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    View Figure

    Figure 22.1Multipurpose monitor. Most gasmonitors are now part of a physiologic monitor thatincludes other monitoring such aselectrocardiograph, blood pressure, pulse oximetry,and the like. A gas monitor may also be part of theanesthesia machine. Newer anesthesia machines

    have one or more screens to display monitoredfunctions, and the gas concentrations and waveforms

    may also be displayed.

    A nondiverting(mainstream, direct probe, f low through, in-l ine, on airway,

    nonsampling monitor) monitormeasures the gas concentration at the

    sampling site.

    A diverting(sidestream, withdrawal, sampling, aspirat ing, snif fer, sampled

    system monitor) transports a port ion of the gas being measured from the

    sampling site through a sampling tube to the sensor, which is remote from

    the sampling site.

    The sampling site (sensing site) is the location from which gas is d iverted for

    measurement in a divert ing monitor or the location of the sensor in a

    nondiverting monitor.

    The sampling tube ( inlet l ine, sample gas transport tube, sample capil lary

    tube, sampling catheter or tube, transport tube, aspirat ing tube, sample l ine)

    is the conduit for transferring gas from the sampling site to the sensor in a

    divert ing gas monitor.

    Gas levelis the concentrat ion of a gas in a gaseous mixture. I t may be

    expressed ei ther as part ial pressure or volumes percent.

    The part ial pressure of a gas is the pressure that a gas in a gas mixture

    would exert i f i t alone occupied the volume of the mixture at the same


    The volumes percent(%, V/V, vol %) of a gas is the volume of a gas in a

    mixture, expressed as a percentage of the total volume.

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    Monitor Types

    There are two general types of monitors in c l inical use: divert ing (sidestream) or

    nondiverting (mainstream) (2,3). These refer to the measurement site of the gases

    and not to the technology being used. Both can be integrated into a single module.

    Nond i v e r t i n g

    A nond iv ert ing gas mo ni tor meas ure s th e ga s by us ing a sensor loc ated direc t ly in

    the gas stream. Only oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2) can be measured by

    nondivert ing monitors.

    Carbon dioxide is measured by infrared technology with the sensor located between

    the breathing system and the patient (Figs. 22.2, 22.3 ). A nondivert ing monitor is

    available for the non-intubated patient, in which the sensor attaches to a

    disposable oral and nasal adaptor.

    The mainstream oxygen sensor uses electrochemical technology. I t is usually

    placed in the breathing system inspiratory l imb. I f the technology is fast enough to

    measure both inspired and exhaled oxygen, it should be placed between the patient

    and the breathing system. Chapter 9discusses possible locations of the ox ygen

    monitor sensor in the circle breathing system.


    Mainstream CO2 monitors have fast response times because there is no

    delay t ime. The CO2 waveform generated has better fidelity than one

    generated by a diverting monitor.

    Because no gas is removed from the breathing system, it is not necessary to

    scavenge these devices or to increase the fresh gas f low to compensate for

    gas removed from the breathing system.

    Water and secret ions are seldom a problem with this type of analyzer,

    although secret ions on the windows of the cuvette used for mainstream CO2 monitoring can cause e rroneous readings. Water and secret ions


    are generally not a problem with oxygen sensors, as they are usually on the

    inspiratory side of the breathing system.

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    View Figure

    Figure 22.2Nondiverting gas monitor. A:Thesensor is in position over the cuvette, which is

    placed between the patient and the breathing system.The two clear tubings to the left are for spirometryloops (Chapter 23). B:The sensor is separated fromthe cuvette, which contains the window through

    which the infrared light passes. C:Calibration cells.For convenience, they are attached to the cable to

    the sensor. During calibration, the sensor is placedover each cell in sequence.

    Sample contamination by fresh gas is less l ikel y than with a divert ing


    A s ta ndard gas is no t req uired fo r cal ibra ti on . Ox yg en sens ors are us ua ll y

    calibrated by using room air.

    These monitors use fewer disposable items than diverting monitors.


    To obtain accurate end-t idal CO2 values, the airway adaptor must be placed

    near the patient. The sensor will add weight to the breathing system and may

    cause traction on the airway device or breathing tubes.

    The use of an adaptor between the patient and the breathing system will

    increase dead space. However, studies show that end-t idal CO 2 values

    obtained by using a mainstream analyzer with a pediatric adapter in healthy

    neonates and i nfants are close to arterial values (4).

    Leaks, disconnections, and circuit obstruct ions can occur ( 5,6 ,7 ,8).

    With a mainstream CO2 monitor, condensed water, secret ions, or blood on

    the windows of the cuvette wil l interfere with l ight transmission.

    With a mainstream CO2 monitor, the sensor may become dislodged from the

    cuvette. I f i t is completely dislodged, no waveform wil l be seen. I f i t is

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    slight ly dislodged (Fig. 22.4), the reading may be incorrect although the

    waveform will appear normal (9 ,10 ,11).

    The expensive optical sensor for CO2 is vulnerable to costly damage.

    At present, ma ins tream monito rs can meas ure only ox yg en and CO2.

    The adaptor for the CO2 sensor must be cleaned and disinfected between

    uses. There is potential for cross contamination between patients if this is

    not done properly. Disposable adaptors are available but increase the cost.

    Thermal burns have been reported with a mainstream CO 2 analyzer despite

    use of mult iple layers of gauze, which kept the sensor from direct contact

    with the skin (12). To prevent this, i t may be necessary to interpose a piece

    of aluminum foil between two pieces of soft material to ref lect the radiant



    View Figure

    Figure 22.3Mainstream infrared analyzer. A:Side

    view. The light source and detector are housed in thesensor, which fits over the cuvette. The infrared light

    shines through the windows of the cuvette and isdetected by the photosensor. B:Cross-sectionalview. Gases pass through the airway adaptor(cuvette). The infrared light that is transmittedthrough the windows is filtered and then detected bythe photodetector in the sensor.

    Prolonged contact of the CO2 sensor assembly with the patient could cause

    pressure injury.

    D i v e r t i n g

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    A diverting moni to r us es a pump to as pira te gas from th e sam plin g site th rough a

    sampling tubing to the sensor that is located in the main unit . Keeping the sampling

    tube as short as possible wil l decrease the delay t ime and result in more

    satisfactory waveforms. These analyzers a re usually zeroed using room a ir and

    calibrated using a gas of known composit ion. A mainstream monitor with divert ing

    capabil i ty is shown in Figure 22.5. Gas is aspirated through a special cuvette and is

    analyzed by the sensor.

    To avoid water or part iculate contamination in the monitor, a number of devices

    have been used. These include traps (Fig. 22.6) (which must be emptied

    periodically), f ilters and hydrophobic membranes (which must be changed

    periodically), and special tubing (which allows water to diffuse through its walls)


    Water droplets and secret ions from the breathing system can enter the sampling

    tube and increase resistance in the tubing, affect ing the accuracy. Some

    instruments either increase the sampling f low or, to clear the contaminant from the

    tube, reverse the f low (purge) when they sense a drop in pressure from a f low

    restrict ion (15 ). I f this fai ls, the sampling port and/or the tube must be replaced.


    View Figure

    Figure 22.4Mainstream infrared CO2analyzer with thesensor not completely covering the windows of the cuvette.This can result in falsely low CO2readings.

    Accurac y decre as es wi th inc reasing res pira tory rate and lo nger sampling l ines (16 ).

    Most diverting capnometers are accurate at those respiratory rates that are

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    normally encountered in c l inical pract ice (20 to 40 breaths per minute). At higher

    respiratory rates, accuracy is lower.

    The sampling f low rate should be proport ional to the s ize of the patient. I t has been

    recommended that a flow rate less than 150 mL/minute should not be used because

    a low sampling f low may result in an elevated baseline, erroneously lo w peak

    readings, and absence of an end-t idal plateau (Fig. 22.36), especially when the

    respiratory rate is fast and t idal volume is small (17 ). A high f low rate wil l decrease

    the delay and rise t imes but may cause fresh gas to be entrained into the sample

    line with some breathing systems. This wil l result in incorrect end-t idal readings

    and a capnogram with a decrease in CO 2 at the end of the expiratory plateau (Fig.


    View Figure

    Figure 22.5Mainstream infrared CO2analyzer used as adiverting monitor. Gas is drawn through the cuvette by a



    Fa c e Ma s k

    A face mas k ha s a relatively large dead spac e rela ti ve to t ida l vol ume , mak ing i t

    more dif f icult to obtain accurate end-t idal values. Figure 22.7shows a mask with a

    sampling l ine for CO 2 . A sampling catheter can also be attached to the upper lip or

    placed in the patient 's nares or the lumen of an oral or nasopharyngeal airway

    under the mask (18 ). With a breathing system, the sampling tube is most often

    attached t o a c omponent between the mask and the breathing system (Fig. 22.8), or



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    The sampling site should be away from the fresh gas port. When a Mapleson

    breathing system is used, continuous inf low of fresh gas that is close to the

    sampling site can cause erroneous readings and an abnormal waveform (Fig.


    Tracheal tubes that incorporate a sampling lumen that extends to the middle or

    patient end of the tube are available (Chapter 19). Tracheal tube connectors with

    an attachment or hole for a sampling tube are available or can be created ( 21 ).

    These may result in measurements that more closely approximate alveolar values,

    especially in small pat ients and with breathing systems in which the fresh gas f low

    can mix with exhaled gases (22 ,23,24,25,26).

    View Figure

    Figure 22.8Ports for gas sampling in breathing systemcomponents.

