
Changing the Beliefs That Prevent Permanent Weight Loss

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Copyright © 2009 Helen Meader.No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any for or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author or publisher except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages and/or show brief video clips in review).


© Helen Meader 2009PO Box 232, Neutral Bay NSW 2089 AustraliaTel: +61 (0)417 234 457

Email: [email protected] Site:

Cover Design by Susan Reed, [email protected]

Printed in the United States of America

Published by CreateSpace

This book is available at quantity discounts for bulk purchases. For further information, contact the author [email protected]

“Helen has created a directional map for evaluating the underlying beliefs that stop us from losing weight.

Often I have worked with people who have tried every diet and read every diet book thinking that the solution is in a diet

book or in foods with special attributes. The solution to permanent weight loss is within.”

Valeria Moore, Keizer, Oregon, USA Author of Healer Wisdom: Beliefs by Disease and Trauma

[email protected]://

“‘Weight Consciousness’ by Helen Meader is a book that delivers. If you have ever felt hopeless from the pain and frustration of yo-yo dieting and felt like losing weight is a pointless exercise, Helen’s book will reignite that spark of hope. As she so aptly puts it; “Weight Consciousness” is not about increasing your potential for success, it’s about increasing your ACTUAL success. If you are willing to

search within, then this book is a necessary companion for the journey. Helen has covered every imaginable reason for

holding on to extra weight and through her thorough research will guide you as you learn to work with your body and release

that which stops you from being your desired weight. It is the perfect resource for coaches, healers and anyone desiring to permanently rebalance their body weight. Do yourself a

favour and buy the book!”

Domenica Papalia, Sydney, AUHuman Change and Energy Alignment Expert

Certified Instructor of all levels of ThetaHealing™ andAccredited Nature’s Path & Vianna Stibal Teacher Mentor

A thought provoking and stimulating guide to changing your weight. Weight Consciousness provides a clear process to bring lasting change for those wanting to become slim.

Jackie Curran, Sydney, AUDirector, Laughter Lawyers, the Laughter Yoga professionals.


“Helen, thank you. Your insights and clarity have supported my journey


C.C., Marketing Executive, Sydney, AU

“Thanks again for your support, wisdom and positive energy.Our meeting was very profound and once again our

discussions have helped tremendously. I feel as though I know where I am going again.”

Chantal, Sydney, AU


“With Helen's perseverance and strength I have come to realise that I have the answers as to how I want my life to be and who I am. I have been carrying a lot of negative beliefs about myself that I was able to express and release and I no longer need to hold onto them. My thoughts are lighter and

more positive.”

D.M., Sydney, AU

This book is dedicated to my two beautiful children

Ryan and Elyssa.

My love for them keeps me connected and moving forward in my life.

Their love for me is my inspiration.

I congratulate you for your decision to purchase this book and to take the time to read it. This tells me you are very serious about your future and that it will be you who takes your life to the next level.

Introduction ......................................................1-9

Intention, Decision and Commitment ..........10-21

What Got You Here? ....................................22-47

What Keeps You Stuck? ...............................48-83

Where Am I Headed? .................................84-103

In Conclusion ............................................104-107

Success Actions .........................................108-121

Stay In Touch ............................................122-123

Acknowledgements ...................................124-125

About the Author ......................................126-127


Weight Consciousness is a journey, a journey back to you.

Weight Consciousness is about seeing the achievement of your ideal or perfect weight as a magical adventure where your weight goal is attained with ease and grace. Weight Consciousness is a state of mind, a deep knowledge; more than a belief, it is a way of being - a ‘knowing’ felt deep within the core of yourself that is indeed a part of who you are.

Weight Consciousness is a deep connection with yourself. Discover how to tap into your own unique Weight Consciousness.

Working with weight issues is a journey - a journey of love, a journey of loss, a journey of forgiveness and an understanding of our immense capacity for kindness and healing. It is a journey to your soul’s purpose.

“Every day choose to find the wonder that is you.”

Helen Meader


This is a truly powerful journey that you are about to embark on. As a Theta Healing Practitioner I have found that there are three things most striking when consciously working with weight issues. Firstly the speed with which you will change when you do this work, then there is the depth of the change you will experience, and ultimately the evolution of you. The bringing into your life now of all the energy, vitality and life force that will allow you to discover aspects of yourself that you may or may not be aware of at this point in time.

