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    CHAPTER AFFILIATION TOOLKIT Helping Chapters Meet Criteria for Affiliation 2013

    The American Hospital Association v. June, 2013


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    I) Communication Documents

    1) Executive Summary message to Chapter leaders 2) Email Blast to Chapter leaders (same as Tool Kit Executive Summary message) 3) Letter to Chapter Leaders explaining Tax Exemption Instructions

    II) AHA/PMG Chapter Affiliation Agreement (CAA) ..

    III) Must Haves For All Chapters .. 17

    1) Bylaws 2) Federal Employer Identification Number 3) Minutes

    IV) Incorporation 29

    1) Incorporation: Why and How 2) Articles of incorporation

    V) Tax Exempt Status 4

    1) Tax exempt status (501 C3, 4 or 6) 2) Application for Tax Exempt Status 3) Tax filings: 990, 990EZ or 990N 4) Other relevant tax forms (ie: 1099 if relevant)

    VI) Insurance 6

    VII) Link to webinar recordings 5

    VIII) PMG chapter website contents 1

    IX) Membership Recruitment Tips 2

    X) Membership Roster Template 3

    XI) Year End Chapter Report Template 4

    XII) Resources for Obtaining a Bank Account 7

    XIII) Newsletter Template .. 8

    XIV) Appendix .. . 1

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    Executive Summary

    Letter explaining the PMG Chapter Affiliation Agreement and Tool Kit.

    Email Templates

    Email template explaining the PMG Chapter Affiliation Agreement and Tool Kit.

    Tax Exemption Instructions for AHA/PMG Chapters

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    Executive Summary and E-mail letter TEMPLATE Dear Chapter Leaders, On behalf of the Division of Personal Membership Groups of the American Hospital Association, I am pleased to share several resources to help you develop or enhance your chapter activities. The AHA/PMG Chapter Affiliation Tool Kit (v. March 2013) contains instructions for establishing your chapter as a non-profit entity as well as other forms to help you comply with the terms of the AHA/PMG Chapter Affiliation Agreement. Our primary goal in changing the Affiliation Agreements with PMG chapters is to minimize the risk of the PMG-Chapter relationship while fostering a relationship of collaboration on behalf of the profession each entity serves. The revised Chapter Affiliation Agreement was developed by staff with AHA Legal and outside legal counsel with expertise in non-profit organizations. The Agreement represents a commitment to the valuable role of chapters and the necessity of defining their relationship to the PMGs/AHA. The new Agreement includes two levels of Affiliation, each with criteria that must be maintained by the chapters. Any Chapter wishing to be an affiliate must sign the agreement. Once affiliated, the Chapter will be required to share specific documentation with their PMG on an annual basis. The agreement does not need to be signed annually. The following pages include a number of documents, samples, and instructions for complying with the Chapter Affiliation Agreement. The Tool Kit and other resources will be available on the PMG chapter website pages and will be updated regularly. If you have further questions about the Affiliation Agreement, please contact your PMG staff. Sincerely, Elizabeth Summy, MSc., CAE Vice President, Personal Membership Groups American Hospital Association March, 2013

    American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE)

    [email protected]

    Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE)

    [email protected]

    Association for Healthcare Resource & Materials Management


    [email protected]

    American Society for Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM)

    [email protected]

    Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (SHSMD)

    [email protected]

    Association for Healthcare Volunteer Resource Professionals (AHVRP)

    [email protected]

    American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration


    [email protected]

    Society for Healthcare Consumer Advocacy (SHCA)

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    Tax Exemption Instructions for AHA/PMG Chapters

    We are providing the following information to help your Chapter obtain tax-exempt status. Obtaining

    this status will exempt your Chapter from paying federal income tax on net income related to its

    mission. Otherwise the Chapter is responsible for filing a business tax return, such as form 1120, and

    paying federal income tax on all net income.

    The tax exemption process will involve the following:

    1. File Articles of Incorporation by incorporating, your Chapter will help limit the personal liability

    tain the form for

    incorporating nonprofit corporations form the Secretary of State website of the state where

    your chapter is based. Complete the form and file with the applicable Secretary of State. A

    sample form Articles of Incorporation is enclosed with sample language to include in the

    2. Obtain Employer Identification Number Complete and file Form SS-4 with the IRS to obtain

    tion Number. A sample Form SS-4 is enclosed. You can also

    apply online at This number will be

    unique to your newly incorporated Chapter and should be inserted on the Form 1024

    Application for Recognition for Tax Exemption (discussed below).

