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Origin and development of Conflict Resolution




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Origin and development of Conflict Resolution



In this chapter an attempt is made to analyses the origin and

development of conflict resolution. Conflict resolution emerged as a

distinct discipline in the phase of cold war. Conflict and resolution are

existing our society ever since in the history. These are considered to

be two sides of the same coin. In the analysis of origin and

development of conflict resolution is the prime agenda of this chapter.

Important problem solving methods of conflict management, conflict

resolution and conflict transformation are also described in this

chapter. Third party intervention is a process established to increasing

the problem solving capacity of various approaches. It explained in the

last part of this chapter.

3.1 Foundations of conflict Resolution

For the last century the world has faces serious world wars and

many regional or domestic wars. After the end of First World War in

the year 1920, world leaders joined to form a new world organization

i.e. League of Nations. But the overall performance of League of

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Nations was very poor and the working of this world organization

completely failed. No single reason can be identified for the failure of

League of Nations. Series of factors combined to doom it. Many of

the major countries did not join or co-operate in this organization.

After the end of second world war in the year 1945 many of

world leaders met together in Sanfrancisco and formed the new world

organization i.e., ‘United Nations Organizations’. Most of the nations

joined this organization. The United Nations has three important

sections like Security Council, General Assembly and the Secretary

General. The United Nations provided several ways used to resolving

conflict. Under chapter VI of its charter the United Nations has been

provided with a set of techniques which it can use in order to secure

peaceful settlement of disputes, including fact-finding, conciliation,

mediation and negotiation. Under chapter VII of the charter, the

Security Council was given power to use coercion and armed force if

necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security1.

At the end of the Second World War, the world was affected by

another severe issue like cold war. During 1940’s America and Soviet

Union were regarded as super powers. In the Second World War,

they jointly fought against the axis of powers and at the same time

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they looked up mutually with a suspicious nature. The cold war was a

period of intense global competition and unprecedented arms build up

between the super powers. The term cold war was coined in 1947 by

American analyst Walter Lippman2. The cold war may have begun

some time between 1941 and 1945, and it may have ended in the years

1987 and 1991. It lasted four decades. In the year 1950 which was

the height of cold war era, many of the world leaders were thinking as

to how they could resolve conflict between the countries. In the mean

time conflict resolution came in distinct field in international and

domestic level. Former United States president Jimmy Carter and

former foreign minister of the U.S.S.R. Eduard Shevardnadze played a

major role in the conflict resolution at international level3.

During 1950’s and 1960’s, major developments occurred in the

field of conflict resolution. Many of research centers and journals

were instituted to that period. Kenneth Boulding, Johan Galtung and

John Burton are important peace researchers; they contributed many

ideas in this field. Kenneth Boulding was born in northern England

in the year 1910. After the Second World War he was appointed as a

Professor at the University of Michigan. In the year 1957 Boulding

started a journal ‘Journal of conflict resolution’ and he set up the

institution for research on conflict resolution in 19574. Johan Galtung

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was another important peace researcher focused to research in the

field of conflict resolution. He studied philosophy, sociology and

Mathematics; he became influenced by Gandhian ideas. It was

focused on research in conflict and peace studies. Galtung also found

a journal ‘Journal of Peace Research’ in the year 19645. John Burton

is another peace researcher who played an active role in the

development of conflict resolution. He was born in Australia and he

completed his education in London. He attended the foundational

conference of United Nations in SanFrancisco. He began his career in

Australian Civil Service and later joined Australian External Affairs

department. He joined with another peace researchers and founded

many institutions6.

In the period of 1960’s the world faces another severe crisis like

nuclear weapons. Big powers increased their armament industry.

Nuclear weapons were a great threat for human survival. Many of

discussions were conducted amongst super powers in connection with

nuclear weapons. Finally big countries came into a mutual

understanding, during this process in 1963; ‘Limited Test Ban Treaty’

and strategic arms limitation7 came into being. Another important

measure of conflict prevention is the ‘Nonproliferation treaty’ of

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1968 8. Thus the treaty created an international instrument against the

proliferation of nuclear weapons.