This is a true homecoming: a journey to your essence, discovering your

deepest, unique self.

Whatever you have in your life today is a result of your experiences, decisions and beliefs from your life to date and what you have chosen to do with them. The messages you are sending out with your thoughts are what you are attracting. This is very useful in working with weight issues. Listening to your words, both spoken and unspoken, and looking at what is going on in your life will give you all the information you need to work with.

Potential vs. Actual Success

Your talents, your commitment, and your knowledge, coupled with the amount of time and effort you put into achieving your ideal weight dream determines only your potential for weight loss success.

Your actual success is determined by your inner constraints!


“ Your actual weight loss success is determined by your inner constraints, not by

your knowledge of diets and nutrition!”Helen Meader

Your potential success is dependent on what you are willing to put into achieving your goal! Your actual results will be determined by the things that limit or cancel out your potential achievements.

You have access to all the knowledge in the world on food, health, nutrition and exercise. We are inundated with information on these topics, yet despite the knowledge we have, human beings in developed countries are getting larger and larger.

You have all the knowledge you need for success yet this knowledge is not actually getting you the results. Why not? Because your actual success is not a result of what you know. That simply defines your potential for success, but does not guarantee it.

It is all the things that get in the way of this potential success that will guide and define your actual success, these are - your constraints! It will only be when you eliminate your constraints that your actual success will rise to the level of your potential success!

This book is not about increasing your potential for success; this book is about increasing your actual success!


Many of your constraints may be a legacy of your past combined with your current view of yourself. You can’t change your past; however, you can change your perspective to it by changing your beliefs. By changing your beliefs you can change your weight and it is my pleasure to support you in your journey.

Coming Home

Losing weight and changing one’s life in this way is all about reconnecting with your body; creating the ideal internal conditions for weight loss and allowing your body to adjust its own internal programs so you can achieve the ideal weight for you.

Your body is amazing. It has all the answers; you simply need to create and evolve the environment where your body can heal itself physically, emotionally and spiritually. When you are physically, emotionally and spiritually in harmony your body naturally comes into alignment. This is not about forcing, pushing or dictating the outcome to your body, but simply clearing the path that will allow your body to heal itself.

Look for the messages. Look at what your body is telling you. Being overweight is providing you with an opportunity to heal on many levels.

The key is to find out what your constraints are and work on yourself to remove these constraints and imbalances.

Food and the desire for it takes us directly to the place that needs healing. Food allows us to heal and food heals us. We need to see ourselves with love so we can become aware of what is going on for us with food.


The habit for most people is to berate themselves through negative self-talk - “I shouldn’t have eaten that” type comments, which will take you away from the opportunity provided.

The world IS perfect. Use the opportunity provided by your weight experience to understand what is going on in your life, what is it that your body is telling you and what needs healing now.

You have gained weight for a reason. There are no mistakes. Life is perfect - it is meant to be. Understand this and use it; let go of the attachment to how things are supposed to happen.

Have appreciation for the gift of your weight as this will allow and assist you to grow to the next level.

“Nothing is a mistake, it is only a mistake if we label it this way.”

Helen Meader

The Weight Consciousness process is about re-learning what you already know and becoming empowered on all levels in your life.

Often change brings up fear. Learn to understand your body and what fear feels like and use this knowledge to help you move forward. Do you have a lack of faith in your own ability, your body’s ability and your soul’s ability? We will explore this possibility too.


My goal is to support you to bring your body and your life back to a place of homeostasis, ‘equilibrium within,’ and a connection to all that is your life.

You will learn to become a creator, not a competitor, with yourself, with your body and with your soul.

Disharmony comes from being out of alignment, and disharmony at some level is always present in people with weight issues.

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”

Abraham Lincoln

Our beliefs create our thoughts and our thoughts create our reality. Through your words and your thoughts you are creating your life; you are consciously or unconsciously creating your own reality.

When you create an environment where your thoughts and beliefs are aligned and are in harmony with your body and soul, amazing things will happen in your life.

What messages are you sending out with your thoughts and what are you attracting into your life?

