Page 1: Chapter 1: A Time to Choose (section 2)

Talaie Production Studios presents Tidal Waves

Chapter 1: A Time to Choose (section two)

Photos by Talaie

Edited with GIMP 2 and Corel Painter Essentials 3

Story by Talaie

Proof Editor: SeleneCorvin

Created with PowerPoint

Hosted by SlideShare

Page 2: Chapter 1: A Time to Choose (section 2)

Now to continue…


As Buckler walked home, he realized it was rather late and that it might be best to wait until


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He was walking towards Cerrdiwen’s home as dawn was breaking across the island. Buckler

spotted her, she was deep in thought staring at her home.

“Time for a little remodel,” she began motioning with her hands.

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“Much better,” as she dusted off her hands.

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Buckler approached, “Cerry, aren’t you worried that you may have over done it.”

“Things were just a bit cramped,” she kissed him.

Buckler knew that it was pointless to argue, if Cerry wanted a larger home then she was going to

get it. Besides she was right, it had been cramped.

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“Want to help me put things in order?”

“I might as well.”

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Cerrdiwen and Buckler sorted through everything as they made it across the room, she seemed to

be looking for something in particular and he was the muscle.

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“Cerry,” Buckler finally broached the subject of his visit. “I’ve been wondering something for a

long time, and well after I filled in for Boatwright, I figured it was time to ask.”

Cerrdiwen looked up from where she was searching.

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“Is… Ah… Is Stormy my granddaughter?”

Cerrdiwen got up from where she was searching and walked over to Buckler, “What will you do if

she is?”

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“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“You wouldn’t ask the question unless you thought it was true.”

Buckler’s face reflected his joy, while at the same time his heart nearly jumped out of his chest.

“So, I ask you again. What are you going to do?” Cerrdiwen asked sternly, but still gently.

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“If it were to be true… I had considered telling Hume, but… It was such a long time ago…, he’s moved on, he’s got his other two children. He’d have wanted her back, and that wife of his…there’s something not right with that one.” Buckler sighed as he thought back on some of the phone conversations he had with his son, “No. I’ll not tell Hume about the girl.” But Buckler suddenly realized what Stormy’s new appearance meant, he started to get angry, “And now that you’ve got Stormy involved in this Prophecy… If Hume ever found out..., I don’t know what he’d do.”

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Cerrdiwen was taken aback by Buckler’s anger, “But, you said that you weren’t going to tell Hume. And do you really think that I would have picked someone for this task who couldn’t handle themselves. Don’t underestimate Stormy, she’s strong.”

“Don’t you understand! Before I only speculated, but now I know… She’s my granddaughter. Before, I had no right to interfere… and now she’s my family. I should be there for her.”

“You still could,” Cerrdiwen suggested calmly. “Befriend her…she’ll need friends.” Cerrdiwen reached out to take Buckler’s hand, “Especially once it begins.”

Buckler nodded as he realized the truth in Cerrdiwen’s words, the last of his anger being replaced by determination.

She smiled at him, “Let’s finish cleaning.” She gave a quick laugh, Buckler did also before they got back to work.

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It was late when they finished, Buckler sat down next to her. “You seem really quiet,” she noted,

“Is it about Stormy?”

“I was just thinking. Why her? Why is she so special?”

“She’s gifted with a type of magic I haven’t seen in a very long time. A type of magic, that when

combined with other kinds will be able to defeat Evil.” Cerrdiwen paused, “At least I believe so,”

she stated just above a whisper.

“And this ‘combination’ … hasn’t shown up on any of the islands?”

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“If it had, do you think I would have needed the Prophecy? I sensed that time was running out. I

was hoping the Faye would have…but they haven’t,” she sighed in resignation. “Do you


“Somewhat.” Buckler admitted, “I just wish it didn’t have to be my granddaughter. But in one way

I’m glad it’s Stormy.”

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“I’m glad it’s her, too.” Cerrdiwen said nudging closer.

Buckler draped his arm around her, smiled and kissed her.

Cerrdiwen tugged Buckler’s sleeve as she stood up, “Come on lover boy,” she took his hand,

pulling him into the hallway that led to her chambers. Buckler followed quite willingly.


