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Chapel Window - 719-633-2667

Page 2: Chapel window spring 2016

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God is at work in our church. Members of our parish encounter the Holy every day through prayer groups, Bible studies, worship, volunteering in the

community, supporting one another in faith, friendship, and the beauty of God’s creation. This new Chapel Window format is an attempt to highlight and reflect on the ways God is moving among us. Read here to see how God is working in our parish family, and listen for God’s voice in your own life. We are called to love God and love others above all else. May this publication help you to see

the love of God at Chapel, see the love of God in daily life and share it with all.

Table of ContentsSmall Hours Page 2Bishop’s Visitation Page 3Ashes to Go Page 3Construction Page 4Tribute Barbara Mcclain Page 5Outreach Page 6Church School Page 7Vacation Bible School Page 8Youth Ministry Page 9Chapel Chamber Players Page 10Boot Sale Page 11Upcoming Events Page 11

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The Small HoursReflection by Susan Garsoe

Over the years, I have had friends who freak out, truly, that so many churches still use traditional liturgy. They wonder how I can still say the words which are old and creaky and use “he.” They might have a point, but it’s not my point.“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” It doesn’t take me away from what is happening in the singing, in the saying. For me, the liturgy is ancient chant, and it’s transporting. I like to chant the words in all parts of the prayer book, with all of us doing it together. (Sometimes I do a little editing as I go along, but it’s just me and it’s private and I’m used to it, so it doesn’t slow me down.) One of my favorite parts of our liturgy is singing “Sanctus” #130. I call it “The Communion Waltz.” It’s in ¾ time, which is the time signature for a waltz, and I can feel myself swaying to it as we sing. I am surrounded by all our voices. It’s like being held by a lover. “Heaven and earth are full of your glory.” It is glory right there. It is the kingdom of God.Sundays are days of celebration. We celebrate the resurrection every Sunday, not just on Easter Sunday. We gather, we chant, we sing, we are one body of which Jesus Christ is head. Some people stand during the prayers, others sit; some people raise their hands in praise, others bow their heads; some sway, some sit quietly. We are all there together, in all of our differences, saying the same words and being one body. We are reminded that we are the hands of God, and we are sent out with these words:

“And now Father, send us outto do the work you have given us to do,to love and serve youas faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.”

The liturgy serves to remind us that we are one. Sunday reminds us that Jesus came to say, “Love one another,” and that as we go out from our Sunday worship, our work begins.

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Bishop’s VisitationSunday, May 15

From the early days of Christianity, bishops have traveled to churches, welcoming new members through baptism and what we now call confirmation. Are you feeling called to formally join the Episcopal Church? Would you or your child like to be baptized and marked as Christ’s own forever? Would you like to make a mature commitment of faith through the sacrament of confirmation? Our bishop Robert O’Neill will be making his official visitation on Sunday, May 15. It is the perfect time to be receivied into the church, baptized, or confirmed. If you’re interested or would like more information, please call the church office or contact one of our priests.

Ashes to Go

On Ash Wednesday afternoon, Terri Horanic and I, The Rev. Winnie Mitchell, took “Ashes to Go” to downtown Colorado Springs. In about two hours we covered several blocks of Tejon and Colorado, including Acacia Park, the Courthouse, and the Triple S Brewery, offering pedestrians and park-bench occupants ashes and blessings. People were very receptive, often thanking us for the offer even if they refused the ashes. Some people said they were going to church later, or that they weren’t Catholic. “Neither are we, we’re Episcopalians,” we’d reply. All kinds of nice people accepted the ashes, saying “Oh good, I didn’t have time to get to church,” or “I used to do this, but it’s been a long time,” or just “Sure, I need a blessing.”

We think this trial ministry was a great success and hope more people will join us next year so we can cover more territory and bring this small blessing to many others. Watch for plans taking shape right after Epiphany in 2017!

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Construction at Chapela message from your Senior Warden

All are Welcome at God’s Table

A blessing for all! What a change we have seen in the Chancel at Chapel!! We have come together to make the access to the altar so much easier. All are truly welcome at God’s table. Reducing the barriers to be part of communion was a goal we have now achieved. The communion rail is in place, the steps are gone, the pulpit and lectern set back and the wood panels finished to match the originals.

There have been so many wonderfully positive comments about the end result. We are so pleased and we hope you are too. Our plans to recycle the marble pieces are coming along. Several parishioners have made suggestions. We hope to have the spirit move us as we decide on how many wonderful ways such historic pieces can be returned back to us to enjoy .

And now we move on to the next phase of construction, the North Parking Lot. Having the area paved and ready for all will be a blessing, most especially for the additional handicap spots but also facilitating easier parking for all.

None of this would be happening if we weren’t blessed with a strong and generous community, allowing Chapel to make the experience of attending services and events so much easier. Your donations to the Capital Campaign and continued support of such are making this all happen. We thank you and we trust, as the phases are scheduled there will be enhanced access for all both at Chapel and in the Parish House.