    Su p r a g l o t t i c D e v i c e

    With a supraglott ic airway device, a sampling tube can be inserted through the

    connector (27,28). The preferred sampling site is the distal end of the shaft (29,30 ),

    but in most patients, sampling at the connection to the breathing system wil l result

    in sat isfactory readings (31,32 ,33 ,34,35 ).

    A samp ling tu bing ma y be in serte d into a nasal airway (36,37 ,38).

    Ox y g e n S u p p l eme n t a t i o n Dev i c e s

    A re lat ivel y ne w dev ice , th e Ox yA rm, al lo ws simulta ne ous administ ra t ion of ox ygen

    and carbon dioxide monitoring (39,40). I t consists of a headset that traverses

    across the top of the head, oxygen supply and CO2sampling l ines attached to an

    adjustable boom and a disposable arm dif fusor. I t can be used to administer oxygen

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    and monitor CO2 in both nose and mouth breathers. A n asal cannula can be

    modif ied to accept a sampling tubing

    (39,40,41,42 ,43 ,44,45 ,46 ,47,48 ,49 ,50,51,52,53,54,55 ,56,57 ,58 ,59,60 ,61 ,62 ,63 ,64 ,6

    5,66 ,67). They are available in seve ral configurat ions (Figs. 22.9, 22.10). Mouth

    breathing, airway obstruct ion, and oxygen delivery through the ipsilateral nasal

    cannula can affect accuracy (68 ). Caution should be observed in adapting a nasal

    cannula; a piece may become dislodged and present a choking hazard (69 ).

    A plas t ic ox yg en mask ma y be fi t ted wi th a samp l in g po rt (39,70 ) (Fig. 22.7).

    Al te rnati vel y, th e sampl ing tub e ma y be conn ec ted to th e ma sk outl et (71), inserted

    through a vent hole (42 ,57,72,73,74,75,76) or a sl it in the mask (77 ), or sl ipped

    under the mask and attached near the nostri ls ( 37 ,78 ,79,80 ).

    J e t Ve n t i l a t i o n

    During jet venti lat ion, an injector incorporat ing a sampling lumen (81,82 ,83 ,84) or a

    sampling tube placed in the airway (85,86) may be used. The venti latory frequency

    may need to be lowered to measure the end-tidal CO 2 ( 83,87 ,88 ).

    O t h e r

    The end of a sampling l ine can be placed in front of or inside the patient 's nostri l

    (89,90) or a nasopharyngeal airway (91). I f the patient is a mouth breather, the

    sample l ine can be placed in front of the mouth or in the nasopharynx (89 ,92 ) orhypopharynx (93,94). A catheter can be placed in the trachea after extubation for

    CO2 monitoring (95 ). A bite block can be modif ied to accommodate a sampling l ine

    (96). A sampling l ine can be placed over a tracheostomy stoma (97).

    Optimal placement should be determined by the CO 2 waveform. Mucosal irritation,

    catheter blockage, and mechanical interference sometimes cause problems.


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    View Figure

    Figure 22.10This device is used for CO2sampling innonintubated patients who are either exhaling by mouth ornose.


    Problems with the sampling system (leaks, s ampling tube obstruct ion, or

    failure of the aspirator pump) can occur. Particulate matter, blood,

    secretions, or water can obstruct the tubing (102). The sampling l ine can be

    connected to the wrong place (10 3,10 4). I f there is a leak i n the sample l ine,air wil l be added to the sample. This wil l di lute the sample and reduce the

    values of end-t idal CO2 and anesthetic agents (10 5,10 6,107) (Fig. 22.29).

    The sampling tube can kink, but this can be prevented by using an elbow

    connector near the attachment to the patient end (10 8).

    The aspirated gases must be either routed to the scavenging system or

    returned to the breathing system. I f scavenging is employed, the fresh gas

    flow may need to be increased to compensate for the gas removed or

    negative pressure wil l be created in the breathing system (109 ).

    In some divert ing monitors, room air used in the calibrat ion process is added

    to the gas ex it ing the monitor. I f this air is returned to the breathing system,

    it wil l c reate problems during closed c ircuit anesthesia.

    Some delay t ime is unavoidable.

    A supply of cal ib ra ti on gas mus t be av ailab le.

    A numb er of disposable i tems (ad apto rs and cathete rs ) must be used.

    There may be deformation of the waveform and erroneously low CO2

    readings from the fresh gas dilut ion (Fig. 22.37).

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    Compared with mainstream monitoring, sidestream measurements produce

    more variable dif ferences between arterial and end-t idal CO 2 levels (110 ).


    There are a number of dif ferent technologies available to measure respiratory and

    anesthetic gases.

    In f r a r e d An a l y s i s

    Infrared analysis is by fa r the most common technology in use today (3,11 1,11 2).


    Infrared (IR) analyzers are based on the principle that gases with two or moredissimilar atoms in the molecule (nitrous oxide, CO 2 , and the halogenated agents)

    have specif ic and unique infrared l ight absorpt ion spectra. Since the amount of

    infrared l ight absorbed is proport ional to the c oncentrat ion of the absorbing

    molecules, the concentrat ion can be determined by comparing the infrared l ight

    absorbance in the sample with that of a known standard. The nonpolar molecules of

    argon, nitrogen, helium, xenon, and oxygen do not absorb infrared l ight and cannot

    be measured using this technology.

    There are two general types of infrared technology available today.

    B l a c k b o d y R a d ia t i o n T ec h n o l o g y

    The most commonly used infrared technology ut i l izes a heated element called a

    blackbody emitter as the source of infrared l ight (113). This produces a broad

    infrared spectrum. The majority of the emitted radiat ion is redundant and must be

    removed. Filters block radiation that is outside the desired range. This method

    cannot remove the radiat ion that fal ls between discrete absorbing l ines because of

    the continuous emission nature of the blackbody. The optical detectors must be

    calibrated to recognize only infrared radiat ion that is modulated at a certain

    frequency by using a spinning chopper wheel.

    The analyzer selects the appropriate infrared wavelength, using an individual f i l ter

    or a f i l ter wheel to maximize absorption by the selected gas at its peak wavelength

    and to minimize absorption by other gases and vapors that could interfere with

    measurement of the desired component. Some older infrared units are equipped

    with a dial or switch to select the anesthetic agent being measured, while others

    require a dif ferent f i l ter and scale to measure each agent. Most units in use today

    can recognize the agents that can be monitored with this technology. After the

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    sensor detects the transmitted infrared energy, an electrical signal is produced and

    amplif ied, and the concentrat ion is displayed.

    Monitors that identify and quantify halogenated agents use a separate chamber to

    measure absorption at several wavelengths. Typically, these are single-channel,

    four-wavelength infrared f i l ter photometers. There is a f i l ter for each anesthetic

    agent and one to provide a


    baseline for comparison. Each f i l ter transmits a specif ic wavelength of i nfrared

    light, and each gas absorbs dif ferently in the selected wavelength bands (114).

    View Figure

    Figure 22.11Sidestream optical infrared analyzer. A beamof infrared light is at one end, and a photodetection device is

    at the other. The chopper wheel contains several filters,which are divided into sections that will allow passage of

    only the frequencies most readily absorbed by the gases tobe measured. The filtered and pulsatile infrared light is

    directed through both the sample chamber and a referencechamber with no absorption qualities. The amount of

    infrared light absorbed at each frequency depends on thegas level in the sample chamber.

    Most infrared instruments have an accuracy of 0.2% for CO 2 concentrat ions over

    the range of 0% to 10% and 2.0% for nitrous oxide concentrat ions from 0% to

    100%. For typical halogenated agents, the accuracy is 0.4% over a range of 0% to

    5% (11 5). Most investigators believe that these monitors are suff icient ly accurate

    for cl inical purposes (11 6,117,11 8), although they tend to underestimate the

    inspired level and overestimate end-t idal values at h igh respiratory rates.


    Figure 22.11shows a div ert ing (side-stream) infrared analyzer. Infrared l ight is

    continuously focused on a spinning (chopper) wheel. The wheel has holes with

    f i l ters specially selected for the gases to be measured. The gas to be measured is

    pumped continuously through a measuring chamber. The f i l tered and pulsed l ight is

    passed through the sample chamber and also through a reference chamber with no

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    absorption characterist ics. The l ight is then focused on an infrared photosensor.

    The amount of l ight absorbed by the sample gas is proport ional to the part ial

    pressures of gases whose infrared light absorption patterns correspond to the

    wavelengths selected by the f i l ters on the chopper wheel. The changing l ight levels

    on the photosensor produce changes in the electrical current that runs through it.

    Rotat ing the wheel thousands of t imes per minu te provides hundreds of readings for

    each respiratory cycle. For pract ical purposes, the waveform on the display is


    Monochromatic sidestream optical infrared analyzers use one wavelength to

    measure potent inhalat ional agents and are unable to dist inguish between agents o r

    to detect a mixture of agents (119 ). When such an analyzer is used, the clinician

    must select which agent is to be monitored. I f an incorrect agent is selected,

    incorrect values wil l be reported (12 0,121,12 2). Polychromatic infrared analyzers

    use mult iple wavelengths to both identify and quantify the various agents (12 3).

    This eliminates the need for the user to select the agent to be monitored and allows

    a mixture of agents to be detected.

    Most sidestream analyzers have a f ixed sampling f low rate, al though some permit

    select ion of the f low rate. The measuring cell is calibrated to zero by using gas that

    is free of the gases of interest (usually room air) and to a standard level by using a

    calibrat ion gas mixture.


    With a nondiverting (mainstream) CO 2 monitor, the gas stream passes through a

    chamber (cuvette) with two windows that are transparent to infrared light (Fig.

