Download - Chapter 11 Homework

Page 1: Chapter 11 Homework

Victor Martin

January 11, 2013

Honors World History

First Block - Mrs. Harrison

Chapter 11 - The Art of ImperialismHomework

Section 1 - The Scramble For Africa

What motivated European imperialism is how heir technology was far off better than the Africans, and European imperialist were so successful in Africa due to their belief of European superiority. In order for the Europeans to conquer the African continent, they must enhance their equipment. Sooner or later, they came up with the world’s first machine gun and used boats with steam engines to navigate through the fierce rivers of central Africa. Due to all of these new advantages that the Europeans have, they can now colonize Africa, easier. New theories have been working with many of the Europeans, especially Social Darwinism , which states that Europeans were the superiority and the other people who were not European fell on a lower scale. Many European imperialists believed that they had the right to colonize Africa to make life better for the Africans. Instead of feeling the need to put others down, the Europeans should really think about how the Africans were a lot like them and should help them instead of colonizing ad taking over their land. With all of these events occurring, Africa will soon be taken over by the Europeans and the Africans will not have any rights.

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Section 2 - Imperialism

The two steps that were used by the British in order to gain control of Nigeria were to use diplomatic and military means and soon start the Royal Niger Company. Britain first had to gain southern Nigeria by agreeing to sign treaties with local African rulers so Britain can protect them. However, some of them did not like the foreign intervention and tried to attack, but Britain had defeat these rebellions and force them to put it down. By doing this, Britain can be able hold on to their colony and start stabilizing it. In order to get the rest of Nigeria, Britain established the Royal Niger Company in order to control the palm-oil trade along the Niger River. After getting a protectorate over the Niger River delta by the Berlin Conference, Britain soon claimed all of Nigeria as their colony. Since Britain made it as their colony, they can control the people within the boundaries now. The British need to act more wisely when trading palm-oil goods and soon they need find more resources that will be valuable for them.

Section 3 - Europeans Claim Muslim Lands

During the outbreak of the Crimean War, geopolitics played an important role on it because of how many countries needed and wanted certain places, and how the Ottoman Empire is blocking many merchants who are trying to export goods. Many northern countries, like Russia, need their own port in warm water seas, like the Black Sea. The Ottomans have taken controlled most of the seas, and Russia is finally allying with other countries who want the Ottomans out for good. This is Russia’s only way to getting its own southern port and controlling its own usage of the Black Sea. Many people who are trying to sell goods, like merchants, have the Ottoman Empire in their way. These people have to go around them just to get to the ocean, and it will take even longer. The Ottomans are just making it hard for other countries to reach to the sea. The Ottomans have had their precious time and should get away from this land since many countries need the Black Sea.

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Section 4 - British Imperialism in India

India was often known as the “jewel in the crown” of the British Empire because of how it was their most valuable colony, and the British viewed India in this way because of how India is a major place for producing goods and supplies. Britain soon put restrictions on India’s economy so that the people have to buy British goods. With 300 million people living there already, that will be more money Britain due to making their products cheap enough for Indians to buy them quickly. If the British keep this up, then that jewel in their crown will soon want to be their own country and rebel. India has many raw agricultural materials that are great for manufacturing goods such as tea, indigo, coffee, and cotton. With the British building a railroad system all throughout India, it has been more economically easier to transport these goods to other countries and empires across the world. With them making a great business in India, Britain might soon as well be one of the greatest empires in the world right now. Britain should at least help some of the Indian companies grow instead of making everyone shop at British stores.

Section 5 - Imperialism in Southeast Asia

There mixed results with European colonization in Southeast Asia because of how some of the places had been negatively effected by the Asians and how so much diversity came about everywhere. During colonization of Southeast Asia, Europeans made economies grow on cash crops, or goods that can actually be sold on the world market. Roads, harbors, and railroad systems only benefited European companies. The Europeans are wasting their time trying to colonize Southeast Asia when none of the people there are interested with them. The only positive advantage about having the Europeans there is how the education and health of the people improved and how many people come to Southeast Asia in order to work at the mines and plantations that were built there. A diversity of many religions, races, and cultures such as Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism came forth there, too. At least the positive thing about this is how many people throughout this region are improving and diversity is changing their ways. The Europeans did not really help the Asians with their economy, but they did help them with their way of life.

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