This book is about working with yourself to change your body weight, your body shape and ultimately your life through changing your beliefs.


First, you will need to set your intention for your journey. Next, there are a couple of key ingredients to work with: there is your decision to lose weight and your commitment to this process. Losing weight is about completely changing your life, so you must be clear that you have made the decision and are willing to work not only on your beliefs, but also on changing other factors to ensure success.

Now, you may be thinking that the latest on weight loss is that we do not use phrases that talk about loss, weight loss, lose weight etc. However, this too is a belief, so what we will be doing is clearing your beliefs about loss and losing things so that these beliefs are not issues.

The process we will follow is to first look at the foundations for your Weight Loss journey, namely your Intention, your Decision, your Goals and your Commitment to the process. We will also look at any limiting beliefs you may have in any of these areas.

I have then divided this process into three areas as I have found that there are distinct issues in each phase of the journey.

These areas are:

What got you here?1.

What happened in the past that has taken you to the place you are right now with your weight? In this section you will look at beliefs around losing things like your excess weight, you will also review your general attitudes and beliefs about health and healing, and your need to ‘struggle’ with your weight.


You will be encouraged to examine specific body areas and your attitudes towards them as well as age issues, family and community beliefs, necessity for achieving perfection, forgiveness and personal challenges that you may or may not have conquered.

What keeps you stuck?2.

Things that can keep you stuck are feelings of not being good enough, self-doubt, lack of self-confidence just to name a few. You may also be experiencing soul searching questions such as, “Who am I?” and “What do I want to do in this world?”

We’ll examine what you are doing that keeps you fat and why you want to stay in this place you have created. You will review your habits and your connection to your body, learn what it is telling you, and why you are holding on to old patterns.

Moving forward3.

Why do you not want to see the way forward? What is your focus? We’ll look at conscious and unconscious weight issues, connection to your heart and soul, and issues around achievement. We will also look at your connection with yourself and your connection to the Creator.

Is moving forward conditional on something else that has to happen in your life first? What is your bigger picture?


“Become a creator not a competitor, work in harmony with your body.”

Helen Meader

This is an active process, not a passive process. The more you work with these issues, the quicker other areas will present themselves to be resolved and the faster you will reach the heart of your journey. We are all different. This is your journey – enjoy!

This book is infused with love and healing.

“All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.”




Set your intention now for what you wish to get out of this book and set your intention for your own personal Weight Consciousness journey.

The more important something is to you the more likely it will happen. Ask yourself how important is it to achieve your weight goal, and to achieve it now. What is it that you actually want to achieve right now, not in five years time, but now?

Set your intention for your Weight Consciousness journey.

For example, you may wish to state an intention such as this: “My clear intention is to lose weight easily and simply, surrounded by supportive encouraging people. I easily see what I need to clear or change, and am able to assimilate and integrate any insights quickly. My journey is safe and effortless.”

“I easily choose the right foods to nourish and nurture my body and soul. I am energetic and inspired. I inspire others around me with my achievements. My journey is filled with fun and laughter.”


Now write your intention. Put in writing everything you can think of. Do not skimp on yourself and have faith.

My clear intention for me is


Your Decision

“Our power is in our ability to decide.”Buckminster Fuller

A decision to do something is like a line in the sand. It is a statement to the universe and yourself that you are choosing to change something in your life. This is a critical step, for without a soul affirming decision the results will be mediocre at best, and at worst will see you revert straight back to the weight you were or heavier. Change your limiting beliefs about decision making and the path will be clear to move forward.

Decide to make the changes that are right for you. Decide to live your life with energy and passion. Decide to achieve your goals.

In the early days you may need to repeat your decision often. Make it a habit to re-affirm your decision upon waking every morning and again before going to sleep at night, and as often as you need to through the day.

I (your name), have decided to


In working through these beliefs, they may not all be “bottom programs.” There will be areas that you will recognize as requiring further digging to get to the underlying, i.e. ‘bottom’ issue.

Be sure to test all of these “on any level.” When the belief is present on a mind, body or soul level test at which specific level it shows up and explore this to the bottom program. These beliefs can also be on a core level, genetic level or history level.