    3. File Form 2024 (Application for Recognition of Exemption) once you have incorporated your

    Chapter and obtained your Employer Identification Number, you can complete Form 1024

    (Application for Recognition of Exemption) and mail the form along with the attachments

    (including Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws) and a check payable to United States Treasury

    ($400 check if annual receipts are less than $10,000; otherwise a check for $850) to the IRS at

    Internal Revenue Service, P.O. Box 12192, Covington, KY 41012-0192.

    a. A sample Form 1024 that has been partially completed using a fictional Chapter is

    included below. Review and complete the form and attachments before sending to the

    IRS. You will receive confirmation of your exemption by mail from the IRS.

    4. File Federal Information Return with the IRS You are required to file one of the following

    information returns with the IRS, which will be due five (5) months and 15 days after the end of th for fiscal years ending December 31).

    a. Form 990-N (e-postcard filed electronically at File if

    annual gross receipts are normally less than $50,000.

    b. Form 990-EZ File if annual gross receipts are normally less than $200,000 (and greater

    than $50,000), and total assets are less than $500,000.

    c. Form 990 File if you are not eligible for Form 990-N or Form 990-EZ.

    Also, check with the Department of Revenue of the state where your Chapter is based to determine

    whether any state information filings are due.

    More information can be obtained on the tax exempt process on the IRS website by searching

    1024 Instructions.

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    PMG Chapter Affiliation Agreement template follows.


    of the

    American Hospital Association


    This Agreement, effective , 2013, is made between

    the Association for Healthcare Resources & Materials Management of the American Hospital Association

    AHRMM ois non-profit corporation,

    and , (the

    rk together as follows:


    1.1 Charter. AHA hereby grants to the Chapter, and the Chapter accepts by action of

    its governing body, a charter to be a chapter of AHRMM. The Chapter shall use only the designation "An

    independent chapter of AHRMM Association for Healthcare

    Resources & Materials Management

    activities of the Chapter in conformance with AHRMM ibit A, as the same

    may be changed by notice from AHRMM.

    1.2 Charter Grant Not Exclusive. Chapter is not entitled to any geographic or other

    exclusive right to solicit or serve members or operate as a chapter of AHRMM. AHRMM may, in its

    sole discretion, conduct its own activities within any geographic territory or region served by Chapter

    during the term of this Agreement. In addition, AHRMM may grant a charter to an existing or new

    chapter operating or intending to operate within any geographic territory or region served by Chapter.

    Chapter intends to focus its activities in the state of or __________ area.

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    1.3 Criteria to Maintain Chapter Status. In order to maintain chapter status, Chapter

    must meet the criteria set out in Exhibit B by the indicated deadlines, and maintain compliance with such

    criteria on an ongoing basis as described in Exhibit B. AHRMM reserves the right to change the criteria

    for chapter status. In the event of any such change, AHRMM shall notify the Chapter no less than 120

    days prior to the date such change takes effect. If the Chapter does not wish to comply with any such

    change in order to retain its chapter status, the Chapter may exercise its termination rights set out in

    Section 8 below.



    2.1 AHRMM shall:

    a) Permit the Chapter to utilize the AHRMM name in the name of the Chapter,

    provided that the Chapter adds words distinguishing the Chapter from AHRMM

    as required by Section 1.1, and adds words distinguishing the Chapter from any

    existing Chapters of AHRMM.

    b) Identify an AHRMM staff liaison as a point of contact to maintain and enhance

    the AHRMM-Chapter relationship.

    c) Provide all chapters, periodically, with a statement of chapter benefits that

    identifies the services to be provided to help chapter leaders offer opportunities

    for chapter education and networking events and to communicate with chapter


    d) Notify the Chapter of educational and other opportunities available to

    Chapter members, including those activities of AHRMM that will take

    place within the area served by the Chapter.

    e) Upon the request of the Chapter and space considerations permitting,

    post current information supplied by Chapter relating to its programs,

    products and services on the AHRMM website page devoted to chapter


    f) Upon the request of the Chapter, provide an up-to-date list of AHRMM

    members residing in ____________ [fill -in state or region to be included

    in the list] showing member name, organizational name and mailing

    address ; provided, AHRMM shall not be

    required to provide the AHRMM Mailing List more often than once per

    year of this Agreement and use of the list shall be subject to the

    requirements in Section 3.2.

