Page 1: Chapter 2 Quiz (Study Skills)

Nicholas Lenz September 1st, 2013 Pg 99 Chapter 2 quiz Study skills

1. False, The power process does state that you should be in the work that you are supposed to be focused on at that time however planning ahead so that you will be able to be in that moment the next time you need to be is still vital to becoming a better student.

2. The Three main ideas are:

1. Know exactly what you want 2. Know how to get what you want 3. Go for balance

3. I want to study harder so that I can sustain the dreams I have for my future.

4. C fever is when students start not wanting to do their high priority tasks like studying or homework and start doing the things that may not be as important as they are thinking they are

5. My personal ranking for my tasks is done with colors anything in red means it’s a very high priority job and that it needs to be done immediately. Yellow things are my moderately important notifications that are still important but maybe don’t have a deadline. Finally my green things are the things that are low priority that are things that can be done on my free time.

6. Multitasking is when you attempt to do several things at one time devoting equal amounts of attention to each task. Plan ahead and don’t procrastinate so you have to be doing 10 assignments at one time.

7. Time boxing is when you set aside a certain amount of time to devote to a certain project or activity so instead of working on the activity till it’s done you work on it for a certain amount of time then move on to the next project or task.

8. A. in the middle of the day

9. False. The text states that procrastination is as easy as saying im not going to do it anymore. The hard part is putting forth the effort to stop.

10. Learn to say no, agree with living mates about study times, Get ready the night Before.

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