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Chapter 2 Second Order Linear ODEs 2.1 Homogeneous Linear Equations of 2nd Order

A 2nd order linear equation:

)()(')(" xryxqyxpy =++(1)

is called nonhomogeneous. )0)(( ≠xr(1)

0)(')(" =++ yxqyxpy(2)

is called homogeneous.

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For instance a nonhomogeneous lin. ODE

xeyy x cos25 −=+′′

A homogeneous lin. ODE

0' =++′′ xyyyxA nonlinear ODE

02 =′+′′ yyy

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Superposition Principle for the Homogeneous Linear ODEs:

Ex. 1 xyxy sin and cos ==are solutions of 0" =+ yy

Then xcxcy sincos 21 +=

is also a solution of the above Eq.

---superposition or linearity principle

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Theorem 1. If 1y and 2y are solutions of (2), then 2211 ycycy += is a solution of (2).

Proof: 0)()( 111 =+′+′′ yxqyxpy0)()( 222 =+′+′′ yxqyxpy

We have









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Ex. 2 Verify by substitution that xyxy sin1 and cos1 +=+=

are solutions of .1" =+ yy

xxyxy sincos2or )cos1(5 ++=+=

are not solutions of !1" =+ yy

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Ex. 3 Verify that 1 and 2 == yxy

are solutions of the nonlinear ODE 0=′−′′ yxyy

22 1or xyxy +=−=

are not solutions of 0=′−′′ yxyy

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IVP. Basis. General Solution Initial conditions: (4) 1000 )( ,)( KxyKxy =′=

(4) with (2) is called IVP for the second order homogenous linear ODE.

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Ex. 4 Solve the initial value problem .5.0)0(' ,0.3)0( ,0" −===+ yyyy

Soluton. Step 1 xcxcy sincos 21 +=

is the general solution Step 2 particular solution

5.0)0(' and 0.3)0( 21 −==== cycy

xxy sin5.0cos0.3 −=

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Definition 1. Two solutions 1y and 2y

of (2) are called a basis of (2) iff constant/ 21 ≠yy

Definition 2. Two solutions 1y and 2y

of (2) are a basis of (2), then

2211 ycycy +=

is called a general solution of (2).

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A particular solution of (2) is obtained if we assign specific values to 1c and 2cin the general solution.

We call linearly independent if 21 and yy0 ,0 0 212211 ==⇒=+ ccycyc(7)

Definition 1’. A pair solutions 21 and yyof (2) are called a basis of (2) iff 21 and yy

are linear independent.

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Ex. 5 cos x and sin x in Ex. 4 form a basis of solutions of y”+y=0 for all x. y=3.0cos x-0.5sin x is a particular solution.

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Ex.6 Verify xx ee − and are solutions of .0" =−yy Then solve the IVP

2)0(' ,6)0( −== yy

Solution. ( ) ( ) 0 and 0 =−″

=−″ −− xxxx eeee

xx ececy −+= 21 is general sol.

4 ,22)0(' and 6)0(





xx eey −+= 42 is particular sol.

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A nontrivial solution of (2) 1y is obtained by some method, how to get the other 2y

to form a basis of (2)?

Set 12 uyy = then we have

112 '' uyyuy +=′ and

1112 "''2"" uyyuyuy ++= This gives







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Let "' ,' uUuU == then

.0)/'2(U' 11 =++ Upyy

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dxuuU ∫== U ,' dxUyuyy ∫== 112

(?)/ 12 constdxUuyy ≠== ∫form a basis of (2). 21 and yy

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Ex. 7 Find a basis of solutions of

.0'")( 2 =+−− yxyyxxSolution. xy =1 is one of the solution

Set uxuyy == 12 then we have uxuy +=′ '2 and

'2""2 uxuy += This gives

0)'()'2")(( 2 =++−+− uxuxuxuxuxx


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0')2(")( 2 =−+− uxuxx Let 'uv =

0)2(')( 2 =−+− vxvxx










xxxxv −


∫ +==−=−



xv 1||ln ,11122

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Finally, we have

.1||ln2 +== xxuxy

,1 xy =with

They form a basis of the solutions.

