  • Slide 1

Chapter 24 Italy & Spain 1600-1700 Baroque & Rococo Art Slide 2 Caravaggio Tenebrism Naturalized religious imagery Makes viewers active participants Chiaroscuro Dramatic & theatrical Slide 3 Velazquez Major patron king Philip IV (Hapsburg) Wanted prestige, thought of himself as royalty Caravaggio an influence Las Meninas most renown of his works Genre painting A Spaniard Slide 4 ROCOCO Came with the French, aristocratic surge of power Softer style primarily seen in interior design Rococo = rocaille = shells & stones which were used to decorate interiors Slide 5 Maderno, Santa Susanna, Rome, 1603 Slide 6 Maderno, Saint Peters, Vatican City, 1612 Slide 7 Aerial view, St. Peters, Piazza designed by Bernini, 1667 Slide 8 Bernini, Baldaccino, St. Peters, 1633 Slide 9 Bernini, Scala Regia (Royal Stairway), Vatican City, 1666 Slide 10 Bernini, David, 1623 Slide 11 Bernini, Ecstast of St. Teresa, Cornaro Chapel, 1652 Slide 12 Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, 1667 Slide 13 Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, dome, 1641 Slide 14 Borromini, Chapel of Saint Ivo, Rome, 1642 Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Carracci, Flight into Egypt, 1604 Slide 18 CarracciLoves of the Gods, 1601 Slide 19 Caravaggio, Conversion of St. Paul, 1601 Slide 20 Caravaggio, Calling of St. Matthew, 1601 Slide 21 Caravaggio, Entombment, 1603 Slide 22 Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes, 1620 Slide 23 Cortona, Triumph of the Barberini, 1639 Slide 24 Battista Gaulli, Triumph of the Name of Jesus, 1679 Slide 25 SPAIN Slide 26 Ribera, Martyrdom of Saint Philip, 1639 Slide 27 Zurbaran, Saint Serapion, 1628 Slide 28 Velazquez, Water Carrier of Seville, 1619 Slide 29 Velazquez, King Philip IV of Spain, 1644 Slide 30 Velazquez, Surrender of Breda, 1635 Slide 31 Velazquez, Las Meninas, 1656

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