United Nations and many other international organizations

played a vital role in the prevention of conflicts in international and

regional level. ASEAN, OAS, CIS, LAS, GCC, OAU, NAM are

some of the regional organizations who played a major role in

regional conflict resolution. The Association of South-East Asian

Nations (ASEAN) main function was to regulate interstate disputes

between the members of South–East Asian nations. This organization

was formed to meet the needs for economic co-operation among

member states. In the late 1980’s ASEAN took a major role and was

acceptable to all nations of this region. There is another organization

OAS, Organization of American States, its activity was to build

cooperation between the American countries. Non-Aligned

Movement (NAM) is the major organization working at international

level; it was focused to pursuing the collective needs of developing

the world as a whole. There is an another organization League of

Arab States and Gulf Cooperation Council working to resolve the

disputes of Arab states and focused on the development of Arab


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In the year 1980’s vast development occurred in the field of

conflict resolution. Cold war between U.S.A and U.S.S.R came to an

end. Many universities started courses and began research in this

field. In some governments including Australia, Canada and United

States established research institutions10. Early in the period of cold

war United Nations had some limitations in the intervention of peace

process. After the end of cold war United Nations played a huge role

in prevention of violent conflicts. Protracted regional conflicts in

Southern Africa, Central America and East Asia, moved towards


3.2 Conflict Management

Conflict management is the first step in the field of conflict

resolution. In the initial step of peace research, the term conflict

management is widely used. Conflict management is a communication

process for changing destructive emotional states into constructive

states that allow working out a joint solution in to conflict. It can be

used as a means of control without changing dominant power

relations. It is not to terminate the full issue of conflict and it created

an atmosphere to resolve conflicts. Basic issues or root causes of

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conflicts are not to be analyzed or resolved in this method. Conflict

management is a term used to cover the whole positive side of conflict

handling, and is used for limitations, mitigation and containment of

violent behaviour in the conflict12. Conflict management can help in

reducing the dangers of crisis, creating some confidence and lessening


Conflicts always happen in our society, there are a lot of reasons

behind these conflicts. Some special cases, parties are not able to

resolve this crisis, at that moment; conflict management is the only

way to resolve it. Effective conflict management may convince

parties that have incompatible goals that they have to find some

peaceful solution to their conflict. If conflict behaviour can be limited

and controlled, and confidence building measures and security regime

can be created. Hugh Miall, Oliver Ramsbotham and Tom

woodhouse are the important peace researchers who coined the term

‘light prevention’ which is very closely associated with the conflict

management. The term light prevention is to prevent the situation to

changing in armed conflict. The practitioners do not consider the root

cause of conflict; they are used to diplomatic intervention or private

mediation etc13. The term ceasefire is the best example of conflict

management. It was widely used in issues arising in international

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level. It is not to end the conflict but have emphasized the temporally

arms reduction. It has created an atmosphere for bilateral negotiation

in between the parties.

Conflict management will need some co-operation between the

parties but it will not any change the fundamental character of the

protracted conflict. Conflict management in protracted conflict is

necessary to prevent undesired escalation but it is not capable to

prevent the escalation of the conflict.

Yacov Bar Siman Toy indicated that suppression, regulation and

institutionalization are the main techniques in the process of conflict

management14. Conflict suppression is to prevent the conflictful

behaviour in a conflict and it also encouraged the arms control or

disarmament agreement between the parties in a conflict. The

effectiveness of this mechanism in a long lasting conflict depends

mainly on the ability of external suppliers to cooperate in controlling

the arms supply to involved parties.

In conflict regulation process, the some rules and laws are used

to control conflict behavior. Regulating conflict by rules requires

some co-operation between the parties to conflict, not only

establishing rule but also maintaining them. The rules of prevention

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or limitation may take the form of an explicit agreement or

understanding. In institutionalization process, the parties join together

and formal or informal agreement can be made to prevent the

conflicts. Institutionalization of conflict management refers to formal

or informal attempts to put conflict resolution between the parties on a

more stable basis and in order to reduce the magnitude of armed

confrontation15. The most important factors that can influence the

degree of institutionalization are the balance of power between the

parties, the degree of autonomy of the parties, the issue in conflict and

third party intervention.