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    The Chapter's obligations under this Agreement shall include the following:

    3.1 The Chapter shall:

    a) Promote membership in AHRMM.

    b) Promote and encourage the use of AHRMM programs, products and services.

    c) Comply with the criteria for chapter status in effect based on the applicable time

    period as set out in Exhibit B.

    d) Using the current template provided by AHRMM, supply an up-to-date chapter

    member list including member name, organization name, mailing address and

    email address (i) within 30 days after the date this Agreement is signed, and

    (ii)annually thereafter with the Annual Report required by subsection f, below.

    e) Supply a preliminary calendar of Chapter events for the upcoming year with the

    Annual Report required by subsection f, below.

    f) Using the current template provided by AHRMM, submit an Annual Report

    certifying compliance by Chapter with the applicable criteria for chapter status

    set out in Exhibit B no later than January 31 of each year.

    3.2 Use of AHRMM Mailing List. Chapter agrees that each AHRMM Mailing L ist

    may be used once to promote Chapter programs and activities and that no AHRMM Mailing L ist may be

    resold or used to promote a third party. Chapter agrees to provide a copy of the material to be mailed to

    AHRMM members with its request and AHRMM reserves the right to refuse a list request if AHRMM

    determines in its sole discretion that the activities promoted in such material would result in a conflict

    with AHRMM activities.

    3.3 Other National Personal Membership Organizations. The Chapter shall refrain

    from entering into an official relationship with another national scope personal membership organization

    without prior written approval of AHRMM.

    3.4 Access to Records of the Chapter. Upon request by AHRMM, the Chapter shall

    provide AHRMM with such copies of records and such other information as AHRMM may reasonably

    request ria for chapter status set out in Exhibit B. Chapter

    shall provide such materials to AHRMM no later than 15 days after the date Chapter receives the request.

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    4.1 Compliance with Laws. Each party warrants that it has and shall continue to

    comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and other requirements that may affect its performance of

    this Agreement. Each party warrants that it shall make all required filings, such as annual corporate

    filings and tax filings, as may affect its corporate or tax status.


    5.1 Use of AHRMM Trademark and Materials. Except as specified in Section 1.1,

    the Chapter shall not use, or cause or permit to be used by any person, the logos, trademarks, service

    marks, or trade names of AHRMM without AHRMM's prior written consent. In accordance with United

    States copyright law, the Chapter shall not make or cause to be made any copies of AHRMM

    educational materials or membership publications, or resell any of same, without AHRMM's prior written

    consent. With respect to any permitted use of AHRMM's logo, mark, name, or copyrighted materials, the

    Chapter shall ensure that the applicable copyright or trademark notice is made, pursuant to requirements

    of U.S. law, the laws of applicable states, and any other guidelines that AHRMM shall prescribe. In any

    event, upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, all use by the Chapter of AHRMM's proprietary

    property, such as logos, marks, names, or copyrights, shall end immediately. The Chapter's obligations

    under this Section 5.1 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.


    6.1 Confidential Information. Each party shall, during the term of this Agreement

    and ther

    information or data owned by the other party which is identified as confidential at the time it is disclosed

    (collectively, "Confidential Information"). Such Confidential Information shall at all times remain the

    property of its owner and shall be deemed to be furnished in confidence and solely in connection with the

    , the party

    shall immediately deliver to the owner all written documentation, including copies, of or concerning such

    Confidential Information, shall make no further use thereof, and shall make reasonable efforts to ensure

    that no further use is made by its employees, agents, or contractors. The confidentiality obligations under

    this Section 6.1 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.


    7.1 Separate Entities. AHRMM and the Chapter expressly acknowledge and agree

    that they are, and shall remain, separate entities and that no partnership or agency is created by virtue of

    this Agreement. As such, neither party shall be authorized to incur any liability, obligation, or expense on

    behalf of the other. The Chapter is not liable or responsible for the debts or obligations of AHRMM and

    AHRMM is not liable for the debts or obligations of the Chapter.

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    8.1 Termination for Failure to Comply with Criteria for Chapter Status. In the event the

    Chapter fails to meet the criteria for Level I or Level II status by the deadline for attaining such status set

    forth on Exhibit B, or fails at any time to maintain such status as required by Exhibit B, AHRMM may

    terminate the charter granted to the Chapter, with all of its attendant rights and obligations, effective ten

    (10) days after the date written notice of termination is sent by AHRMM.

    8.2 Termination for Breach. Either party may terminate the charter granted to the

    Chapter, with all of its attendant rights and obligations, upon ten (10) days notice to the other party in the

    8.3 Termination without Cause. Either party may terminate the charter granted to the

    Chapter, with all of its attendant rights and obligations, for any reason upon ninety (90) days written

    notice to the other party.

    8.4 Effect of Termination. Upon delivery of notice of termination, for any reason and by

    either party, the Chapter shall promptly deliver to AHRMM a current roster of all members of the

    Chapter, including all contact information, to enable AHRMM to communicate with such members.