    22.2). The cuvette is placed between the b reathing system and the patient. The

    sensor, which houses both the l ight source and detector, f i ts ov er the cuvette. To

    prevent water condensation, the sensor is heated sl ight ly above body temperature.

    Infrared light shines through the window on one side of the adaptor, and the sensor

    receives the light on the opposite side. After passing through the sample chamber,

    the l ight goes through three ports in a rotat ing wheel, which contains (a) a sealed

    cell with a known high CO 2 concentration,(b) a chamber vented to the sensor's

    internal atmosphere, and (c) a sealed cell containing only nitrogen (Fig. 22.2B).

    The radiat ion then passes through a f i l ter that sc reens the l ight to the correct

    wavelength to isolate CO2information from interfering gases and onto a

    photodetector. The signal is amplif ied and sent to the display module.

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    Calibrat ion is performed by using two sealed cells in a plast ic unit that attaches to

    the control unit (Fig. 22.2C). I t is shaped so that the sensor can clip over e ither

    cell. The low c alibrat ion cell contains 100% nitrogen, while the high cell c ontains a

    known part ial pressure of


    CO2 . Correct ions for nitrous oxide and/or oxygen must be en tered manually.

    The sensor may become dislodged from the cuvette. I f i t is completely dislodged,

    no waveform wil l be seen. I f i t is sl ight ly dislodged (Fig. 22.4), the readings may be

    incorrect although the waveform appears normal (9,10 ). Condensed water,

    secret ions or blood on the cuvette windows wil l interfere with l ight transmission and

    cause erroneous readings (124).

    M i c r o s t r eam T ec h n o l o g y

    Microstream technology utilizes laser-based technology to generate infrared

    emission that precisely matches the absorption spectrum of CO2(113). I t ut i l izes a

    smaller sample cell and a low f low rate (50 mL/minute).

    The emission source is a glass discharge lamp without an electrode that is coupled

    with an infrared transmitting window. Electrons that are generated by a radio

    frequency voltage excite nitrogen molecules. Carbon dioxide molecules are then

    excited by coll ision with the excited nitrogen molecules. As the exc ited CO2

    molecules drop back to their ground state they emit the signature wavelength of

    CO2 .

    The emission is split so that one part is di rected to the main optical detector via the

    gas sample cell while the other part passes through a reference detector. This

    channel is used as a continuous reference detector, compensating for changes in

    infrared output.

    The infrared source is electronically modulated so that measurements are made

    every 25 msec. This provides a rapid response t ime. The amplitude of the signals

    received by the detector depends on the amount of radiat ion absorbed from the gas

    sample. The absorbed radiation is proportional to the CO2 c oncentrat ion.

    The airway adaptor has three channels with narrow hydrophobic openings, each

    facing a dif ferent direct ion. This permits the adaptor to be used in any orientat ion

    and prevents the sample l ine from being occluded by water or secret ions. The

    sample l ine has a hydrophobic f i l ter. A water trap is not necessary.

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    Because of the low sample f low and s mall sample cell, this technology is useful for

    measuring CO2 in very small pat ients, high respiratory rates, low-f low applicat ions,

    and unintubated patients. Readings are not affected by high concentrat ions of

    oxygen or anesthetic gases.

    Advantages of Infrared Analysis

    Mu l t i g a s Ca p a b i l i t y

    Infrared analyzers are capable of measuring CO 2 , nitrous oxide, and all of the

    commonly used potent volatile agents.

    Vo l at i l e A g e n t D e t ec t i o n

    Al though mo noc hromatic ana lyzers are unab le to ide nti fy anesth eti c ag en ts an d

    mixtures of agents, most newer models provide agent detect ion and can detect and

    quantify mixtures. Analyzers handle mixtures of agents in dif ferent ways. They may

    give a display saying that there is a mixture of agents or may compensate for the

    addit ional agent.

    View Figure

    Figure 22.12Microstream infrared analyzer. Smallhandheld device. (Picture courtesy of Oridion Medical.)

    No Ne e d t o S c a v e n g e Ga s e s

    Af ter measure ment, the ga ses can be return ed to the brea thing sys tem, if de si red.

    Po r t a b i l i t y

    The units (Fig. 22.12) are small, compact, and l ightweight. They may be

    incorporated into an anesthesia machine or physiologic monitor and be used in

    remote areas of the facil i ty.

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    Qu i c k Re s p o n s e T im e

    The response t ime is fast enough to measure both inspired and exhaled

    concentrat ions. Response t imes for anesthetic agents and nitrous oxide are longer

    than for CO2(115 ).

    Sh o r t Wa rm - u p T im e

    The warm-up t ime is short. The instruments do not need to be kept i n a standby


    Co n v e n i e n c e

    Al though ea rl y uni ts require d a comp licated cal ibra ti on wi th te st ga ses wi th ea ch

    use, newer units only require periodic calibrat ion with a s tandardized gas mixture.


    L a c k o f I n t e r f e r e n c e f r om O t h e r G as e s

    Argo n or low concen tra ti ons o f ni tr ic ox id e do not interf ere wi th vol at i le ag en t

    monitoring by infrared analyzers (12 5,126). Infrared spectrometry is accurate in the

    presence of 5% CO2 (12 7).

    Det ec t i n g A n e s t h et i c B r e ak d o w nAgent-identifying inf ra red ana lyze rs ma y pro vide warn ing of des fl ura ne breakdown

    that produces carbon monoxide by d isplaying wrong o r mixed agents (12 8).


    Ox y g e n an d N i t r o g e n n o t Me as u r e d

    Oxygen and nitrogen cannot be measured by infrared technology.

    Gas I n t e r f e r e n c e

    While oxygen is not absorbed by infrared l ight, i t causes broadening of the CO 2 absorpt ion spectra, which results in lower CO2 readings (115). In a typical infrared

    CO2 analyzer, 95% oxygen causes a 0.5% decline in measured CO 2 (101). Some

    units have a user-actuated electronic offset for oxygen.

    There is some overlap of the CO2 and nitrous oxide infrared absorption peaks so

    that nitrous oxide can cause falsely high CO2 readings, with an increase of 0.1 to

    1.4 torr per 10% nitrous oxide. Most infrared analyzers that measure both CO 2 and

    nitrous oxide automatically co rrect for nitrous oxide's effect on the C O2 reading.

    Some require the user to indicate when nitrous oxide is present.

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    I f the analyzer is set to measure a v olat i le agent dif ferent from that present in the

    gas mixture being analyzed, CO 2 and nitrous oxide as well as agent readings wil l

    be incorrect (12 9). A mixture of agents can cause erroneous readings (13 0).

    Desflurane may disturb the infrared CO2sensor so that it reads higher-than-

    expected concentrat ions (13 1).

    Helium in the gas mixture may cause the infrared analyzer to underestimate the

    concentrat ion of CO2 (132).

    In a c c u r a c y f r om O t h e r S u b s t a n c e s

    Ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, diethyl ether, acetaldehyde, or acetone in sampled

    gases can cause spuriously high volat i le agent readings

    (122 ,133,134,135 ,136,13 7,138 ). Ether that is used to soak gauze that packed aprosthesis can cause a monitor to incorrect ly identify isof lurane (139).

    Polychromatic analyzers are less affected, and some display a warning that the

    interfering agent has been detected (11 8,123 ,140,141). Some analyzers de tect

    halogenated propellants as anesthetic gases (142 ,143,14 4,145,146).

    Methane, which can accumulate during low-f low anesthesia, causes inaccuracies

    with monitors that use the 3.3 m wavelength range (14 7,148).

    In t e r f er e n c e f r o m Wa t er V a p o r

    Water vapor absorbs infrared l ight at many wavelengths and wil l cause increasedCO2 and volat i le agent readings (115 ). Monitors use special tubing, water traps,

    f i l ters, and/or hydrophobic membranes to minimize this. Water that gets into the

    monitor can cause expensive or irreversible damage (102).

    S l o w R e s p o n s e T i m e

    With rapid respiratory rates, the response time may be too slow to measure

    inspired and end-t idal levels of volat i le agents accurately (14 9).

    Rad i o F r e q u e n c y In t e r f e r e n c e

    Handheld two-way radios in use near an infrared analyzer may cause CO 2 readings

    to be increased (150 ).

    D i f f i c u l t y A d d i n g New Vo l a t i l e A g e n t s

    As new vola ti le ag en ts are ad ded to the anesth etic arm amenta rium , th es e mon ito rs

    need to be revised to accept the new agents. This revision may require anything

    from a software change to an expensive change to the analyzing bench. In some

    cases, a correct ion factor can be used to convert one channel of a monitor to

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    monitor another agent (151). In some cases, it wil l be necessary for the user to

    manually select the agent being used (15 2,153 ).

    Par amagne t ic O x y g e n Ana l y s i s

    When introduced into a magnetic f ield, some substances locate themselves in the

    strongest portion of the f ield (154 ,155). These substances are termed

    para magne tic. Oxygen is the only paramagnetic gas that is important in anesthesia.

    When a gas t hat contains oxygen is passed through a switched magnetic f ield, the

    gas wil l expand and c ontract, causing a pressure wave that is proport ional to the

    oxygen part ial pressure.

    To obtain a high degree of accuracy, it is necessary to compare the pressure in the

    gas sample with a reference signal that is obtained by using air o r oxygen. When

    air is used as a reference gas, nitrogen may accumulate in the breathing system

    during closed-circuit anesthesia if the reference gases are redirected to the

    anesthesia ci rcuit . I f oxygen is used as the reference gas, the accumulat ion of

    nitrogen is signif icantly reduced (156 ).