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David Ottomens had a few minuets before he needed to go to class, he sat down in the common

room of Bayview Dorms. He thought about the phone call from his mother, ‘I can’t believe her,’ he

thought with an aggravated growl, ‘I really hate it when she volunteers me for stuff.’ His mom had

used the Voice when she spoke to him, ‘David, I’m just asking you to keep an eye on her, and to

help her if she should ask.’ Samantha paused, ‘Or, if you think she needs it.’

‘Do you actually believe that she might be one of us?’ had been his comeback. David had some

strong misgivings about his mother educated guess. But then again…

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…Since coming to Shipwreck Cove he found out that there was more magic out there than he had been raised to

believe. As it turns out even though while he didn’t have Faye magic, he could sense magic. He didn’t really know

what to expect at college, but was a little surprised when one of his professors turned out to be a witch. Prof. Rebecka

Langerak was an older woman who dressed all in white and had a pearly aura, he was in two of her classes, Evolution

of Magickal Form and Magickal Applications.

Earlier today he had to talk to one of his dorm-mates about an assignment and the guy had a picture on the desk, it

showed his cousin who had transformed into a hwerewolf who was playing with his pet wolf. Hell, the other night

when he was walking back to the dorm he passed by the groundskeeper’s hut. Mr. Hodges had been working in his

own garden when he suddenly evolved into a half-plant, half-human creature; he’d seemed confused by what happen,

but he was also pleased by the changes.

The bells signifying classes chimed, ‘I need to think about this some more,’ he rushed off.

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Prof. Langerak had asked a question, and ‘Miss Know-It-All’ was droning on and on in her

response, her monotone voice allowed David’s mind to wander. He thought back to that earlier

phone call with his mother, he recalled Samantha’s response to his question about Stormy,… ‘It’s

possible. She does seems to have the same talent that I do. Look, we know that she is the One

mentioned in the Prophecy. But we need to know what, if any other, abilities she’ll have. The

Elders have asked our family to perform this task, so we must.’

‘Fine. I’ll keep you informed,’ he’d replied angrily.

“Mr. Ottomens…,” Prof. Langerak’s raised her voice in order to get his attention, “Mr. Ottomens.”

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‘Yes ma’me.” David responded, a confused note in his voice.

“Mr. Ottomens can you please tell us the importance of the Power of Three?”

The bell sounded and the students rose to leave, “Don’t forget to read chapter 5 and 7, there will be a

quiz at the beginning of next class. And Mr. Ottomens please try to refrain from daydreaming in my


David realized, ‘Prof. Langerak and everything she can teach me is going to be my best bet for helping

Stormy. She might even have information that me and my siblings can use.’


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Kiara had locked herself away in both her heart and mind since the news of Gibson’s death. She

was determined more than ever to find her missing child. While she had been snooping through

Hume’s desk she came across a report, dated several years ago. It was from a private detective

who had been hired to locate Demeter, but everything the man reported ended in a dead-end.

‘Such incompetence,’ Kiara vehemently thought, ‘I found her once before, I’ll do so again.’

Kiara decided that now was the time to expand on some of her more elaborate plans. She began

concocting some very complicated potions, ‘Soon,’ she thought triumphantly, ‘We Romoni women

will become a force to be reckoned with.’ Kiara’s mind plotted out every detail and every

contingency of her plans. ‘Nothing will stand in my way.’ She began to chant under her breath,

every stanza repeated three time before moving onto the next, then repeating it twice more.

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Hume coped with his grief by throwing himself into work. At the office, there was a major project

he was involved with. If he wasn’t staying late at work, then he could be found in the study at

home. Julien too immersed himself in overseeing that the new restaurant at the winery was

completed to exact specifications; this restaurant was going to be his crowning achievement.

Lately the two men found themselves thrown into each other’s company, either sharing a meal,

bouncing ideas off one another, or just chatting.

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Clara found herself at a loss. Her mother, while she hadn’t really been there in recent years, was

nowhere to be found now. Kiara had locked herself away somewhere in the house. Her father

coped by working. Even Uncle Julien didn’t really have any time for her, and he was always the

one she turned to when her parents were too busy.

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But as time went on, Clara was getting less and less restful sleep. She’d been falling asleep while

she was in the middle of doing things; and she suspected that she was now sleepwalking. One

night she woke up in the car, she didn’t remember how she got there. Another night she woke up

reading the paper in the bathroom, ‘Well at least my body still functions automatically, otherwise

that’d be just sooo embarrassing.’

