confidence this is a very big emotionalbarrier to an individual. It caused by peer pressure and lackof experience.

    Lack of Motivation in the beginning all entrepreneurs areenthusiastic about their projects.

    But they may lose interest especially in the face ofchallenges and competition.

    Lack of patience this barrier is more dominant amongyouth entrepreneurs.

    When things do not go as expected they may lose interestbecause of lack of perseverance.

    Inability to invest in R and D and Innovate

    This is one of the greatest barriers of Indian entrepreneurs. Since India does not invest in R & D heavily, they have not

    caused any technological breakthroughs nor contributedinnovative products to the world.

    Theories of Entrepreneur

    It is universal fact that entrepreneur is an

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    It is universal fact that entrepreneur is animportant factor in economic development

    employment and GDP. En entrepreneur is the r isk bearer and works underuncertainty.

    But no attempts were made by economists for

    formulating systematic theory of entrepreneur. The Traditional notion an entrepreneur is that hebrings together the factor inputs and organisesproductive activity managerial function.

    Modern Growth Theory entrepreneur is aresidual factor technological changes in theproduction process which includes technology,education, institutional organisation etc.

    Theorists Categorization

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    Schumpeter Max Weber Papanek

    Mc Clelland Cochran Harris

    Hagen Hoselitz Kizner

    Kunkel Stocker


    Sl Various

    Views by Various Theorists

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    No Theories


    Theorists Theories

    1. Psychological



    Mc Clelland


    John Kunkel

    Innovation Theory

    Need for Achievement Theory

    Status of Withdrawal Theory

    Behavioural Model

    2. Sociological


    Max Weber


    Bert F. Hoselitz

    Theory of Social Change

    Theory of Social Behaviour

    Theory of Leadership

    Theory of Model Personality

    3. Economic


    J.R. Harris

    G.F. Papanek


    Economic Incentives

    Inner drivers, Economic Gains

    Exploits when market is out of


    1. Economic theories

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    Entrepreneur and Economic development are

    interdependent. Economic development takes place countrysreal national income increases and

    employment opportunities

    Economic incentives include taxation policy,industr ial policy, sources of finance and raw-

    materials, infrastructure availability,

    investment and marketing opportunities,access to information about market

    conditions, technologyetc.

    2. Sociological Theory

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    g y

    Entrepreneurship is likely to get a boost in a

    particular social culture. Social Theory includes societys values,

    rel igious beliefs, customs, labours inf luence

    the behavior of individuals in a society. The entrepreneur is a role performing

    according to the role expectations by the

    society. Max Weber, Cochran, Hoseli tz, Stokes and


    3. Psychological Theory

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    Entrepreneurship gets a boost when society has

    sufficient supply of individuals with necessarypsychological characteristics.

    The psychological characteristics include needfor high achievement, a vision or foresight,

    ability to face opposition. These characteristics are formed during the

    individuals upbringing which stress on

    standards of excellence, self reliance and self-sufficiency. Etc.

    Schumpeter, Mc Clelland, Hagen, Kunkel etc.

    Different theories of entrepreneurship

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    1. Innovation Theory Joseph Schumpeter

    2. Need for Achievement Theory

    David McClelland

    3. Status of Withdrawal Theory Prof Hagen

    4. Theory of Social Change

    Max Weber

    5. Theory of Leadership - Hoselitze

    6. Theory of Model Personality - Cochran

    7. Theory of Systematic Innovation Peter


    1. Innovation Theory

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    This theory was propounded by J.A.


    Development implies that carrying out of new

    combination of entrepreneur is basically a

    creative activity. According to Schumpeter, entrepreneur is one

    who perceives the opportunities to innovate

    i.e., to carry out new combinations orenterprise. introduces new combinations.

    New combination theory covers five cases

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    1. The introduction of a new good which

    consumers are not yet familiar or a newquality of good

    2. The introduction of new method of


    3. The opening of a new market

    4. The conquest of new source of supply of raw


    5. The carrying out of the new organisation ofany industry like the creation of a monopoly


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    2. Need for Achievement Theory

    This theory was developed by David C. Mc Clelland

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    This theory was developed by David C. Mc Clellandconcerned himself with economic growth and thefactors that influence it high achievementorientation

    Mc Clel land emphasis on two factors internal andexternal factors.

    Internal factors - human values and motives that lead

    man to exploit opportunities. External factors favourable opportunities for trade

    and unusual natural resources.

    The entrepreneur is concerned with need for

    achievement (n-achievement). The n-achievement is called as a desire to do well , notso much for the sake of social recogni tion or prestige.

    3. Status Withdrawal Theory

    d f l h f i l

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    E. Hagen attempted to formulate a theory of socialchange or status of withdrawal theory.

    According to Hagen, entrepreneurship is a function ofstatus withdrawal.

    His creative personality is an individual characterized bya high need for achievement.

    H is view of economic development does not lay any

    emphasis on the speed of market, capital accumulation,

    the percentage of profitable opportunities and

    wil l ingness to save.

    Economic development is seen almost exclusively as a

    process of technological change in the society.

    Most of entrepreneurs in I ndia as a creative problem or

    solving problems.

