Download - Chakras Dhyanam


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Correction - The mantra above should be: Ogum Satyam Om 

Sit with your eyes closed, spine erect but not rigidRest your hands on your thighs with palms facing up,

index fingertips touching the tip of each thumbfor the first three chakras, touching the middle joint

of each thumb for the fourth & fifth chakras and thebase of the thumb for the sixth & seventh chakras. If you wish you may touch the tip of the tongue to theroof of your mouth. Take several long, slow, easy deep

breaths breathing through your nose, until your bodybecomes calm. Sit during this meditation. Do not lie down.

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As we come to each chakra, focus your attention on the

indicated area of your body. With each exhale chant themantra that is given in a slow, elongated fashion. Begin

with the root chakra (Mooladhara) and work upward to the 

Crown (Sahasrara). At the end always allow the energy to

ground, flowing down through your body, and spend a fewminutes in meditation or lie on your back in shavasan. 

1. Begin with the Mooladhara chakra, located at the perineum,midway between your anus and genitals.Say "Om Mooladhara".Visualize its red color. Slowly repeat "Lang" (pronounced lung)for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquidgold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.

2. The Swadhisthana chakra, located in the genitalregion or at the base of the spine.Say "Om Swadhisthana".Visualize its orange color. Say "Vang" (pronounced vung)for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquidgold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.

3. The Manipura chakra, located at the navel.Say "Om Sri Mani Padme Hum".

Visualize its yellow color. Say "Rang" (pronounced rung)for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquidgold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.

4. The Anahata chakra, in the center of your chest,your spiritual heart.Say "Om Anahata".Visualize its green color. Say "Yang" (pronounced yung)for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquid

gold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.

5. The Vishuddhi chakra, located in your throat,at the Adam's apple or the epiglottis.Say "Om Vishuddhi".Visualize its blue color. Say "Hang" (pronounced hung)for a few minutes, then visualize the chakra turning liquid

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gold as you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.

6. The Ajneya chakra, located between our eyebrows.Say "Om Ajneya".

Visualize its indigo color, the color of the originalLevi blue jeans prior to washing them. Say "AUM"in a 3-2-1 ratio. "A-A-A-O-O-M" for a few minutes,then visualize the chakra turning liquid goldas you say "Kundalini, arohanum" several times.

7. The Sahasrara chakra, located at the centerof the top of your head.Say "Om Sahasrara".Visualize its violet color, pastel purple.

Say "Ogum Satyam Om" for a few minutes, thenvisualize the chakra turning liquid gold as you say"Kundalini, arohanum" several times.

Lie Down in Shavasan 

Lie down with your eyes closed immediately after the meditation,

and relax for at least 10 or 20 minutes, or as long as

you like. Yoga's Corpse Pose, Shavasan, is good for this(eyes closed, on your back with arms loosely to the sides,

palms up, legs slightly apart). Let go. Enjoy. Notice thedynamics of the energy in your body as the kundalini flows. 

Or you could proceed immediately to: 

Parvathi Padma Dhyana (Click here for more about this) 

1. Sit with your eyes closed, spine erect but not rigid,

in any position that is comfortable for you. 

2. Visualize a golden lotus at the Sahasrara (crown

of your head), with a stem going down to the MooladharaChakra at the perineum (base of your body).

3. As you inhale, visualize a golden liquid flowing up 

the stem from the Mooladhara towards the lotus in your


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 4. Hold your breath and visualize the golden energy fillingevery petal of the lotus. 

5. As you exhale feel the energy coursing down through

every cell in your body (Feel it flood your Heart Chakra,your lower belly, your hands & your feet). 

6. Repeat the cycle at least 7 times. 

In my groups I often use this variation: The energy can also beexhaledall the way down down through the feet into the earth, down intothe

core of the planet and out to all the sentient beings living on theearth,turning the entire world golden. Then one would inhale from theearthup through the soles of the feet to the crown (and through thecrowninto the heavens) and exhale down from the crown through the feetintothe earth. This is very powerful, uniting heaven and earth andbringing healing and transformation to the planet and to all living

creatures onthe earth.

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