    From and after the date of termination, the Chapter shall cease to identify itself as a chapter of AHRMM,

    remove any reference to AHRMM AHRMM

    acronym, and may only utilize printed material bearing any mark of AHRMM with AHRMM

    written permission for post-termination use. For a period of one year following termination of the charter,

    the Chapter shall refrain from entering into an official relationship with another national scope personal

    membership organization serving healthcare materials management.










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    10. APPEAL

    10.1 Appeal. A Chapter may request an opportunity to present an objection to a

    proposed termination under Section 8 of this Agreement to the AHRMM Board of Directors. The

    AHRMM Board of Directors shall have authority to review whether the proposed termination is

    consistent with the terms of this Agreement and to make a recommendation to the American Hospital

    the sole authority to (i) permit the termination to proceed, (ii) suspend the termination for a period of time

    to permit the Chapter to meet specified conditions, or (iii) to withdraw the termination notice.


    11.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement (together with any exhibits hereto)

    constitutes the entire Agreement between AHRMM and the Chapter with respect to the subject matter

    hereof. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing executed by both parties.

    11.2 Controlling Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in

    accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, and venue for any litigation arising hereunder shall be

    Chicago, Illinois.

    11.3 Waiver. Any waiver by either party to this Agreement of any provision shall not

    be construed as a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement, nor shall such waiver be construed as a

    waiver of such provision with respect to any other event or circumstance, whether past, present, or future.

    11.4 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or

    unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall be enforceable to the maximum extent


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    11.5 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the parties

    and their successors and assigns. Neither party may sublicense or assign any of its rights or obligations

    under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.

    11.6 Notices. Any notice contemplated by, or made pursuant to, this Agreement shall

    be in writing and made by courier, facsimile, or mail addressed or directed to AHRMM at 155 North

    Wacker Drive, Suite 400, Chicago, Illinois 60606 or the Chapter at the home or business address of the

    President of the Chapter in office at the time the notice is sent. Either party may change the address for

    notice by 10 days advance written notice to the other party.

    11.7 Termination of Prior Chapter Agreement. This agreement supersedes and

    replaces any prior chapter agreement between the parties and terminates any such agreement on the

    effective date of this Agreement.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by

    their duly authorized representatives, effective as of the date first written above.



    (Chapter Name)




    (Name) _________________________________________












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    This AHRMM Style Guide/Identity Standards is subject to change at the sole discretion of AHRMM. AHRMM agrees to

    give Chapter no less than 30 days prior written notice of any changes to the Style Guide/Identity Standards.

    Style Guide

    Proper Use of Logos by AHRMM Affiliated Chapters

    identifying AHRMM and what it does. It also helps prevent confusion. Proper use of logos prevents others from being

    confused as to which activities, services or materials come from AHRMM versus those that come from a chapter. It is

    important to recognize that our names and logos have value, so please help protect the value of our name and logos by

    following these guidelines:

    Naming Chapters, Products, Services & Events

    Do not use a chapter name with the exact acronym as AHRMM.

    All chapter names must be pre-approved by AHRMM. Do not use any tagline of AHRMM. Do not use AHRMM name in advertising, product, service or event without prior written approval from


    Spell out the long-form name of your organization in a noticeable area on your materials, website, or other

    promotional materials.

    or any other AHA trademarks, logos or taglines.

    Do not register trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property that include the AHRMM name,

    acronym, logo, or tagline or any derivative thereof.

    Do not register a domain name containing our name, acronym, logo, tagline or any derivative thereof.

    Designs & Advertising

    Design your products and advertising materials with unique brands and logos, or logos pre-approved by


    Do not use AHRMM name, acronym, logo, or tagline in a way that implies a partnership or sponsorship with

    AHRMM, or for fraudulent, abusive, or illegal


    Do not copy the look and feel of AHRMM products, advertising materials, or website.

    In the first place where our acronym predominantly appears in promotional material, please use the ®

    symbol. AHRMM does not require use of the ® in

    reference thereafter.

    Do not alter AHRMM name or logo in any way inconsistent with the style specification noted below.

    Use only the image file supplied by AHRMM. If insufficient for use, please contact AHRMM for an

    alternate file.

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    The logo and seal may be used by affiliated chapters, only.

    Logo Color Specification

    Blue: PM280

    Tints for triangle = 20%, 50%, 75%.

    CMYK color: C89 M50 Y11 K5

    RGB color: R64 G118 B171

    Web color: 4076AB

    Usage rules above apply.