    A paramagn etic ox yge n an al yze r is shown in Figure 22.13. Reference and sample

    gases are pumped through the analyzer. The two gas paths are joined by a

    dif ferential pressure or f low sensor. I f the sample and reference gases have

    dif ferent part ial pressures of oxygen, the magnet wil l cause their pressures to

    dif fer. This dif ference is detected by the transducer and converted into an electrical

    signal that is displayed as oxygen part ial pressure or volumes percent.

    The short r ise t ime allows both inspired and end-t idal oxygen levels to be measured

    even at rapid respiratory rates. Many monitors combine infrared analysis of CO 2 ,


    volat i le anesthetic agents, and nitrous oxide with paramagnetic oxygen analysis in

    the same monitor using the same diverted gas (Fig. 22.1). This allows most gases

    of interest to be monitored by a single monitor.

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    View Figure

    Figure 22.13Paramagnetic oxygen analyzer. A referencegas of known or no oxygen content and the gas whoseoxygen level is to be measured are pumped through theanalyzer and converge into a tube at the outlet. The two gas

    paths are joined at their midpoints by a differential pressureor flow sensor. The magnet is switched on and off at a rapid

    rate. Because the reference and sample gases have differentoxygen levels, the pressures in the paths will differ. The

    pressure difference is detected by the sensor.

    I f the sample gas from the analyzer is returned to the breathing system and air was

    used as a reference gas, it wil l di lute the o ther gases and cause an increase in

    nitrogen (10 1). This is especially a problem during closed-circuit anesthesia. I f

    oxygen is used as the reference gas, the accumulat ion of nitrogen is s ignif icantly

    reduced (156). Desflurane may disturb the paramagnetic oxygen sensor so that it

    reads higher than expected (13 1). Failure of a paramagnetic oxygen analyzer has

    been reported (157 ).

    E le c t r o c h em i c a l O x y g e n An a ly s i s

    An el ec tro che mi ca l ox yge n an alyze r consists of a sens or, wh ich is expo sed to the

    gas being analyzed, and the analyzer box, which contains the electronic circuitry,

    display, and alarms (Fig. 22.14). The sensor contains a cathode and an anode

    surrounded by electrolyte. The gel is held in place by a membrane that is

    nonpermeable to ions, proteins, and other such materials, yet is permeable to

    oxygen. The membrane should not be touched, because dirt and grease reduce itsusable area. In most cases, the sensor is placed in the inspiratory l imb of the

    breathing system.

    Most of these analyzers respond slowly to changes in oxygen pressure, so they

    cannot be used to measure end-t idal concentrations. Some newer sensors can

    analyze oxygen quickly enough to measure inspired and exhaled concentrat ions.


    Ga l v a n i c Ce l l ( Fu e l Ce l l , M i c r o f u e l Ce l l )

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    Oxygen diffuses through the sensor membrane and electrolyte to the cathode,

    where it is reduced, causing a current to f low (114,158 ,159 ,160). The rate at which

    oxygen enters the cell and generates current is proport ional to the part ial pressure

    of oxygen in the gas outside the membrane. For convenience, however, the display

    scale is usually marked in percent oxygen. A gain control al lows the analyzer to be

    calibrated with gas with a known part ial pressure of oxygen (usually air).

    A gal van ic cell sensor is sho wn in Figure 22.15. I t consists of an anode and two

    cathodes su rrounded by electrolyte. The cathode acts as the sensing electrode and

    is not consumed. The hydroxyl ions formed there react with the lead anode, forming

    lead oxide. The anode is g radually consumed.

    Cathode: O2+ 2H2O + 4e-4OH


    Anode: 4OH-+ 2Pb 2PbO + 2H 2O + 4e



    View Figure

    Figure 22.14Electrochemical oxygen analyzer. The sensoris connected by a cable to the analyzer box, which contains

    the meter, alarms, and controls. A thermistor compensatesfor changes in oxygen diffusion caused by temperature. An

    amplifier is present in the polarographic analyzer. Thosemonitors with manual calibration require adjustment of a

    gain control until the correct reading is obtained for astandard oxygen concentration. Those with automatic

    calibration simply require a button to be pressed in thepresence of a gas of standard concentration (usually air).

    This puts the monitor into calibration mode, and it returns tonormal readings automatically when calibration is complete.

    Since there are two cathodes, two voltages are generated. These are compared,

    and if a certain amount of dif ference is present, the operator is prompted to check

    the cell. Because the current is strong enough to operate the meter, a s eparate

    power source is not required to operate the analyzer. A power source (either

    battery or mains current) is required to power the alarms.

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    The chemical reaction is temperature dependent. In order to compensate for

    temperature differences, a temperature-dependent resistor (thermistor) may be

    connected in parallel with the sensor.

    View Figure

    Figure 22.15Galvanic cell sensor. The membrane is

    permeable to gases but not to liquids. At the cathode,oxygen molecules are reduced to hydroxide ions. At theanode, hydroxide ions give up electrons. An electron flow

    between the anode and cathode is generated, which isdirectly proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen in thesample gas.


    View Figure

    Figure 22.16The life of a galvanic (fuel cell)electrochemical oxygen analyzer can be prolonged by

    leaving it exposed to room air when not in use.

    The sensor comes packaged in a sealed container that does not contain oxygen. I ts

    l i fe span begins when the package is opened. I ts useful l i fe is cited in percent

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    hours, which is the product of hours of exposure and oxygen percentage. I f i t is

    exposed to a high oxygen concentrat ion, its l i fe expec tancy wil l be decreased.

    Sensor l i fe can be p rolonged by removing it from the breathing system and

    exposing it to air when not in use (Fig. 22.16). Galvanic sensors require no

    membrane or electrolyte replacement. The whole s ensor cartr idge must be replaced

    when it becomes exhausted (Fig. 22.17).

    Po l ar o g r a p h i c E l e c t r o d e

    A pol arog raphic (C lark elec tro de) sensor is shown in Figure 22.18. I t consists of an

    anode, a cathode, an electrolyte, and a gas-permeable membrane. There is a power

    source (battery or alternating current [AC] l ine) for inducing a potential between the

    anode and the cathode.Oxygen molecules dif fuse through the membrane and electrolyte. When a polarizing

    voltage is applied to the cathode, electrons combine with the oxygen molecules and

    reduce them to hydroxide ions. A current that is proport ional to the oxygen part ial

    pressure in the sample f lows between the anode and cathode.

    Polarographic sensors may be either preassembled disposable cartr idges or units

    that can be disassembled and reused by changing the membrane and/or electrolyte.



    Calibrat ion should be performed daily before use and at least every 8 hours after

    that. Some instruments remind the user when calibrat ion is needed and wil l not give

    a reading unti l calibrat ion is performed (Fig. 22.19). The calibrat ion can be checked

    by exposing the sensor to room air and verifying that i t indicates approximately

    21% oxygen.

    Checking the Alarms

    The sensor should be put i n room air and the low oxygen alarm set above 21%. The

    visual signal should f lash, and the audible alarm should sound. I f the unit has a

    high oxygen alarm, the sett ing for that should be moved below 21%. Both visual

    and audible signals should be act ivated. I f the v isual signal fai ls or the audible

    signal is weak, the batteries should be replaced and the alarms rechecked. I f this

    fails to remedy the problem, the unit should not be used.

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    View Figure

    Figure 22.17Galvanic cell sensor. The entire sensor mustbe replaced when it becomes exhausted.


    View Figure

    Figure 22.18Polarographic sensor. Oxygen diffusesthrough the membrane and electrolyte to the cathode. When

    a polarizing voltage is applied to the cathode, the oxygenmolecules are reduced to hydroxide ions. The current flow

    between cathode and anode will be proportional to thepartial pressure of oxygen. (Redrawn fromBageant RA. Oxygen analyzers. Respir Care 1976;21:415.)

    Placement in the Breathing System

    Sites for placing the sensor in breathing systems a re discussed in Chapter 9 . The

    sensor service l i fe of some galvanic cell analyzers is reduced by exposure to CO2 ,

    so locating the sensor on the inspiratory side of the system may be preferable. The

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    sensor should be upright or t i l ted s light ly to prevent moisture from accumulating on

    the membrane. The junction between the cable and the sensor should not be under


    Setting Alarms Limits

    The low oxygen alarm should be set a l i t t le below the minimum and the high oxygen

    level alarm a l i t t le above the maximum acceptable concentrat ions. There should be

    places on the anesthesia record for recording the alarm set points and oxygen



    Eas y t o U s e

    Electrochemical oxygen analyzers are dependable, accurate, and user-fr iendly.

    Galvanic analyzers may be more reliable than polarographic analyzers (16 1).

    L o w C o s t

    These instruments cost less than other means of oxygen analysis.

    Comp a c t

    Compared with other technologies for measuring oxygen, the electrochemical

    analyzer takes up l i t t le space.

    No E f f ec t f r o m A r g o n

    Argo n does no t af fec t galvan ic cel l mon itori ng (126 ).


    Ma i n t e n a n c e

    While maintenance on newer models has been simplif ied, some instruments need

    frequent membrane and electrolyte changes. Polarographic monitors require more

    maintenance than the galvanic cell monitors (161 ).

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    View Figure

    Figure 22.19The display on the anesthesia machineprovides a reminder that the oxygen analyzer needs to becalibrated.


    Ca l i b r a t i o n

    These instruments need to be calibrated before use each day and at least every 8


    Us e r E n a b l i n g

    Instruments that are not an in tegral part of anesthesia machines need to be turned

    on by the user.

    S l o w R e s p o n s e T i m e

    Most of these analyzers cannot be used to measure end-t idal oxygen.

