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Chapter 10:Chapter 10:Jesus Teaches Us Jesus Teaches Us

to Prayto Pray©Ave Maria Press

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Prayer Means Prayer Means Talking and Talking and

Listening to GodListening to GodSince prayer is a

conversation with God, the communication must go both ways.

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PrayerPrayer is a conversation with is a conversation with God. It involves lifting of one’s God. It involves lifting of one’s mind and heart to enter into mind and heart to enter into

that communication. that communication.

When we pray, we should realize that,

since it is a real conversation, God’s answer to our prayer might be “yes.” But out of God’s wisdom and love for us, the

answer might be “no.”

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We must also realize that God We must also realize that God answers prayer in answers prayer in hishis time, not time, not

ours. ours. -Why a “No” instead of a “Yes?”-Can it be helpful? - We must trust in God’s infinite wisdom as we do in his infinite love.

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Prayer Is God’s Prayer Is God’s Gift to UsGift to Us

The Holy Spirit enables us to pray to God the Father.

We can pray because God

approaches us first.

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PrayerPrayer is the “living relationship with the is the “living relationship with the Father, with his Son Jesus Christ, and Father, with his Son Jesus Christ, and

with the Holy Spirit.”with the Holy Spirit.”

-Prayer deepens our friendship with

God and gives us the strength to live according to his plan for us.

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There are many There are many different ways different ways

to talk to God. to talk to God.

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Spontaneous PrayerSpontaneous Prayer

Own words and share our

thoughts and feelings with

God. Uses: Praise

him, ask him, or to express our fear, sorrow,

joy, or gratitude.

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Prayers of Prayers of praisepraise acknowledge acknowledge God and his goodness, and God and his goodness, and glorify him for who he is. glorify him for who he is.

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Petition or supplicationPetition or supplication ask God ask God for favors. for favors.

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ThanksgivingThanksgiving express our gratitude to express our gratitude to God for everything he has given us. The God for everything he has given us. The

Eucharist means thanksgiving. Eucharist means thanksgiving.

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ContritionContrition is a type of petition is a type of petition prayer. We prayer. We ask ask God to forgive us for God to forgive us for our sins. We also express our sorrow our sins. We also express our sorrow or regret for doing what is wrong. or regret for doing what is wrong.

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IntercessionIntercession are those that we ask on are those that we ask on behalf of others. Saints and Intercessionbehalf of others. Saints and Intercession

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There are many expressions of prayer. There are many expressions of prayer. Christians have always had a variety of Christians have always had a variety of ways to express our response to God.ways to express our response to God.

Vocal or Spoken PrayerMeditation

Mental PrayerContemplation

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Jesus teaches us how to pray. Jesus teaches us how to pray.

Times when Jesus prayed:

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Jesus set aside time to pray. Jesus set aside time to pray.

Baptism - went into the desert for a forty day retreat -He was tempted by the devil, and

his prayer sustained him.

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Before selecting his Apostles, Jesus

spent the whole night in prayer, knowing how

important a step he was about to


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After performing his first miracles of healing and the multiplication of the

loaves and fishes, Jesus withdrew from the crowds to pray.

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The night before Peter confessed Jesus to be the Messiah, Jesus could be found


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Jesus had gone up to the top of a mountain to pray, when he

was Transfigured

and Moses and Elijah appeared

with him.

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After the Last Supper,

in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed to be spared

the torture and death he saw before


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Jesus prayed as a Jew. He celebrated Jesus prayed as a Jew. He celebrated religious festivals: such as Passover, and religious festivals: such as Passover, and

participated in Sabbath services.participated in Sabbath services.

The Shema (“Hear”), confessed the belief that God is one: Hear O Israel, the Lord our

God the Lord is one.The Kaddish asked that people hallow and glorify God’s name throughout the

world, and that God would fully establish his kingdom soon.

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Jesus frequently recited from the Jesus frequently recited from the Bible’s prayer book: the Psalms. Bible’s prayer book: the Psalms.

Jesus sang the Psalms during worship services in the Temple in Jerusalem. -Apostles after the Last Supper. -Jesus even quoted Psalm 22-“My God, my God…”

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Pray with sincerity.

Pray with childlike simplicity.

Pray with persistence.

Pray with faith.

Pray with others.

Pray with a forgiving heart.

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The Lord’s The Lord’s PrayerPrayer

The most familiar instructions we have

from Jesus about prayer are contained in the words of the

Our Father.

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Where, When, and How to Where, When, and How to PrayPray

We can pray anywhere. Key: Slow down and relax. Focus= God

A chapel, your bedroom, a quiet place in a park—all can be good places to


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Where, When, and How to Where, When, and How to PrayPray

Tip: set aside a specific time so that you can develop the habit of prayer. In the morning, before bedtime, at a break in the day—any time is good if

you are able to approach prayer properly at that time.

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Where, When, and How to Where, When, and How to PrayPray

Tense or Distracted? Prayer requires that we are both alert and relaxed. Relaxation techniques and

appropriate body posture can be important to effective prayer.

-No “feeling” present? That’s ok. It’s a start. -Prayer often requires perseverance-Resist the temptation that prayer is silly or a waste of time.

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Where, When, and How to Where, When, and How to PrayPray

FOCUS ON: a crucifix, a lit candle, or a holy picture. A

prayer phrase that we repeat, like “Abba,” or “Savior,” or “Jesus help me,” can also help us to refocus our attention on


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Where, When, and How to Where, When, and How to PrayPray

The saints can be an example to us for how to pray. Prayer is essential /

required to having a good relationship with God. Many saints also wrote reflections about their own prayer

experiences that can be useful to us.

St. Maria Goretti St. Aloysius Gonzaga St. Therese of Lisieux St. Ignatius Loyola

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