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...Channel 4

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CHANNEL 4’S IDEOLOGIES Channel Four aim to reflect the contemporary world to British television audiences, and one of the most important ways in which they do this is through their substantial and ‘multi-award winning’ documentary output. They commission more than 200 hours of documentaries every year, ranging from major series such as 24 Hours In A & E to shorter series and single films.

They aim to create a variety of ideas with warmth and humour in them to take forward with independent companies (synergy) – however other components that they aim to create in project proposals and discuss with the independent companies include…

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1. Authenticity. Do the ideas reflect the real world in a way that feels genuine and authentic? (Educating Yorkshire/The East End)

2. Freshness. Is there something in the proposal that is genuinely new and tells a story that has not been told before? (The Paedophile Hunter)

3. Innovation. Is there something about the editorial approach or the use of technology that is breaking new ground? (Blackout, The Tribe, Dogging Tales)

4. Compelling storytelling. Are we likely to be gripped by the narratives that unfold in the programme? (Murder Trial)

5. Extraordinary access that feels like a privilege to the Channel Four viewer (Bedlam, The Romanians Are Coming)

6. Boldness of editorial proposition – (Benefits Street, 24 Hours In Custody)

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CHANNEL 4 DOCUMENTARIES Channel 4 documentaries don’t always tick all of the key components but producers still expect them to be distinctive and eye-catching for their audiences.

Most of Channel 4’s ideas are present tense observational documentaries – whether they are made with self-shooting directors or 100-camera rigged shoots.

Channel 4 are always ready to experiment with more formatted programmes (First Dates, Hunted) or factual drama (Cyberbully) or maverick and hybrid ideas (An Immigrant’s Guide, UKIP: The First Hundred Days) if there is something in the idea that expresses a documentary curiosity about the world that will intrigue the audience.

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