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Page 1: Changes Around Us


Page 2: Changes Around Us

Change is inevitable. It will happen whether you want it or not. The human mind can conceive things and can make it happen which are known as desirable changes. It can even make the effort to stop some

changes which are known as undesirable changes. Some changes are :-

1)Desirable changes2)Undesirable changes

3)Slow changes4)Fast changes

5)Reversible changes6)Irreversible changes

Page 3: Changes Around Us


Desirable changes are the changes that we want to happen. Such as a child growing to an adult, A bud into a flower, etc..

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Undesirable changes

Undesirable change are the changes that we do not want to happen such as territory wars, world wars, burning of paper, forest fires, etc..

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Slow changesSlow changes are the changes that finish

after a period of time such as growth of a child to an adult, melting of glaciers, freezing of water, growth of a pupa to a butterfly, etc..

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Fast changes

Fast changes are the changes that happen very fast such as burning of paper, forest fires, etc..

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Reversible changesReversible changes are the changes that

happen and can change back to their original form such as melting of ice, etc..

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Irreversible changesIrreversible changes are the changes that

happen and cannot turn back to their original form such as burning of paper, etc..

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