3.3 Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a peace process for resolving issues for

individual, group and nations. Now it was of great relevance in all

over the world. Many peace researchers contributed very much

theoretically and practically in this field. Action and incompatibility

are the main components of the conflict16. Reducing the

incompatibility or discontent between two parties is a major effort in

conflict resolution

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Peter Wallensteen a peace researcher stated in the definition of

conflict resolution as “conflict resolution is a situation where the

conflicting parties enter into an agreement that solve their central

incompatibilities, accept each others continued existence as parties

and cease all violent action against each other” 17. Conflict resolution

involves the reconciliation or elimination of fundamental differences

and grievances underlying the conflict. Conflict resolution occurs

when the incompatibility between the preferences of the various

parties to a conflict disappears or when the sources of conflict

situation are removed. Conflict resolution is a development process,

which includes not only preventing violence but also the removal of

source of conflict situation.

After reducing the incompatibility, parties entered the second

stage of conflict resolution. In this section formal or informal

agreement is implemented between the parties. Peace agreement is

the integral part of conflict resolution. Without some form of

agreement among the conflicting parties, it is hard to talk about further

steps of conflict resolution. During this process parties are agreeing to

respect each other and prepare for living together with one another.

However, there are broader understandings of conflict settlement such

as the presence of co-operation, justice and integration.

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a. Dynamic approaches of conflict resolution

Dynamic approaches of conflict resolution was first to identify

what the issues behind the conflicts. Basic step of conflict resolution is

the basic issue and root cause of conflict. Hugh Miall, Oliver

Ramsbotham and Tom Woodhouse coined another word ‘deep

prevention’ which is strongly linked to the conflict resolution. Deep

prevention aims to address the root cause, including underlying

conflict of interests and relationship18. Deep prevention means

building domestic, regional or international capacity to manage


Conflict is inherent in human nature. Peter Wallensteen pointed

out that unsatisfied needs are the main causes of the conflict, lot of

frustrations are behind it19. Basic needs of the parties are not satisfied

in a particular society; instead they come out of the group which is

moulded in the form of frustration. This frustration resulted in

aggression. Amicable settlement of conflict resolution parties must

understand the position, interests and needs of the other parties. Basic

needs of the parties are psychological, economical and relational

needs. In a purposeful conflict resolution, psychological, economical

and relational needs of the parties must be satisfied.

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b. Win-Win- Approaches

Victory is the outcome preferred by most actors in dispute

settlement. The victory of one side over the other, possible outcome

in other parties’ capitulation, dissolution and disappearance of an actor.

In this method superior party imposed certain powers to inferior party,

lower parties’ emotions and interests were never considered. Due to

this effect one party was always winning and other parties lost. This

type of problem solving approach is not preferred by modern conflict

resolution theory. Modern conflict resolution theory suggested ‘win-

win’ approach20. In this approach parties have high regard for the

interests of both self and others. This implies strong assertion of one’s

own interest, but equal awareness of the aspirations and needs of the

other. Opponents jointly approach a mutually satisfactory solution

with, openness and are satisfied with the outcome.

c. Coercion

Coercive model suggests hierarchical way of problem solving.

In this peace process, some one used coercion or forces to resolve the

conflict. This type of problem solving approach the basic issue of

conflict cannot be considered. In this approach conflict can be

resolved without the elimination of real source of issues. Forced

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settlement is imposed on the parties, that can create conditions for

temporary acceptance of the parties’ outcome, but it deepens

antagonistic relations21. Power based conflict resolution human needs

cannot be considered. During this process top order always get the

advantage in conflict positions. Lower party always is lost; they are

always humiliated or embarrassed. Many governments use coercive

mechanism to prevent challenges to dominant political and

economical outcome.

d. Dialogue

To conduct dialogue or discussion is very important aspect in the

dynamic approaches of conflict resolution. Highly conflictful situation

parties are not able to interact with each other. In this situation third

party intervention is more useful. Third party mediators are persuaded

to the parties to importance in the necessities of dialogue or mutual

understandings. Real conflict begins within the attitude of the parties.

Purposeful discussions are conducted between the parties to change the

attitude of the parties. Third party helps the conflicting parties by

putting them in contact with one another, gaining their trust and

confidence22. They can facilitate meetings by arranging venue,

reducing tensions, seeking the interests of the parties and some times

guiding the parties to unrealized possibilities.

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When conflict arises from illusory due to misinterpretations of

proposals or circumstances, clear communication for better

understanding of each other’s interests and intentions may be able to

eliminate problems. In a purposeful conflict resolution each party

accepts the other parity as a legitimate or at least acceptable partner of

dialogue23. Improved discussions change the parties’ views and

perceptions. In a purposeful conflict resolution mechanism points out

to the significance of establishing a dialogue between the parties.

