Page 1: Certificates and seals Outstanding conveyor systems from AMF … · 2019-10-14 · 3 For more than 55 years, the name AMF-Bruns has stood for a strong partner, who flexibly responds

Certificates and seals

Outstanding conveyor systemsfrom AMF-Bruns

Reg.–Nr.: Q1 0313014



Reg.-Nr.: EnMS1 0105027


DIN EN ISO 50001

Page 2: Certificates and seals Outstanding conveyor systems from AMF … · 2019-10-14 · 3 For more than 55 years, the name AMF-Bruns has stood for a strong partner, who flexibly responds


For more than 55 years, the name AMF-Bruns has stood for a strong partner, who flexibly responds to its customers’ requests with modern technolo-gy and good technical skills. We have implemented large, international contracts with high technical requirements, on time and with the right quality.

Apart from our very well trained specialists at all stages in the manufacturing process, our quali-fied welding technicians, welding specialists and

welding engineers guarantee a high manufacturing quality and the correct execution of your orders. Particularly in the metalworking industries, weld-ing is among the most significant manufacturing technologies.

With the DIN EN 1090-2 and ISO 3834 certificates as well as our approval to AD 2000/HP 0 of the pres-sure equipment directive, we can prove both the qualifications of our employees as well as the avail-ability of the necessary technical equipment. Over and above that, the introduction of our in-house production inspection system into our already

Certified to DIN EN 1090-2 and ISO 3834:

We manufacture the most demanding industrial plant thanks to our qualified experts

Your contacts:

“We look forward to having the certification of our high quality standards once again being officially confirmed.”

At AMF-Bruns the best welding process is used for the various material groups with certified welders. Weld-ing processes such as tungsten inert gas (TIG) weld-ing, gas metal arc welding (MIG) / metal active gas (MAG) and manual metal arc (MMA) welding are used. The operational suitability has been verified in weld-

No. Welding process Material Type of weld seamVP 1 135 S 355 Butt weld (BW)

VP 2 135 S 355 Fillet weld (FW), single layer

VP 3 135 S 355 Fillet weld (FW), multiple layer

VP 4 141 1.4571 Butt weld (BW)

VP 5 141 1.4571 Fillet weld (FW), single layer

VP 6 141 1.4571 Fillet weld (FW), multiple layer

VP 7 135 S 355 Cross tensile test

9951 Flame straightening S 355 Flame-straightened metal sheet

existing quality management system ensures that all of our manufacturing processes are fully documented. We can ensure that the production characteristics correspond to all relevant technical specifications and are permanently ensured in our

ing process tests to DIN EN ISO 15614-1, the pressure equipment directive (PED) as well as AD 2000 code technical rules for pressure vessels HP 2/1, work-ing together with TÜV Nord. We also have a current re-stamping certificate to the PED and AD 2000 code technical rules.

Responsible welding supervisor

Bernhard Janßen

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7575

Email: [email protected]

Manager of in-house production

Uwe Bokelmann

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7300

Email: [email protected]

Extract from the applicable welding process test

manufacturing processes. This requires qualified, skilled personnel with up-to-date knowledge. Our staff regularly attend training courses, to extend their knowledge and to keep it up to date.

Deputy welding supervisor

Bernd Röttgers

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7402

Email: [email protected]

Deputy welding supervisor

Frank Bartjen

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7304

Email: [email protected]

Uwe BokelmannQuality management officer for conveyor systems. Manager of in-house production inspection department


Page 3: Certificates and seals Outstanding conveyor systems from AMF … · 2019-10-14 · 3 For more than 55 years, the name AMF-Bruns has stood for a strong partner, who flexibly responds


Certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:

Excellent quality management in the field of conveyor systems

“Products from AMF-Bruns meet the highest requirements on quality and functionality in every respect.”

Bernhard JanßenQuality management officer

Your contacts:

Quality management officer

Uwe Bokelmann

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7300

Email: [email protected]

Quality management officer

Bernhard Janßen

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7575

Email: [email protected]

This audit was was carried out by the independent test company ZDH-ZERT GmbH with headquarters in Bonn, Germany. The welcome result: In the area of conveyor systems, AMF-Bruns’ quality manage-ment system complies with the DIN standard.