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2.2 2nd-Order Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients

0'" =++ byayy(1) kxey −= is a solution of .0' =+kyy

To try as a solution of (1) the function xey λ=(2)

xey λλ=' and xey λλ2"= (1) becomes

0)( 2 =++ xeba λλλ

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We got a characteristic equation of (1)

02 =++ baλλ(3)

2/)4( 22,1 baa −±−=λ(4)

xey 11

λ= and xey 2


are solutions of (1).

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042 >− ba042 =− ba

042 <− ba

Case I two real roots if

Case II a real double root if

Case III complex roots if

There are 3 cases for the roots.

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Case I. Two Distinct Real Roots xey 1

1λ= and

xey 22


constant/ )(21

21 ≠= − xeyy λλ

The general solution is

xx ececy 2121

λλ +=

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Ex. 1 in Ex. 6 of Section 2.1 .0" =−yySolution. The characteristic equation is

012 =−λIt has the roots 1±=λ

Hence the general solution xx ececy −+= 21

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Ex. 2 Solve the IVP .5)0(' ,4)0( ,02'" −===−+ yyyyy

Solution. The characteristic equation is 022 =−+ λλ

It has the roots 2 ,1 21 −== λλ

Hence the general solution xx ececy 2


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xx ececy 221 2' −−=

According to the initial condition:

3 ,152)0(' and 4)0(





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Case II. Real Double Root

042 =− ba 2/21 a−=== λλλhence only one solution xaey )2/(


12 uyy =Set 112 '' uyyuy +=′

1112 "''2"" uyyuyuy ++=






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)2/' (since 0",0')'2("













xu =

xaxexyy )2/(12


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0/ 12 ≠= xyy

The general solution is xaecxcy )2/(

21 )( −+=

Warning. (7) will not be a solution of (1) for the simple root of (4).


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Ex. 3 Solve 016'8" =++ yyy

Solution. The characteristic equation is 01682 =++ λλ

It has the double root 4−=λand hence the general solution is

xecxcy 421 )( −+=

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Ex. 4 Solve the initial value problem 1)0(' ,3)0( ,04'4" ===+− yyyyy

Solution. The characteristic equation is

0442 =+− λλIt has the double root 2=λand hence the general solution is

xexccy 221 )( +=

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xx ecexccy 22

221 )(2' ++=

5 ,3,12)0('









and the answer is

xexy 2)53( −=

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Case III. Complex Roots

If (2) has a pair of complex roots 4/ ,2/ , 2

2,1 abai −=−=±= ωαωαλ

xiaey )2/(1

ω+−= and xiaey )2/(2


are solutions of (1).

To find the real solutions, we can obtain from (5) that

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and hence that xe ax ωcos2/− and

xe ax ωsin2/− are solutions of (1).

The corresponding general solution is

)sincos(2/ xBxAey ax ωω += −(9)

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Ex. 5. Solve the initial value problem 3)0(' ,0)0( ,004.9'4.0" ===++ yyyyy

Solution. The characteristic equation is

004.94.02 =++ λλIt has the roots ,32.02,1 i±−=λand a general solution is

)3sin3cos(2.0 xBxAey x += −

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The 1st initial condition gives

0)0( == Ay

It concludes that .3sin2.0 xBey x−=

)3cos33sin2.0(' 2.0 xxBey x +−= −

From this and the 2nd initial condition we get .133)0(' =⇒== BBy The answer is

xey x 3sin2.0−=

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Ex. 6 A general solution of 0 where,0" 2 ≠=+ ωω yy


xBxAy ωω sincos +=

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Ex. 7 Solve the boundary value problem

3)2/( ,3)0( ,0" −===+ πyyyy

Solution. The general solution is known as xBxAy sincos +=

So we have 3)2/( ,3)0( −==== ByAy π

The answer is xxy sin3cos3 −=

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2.5 Euler-Cauchy Equation

0'"2 =++ byaxyyx(1)

is called the Euler-Cauchy equation. Let mxy = is a solution of (1), we find that

0)1( 122 =++− −− mmm bxaxmxxmmx or

0)1(2 =+−+ bmam(3)

(3) is called the characteristic equation of (1).