    P i ez oe l ec t r i c An a ly s i s

    TechnologyThe piezoelectric method uses vibrat ing crystals that are coated with a layer of l ipid

    to measure volat i le anesthetic agents ( 158,162,163 ,164 ) (Fig. 22.20). When

    exposed to a volat i le anesthetic agent, the vapor is adsorbed into the l ipid. The

    result ing change in the mass of the l ipid alters the vibrat ion frequency. By using an

    electronic system consist ing of two oscil lat ing circuits, one of which has an

    uncoated (reference) crystal and the other a coated (detector) crystal, an electric

    signal that is proport ional to the v apor concentration is generated. Piezoelectric

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    analyzers are divert ing devices. Some piezoelectric-based units have a separate

    nondispersive infrared sensor to dif ferentiate inspirat ion and expirat ion.


    A c c u r a c y

    Investigat ions show an accu racy of better than 0.1% (162 ,163). Water vapor and

    nitrous oxide affect the reading, but the worst-case interference is less than 0.1%.

    The analyzer does not give art ifactual results in the presence of aerosol propellants

    that are used to administer bronchodilators ( 142 ).

    F as t R e s p o n s e T im e

    These analyzers can measure inspired and expired levels of halogenated agents.

    View Figure

    Figure 22.20Piezoelectric analyzer. A:One vibratingcrystal is coated with lipid, and the other is uncoated. By

    comparing the vibration frequencies of the crystals, thelevel of anesthetic agent in the gas being analyzed can be

    measured. B:Piezoelectric crystals. (Courtesy ofBiochemical International, Inc.)


  • 8/11/2019 Chapter 22. Gas Monitoring


    View Figure

    Figure 22.21Colorometric carbon dioxide detectors. Acolor code around the outside provides a reference. A:Adultsize. The device is supplied with caps that must be removed

    before use. (Reprinted by permission of Nellcor PuritanBennett, Inc., Pleasanton, CA.) B:Adult and pediatricversions. The paper strip must be removed to activate the


    No Ne e d f o r S c a v e n g i n g

    Because the agents are not altered, the gas removed can be returned to the

    breathing system.

    Sh o r t Wa rm - u p T im e

    The warm-up period is shorter than with an infrared analyzer.

    Comp a c t

    These units are small.


    On l y O n e Ga s Me as u r e d

    This analyzer cannot measure oxygen, CO 2 , nitrogen, or nitrous oxide.

    No A g e n t D i s c r im i n at i o n

    This device cannot discriminate between agents. The user must tel l the monitor

    which agent is being measured. I f the wrong agent is selected, the reading can be

    in error by as much as 118% (162 ).

    In a c c u r a c y w i t h Wa t er V a p o r

    Water wil l cause errors with the piezoelectric monitor. In one case, the l ines to the

    pump were reversed so that water vapor was removed after its passage rather than

    before (16 5). This caused erroneously high readings.

    Chem i c a l Car b o n D i o x i d e De t ec t i o n

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    A chemi ca l (colori me tri c) de tec to r (Fig. 22.21) consists of a pH-sensit ive indicator

    enclosed in a housing (3,166 ,16 7,16 8,169 ). When the indicator is exposed to

    carbonic acid that is formed as a product of the reaction between CO 2 and water it

    becomes more acidic and changes color. During inspirat ion, the color returns to its

    rest ing state unless it is used with a breathing system that allows rebreathing.

    The inlet and outlet ports are 15 mm, so the device can be placed between patient

    and the breathing system or resuscitat ion bag. With the Mapleson F sys tem

    (Chapter 8), it may be placed between the expiratory limb and the bag ( 17 0).

    Pediatric versions are available (Fig. 22.21B).


    H y g r o s c o p i c

    The hygroscopic CO2 detector contains hygroscopic f i l ter paper that is impregnated

    with a colorless base and an indicator that changes color as a function of pH. The

    filter paper is visible through a clear window. The color chart on the dome was

    designed to be read under f luorescent l ight. An auxil iary color c hart that is included

    in each package should be consulted if o ther l ight ing is encountered. A purple o r

    mauve (A) color indicates a low CO2 (2%) (171 ,172). The mean minimum concentrat ion of

    CO2 needed to produce a color change is 0.54%, with a range f rom 0.25% to 0.60%

    (169 ).

    The hygroscopic CO2 detector's useful l i fe may last from a few minutes to several

    hours, depending on the humidity of the gas being monitored (173). Reducing the

    relat ive humidity of exhaled gases by using an HME to trap moisture before it

    reaches the device prolongs the detector's useful l i fe.

    H y d r o p h o b i c

    A hydro pho bi c in dicator in a colo rimetri c dev ice shows a color cha nge f ro m bl ue to

    green to yellow when exposed to CO2 ( 173 ,174). Liquid water may cause the device

    to not function properly. I f the device is allowed to dry, i t wil l recover its act ivity. I t

    has a faster response t ime, performs better at high respiratory frequencies, and is

    less affected by humidity than the hygroscopic model (17 3,174 ).


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    A chemi ca l CO2detector is useful for confirming successful tracheal intubation

    when a capnometer is not available. I t is useful for intubations that are performed

    out of the hospital, in the emergency department, or on the wards

    (175 ,176,177,178 ). It can be used to determine the position of the Combitube ( 179 )

    (Chapter 21). I t can be used during an intubation in a hyperbaric chamber (180). A

    manual resuscitator may have a built- in colorimetric CO2detector (181 ,182).

    Because it is disposable, i t may be especially useful to confirm tracheal intubation

    in patients with respiratory diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome

    (SARS) (183 ).


    The device is easy to use.

    I ts performance is not affected by nitrous oxide or anesthetic vapors.

    I ts small size, portabil i ty, and lack of need for a power source allow it to be

    used in locations where use of a CO 2monitor is not possible.

    The cost is low compared with other methods of CO2 analysis.

    Studies show the device to be accurate in diagnosing esophageal intubation

    (166 ,167,16 8,171 ,176 ,17 7,178 ,182,18 4,185 ,186 ,187 ,188,189,190 ,191,192,19


    The device can serve to evaluate resuscitat ion or as a prognostic indicator of

    successful short-term resuscitation after the tracheal tube has been correct ly

    posit ioned (186,18 8,194 ).

    It offers minimal resistance to flow.

    I t is always ready for use, does not require cleaning, and minimizes the risk

    of transmission of infect ion.

    Carbon monoxide does not interfere with the c hemical CO2 detectors (12 7).


    I t may take several breaths before conclusions can be drawn about the

    tracheal tube location to avoid errors caused by false-posit ive results, as

    discussed below. I t is usually recommended to wait six breaths before

    making a determination.

    False-negative results may be seen with very low t idal volumes and low end-

    t idal CO2 concentrat ions, such as i n cases of compromised lung perfusion

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    (190 ,192). During cardiopulmonary resuscitat ion, a posit ive test indicates

    that the tracheal tube is in the airway, but a negative result (suggesting

    esophageal placement) requires an alternate method of confirming tracheal

    tube posit ion. I f there is l i t t le or no ci rculat ion to the lung, CO2 wil l not be

    available for the detector to verify correct tracheal tube placement. Failure to

    inf late the tracheal tube cuff may cause equivocal color change (167). Other

    methods to determine tracheal tube posit ion are discussed in Chapter 19.

    Drugs inst i l led in the trachea or gastric contents can cause irreversible

    damage to the device (195 ,196).

    False-posit ive results can occur if there is CO2 in the stomach (from ingested

    carbonated beverages or antacids or mask v enti lat ion) (197,198,19 9,200 ).

    The display may init ial ly turn color and only slowly revert to its original color.

    Diff iculty in dist inguishing color changes has been reported (197 ). I t may be

    dif f icult to determine whether a subtle color change is d ue to the patient 's

    low end-tidal CO2or a misplaced tracheal tube.

    There is no alarm or CO2 waveform.

    This device may not be c ost effect ive for routine use when compared with

    use of a capnometer (201 ). I ts cost-effect iveness may be greater with a s mall

    number of applicat ions (20 2).

    Airf lo w obs truc ti on f rom a manuf ac tu ring defec t ha s been rep orte d (20 3).

    This device is semiquantitat ive and cannot give accurate measurement of

    CO2 . For this reason, its applicat ion is l imited to tracheal tube posit ion

    verif icat ion.

    Re f r a c t ome t r y

    In an o ptical interference refractometer ( interferometer), one port ion of a split l ight

    beam passes through a chamber into which the sample gas has been aspirated,

    while the other portion passes through an identical chamber containing air

    (204 ,205,206,207 ). Because vapor slows the velocity of l ight, the port ion passing

    through the vapor chamber is delayed. The beams are then recombined to form an

    interference pattern that consists of dark and l ight bands. The posit ion of these

    bands, observed through an eyepiece against a scale superimposed on the pattern,

    yields the vapor concentration. In


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    order to use this device, one must know the refract ivity number of the gas being

    analyzed. Refract ivity is a nonlinear function of the part ial pressure of the gas.

    This instrument is used primarily for v aporizer calibrat ion. I t cannot be used to

    measure vapor levels of halogenated agents in a typical anesthetic gas mixture of

    oxygen and nitrous oxide because of its sensit ivity to nitrous oxide (208).

    Gas Measurement

    Ox y g e n

    The standards for basic anesthesia monitoring of the American Society of

    Anesthes iolog is ts (ASA) and Ame ric an As soc iati on of Nurse Anesth etists (AA NA )

    state that the concentrat ion of oxygen in the patient breathing system shall be

    measured by an oxygen analyzer with a low oxygen concentration alarm in use. The

    use of more than one device to monitor oxygen is desirable.

