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The constant presence of change has always been a

driving force of evolution. There was a time in the

history when the change occurred suddenly by

drastically changing the environment and causing the

extinction of many species. Those who managed to

adopted survived and thrived.

Perhaps by now we would extinct if not for our ability

to adopt. In response to the constantly changing

environment, we were forced to strive for becoming

stronger by learning new things. Our will to survive

has solidified our resilient nature and allowed human

civilisation to continue its journey.

For so many years the response to the change

delivered excellent results, as we managed to grow

not just intellectually but also spiritually. We have

reached the level whereby we have set sights on the

role which was exclusively a privilege of nature. We

have succeeded in our first attempts to create

artificial intelligence.

Today, however, we are facing the scale of the

change that we have never faced before and which

has real potential to destroy not human race only but

the whole life on this planet. This time, the danger is

not coming from space or forces of nature. This

deadly threat has emerged from within human race

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itself. It is going to be the biggest test people have

ever experienced throughout the entire history of our


Due to its insidious nature, this threat grew within our

society slowly and quietly. Nobody would be able to

identify exactly when it started to manifest itself.

Therefore, I can only assume that probably we

created a very fertile ground that provided a vital

energy for this danger to grow when we started to

forget the meaning of common sense.

We unwillingly began to feed this monster by feeling

comfortable with our daily lives and somehow missed

a very important detail. Our survival has been possible

because of our ability to adopt. It has been possible

only because we had to constantly improve our

capacity as a species to withstand the forces of


It is possible that our false feeling of comfort

somehow dulled our desire for constant improvement.

We had no clue that our misunderstanding of the

evolutionary level which we have reached could

trigger the chain of events that would challenge the

existence of our civilisation.

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We failed to recognise that the idea of us being no

longer in need to improve ourselves as we are the best

is wrong. We should have known that this perception

about our superiority would lead to the birth of this

monster. Since we did not take into account

fundamentals that helped us to survive throughout

millenniums, we started to stagnate in our intellectual

development and later the process of stagnation

transformed into regress.

With intellectual regress, there was no oxygen for

spirituality to survive. Our desire to constantly learn

was replaced with a sense of indifference. We became

lazy. Somehow we sensed that something is wrong.

That is why many of us express concern over many

things that we thought need to change.

However, due to our intellectual regress and mental

laziness, we did not want to think. We did not want to

put efforts to understand the core of the problem that

we sensed needs to change. And because we were no

longer able to understand our environment, most of us

started to blame everyone or everything for our


Our intellectual regress made us underestimate the

scale of a fast changing environment. Lack of

understanding caused confusion and it made us

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angry. The anger made us lose our ability of objective

assessment with regards to circumstances and

events. It started to affect every aspect of our life.

Somehow, we could not understand that if we do not

like others to judge our way of life, we shall restrain

ourselves from doing the same. We forgot that our

lack of understanding does not mean that these

people live their life the wrong way. Thus, most of us

without realising it started to judge others and their

lifestyle on daily basis. Before long, our mental

laziness has started shaping up into something very

ugly. Our intellectual regress revived the virus that we

thought we have managed to kill, racism.

With our fast shrinking ability to think, we almost lost

clear understanding between right and wrong. Today,

we are no longer capable to critically assess our own

actions and views. Therefore, most of us would say

that racism and other types of intolerance are not a

good quality. However, most of us would apply labels,

generalising the entire race or region, without

recognising that they have just expressed the very

intolerance. These people are not even capable of

realising that what they say is clear evidence that

they are racists.

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At one point rapid acceleration of regress triggered an

event that just a few decades ago would be viewed by

many people as something unthinkable. Citizens of

the country which has been considered by many of us

as a land of free elected a person as their President

and by doing so, they shocked the entire world.

The reason for such worldwide reaction was the

entire set of facts which clearly illustrate that this

person cannot be trusted. It is well documented that

he cannot finish a sentence without contradicting

himself a few times. His entire administration

consists of representatives who vividly display the

enormous scale of intellectual regress. But the scary

part is that these people are not ashamed to show it.

They proudly announce that they have discovered

something entirely new for us to enjoy - "Alternative


Fortunately, there is hope that we still have a chance

to survive. Although most of the people are affected

by intellectual regress, few individuals are taking

appropriate steps becoming a little bit more civilised.

These people continue improving themselves before

requiring the same from the others. They refuse to

judge other people for their choices in life and,

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therefore, would have the right to be called humans

and continue to be genuinely free.

This group of people may appear to be small, but it is

stronger than the ever-growing mass of intellectually

regressed species. Hopefully, the number of

intellectually developed individuals will grow and they

would be able to revive people’s ability to think.

Hopefully, people would be able to jump-start their

thinking ability and begin to understand that those

who contradict themselves constantly, cause

destruction instead of creating something, proudly

announce that they did not pay taxes instead of

contributing to society, bankrupt businesses instead

of creating jobs, spread hatred among nations,

disrespect other people because of different gender,

religion, nationality, race, or sexual orientation, shall

be in no position to lead the human race. Instead, they

must be isolated as a very dangerous virus.

Hopefully, we all will understand that if we want to be

treated fairly, we have to learn how to treat others the

way we would want to be treated.

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