    Hagen postulates four types of events whichcan prod ce stat s ithdra al

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    can produce status withdrawal

    1. Displacement of a traditional elite groupfrom its previous status by another

    traditional group by physical force.

    2. Denigration of values, symbols through some

    change in the attitude of super ior group.3. Inconsistency of static symbol with a

    changing distribution of economic power

    and4. Non-acceptance of expected status on

    migration to a new society.

    Hagen further opined that creative innovation or

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    change is the basic feature of economic growth.

    He describes an entrepreneur as a creativeproblem shooter interested in things in thepractical and technological realm.

    Such type of individual feels a sense of increased

    pleasure when facing a problem and toleratesdisorder without discomfort.

    In traditional societies, positions of authority aregranted on the basis of status, rather than

    individual ability..

    That is why, Hagen visualized an innovativepersonality.

    4. Theory of Social Change

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    Max Weber who first of all took the stand thatentrepreneur ial growth was depend upon ethicalvalue system of the society.

    Webers theory of social change consists -treatment of the protestant ethic and the spir i t of

    capitalism. Moreover, this theory provides an analysis of

    religion and its impact on entrepreneurial culture.

    Max Weber opined, the spir i t of rapid industr ial

    growth depends upon a rationalized technology,

    acquisition of money and its rational use for

    productivity and multiplication of money.

    These elements of industrial growth depend upon aifi l i t ti f i di id l

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    specific value orientation of individuals.

    Weber analysed his theoretical formulation by therelationship between protestant ethic and the spiritof capitalism.

    Protestant are progressed fast in bringing capitalism

    because their ethical value system provided themwith rational economic attitude, while the jews,jains, Hindu and juda failed to develop industrialcapitalism because of their value of pariha.

    According to this theory, driving entrepreneurialenergies are generated by the adoption ofexogenously supplied religious beliefs.

    The important elements of Webers theory are

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    1. Spirit of Capitalism

    The capitalism is an economic system in whicheconomic freedom and private enterprise areglorified.

    2. Adventurous Sprit

    He also made distinction between spirit ofcapitalism and adventurous spirit.

    According to him, the former is influenced by the

    strict discipline. Whereas the latter if affected by free force of


    3. Protestant Ethic

    di b h i i f i li

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    According to Max Weber the spirit of capitalismcan be grown only when the mental attitude in thesociety is favourable to capitalism.

    4. Inducement of profit

    Weber introduced the new business man into the

    picture of tranquil routine. The spirit of capitalism intertwined with the motive

    of profit resulted in creation of greater no ofbusiness enterprise.

    I nfact, this theory suited the British rules, who

    desired to encourage European entrepreneurship

    in I ndia.

    5. Theory of Leadership

    di li hi i

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    According to Hoselitz, entrepreneurship is a

    function of managerial skills and leadership. Business also requires finance but that is of

    secondary important.

    He further explains that a person who is to become

    an industrial entrepreneur must have more than the

    drive to earn profits and amass wealth.

    In this process, he has to show his ability to lead

    and manage.

    There are three types of leadership Merchant

    money lenders, managers and entrepreneurs.

    1. Money lenders are market oriented which deals ingoods and services

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    goods and services.

    2. Managers - are authority oriented.

    3. Entrepreneurs production oriented, they creates hisown commodity and its acceptability is uncertain.

    Therefore, the entrepreneur assumes more risk ascompared to a trader or a money lender.

    Therefore, GOI and State Governments are trying toencourage first generation entrepreneurs by offeringthem various types of incentives and subsidies.

    Potential entrepreneurs are also opting for enterprise

    development without cring for social or culturalrestrictions.

    7. Theory of Model Personality

    The theory of Cocharn is a sociological theory of

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    The theory of Cocharn is a sociological theory ofentrepreneurial supply.

    Cocharn emphasizes cultural values, role expectationsand social sanctions as the key elements that determinethe supply of entrepreneurs.

    According to him, an entrepreneur is neither a super

    normal individual nor a deviant person but represents asocietysmodel personality.

    His performance is influenced by three factors

    1. His own atti tudes towards his occupation

    2. The role expectations held by sanctioning groups

    3. The operational requirements of the job.

    8.Theory of Systematic Innovation

    P f D k h d l d th th f

  • 7/22/2019 Chapter I EDP


    Prof Drucker has developed the theory ofsystematic innovation.

    Systematic innovation consists in thepurposeful and organised search for changesand in the systematic analysis of the

    opportunities economic and socialinnovation.

    Systematic innovation consists of seven

    sources for innovative opportunity within theenterprise (4) and outside the enterprise ofindustry (3)

    Internal sources - within the enterprise, whetherbusiness or public service institution or within an

  • 7/22/2019 Chapter I EDP


    pindustry or service sector

    1. The unexpected the unexpected success, theunexpected failure.

    2. The incongruity between reali ty as it actual ly is andreali ty as it is assumed.

    3. I nnovation based on process need4. Changes in industry structure or market structure

    that catch every one unawares.

    External sources - outside the enterprise of industry

    5. Demographics (population changes)

    6. Changes in perception, mood and meaning

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