  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 7 Temperature and Zeroth Law New


    Fundamental Physics

    Chapter 7



    Hanoi, August 2012

    Pham Hong QuangE-mail: [email protected]

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 7 Temperature and Zeroth Law New


    Chapter 7 Temperature, Heat, and the Frst Lawof Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   2

    7.1 Temperature and Zeroth law of


    7.2 Thermal Expansion

    7. The !irst "aw of Thermodynamics

    7.# Thermodynamic Processes

    7.$ Heat Transfer

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    7.1 Temperature and Zeroth law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   3

     The standard scale of temperature is Kelvin.

     The Kelvin scale is setup so that its zero point is

    the coldest possible temperature--absolute zero,

    at which point a substance would have zero

    internal energy. Absolute zero can never be

    reached, but there is no limit to how close we can

    get to it. Scientists have cooled substances to

    within 1-!

      Kelvins of absolute zero. "ow do we#now how cold absolute zero is, if nothing has

    ever been at that temperature$ The answer is by

    graphing %ressure vs. Temperature for a variety of

    gases and e&trapolating.

    Temperature measures the %speed& of the


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    7.1 Temperature and Zeroth law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   4

    The zeroth law of thermodynamics:

    •If two systems are each in thermal

    equilibrium with a third, then they are in

    thermal equilibrium with one another.

    •'f two thermal systems are in thermal e(uilibrium

    with one another, then they have the same


    • Temperature is the indicator of thermal e(uilibrium

    in the sense that there is no net )ow of heat

    between two systems in thermal contact that have


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    7.1 Temperature and Zeroth law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   5

    't wor#s based on thevariation of pressure of a*&ed volume gas as its

    temperature changes. The volume of the gas is#ept constant by raising orlowering the reservoir + to

    #eep the mercury level at Aconstant. The pressure is indicatedby the height dierencebetween reservoir + and

    column A.

    'onstant ()olume

    *as Thermometer

    d hl f

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    7.1 Temperature and Zeroth law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   6

     To *nd the temperature of a substance, the gas)as# is placed in thermal contact with thesubstance.

     The thermometer readings are virtuallyindependent of the gas used.'f the lines for various gases are e&tended, thepressure is always zero when the temperature is


     . This temperature is called a+solute ,ero.Absolute zero is used as the basis of thea+solute temperature scale.

    'onstant()olume *as Thermometer-


    d hl f

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    7.1 Temperature and Zeroth law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   7

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    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   8

    How do you cali+rate yourthermometer

    •+y international agreement the triple point of water

    has been assigned the value of /0.12 K.

    •elsius scale3 't means3 Tc at

    the triple point is .1 elsius degree. 

    •4ahrenheit scale


    F  =


    5T C  + 32 = 32.02oF 



    →   30lim16.273

     p p K T 


    15.273−=T T c

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    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   9

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    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   10

    Temperature Measurement -Some Thermometers

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    7.2 Thermal Expansion

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   11

     The volume of matter

    e&pands when the atomic

    spacing increases.

    'ncrease temperature

    5 increase volume.

    T V V    ∆=∆ 0β 

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    7.2 Thermal Expansion

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   12

    •4or small volumechanges therelationship betweenvolume and

    temperature is linear.

    • The coe6cient ofvolume e&pansion isβ.

    7aterial oe6cient β8uartz 1 & 1-2 °-1 

    %yre& glass 9 & 1-2 °-1 

    :lass / & 1-2 °-1 

    Steel 0! & 1-2 °-1 

    Aluminum /! & 1-2 °-1 

    7ercury 1; & 1-2 °-1 

    1 atm? 0@ & 1-2 °-1 

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    7.2 Thermal Expansion

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   13

    •7ost substancese&pand uniformlywith temperature.

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    7.2 Thermal Expansion

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   14

     The change involume applies tothe threedimensions.

    'f the change ise(ual in alldirections β is splitin thirds.

     The coe6cient oflinear e&pansion insolids >α? is usually

    one third of β.

    W  H  L HW  LW  LH V 

    W  H  LV 














    W T  H  L

    W  H T  L

    W  H  LT V 









    β α 


    =∆=∆   LT  L

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    7.2 Thermal Expansion

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   15

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    7.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   16

     Thermodynamics is the study of the inter-relation between heat, wor# and internalenergy of a system and its interaction with itsenvironment..


    =&ample systems• :as in a container• 7agnetization and


    harging Bdischarging a battery

    • hemical reactions• Thermocouple


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    7.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   17

    Thermodynamics tates

    A state /aria+le describes the stateof a system at time t, but it does notreveal how the system was put into

    that state.=&amples of state variables3• % C pressure >%a or DEm?,• T C temperature >K?,•

    C volume >m0

    ?,• n C number of moles, and• F C internal energy >G?.

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    7.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   18

    0hat is heat

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    7.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   20

    Specific Heats c at Room


    Substance Joules/kg/K

    lead 128

    copper 386

    aluminum 900

    glass 840

    water 4190

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    7.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   21

    Heats of Transformation

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    7.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   22

     To vaporize a li(uid means to change it fromthe li(uid state to the vapor or gas state.

     This process re(uires energy because themolecules must be freed from the li(uid state.ondensing a gas to a li(uid is the reverse of

    vaporizing it re(uires that energy be removedfrom the gas so that the molecules can clustertogether instead of )ying away from eachother.