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Clara thought that maybe if she’d exhausted herself during waking hours she’d be better able to

sleep at night. She decided to redecorate her room, everything, from top to bottom. And when

she was finished with that, she decided to dive into her studies.

‘Maybe it’s time to consider going to college. With all the studying I’ve been doing, my grades are

at the top of my class. Maybe, I could get a waiver for early admissions?’

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Kiara finally decided to join the rest of the family, she sought her daughter out one afternoon.

“What have you done to this room!?”

“I was in the mood for a change.”

“Well, you can change it back. I’ll not have this trash in my house.” Kiara’s anger building,

“Lower that damn noise and come downstairs, it’s time for lunch.”

Clara couldn’t believe her eyes, but she thought her mother had this eerie, green glow about her.

She nodded, while at the same time feeling repulsed by that glow to the point where she didn’t

want to have to walk past her mother.

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Clara didn’t understand why she was here in the kitchen making lunch when she wasn’t even

hungry. Just because her mother told her it was time for lunch…

Clara wanted to run back to her room, but she knew that that would only make her mother

madder than she was already.

Kiara didn’t approve of her daughter’s choice of lunch and chose something else from the fridge.

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Clara couldn’t believe her ears, ‘Gibson’s dead. He did not disappear. And what was this shit

about her getting married.’ Clara was feeling more like an object or a number. She wished she

could run back to her room, it was the one place where she felt a bit of sanctuary.

Kiara continued on with her little speech, “Secondly, that means that you will now inherit the

winery. And since your brother’s disappearance has disrupted my schedule, I’ll expect you to

accompany me in the afternoons while you’re still in school. And once school lets out, I’ll expect

you to keep the same hours there that I do. I have so much to teach you. You must learn how to

handle those who will work for you…”

Kiara not wanting to hear any objections from her daughter, decided to begin the conversation after Clara had taken a bite of her sandwich, “We have much to talk about you and I. Firstly, I am now making you the sole Romoni heir. Your brother, Gibson,” Kiara’s anger showing as she spits his name out. “Your brother’s lack of responsibility and disappearance has left me no choice in this matter. “As my heir, you at some point, must marry and have children. Which brings up another point, the Romoni name must continue; I will not allow our family’s proud heritage be forgotten into obscurity. Therefore your spouse must take your last name.”

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Clara wanted to scream. She didn’t want the winery. She never intended to stay here…she had a

life to live and she wanted to do it while she was young.

Kiara continued to dictate, but after a while Clara stopped really listening. She would nod her

head every so often when it seemed her mother expected something from her; she ate, but the

food tasted like sawdust and she choked it down. Clara’s mind drifted to her boyfriend Randy,

with her mother’s new plans how was she ever going to get to see him? Randy had been her study

partner from school and after a while he had helped her while things were all upside-down. .

A short time later Clara realized that Kiara had changed the subject, she hoped that her mother

hadn’t noticed her inattention, but Clara did wonder if she missed something.

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The next couple of days passed in a similar manner. Clara staying in her room, usually studying,

and Kiara coming to fetch her. By the end of the week Clara was certain that the immediate space

around her mother’s body was surrounded by those eerie green motes.

Kiara walked into her daughter’s room and in a cold voice she spoke, “Clara.”

Clara couldn’t be sure but it seemed that those motes had increased and were of a brighter green.

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Clara rose from the bed, she stood there unable to resist, when all she wanted to do was run and

never stop. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her mother moving her hands in some sort

of pattern. Clara found herself turning to look at Kiara, “Mother?”

“Come with me,” Kiara stated as she led Clara out into the hallway.

She tried to concentrate like she’d done before, but her body would not obey and she continued to

follow her mother as Kiara led her.

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“Go up,” Kiara stated.

Clara turned her head and suddenly noticed a set of stairs where none had been before, she

became very nervous now, “Why?” Clara asked, her fear adding to her resolve to find a way to


“When we discussed my plans for your future, we talked about this. You voiced no objections at

the time. Everything is all set. Now climb those stairs so that we can proceed.

Clara wished now that she had paid more attention during that discussion.

