
Chapter 5 Is Reflection in Decline?


A Summary of Ellen Rose’s On Reflection: An Essay on Technology, Education, and the Status of Thought in the Twenty-First Century

The Plan

Chapter 5 Summary

Our Role

Group Discussion


Written language and typography refined reflection

19th and 20th centuries scientific truth and technological efficiency gained in popularity

Contemplative thought then began to lose relevance

Summary Alberto Manguel stated

“Depth of reflection, slowness of undertakings are almost lost qualities. We live in a time where answers are offered instead of questions.”

Summary No actual evidence of the demise of reflection

But we are surrounded by clear signs of the decline with the dwindling depth of thought

Summary Deep thought letter writing has been replaced with tweets and


Summary The business world: enhancing oral presentations to

colleagues/clients with slideware programs like PowerPoint.

Cool Sounds

Fancy graphics

Customized word display

Summary Demands on teachers to teach everything results in them having

very little time to think

Although teachers are always busy, it is important to remember that they are role models for their students

Summary Reflections declining is a matter of social change that has

resulted in the devaluation of slow, careful thought

Use it or lose it!

Summary Contemporary technology has made it difficult to reflect because

of the hectic pace it has set

Technology has also offered us an endless amounts of ways to fill any free time

The temptation of technology is everywhere!

Our Role

As educators we have an important role in our students lives

Seems to be a battle with technology…can we incorporate it into our technology?

Can there be a place for both?

Possible Discussion Topics

Is reflection a part of your own lifestyle? Your students?

How can it be more authentic/meaningful for students?

Can reflection and technology be combined or will one take over?

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