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Case I. Two Distinct Real Roots If (3) has two distinct real roots 2,1mwe get a basis of solutions 21

21 and mm xyxy ==

constant/ 2121 ≠= −mmxyy

and a corresponding general solution of (1) is as follows


mm xcxcy +=(4)

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Ex. 1 Solve the Euler-Cauchy equation 05.0'5.1"2 =−+ yxyyx

Solution. The characteristic equation is 05.05.02 =−+ mm

?) 05.05.1(not 2 =−+ mmThe roots are m=0.5 and -1, this gives

xy =1 and xy /12 =and the general solution

0 ,/21 >∀+= xxcxcy

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Case II. Real Double Root

If (3) has a double root, then 2/)1(2,1 am −=

hence only one solution .2/)1(1

axy −=

Set ,12 uyy = then we have

112 '' uyyuy +=′

1112 "''2"" uyyuyuy ++= This gives






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.ln||ln|'|ln ,'"

)2/)1(' (since "


















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Thus ,ln12 xyy = where constxyy ≠= ln/ 12

The general solution is

2/)1(21 )ln( axxccy −+=

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Ex. 2 Solve 09'5"2 =+− yxyyx

Solution. The characteristic equation 0962 =+− mm

has the double root m=3

Hence the general solution is

321 )ln( xxccy +=

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Case III. Complex Conjugate Roots

If (3) has a pair of complex roots im νµ ±=2,1

then xii exxxy ln2,1

νµνµ ±± == are solutions of (1). To find the real solutions, we have











and hence that )lncos( xx νµ and

)lnsin( xx νµ are solutions of (1).

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The corresponding general solution is

)]lnsin()lncos([ xBxAxy ννµ +=

Ex. 3 Solve 004.16'6.0"2 =++ yxyyx

Solution. The characteristic equation 004.164.02 =+− mm

has two complex conjugate roots

im 42.02,1 ±=

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Hence the general solution is

)]ln4sin()ln4cos([2.0 xBxAxy +=

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2.6 Existence and Uniqueness Theory Wronskian A general homogeneous linear equation

0)(')(" =++ yxqyxpy(1)

with continuous coefficients. The existence of a general solution

2211 ycycy +=and two initial conditions

1000 )(' ,)( KxyKxy ==



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Theorem 1. If p(x) and q(x) are continuous on some open interval I, , then the initial value problem consisting of (1) and (3) has a unique solution on I.

Ix ∈0

Wronski determinant (or Wronskian) of two solutions of (1) as and 21 yy


2121 ''

''),( yyyy


yyW −==

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We call linearly independent on I if 21 and yy0 ,0 on 0 212211 ==⇒=+ ccIycyc(4)

We call linearly dependent if 21 and yy

(4) holds for constants c1 and c2 not both 0.

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Theorem 2. If p(x) and q(x) are continuous on some open interval I. Then two solutions of (1) on I are linearly dependent iff and 21 yy

. ,0))(),(( 00201 IxxyxyW ∈=

Furthermore, if . ,0))(),(( 00201 IxxyxyW ∈=

; ,0))(),((then 21 IxxyxyW ∈∀≡ hence if

, ,0))(),(( 11211 IxxyxyW ∈≠ then and 21 yy

are linearly independent on I.

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Proof: (a) If and 21 yy are linearly dependent

on I, then there exists k, s.t. 21 kyy = and


),( 222222



2121 ≡−=== kyyyky




(b) Conversely, we assume that

IxxyxyW ∈= 00201 ,0))(),(( and show that

and 21 yy are linearly dependent on I.

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We consider the linear equations






in the unknowns and 21 kk


(7) is homogeneous.

Its determinant is exactly 0))(),(( 0201 =xyxyW

hence the system has a nontrivial solution and 21 kk

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Then we have a function )()()( 2211 xykxykxy +=

By Theorem 1 in Sec. 2.1, y(x) is a solution of (1) on I. We know that 0)(' ,0)( 00 == xyxy

It concludes by Theorem 1 that . ,0 Ixy ∈∀≡

Ixxykxyk ∈∀=+ ,0)()( 2211

this means linear dependence of and 21 yyon I.