    Standard Requirements

    International and U.S. standards on respiratory gas monitors analyzers was

    published in 2004 and 2005 (209,210 ). The following requirements are in those


    Oxygen readings shall be within 2.5% of the actual level. This accuracy

    shall be maintained for at least 6 hours of continuous use.

    The high and low oxygen level alarms must be at least medium priority. A

    high-priority alarm is required for an inspired oxygen concentrat ion below

    18%. Alarm priorit izat ion is discussed in Chapter 26.

    I t shall not be possible to set the low oxygen alarm limit below 18%.

    An ox ygen an alyze r wi th an ala rm th at can be set below 18% is dangerous (21 1).

    TechnologyOxygen levels may be measured by using electrochemical or paramagnetic

    technology. In most cases, electrochemical analysis provides only mean

    concentrat ions. Paramagnetic technology has a suff icient ly rapid response t i me to

    measure both inspired and end-t idal levels. I t may be desirable to measure the

    inspired oxygen with non-intubated, spontaneously breathing patients. This is

    possible with a diverting device such as a paramagnetic analyzer but not with an

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    electrochemical monitor. End-t idal oxygen can be measured during jet v enti lat ion

    (212 ).

    Applications of Oxygen Analysis

    Det ec t i n g H y p o x i c o r H y p e r o x i c M i x t u r e s

    The f irst l ine of defense against hypoxemia is to avoid a hypoxic inspired gas

    mixture. An oxygen monitor provides an earlier warning of inadequate oxygen than

    pulse oximetry. In a s tudy of 2000 crit ical incidents, 1% were f irst detected b y the

    oxygen monitor (213 ). Hypoxia is discussed in Chapter 14.

    Oxygen analysis can also help prevent problems result ing from hyperoxygenation,

    such as patient movement during surgery, awareness, damage to the lungs and

    eyes, and f ires. Fires are discussed in detail in Chapter 32.

    Det ec t i n g D i s c o n n e c t i o n s a n d L e ak s

    Disconnection of the tubing to an oxygen mask may be detected by using a

    divert ing oxygen analyzer (214).

    An ox ygen monitor can dete ct disconnections in the bre ath in g sys te m

    (215 ,216,217). However, oxygen monitoring cannot be depended on for this

    purpose (218,219 ). Whether or not the oxygen l evel fal ls at the point being

    monitored depends on several factors, including the type of breathing system in

    use, posit ion of the sensor, si te of disconnection, alarm set points, i f the patient is

    breathing spontaneously or v enti lat ion is controlled, and the type of venti lator in

    use. I f oxygen is the driving gas and there is no physical barrier between the

    driving oxygen from the venti lator and the breathing system gas, a disconnection at

    the common gas outlet wil l result in a r ising percentage of oxygen (220 ).

    Disconnections are discussed i n Chapter 1 4.

    With a si destream analyzer, a decrease in inspired and expired oxygen may result

    from a leak in the sampling system (221).

    De t ec t i n g H y p o v e n t i l at i o n

    Normally, the dif ference between inspired and expired oxygen is 4% to 5%. A

    dif ference of more than 5% after a s teady state has been reached is a s ensit ive

    indicator of hypoventi lat ion (222,223,224). Hypoventi lat ion is discussed in detail in

    Chapter 14.

    O t h e r

    End-tidal oxygen has been used to measure the adequacy of preoxygenation

    (225 ,226,227,228 ,229).

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    Knowing the expired oxygen concentrat ion allows an est imate of the patient 's

    oxygen consumption and c an aid in the diagnosing malignant hyperthermia. Oxygen

    consumption can be estimated from the difference between the inspired and

    exhaled oxygen concentrat ions (230,231 ).

    The concentrat ion of nitrous oxide c an be est imated from the concentrat ion of


    End-t idal oxygen has been used to detect air embolism. When a signif icant amount

    of air enters the


    vascular bed, there is an increase in end-t idal oxygen and a decrease in the

    dif ference between inspiratory and end-t idal oxygen c oncentrat ions (232 ).

    Car b o n D io x i d e An a ly s i s

    ASA gu ide lines for basic anesth eti c moni to ring state that wh en a trac he al tube or

    supraglott ic airway device is inserted, its c orrect posit ioning must be verif ied by

    identifying CO2 in the expired gas. Continual end-t idal CO 2 analysis shall be

    performed unti l the device is removed or the patient is transferred to a

    postoperative care location. In 2005, an audible alarm was added to the monitoring

    standard (233).

    A court case has he ld that a reasonab ly prud en t hea lth care fac ili ty would supp ly a

    CO2 monitor to a patient undergoing general anesthesia (234). Some states have

    mandated the use of CO 2monitors (158).

    Carbon dioxide analysis provides a means for assessing metabolism, circulat ion,

    and venti lat ion and can de tect many equipment- and patient-related problems that

    other monitors either fai l to detect or detect so slowly that patient safety may be

    compromised. A c losed claims analysis found that capnography plus pulse oximetry

    could potential ly prevent 93% of avoidable anesthetic mishaps (235 ). In one study,

    10% of intraoperative problems were init ial ly diagnosed by CO2 monitoring (236). In

    another study, end-t idal CO2 was useful in confirming 58% of already suspected

    anesthesia-related crit ical incidents and was the initial detector of 27% ( 23 7). In yet

    another study, it was est imated that a capnometer used on its o wn would have

    detected 55% of crit ical incidents if they had been allowed to evolve and 43% would

    have been detected before any potential organ damage (238). Carbon dioxide

    monitoring detects acute complete airway obstruction and extubation more rapidly

    than pulse oximetry or vital s ign monitoring (239 ). In major trauma vict ims, using

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    capnography to guide prehospital venti lat ion resulted in less hypoventilat ion on

    hospital admission (24 0,24 1).

    The respiratory cycle ( i.e., inspirat ion vs. expirat ion) is defined in terms of CO2

    measurement, so end-tidal values for other gases depend on CO 2 measurement.


    Capnometry is the measurement of CO2in a gas mixture, and a capnometer is the

    device that performs the measurement and displays the readings in numerical form.

    Capnographyis the recording of CO 2 concentrat ion versus t ime, while a

    capnograph is the machine that generates the waveform. The capnogram is the

    actual waveform (24 2). I t may be possible to connect a capnometer to another

    patient monitor and/or recorder to generate a waveform. Waveforms are availableon all modern physiologic monitors.

    The Capnometer

    S t a n d ar d s Re q u i r em e n t s

    An internati on al and a U.S. standa rd on capn omete rs hav e been pub li shed

    (209 ,210). They contain the following specif icat ions.

    The CO2 reading shall be within 12% of the actual value or 4 mm Hg (0.53

    kPa), whichever is greater, over the full range of the capnometer.

    The manufacturer must disclose any interference caused by ethanol,

    acetone, methane, helium, tetrafluoroethane, and dichlorodifluoromethane as

    well as commonly used halogenated anesthetic agents.

    The capnometer must have a high CO 2 alarm for both inspired and exhaled

    CO2 .

    An al arm for low exha led CO2 is required.

    T e c h n o l o g y

    Methods to measure CO2 levels i nclude infrared and chemical colorimetric analysis.

    A wide vari ety of di sp la y forma ts are av ailable on CO2 monitors. The CO2 level may

    be reported as either part ial pressure or volumes percent and may be displayed

    continuously or as the peak (normally end-t idal) value. Other parameters such as

    respiratory rate and I:E ratio may be displayed.

    Portable, battery-operated CO2 monitoring devices are available

    (243 ,244,245,246 ,247,24 8,249 ,250 ) (Figure 22.12). These are useful in emergency

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    medicine and patient transport (Fig. 22.12). At least one has been reported to not

    give correct values during rebreathing (25 1). MRI-compatible infrared CO2monitors

    are available.

    Many capnometers are included in multipurpose physiologic monitors with other

    parameters such as blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and analysis of other gases.

    The CO2 waveform may be one of several on a display.

    A tm o s p h e r i c P r e s s u r e E f f ec t s

    Atmo sph eri c pressure can in f luence CO2 readings (111 ,112,252,253,254 ,255 ).

    Some instruments incorporate a barometer to compensate for c hanges i n

    atmospheric pressure. Others require the user to enter the atmospheric pressure

    manually. St i l l others do not correct for a tmospheric pressure. The c apnometerstandards (20 9,210 ) require that the manufacturer disclose the quantitat ive effects

    of barometric pressure on c apnometer performance in the i nstruct ions for use.

    Sidestream Analyzers

    When a sides tream infrared reports results in v olumes pe rcent, the atmospheric

    pressure at measurement time must be known to correctly compute the CO 2 value.


    TABLE 22.1 Capnography and Capnometry with Altered Carbon Dioxide Productiona

    Waveform on








    End-tidal to



    Absorption of CO2fromperitoneal cavity

    Normal 0 Normal

    Injection of sodiumbicarbonate

    Normal 0 Normal

    Pain, anxiety, shivering Normal 0 Normal

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    Increased muscle tone (as frommuscle relaxant reversal)

    Normal 0 Normal

    Convulsions Normal 0 Normal

    Hyperthermia Normal 0 Normal

    Hypothermia Normal ! 0 Normal

    Increased depth of anesthesia(in relation to surgical


    Normal ! 0 Normal

    Use of muscle relaxants May seecurarecleft

    ! 0 Normal

    Increased transport of CO2tothe lungs (restoration of

    peripheral circulation after ithas been impaired, e.g., afterrelease of a tourniquet)

    Normal 0 Normal


    Normal end-tidal CO2is 38 torr (5%). Inspired CO2is normally 0. The arterial to end-tidal gradient is normally less than 5 torr.