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    A. Criteria for Level I Chapter Status

    Every chapter must meet the criteria for Level I status. In the event Chapter cannot meet the

    criteria for Level I status on the date of this Agreement, it must meet such criteria by January 31,

    2014 in order to retain chapter status. The Chapter must continue to meet the criteria for Level

    I status from that date forward. The Chapter must immediately inform AHRMM of any change

    If the Chapter does not meet the

    criteria for Level I status at any time one year or more after the date of this Agreement, AHRMM

    will terminate chapter status as permitted by Section 8 of this Agreement. Level I chapters

    must meet the criteria for Level II status (see B, below) no later than January 31, 2016.

    Criteria for Level I Status

    1 The chapter must have at least 20 members*.

    2 Chapters with less than 100 members must have at least 15 members who are also

    AHRMM members*. Chapters with 100 or more members must have a minimum of 15%of

    its members who also are PMG members*.

    3 The President and President-Elect of the chapter must be AHRMM members*.

    4 The chapter must fully execute a chapter agreement with AHRMM.

    5 The chapter must have obtained its own Employer Identification Number.


    7 The chapter must be incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation and be in good standing

    in its state of incorporation.

    8 The chapter must have started the process for obtaining tax-exempt status from the IRS.

    *Must be non-student.

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    B. Criteria for Level II Chapter Status

    Every chapter must meet the criteria for Level II status by January 31, 2016, as well as

    maintaining compliance with the criteria for Level I status. The Chapter must continue to meet

    the criteria for Level I and Level II status from that date forward. The Chapter must immediately

    inform AHRMM of any change in the compliance with any of these requirements. If

    the Chapter does not meet the criteria for Level I and Level II status at any time after January 31,

    2016, AHRMM will terminate chapter status as permitted by Section 8 of this Agreement.

    Additional Criteria for Level II Status

    9 The chapter must have a mission statement that helps advance AHRMM

    10 The chapter must be governed by bylaws that are compliant with relevant laws.

    11 The chapter must obtain an exemption from federal income taxes under section 501(c) of

    the Internal Revenue Service code.

    12 The chapter must maintain aggregate general or umbrella liability insurance having a

    minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence and include proof of such insurance with

    its annual report.

    13 The chapter must maintain directors and officers liability insurance and include proof of

    such insurance with its annual report.

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    III) Must Haves f or All Chapters

    1. Bylaws

    Each Chapter, whether it is incorporated or unincorporated, must have bylaws. The bylaws are the

    ract with its members. They set forth who can be a member, and how the organization is


    Sample bylaws are attached.

    Once bylaws have been adopted, they can only be changed according to the process described in the

    bylaws. The provisions of the bylaws cannot be waived because they are inconvenient. If it is not

    practical to follow the provisions of the bylaws, they should be amended according to the amendment


    2. Federal Employer Identification Number

    Each Chapter must have a Federal Employer Identification Number, whether incorporated or

    A federal employer identification number may be obtained by filing Form SS-4 with the Internal Revenue

    Service. A sample Form SS-4 is attached. Please fill out the form according to the specific information

    for your Chapter, using the sample as a guide. The easiest way to obtain the number is to fill out Form

    SS-4 online, at http://www.i It can be filed online, and the federal employer identification

    number will be sent to you the same day.

    3. Minutes

    Each Chapter must keep minutes of its board meetings and meetings of members. The board minutes

    should show the date and time of the meeting, which board members were in attendance, the nature of

    the business discussed, and the resolutions passed. Meetings of members should reflect the date and

    time of the meeting, whether a quorum of members was present, business discussed, and resolutions


    Minutes should be kept with the permanent records of the Chapter. In the event of an IRS audit, the

    auditor will most likely ask to see the minutes of the Chapter.

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    1. Sample Bylaws

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    The name of the corporation shall be ________________________.



    Section 1. Not For Profit. The corporation is organized under and shall operate as an

    Illinois not-for-profit corporation, and shall have such powers as are now or as may hereafter be granted

    by the not for profit laws of the state of incorporation.

    Section 2. Purposes. The purposes of the corporation are ______________




    The corporation shall have and continuously maintain in the state of incorporation a

    registered office and a registered agent whose office shall be identical with such registered office, and

    may have such other offices within or without the state of incorporation and such other registered

    agents as the board of directors may from time to time determine.



    Section 1. Classes of Members. The corporation shall have one class of members. The

    qualifications for members are: _______________________________________


    Section 2. Voting Rights. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter

    submitted to a vote of the members.