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(c) If 0))(),(( 0201 =xyxyW then and 21 yyare linear dependent, and then by (a),

.0),( 21 ≡yyW Hence 0))(),(( 1211 ≠xyxyW

implies linear independence of and 21 yy

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Ex. 1 xy ωcos1 = and xy ωsin2 =

are solutions of .0" 2 =+ yy ω The Wronskian is






),( 21

They are linearly independent iff .0≠ω0=ωIf then ,02 =y

hence they are linear dependence.

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Ex. 2 A general solution of 0'2" =+− yyy

on any interval is .)( 21xexccy +=

The Wronskian is


),( 2 ≠=+

= xxx

xxxx e



Thus xe and xxe are linearly independent.

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Theorem 3 If p(x) and q(x) of (1) are continuous on an open interval I, then (1) has a general solution on I.

Proof. By Theorem 1, (1) has solutions and 21 yy on I satisfying the initial conditions:

1)(' ,0)( 0101 == xyxy and 0)(' ,1)( 0202 == xyxy

Then and 21 yy are linearly independent on I. Thus they form a basis of (1) and then

2211 ycycy += is a general solution of (1).

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Theorem 4 If p(x) and q(x) of (1) are continuous on an open interval I, then for every solution y=Y(x) of (1) is of the form

)()()( 2211 xyCxyCxY +=

where and 21 yy form a basis of (1) on I

1C 2Cand , are suitable constants.

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Proof. A general solution of (1) is given as .2211 ycycy += We choose the suitable

and 21 cc such that )(')(' ),()( 0000 xYxyxYxy ==

),()()( 0022011 xYxycxyc =+ )(')(')(' 0022011 xYxycxyc =+

The Wronskian of and 21 yy is nonzero,


such that (10) has a unique solution 11 Cc =

and .22 Cc =

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Thus a particular solution

)()()(* 2211 xyCxyCxy += of (1) satisfies (10). From this and the uniqueness theorem 1 we conclude that everywhere on I. )()(* xYxy =

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2.7 Nonhomogeneous Equations

The nonhomogeneous linear equation

)()(')(" xryxqyxpy =++(1)

Its corresponding homogeneous equation is

0)(')(" =++ yxqyxpy(2)

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Theorem 1. (a) If are solutions of (1) on I, then is a solution of (2) on I. (b) If y is a solution of (1) on I, and Y is a

solution of (2) on I, then is a solution of (1) on I.

and 21 yy21 yy −

Yy +

Proof. (a) Denote that then ,21 yyY −=









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(b) Denote that then ,* yYy +=







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Definition. A general solution of (1) on I is )()()( xyxyxy ph +=(3)

where 2211 ycycyh += is a general solution of (2), and )(xy p is any solution of (1).

A particular solution of (1) on I is a solution obtained from (3) by assigning specific values to the arbitrary constants in and 21 cc

.2211 ycycyh +=

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Theorem 2. Suppose that the coefficients and r(x) in (1) are continuous on I. Then every solution of (1) on I is obtained from (3) by assigning suitable values to . and 21 cc

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Proof. Let y*(x) be any solution of (1) on I. Let (3) be any general solution of (1) on I. Then is a solution of (2) by Theorem 1(a). By theorem 4 in Sec. 2.6, Y is obtained by assigning suitable values to the arbitrary constants From this and the statement follows.

pyyY −= *

. and 21 cc,* pyYy +=

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Rules for the method of undetermined coefficients A.Basic Rule. Choosing in the Table. B. Modification Rule. Multiplying by

where j=1 or 2, if or is a solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation (or double roots).