We are very pleased about the successful certi-fication which once again confirms our claims to quality and at the same time shows our customers that products from AMF-Bruns meet the highest requirements on quality and functionality in every respect.

A completely assembled AMF-Bruns trough screw conveyor

Final assembly of an AMF-Bruns trough screw conveyor

Highest manufacturing standards and products in best quality: That is not just what our customers expect from us, it is what we expect from our-selves. That is why AMF-Bruns has a quality man-agement system, which covers the entire design and manufacturing process and which follows the internationally recognised DIN EN ISO 9001 stand-ard.

When certified to the internationally recognised

DIN EN ISO 9001 stand-ard, companies can prove that they have an effective quality manage-ment system and that their internal, operational processes are well organised. In 2014 an audit by external consultants in the field of conveyor systems confirmed that AMF-Bruns complies with the high requirements in DIN ISO EN 9001.

Reg.–Nr.: Q1 0313014



Page 4: Certificates and seals Outstanding conveyor systems from AMF … · 2019-10-14 · 3 For more than 55 years, the name AMF-Bruns has stood for a strong partner, who flexibly responds


Creditreform Oldenburg Bolte KG has now award-ed AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG their solvency cer-tificate (CrefoZert) several times consecutively. In this way, they certify that our company’s solvency is excellent. At the same time this confirms that AMF-Bruns stands for economic stability as well as for a top level of security and service.

This certificate is based on the analy-sis of our annual accounts by Creditrefom Rating AG, a subsidiary of Creditreform AG certi-fied by BaFin, the German Federal Financial Super-visory Authority. The data from the current credit report is also considered as well as the analysis of the current situation and the future perspective for the company which is determined during a person-al interview. AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG fulfils all of these criteria particularly well.

We are very pleased about the successful certifi-cation as it clearly shows our business partners that AMF-Bruns is well set up in all respects for the challenges of the future.

Creditreform’s solvency certificate for AMF-Bruns:

A sign of economic stability

Your contact:

Manager of the accounts and

financial controlling department

Willem Hilbrands

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7122

Email: [email protected]

As one of the first companies in Lower Saxony, AMF-Bruns has been awarded the new certificate “Demographically sound. A social part-

ner company.” by the Demography Agency for Low-er Saxony. The certificate was presented as part of the demography festival on 8 June 2015 by the minister for agriculture, Olaf Lies, in Hanover’s old town hall. This certificate is confirmation that AMF-Bruns is proactively addressing the challenges of the demo-graphic change and has already initiated a series of different measures. The aim of these measures is to be ready for the future by being well prepared in the competition for the best young talent while at the same time retaining qualified staff for the long term. At AMF-Bruns this includes, for example, the in-troduction of a holistically oriented health man-agement system, which if nothing else is also of benefit to older experts. But also attractive train-ing opportunities and arrangements to better com-bine work and family life, for example via flexible working hours, are part of the extensive package of measures which is continually being expanded. However, the new certificate is not just recog-nition of what has previously been achieved.

Together with the Demographic Agency for Lower Saxony, during the certification, an agreement on objectives was developed to continuously develop the demographic soundness at AMF-Bruns. This meant, for example a new design for the workplac-es in the administration area as well as the optimi-sation of the internal management of knowledge. Jan Woltermann, general manager at AMF-Bruns was happy to report “The certificate showed us that we are heading in the right direction with our measures.” He then added “It also helps that rela-tions to our employees are characterised by trust and by a team spirit. This is an important factor when we try to employ new specialists and and bind them to the company.” The Demographic Agency which issues the cer-tificates is supported by Lower Saxony’s regional government, by the metalworking employer’s as-sociation for Lower Saxony as well as the German federation of trade unions.

AMF-Bruns wins award from the Demography Agency for Lower Saxony:

Well prepared for the demographic change!

Your contact:

Personnel officer

Andrea Gaede

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7123

Email: [email protected]

Page 5: Certificates and seals Outstanding conveyor systems from AMF … · 2019-10-14 · 3 For more than 55 years, the name AMF-Bruns has stood for a strong partner, who flexibly responds


company procedures are important factors. Since 2013 we have thus only used hydroelectric power.