Building a conference format is important in this aspect. It requires

that the parties’ can participate, together with others who can serve as

practical go between and add issues which may unlock positions. It

also points to the importance of confidence-building measures; it can

be applicable for military, social, cultural, economic and other areas.

e. Reconciliation

In the dialogue process of conflict resolution, reconciliation

generated vast changes in parties mind. By changing the violent base

of conflict, reconciliation is supposed to remove the sources of current

and future conflicts. Reconciliation is part of a process towards

establishing constructive relationship. The third parties have played a

key role in establishing a climate for reconciliation, because they

provide a related condition that enables the peace process.

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The ground work in establishing mutual motivation for problem

solving is essential to enable the parties to stand back from their

conflict, and to come to see it as a shared problem to be solved as

opposed to a war to be won24. In the period of reconciliation,

participants are able to engage in the open expression of a painful past,

and to mutually explore the truth for what has happened between them.

After discussions and as mutual understanding an appreciation

develops around the past about how justice may be achieved,

participants are able to consider how to construct a shared future and

rebuild their relationship in a better way25. Reconciliation is re-

establishing harmony and cooperation between the antagonists and

establishing an amicable relationship after a rupture involving extreme


3.4 Conflicting Transformation

Conflict transformation is a significant step beyond conflict

resolution. It is entirely different in conflict management and conflict

resolution. Modern conflict research practitioners have expressed

innovative knowledge in conflict transformation. Now it has great

relevance than any other approach. Louis Kriesberg refers to conflict

transformation is a fundamental and enduring change away from a

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protracted, destructive struggle between adversaries towards a

constructive accommodation between them. That changed relationship

may be mutually satisfactory resolution of their conflict and may lead

to reconciliation between them or the new relationship may be

embodied in an ongoing conflict but one that is conducted more

constructively26. Conflict transformation refers to a particular kind of

conflict de-escalation.

The conflict can have many destructive consequences and it can

be modified or transformed. Conflict transformations simple meaning

is to prevent the violent conflict and to shift from violent to nonviolent

behaviour. Conflict transformation also involves transforming the way

of conflict expressed competitively and violently or it may be

expressed through nonviolent advocacy, conciliation or attempted

cooperation. Some peace scientists indicated that advocacy and

mediation as being used at different stages for conflict transformation

process. Mediation and advocacy can be used to transform the

expression of conflict from mutually destructive modes towards

dialogue and interdependence.

Conflict usually transforms perceptions by accentuating the

differences between people and positions, effective conflict

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transformation can work to improve mutual understanding. Even when

people’s interests, values and needs are different and non reconcilable,

progress has been made if each group gains a relatively accurate

understanding of the other. Anti - antiapartheid struggle in South

Africa, end of cold war are the some example of conflict

transformation in international level.

Conflict transformation generally requires that adversaries

recognize each other’s interest and needs. The antagonists also begin

to regard their previously conflicting goals as reconcilable. At times in

the transformation process the primary adversaries come to believe that

the conflict is irreversibly moving away from destructive conflict and

toward an accommodation.

Raimo Vayrynen introduced four terms which are increasing the

process of conflict transformation. First actors’ transformation. Actors

shall play a crucial role in the development of conflict transformation,

it happened within the parties27. Change in the leadership of one of the

parties often provides an opportunity to explore and realize new steps

that lead to conflict transformation. The new leader is not committed

to old policies of his group. The opposition party could understand

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that a new leadership would provide an opportunity to resolve the


Second is issue transformation. When parties change their

positions or when new ones arise, then the conflict is transformed.

Changes of positions are closely related to changes of interest and the

changes of goals and hence to actor transformation. Reframing of

issues may open the way to settlement. Third is rule transformation,

rule transformation is another element in conflict transformation.

Rules or norms within the society are influenced by the position or

interest of the parties. This change the rules of norms will have an

effect on significant transformation of conflicts.

