Page 1: Center for Coal Technology Research 21st Century21st Century Coal Technology for Indiana 1 Center for Coal Technology Research Brian H. Bowen Center for Coal Technology Research Energy

21st Century

Coal Technology for Indiana


Center for Coal Technology Research

Brian H. Bowen

Center for Coal Technology Research

Energy Center at Discovery Park

Purdue University

Kazakhstan Visiting Team to Purdue Energy Center

May 6, 2009

Page 2: Center for Coal Technology Research 21st Century21st Century Coal Technology for Indiana 1 Center for Coal Technology Research Brian H. Bowen Center for Coal Technology Research Energy

U.S. Energy Reserves with so Much Coal


Center for Coal Technology Research

• Importance of energy security & huge U.S. coal reserves

• How to balance economics & the environment

• Let’s look at


& Kazakhstan

• Then Indiana’s

coal projects

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Despite government regulations and

incredible advancements & improvements

over the past 50 years in water technology,

the water issuing from home taps is still quite

contaminated. Chlorine has been linked to

asthma & other respiratory diseases, &

excessive fluoride intake can lead to yellowed

teeth, dental problems, & other serious health

problems for young children.

City Water Gets Cleaner

& So Does Coal


Center for Coal Technology Research

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Kazakhstan contains Central Asia's largest

recoverable coal reserves, with 34.5 Billion short

tons of mostly anthracitic and bituminous coal.

Kazakhstan produced 106 million short tons

(MTons) in 2006, while consuming 78 MTons,

resulting in net exports of 28 MTons.

Kazakhstan’s Coal Reserves,

Production & Consumption

Center for Coal Technology Research

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Indiana’s Coal Resources


Center for Coal Technology Research Indiana Geological Survey, IU Bloomington

Indiana’s 17.5 BTons of “Home

Grown Energy” in reserves.

There are hundreds of years

of energy supply in the state

Indiana consumes 70 MTons/yr

& produces 35 MTons/yr

Illinois Coal Basin (Billion Tons)

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Center for Coal Technology Research

2007 Coal Destination: Indiana

70.6 MTons Consumption, 34.7 MTons Production

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Kazakhstan has 71 power plants, including five

hydroelectric power stations, giving the country an

overall installed generating capacity of 17 GW, 80% of

which are coal fired, & 12 % of which are hydroelectric.

Almost 85 % of the country's power generation comes

from coal-fired plants located in the northern coal

producing regions.

Indiana’s 24 GW provides 95% of it’s electricity demand

from coal-fired power plants.

Kazakhstan Electricity & Coal

Center for Coal Technology Research

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Indiana’s Bituminous Coal CharacteristicsIllinois Coal Basin – Illinois, Indiana, W.Kentucky

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Indiana’s Coke & Rail Network


Center for Coal Technology Research

CCTR & Purdue Calumet

How to replace the

6 Million tons (+) of

imported metallurgical

coal with Indiana coal

CCTR & Purdue North Central

Software modeling of optional

expansion and operational

plans of the railroad network

in Indiana

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Energy Intensity is Declining, Btu/GDP

10Sources: GDP Data is from : Energy Consumption Data is from EIA’s webpage

and GDP data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis,, etc

Good news: Promotion of improved energy efficiency,

in US states ~ less energy is consumed per $ of GDP

Center for Coal Technology Research

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Duke Energy Indiana

Edwardsport 630MW IGCC (800 MW)

Rob Burch, Duke Energy, Purdue University, April 16, 2009

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(1) Duke Energy Indiana, Edwardsport,

630MW IGCC (800 MW)

Rob Burch, Duke Energy, Purdue University, April 16, 2009

(2) Wabash Valley

IGCC plant ~ one

of the two IGCC

power plants

in the USA

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13Rob Burch, Duke Energy, Purdue University, April 16, 2009

Edwardsport IGCC

Combined Cycle

New federal administration

FutureGen in Illinois


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Net Plant Efficiency & Fossil Energy Options

14DOE, NETL, “Cost & Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants”, DOE/NETL 2007/1281

GEE - General Electric Energy

CoP - ConocoPhillips

Higher efficiency means less operational expensive

& reduced emissions per unit of MWh generated

Center for Coal Technology Research


• The most likely

U.S. base-load

coal technologies

for the next

50 years?

• What will be the

cost of electricity?

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CO2 Use, Gas Pipelines, Carbon Highways


Center for Coal Technology Research

CO2 Pipeline Infrastructures for CO2, EOR, CCS, Sherry Tucker, Denbury Resources, CCTR meeting, Indianapolis, March 5, 2009

CO2 use has +ve cash flow compared with storage

• Midwest Consortium

Starting to pump

1 MTons of CO2 under

Mount Simon Sandstone &

will take 3 years

• CO2 pipeline project

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Using Indiana coal to produce synthetic gas

In 2007, the Indiana General Assembly enacted

legislation that provided a tax credit for Indiana

Gasification LLC to build a gasification plant in

Southwest Indiana

Indiana Gasification LLC

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Underground Coal Gasification, UCG


Center for Coal Technology Research

CCTR & Purdue School of Chemical Engineering

UCG reduces capital expenditure & stores CO2

Indiana site selection assessments

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CCTR Investigations into CTL Site Selection


Center for Coal Technology Research

10 Criteria

1 Coal & natural gas availability for 10,000 B/D FT fuel

2 CO2 sequestration potential

3 Land/real-estate requirements

4 Transportation infrastructure (rail, roads & waterways)

5 Electricity transmission lines & available power

6 Gas & oil pipelines

7 Water requirements & resources

8 Waste disposal/environmental issues

9 Labor force requirements/availability

10 Economic impact

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CTL, Slurry Reuse, Economic Studies


Center for Coal Technology Research

• Coal-To-Liquids, CTL options

• Reuse of coal slurry ponds

• CTL Economics Study

• Illinois Basin Alliance Study

Wabash Valley

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Center for Coal Technology Research

CCTR Funded Project Areas

• Indiana Coal Characteristics

• Indiana Coals for Coke

• Coal Transportation

• Slurry Ponds Evaluation

• Site Selection for Gasification

• Coal-To-Liquids Site Selection

• Plasma Arc Gasification

• Indiana Coal Forecasting

• UCG Gasification

• Benefits of Oxyfuel Combustion

• Economic Assessment of CTL

• Coal & the DOD

• FT Fuel & Engine Testing

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