    For example:

    FetCO2= part ial pressure (atmospheric pressure - water vapor pressure) 100

    At 760 mm Hg atmospheri c pres sure and a CO2 level of 38 mm Hg,

    FetCO2= 38(760 - 47) 100 = 5%

    If the atmospheric pressure is reduced to 500 mm Hg,

    FetCO2= 38(500 - 47) 100 = 8%

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    If a correction for atmospheric pressure is not made, the capnometer will read

    erroneously high volumes percent at increased alt i tude. Other options a re to

    calibrate at alt i tude with a gas that has a known CO2concentrat ion or to set the

    device to read part ial p ressure.

    Ma i n s t r e am I n f r a r e d A n a l y z e r s

    Mainstream infrared instruments are calibrated from sealed gas cells of known

    part ial pressure. These instruments wil l report measurements in units of part ial

    pressure correct ly (252). I f such an analyzer reports results in volumes percent, the

    atmospheric pressure at measurement t ime must be known.

    Clinical Significance of Capnometry

    Carbon dioxide is produced in the body t issues, conveyed by the circulatory system

    to the lungs, excreted by the lungs, and removed by the breathing system.

    Therefore, changes in respired CO2may ref lect alterat ions in metabolism,

    circulat ion, respirat ion, or the breathing system. Tables 22.1 to 22.4 l ist some

    sources of changes in CO2 levels.

    TABLE 22.2 Capnographic and Capnometric Alterations as a Result of Circulatory


    Waveform on




    I nspiratory


    End-ti dal to


    Decreased transport of CO2to the lungs (impaired

    peripheral circulation)

    Normal ! 0 Normal

    Decreased transport of CO2

    through the lungs (pulmonaryembolus, either air or

    thrombus; surgicalmanipulations)

    Normal ! 0 Elevated

    Increased patient dead space Normal ! 0 Elevated


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    TABLE 22.3 Capnometry and Capnography with Respiratory Problems

    Waveform on





    I nspiratory



    End-tidal to



    Disconnection Absent 0

    Apneic patient,stopped ventilator

    Absent 0

    Hyperventilation Normal ! 0 Normal

    Hypoventilation,mild to moderate

    Normal 0 Normal

    Upper airwayobstruction

    Abnormala 0 Elevated

    Rebreathing, e.g.,(under drapes)




    Absent 0


    See Figure 18.34.

    Me t a b o l i sm

    Monitoring CO2 el imination gives an indicat ion of the patient 's metabolic rate (256 ).

    An inc reas e or decrea se in end-t idal CO2 is a reliable indicator of metabolism only

    in mechanically venti lated s ubjects. For spontaneously breathing patients, PetCO2

    may not increase with increased metabolism because of compensatory

    hyperventi lat ion by the patient (257 ,258 ).

  • 8/11/2019 Chapter 22. Gas Monitoring


    Table 22.1l ists some metabolic causes of increased or decreased CO 2 excret ion.

    These include increased temperature, shivering, convulsions, excessive

    catecholamine production or administration (259 ), blood or bicarbonate

    administrat ion (260), release of an arterial clamp or tourniquet

    (261 ,262,263,264 ,265), and parenteral hyperalimentat ion (266). Carbon dioxide

    production falls with decreased temperature and increased muscle relaxation.

    Increased exhaled CO2 can result from CO 2used to inf late the peritoneal cavity

    during laparoscopy (267,268,269,270 ,27 1,27 2), the pleural cavi ty during thorascopy

    (273 ,274), a joint during arthroscopy (275), or to increase visualizat ion for

    endoscopic vein harvest (276).

    TABLE 22.4 Capnographic and Capnometric Alterations with Equipment

    Problem Waveform on








    End-tidal to

    Ar terial Gradient

    Increased apparatus deadspace



    Rebreathing with circle

    system: faulty or exhaustedabsorbent, bypassedabsorber (may be masked by

    high fresh gas flow)





    Rebreathing with Maplesonsystem (inadequate fresh gasflow, misassembly, problemwith inner tube of Bainsystem)



    Rebreathing due tomalfunctioningnonrebreathing valve




  • 8/11/2019 Chapter 22. Gas Monitoring


    Obstruction to expiration inthe breathing system



    0 Decreased

    Blockage of sampling line Absent 0 0

    Leakage in sampling line SeeFigure18.39

    ! 0 Increased

    Low sampling rate withdiverting device


    ! Increased

    Too high a sampling rate

    with diverting device



    ! 0 Increased

    Inadequate seal aroundtracheal tube


    ! 0 Increased


    Malignant hyperthermia is a hypermetabolic state with a massive increase in CO2

    production. The increase occurs early, before the rise in temperature. Early

    detect ion of this syndrome is one of the most important reasons for routinely

    monitoring CO2 ( 236 ,277). Capnometry can be used to monitor the effectiveness of


    C i r c u l a t i o n

    Table 22.2l ists some of the circulatory changes that affect exhaled CO2 . A

    decrease in end-t idal CO2 is seen with a decrease in cardiac output if venti lat ion

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    remains constant (278 ,279 ,280,281 ,28 2). End-t idal CO2 increases with increased

    cardiac output (283).

    In addit ion to reduced cardiac output, reduced blood f low to the l ungs can result

    from surgical manipulat ions of the heart or thoracic vessels (284 ), a dissecting

    aort ic aneurysm compressing a pulmonary artery (285), wedging of a pulmonary

    artery catheter, and pulmonary embolism (thrombus, tumor, gas, fat, marrow, or

    amniot ic f luid) (286,287,28 8,28 9,29 0,29 1,29 2,293,29 4,29 5). I f the embolized gas is

    CO2 , the end-t idal CO2 wil l i nit ial ly increase and then decrease

    (296 ,297,298,299 ,300,30 1). Although not as sensit ive as the Doppler for detect ing

    air embolism, CO2 monitoring is less subject ive, is unaffected by electrosurgery

    apparatus, and can be used in major ear, nose, and throat (ENT) cases for which

    the Doppler method is not applicable. Capnometry may not be suff icient ly sensit ive

    to detect fat and marrow microemboli (302).

    During resuscitat ion, exhaled CO2 is a better guide to the effect iveness of

    resuscitat ion measures than the electrocardiogram (ECG), pulse, or blood pressure

    (303 ,304,305,306 ,307,30 8,309 ,310 ,311,312). The capnometer is not susceptible to

    the mechanical artifacts that are associated with chest compression, and chest

    compressions do no t have to be interrupted to assess c irculat ion. The colorimetric

    CO2 detect ion device has also been shown to be an effect ive monitor during

    resuscitat ion. However, i f high-dose epinephrine or bicarbonate is used, end-t idal

    CO2 is not a good resuscitat ion indicator (313,314,31 5,316,31 7,31 8).

    End-t idal CO2 levels may be of use in predict ing the outcome of resuscitat ion

    (186 ,304,307,310 ,319,32 0,321 ,322 ,323,324 ,325 ,326 ,327,328 ,329 ,330,331,33 2) and

    the resolut ion of a p ulmonary embolus (333).

    Re s p i r a t i o n

    Carbon dioxide monitoring gives information about the rate, frequency, and depth of

    respirat ion. I t can be used to evaluate the patient 's abil i ty to breathe spontaneously

    as well as the effect of bronchodilator or nitr ic oxide treatment or altered venti lat ion

    parameters. I t al lows control of v enti lat ion with fewer blood gas determinations.

    End-t idal analysis is noninvasive, available on a breath-by-breath basis, and not

    affected by hyperventi lat ion that is induced by drawing an arterial blood sample.

    Table 22.3l ists some respiratory causes of increased and decreased end-t idal CO2 .

    A capno me te r can wa rn of esophageal intuba tio n, ap nea , extu bation, discon ne ction,

    venti lator malfunction, a change in compliance or resistance, ai rway obstruct ion,

    poor mask f it , or a leaking tracheal tube cuff.

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    A dependable me ans to dete rmin e wh en a trachea l tube ha s been corr ec t ly

    posit ioned in the tracheobronchial tree obviously is of great v alue. Esophageal

    intubation has been a leading cause of death and cerebral damage in the past. A

    discussion of ways to detect inadvertent esophageal placement is found in Chapter

    19. Carbon dioxide monitoring is usuall y considered the most reliable method.

    Carbon dioxide measurement to detect esophageal placement has some drawbacks

    and l imitat ions, so its use as the only means of c orrect tube placement should be

    strongly discouraged. Absence of circulat ion, severe bronchospasm, equipment

    malfunction, and applicat ion of cricoid pressure occluding the tracheal tube t ip can

    result in fai lure to detect CO2 (33 4,33 5,33 6,337 ,338,339 ,34 0,34 1,342,34 3,34 4). The

    analyzer may be in a calibrat ion mode when the tube is p laced.

    With esophageal intubation, small waveforms may be transiently seen as a result of

    CO2 that has entered the stomach during mask ventilation or from carbonated

    beverages or medications (19 7,199 ,345,34 6,347 ,348). This could give the

    impression that the tube is co rrect ly placed in the trachea. However, rapidly

    diminishing concentrat ions and abnormal waveforms wil l usually dif ferentiate

    esophageal from tracheal intubation (345,34 9,350).

    A cas e has bee n rep ort ed where a normal capno gram was pre sen t desp ite an

    esophageal intubation (351). There was a cuffed oropharyngeal airway in place,

    and the patient was breathing spontaneously. Carbon dioxide from the trachea was

    thought to have gotten under the cuffed airway and forced down the esophagus,

    where it was aspirated from the tracheal tube. Inflating the tracheal tube cuff

    interrupted the waveform.