Forth is structural transformation, the structure of conflict build

up in important factors like actors, issues and incompatibility. The

root cause of the conflict is including of these factors. Many global,

social, economic and cultural factors are influenced in the structural

process transformation28. Conflict transformation requires real changes

in parties’ interests and goals, during this process, feelings and beliefs

also tend to change with the adversaries having increased mutual

acceptance and even mutual respect. Third-party intervention could

create a possible outcome in between the parties. They help each side

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of the adversaries to construct new options, thus helping to transform

their conflict.

3.5 Third Party Intervention

In a peaceful process of conflict resolution, third party

intervention is inevitable. Third party intervention changes the

dynamics of the conflict resolution. This is important at domestic and

international levels. In particular situation bilateral negotiations

between two parties failed. During this time third party intervention is

the only way to forward the conflict resolution process. Third Party

helped to identify the conflicting issues, control each parties

aspirations, remove misunderstandings of each other’s goals, analyze

interest, formulate proposals and suggest alternatives.

Morton Deutsch expressed his concern that each third party

should have some qualities to resolve the conflict. The first sets of

skills are those related to the third party’s establishing an effective

working relationship with each of the conflicting parties. So that they

will trust the third-party, communicates freely and response to their

suggestions regarding the process of negotiations. The second point he

noted, was the third party establishing a cooperative problem-solving

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attitude among the conflicting parties towards their conflict29. Third

party helps the adversaries in exploring options that can fulfill their


Conflict party expected some qualities from third parties, like

impartiality or neutral behavior. In the previous chapter mentions has

been made in a about symmetric and asymmetric conflicts. In

asymmetric conflict top level party always wins and lower level party

always loses. The only way to resolve the conflict is to change the

structure. It happened only on the intervention of third party

mediators. There are five important methods of third party

intervention like mediation, adjudications, arbitration; problem solving

workshop and diplomacy are described below.

a. Mediation

Mediation is one of the important methods in third party

intervention. It has existed for several years. Now its relevance has

increased in personal as well as group conflicts. Mediation should be

distinguished from many other methods where by a third party may

facilitate the settlement or resolution of conflict. The assistance of

mediator in a negotiation can help produce a mutually acceptable

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solution. Consent to a mediation process is voluntary, and the

disputants make final decisions on the issue. In this process a

compromise can be reached through confidence in between the parties.

Mediation is especially important at a stage when at least some

of the conflicting parties have come to accept that pursuing the conflict

is unlikely to achieve their goals, but they have reached the stage of

accepting formal negotiation. At this point face to face meetings may

be very difficult to arrange. Due to its mediators should play a key role

in resolving the conflict. Mediators become a person or organization

seeking all relevant methods in an effort to resolve a conflict in a

peaceful society30. In international level, mediation has a long history.

Mediation is a process included disputes within families and between

employees and management.

b. Adjudication

Adjudication is another important aspect of third party

intervention in a peace process. Adjudication is a method of judicial

or legal process. Adjudication is legal intervention and decision. This

involves coercive power; emphasis on norms, precedents and verdicts

etc. Modern court system is the best example of this intervention.

Party has a very little role in this programme. Parties have no right to

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choose judge or jury. One party in a dispute to take court action

compelling the other party to join the proceeding even without the

parties consent. When an interpersonal dispute leads to a breach of

the criminal code and through the intervention of the police, it usually

ends up in court. In the adjudication process all decisions are taken by

the court officially. In a court system disputant parties present their

argument before the jury. Hearing each side’s argument, the court

takes the appropriate decisions31. Each party is indebted to agree to

the court verdict. Adjudication is the official programme existing in

our society. Court settlement and police intervention maintains law

and order in our society.

c. Arbitration

Arbitration is a quasi-judicial process within the legal system.

Arbitrators had played massive role in the sector like trade union

dispute, labour management strike etc. Arbitrators need some specific

qualities like fairness, impartiality, equity, good conscience and

natural justice. In this system parties have the right to choose their

arbitrators. Any coercion or power is not used in this system. In the

case of arbitration, both sides of conflict parties agree in advance to

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accept the judgment of an arbitrator32. Arbitration system is entirely

different from adjudication process.

d. Problem Solving Workshop

Problem solving workshop is one of the important approaches in

third party intervention. In this approach in a conflict, parties or their

representatives joined together with the presence of a group of third

parties. In this approach, group of third party team is includes five or

six persons33. They are leading this problem solving workshop.

Firstly they had discussed each group separately and they have to

bring each conflicting group into two sides of the table.