     The heat of transformation for these phase

    changes is called the heat of /apori,ation,Jv.  vLmQ   ⋅=

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 7 Temperature and Zeroth Law New


    7.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   23

    The internal energy of a system changesfrom an initial value Ui to a nal value of

    Uf  due to heat Q and work W.

    Q is positive when the system gains heat andnegative when it loses heat. W  is positive

    when wor# is done by the system andnegative when wor# is done on the system.

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    7.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   24

    !am"le $.

      Positi/e and 4egati/e0or5

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   25

    A thermodynamic process is represented by a

    change in one or more of the thermodynamicvariables describing the system.

    =ach point on the curverepresents ane(uilibrium state of thesystem.

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   26

     The area under apressure-volume graph isthe wor# for any #ind of

    process. The colored area givesthe wor# done by the gasfor the process from X  to

    Y .

    !"r# and the Area Under a Pressure$

    %"lume &raph

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   27

    Chec# Y"ur Understandin'

    74Thermodynam cProcesses

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    7.4 Thermodynam c Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   28

    6n iso+aric process

    is one that occurs at constant pressure. 

    4or an isobaricprocess, a pressure-versus-volume plot isa horizontal straight

    line, and the wor#done LW   C P>V  f

    V  i?M is the colored

    rectangular area

    under the graph.

    h d i

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   29

     The substance in thechamber is

    e&pandingisobarically becausethe pressure is heldconstant by the

    e&ternal atmosphereand the weight ofthe piston and thebloc#.

    6n iso+aric process-


    h d i

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   30

     Example 3.

      s"(aric E)pansi"n "* !ater

    Nne gram of water is placed in the cylinder in above

    *gure, and the pressure is maintained at . O 1! 

    %a. The temperature of the water is raised by 01 P.'n one case, the water is in the li(uid phase and

    e&pands by the small amount of 1. O 1; m0. 'n

    another case, the water is in the gas phase and

    e&pands by the much greater amount of /.1 O 1! 

    m0. 4or the water in each case, *nd >a? the wor#

    done and >b? the change in the internal energy.

    c   # $%&' (!g*+)

    c P   # -- (!g*+).

    74Th d iP

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   31



    74Th d iP

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   32

    sochoric process 8'sometric?

    one that occurs at constant volume.

    >a?The substance in the chamberis being heated isochoricallybecause the rigid chamber#eeps the volume constant.

    >b?The pressure-volume plot foran isochoric process is avertical straight line. The area

    under the graph is zero,indicating that no wor# isdone. 't means that thechange in the internal energye(uals the heat transfer3

     QF C 8


    74Th d iP

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   33

    There is adia+atic process, one that occurs

    without the transfer of heat  . Since there is no

    heat transfer, Q e(uals zero, and the *rst law

    indicates that  C Q  W  C W . Thus,

    when wor# is done by a system adiabatically,

    W  is positive and the internal energy of the

    system decreases by e&actly the amount of

    the wor# done.

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   34

    6dia+atic process-


    74Th d iP

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   35

    isothermal process,one that ta#es place at

    constant temperature. 'n

    an isothermal process,

    both % and of the gas


    sothermal process


    74Th d iP

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    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   36



     === ∫ ∫ 






    v  v


    nRTdV  PdV W 






    Thermal Pr"cesses Usin' an deal &as+ E)ample

    74Th d iP

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 7 Temperature and Zeroth Law New


    7.4 Thermodynamic Processes

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   37

     Two moles of the monatomic gas argon e&pandisothermally at 9; K, from an initial volume of V i 

    C .! m0  to a *nal volume of f   C .! m0.

    Assuming that argon is an ideal gas, *nd >a? thewor# done by the gas, >b? the change in theinternal energy of the gas, and >c? the heatsupplied to the gas.

    Thermal Pr"cesses Usin' an deal &as

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    7.5 Heat Transfer Mechanism

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   39


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    7.5 Heat Transfer

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   40

    Substance k (W/m . K)

    Stainless steel 14

    Aluminum 235

    Copper 401

    Polyurethane foam 0.024

    Air 0.026

    'onduction>Through solid slabs?


    t = kA(T 

     H  − T 

    C  )



    C 8 E t



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    7.5 Heat Transfer

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   41

    9ate through each sla+ are e:ual in

    steady state


    Pcond  = k 1 A(T  x − T C )

     L1= k 2 A(T  H  − T  x )


    Pcond  =  A(T  H  −T C )


    k 1+ L2

    k 2

    Pcond  =   A(T  H  − T C  ) L1k 1

    + L2

    k 2+ L3

    k 3


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    7.5 Heat Transfer

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   42


    'on/ection and ;uoyancy

    - onvection occurs because when a )uid such

    as air or water is heated its density


    - 't rises up through a buoyant force .

    - The heated air from a candle )ame or hot

    stove rises because of this.

    - Ue(uires a medium


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    7.5 Heat Transfer

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   43


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    7.5 Heat Transfer

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   44


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    7.5 Heat Transfer

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   45


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    7.5 Heat Transfer

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   46

    Emission experimenteperiment


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    7.5 Heat Transfer

    Pham Hong Quang Faculty of Fundamental Sciences   47

    Absorption experiment

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    Thank you%

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