C.Sum Rule. If r(x) is a sum of functions in the table, then is chosen as the sum of corresponding functions.


xeγ xe x ωα cos


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Ex. 1. Solve the equation

Solution. Solve the corresponding homogenous equation. We have

5.1)0(',0)0(,001.0" 2 ===+ yyxyy

,012 =+λ i±=2,1λ and then .sincos xBxAyh +=

We find that 0 is not a root of the characteristic equation. So


2 kxkxkyp ++= is chosen. Then

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212 2",2 kykxky pp =+=′

.001.0)(2 201

222 xkxkxkk =+++

Compare with the coefficients above, we have

.02 ,0 ,001.0 2012 =+== kkkk Thus

.002.02 ,0 ,001.0 0012 −=−=== kkkk

Hence .002.0001.0 2 −= xyp And

002.0001.0sincos 2 −++= xxBxAy

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Setting x=0, y(0)=A-0.002=0, hence A=0.002. y’(0)=B=1.5. Thus gives the answer

002.0001.0sin5.1cos002.0 2 −++= xxxy

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Ex. 2. Solve the initial value problem 0)0(' ,1)0( ,1025.2'3" 5.1 ==−=++ − yyeyyy x

Solution. The characteristic equation is .025.232 =++ λλ It has the double root

.5.1−=λ and a general solution is

.)( 5.121

xexccy −+= At first, xp Cey 5.1−=

by the table. According to the rule, we choose

.5.12 xp eCxy −= Hence x

p exxCy 5.12 )25.1(' −+−=

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.)25.262(" 5.12 xp exxCy −+−= Substitution gives

xxxx eeCxexxCexxC 1025.2)5.12(3)25.262( −−−− −=+−++−

,102 5.15.1 xx eCe −− −= 5−=CThus gives the general solution is

xexxccy 5.1221 )5( −−+=

,1)0( 1 −== cy)5.7105.15.1(' 2

225.1 xxxccey x +−−−= −

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5.105.1)0(' 22 =⇒=−= ccyThis gives the answer xexxy 5.12 )55.11( −−+=

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Ex. 3 Solve the initial value problem

08.40)0(' ,16.0)0( ,10sin19010cos405'2" 2/


yyxxeyyy x

Solution. The characteristic equation is .0522 =++ λλ It has the roots

,212,1 i±−=λ and a general solution is

).2sin2cos( xBxAey x += −

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We choose .10sin10cos2/ xMxKCey x

p ++=

.10cos1010sin102/' 2/ xMxKCey xp +−=

.10sin10010cos1004/" 2/ xMxKCey xp −−=

Substitute this into the given equation.

16.0)514/1( 2/2/ =⇒=++ CeCe xx

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This gives the general solution

10sin216.0)2sin2cos( 2/ xexBxAey xx +++= −

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From the initial conditions, we have







We thus obtain the answer

10sin216.02sin10 2/ xexey xx ++= −

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2.10 Solution by Variation of Parameters A general nonhomogeneous linear equation

)()(')(" xryxqyxpy =++(1) with continuous ).(),(),( xrxqxpMethod of variation of parameters,

dxrydxryy p ∫∫ +−=Wy

Wy 1


1(2) where 21, yy form a basis of the corresponding homogeneous equation of (1)

0)(')(" =++ yxqyxpy(3)

1221 '' yyyyW −= is the Wronskian of 21, yy

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Ex. 1. Solve xyy sec" =+Solution. A basis of the homogeneous equation is Thus .sin and cos 21 xyxy ==

.1)sin(sincoscos'' 1221 =−−=−= xxxxyyyyW





Wy 1







sin)(cos|)cos|ln( sin|cos|lncossincos



+++=We then obtain the answer

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How to get the method? )()()( xyxyxy ph += with 2211 ycycyh +=

Let be a solution of (1). )()()()( 21 xyxvxyxuy p +=

2121 ''''' vyuyyvyuy p +++=0''Set 21 =+ yvyu then 21 ''' vyuyy p +=

2121 ""''''" vyuyyvyuy p +++=

Substituting to (1), and collecting terms

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ryvyu =+ 21 '''' with 0'' 21 =+ yvyu

So we have W


ryu 12 ' ,' =−=



ryu ∫∫ =−= 12 ' ,

dxrydxryy p ∫∫ +−=Wy

Wy 1



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