Setting up of agenda is the primary responsibility of third party;

they had prepared ground rules and strategy34. Ground rules generally

emphasize the open, flexible and analytic nature of the discussion.

Participants are encouraged to engage in respectful and honest

interchange that are compatible with problem solving session. Third

party team encourages the party to get to the bottom of the problem

that is not easily understood in power bargaining situations. In their

developing role, the third party facilitates clarifications of facts and

events by offering knowledge about relevant pattern of behaviour

drawn from other situations. Suppressed and hidden human needs are

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identified in this section. The workshop is supposed to generate new

ideas, knowledge, attitudes and altered perception.

e. Diplomacy

Diplomacy is the other important intervention in third party

model. It was widely used at international levels. The word

‘diplomacy’ has had a long history. Then, early monarchs sending

ambassador to the courts of other rulers, is generally linked to the

current system of our society.

Track one and track two diplomacy are major ways to fulfill

diplomatic needs. Track one diplomacy involves official governmental

or inter-governmental interaction. Track-two diplomacy is unofficial

interaction in between parties35. Non governmental organizations and

neutral third party played a crucial role in track two approaches.

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1. Hugh Miall, Oliver Ramsbotham and Tom Woodhouse.,

Contemporary Conflict Resolution, Polity Press, Cambridge,

(1999) p.34.

2. Peter Wallensteen., Understanding Conflict Resolution, Sage

publications, London (2002) p.223.

3. Hugh Miall, op.cit.,p. 2

4. Ibid.,p.42

5. Ibid., p.44

6. Ibid., p.45

7. Ibid., p.48

8. Peter Wallensteen, op.cit., p. 288

9. Ibid., pp.213-214

10. John W. Burton., Conflict Resolution, History of, Linus

Pauling, World Encyclopedia of Peace, Vol.1, Pergamon Press,

London (1986) p.174.

11. Hugh Miall, op. cit., p.2.

12. Ibid., p.21

13. Ibid., p.97

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14. Yaacov Bar Siman Tov., The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Learning

conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, vol. 31 No. 1,

Sage Publication, London (1994) p.76.

15. Ibid., pp.77-78.

16. Pooja Kataria., Conflict Resolution,Deep and Deep Publications,

New Delhi (2007) p.9.

17. Peter Wallensteen, op.cit., p.8

18. Hug Miall, op.cit., p.97.

19. Peter Wallensteen, op.cit., p.39.

20. Hugh Miall, op.cit. p.5.

21. Ho-Won Jeong., Conflict Management and Resolution, edi. by.

Lester Kurtz, Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict

Vol.1, Academic Press, U.S.A, (1986) p.393.

22. Hugh Miall, op.cit.,p.159

23. Ho-Won Jeong., Conflict Resolution: Dynamics, process and

structure, Ashgate, U.S.A (1999) p.13.

24. Ronald.J. Fisher., Social-Psychological Process in Interactive

Conflict Analysis and Reconciliation, Ho-won Jeong,

Conflict Resolution: Dynamics, Process and Structure, Ashgate

U.S.A (1999) p.95.

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25. Ibid., p. 96.

26. Louis Kriesberg., Conflict Transformation edi. by, Lester Kurtz,

Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict, Vol.1, Academic

Press, U.S.A (1986) p.413.

27. Raimo Vyarynen., New Directions in Conflict Theory: Conflict

Resolution and Conflict Transformation, Sage Publication,

London (1991) p.4.

28. Ibid., p.5

29. Morton Deutsch., Subjective Features of Conflict Resolution:

Psychological, Social and Cultural Influences, edi. by. Raimo

Vayrynen, New Direction in Conflict Theory: Conflict

Resolution and Conflict Transformation, Sage Publication,

London (1991) p.48.

30. Michael Banks., Mediation, edy. by. Linus Pauling, World

Encyclopedia of Peace Vol. 1, Pergamon Press, London (1986)


31. Ho-Won Jeong, Conflict Management and Resolution, op.cit.


32. David p. Barash and Charles P. Webel., Peace and Conflict

studies, Sage Publications, London (2002) p.282.

33. Ronald J. Fisher, op.cit. p.86.

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Origin and development of Conflict Resolution


34. Ibid. p. 87.

35. David P. Barash, Op.cit. pp. 277-278.

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