    Section 3. Resignation. Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the


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    Section 1. Annual Meeting. An annual meeting of the members shall be held in each

    year or at such time as the board of directors may determine, at a time and place selected by the board

    of directors, for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may

    come before the meeting.

    Section 2. Special Meeting. Special meetings of the members may be called either by

    the president, the board of directors, or by not less than one-half of the members having voting rights.

    Section 3. Notice of Meetings. Written or printed notice stating the place, day and hour

    of any meeting of members shall be delivered in accordance with applicable law.

    Section 4. Quorum. The members holding at least a majority of the votes which may be

    cast at any meeting shall constitute a quorum at such meeting. If a quorum is not present at any

    meeting of members, a majority of the members present may adjourn the meeting from time to time

    without further notice.



    Section 1. Officers. The officers of the corporation shall be a president, a secretary, a

    treasurer and such other officers as may be determined by the board of directors. The board of

    directors may elect or appoint such other officers as it shall deem desirable, such officers to have the

    authority to perform the duties prescribed from time to time by board of directors. Any two or more

    offices may be held by the same person. Officers need not be residents of the state of incorporation.

    Section 2. Election and Term of Office. The officers shall be elected by the board of

    directors for an annual term. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the board of

    directors nearest the expiration of their term of office and shall serve until their successors have been

    duly elected and have qualified. Vacancies may be filled or new offices created and filled at any meeting

    of the board of directors.

    Section 3. Removal. Any officer may be removed by the board of directors whenever in

    its judgment the best interests of the corporation would be served thereby.

    Section 4. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal,

    disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the board of directors for the unexpired portion of the


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    Section 5. President. The president shall be the principal executive officer of the

    corporation and shall in general supervise and control all of the affairs of the corporation. He shall

    preside at all meetings of the board of directors and shall be the Chairman of the Board. He may sign,

    with the secretary or any other proper officer of the corporation authorized by the board of directors,

    any deeds, mortgages, contracts, or other instruments which the board of directors have authorized to

    be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by

    the board of directors or by these by-laws or by statute to some other officer or agent of the

    corporation; and in general shall perform all duties incident to the office of president and such other

    duties as may be prescribed by the board of directors from time to time.

    Section 6. Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the board

    of directors in one or more books provided for that purpose; see that all notices are duly given in

    accordance with the provisions of these by-laws or as required by law; and be custodian of the

    corporate records by the president or by the board of directors.

    Section 7. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be

    responsible for all funds and deposit all such funds in the name of the corporation in such banks, trust

    companies or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws;

    and in general perform all the duties incident to the office of treasurer and such other duties as from

    time to time may be assigned to him by the president or by the board of directors.



    Section 1. General Powers. The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by its board

    of directors.

    Section 2. Composition, Tenure and Qualifications. The number of directors shall be

    ______. Each director shall be elected at the annual meeting of the members. Each director shall hold

    office until the next annual meeting of the board of directors and until his or her successor has qualified.

    Section 3. Regular Meetings. A regular annual meeting of the board of directors shall

    be held at such times and places as may be designated by resolution by the board of directors. The

    board of directors may provide by resolution the time and place for the holding of additional regular

    meetings of the Board without other notice than such resolution.

    Section 4. Special Meetings Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by

    or at the request of the president or any two directors. The person or persons authorized to call special

    meetings of the Board may fix any place, either within or without the State of Illinois, as the place for

    holding any special meeting of the Board called by them.

    Section 5. Notice. Notice of any special meeting of the board of directors shall be given

    in accordance with applicable law.

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    Section 6. Quorum. A majority of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum for

    the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board, provided, that if less than a majority of the

    directors are present at said meeting, a majority of the directors present may adjourn the meeting from

    time to time without further notice.

    Section 7. Manner of Acting. The act of a majority of the directors present at a meeting

    at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the board of directors, except where otherwise provided

    by law or by these by-laws.

    Section 8. Informal Action by Directors. Any action required to be taken at a meeting of

    the board of directors or any action which may be taken at a meeting of directors may be taken without

    a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the directors

    entitled to vote with respect to the subject mater thereof.

    Section 9. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the board of directors or any

    directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of directors shall be filled by the board

    of directors. A director selected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his

    predecessor in office.

    Section 10. Compensation. Directors as such shall not receive any salaries for their

    services, but by resolution of the board of directors, a fixed sum and expenses of attendance, if any, may

    be allowed for attendance at each regular or special meeting of the Board; provided, that nothing herein

    contained shall be construed to preclude any director from serving the corporation in any other capacity

    and receiving compensation therefore.



