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Centre forSchool Leadership

This program is for high performing teachers of science in early childhood, primary, middle and senior secondary sectors who demonstrate readiness to take on a leadership role and leadership training in their school. Experience in this program will culminate in a research report that will contribute to the development of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the Northern Territory.

STEM in schools brings together subject areas to solve problems in local contexts. This CSL program will focus on science and mathematical knowledge within the context of engineering and technology to develop leaders in STEM education. Learning will bring classroom practice

to the centre of the development of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Through a knowledge base of contemporary research the program aims to grow capacity in innovative, program development in both classrooms and schools. In addition it will support participants to take a leadership role in whole-school strategic, improvement and teacher skill development in STEM education. The overview below indicates course choices in STEM Leadership that reflect the Australian Curriculum (Science). The choices you make will depend on your identified personal and workplace needs.









Leading Teaching Certification in STEM 2017 Program

Page 2: Centre for School Leadership

For more information and details on how to apply:

T: +61 8 8946 7255E: [email protected]:

Learning Outcomes• Professional growth in framing problems, applying discipline knowledge and processes to local contexts to

open creative pedagogical spaces for student learning.• Demonstrate leadership capabilities in STEM to engage, influence and collaborate to develop innovative

practices in STEM education.• Apply transdisciplinary approaches to professional situations of uncertainty, complexity, uniqueness and con-

flict to lead innovations in STEM classroom practices.• Analyse, synthesise and communicate a range of creative and challenging scientific and mathematical inqui-

ry approaches to facilitate multiple facets of student thinking and knowledge construction.

Two (of Three) Courses Comprise the CSL Leading Teaching Certification in STEMYear Sem Courses2017 1 STEM Pedagogy through Inquiry PCK: Indigenous Knowledge2017 OR 2 PCK: Physical Science PCK: Earth and Space Science and Industry Placement2017 3 PCK: Chemical Science PCK: Biological Science

Program DeliveryDuring this program you will meet face-to-face and in an online environment with peers and the facilitator. Your workplace inquiry projects will involve independent studies and collaboration with peers and your facilitator.

AssessmentAssessment is indicative of the requirements of the Centre for School Leadership and the Graduate Certificate of Education at Charles Darwin University. • Inquiry project proposal (equivalent to 1,500 words)• Report on the project (report format) 6,000 words or equivalent

Successful completion of Leading Teaching STEM Certification can be used to gain credit towards a Master of Education (International) and/or a Graduate Certificate of Education at Charles Darwin University.

Who Can Apply To be eligible for Leading Teaching Certification in STEM training you must be a teacher, lead teacher, senior teacher, or assistant principal working in a pre-school, primary or secondary school in the NT. As courses are online and through Webinar conferencing eligible participants in all locations will be accommodated. Applicants are required to address statements against the lead teacher standard of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to demonstrate developing leadership prowess. They must then be recommended by the principal and regional director.

Application Process1. Application forms and process information may be found on the CSL

website: Address statements against the selection criteria.3. Attain school principal recommendation and certification of the accuracy

of your application (if not currently a principal).4. Attain regional director’s approval of your application.5. Submit your application with cover letter to CSL.6. The CSL selection panel will assess eligible applications against

relevant, eligibility and selection criteria.7. Successful applicants will be advised of the outcome of the selection

process by mid-February 2017.

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