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Clara began to turn towards the stairs. But suddenly found the willpower to resist her mother’s

commands, and stopped. Kiara noticed that Clara was not moving. A small part of her was

thrilled with what she believed would be Clara’s tremendous potential and control; but she was

not happy that Clara had chosen this moment to exert that potential. Kiara decided that one way

or another Clara was going up those stairs. Neither noticed Hume in the hallway as he walked

towards them.

“What are you doing?” Hume asked before he noticed Clara’s ridged form and Kiara’s raised

hand. He shouted, “Kiara, don’t you even think about striking my daughter,” while at the same

time noticing the eerie green glow that surrounded his wife.

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Kiara grabbed at Clara’s arm to pull her up the stairs, she turned to shout at Hume, “You! You’re

not going to take my last baby away… Because of you I lost my other babies, you’re not getting

this one. This one is mine… She’ll learn what it means to be a Romoni… Just as I have…” Kiara’s

voice seemed a bit frantic.

Clara pulled back, pitting her strength against her mother’s. Hume grabbed Clara about the

waist, adding his strength to Clara’s so that she could breakaway from Kiara’s unseemly

superhuman strength.

Julien hearing the commotion when he came home, rushed up the stairs.

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Hume was finally able to pull Clara away, they tumbled to the floor.

Kiara was enraged and was preparing to lash out. Julien reached the landing, he pulled on Kiara’s

arm to get her attention, “Cousin, what are you doing? Stop this!”

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Hume got Clara to her feet. He began to pull her away, struggling, while at the same time trying

to block her from Kiara’s view.

Kiara turned towards Julien as his words sank in, “Help me get her upstairs… The ritual must be

completed… I will not loose her as I did the others.”

“What are you talking about? I can not allow you to harm that child.” Julien stated.

“You turn on me too,” Kiara emphasized by striking Julien. He was shocked by her behavior and

reached out to try and calm her.

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“Run,” Julien screamed to Hume. “Quickly, get Clara away.” Julien returned his attention to Kiara

whose face became distorted as she turned her rage on him.

Hume pulled on Clara to get her to go down the stairs, it was as if she was rooted to the floor, no

longer capable of her own actions; except to continually look at Kiara.

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Hume practically pulled Clara down each of the stairs, “Clara what are you doing? We must get

out of here. I must get you to safety.” Hume grabbed for her waist in order to physically carry

her, at the same time he saw out of the corner of his eye a green light move towards Julien and

enveloped him.

Suddenly Clara knew that her mother no longer controlled her, seeing her Uncle Julien being

struck by that green light had broken that hold, Uncle Julien had helped save her . “Dad, put me

down. We can move faster if you let me run myself,” Clara said managing to gain a foothold on the

stairs as she turned to run. Hume nearly fell from the sudden change.

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They ran down the stairs towards the front door.

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They had nearly reached the driveway when they stumbled from the blast concussion. There were

shards of glass raining down on them. Clara felt something strike the back of her neck, she

reached up to feel a sticky substance trickling on her skin while at the same time it felt like she

was on fire. She yells to Hume as she collapses to the ground.

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“I will not let you take my baby away from me,” Kiara’s voice frantic as she watch their attempted

escape from what was once the attic window. She took a deep breath and began reciting a spell in

hushed tones, but with each new line her voice grew louder.

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“I won’t let you do this.” Julien stated, but Kiara never heard him as he worked his way over to the

table that held the smaller steaming cauldron. It burned his hands as he pushed it to the edge of

the table, using up the remainder of his strength he continued to push until it began to topple. He

collapsed into a heap on the floor.

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Kiara suddenly realized that she was no longer alone, she spun around seeing the cauldron falling

from the table, it’s contents flying towards her. She screams as the hot contents splash and scald

most of her.

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Hume bent over his daughter, pulling her into his arms. Picking her up he carried her the rest of

the way to the car. He heard a feminine scream just as he shuts the car door and turns the key in

the ignition.

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She continued the spell, her voice failing until the recital was mostly a mutter. She crumpled to

the floor, gasping, “Guardians of the Watch Towers heed my call.”

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Hume put the car in reverse, pulled out of the driveway, he had barely put it in drive before he

sped away. Never looking back. He looked over to Clara who was still passed out, she was all he

had left of his family. He needed to find some place safe where they could hide, then they had

some plans to make.


Thanks for reading, that’s all for this update.

Please, don’t forget to comment at either my LJ or

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