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Barbara McLain, a mainstay at Westside CARES, lays down her pen as a neighbor advocate after 25 years of volunteer service. In 1990, Barbara and her husband John were new to Chapel of Our Saviour. Marti Odell often announced the need for help at WSC. Barbara and John were intrigued, so they decided to check it out. They started volunteering with WSC when it was located in Vermijo Park. The space was shared by WSC, Billie Spielman and a food pantry. Barbara sat at an old school desk with a table that came up from the right hand side; from here she kept track of the Osborne Trust and handled WSC’s filing needs.

In the mid 90’s, Barbara began her long tenure as a neighbor advocate, interviewing and visiting with neighbors in need, offering positive suggestions while plugging them into various community services to help them get back on their feet. “Probably the most stressful part of the job was not being able to help some folks when they truly needed it,” Barbara regretfully stated. “I so hated saying ‘no’ especially when children were involved; I generally erred on the side of the children.”

Barbara has witnessed firsthand the growth of WSC in the purchase of their new building at 2808 W. Colorado Avenue. “WSC is a very important Westside agency. They are so welcoming with a great support system and training for their volunteers. It is a great place to volunteer. I highly recommend it.”

“Life can be hard with all its ups and downs. I marvel at how some folks can exist on so little. WSC truly helps people who are in need. I am sure I learned as much from the neighbors as they learned from me.” With that ends another chapter in the life of Barbara and Westside CARES. “I will so miss the people there!”

Thank you Barbara, for your faithfulness and heeding the call for help at a local agency with which Chapel of Our Saviour has had a long affiliation. Only God knows the ripple effect of your compassion on all those you have helped in a myriad of ways! Thank you. Your presence has richly blessed us all.

Parishioner Barbara McclainHonored by Westside Cares for Service

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At Chapel we continue to seek ways to work with others and while we know that we cannot do all that needs to be done. Together we can make a larger impact. Last fall for the Harvest Festival we donated over 2,500 lbs of fresh fruits and vegetables for distribution through the B Street Food Pantry and Westside CARES five food pantries.

Over the holidays we treated 144 National Alliance Mental Illness (NAMI) party guests to an evening of Christmas magic. In March we hosted overnight stays and meals for families at Chapel in collaboration with the Inter-Faith Hospitality Network.

Last year 1,200 hours were put into planning and producing the Feast of St. Arnold to benefit Chapel of Our Saviour and Westside CARES. Plans are rapidly moving forward for this year’s June 11 family friendly festival and ticket sales have begun at

We donated 435 packages of wide markers for School Backpacks for Westside elementary schools in 2015. This year we will be collecting 410 packages of colored pencils (12/pkg.)

Have a great safe summer and thank you for giving back to God’s community in a variety of ways as we work together making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

4 Families12 Individuals65 Volunteers$520.00 Donated256 Volunteer Hours

These statistics only tell part of the story. What can’t be measured are the numbers of hugs given and received, or conversations shared over dinner, or personal stories revealed, or accomplishments cheered. The intangible gifts of prayer, love, support, and appreciation exchanged between IHN guests and volunteers will remain in many people’s hearts and memories long after hosting week is over. Thank you to all who set up, brought food, hung out with families, slept over, tore down, and did laundry.

Volunteer October 16-23

International Hospitality NetworkHosting Week

Outreach at Chapel

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The buzz of little girls’ voices spills out into the hallway. All are excited about eating brunch in the classroom! But first things first. The huge felt church wall calendar arrow needs to be moved closer to Easter Day. Only three more Sundays to go. Juice is poured and food is blessed, along with additional prayers for Miss Bonnie and for our church. Maddie exhorts “Dear God Baby Jesus, thank you for healing my toe as I stubbed it super-bad, and for my sick sister.”

Finally, story time! Miss Lois tells the tale of the prodigal son: boy leaves home, spends all his inheritance, takes care of pigs, is smelly and hungry, decides to go home, is welcomed back by his dad, older brother is frustrated and angry, fatted calf slaughtered, huge party ensues. The children are spellbound!

Next up singing, to reiterate one of the Gospel lesson’s theme of frustration. “Jesus Loves Me” is sung to a much faster recorded tune a couple times. Miss Lois asks the girls if it was frustrating and confusing to sing a known song to an unknown melody. It was, big time, they all agreed. Class winds down with coloring and reading as students prepare to go to Children’s Chapel, big church, or home with their moms and dads.

Lois Carlson brings a wealth of teaching experience to the Sunday formation classroom. With a career as a substitute teacher, and a lifelong love of children, Lois’s energy, enthusiasm, and Bible knowledge brings Holy Scripture alive to our youngest parishioners. In the happy fun classroom she’s created, little ones can’t wait to see her each week and partake in the multi-sensory exploration of the weekly lesson. Chapel is blessed to have Lois so lovingly engage our youngest disciples.