    Section 1. Committees of Directors. The board of directors, by resolution adopted by a

    majority of the directors in office, may designate one or more committees, each of which shall consist of

    two or more directors, which committees, to the extent provided in said resolution, shall have and

    exercise the authority of the board of directors in management of the corporation; but the designation

    of such committees and the delegation thereto of authority shall not operate to relieve the board of

    directors, or any individual director, of any responsibility imposed upon them by law.

    Section 2. Other Committees. Other committees not having and exercising the

    authority of the board of directors in the management of the corporation may be designated by a

    resolution adopted by a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

    Any member thereof may be removed by the Board whenever in their judgment the best interests of

    the corporation shall be served by such removal.

    Section 3. Term of Office. Each member of a committee shall continue as such until the

    next annual meeting of the board of directors of the corporation and until his successor is appointed,

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    unless the committee shall be sooner terminated, or unless such member shall cease to qualify as a

    member thereof.

    Section 4. Chairman. One member of each committee shall be appointed chairman.

    Section 5. Vacancies. Vacancies in the membership of any committee may be filled by

    appointments made in the same manner as provided in the case of the original appointments.

    Section 6. Quorum. Unless otherwise provided in the resolution of the board of

    directors designating a committee, a majority of the whole committee shall constitute a quorum and the

    act of a majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of

    the committee.



    Section 1. Contracts. The board of directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent

    or agents of the corporation, in addition to the officers so authorized by these by-laws, to enter into any

    contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the corporation and

    such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

    Section 2. Checks, Drafts, Etc. All checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of

    money issued in the name of the corporation, shall be signed by such officers, agent or agents of the

    corporation and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the board of

    directors. In the absence of such determination by the board of directors, such instruments shall be

    signed by the treasurer or an assistant treasurer and countersigned by the president or a vice president

    of the corporation.

    Section 3. Deposits. All funds of the corporation shall be deposited from time to time

    to the credit of the corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the board of

    directors may select.

    Section 4. Gifts. The board of directors may accept on behalf of the corporation any

    contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the general purposes or for any special purpose of the




    The corporation shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall

    also keep minutes of the proceedings of its board of directors and committees having any of the

    authority of the board of directors.

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    The fiscal year of the corporation shall be determined by the board of directors.



    These by-laws may be altered, amended or repealed and new by-laws may be adopted

    by a majority of the directors present at any regular meeting or at any special meeting, provided that at

    least fifteen days' written notice is given of intention to alter, amend or repeal and to adopt new by-

    laws at such meeting.

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    2. Sample Form SS-4

    Application for Employer

    Identification Number

    (3 pages)

  • 26 | P a g e

    Note: Form SS-4 begins on the next page of this document.


    Limit of one (1) Employer Identification Number (EIN)

    Issuance per Business Day Effective May 21, 2012, to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will limit Employer Identification Number (EIN) issuance to one per responsible party per day. This limitation is applicable to all requests for EINs whether online or by phone, fax or mail. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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    IV) Incorporation

    1. Incorporation: Why and How

    Entities become incorporated in order to protect leaders and other members from liability. Chapters

    should consider incorporation to protect officers, directors, and other members from liability for the

    debts and obligations of the Chapter.

    2. Articles of Incorporation

    Incorporation should be accomplished in the state in which the Chapter has a physical presence, or in

    the state which is tied to its geographic territory. If a Chapter has no physical presence or geographic

    territory, it can choose a state in which to incorporate. Illinois, for example, has very modern and

    flexible non-profit corporation laws.

    The Chapter will want to incorporate as a non-profit or not-for-profit corporation in its state. Some


    state will be available on the official state website. Filing fees to incorporate as a non-profit are typically


    A sample Articles of Incorporation for a Section 501(c)(6) professional society are attached. Note that

    the language will be different if the Chapter is incorporating as a charity (501(c)3) rather than as a

    professional society (501(c)(6)).

    Each Chapter will be required to name a registered agent with an address within the state of

    incorporation. The state will use that address to correspond with the Chapter. If the Chapter does not

    have a physical presence in the state and does not have a volunteer willing to serve as registered agent,

    the Chapter may contract with a corporate service, such as CT Corporation

    (http://ct. to act as registered agent in any state. States require that

    any non-profit corporate status be maintained. Most states require yearly renewals of non-profit

    corporate status. Some states require that renewal forms be filed every second or third year. Renewal

    fees are typically low.

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    1. Sample Articles of Incorporation

    (3 pages)

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    1. Tax Exempt Status: Section 501(c)(3) or (6)

    The Internal Revenue Code grants tax exemption to many types of organizations. For Chapter purposes,

    the most common will be Section 501(c)(3), charitable and educational organizations, or Section

    501(c)(6), professional societies and trade associations.

