
    Date: 12–13 February 2020Place: Elite Stora Hotellet,

    Drottninggatan, ÖrebroSite Visits: Zinkgruvan Mine

    Epiroc Facility

    To register, go to www.miners-phd.orgTravel and accommodation costs are provided for all PhD student membersRegistration Deadline: January 6, 2020

    2nd MINERS PhD Network Workshop

    Photo by Lars de Wall

  • Program

    Day 1, 12 February 2020

    12.00–13.00 Arrival and lunch

    13.00–13.15 Welcome and introduction to the workshopTobias Kampmann

    13.15–13.30 Introduction to SIP STRIM and the funding systemLawrence Hooey

    13.30–13.45 Näringsdepartementet and government policiesKatarina Persson Nilsson

    13.45–14.00 Bergsstaten and mining/exploration permits and lawsZmar Sarlus

    14.00–14.15 The role of SGU, the Geological Survey of SwedenRonald Arvidsson

    14.15–14.30 The Zinkgruvan Mine and the industry perspectiveStaffan Sandström

    14.30–15.00 Epiroc and mining automationMikael Ramström

    14.45–15.00 Sustainable Intelligent Mining SystemsNiclas Dahlström

    15.00–15.30 Coffee break

    15.30–16.00 Discussion between PhD students and organization

    16.00–17.00 Internal MINERS meeting:- Presentations by new members- Discussion about aims and future activities of the network

    18.00 Dinner

    Day 2, 13 February 2020

    08.00–09.00 Transport to Zinkgruvan

    09.00–11.30 Guided tour at the Zinkgruvan mine

    11.30–12.30 Lunch

    12.30–13.30 Transport to Epiroc facilities, Örebro

    13.30–16.00 Guided tour at Epiroc facilities, Örebro

    16.00 End of Workshop

    Slide Number 1Slide Number 2

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