Church SchoolPreschool - First Grade

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We are approaching the summer months once again when our children are out of school and many families are making plans for vacations and other activities. Here at Chapel, we are making plans for Vacation Bible School the week of June 27 to July 1. Busy families have been making VBS a tradition for over 40 years. You might ask why we continue to offer VBS and if it is still relevant.

Every Sunday morning during worship, we remind our children that God loves them and also that everyone here loves them too. This community of faith demonstrates this love in a variety of ways throughout the year and we have found that VBS is a great opportunity to reinforce these beliefs and encourage the spiritual development of our children. When else during the year do you get to spend five days with the same kids, many of which may be new to the church?

The main reasons we do VBS are that it’s an opportunity to share the gospel of Christ, kids love it and it is just plain fun for both kids and adults. God’s word seems to come alive in this high energy setting. It also gives kids in our church a chance to spend some time together, build relationships, and meet new friends. When kids are having fun, they are more apt to be paying attention and learning, and they are more likely to invite their friends.

VBS is also a great outreach event. Each year we have welcomed many boys and girls from the community who have not been involved on a regular basis at Chapel. It is a chance to connect with parents and families which is not always possible on a Sunday morning or at other church events.Each action-packed day at VBS includes chances to praise God through animated singing, Bible stories, crafts, and outdoor recreation. This controlled chaos along with great snacks makes each day special for everyone and a real body and brain experience!

VBS also gives adults and older youth a chance to serve and see how much fun and how rewarding working with and building relationships with kids can be. In addition to relationships with kids, you get to serve with other people from our congregation whom you might not have a chance to meet otherwise.

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Vacation Bible SchoolJune 27-July 1

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Senior Youth Group Rule of Life

High School is a trying time for anyone. Teenagers are often pressured to act one way with friends, another way with teachers, and another way with parents. The “trying on” of personalities when we are teens is all an effort to find who we really are. Being a teen of faith grounds this experience, but being a teen of faith is not easy. We are essentially people made in God’s image and are called to let the world see that.

This year our Senior Youth Group (grades 8-12) decided to commit to living as an intentional Christian community of teenagers. They spent time look at other Christian communities’ “Rules of Life.” The Benedictine Rule, Taizé Rule and our Baptismal Covenant as found in the Book of Common Prayer were of particular interest. Rules of life are written agreements in community about how the community will live. For instnace, a community might agree to pray three times a day, welcome guests, and volunteer in the community. After reflecting on other rules of life, our teens decided to write their own.

The group settled on four rules. Our teens are to regulalry serve others as Christ loved us, pray together, study Christian writing and take a break from the stress of life through fun. The teens deepened their faith together and developed lifelong relationships through this commitment to Christian liv-ing. The group is eagerly planning next year’s youth activities and is par-ticulalry interested in a spiritual pilgrimage.

Upcoming Events

May 13:Final Parents’ Night Out of the Program Year

May 15: Bishop’s Visitation and Honoring Graduates May 23: Youth BBQ June 11: Feast of Saint Arnold June 12: Mass on the Grass June 26: Youth BBQ July 16: Youth White Water Rafting Trip July 31-August 3: Youth Retreat in Vail

September 11: Parish “Pignic”

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Chapel Chamber Players

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Music Offered for the Glory of God

The Chapel Chamber Players inaugurated their biannual concert series with their “Baroque and Beyond’ concert in the Chapel of Our Saviour sanctuary in October of 2014. This music making ensemble is comprised primarily of Chapel parishioners and musician guests who are privileged to present their musical offerings in the Spring March and Fall October of every year. The focus of our outreach ministry within the Church is to provide an opportunity for Chapel parishioners and guests of all ages and musical abilities, amateur and professional alike, to “put their God given gifts into practice” in service to the Church, our congregation, and to the Glory of God. The Chapel Chamber Players next concert is scheduled for October 8th. Many thanks to Father De and the Chapel of our Saviour vestry for the use of our beautiful facilities on such musical occasions, in order to prepare and serve a feast for your eyes, ears, and palates. For further information on participating in future concerts, contact Judy Biondini at [email protected] or (719) 471-7637.

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Mark Your Calendarsfor these

Upcoming Chapel Events

May 13: Final Parents’ Night Out of the Program Year May 13: Final Meeting God at the Movies of the

Program year.

May 15: Bishop’s Visitation and Honoring Graduates May 21: Chapel Mini-Retreat “Praying with our Whole Selves” May 23: Youth BBQ May 30: Memorial Day/Parish Offices Closed June 11: Feast of Saint Arnold June 12: Mass on the Grass June 18: Chapel Mini Retreat June 26: Youth BBQ June 27-July 1: Vacation Bible School July 4: Fourth of July/Parish Offices Closed July 16: Youth White Water Rafting Trip July 31-August 3: Youth Retreat in Vail

September 11: Parish “Pignic”

Boot SaleFundraiser

Our sincere thanks to Rick Orthwein who manned the booth selling the Chapel treasures, Betsy and Carolyn

VanderWerf for providing the youth refreshment stand and Birdie Lowery who hauled away two truck loads of trea-

sures to the Thrift House.

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