    Section 501(c)(3) organizations must act solely for a public benefit. Section 501(c)(6) organizations may

    act for the mutual benefit of members of the profession or industry. Most Chapters will want to apply

    under Section 501(c)(6) as a professional society or trade association.

    Only Section 501(c)(3) organizations may grant charitable contribution deductions for voluntary

    contributions. Dues are generally deductible when paid to either a Section 501(c)(3) or Section 501(c)(6)

    organization. Corporations may make voluntary contributions to Section 501(c)(6) organizations and

    obtain a marketing expense deduction. For further information on the differences between Section

    501(c)(3) or Section 501(c)(6) organizations, visit the IRS website at

    2. Application for Tax Exempt Status


    which permits the Chapter to avoid paying tax on most typical income streams, although tax must still

    In order to obtain tax-exempt status, the Chapter should file an application with the Internal Revenue


    Attached is a sample Form 1024, which can be used to apply for tax exemption as a Section 501(c)(6)

    organization. Also attached is a sample cover letter to the Internal Revenue Service which lists all of the

    documents which must accompany Form 1024. Form 1024 is available for download from the IRS


    3. Yearly Tax Filings

    Whether your Chapter is incorporated or not, it must file a tax return each year. If your Chapter does

    not have tax-exempt status, it should file Form 1120, which is the corporate income tax form. Form

    1120 is also appropriate for unincorporated chapters which are taxable.

    Tax-exempt organizations must file a tax form every year, known as Form 990. If gross receipts on

    average are less than $50,000, the Chapter may file a very simple version of Form 990, known as Form

    990N. This is only available for online filing. The Chapter is required to answer a few simple questions

    and submit the form online.

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    If average revenues exceed $50,000, the Chapter will be required to file Form 990 or Form 990 EZ.

    Chapters with more complicated revenue and expenses will want to involve a local accountant to make

    sure that the tax filing is made accurately.

    If a Chapter fails to file a required version of Form 990 for three years in a row, its tax-exempt status will

    be revoked.

    4. Other Relevant Tax Forms

    If a Chapter has employees, it will be required to make federal and state filings with respect to

    employment taxes. If a Chapter pays independent contractors more than $600 in a calendar year,

    engages in raffles or other special activities, Forms 1099 may also be required.

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    2. Sample Form 1024 and Attachments;

    Sample cover letter to IRS

    (9 pages)

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    The best way to protect leaders and other members from liability is to incorporate the Chapter.

    Incorporation will stop many types of liability at the Chapter door, and prevent the personal liability for

    leaders and other members.

    Incorporation will not protect the assets of the Chapter itself. That is why it is always advisable to

    purchase insurance to cover common types of possible liability. Insurance can be purchased to cover

    potential liabilities of leaders and other members which are not prevented by incorporation. In

    addition, insurance will pay the cost of defense if an insured claim goes to court. There are several

    common types of insurance which the Chapter may wish to consider.

    1. General Liability Insurance

    General liability insurance covers certain types of personal injury and property damage arising from

    activities of the Chapter. It may also cover special claims, such as theft of cash or other assets. General

    liability insurance is required if the Chapter sponsors live events. Physical injuries occur at live events,

    and the Chapter will want to have insurance to pay the costs of defense and cover damages. If the

    Chapter engages in any activities at which alcohol is served, the Chapter should consider purchasing a

    general liability policy which covers damages arising from the consumption of alcohol at sponsored


    2. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

    This type of policy should cover copyright infringement, defamation, and similar claims, whether

    definition of covered insureds.

    3. Errors and Omissions Insurance

    If the Chapter is engaged in providing substantive services to its members, other than general education

    and networking, the Chapter should consider the purchase of Errors And Omissions Insurance to cover

    claims connected with the provision of those services.

    4. Information regarding Insurance for Chapters

    Forms (provided through the American Society for Association Executives (ASAE)): 1. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Application (1 page) 2. Application for The Hartford Non-Profit Choice All coverage parts (6 pages) 3. Application for the ASAE-Endorsed Association Office Package (2 pages)

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    4. Event Questionnaire (1 page) 5. Certificate of Insurance Request Forum (1 page) 6. PowerPoint Presentation on D&O Insurance, recorded 5.5.12 (6 pages)

    For further information about obtaining insurance, go to: or contact:

    Eric Johnson Aon Association Services 1120 N.W. 20th Street, Suite 600 Washington D.C. 20036 or Fax: 800.701.1982 attn. Eric Johnson phone: 800.453.5191 ext. 5374

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