Limiting beliefs to clear:

Decisions are hard to make•Decisions don’t work•I might get it wrong•I am afraid to make a decision•I might make the wrong decision•I am afraid to make the decision to lose weight•I have to take time to make a decision•Making decisions about my weight courts disaster•Making a decision about my weight means failure•I can’t trust myself to make a decision•I can’t trust myself to make a great decision•Decisions are made for me•I have to let other people make my decisions for me•Other people make better decisions for me•I am too young to make this decision•I am too old to make this decision•I am not able to make a decision•I am not allowed to make a decision•


I must check with others before I make a decision•I must check with • before I make a decisionI am afraid I will make the wrong decision•I am afraid I will get it wrong•I need permission to make a decision•Decisions are made for me by • My head makes the decisions•My head and heart are not connected•My head and my heart are separate•It is not safe for my head and heart to work in unison•Once I have made a decision I cannot change it•All aspects of myself do not trust each other•Some aspects of me are not to be trusted•I am not allowed to integrate these aspects of me•It is not safe for all aspects of me to work in unison•

Your goal

In order to know where you are headed you need to know the destination. What is the weight you are choosing to be?

Write down your goal.

My ideal weight is lbs/kgs.

Now muscle test the goal to see if there is a stress around this being your body’s ideal weight. If there is a stress, focus on this and clear it.


Ask the following questions to see where the stress may be coming from:

The stress is about the actual weight goal•The stress is about whether I can actually achieve the •weight goalTest to see if the doubt is in your head or your heart•On any level I am unsure about my weight goal•On any level I am unsure or uncertain that I can achieve •my weight goal

Where the actual weight goal itself is causing you stress, you will need to test this same belief for different weights. Go up and down from the stress target weight and find the ideal weight (number) where your body feels comfortable in acknowledging.

For example:

My ideal weight is x + y lbs./kgs.

My ideal weight is x - y lbs./kgs.

Write down the goal weight that does not cause you to feel stress. At this stage, this is your goal weight and can be adjusted later as you clear beliefs around your weight and what is possible for you to achieve.

If the stress is about whether or not you can achieve your goal that is fine. We will cover the answers for you in the coming pages.


Check that you will allow yourself to be this weight and that it is safe to be this weight. Clear any issues that arise from this.

I will allow my body to be x weight•I won’t allow my body to be x weight•It is safe to be x weight•

“Once you have made a decision the universe conspires to make it happen.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your Commitment

You also need to look at your commitment. Are you committed to making the necessary changes? Are there any beliefs preventing you from making a full commitment to your weight loss journey?

Living life in the body of your dreams is not hard if you are willing to stop doing the few things that are killing your results, start doing the few things that will accelerate your progress, and along the way clear any issues as they arise.

A teacher of mine once told me that the secret to success is to, ‘Go as far as you can with what you know. Then when you get there you will be able to see the next step in the path.’

Often we humans want to be able to see the whole journey - to be assured of the outcome and where the journey will take us


even before we are willing to begin. However, the reality is that the person who created this current situation is not the person you are becoming. The thinking that keeps you where you are now is not the thinking you will need to develop to get you to where you are going.

Beliefs to clear:

I can’t commit to things•I can’t commit to things for me•I am afraid to commit•I can’t commit to my weight loss•Commitment is scary•Commitment is dangerous•I can’t see what to do next•I can’t see the way forward•I don’t trust myself to see the path ahead•I don’t trust that the path ahead will reveal itself•I am afraid of the journey•I am scared of what I might find•

Coming Home

Positive beliefs and feelings to teach

I love my life•I easily and simply connect on all levels to my •intentionsI trust myself•


Decisions are easy•It is safe to make a decision•It is safe for me to make a decision•It is easy for me to make a decision•Changing is easy•I make great decisions •I make great decisions for me•I honor my decisions•I know how to trust my decisions•I have discernment around my decisions•It is okay to change my decision•It is safe and easy to re-define my decision•I make great decisions for my best and highest good•I honor my commitments to myself•I honor myself•I give myself permission to change•I give myself permission to do it my way•I am committed to my weight goals•I am committed to myself•I am immune to others opinions•Weight loss is safe and easy•My head and my heart are integrated•My head and my heart work in unison•All aspects of me work together in unison•I trust all aspects of me•I love all aspects of me•It is safe and easy to forgive all aspects of me•It is safe and easy to integrate and love all aspects of me•


I live my life on my terms•I love my decisions•I love my commitment•I easily see the path ahead•The path forward is clear•The next step is always clear to me•Obstacles evaporate•I love me•

When you can’t keep stepping forward, look to see what is getting in your way and clear it. Keep it simple and fun. The challenges are messages sent to you to support your progress. Welcome them.