The introduction of an energy management system (EnMS) to DIN EN ISO 50001 will create a system-atic approach to improving our energy efficiency. Annual, external audits ensure that the standards for energy are continuously improved. Well docu-mented processes and clear responsibilities help to reliably control complicated procedures. Once the standards are documented it also becomes easier to concentrate on new tasks and to continuously optimise the processes.

Energy management system to DIN EN ISO 50001:

Sustainable approach to the use of energy

Your contacts:

Energy management officer

Willem Hilbrands

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7122

Email: [email protected]

Production manager

Michael Siehlmann

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7407

Email: [email protected]

Strategic buyer

Gerrit Ihnen

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7200

Email: [email protected]

Company electrician

Mike Schulz

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7621

Email: [email protected]

So that sustainability becomes an every-day part of our company’s culture, we always invite our staff to actively integrate the protection of the environment and resources in their daily work. New ideas should thus make the working processes at AMF-Bruns save even more resources, for a future that is worth living, in an intact environment.

The protection of our environment and climate are important to AMF-Bruns. This is why we consider all of the factors which are relevant to the environ-ment for all of the processes in our company.

The result is consistent management of resources which contributes to saving natural resources and to the protection of the environment. We achieve this by all of our staff using energy responsibly. Individuals suggesting their own ideas to save re-sources makes a contribution here. The continuous checking and further development of plant which consumes energy as well as the regular checks of

Reg.-Nr.: EnMS1 0105027


DIN EN ISO 50001

Page 6: Certificates and seals Outstanding conveyor systems from AMF … · 2019-10-14 · 3 For more than 55 years, the name AMF-Bruns has stood for a strong partner, who flexibly responds


For many years AMF-Bruns has been committed to the well-being of its employees, taking numerous measures towards that, for as a company run by its owner, the family is of particular importance.

All the more as it matters to us, that our employ-ees can strike a balance between their profes-sional commitments and the needs of their family. This applies particularly for those phases in life in which our employees have to bear more responsi-bility than usual for their family. Whether this is for reasons of illness, if someone needs nursing care or even if our employee would just like to take a longer break.

With the introduction of flexible working hours, part-time work and concepts for parental leave, we have already started various initiatives for more family-friendly working. We would however like to do even more and have thus successfully partici-pated in the “work and family” audit organised by the charitable Hertie foundation.

The corresponding certificate is a recognised seal of approval for family-aware personnel policies and it ac-knowledges the measures which we have already im-plemented. At the same time however, it also stands for the obligation, in future to always create better, more transpar-ent and reliable conditions, so as to bring career and family into harmony with one anoth-er.

Given an award for a family-aware company culture:

Because family is the most valuable

Engagiert sich für familienbewusste Unternehmenskultur: die AMF-Bruns „Beruf und Familie“-Projektgruppe

On 26 June 2013 in Berlin, General Manager Jan Woltermann (back row, 2nd from the left) received the award from the charitable Hertie foundation

Your contact:

Personnel officer

Andrea Gaede

Phone: +49 (0) 4489 72 - 7123

Email: [email protected]

This is why why have brought a project group into being, made up of the general management, the works council and the work force. It develops joint solutions with which AMF-Bruns can make an even larger contribution to the reconciliation of work and family life.

We are very happy about the award of the certifi-cate which we above all understand as motivation to be even better in future. With that we would like to contribute to a working world where career and family are no longer seen as contradictions, but where employee’s individual needs go hand in hand with the interests of the company.

The successful use of the “work and family” au-dit is the prerequisite for the certificate which is

freshly awarded every three years.

For the second time, on 23 June 2016 in Berlin, AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG was awarded a certifi-cate for the “work and family” audit for its person-nel policies which are particularly oriented towards the family and phase of life.

profit from our family-aware company culture

330About employees

Page 7: Certificates and seals Outstanding conveyor systems from AMF … · 2019-10-14 · 3 For more than 55 years, the name AMF-Bruns has stood for a strong partner, who flexibly responds

AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG · Hauptstraße 101 · 26689 Apen · Germany

Phone: +49 (0)44 89 - 72 7100 · [email protected] Editi

on 1



Reg.–Nr.: Q1 0313014



Reg.-Nr.: EnMS1 0105027


DIN EN ISO 50001

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