    While esophageal intubation wil l l ikely be detected by using end-t idal CO2 , there is

    no guarantee that the tube is in the trachea. Carbon dioxide can be se nsed from a

    tracheal tube that is posit ioned above the vocal cords (352).

    A diverting CO2 monitor can be used to monitor respiratory rate and exhaled CO2 in

    unintubated patients who are breathing s pontaneously

    (50,51,52,53 ,54 ,55,67 ,72 ,78,89 ,90 ,353,354,355 ,356,357 ,358,35 9). Apnea, airway

    obstruct ion, or disconnection of the oxygen source may be detected. I f v enti lat ion

    of the breathing space under the surgical drapes is inadequate, rebreathing wil l

    occur and may be detected by a rising inspired CO2 level (52 ,354 ,360).

    Capnometry has been used to help determine the posit ion of a double-lumen tube

    (361 ,362). Methods to determine proper double-lumen tube placement are

    discussed in Chapter 20. Correct placement can be checked b y examining the

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    Carbon dioxide analysis can be used to de tect a disconnected oxygen tubing to a

    mask over the face during local or regional anesthesia (355). I f the oxygen source

    becomes detached, there will be a rise in CO2 because of rebreathing.

    Rarely a phantom CO2wave may be noted despite a disconnection. One case was

    reported when the gas sample l ine from the CO 2 monitor was connected to the

    breathing system just upstream of the expiratory unidirect ional valve (392 ). During

    inspirat ion, the inspiratory unidirect ional valve opened, allowing fresh gas plus the

    gas (containing CO2) from the monitor to pass to the patient, where i t was detected

    during inspirat ion. This problem does not occur if the gas is either directed to the

    scavenging system or returned to the breathing system downstream of the

    expiratory valve. In another case, square wave capnographic tracings were

    observed after a patient was disconnected from a venti lator that had not been

    turned OFF (39 3). The gas analyzer aspirated CO2 from the expiratory tubing,

    generating a series of diminishing tracings o n the capnograph.

    View Figure

    Figure 22.22A spirogram that plots CO2against volumewill illustrate the inspiratory valve leak by a decreaseddownslope on the inspiratory side of the loop better than acapnogram. (Redrawn fromBreen PH, Jacobsen P. Carbon dioxide spirogram [but not

    capnogram] detects leaking inspiratory valve in a circlecircuit. Anesth Analg 1997;85:13721376

    [Fulltext Link][CrossRef]

    [Medline Link].)

    O t h e r U s e s

    A diverting capno me te r can be us ed to lo cal ize the si te of leaks in CO2 insuff lat ion

    equipment (394), diagnose a tracheoesophageal or bronchoesophageal fistula

    (395 ,396), guide blind intubation (397,39 8,39 9,40 0,40 1,402,403,40 4,405 ),

    determine when the t ip of an exchange catheter or f iberscope is in the trachea

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    (406 ,407), or confirm that the needle or catheter is posit ioned in the trachea during



    cricothyrotomy or percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy (Chapter 2 1)

    (408 ,409,410).

    Carbon dioxide analysis may be used to assess the posit ion of an enteric tube

    (411 ,412,413,414 ,415,41 6,417 ,418 ,419,420 ,421 ,422 ,423). If the tube is placed into

    the trachea, CO2 wil l be detected at the free end. I f CO 2is not detected, the tube is

    l ikely in the esophagus. I f an enteric tube passes into the trachea in an intubated

    patient, the capnograph wil l show a downsloping alveolar plateau (42 4).

    Correlation between Arterial and End-tidal Carbon Dioxide


    Numerous s tudies have shown that the correlat ion between arterial and end-t idal

    CO2 tensions in children and adults without cardiorespiratory dysfunction is good

    enough to warrant routine monitoring (4,110,271 ,425 ,432 ). End-t idal CO2 is usually

    lower than PaCO2 by 2 to 5 torr (433 ). The gradient may be less or even negative if

    the functional residual capacity is reduced, as in pregnant or obese patients

    (428 ,434,435) and is reduced with rebreathing (436 ). Tables 22.1through 22.4show some condit ions with altered end-t idal to arterial gradients.

    Predict ion of PaCO2 from end-t idal CO2 alone is unreliable in some patients and

    may be potential ly deleterious in some patient subgroups. A study of neurosurgical

    patients found that end-t idal CO2 did not accurately ref lect changes in the arterial

    CO2 tension (437 ), although in healthy patients during elect ive neurosurgical

    procedures, the PaCO2-PetCO2 dif ference remains stable over t ime (430 ).

    Transcutaneous CO2 monitoring has been found to be more accurate in evaluating

    CO2 levels during one-lung venti lat ion (438 ,439 ), in obese patients (440), during

    neurosurgical procedures in adults (44 1), and in older children (442 ,443).

    The relat ionship between arterial and end-t idal CO 2 tension may be constant or

    vary, sometimes in dif ferent direct ions, both within and between patients (44 4).

    Al though the re usually is a l inear relati onshi p between end-t idal an d art eri al CO2,

    the gradient may be unexpectedly large or even negative

    (445 ,446,447,448 ,449,45 0). End-t idal CO2 cannot replace the measurement of

    PaCO2 in the intensive care unit or emergency room, although it is useful for

    trending or screening (43 0,450,451,452,45 3).

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    P r o b l em s w i t h S am p l i n g

    Accurate me asurement of end -t id al CO2is especially dif f icult with high venti latory

    frequencies (16 ). In small pat ients, sampling at the patient end of the tracheal tube

    results in a closer approximation to arterial CO2 than sampling at the breathing

    system end (22 ,23 ,24 ,25,26). While placing the gas s ampling l ine on the machine

    side of an HME may avoid contamination and water logging of the sample, this may

    result in erroneous values and poor waveforms (45 4,455,45 6).

    One source of sampling error is a leak at the interface between the patient and the

    equipment. Poor mask fit, using an uncuffed tracheal tube or a tube with a defective

    cuff, or a loose connection or leak in the sampling catheter may cause erroneously

    low end-t idal CO2 readings (106). The correlat ion between arterial and end-t idalCO2 tensions is better during venti lat ion with a supraglott ic device than a face

    mask (457 ). The correlation can be improved by sampling at the patient end of the

    supraglott ic device (30).

    With unintubated, spontaneously b reathing pa tients, p oor correlat ion between end-

    t idal and arterial CO2 is associated with part ial airway obstruct ion, high respiratory

    rates, low t idal v olumes, oxygen delivery through the ipsilateral nasal cannula, and

    mouth breathing (68,93 ,458). Results may be improved by isolating insufflated

    oxygen from exhaled gases, observing the waveform for normal configuration, and

    decreasing the oxygen flow rate (53,459 ).

    When a sidestream capnometer is used with a Mapleson system, exhaled gas may

    be diluted by fresh gas during the latter port ion of expirat ion if the expiratory f low

    rate is less than the sampling f low rate of the capnometer. This wil l cause the end-

    t idal CO2reading to be lowered even if the alveolar phase of the capnogram is f lat

    or has a small posit ive slope. The amount that the end-t idal CO 2is lowered wil l

    depend on several f actors, including whether spontaneous or controlled venti lat ion

    is used, the type of venti lator and breathing circuit , the fresh gas f l ow, the sampling

    rate, and the expiratory flow rate (22,460 ,46 1). Maneuvers to obtain a PetCO2

    reading that is closer to the PaCO2with Mapleson systems include using lower

    fresh gas f lows, extending the t ime of expi ratory f low, adding dead space between

    the breathing system and gas sampling point, and using a ci rcuit that automatically

    interrupts the fresh gas f low after i nspirat ion or prevents mixing of exhaled and

    fresh gases (460,46 2). A quick method of checking to see whether the PetCO 2 i s

    art ifactually low is to temporari ly disconnect the fresh gas supply (463). I f there is

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    an abrupt r ise in PetCO2 when the dilut ing effect of the fresh gas is removed, then

    the f irst breaths that fol low wil l give a better measure of the true PetCO2 .

    During high-frequency venti lat ion, PetCO2 is a poor index of PaCO 2 (88). In order

    to measure the end-t idal CO2, the high-frequency venti lat ion should be interrupted

    to impose a few slow breaths (83 ,87,88 ,464 ,465 ,466 ).

    D i s t u r b a n c e s i n t h e V e n t i l at i o n : P e r f u s i o n Rat i o

    When there is venti lat ion-perfusion mismatching, the relat ionship between end-t idal

    and arterial tensions of CO 2 is disturbed. Clinical condit ions that can alter the

    volume and/or distr ibut ion of pulmonary blood f low i nclude pulmonary embolism,

    pulmonary artery s tenosis or


    occlusion, reduced cardiac output, pulmonary hypotension, hypovolemia, and

    certain heart lesions (433 ,467 ,468,469 ,470 ,471 ,472 ).

    The end-t idal to arterial CO 2gradient increases as venous admixture (r ight to left

    shunt) occurs. This can be caused b y atelectasis, bronchial intubation, or ce rtain

    heart condit ions. The effect is less dramatic than that caused by an increase in

    dead space, but when the venous admixture is l arge (as in cyanotic congenital

    heart disease), i ts contribut ion can be considerable (425 ,46 9,473 ,474).

    Changes in body posit ion, such as the lateral or prone posit ion, may cause an

    increase in the Pa/PetCO2 gradient (475 ,476 ).

    Patients with pulmonary disease have an uneven d istr ibut ion of v enti lat ion and, to a

    lesser extent, blood f low. This leads to an increased gradient (433 ,477,478 ,479).

    Since positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) may decrease the gradient


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