“Commitment to your goal does not confine or constrain you, it is in fact liberating –

especially when you follow your dream to the end.”

Helen Meader

Go as far as you can with what you know - don’t wait until everything is in alignment. Start where you are now with whatever is going on around you.

Know that if something has come up now for resolution, you are ready to change it. As you are reading this book now you are obviously ready to change things about your weight and your life. Congratulations on taking this step to your amazing future.


Very importantly, accept that this is a journey you have chosen and take massive action to complete it.

This is your life. It is time to reclaim it.

Let’s get into your Weight Consciousness...

“Leap and grow your wings on the way down.”

Author Unknown


“The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every

opportunity.”Winston Churchill

This section is about clearing the past and the issues that have got you to this point in your life, then changing your perspective to them and teaching you how to live without these things.

Your weight is a reaction - a response to something in your consciousness. Through this process you will learn to love everything that has happened to you and to learn from each experience.

The key to your weight loss and never having a weight issue again is allowing your body the environment where the perfect program for you is activated rather than using the current program which has failed you. Work with your body, not against it. The goal is to guide your body to the place where it is safer for you to be your perfect weight than to be the weight you are now.


When your body is in harmony, weight loss will become automatic - easy and inevitable.

Beliefs to Clear First

Note: In working through these beliefs they may not all be “bottom programs.” There will be areas that you will recognize as requiring digging to get to the underlying (bottom) program.

Also be sure to check all of these “on any level.” For example, check ‘If I lose something, I have to find it’ as well as ‘On any level If I lose something, I have to find it’.

Losing Weight

First, clear any programs about ‘losing weight’ and any potential need to ‘find’ it again that you may be holding on to.

If I lose something, I have to find it•If I lose something, I must find it•If I lose something, I need to find it•If I lose something, I am desperate to find it•If I lose weight, I must put it on again•If I lose weight, I have to put it on again•If I lose weight, I need to put it on again•If I lose weight, I want to put it on again•If I lose weight, I have to find it again•If I lose weight, I need to find it again•If I lose weight, I want to find it again•

Weight Consciousness Sample Text

Here ends the FREE sample of the book Weight Consciousness, Changing the Beliefs That Prevent Permanent Weight Loss. What else do you need to achieve your perfect weight?Do you need to clear the issues that got you here in the first place?

Can your weight be healed? •Do you believe in ‘instant’ weight healings? •Is it safe to lose weight? •On some level do you want to be fat? Test this for the mind, •body, spirit and soul; you may be surprised at what comes up.

Or are the issues that are keeping you stuck your area of concern?Has your weight become a part of who you are – a part of •your identity? Have you stopped listening to your body? •Are you allowed to lose weight? •

Are you having difficulty moving forward? Do you have both positive and negative beliefs running at •the same time? For example test “On all levels it is OK for me to be ‘x’ weight” then also test “On any level it is not OK for me to be ‘x’ weight.” What are you hanging on to? •What are you controlling? •

Some of the amazing beliefs and feelings to download…I can see me at ‘x’ weight •I can easily see the steps I need to take to get there •I know what a great decision feels like •In every cell of my body I know what it feels like to honor •my weight loss decision In every cell of my body I know what it feels like to honor •myself Every cell of my body is filled with love and is blossoming •I feel love all around me, all of the time •I embody my Weight Consciousness •I am fully Weight Conscious •

I stand tall and proud of myself •I have a clear picture of the person I am •I am love •

Weight Consciousness is 144 pages that go into the depth of the issues that prevent permanent weight loss including over 700 beliefs to clear and over 300 positive beliefs and feelings to teach.

A guide to use for yourself and with your clients

If you would like the rest of the book click the link below.

If you have benefitted from what you have read, my request to you is that you share this opportunity for health and healing with your family and friends, please forward this free sample with my regards.

I wish you well on your journey.

Love & Healing

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